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tv   Markus Lanz  Deutsche Welle  September 14, 2020 10:30pm-11:31pm CEST

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where the improbable. going to suit up for us with the creation of our solar system with our flat it is a bit like winning the lottery ethical that there is a little bit of. what is the earth word you need to start september 18th on d w. the orange skies of california scientists in the u.s. predicted years ago that climate change could turn the west coast into a tinderbox now firefighters are battling some of the largest blazes ever recorded the flames have already scorched an area the size of israel u.s. president trump blames the fires on poor forced management trump is a climate change denier and his policies have not slowed down global warming tonight what can he say to those who've lost everything to those who see him less
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like a president and more like an arsonist i'm burnt off in berlin this is the day. this is a cliff i am emergency this is real. and it's happening this is the perfect storm troopers the great environmentalist here that it is the california folks is america fast forward but there are places where they. are. what we're experiencing right here is coming to a community all across the united states of america unless we get our act together on climate change but if he gets a 2nd term these hellish events will continue to become more common more devastating and more deadly. also coming up china
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is germany's biggest trading partner china is also a human rights abuse or german chancellor angela merkel is weighing both carefully at the e.u. china's summit now underway and the topics which it difficult where we don't always agree hong kong for example the treatment of minorities and the issue of human rights. so i feel that today we had a good open honest dialogue which should. we continued. on to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and all around the world at welcome we begin the day with climate change suddenly burning its way into the u.s. presidential campaign there are less than 5 weeks until voters in the u.s. go to the polls if you have followed incumbent donald trump and his democrat challenger joe biden you may have noticed that climate change has been almost completely absent when on the more u.s. president visited california on monday and came face to face with the consequences
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of a warming planet in the past weeks unprecedented wildfires have scorched 50000000 acres claiming winds and destroying homes the smoke has made the air quality in cities such as portland oregon and san francisco the worst in the world and climate change is not directly responsible for the blazes but it is responsible for the conditions allowing them to become so large and so deadly scientists agree white house hopeful joe biden agrees president donald trump does not trump has always denied climate change this weekend and again today he blamed the fires on poor forest management accusing the states of not keeping their forests clean take a listen this is one of the biggest birds we've ever seen. and we have to do a lot about forest management obviously forest management in california is very important. and now it's it extends to washington and extends also do our
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a gun has to be good strong forest management with that but dug it about 3 years with the state so hopefully they'll start doing that in the meantime we're helping them out. out in a very big way. in a moment we're going to go to los angeles to talk about trump's visit but 1st we want to take a closer look at the fires those trying to contain them and those who have lost almost everything to them tonight use washington bureau chief in this poll is in northern california where thousands of people who were evacuated are now returning to scenes of utter devastation. nothing but destruction this is all that is left on the 5 acres so far with and in northern california where sorrow hawkins and her husband have created a little paradise over the last 17 years to go only 4 hours before everything was destroyed left are only shards of memories programmed mother's good china items
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they collected over decades the fire was coming across short grass it was coming across dirt there was no place that we knew for sure would be safe. here in this barn several lost all her 17 baby goats to the flames we didn't have time to get the trailer. we didn't know that we were in any kind of danger no fires ever move this fast out here. you know when we came back the next day. i'll never forget seeing the burned bodies in the barnyard. people like sarah who are living in this part of the world are used to wide fires they have never experienced something like this year multiple mega fires burning millions of acres have been destroyed millions of residents have to live in talk seek air the
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whole west coast seems on fire some climate experts say climate change is smacking california in its face. in claremont we speak with the director of environmental analysis charlie miller human beings are driving climate change they're driving it because in fact we're in cars in southern california and elsewhere that we're pumping up went into the air that's heating up the planet and the atmosphere and so when the fire earth are burning they're actually burning up the results of our own actions sarah hawking's is not willing to give in and he's already building a new barn knowing that the next fire might take everything away again. our lives stay in california let's go to los angeles as where even beer in is 290000 is a us political commentator he's a nationally syndicated talk radio host it is good to have you back on the day u.s. president trump is in your neck of the woods in california today what are people
