tv DW News Deutsche Welle September 16, 2020 10:00am-10:31am CEST
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we need common data. collection in the field of energy and health care for example which will boost the activity of research clusters businesses research centers must be able to access in a secure way the state and use its potential reach this is why in the context of next generation e.u. we will be establishing a european cloud on the basis of guy white. the 2nd area that we must focus on. is technology itself in particular artificial intelligence. now whether it's for persuasion farming precision health care and early diagnosis and health care or autonomous driving. ai opens up whole new worlds for us it's truly fantastic but these worlds needs to be regulated to algorithms must not create any black boxes and there must be clear
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rules and procedures when things go wrong. the european commission will be proposing a new european law. in this field which will tackle the issue of supervision of personal data and control of personal data every time we access a website and it asks us to establish a new digital identity or set up a user profile or to register on my platform the fact is we simply don't know what will happen to our data we must put a stop to this. and. this is why the european commission well come forward with a proposal for a new secure digital identity one that we can really trust and that citizens can use europe wide for everything whether it's right renting
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a bicycle or paying taxes. and identity that you have full control over where you can control the data that is transferred and how it is used that is our idea of a technology focused and centered around people. for the service of people in the 3rd focal point in infrastructure. we must keep up with the racing pace of technology and if we want to build a europe that is on an equal footing with other lists then we simply cannot allow 40 percent of people in for all areas to still be lagging behind when it comes to broadband access broadband connections are. thingy foundation for home learning home shopping home office working and many of the services that are now being offered online without broadband it's simply impossible to run
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a business these days or to expand a business so. fast data connections are a basis a requirement and an opportunity for rural areas to develop it's only with this technology that rural areas will finally be able to exploit that potential and attract investment and population. generation the investment leap that we're going to see through this next generation of use is a one time opportunity it's a once in a lifetime opportunity to move forward with development and less fail this is why we want to focus on secure a connection to vittie developing 5 g. 6 g. and last 5 last. night we need to use this opportunity to come up with a common approach for connectivity and the development of digital infrastructure in
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europe now none of this is an end in itself so this is about no less than europe's digital sovereignty but it isn't enough. and in this context i'm very pleased to announce 8000000000 investment in super computer technology this will be high tech made in europe. and. we wish for european industry to be able to develop its own drive for investment in digital economy one that will allow us to use data in a way that is energy efficient and 6. you're all digital all this and more for me really is part of this digital europe it's just him on a board members listen if we really press on the accelerator pedal no we must live
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in a confidential that we remain at it our principle we allow that here retains control over its future so it's the course for its future we have everything we need in order to realise this dream law states that industry is going to come clamoring for a plan and that plan is now in place there's never been a better time to invest in technology across europe from severe to less than. across the country continent we want to open new digital classed as we have the idea we have the investment power to be truly successful in this field science which is why the next 20 percent of the next generation a huge budget will be one marked for digital development site and with this we hope to propel europe into the digital age on the basis of our values our strengths and
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ambitions. honorable members. europe is determined to use this transition to build the world we want to live in and that of course extends well beyond our external borders the pandemic has similar tenuously shown both the fragility of the global system and the importance of corporation to tackle collective change and in the face of the crisis some around the world choose to retreat into isolation others actively destabilize the system europe chose to reach out our leadership is not about self-serving propaganda. it is not about europe 1st it is about being the 1st to seriously answer the call when it is needed in the pandemic
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european planes delivering fellows and tons of protective equipment landed everywhere from sudan to afghanistan somalia to venezuela we know not all of us of us will ever be safe until all of us are safe and we know wherever we live whatever we have there has to be access affordable and safe access to vaccines treatments and diagnostics at the beginning of the pandemic there was no funding there was no global framework for covered $1000.00 vaccine there was just a rush to be the 1st one to get one and this was the moment when the european union stepped up to lead the global response with civil society with g. 20 with w.h.o. and others we brought more than 40 countries together to raise
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16000000000 euros to finance research on vaccines on tests on treatments for the whole world and this is europe's unmatched convening power we can be so proud of it is not enough to find a vaccine we need to make sure that european citizens and those around the world have access to it and just this month the european union joined the covered global facility and contributed 400000000 euro to help ensure that safe sex scenes are available not only for those who can afford it but for everyone who needs it because we know. vaccine nationalism puts lives at risk so only vaccine corporation saves lives and.
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honorable members we are firm believers in the strength and value of cooperate in international bodies it is with a strongly united nation that we can find long term solutions for crisis like libya and syria it is with a strong world health organization that we can better prepare and respond to global pandemics or local outbreaks be it coronal able and it is with a strong world trade organization that we can ensure a fair competition for all but the truth is also that the need to revitalize and to reform the multilateral system has never been so urgent our global system has grown into a creeping paralysis major powers are either pulling out
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or they're taking the institutions hostage for their own interests and neither road will lead anywhere yes we need change but we need change by design and not by destruction of our international system. one and this is why i want the european union to lead reforms m w h o n w t o so that they are fit for today's world but we know that multilateral reforms take time and in the meantime the world will not stop without any doubt there is a clear need for europe to take clear positions and quick actions on global affairs 2 days ago. the latest e.u.
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china leaders' meeting took place the relationship between the european union and china is similar tenuously one of the most strategically important and one of the most challenging we have and from the outset we have said china is a negotiating partner an economic competitor and a systemic rival we have interests in common on issues such as climate change and china has shown it is willing to engage through a high level dialogue but we expect also china to live up to his commitments in the paris agreement and to lead by example in the economic field there's still hard work to do on a fair market access for european companies reciprocity and overcapacity and we
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continue to have an unbalanced trade and investment partnership. and there is no doubt that we promote very different systems of governance and society we believe in the universal value of democracy and the rights of the individual europe is certainly not without issues think for example of growing anti semitism. but criticism and opposition we discuss them here are publicly criticism and opposition are not only accepted but they are legally protected there is an open debate about all these issues so we must call out human rights abuses whenever and wherever they occur be it on hong kong or be it with the u.a.e. course.
