tv Kulturzeit Deutsche Welle September 10, 2020 6:30am-7:01am CEST
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tara previously earth was just a messy chemistry lab never told me she. was the creation of our solar system with our slanted is a bit like winning the lottery there are some good. earth records you need to start september 18th on t.w. . hello and welcome to this week's focus on bureau of alice show and it's great to have you with us the russian opposition leader saying of ali is still recovering after being poisoned by the military grade nerve agents novacek the attack on him
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has also poisoned relations between the e.u. nato and russia this video shows the volley before the attack campaigning in the russian town of normalcy beers he became popular for uncovering corruption and mismanagement and for his videos exposing the luxurious homes of politicians loyal to the government he's regarded as the leader of the opposition now vali has been a thorn in the side of russian president vladimir putin for a long time the kremlin has tried to meet with exclusion from elections prosecution and even jail time but all the efforts have failed so far russians who openly criticized putin are aware of how dangerous it is especially for the leaders of protests and opposition our moscow correspondents met up with some of them. to reverse the law knows all too well what it means to enjoy life one day at a time ever since he was poisoned in moscow in 2018 much like opposition activist
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aleksei never any in august this year unlike now finally though he showed no signs of the nerve agent not a chalk. always that it wasn't with 3 of the g. my poisoning was weaker my recovery went faster. by the 2nd we can treatment i could talk again with your ship i get to the know the charge is a very strong torch of a future for good i can cripple or kill someone be thought. beach like is ideally suited to murder that was that it would be worth. like never any where's the love a long time spokesman of the punk band pussy riot was treated in berlin sherry tay hospital based on the symptoms doctors found the activist had probably been poisoned though they could not identify a specific toxin as they now have for never any. thinking of the use of newbie chalk carries the handwriting of the russian president was. one thing is
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clear that only the secret services have access to special weapons agents. and they could only have carried out this operation and usually with the express consent of law the mere putin we're going to put the meat good coffee is certain it's meant as a warning shot to all well known opposition activists the liberals were not allowed to feel candidates for the election to the moscow city duma. from the rhinestone plenty part of this country freedom and justice don't exist here anyone who calls for a demonstration can be put behind bars for 30 days. good cause knows what he's talking about he spent 36 days in prison the mass protests came to a head when opposition candidates were barred from running in the election to the moscow duma. in 2019 independent local politician. was another well known face at the mass protests in moscow. and look at that dog of
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the with the forget that we live in enough for a tarion state a dictatorship whose beginnings could be made out as soon as lattimer putin took office and. paid for her political activism with several prison terms each a few weeks long the last time she was arrested alone in moscow with just a poster while protesting against the detention of a reporter charges were brought for violations of the right of assembly and she was sentenced to 5 years in prison. and both mature i'm not afraid but this trial is making things hard for me i'm not allowed to leave moscow for example i'm not allowed to take part in any more protests that restricts me quite a lot with. the governor was more supportive than the state as your 1st 3 your own protected. no body guard will be able to save your life from boarding someone with
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as to the what you might protect you from hooligans but not from poisoning or murder. even so he has no intention of giving up the poisoning of alexei never any might weaken the russian opposition. but he was only its best known face not its only leader. this effect only works that the opposition is not just one single leader but if you have several heads it doesn't they can't poison us all and in fact there are lots and lots of people in russia who aren't afraid to protest anymore because the desire for a change in the system is growing stronger and stronger. since he recovered putin critic. also has been politically active again he sees it as his responsibility to press on for himself and for his daughter. i want my friends my family and my daughter to live in a magnificent country without putin and his treacherous system. i'm certain
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of this school. but in the meantime. won't let his daughter out on the street alone every morning he brings her to school personally. would you say no to this job offer like robinson crusoe you get to live all alone on a beautiful island located between corsica and sardinia you're surrounded by nature and you're only task is to protect the famous beaches of the italian island well the man in our next reports took on the dream job of island guardian for over 30 years but now he's been ordered to leave although his job is nonce unimportance. but you can't come in here because you see the red boys. roam around he is able to