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saying about him and his reelection hopes considering that he has put the blame on the states for not properly managing their force. well anybody who's not already a trump supporter looks at it with. not pleasant comments in return 57 percent of the state's forests are actually controlled by the federal government so if president trump over the last 3 and a half plus years doesn't like how they are managed that's on him 3 percent of the state's forests are managed by the state of california and to have our governor essentially begging the president to vice president joe biden joe biden just called a climate arsonist begging him for help as nearly 2 dozen people have lost their lives it's a sad and desperate situation that we have a president lacking empathy for the people of california who just simply lacks empathy for the rest of the largest or you to consider that with what job i mean
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the democrat presidential hopeful said today about the fires in climate change take a listen if you give a climbing arsonist 4 more years in the white house why would anyone be surprised if we have more america blaise if you have a climate denier for more years in the white house why would anyone be surprised when more of america is under water. either would you agree that these fires have placed climate change higher up on the agenda for voters there in the us west where you wore. i think those of us who consider science the scientific method scientific observation it clearly has moved up again we have watched for nearly 4 years the sitting president rolling back environmental protections removing policies that would stop methane emissions pulling us out of the paris
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climate accords withdrawing from the world and our allies such as germany working hand in hand to address such a major global issue those of us who aren't on the side of president trump do consider it a dire and important situation of must be addressed now i want us to do a poll of one of your tweets which called our today you read tweeted the cover of the german news magazine stare and on the cover is the face of president donald trump with the headline american psycho how donald trump is systematically destroying democracy now even i know most of your listeners are in the u.s. why did you feel compelled to share that image with the people who follow you. well this is thank you for asking me this is really important brant 1st of germany
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obviously going back to the early 20th century is familiar with leaders who are not well and do very bad things to the people of their country and others and so for it german magazine to publish that i found that critically important because while i believe in the american system in our 3 branches of government and all of these policies and structures have been put in place for over the last 200 years i had no concept that a single individual and his supporters and enablers would do such an advanced job of dismantling those systems so rapidly in a way that i find to be truly dangerous to our democracy and so for the german magazine to publish that i just find to be completely accurate and something we need to be aware of. a surprise that the german the mainstream media here they see that and they print it and yet you still have a relatively strong level of support for daunte trump in the us. yes
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and no so because of the way human psychology works and we know going back to people like machiavelli there are ways of manipulating people using fear we see that with the far right in germany as well and across europe and donald trump is using those same age old methods of appealing to the lizard brain the union shadow bringing that out in people and people are susceptible to it if they have pain or trauma in their own lives he is able to manipulate and it's dangerous it's bad it's wrong i call it out and i think more people should as well. before we let you go i want to ask you about the pandemic in california california is one of the worst hit states in the united states now you've got the wildfires on top of that so one said to me today california dreaming is more like a california nightmare now it is there this sits in l.a.
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where you are that all that was so spectacular about california is just falling away well in the moment it feels like that however that's that's not the case here in california california still the golden state you have so much that is happening here at the beautiful nature when it's not on fire or when we have a pandemic keeping us locked in our homes but we have the beautiful beaches we have the deserts the mountains we have all the things that make california great and along with hollywood and agriculture the tech industry there's so much happening here this is a moment in time that will pass regardless of donald trump and others however in this moment of darkness you know it is hard to see that light on the other side you know it's a good point and we're all big california fans here i can tell you that even if they have been joining us tonight from los angeles even as always we appreciate your time and your insights thank you stay safe. thanks fred.
