tv Projekt Zukunft Deutsche Welle September 8, 2020 3:30am-4:01am CEST
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groove so i turned it around put the skin back inside the machine. pressed down on the pedals and it took my hand with it. just like that. it got hold of my gloves and took off 3 of my knuckles. it was really tough just. cried all night long. the doctor asked me what had happened. and the boss wanted to lie about it. he lied said it was something else do you. buy a lot. and i said no it was the machine you go to see what excuse did he gave a speech he said that a plank had fallen on my fingers and that had cut my hand. so go.
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we may check on foodie just 2 months after they had left. this is what they claim to have received a silly thing president a violent beating for having dead to demand payment. according to them this was the work of alphonso getta along with one of his sons. monarchical them and we degree to meet here to collect our payment. but when we arrived found so and one of his sons were here along with some others. there were 6 of them in total to the safety of sean. just on you they had iron bars naives and everything like the attack to me and my friend to. wonder will they hit me
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over the head with an iron bar plus one of the federal. 40 in check reported the incident the very next day but alfonso get on and his son have still not been cool for investigation. the 2 young men claim they were undeclared workers and were forced to work under grueling conditions and. we were treated like animals we couldn't do anything we want even allowed to go to the toilet if i don't know if we want. it's a p.c. they told us to do it behind the machine we were working to create and to be alice she worked from 5 in the morning until midday and then started again from 1 pm until 7 pm 13 hours a day. right to be sure into a ghetto doesn't pay the senegalese workers who are employed under him. sometimes he doesn't pay them for 4 months at a time. since our meeting with check in 40 of fence so ghana is
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said to have physically abused another one of his employees as far as we know he is still not being prosecuted. a few weeks later we go back to tamil plant to see the books however this time we are not so well received. hisle phones are. our phones so it's very. how are you. how do you pay i told you not to fill me up but i thought we agreed no we didn't agree anything i mean. one of his sons quickly intervenes. and then another comes along despite the frosty reception. the moment we attempt to ask about 40 and check. in. with is it all
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a little but is there no money for somebody in the decision for funding if you do a lot of it all newly available. and then back up to see to it. producing. pulses arduous working conditions in the elegant world of luxury fashion week no 6 . this. fortunately italy has its labor inspectorate surely they must be on the case. the problem is that according to our information they don't tend to visit the tanneries very often ever since ricardo spello was appointed at the end of 2014 there has been a dramatic decline in the number of inspections in the lead the district since we
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only have one pressing issue to address here on out how that. they had iron bars knives and everything. they attacked me and my friend. because you know look i don't know anything about this case i repeat as far as we're concerned we don't know anything about it and you know institutionally in case of problems like these we have a duty inspector stuck was a little savage of course it does that mean that after today you aren't going to do anything about it unless one of these young men who are attacked travel 30 miles to come and tell you about it in person if they have to. go. in ma but i'm convinced that the actions taken by this office i mean even though there is always room for improvement. they are more than sufficient to stop go fishing r.t. for shipping question feature. well if everything's just fine around here apologies
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for the inconvenience. and what about the contract in policy are there no sanctions for them is a breed the model tannery claiming to work for l v m h aware of the violent acts allegedly committed by subcontractor because remember zambrano work hand in hand we go back to meet carlos roubini to question him about the behavior of this subcontractor. do you still work with. no. well we're in the process of changing some things with our subcontractors. come to visit because you told me that you're responsible for your sub contract is was it that you hold them accountable we move for all yes we are aware of the situation we do everything we can of course. it could be perceived
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as your but also there are some things how can i say this. who shouldn't you have to have a cite for the well yes of course we have to check that everything's going well. but it's difficult to know if the employees have been paid or not you should. and in any case they can make complaints to the police. so the factory inspectors try. to the authorities area which is that it will. look to those at the end of the supply chain think about this situation we asked for an interview with the l.v. m.h. group but they refused or we received email stating the following. with regards to ken so we barely see any sign in books of the company receiving a letter from design bridge tamary. yet when we are sampling they maintain that
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this is one of their most important partnerships. kenzo most definitely uses our leather and their products. in recent years we have made 567 anymore shipments directly to kenzo. we have a long standing working relationship. and it's still ongoing yes. least the past 3 years people have been aware of the sorts of problems taking place in the italian tanneries short term contracts accidents that work ever since one man brought these issues to light. he lives in the tuscan countryside an hour's drive away from santa croce his name is francesco. he is the president of an
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italian n.g.o.s fighting for the fair labor conditions for some of the poorest workers and has written a report called the toughest. story of lana. this report was authorized and funded by the european commission. its publication will no doubt provoke the wrath of many let the manufacturers. they started to say that what we wrote was untrue that there were i don't know how many errors in the end they discredited our port pirie. part. of what they said it was obviously written by incompetent people who don't know anything about the sector. they're talking rubbish stupidity. a group of manufacturers are as the european commission to call in the authors of the report in spring 20162 meetings were organized in brussels.
