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tv   Check-in  Deutsche Welle  September 11, 2020 2:30am-3:01am CEST

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try to get a coincidence. that tampa previously said earth was just a messy chemistry lab no i thought he should be such a. worthy i'm. not so much for the creation of our solar system which are planned it is a bit like winning the lottery but there was a little give a hoot. what on earth what you need starts are temporary teeth on g.w. . this information is going viral the pandemic has given a boost to conspiracy theories like those propagated by q one on with its claim that satan worshipping pedophile elites are running our lives launched 3 years ago in the us she went on is spreading to germany as well it's it here and joined forces with deniers and right wing extremists at recent protests in front of the
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rice talk some q. and a on supporters on both sides of the atlantic have been linked to violence our title today she went on how dangerous are conspiracy theorists. and. none of them are welcome to to the point and here are our guests félix whose mine is a freelance journalist who has a focus on the far right and he says the dangers of far right ideologies were ignored too long we shouldn't make that mistake again with 2 or not it's great to have with us from the goals that he's a sociologist with germany's kannada adenauer foundation and he says the belief in conspiracy theories is a mass phenomenon that is part of our society. and also great to welcome to resolve she works as an investigative journalist at online magazine vice. and she thinks
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the media's responsibility in framing human on is crucial for its containment. let me start out by asking you you know who knows about a study that you recently published that shows that fully a 3rd of those surveyed believe the world is being steered by secret forces why what's behind that. well conspiracy belief in conspiracy theories is quite widespread in societies in general also in germany. so we didn't expect exactly that level it's not a total surprise we asked people the sentence you said to judge whether it's safely true probably true probably wrong or surely wrong and we found that 11 percent say it's definitely true and another 90 percent say it's probably true which is quite
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a surprise to us so what's so what is driving that is it fear or is it anxiety mistrust what would you say is behind that. it's some kind of distrust in some sources we have to keep in mind that behind that can be very is motivations and ideas people have very different ideas if what kind of actors are organisations behind these secret forces is and what they actually plan or do whatever so. conspiracy theory is usually. live by being in precise so they integrate a lot and then people who follow that follow that only partly by some things reject others so it's very diffuse and also the people who tend to
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believe it are also issues they they often not absolutely sure about every element but have a kind of feeling there is something going on and that can be a strategy to deal with insecurity with a very open risky situation that exists when you say in your opening statement that we shouldn't underestimate q. and a dangerous a spell it out for us if you would please what is the danger here well if you look at the united states there have been some murders perpetrated by q nonbelievers there was the murder of a mob underboss in staten island in new york by a young man who said that he believed this mob underboss was a secret deep state agent and he was about to arrest him because dead was his mission given to him by donald trump you might debate whether. mental in mental health issues might be a big underlying issue here as well but conspiracy theories posed this danger of
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motivating people to commit violent acts even of terrorism. the f.b.i. classify it she cannot as a possible risk for domestic terrorism last year in 2019 what about a risk to democracy as a whole we just heard about the level of mistrust that many adherents. theories show is that something that you think is growing because of these kind of websites and posts yes definitely if you if you look at what. followers belief what the followers of other conspiracy theories deeply believe and you cannot really have a rational discourse with a lot of those people if they are said to believe that there is global of
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pedophiles torturing and killing children to drink their blood and stay young forever which is basically one main narrative of. just completely not based in reality but people believe that and it's hard to argue with them because especially as a journalist everything you say. is only. it is only giving given them fuel because you're a part of the deep state elite then as well to resort to say that we need to talk about how media frames q. and on so tell us how would you frame it how would you describe what this movement is about and where it's taking us yeah i would say that one of the most important aspects of that is that you we shouldn't get too tangled up in like the weeds of the actual belief and the belief system because we we feed it just like elix said.