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well this week could have been a legacy defining moment for german chancellor angela merkel she had hoped that the e.u. china summit in the german city of white signal would be where an unprecedented improvement in ties with china could be forged but this was before the coronavirus pandemic this was before the hard line in hong kong the summit began today all online they face to face and no hope of really making history instead the chancellor today demanded that trade between the e.u. and china be conducted on a level playing field she also said that europe should stand up for its core values such as respecting human rights even if it requires delicate diplomacy with beijing . co-operation with china it must be based on the principles of reciprocity frak competition as well of different societies we have different social systems but we
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acknowledge the importance of multiculturalism i mean points of rules when it comes to climate change and climate protection. the e.u. and china welcome the paris agreement that is extremely important and we want to have a high level dialogue take place which doesn't just take place off the cuff but it's rather more of a systematic nature to a dialogue between the e.u. and china where we talk about the close go climate conference at the end of the year we managed to talk about the topics which our mission is already mentioned and to topics which are difficult where we don't always agree hong kong for example the treatment of minorities and the issue of human rights. so i feel that today we had a good open honest dialogue which should be continued. there was a german chancellor's meet you there my next guest has been hard barred she is an analyst in chinese affairs with the very foundation mr barger it's good to have you
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. back on the day when this is a huge china summit was 1st suggested there was real hope that now would be the time for a breakthrough for better relations with china but it seems now there's growing anti china sentiment tear in europe what would you say what went wrong well i think like you said there was hope to get a more productive and with china going that didn't happen but i think something really significant happened then also happened today it wasn't any concrete out be there be china you know investment treaties signed but the whole process we created a big amount of european unity and the chancellor actually pointed that out in her press that the whole process of bringing europe together and actually speaking with one voice. china was important and that actually happened and what we saw today
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the 3 most important equal in the iraqi well into the chinese president really easy reading of the same script being totally in line i think that is something significant for european foreign policy. going forward i mean that's that's an important statement to make that the force of china is able to do in europe what other things such as migration and even climate change have not been able to do and that is to bring all of europe together do you see it being as a sustaining unity for the e.u. because of china i would hope it to be that way and the process that we've seen in the last couple of months or year or so has really been very encouraging. delegations from all capitals in europe coming
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together and discussing china issues china is one of the issues where it's easier to build consensus within the e.u. but one of the big problems that we always have is that we have this notion that in europe we don't eat with one voice and you gave us something that we can and there's other issues where we can't and that is something significant and i think that is also something that chinese see very clearly it because jeno today was not easy for the chinese it's not the kind of summit or leadership talk that they wanted because. it really pushed hard on some issues that are very uncomfortable you know we've heard today from the e.u. that europe is a player not a playing field in other words china is not playing fair with europe why is that
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criticism justified in your opinion the chancellor pointed that out. president fundal i also pointed out that the economic realities have shifted to can efficiently in the last decade and. the global is symmetries in the economic system need to be adjusted and china is such a big player today that the rules by which we engage with china have to be we written or we have to insist that china actually plays by the rules of multilateralism that's another term that came up today last week the european chamber of commerce in china published their annual report in which they point out hundreds and hundreds of cases where european companies feel at
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a disadvantage in china at a very systematic disadvantage and that is why this investment rate as being discussed is so important but it's also important to make it a good deal and not just and there have been calls to boycott disney because of its latest film law and the film was shot on location in the same area of china where the muslim minority we girls are said to be held in internment camps and now we have the european union suggesting that china should allow it to send in independent investigators to see what is indeed happening at those camps do you think that's going to happen or do you think it's wishful thinking on the part of europe. i don't think this wishful thinking on the part of europe it's a reasonable request for european diplomats to make to actually allow european diplomats to go to and look at it and it will be important that they look at it
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with clear eyes that they report back what they being show and what they're not being shown obviously china is going to make it so that would be my very strong expectation and i'm going to see the trust the teeth that have been reported from khinjan in the last couple of years but at. the end the toss of the european diplomats to point that out that china is putting up a show let's see the see what happens in similar discussions along too but there's been similar just tensions both the w.h.o. investigation into the origins of covert 19 there's a lot of issues going on ok bernard barge with the bettles been foundation mr mark as always we appreciate your time and your insights tonight thank you thank you brant. doctors here in berlin treating russian opposition leader alexina all these say that his condition is