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drive these 2 would be intruders away. from you if i were to your they'd already be lying on the beach. would follow their lead and soon the whole place was full of people like accused to be. morandi is defending this. on the island of one of the most famous speeches on the mediterranean it's playing sand is unique . and around he has been caring for this natural wonder for over 3 decades he got stranded here back in 1909 while heading for the atlantic and his catamaran . marandi happened upon the little islands between corsican sardinia quite by accident. he's lived here on his own and watched over to delhi ever since at 81 he's still almost comically self-sufficient. when it came to the island i couldn't even change a light bulb. but here i was forced to acquire all sorts of important survival
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skills. like a modern day robinson crusoe he uses everything the island's rugged terrain has to offer like prickly pears and aloe vera. i also use the as a medicinal plant to treat cuts and scrapes and above all. because the only. house miranda's only companions are his 2 hands who keep him hopping. they jump over the brush and lay their eggs elsewhere. so he can't count on eggs for breakfast. that's a dead person is the offended with supply him with food morandi was once a teacher and lives from his pension. i used to go shopping myself but then i was forbidden from using the motorboat. so now i have to rely on others his days in
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paradise look to be numbered soon there could be no more rubber boat on the beach and no more around you and. that's it the administration of the national park on the main island madalena has its way the whole model an archipelago is run from here to delhi included. to build a research station there in place of. future visitors to the pink beach better consciously enjoy the natural beauty before their eyes. the operators of the national park want to leave 6 years ago the italian government purchased new delhi which had been privately owned they say miranda's contract is the island's caretaker is now normal and void. in public administration positions are publicly advertised candidates must be suitable and qualified and several need
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to apply. but mallo marandi won't be pushed out of paradise without putting up a fight using instagram as his weapon he's won close to $60000.00 followers they've launched a petition demanding he be allowed to stay and continue posting photos of rule breakers. this life for me it's my mission and i hope the folks from the national park finally get that. many day trippers who visit here legally in the summer and keep to the prescribed paths think that this. pink beach needs protection from the tourists towards. and those who've met. agree that he and his way of life are worth protecting to. morrow should stay not just because of the island he makes reflect what are our
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needs where do we come from. as long as he lives and who knows how long that will be he should be allowed to continue. our own marandi can't imagine being banished from his island paradise he plans to stay live in his hut and continue his work protecting delhi and its pink beach. they are loud they are proud and they want to be accepted as part of the polish society almost sexual then transgender people are leading a difficult life in their country which is still largely catholic even the government is calling for a ban of what it calls l g b t ideology but that's not keeping clear activists from taking to the streets in cities like warsaw and large they want their cries for equality to be heard even if
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that means being arrested. a peaceful bt to destruction. protest or serve the police acted against them with unprecedented severity. margaux here in the right is the icon of the polish l g b t movement the movement for gay lesbian and transgender rights she was arrested during the protests together with about 50 other activists this is what margot had to say shortly before her arrest let me say good for you we are not afraid we are gays and lesbians in poland and we aren't afraid of anything in this darn country it can't get any worse and we'll fight back if we have to because this is our country our poland our home. since this escalation there's been really sort of warsaw and elsewhere and solidarity with thousands of
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participants. almost every weekend they take to the streets against violence and homophobia. one of the demonstrators is to write a study at school. travel from march to warsaw to protest against the discrimination against certain faces. she isn't intimidated by the authorities it represent is. we founded the group we parents because we're also affected as parents of homosexual children. our children are systematically excluded attacked speak now. but we stand by them. at their home and larch the router her husband and son coyote turn watching a video from a demonstration in august they say the violence against gays and lesbians is escalating and it's hard for them to watch. was also there and he too shocked the ground and beaten up. if you watch the news from the past few. days it now seems
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socially acceptable to do something like this. just yesterday a gay couple was beaten up in front of their own apartment. but actually is against the law in poland is hanging a rebel flag on a memorial. a harmless it's considered a desecration of monuments according to polish law for which one can be thrown into prison. the violence over the last weeks is proof that this is becoming a dangerous war of cultures gays and lesbians are increasingly considered fair game in conservative poland some communities even the clear themselves l g b t free zones under proud of it. to stop the eskies fear for their son and even more so since the reelection of the conservative law and justice party pressure is increasing on those who don't follow what is considered the norm.
