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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  September 12, 2020 1:45pm-2:01pm CEST

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and the distributors and producers absolutely wanted this recording to be in the film and so i said ok i listen to it. and i listened to it and it was so incredibly horrifying that i said only over my dead body will this make it into the film you come to see me in film turn it up. to must never listen to this i never heard her parents ever going to. think you know you should not keep it you should destroy it you know. as anything she can see it since ethical boundary individually toward because the dignity and the privacy surrounding an individual's death must not be violated. period period
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poked. yet heads are didn't shy away from interviewing condemned prisoners awaiting execution for as many series on death row. as a german coming from a different historical background and being a guest in the united states i respectfully disagree with the practice of capital punishment and help me move forward i've watched several episodes of your series on death row what boundaries were you confronted with there. when c. when you talk with and film people on death row with people who know that they're going to be executed in 8 days and that there's no escaping that. then of course there are certain boundaries their. respect respect dignity. due to
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respect the condemned person's human dignity. james barnes is one of them. in order to film a death row inmate you have to be invited by him in writing. i was behind the camera you only ever hear my voice and behind the camera i wore a formal suit in time which i almost never do with it was a sign i respect you respect. they were always very open with you. from the very 1st moment. and that's a question of how you work as a director. you can only do that if you know the heart of men. if you can look deep into their souls then it works. looking at your films the boundaries between documentary and feature film are really fluid. do you
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still differentiate between them. sure there's a big difference which i also recognize. me but i don't worry about it for me they're all films. for you once said facts do not constitute truth per se. in this age of the internet and fake news what's the truth beyond the facts that you seek. if you have the facts can be misleading the truth is created or certain layers deeper layers are created through stylization through invention through imagination. the supposedly realistic picture often seen in documentaries is a misconception. which is why i say i invent things too because they serve the truth better than the found. a sting fuck.
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back in south america again in the impenetrable tropical rain forest of guyana against the spectacular backdrop of chi to a falls a mythical location for the indigenous population. this is where hats on made the white diamond a documentary about dreams and the limitations of technology. to dream of flying a floating above the earth here to help zogby dared to experiment. the next case we had the music 1st. so in the rain forest the camera man asked me how are you going to do it with the rhythm in the shoot at center on my gave him a. phones and said listen this is how we'll do it and he understood immediately.
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else reisa goes music evokes the beauty of nature and its vulnerability. to the seen on the type nearly all there were one and a half 1000000 swifts which came out of the sky in a huge swarm and flew in circular movements into their nests behind a huge waterfall. goodness and it was overwhelming. and the music is equally overwhelming. like. this one sorry these who 1st raised who are the singers were sardinians who almost all have prehistoric voices. and they started singing with far too much energy and the meter was far too clear. and i stood up and made flying movements for them
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. and they understood. and suddenly the movement became that of an eagle gliding from 2. enhance ogg's films music itself is often a performer such as in the show vacate where else dreiser goes music brings the prehistoric paintings to life. in 2019 the vendor had sought foundation awarded the prize to reisa he was praised for creating spaces with his music that were larger than what could be seen on the screen. that is so i'm sick you're going to miss your new and. he's an extraordinary visionary. 2 in the loggy event of he's able to transform an entire world
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with music and to transform a world of images and suddenly the combination of music and images gives rise to something new and different that the audience can perceive and experience in a different way. than to have talks relationship with music is a story of its own. he has also staged many operas going back to wagner again and again his 1st time was knowing playing at the by a white festival in 1987. 50 of a film chorley many of your colleagues vendors last frontier were also supposed to direct and buy rights but they shied away from doing it what's so difficult about staging wagner is that he can help operates according to different rules. from
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directors can't expect to use the same criteria and the same working methods as they do in the cinema that was always clear so i told the singers and the others that we had to forget that i work in film. i said that we had a task and that there would only be an opera when the whole world transformed into music and you can see belt in music from uncle. so it's unfair back to film you've been in some very extreme places in the mountains in the amazon underwater in the desert on the ice caps is there anything else that you're still seeking or that you'd like to explore more. than i'd like to
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go to the space station or to the moon. or i'd like to make a short visit to mars if that ever becomes possible mobs in this and from. this is bavaria still your home even though you haven't lived here for 20 years but you're leaving soon many of my cultural roots are here right my 1st language was a very and i miss it actually when i'm traveling around the world i miss the fact that i never hear bavarian dialect being spoken. they shall understand it isn't in that of it it's a tuck list coach on this end. yes go to its agents to its own country as it. will some day miss the tumbling of the earth apocalyptic
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imagery more than 50 years after launching his career katz august still seeks sole schemes on the edges of the planet. he said they constitute burst forth to. this country. it's middle of you have been winning prizes for your lifetime achievement for 10 years now this time it's from the european film academy. how does that feel differently. so next time i mean if you distance us protest well to begin with i think it's true task is really good of course it's a little strange because i'm still in the middle of my work. and now my output is higher than it was 30 or 40 years ago i think. last year i made 3 films but i. know others need 6 to 8 years to do that yog the day before
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yesterday i was still shooting in norway on a new film and in less than a week i'll be in mexico to continue it. isn't so much to get this prize 10 years after i stopped making films and have to be rolled onto the stage in a wheelchair. that i helped thank you it's a procession to go.
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to other soul that's what the people experience is when their heritage is taken from them. countless cultural artifacts were brutally stolen from africa by colonialists and carted off to europe from the. east that left wounds that have yet to heal what should be done with the stone or from africa
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the stolen soul. and 15 minutes on d w. i mean nothing at agenda well i guess sometimes i am but most end up in with the temple and the benjamin think deep into the gemma culture shock. needed to take this drama down east coast it's all out who they know i'm right oh joy make me think of funny of course. life on earth one of a kind and. a gigantic coincidence. or the improbable happens. to suit the awfulness we've got it in the creation of our solar system with the planet is a bit like winning the lottery. what is 1st more unique
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start september 18th on t.w. . did beethoven invent jazz deep doo doo doo doo doo doo. did is it is about a 16 year old know what he did. almost. so many rubber bands of stolen beethoven. and of course the subconscious always one thing is clear the beethoven just horribly popular. i see a sure shot i feel sure. the mood sound with the biggest composer of all time i can't even begin to imagine a world class horn player single willis on a musical journey of discovering. the world without
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a total of. 15 or 16 on. play. play play play. this is news a live up from very let your gas and tension on the greek islands of thousands of displaced people are demanding a freedom from the closely overcrowded refugee camps after a massive fire of burned down. local residents and authorities are also calling for international support as the frustration level rises.


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