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improving of all he is considered the most prominent kremlin critic and he was flown from siberia to berlin in late august after suddenly becoming severely ill from a poisoning attack the berlin hospital treating him says that he's been successfully removed from ventilation and that he's now able to leave his bed for short periods of time the german government says that test by labs in sweden in france have now confirmed earlier findings by a german military lab that no volley was poisoned by a soviet era nerve agent known as know each. special labs in fronts in sweden carried out their investigations and confirmed by german findings this means we now have 3 labs working independently that came to the conclusion that the substance which caused mr van is poisoning it was a nerve agent from the navy chokri my nephew come 1st of all it was this is that
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is the father now the 3 no independent lamps have confirmed the results it's now up to russia to offer an explanation it is because mr the founding underwent treatment that russia has all of the information and samples it needs for an analysis the. news about all right let's bring in our political correspondent. and we need to you . russian foreign minister sergei lavrov we understand he has canceled a scheduled visit here in berlin for tuesday for tomorrow what more do we know about this cancellation. well the russian foreign ministry say that there was a change into a schedule of german foreign minister high commodity and russian for i mean it's a lever of well you really see that out tensions between the 2 ministries when he accused barely and the west in general of being arrogant when it came to treating the they supposedly better than russian doctorow's for doing and. say that the west
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was using of on these poisoning as a pretext to impose most a more sanctions on russia he also say to. have conducted a preliminary inquiry inquiry on the meetings and of on the head before he fell in siberia but he also say that well russia needed to see evidence of his poisoning before they could launch a full criminal investigation yeah and we have to remind our viewers that he was in a russian hospital for 2 days before he was brought to berlin and now we've got russia demanding that berlin hand over the samples from the body that were taken here is there any chance that germany will do that. where precisely germany justifies not giving evidence of nerve on these poisoning to russia because i think saying of all the as you say he was hospitalized in a russian hospital for more than 48 hours implying well there was ample time for russian doctors to collect evidence and also now the findings have been confirmed
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as we've heard by other laboratories abroad in france and in sweden so badly and simply probably doesn't feel the need to provide there are some things then german foreign minister high commodity is quite a stronger cavaleri when he say that he doesn't expect to bring of the bad news meaning germany itself to be attacked but rather that russian authorities should do with the news of the poisoning itself yeah that's a very good point don't shoot the messenger because you don't like the message the german government spokesman stephens i've heard has called the poisoning a serious violation of the chemical weapons convention now the government is not showing any signs of backing down over this help or do you think that until america government is prepared to go. well i think that germany we likely look at a joint u. and so for us in the past russia had already been sanctioned in similar cases by the e.u. for example following deposing of russian double agents sega's crippling souls very
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in england 2 years ago last year following the murder of in the heart of berlin of a chechen commander 2 russian diplomats have been exposed from germany and now watch we're looking at is also the possibility of a comic sanctions and the big question here in germany ease a future of a gas pipeline project north stream to which was supposed to bring gem and bring sorry russian gas into germany treatable taxi and i'm going to america has always defended that project but following up on these poisoning now balinese say to be more and more willing to discuss sanctions and consequences on the future of this pipeline that's right there is talk now that the pipeline may never go online we will see you political correspondent michael johns here in berlin and thank you. well the day is almost done the conversation continues online you'll find us on twitter either d.w. news or you can follow me at brant go off t.v. every member whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll
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see that of.
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clearing mines in ukraine one step at a time many young highly qualified people want to free their country from land mines and booby trapped. there even retraining to do it on the job. 6 days a week away from their families. what's driving them close up. to 90 minutes on d w for you to be our fighters want to start families to become farmers or
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engineers every one of them has a plan for you to. say nothing is just that the children who have already been the boy and those that will follow are part of a new princess. they could be the future of. granting opportunity global news that matters d. w. made from minds. every journey begins with the 1st step and every language the 1st word looked a little nico case in germany. why not born with. its simple blood on your mobile and free. double using a learning course because german made easy.
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did beethoven in fact chad did to do did do. did is it does a dot of 60 will leave he. says many romance of stolen beethoven. and of course the subconscious always one thing is clear. they took just one of the popular. and she assured her. i feel sure. that the mood sound with the biggest composer of all time i can't even begin to imagine a world class horn player centralist on a musical journey of discovery. but i'll pay tolls in september 16th on.