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the problem is that a lot of the q. and a on supporters and here and we're basically begging reporters to ask trump about what he thinks about q. and on and as we know wherever something is involved that and aggrandize a sim or a bex the potential to aggrandize them he replied you know i think they like me and so of course this in this in this in this fanning on of the narrative we forget that we have to frame that as the real world consequences that happen and take place and also not only the real consequences but also was benefiting from this exact really kind of crude let's talk about who's benefiting from this the 3 founders of q and on in nov 27th teen apparently have made very good money as their posts have risen in the hierarchy of online websites
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is that what's really going on here is this simply a commercial business model at least for some of those who are steering it wouldn't say so i mean also the media that is basically the platform carrying these things are profiting off of it because it's the business model to be focused on attention attention seeking media and attention keeping users so you know the the face by. and you tube algorithms they propel people down into these rabbit holes of conspiracy theories and it starts with just like my conspiracy theories like weaved and you're in there and then it starts to go deeper and one of the central and i think the most dangerous aspects off q and on is that it is set out made as like this d.i.y. scavenger hunt that you are supposed to puzzle together and you know you're part of a community and elected community and on the fringes of that are all kinds of economy i want to ration dies and when amazon come back to that gaming element in
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just a moment but let us 1st take a closer look at the protests against corona restrictions here in germany which have thrown together a motley crew of demonstrators including adherence to q one on. i trust conspiracy theories more than i trust the government. one of everyone is waiting for the 2nd wave i've never seen the 1st one. protests against the government's corona regulations 10 voile hats abound but not a mask in sight a rather peculiar mixture of different groups converged here in berlin they seemed harmless at 1st. but there were also extremists among them who waved flags of the former german and even tried to force their way into the german parliament building . brought to you by the letter q thank you anon movement was brandishing their symbol they made a name for themselves by suspecting dark forces behind the past u.s. election campaign the demonstration was the perfect opportunity to spread their
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ideology by the hindu put down changes are being made behind the scenes that you come into effect in the next year or 2 of the time is coming up and it will all begin this fall then the banks will crash and they'll receive even more money. because what makes some people so receptive to conspiracy theories. just one of those say your survey concludes that even before corona before the crisis such beliefs that we just heard there in that report were in fact widespread in germany so does the fact that we're now seeing q anon symbols at such protests really amount to a higher level of threat and danger we don't know whether due to the corona crisis to believe in conspiracy theories increase that is unclear. but surely not all conspiracy theories are the same. and specific
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problem and threat of q. and on is that the bad be which you always have a conspiracy theory i mean because from spirits of theories like a fairy tale you have the goodies and the baddies and you have the the cure in ascend to. children in our princess thread that are all these elements. so. this specific and chewing on is that the bed is the state institutions in whole and that is a specific problem compared to some others where i don't know the names of faked moon landing or whatever so that does make a difference but yes it's widespread and one reason is simply beyond this crisis experience so even before that if you believe in conspiracy theory you are smarter than the others so you are better than them and you can teach them how or
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it's a power and it also makes it more difficult to get back to say oh no i was wrong is that even more difficult but now i know that felix whose mind has been at some of the protests and so i wonder if you can tell us a little bit about the alliance that we're seeing there between anti vacs serious people who are simply skeptical of covert restrictions and then right wing extremists and supporters of q. and not what do they have in common. in large parts the belief in conspiracy theories not all believe. really absurd and crazy conspiracy theories like it but a lot of them believe in and have extreme conspiracy theories for example bill gates and the bill and melinda gates foundation are posed to poison the world with vaccines that is. incredibly widespread in these protests it is the believe in
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conspiracy theories and the deep mistrust in the government and in what a lot of them those protesters consider society's elites and where's that coming from. from a lot of different places also politically you have people there who would consider themselves at least rather left leaning who say anti-war i've been in peace protests in the last couple of years you have people there who at least look like hippies who are connected. as a terrorist and a conspiracist world view as well and then you have a far right extremists you have what's called the iceberg a movement in germany which are the ones that we saw in the report storming the steps of the right exactly people who believe that germany is still not a sovereign state and is still occupied by the allied forces since world war 2 and
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you had people in front of the american and the russian embassy begging for a peace treaty for germany to be signed and a lot of d's conspiracy theories germany not being a sovereign state are now intertwined with cuban on before a lot of those people were very anti-american but now with donald trump in charge as a president and as dissed savior figure in the pew non-belief day turned to donald trump to set us free and i want to talk about that in just a minute but 1st let's a quick comparison of the numbers here in germany and the u.s. to reason from what i've read germany may have the most q. in on supporters of any country 2nd only to the u.s. well yeah. it. the way that these supporters are calming to life is hard to gauge and hard to count i think because they organize in
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fringe groups in an often fringe on the ng groups and these numbers can be greatly accelerated and not all of the people who read into these groups like one of the biggest telegram groups i think has 120000 members and also. a woman called tamara k. who ordered like to stay on the steps of the. in this demonstration that happened just recently and to corona demonstration protests was a member of this group and very active member of this group and also to a nonbeliever but. i would say that this is already a phenomenon that is that has gone global and cannot be contained we have gone past that basically and they're both spread their i like q. and on armies in several countries and iran and japan and finland and. the narrative will spread i think because.