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some hundreds between western europe and russia. and for years the country was also somewhere in between when it came to homophobia. now we're going we're in the direction of russia. it's getting worse and worse. the polish government says it completely differently of course and blames demonstrators for the violence with alleged video evidence. toys but they're bandits that's just banditry. that the opposition is still defending only switches or regis said they should apologize a little east and to the citizens to perceive that as the torch will be. the e.u. is observing the developments in poland which concern the e.u. commissioner for equality has called on the government to respect the rights to demonstrate. those are just words they don't help the 26 year old and his rainbow community in their daily lives. the question is whether the commission wants to
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intervene at all. for years the e.u. has avoided clearly stating what's going on. there only ever being cautious guarding poland's politics. yes i do knew if he really wants to take a stand for l g b t rights. ok it sounds parents are afraid that something will happen for the child here in poland. they also fear something else that their only son like so many young people will leave the country because he just doesn't feel safe in launch a war zone. before the 1000 pandemic the number one topic in the european union was brags that the brits had voted to leave the e.u. by the end of this year and now the transition period is set to expire bud's negotiations for a trade agreement are still ongoing if the u.k. exits without a trade deal it would lead to scenes like this long queues of tracks waiting to
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cross the borders we visited one of the oldest markets in london to find out what new important expert regulations could mean. very good 2 people see such wonders bara markets looking for all the not bargains. here you can find delicacies from all over europe. right. domenic quite a loves the variety. is godor come from holland. walker says in france supply him with conti and more be 8. and in summer there's fetter from the greek island of lesbos. not a day goes by when the cheese monger doesn't sample some of his wares himself like his beloved french conti. was sweet whereas most of the british chooses are crumbly and. sort of brightens and shot. but
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gregg's it poses a big threat to his little she show the massive worry the emmy and has been worried since the referendum have already run off stockpiling plans. to make sure we've got enough stock at the prices that we're currently paying and we don't have to incur any higher prices that might be introduced by high tariffs. quite takes us to his story seller he fears food products in the e.u. will be slapped with higher g t's has already pricey cheeses could then cost up to 20 percent more and who'd be willing to pay that much. and that's if the cheese even makes it to london as more stringent border controls could leave his wares stuck in transit for days i imagine that is going to be the day the loot the transport is just 6 is going to be that much more complicated it is going to be expensive because it could be extra paperwork involved. and i can only imagine it's
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not going to be as free flowing as it is currently. no market has been supplying hungry londoners for close to 300 years. still a new deal breakers that could change was offered here. today warned the supplies of fresh produce could become scarce of trucks held up at the borders some p.t. percent of the fruit sold here is imported. yet this interview doesn't shock britain's because it makes me think if we don't have to reach an era that are wealthy that can it. will be ok but yet even many other talents are important if london fails to reach a deal with brussels the u.s. could fill some of the gaps through crises might even fall. to what about the quality. u.s. environmental and health standards are lower than those in the e.u. in the u.k. especially where meat is concerned. merchants fear that british products could then
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no longer compete with u.s. imports and i think the real worry is that if we get these influx of much cheaper feet being imported to actually see markets will stop the chain restaurants may start phase and so outrageous hey you know what only supply the best face off that price means that the disparity between what was seen as off it is going to be much wider than it already is the continuing uncertainty about life after breaks it provides folder for conversation dominick quite talk things over with next tucker a fish monger we all believe england will always be able to always call me old fashioned a shiny out because we want to go at least on the long island you know on days of a conscious that you would last of it and you'll feel quite is preparing for a heartbreak sits in his own way for