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this is g.w. news live from berlin tonight the climate for years in california and the climate change to. the u.s. president arrives in california to visit areas devastated by wildfires locals point to a warming planet the truck blames the fires on poor forest management also coming up the president of bella ruse alexander lukashenko gets a one point $5000000000.00 wind flying from moscow as protests demanding his resignation at home head into a 6th week and it is. their wife on venus science is found what could
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be the 1st clues. i'm off it's good to have you with us u.s. president donald trump is in california where he plans to see firsthand the devastation caused by massive wildfires along the u.s. west coast the president has been meeting with firefighters and emergency officials in the north of the state who've been struggling to control record blazes that have devastated 20000 square kilometers has blamed the fires on poor forest management and they fill your to clear the underbrush democrat rival joe biden has pointed to climate change as the reason. wednesday while talking to those officials the u.s. president made an apparent joke about climate change the microphone was on. it'll
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start getting cooler but i will just you just watch i wish science and anybody else . i didn't think science knows actually. he doesn't think science knows our correspondent at the airport in the california state capital sacramento where the u.s. president landed earlier good afternoon to you climate change denial to start his visit what is trump's message here in california. well it was somewhat of a mixed message so he came to california unplanned it wasn't part of his planned trip around the west here to talk to voters to to campaign but he came here specifically to this sacramento airport in order to show that the california wildfires which have been making headlines around the world are under control that he has this he knows what he's doing here is taking control of the situation this
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airport is actually used by the firefighting planes that take off to to fight these wildfires that are creating an unprecedented catastrophe here in california that being said he also used this time as we saw to downplay the role that climate change has to do with the wildfires the unprecedented wildfires and also to deflect some of the blame that people have put on him that he's mismanaged this situation. do we know why the u.s. president decided to come to california now well that's a good question and has a lot to do with the campaign now he had not planned to spend much time in california and this is probably due to the fact that he knows he's going to lose california this is a solid blue state in american parlance that means a state that has voted democrat for of quite a long time so he doesn't expect this to be a swing state to go for him and so he hasn't focused much attention here but
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because of the headlines because people have seen that over 20 people have died in these wildfires 3000000 acres burned in california alone they are feeling sorry for the residents of california and i think you knew that it was time to address this crisis. what are the critics one of the saying the president's handling of these unprecedented wildfires. well joe biden he's the presidential nominee for the democratic party running against trump in the upcoming elections he said did not mince words he called trump a climate arsonist almost saying that these forest fires were trump's fault now trump has taken a lot of flack because he pulled out of the plane paris climate accord he does not believe global warming is connected to these on president forest fires so a lot of democratic residents in california and there are a lot of them see trump as somebody who's hindering the improvement of the situation and we actually talked to a firefighter who lost his own home in the blazes who said he's done everything he
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can to protect his home he knows how to fight a fire but when you have a mega fire that's burning over just dried grass we're not talking about forest fires here burning over dried glass and even dried land there's nothing you can do about it and he he believes that unless we do something about climate change we're not going to stop the trend. on the story for us in sacramento california i mean thank you. now to the u.s. south people along the gulf coast are bracing for the arrival of hurricane sally which is just been upgraded to a category 2 hurricane forecasters say it's expected to make landfall in the coming hours near the city of the laci mississippi the slow moving system is expected to dump heavy rain in kohls flooding sally is the 2nd hurricane to threaten the region in less than a month. here in europe german chancellor angela merkel says that european union
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trade with china must be conducted on a level playing field merkel and other e.u. leaders met today with china's president xi jinping for a wide ranging talks on trade climate change and the coronavirus pandemic the original plan was for a major face to face summit to seal and historic each new china investment agreement but progress on that investment has stalled and then came the pandemic and then china's hard line in hong kong. parmesan cheese rounds from china chinese companies are known for copying products from elsewhere in the world that was one item on the agenda at the video summit between e.u. leaders and chinese president xi jinping china pledged to ensure that regional specialties like wine from the mozart and beer from munich are respected a small success in some us we own the rights to which and.
