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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  September 8, 2020 4:45pm-5:01pm CEST

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treat me as he holds the powerful to account this is a big failure whichever way you like to spin conflict. w. . pregnancy is a stressful time for any expectant mother was even more true now because of the pandemic pregnant women could be at greater risk of developing serious side effects from coverage 19 but there's still much experts don't know about how the virus affects mothers and how it's transmitted to babies some women have been refused medical care or actively stayed away from hospitals fearing confection. i'm suffering from cope at 19 i was just diagnosed in the parts hospital and they refused to treat me in. birth control and family planning services have fallen down the list of health care priorities during the pandemic that's meant to search an
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unplanned pregnancies and life altering decisions for many young women. 19 pandemic is creating unexpected side effects around the world and the huge spike in teen pregnancies is being blamed on virus related school closures human rights organizations say the government isn't doing enough to protect the girls welfare. reports. a group of mothers of be making regular home visits providing guidance to young girls like 17 year old in his arm. she leaves alone in a village she feels for moderate man who probably start a smartphone and food which turned out to be empty promises now she's pregnant. you know when you when i was in school i used to have a lot of problems because my family is poor and i could not have so body lotion clothing or food my mother failed to 10 for us children and so i was having sex
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and eventually got pregnant. it is a saying she did not know but the man he's married and has 2 children unfortunately she never used birth control. and i knew i was aware of family planning methods but my schoolmates deceived me they said using contraceptives would make me unable to have children so when the man proposed to me we had sex and he got me pregnant. outraged parents sent our wean her mother said she. and her baby. because in this was a big blow to my family my poor entire pregnancy is an added burden that i couldn't handle when coming here when i do i'm in the district has stepped up its efforts to reduce teenage pregnancies it fears more teenage girls would get pregnant without proper messaging about family planning and if you schools are not open source. we
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are really starting with the increased number of think they can i think but we know that with their own that we have with different the court as we came in did a review. according to figures from the national helpline on the regional department of social welfare teenage pregnancies in the district have 3 board one reason is lack of bought into care it seems like some of their. dignitas was reading awful and. will support the girls. in their education or those of no schools. we believe that they could be disruptive because the people that are writing these productive will say this is for young people. don't think he says if at all they present themselves as because they're so we actually think that these it is that all these serious. before schools closed it is
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a week to hard to blast to achieve our dreams of becoming a teacher but she remains determined to continue her education despite all the obstacles. and burn actually this isn't the end of my aspirations after i have the baby i'll do my best to go back and finish school. but. it isn't doesn't want to be one of the many young girls in mularkey who get married before the age of 20 and she has learnt rb to listen and hopes to bring her dreams back to life. well let's speak to me to macon this from the international federation of obstetricians and gynecologists thanks for joining us what do we know about the impact of 19 is having on unwanted pregnancies. so then i mean it's a very serious situation the prediction is that about something like 48000000 women won't have access to contraceptive methods and this could lead to something between
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7 and 15000000 unintended pregnancies low lived so you can imagine this will create huge. health systems. across the world and an increasing number of unsafe abortions that show this isn't unprecedented there is it to mean you've been researching the effect of the better outbreak in parts of africa or on family planning one of you learned from looking at that outbreak that we can apply now so when we look at what happened in west africa during the every african during the early academic. people start accessing health so this isn't what they considered to be non-essential and so the name so clinic appointments went down for example in guinea by about $0.02 take a family plan the math is also went down by about 2 thirds trillion and then similarly added nigeria by how off by 50 percent. in sierra leone by about
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a quarter and so the impact of that in the long run was then very very serious and what about in the case of coronavirus looking beyond africa where there are already problems but what about in higher income countries of the lower income countries around the world. yes similarly our expectations over what has been happen what we've been hearing on the great by everybody is that women are trying not to access to health services that they can consider non-essential and so take a contraceptive methods this has gone down the other thing that happened in high income countries is that there was for example in the u.k. a shift stuff and closing down services and active service is all services that were considered not essential like special house so sexual health clinics close as they best off and go work on the cope it was and g.p.'s not seeing people face to