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with one man at the helm gustavo gonzalez representing tons the european lead the lobby. most of all there was the guy from our tongues who spoke on behalf of the tenors association. for he said this report must be taken out of circulation they think for good. you know what was the european commission's role the strange thing was that the european commission didn't say ok ok let's see whose facts are really correct. now maybe they just took the tanners association side of. a report but by brussels that they themselves later rejected the european commission one over by let the lobbyist it seems like this story is well worth a trip to belgium despite numerous e-mail exchanges clinton says secretary-general gustavo gonzalez refused to meet with us so we decided to pay him
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a surprise visit. hello mr gonzales yes i wanted to ask you some. questions because we're just shooting in santa croce this coming this will be careful search gently but no violence peace or no violence do you all seriousness you will get on it by you know but i'm not being violent so what you knocked over my camera man that's why i'm saying that you almost pushed me over. the bugs you know that's not true but we've just come back from filming in santa crunches that if you don't know you and we've witnessed large numbers of people working overtime undeclared workers accidents that haven't been reported for you i know you're aware of this report tough story of mother nature if you don't do is say it was published in 2016 and it highlights some of the unforeseen actresses in certain town resound santa croce yet think it's states that twice as many immigrants have been victims of accidents at work than italian workers if you tell me i think this is acceptable. because it 1st of all the top story of
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leather report was discredited because it was spreading false information news. i know it was based on occupational medicine statistics over a 5 year period what i see are occupational medicine statistics over 5 years i can assure you that's not the case see said kamis yes it is the case mr gonzales excuse me but according to these figures you seem to be basing your argument on something that's been discredited it was made up of fake news. does not always but according to our information it has not been discredited as you say it was actually you who tried to cover up this report could excuse me yes it was you who tried to cover it up no no all we did was repeal the truth behind the lies that were presented in the report. the former was because so is this statement a lie to you that during a 5 year period for according to occupational medicine statistics why since many immigrant workers were victims of occupational accidents then italian workers do
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you deny these statistics i don't think they are correct. but you don't think they're correctable is no no because they are. aren't real statistics you've done so you dispute the statistics but it was you yes or no and demanded that the commission removed this report from the internet yes because it is false as to him also it is false that twice as many immigrant workers are victims of occupational accidents than italian workers so we would need to verify that you don't know no no no you're elaborating the figures here. i'd need to check this if. so tell me then what part of the report is false and there was a whole list of points presented to the commission. such as i don't remember all the individual points that were made to prove the report was false so it out for you know there must be one or 2 false things that you remember. madam i'm getting
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old. that's all goodbye. when it comes to big fashion houses and their leather getting on says is decidedly difficult. but what about fur the other iconic luxury material. china is the world's top producer if you really want to see what this industry looks like you need to go to dying. in the vast expanse of china dying is a very small town home 210-0000 residents and 10000 businesses only to find. there are shopping malls full of coats. and slippers. there's the mink for show room and most importantly we have the city's emblem the folks how ironic. you can also go to the market 3 times
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a month. home overall tens of thousands. of animal skins all different shapes and sizes. but i was all about the. 11 year old that's right coonskin if you look at ridiculously low prices you look at your average you look at the 1st one here is $25.00 you one's a piece you are not the best in the market you won't find any better the value of your. $25.00 yuans that's just over $3.00 per animal skin. in china $70000000.00 animals are killed for their fur each year and animal welfare isn't the country's top priority. she. works the peta the world famous and geo best known for its crackdowns on for.
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half bath. i am this young activist is that the full front of the fight against fur in china a country which is now peaches top priority. to have all at one time to say so it's not a malls are not protected. there are no laws to control farming livestock and trace shit fans of. the whole of course there are other organizations like ours fighting against animal suffering. because there's no law we don't have an official spokes person their military these animals don't have any protection or rights from when they're farmed right up until when they're killing i don't let us assume it will recall. can you describe the hygiene there i don't know
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if i'm clear with that. that the animals urinate and defecate in their cages hides . how some may develop skin diseases because they're cooped up inside where some of them go crazy to the point where they attack each other as an sas eloquent we've seen the bite marks on their skin from other animals cones in the trunk or the kind of. the oil comment as soon as you enter these farms you are hit by a foul smell dinging they go find it stifling can i just challenge and the way that you know just how and nobody cleans the animals. but which companies do these farms what food do major european brands use them. in this luxury fashion mall in beijing this plenty of choice of fur.