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a time his stockpile of affordable imported cheese runs out so he can stay in business i'll get a friend who bakes cheddar and we've talked about maybe selling so and he there. reason for us to look into that sort of the local indigenous issues this is because of the exchange rate. and the security of supply and all this sort of stuff. 2 2 merchants at london's barra market are still holding and that britain will reach a treaty deal with the e.u. before the end of the year so they can continue to offer their customers food products from all over europe. and we are keeping our fingers crossed however at the moment it seems unlikely that's london and brussels will reach an agreement by the end of the year. climate change has become a topic all over the world and innovative ideas can come from the most unlikely places such as a small village in finland called
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e its citizens are role models for climate protection and even the youngest villagers are part of the solution and although climate change may be a somewhat abstract concepts the people in the know that protecting nature can have immediate rewards. in the outback of finland near the baltic coast a session in the sauna punctuated by dips in a cold river is a bleak atory. very refreshing and when you're in the water you feel so much like a part of nature that it is on this town in finland is called spelt simply with 2 eyes just as simple and straightforward as the town itself a few roads to supermarkets and not quite 10000 people but he may very well be europe's greenest town the community has succeeded in reducing its emissions of c
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o 2 by 80 percent. how much of the. we here in the realized that climate change is not yet to come it's already here. and we understood that it's not just the world's big movers and shakers that have to act. we ourselves have to do something. the key to their success has been creating incentives so that everybody pitches in. they will get it all started with a $5050.00 project we tried it in 3 schools the children had to monitor the power and water use and they got back half of whatever money was saved and they could decide for themselves what they wanted to spend the money on the model was such a success that we expanded it to all the schools and daycare centers and. in the past 10 years he has managed to cut its power consumption in half.
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and the children have used the money they saved well they've bought game tables toys and lots of plants as. the town of e is surrounded by unspoiled nature as well as some of europe's biggest peat bogs. for centuries pete was burned here as a source of energy but the moore's are also a vast reservoir of c o $21.00 of the principal greenhouse gases protecting the moore's keeps that c o 2 out of the atmosphere the town has banned anything that pollutes the air oil heating for instance replacing it with wind and water energy now the little town is generating 10 times as much green energy as it uses selling the surplus brings in nearly 4000000 euros a year. so her great deal of discussion about wind power about the noise for instance the blight in the countryside and how the wind turbines interfere with community life. and on site inspection for the 16 new wind turbines in
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planning but there to be located at the edge of a primeval forest not one tree has been felled here for a century. will be $300.00 metres tall and set up only a couple of 100 metres from here so. it's our common goal to protect nature in that we need the wind power but we also have to protect the area all around. that it's like a puzzle. that we have to fit all the pieces together in the end and find the best compromise. protecting the climate is indeed a massive puzzle and what impact can such a little town have on such a global problem a big one say the people of east they can set an example what works for remote corner of finland just might work for the rest of the world too. just goes to
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story all for survival. that's the race if you try. on g.w. . born or. first girl to get a. lot of us are also some of the most. vocal in support of. what was said. before. to deliver. a meal time to keep the 2nd season on the good stuff it's about the environment still about society it's still about us planets on the brink he spoke to several leading experts in the film about how to check. look i just took
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a couple of really good. players. didn't beethoven insane jazz did too did do. did is it was a dud of 60 most of my p.p. to. come up. so many romance of stolen beethoven. and of course the subconscious always one thing is clear plato is mildly popular. i see a sure i see a solid i feel sure. look how big the world sounds with the biggest composer of all time i can't even begin to imagine a world class horn player senlis on a musical journey of discovery. without
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a toast in september 16th on the t w. this is dead only news live from berlin president trump under fire for his handling of the corona virus outbreak in its early stages warner would still panic we don't want to jump up and down and start shouting we have a problem trump defends his response after a new book alleges the us president knew about the dangers of the virus but chose to downplay the risks also coming up
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