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face doing 10 minutes and consultations limited really and women's access to contraception and so we will be seeing the fallout of that no doubt 9 months from now and we're talking about millions potentially of extra births as a result of this a you know a noticeable increase in the global population. yes so so the estimation is between $7.00 to $15000000.10 extra unintended pregnancies both wind and obviously. different countries different proportions but and in countries with health systems that struggle to cope with the workload they have at the moment that is very serious and it will set his back in terms of the progress that has been made and we look at sustainable development goals and the improvements in health benefit that have been seen in women's health and enjoying the millennium development goals who are going back in time with that so it's really really laurie
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is there anything being done to avoid that or at least to mitigate. yeah so sad i feel guilty and i wish and i work full we've been working very hard we put together a conception committee put together a statement looking at specific things that could be done to try to mitigate this. one of the ideas for example this is which women will continue to use for example women coming to give birth generally who continue to come to hospital to get beth although that's not true all over the globe as any and many countries that will continue to happen said that these women should then be able to access services that they wouldn't be able to wouldn't want to use they have to send contraception they may think that actually we should be printing contraception contraception says this into maternal health and so a lady comes to have a baby people told her about will contraceptive method she she would want and that she gets that method before she leaves hospital and if you use
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a long lasting method like the post in true trying to devise if you call or in plan then you're looking at having contraception for 3 to 5 to even 10 years and so there isn't any to keep coming back to hospital clinics so in that sense you know really safe and a golden opportunity to offset this health said is that otherwise they're finding how to access i suppose it's to some extent about making the most of those encounters with these women when they do encounter health care workers need to make ins from the international federation of obstetricians and gynecologists thanks a lot for joining us thank you. and now it's time for one of your questions to ask science correspondent derek williams this one comes from a you tube user calling themselves motion leda one presumably watching us from afar . when will not ask to no longer be needed at. this largely theoretical question i think is worth thinking about even though there
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is no end in sight to the pandemic the issue of wearing masks has polarized people in some countries at least partly due to the fact that despite a huge amount of study in the field nobody has been able to pin down a concrete number on just how much they actually help and and how could studies reflect the real world anyway i mean we're all wearing different kinds of masks often haphazardly either abiding by or not abiding by a lot of different national rules there does however now seem to be a general acceptance by the majority in most places that masts help at least some if they're worn properly and in societies like here in germany where
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a wide scale mask wearing was was unthinkable just 6 months ago they're now just a part of daily life when you go to the store or when you get on public transport the thing is after working so hard to get people to accept i think that governments will be slow to say that masks are no longer needed at some point in other words there's no way to tell how long we'll need to wear them there's there's just predicting what has to happen before governments are willing to relax guidelines and my hunch is that at this point most governments won't be willing to do that until safe and effective vaccine start keeping infection rates under control i personally predicts that we'll still be wearing masks. at least in some settings until that least the middle of 2021 course that's one of these cases where i'd be really happy if my prediction proved wrong.
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as our science correspondent eric williams if you want to submit a question for him you can do so through our you tube channel that's all from us about. the.
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kick off from. taking a clear stance against racism because the common form is that. we talk to a soccer referee a club president. and a professional basketball player. they are taking action against hate on and off the corner and sucker. to go for the minutes on d w. every
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day the same for us and for our planet the the. global ideas is on its way to bring you more conservation law how do we make seduced greener how can we protect animals and their habitats what should the waste. we can make a difference by choosing reforestation over the forest should recycling over disposable smart new solutions for steam said you know a suburban is truly unique and we know that our uniqueness is what allows us to live and survive the boom why do you assume to be a modern mental soon soon global 3000 on d w and all modern to. the remainder. of the goodies from sabbat. be assumed
5:00 pm
to the be. the british columbia the 1st the books above the beach the 1st place the book. the big issue slowly the buddhists the become up to the mob misplayed. good luck the sun the sun. the birds love and respect.
5:01 pm
this is v.w. news live from berlin trying to flee or told to leave a drama played out at a border post between balance roofs and you create and protest leader mario call this knew it was either trying to leave or resisting deportation will try to find out the truth. also coming out to australian journalists flee china fearing arrest as political pawns or speak to one of that and ask what's behind beijing's crackdown on australian media and.


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