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more work needs to be done we made it clear where we stand the e.u. is demanding greater access to the chinese market for european companies to reflect the access that chinese firms have in europe the e.u. also wants beijing to commit to more environmentally friendly policies and to swear off new coal fired power plants china's activities in hong kong were a point of intense dispute the e.u. says beijing must respect human rights but chancellor angela merkel could not claim success on that front demonstrates the human rights dialogue will continue president she offered that so in this respect there's common ground for a further joint approach but that does not mean that there is agreement on these questions. indecent that you could call it a checkbook crutch for a next door neighbor russian president vladimir putin today granted a 1500000000 dollar loan to bell reuss it came after face to face talks in sochi with the embattled president alexander lukashenko the leader is facing
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unprecedented anti-government demonstrations back home he is looking to moscow for support. it was smiles all around as russian president vladimir putin offered his better reception counterpart alexander lukashenko a seat in the face to face talks in sochi are the 1st since location co claimed the presidential election in august extending his controversial 26 year grip on power in belarus location co has had a lasting relationship with moscow since he 1st took office in may 994 when he signed agreements with then presidents boris yeltsin to integrate into a political and economic union with russia but he didn't fully implement it now look it could be forced to fully commit to the terms of the agreement placing his country under the aegis of russia during the talks hootin valve to stand even
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closer with the question co. russia remains true to all of our agreements including the agreements stemming from the union states treaty and the collective security treaty organization we see below risk as our closest ally and obviously as i've told you in our numerous phone conversations we will fulfill every obligation to. issue you to what appeared to be a warning to antigovernment protesters back in that a risk the main thing is not to cross the line there's a red line and you are familiar with this even more than myself you had to draw these lines in chechnya when you were a young president i remember that and god forbid this happens in belarus but there are certain red lines nobody has the right to cross. a creek unprecedented protests sweeping batteries are now
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in the 6 week an estimated 150000 people turned out in minsk alone at the weekend the aim is clear they want to. just look at from power. the united nations is receiving describe to us at lawman reports of the repression of peaceful demonstrations the un human rights council has agreed to an e.u. proposal to cool an emergency meeting to discuss the anti-government uprising in an heiress. or has a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world doctors here in berlin treating russian opposition leader alexina vali say his condition has improved and that he's now able to get out of bed for short periods of time the german government says labs in sweden and france have now confirmed german findings that the volley was poisoned with these soviet era nerve agent know each other british lawmakers are expected to pass a bill to override part of their countries breaks it agreement prime minister boris
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johnson says it's unacceptable that the deal would impose different customs rules on northern ireland from the rest of the u.k. but critics say tearing up an international agreement would be more damaging to the u k. greek officials have again accused migrants of starting the fires that destroyed europe's largest refugee camp on the island of lesbos last week the flames left more than 12000 people with nowhere to live well they are now being urged to move into newly erected temporary shelters but many people fear the new camp will be no better then the west. at the back of a long line of hungry people waiting has become part of life on the island of last boss the front aid workers handout bags of food. since the more you camp down migrants have been camping out on the streets they return to roadside to eat
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is a simple but desperately needed meal and soon it will be time to start queuing for the next. images from the asho new shelter tense for thousands left homeless hundreds have already been resettled in sites like this but others fame even to new camps would just perpetuate of their misery if the good to new cham maria again is to start about to me we experience a one year morea i think it's the enough to be able to stay despite the village because he's defining physical features. protesters demand to be allowed to leave less pass nearly $400.00 unaccompanied children have already left these women and children appealed to germany to get them off the island too. in berlin germany's foreign minister said it plans to help more homeless families. but there
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are a lot of voices in germany that have expressed a willingness to help those in distress in moria for in addition to is taking it in unaccompanied minus mention in the words in movie outs we have was. greek authorities who. to move on migrants off the streets and into new camps by the end of the week but these processes say as long as they are on less boss they will never be truly free. space researchers have encountered potential signs of life on venus they've detected faustin gas in the clouds surrounding one of our nearest planetary neighbors it could have originated from a number of sources but researchers are not ruling out the presence of life. is there life in the clouds around venus. it's too early to tell but an international research team has discovered
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a clue the rare gas fos feen on earth it's produced by microbes who live in low oxygen environments. telescopes in chile and hawaii spotted the gas by its chemical signature. phosphate in molecules in venus is clouds absorb short wave radio waves that exist in the lower atmosphere but can the gas really come from microorganisms. the researchers explicitly say that they are not in the position to state that they've discovered life in venus is atmosphere. could result from national processes like lightning volcanic activity or for other reasons most of any of his. income if there really are microorganisms in venus's clouds they would be hearty beings indeed those clouds are full of self you're accosted which is fine full to life.