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cuffs scarves all these strange looking fluff balls to be clicked on to banks. we had to max mara and they tally in brand new 2600 stores worldwide. we even try on this lovely little jacket. just what's this coat made of up rubbish for a good where was it made. you really don't know actually was made in china but with italian for. italian fur that's the 1st version we are told next the store manager comes over. to i met us now for. our 1st comes from a certified organization in denmark suffers right all of their fur is a good quality as it's a certified organization each fur has to be checked. and that's why their fur is so
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good oh i know what it's like that we always work with them morning bill. italian fur or rather danish fur or maybe we're not so sure anymore. after leaving the mall we decided to go straight to the source we email max morrow's customer service pretending to be a client and ask them directly this was their response we would like to inform you that our company is firmly committed to a process of continuous growth and improvement of our products regardless of where they are manufactured furthermore with regards to our fur we can confirm that we only source from certified suppliers. the answer is not very clear to move forward with our investigation we have no choice but to take a new approach. we head back to dying city following the trial of the max mara
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rabbit fur jacket 'd. but this time we are posing as fashion designers we've even created a portfolio. from now on we will be filming discreetly sometimes with a hidden camera and. we will go around factories making connections talking sketches and the ordering process but we can't seem to find anyone working for max mara. then one morning across this courtyard we stumble upon a clothing manufacturer bingo we finally found the rabbit for jackets of this luxury italian brand. we're one of the top marks mara suppliers in china. do you work with them often we've worked with them for years. the boss is extremely proud of his max mara connections we'll call him mr lee so our max mara
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jacket is not made of italian or danish firm. it is from china is the chinese rabbit yes from shandong. we finally have an answer but this is just the beginning we've still not found the exact breeding farms. and we are yet to convince the boss to introduces to his surprise we are not off to a good start. take us and we might far doesn't all come from the same farm it's not worth going to see the farms trust me mark smart doesn't go and visit suppliers and you just do it you know you can inspect the fur right here and others not quite going all the way to the farm sort of thing you know the breeding conditions are bad you're only going to see dirty animals. we don't purchase the for directly from the farm or minsan that we only buy ready to and for. whom mr levy only knows of one tannery when he still says his fur off to 2 hours of negotiating he
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finally gives as the go ahead. sell off fine you can go visit the white see tannery the manager will welcome you there. is 250 kilometers north of dying. where sees home to the country's lunches tannery. at the entrance pose of rakuten 1st line drawing in the sun. and further on thousands of rabbit skins. how many 1st year produced a day. in this part of the factory we produce 10000 furs a day but during peak times we can do up 230000 or more. 3000 employees work in this factory immersed in the noisy aging stench of rocks in
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caucus is. the animal skins are running from all over the country and sometimes even from northern europe. these workers and above all their salary are one of the secrets behind our beloved max mara jacket our interpreter talks discreetly to one of the employees thank you 20 fend for animal skin. and he produces 1000 a day. so he earns about 200 u ones a day. $200.00 chinese one barely $30.00 a day not even minimum wage in china let's go back to the rapids at the back of the factory we find the 1st set aside for mr lee. is this where you choose your fare for the next mara products yes are you some of it from marks mara and i resell the rest. how many 1st do you buy
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a year from. 50000 and mr lee finally tells his where he gets his 1st from. this award to the my trade merchant gets it for me that you've been gotten from lindsay city. you must really like the for for many yes it's very soft. this is mr lee's trade much and he is the one who buys the fur for max mara in the movie remote provinces. so you will but i only get 1st from when you are mr lead. and if we want to visit the rabbit breeding farms it is him we have to convince. bosses to you think we could come with you to new york and. finally after much discussion we have found out ticket to. this region is one of the main rabbit supply zones breeding farms as far as the eye
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can see. thanks to mr lee's connections we go into one of them. this farm houses approximately 10000 animals multiple rabbits are often crammed together into one tiny cage. with several flavors no more room shots i've sold a few rolls i'll be able to have one radical paid for the members or your food there are no hygiene rules of thumb. on another farm we find the same breeding conditions animal droppings a left to polar around the cages.
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some of the rabbits show signs of breathing problems. others have behavioral issues. tumours. deformities for those rabbits destined for luxury life couldn't get much worse. we are far far away from max mara's elliptical phrase we can confirm that we only source for such a fide supplies. but all this is nothing compared to the death of the animals thanks to our merchant we are allowed to enter the slaughterhouse. that noise you can hear is the sound of rabbit screeching. their legs are often
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broken as they are hung upside down at the start of the slaughtering process next they are slaughtered. and less than one minute later they are skinned. these are the skins used in mr lee's factory this is the fire that ends up covering amongst other items max mara jacket. is this luxury brand aware of the conditions in which these rabbits of forced to live and die the same rabbits used to make their fur coats we tried to get an interview with max mara but they refused and. as our investigation comes to an end we no longer see the world of luxury in point the same way. the tanneries of tuscany the breeding farms and slaughterhouses of china after all of this we are
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left with one question what if this beautiful image of luxury has been nothing but a dream. kickoff for the taking a clear stance against racism. how important is it that we talk to a soccer referee a club president of the cut and a professional basketball player. they are taking action against take on and off
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the court and soccer players good. goals come up 30 minutes on d w. systemic exploitation in germany at. the nation's biggest meat processing company to make cheap labor costs low dubious contracts but not much money from january the practice will be banned in the meat industry but other industries will be able to continue regardless. of its contractors. minutes on d w. mughal or just must. be for the russians sold. them to steve
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thank you for. so many different walks of life our luck some are pumping and oddly troubling but all of this comes straight from the heart just for c n n. before there is no morning television the mush pool in trying to come up. from the 1st glimpse of the world to their final resting place the russians w. documentary. this is the news and these are out top stories russian opposition leader alex cena valmy has been taken out have been in juice come up doctors treating him at a hospital here in berlin say his condition is now improving after he was poisoned with a soviet era nerve agent novacek the kremlin denies any involvement.
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