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the underlying current of this or the underlying bias is a projection bias and this is what draws people to conspiracy theory thinking that because the world has become so difficult and so hard to understand there is something bigger at for us so you can go as a explain this to me if you would please because cuban on central thesis at least in its early phases was very u.s. centric and even very trump centric with this idea that the president is a messianic figure fighting the ca the dark cobol of child abusing elitists so how does that translate into a global and german movement i'm afraid are called explain that. it's. well i think one aspect is
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that you don't have to accept every bit and piece of the theory you can you know believe some parts reject others so it's fuzzy enough to absorb people want to aspect is that also people in germany are interested in what happens in the us and that is then again linked to conspiracy theory that the us is actually stealing the whole world. again it's not homogeneous it's not a fixed ideology where you find the big book explaining all your questions it's far beyond that it's just fuzzy and diffuse in there pretty quick i think this. ideology we talked about the so-called iceberg a movement that has. yet. into the queue and on movement and in germany as well and this is one part if you talk about the widespread narrative
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global pedophile elites murdering children if you look back in history especially in german history you had these anti-semitic narratives of jews murdering christian children for the cause yet the protocols of the elders of zion you had these anti-semitic conspiracy theories and if you look at the early admit to thousands you have this kind of say tannic panic that happened in the us before with these widespread narratives of ritualistic satanistic abuse and killing of children dead was never really proven but still extremely widespread and this is this is all coming together and she went on and so you know teresa talked about this being a kind of almost like a video game but sometimes it sounds like it's almost a religion. some people compare it to religion some people call it a cult i'm not sure. that's completely right because you know you don't have these
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structures with you know it's mostly online so you don't have a have a leader that is really keeping people in and preventing people from from from from getting out of the cult but it has cult cult like tendencies that's. just a conspiracy theory. here is that. president trump has not exactly tried to squelch the idea that he might be a messianic figure fighting. in fact he has said that q and on supporters are good people who love the u.s. that's a quote along with at least one of his sons he has retreated to a non post what impact does that have it gives a lot of confirmation and a lot of sense a lot of purpose to this entire movement whatever. who is seen as this messianic figure is saying about them and yeah the problem when with that
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being something close to a called a religion as big as we just said is i think the problem is not only the tie in to into politics but also that we've reached some kind of conspiracy singularity somehow all of the conspiracy theories have plopped together in and have been accelerated in this pandemic which is why the movement gained so much traction you have. you feel believers and you have health community hippias and they all propel something like i'm completely misleading health advice that donald trump as well as sometimes spouting in this press conference is like drinking bleach and they all come together in this q. and on movement because of the i think extreme insecurity and mishandling of a mess of crisis but also false together with
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a global uprising against you know racial injustice and police violence which looks like. everything is going to crash so on let's take a closer look at the links between q and on and attempted acts of violence on both sides of the atlantic could that threat rise in the face of unrest on american streets here's a look at a right wing militia in portland oregon. the american born militia at target practice their leader peter d.s. is on a mission he believes freedom in the u.s. is in danger and fears a coup against the government could be on the way. he and his troops patrol portland for weeks demonstrations against racism and police violence have rocked the city dia's wants to put a stop to them. police saying back i understand that they're worried about the numbers growing but i would handle the situation differently if i had the manpower
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and equipment and fortunately he didn't so he and his militia had to pull back. violence is also on display in portland the situation has repeatedly escalated between black lives matter demonstrators and the militia like groups that repeat the q a non montra save our children. the number of militias in the nation is increasing and gun sales are as well is the u.s. on the verge of another civil war. pretty good. that exists. another civil war in the us in part as a response to conspiracy theories is that too far far fetched yes i think so i think talking about the possibility of a civil war is vastly exaggerated but there is the possibility of violence especially if we look at november if trump is not reelected or
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a lot of these conspiracy theory believe is just chewing on followers their savior is gone their the lone fighter against a deep state is gone and that my it's a motivates some people who already own firearms to take on the fight against a cabal of themselves so that is a real danger you often go signs and symbols associated with q and on were evoked by right wing terrorists here in germany as well in the attack on a politician in western germany in an attack on a synagogue and also on ishi ship are in how now would you say that conspiracy theories like those actually incite and cause violence directly. rather not. well not cause them directly but probably. make it more likely that they are. background ideology which can be used by
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people. from. violence. therefore yes also this ideological background is important this is specific to q. and a conspiracy theory while others do that at least less though there is no harm this conspiracy theory to recent facebook twitter and other social media sites claim that they're trying to crack down both on covert dissin from ation and on q. and on itself how good a job are they doing well the job they have been doing is says both have been like a little band-aid and not like keep the cure itself. they're cracking down on several groups twitter for example has also contain the spread of topics connected to q. and on so they don't trend any more which i think is a good as a good measure but as long as social media is building their business model on
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time spent on the platform and also on propelling reactionary and aggravating content and incentivizing that you are reacting to that content and then taking you down the rabbit hole even deeper that business model is prone to spread these misinformation if more and just very briefly if you would our way in the mainstream media at least at times inadvertently giving conspiracy theories a boost by driving more attention to them it depends on the framing in my opinion and we have to talk about them because they are a real danger to democracy and because they have a do human izing foundation they also can lead to violence and we shouldn't just be caught up and exploring them even if you thought it was a one sentence if you would our title asks how dangerous these theories are is the danger growing. maybe we had
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a lot of know very little they are especially dangerous and cold or was society it's just one i would say yes it is growing especially in the pandemic we're seeing more and more people spreading these theories so yes thank you very much to all of you for being with us today and thanks to all of you for tuning in and say so. let me come of them are our. commitment.
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