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whether there is truly life in those clouds must be confirmed by further observation a russian space probe is expected to reach venus is surface in the coming decade. you know 0 watching the w. news live from berlin rob what's up next with the w. business stick around he'll be right back. every day. for us and for our planet. global ideas is on its way to bring you more conservation. how do we make cities scream or how can we protect animals and their habitats. to the least. we can make a difference by choosing reforestation who through divorce tradition recently
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introduced news this morning new solutions for steamed sitting over the years it is truly unique and we know that their uniqueness is one allows us to within survive good why do you see the important issue in global 3000 on g.w. and don't. take talks owners make their choice software company oracle appears to have been chosen by by chance to take over its u.s. army after president trump ordered the business be sold. and it's already cost b.w. billions now diner agrees to a major settlement to see off claims it cheats a diesel emissions tests in the u.s. . faces to doing business on robots in berlin it's great to have you with us software company oracle appears to have won the race to take over the u.s.
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arm of video up tick tock the company has confirmed its part of a proposal submitted to the white house by tick-tock and a bite downs u.s. government says it will review the plans having ordered the sale of the us business by dance rejected a bit from microsoft on this let's speak to alison stewart alan who is c.e.o. of london based international marketing partners which advises organizations on how to expand worldwide alison oracle may not be known to many of viewers know and ordinarily a business software company is it a good fit for tick tock. well one could argue the only reason it might be a good fit is because oracle supplies all of the sort of cloud computing technology so that all of the information that tick tock gathers about its users their habits their preferences about what types of short form video they like it's there almost like a data organizing company and so you could imagine making the case that maybe that's
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where the fit is however it seems a much more obvious fit with microsoft because microsoft has experience of engaging with and selling to consumers like us whereas oracle's experience is really with businesses they don't really understand consumer marketing in the same way they have interesting to hear from buy downs why they've made this decision but if they do divest their american business can they be successful without it well that's a really good question i mean obviously the global population without the united states is still a very big number so i have no doubt at all that china and the bike dance owners tick tock owners will want to look at other opportunities you know markets in southeast asia in terms of short form video and entertainment and social
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media are exploding with enthusiasm and there's huge opportunity there there's opportunity in india although currently tick tocks not legally allowed and their opportunities throughout the rest of the world so even if the u.s. market is closed to them they've got plenty of other opportunities in a lot of other places meanwhile back in the u.s. what is it about tick tocks that has had the likes of microsoft clamoring to get control of it. well numbers is really what it's all about and data so we know that in the social media world it's all about the data and given the number of users that tic toc has microsoft would be in heaven if it could access that kind of target population of customers they might want x. boxes in the future they might want video games they might want some of the where's
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that microsoft sells so you're presenting microsoft in a lot of ways with an added customer base that maybe they otherwise wouldn't have had and therefore profits that come with that but it appears that oracle has won this race we'll see what the white house makes of those proposals alison stewart allan from international marketing partners thank you for joining us thank you. to some of the other business stories making the news. google says it plans to switch to carbon free energy sources by 2030 that means it's offices and data centers will all run on renewable sources of power the company says it will need to create 5 gigawatts of new carbon free generation capacity to reach that goal. and u.s. mobile network for rise in this to buy truck phone or a specialist in cellular prepaid services the deal is said to be worth up to $7000000000.00 and will see $21000000.00 customers move to horizon that would put
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the company ahead of rival team. german car make a dime that has agreed to pay $1500000000.00 to settle emissions cheating allegations in the united states the u.s. government and california accuse the sadie's maker of using test defeating software they also say the company sold a quarter of a 1000000 non-compliant cars and vans to u.s. customs. today's settlement with time or since a clear and strong message to manufacturers and consumers alike the trumpets ministration will vigorously enforce our nation's laws designed to protect the environment and public health let's cross to our correspondent in new york quarter sarah's dime liz how does this compare with what we saw with v.w. in the u.s. . first of all it's a smaller case if you compare it specially to folks there were about 600000 cars
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involved with diamond or it's as you mentioned around 250000 and i think what is also important that di miller is denying the allegations so that might be important for possible future claims and cases and then $1500000000.00 a clearly that is a lot of money but that also what diameter pretty much expected past months that this would be the amount we're talking about expected what sort of damage is this doing to the reputation of german car makers in the u.s. . what german carmakers try to do prior to the scandals was to establish diesel vehicles more here in the united states diesels are not that popular here in the countries still coming to diesel cars that might be a bit of a setback but then again if i just ran into someone here and he told me he just
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bought a german car in the past week and so i would say it did not harm the image of a german car makers overall in the long term and if you a saw what happens after the scandals came out sales actually have been pretty stable. with the ground in new york thanks for bringing us up to date. now france's prime minister is edging businesses to get on board with coronavirus rescue plans the government has set out how it intends to spend $100.00. helping the economy recover from the pandemic. french prime minister john kass tax here visiting a factory near paris is calling on companies to sign part time employment agreements the coronavirus wiped out more than $700000.00 jobs in france in the 1st half of the year the government is responding with a new 100000000000 euro recovery program to fight layoffs. i urge you
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to quickly sign a massive number of long term part time work agreements between now and november 1st exact back to the. dog in addition to fostering social dialogue these agreements protect jobs give your employees prospects and help you as employers to preserve your know how you get bald. plays out of evil so for companies that sign up the government will pay 93 percent of employees net salary even if they're no longer working full time similar reduced hours schemes in germany have kept hundreds of thousands of employees from being laid off. the french central bank expects the country's economy to shrink by almost 9 percent this year less than the 11 percent predicted a few months ago damage limitation is the best friends can hope for in the throes of a pandemic. meanwhile the year is called on china to make further concessions on market
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access as part of its investment agreement between the 2 powers officials germany's angela merkel and chinese president xi jinping discussed economic relations in a video conference on monday e.u. firms have long complained about chinese companies having easier access to european markets than the other way round however some european businesses say they'd be lost without chinese support. german made kitchens like those from prague and paul are among the best worldwide now though the 120 year old half it based kitchen maker has been taken over by a chinese company down from port import to ensure the books employ could survive and stay here in half and long term we have to look for a buyer. the coronavirus crisis certainly sped up the process. halford is in westphalia one of germany's strongest economic regions the area's business association is concerned about the number of potential takeover candidates
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their companies struggling due to the pandemic doesn't tend to sizing i mean i don't know if it's a trend but we're clearly keeping an eye on things. we support open borders and so foreign investors are very welcome of course we expect our investors in china to receive the same open markets and conditions as here that's not the case in all sectors though for 4. or 5 totem pole is not a one off after running into financial difficulties some years ago bealefeld based sewing machine manufacturer to do a cop was taken over by chinese investors some fear that the chinese would steal the company's peyton's and stop producing its machines in asia but few wins for us in group it was a really good move it represented strategic progress a step in the right direction under our chinese oda we've made substantial developments and been very successful. here for quite
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a while because nonetheless the local chamber of commerce fears that chinese companies could stop buying up large numbers of ailing german companies china is investing billions world white and its german companies are big favorites. and i remind of our top story software company oracle appears to have been chosen by byte damns to take over its u.s. arm after president trying to order the business be sold off also for me in the business team in berlin thanks a lot for joining us. clearing
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mines in ukraine one step at a time many young highly qualified people want to free their country from land mines and booby trapped. there even retraining to do it. on the job sixteen's a week away from their families. while driving them close up. in 60 minutes on w.
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. we can see them. sometimes. from. what connects people or the more it separates from. no there's so much that they can be torn down. we celebrate the 30th anniversary of germany's from. october 3rd w. like. oh. my god says love. for the russians so. there's still. so many different walks of life. some are pumping and honestly trying but
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all of them come straight from the heart of the next corner see deep in what is no more delicious the mushroom in truth to come. from the 1st to the last to their final resting place the russians long d.w. documentary. this is state of the news africa coming up on the program zimbabwe's famous feast on sets in future blocks promised are worried about losing golan the gap because it's unclear how the government's plans to compensate local white farmers who lost yes all are still losing and our correspondent in harare told us what's at stake for the country's. production if i were exporting farmers like this one in the northern part in bob we could pick up if the government there for the food.


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