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but what holds us back why are you even see even simple statements and your values delayed watered down or held hostage for other motives when members states say europe is too slow i say be courageous and finally move to a qualified majority voting at least on showmen rights and sanctioned implementation. this house has called many times for european magnitsky act and i can announce that we will now come forward with a proposal we need to complete our toolbox. one
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of the members butin hong kong moscow minsk europe must take a clear and swift position and i want to say it loud and clear the european union is on the side of the people of belarus. we have all been moved by the immense courage of those peacefully gathering in the independence square or taking part in the field as women's march the elections that brought them into the streets were neither free nor fear and the brutal response by the government ever since has been shameful. the people of belarus must be free to decide their own future for themselves they are
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not pieces on someone else's chess watch. and to those that advocate closer ties with russia i say that the poisoning of alexei navalny with an advanced chemical agent is not a one off we have seen the pattern in georgia and in ukraine in syria and south very and then election meddling around the world and this pattern is not changing and no pipeline will change that. turkey is and will always be an important neighbor but while we are close together on the map the distance between us appears to be growing yes turkey
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is in a troubled neighborhood and yes it is hosting millions of refugees for which we support them with considerable funding but none of this is justification for attempts to intimidate their neighbors. our member states cyprus and greece can always count on europe's full solidarity on protecting lare their legitimate sever enmity rights. 11. the escalation in the eastern mediterranean is in our mutual interest the return of exploratory vessels to turkish forest in the past few days is a positive step in this direction this is necessary to create the much needed space for dialogue refraining from unilateral actions and resuming talks
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in good faith is the only path forward the only path to stability and lasting solutions honorable members as well as responding more assertively to global events europe must deepen and refine its partnerships with its friends and allies and this starts with revitalizing our most enduring partnerships. we might not always agree with recent decisions of the white house but we will always cherish the transatlantic alliance based on shared values and history and an unbreakable bond between our people. so whatever met what may happen later this year we are ready to build a new transatlantic agenda to strengthen our bilateral partnership be it on trade
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and tackle taxation and we are ready to work together on reforming the international system we built together jointly with like minded partners. for our own interests and in the interest of the common good we need new beginnings with old friends on both sides of the atlantic. and on both sides of the channel the scenes in this very room when we held hands and sang goodbye with all the lang's zein spoke a 1000 words and they showed an affection for the british people that will never fade but with every day that passes the chances for one timely agreement do start to fade. negotiations are always difficult and we are used to that and the
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commission has the best and most experienced negotiator michel barnier to navigate us through that but talks have not progressed as the we would have wished and that leaves us very little time as ever as ever this house will be the 1st to know and it will be the one that has the last say and i can assure you we will continue to update you sorrily just as we did with the withdrawal agreement. this withdrawal agreement took 3 years to negotiate. and we worked really lent to sleep on it line by line word by word and together we succeeded and the result guarantees our citizens' right financial interests the integrity of the single market and crucially the good friday agreement and the european union and the u.k.
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joint agreed it was the best and only way for ensuring peace on the island of ireland and we will never backtrack on that and this agreement has been ratified by this house and by the house of commons it cannot be unilaterally changed disregarded or does apply this is a matter of law and try and go to place. and that is not just me saying it i remind you of the words of margaret thatcher i quote britain does not break treaties it would be bad for britain bad for relations with the rest of the world and bad for any future treaty on trade and of quote this was true then and this is true today.
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elaine. trust is the foundation of any strong partnership and europe will always be ready to build strong partnerships with our closest neighbors this starts with the western balkans the decision 6 months ago to open accession negotiations with albania north macedonia was surely historical indeed. the future of the whole region lies in the european union we share the same history we share the same destiny the western balkans a part of europe and they're not just a stop over on the silk road we will soon present an economic recovery package for the western balkans focusing on him a number of regional investment initiatives and we will be there for the eastern partnership countries and our partners in the southern neighborhood to help create
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jobs and kick start the economies when i came into office i chose for the very 1st trip outside the european union to visit the african union and it was a natural choice it was a natural choice and it was a very clear message because we are not just neighbors but we are natural partners 3 months later i returned with my entire college to set out the priorities far nuestra that e.g. with africa it is a partnership of equals where both sides share opportunities and responsibilities africa will be a key partner in building the world we want to live in whether it is on climate digital or trade honorable members we will continue to believe in open and fair
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trade across the world not as an end in itself but as a way to deliver prosperity at home and promote the values and standards more than 600000 jobs in europe are tied for example to the trade was japan and our recent agreement with vietnam alone helped secure his story labor rights for millions of workers in the country. we will use our diplomatic strength and economic clout to broker agreements that make a difference such as the designating maritime protected areas in the ant arctica this would be one of the biggest acts of environmental protection in history we will form high ambition polish and so on issues such as the digital ethics of fighting deforestation and we will develop partnerships with all like minded partners from asian democracies to australia africa the americas and anyone else
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who wants to join we will work on just globalization we cannot take this for granted we must insist on fairness and a level playing field and europe will always move forward alone or with partners to do that i want to come back to the carbon border just mechanism carbon must have its price because nature cannot pay this price anymore and this carbon border adjustment mechanism should motivate foreign producers and e.u. importers to reduce their carbon emissions while ensuring that we level the playing field in a w.t. or compatible way and the same principle applies to digital taxation we will spare no effort to reach agreement on the framework of always c.d.n. g 20 but let there be no doubt should an agreement fall short of
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a fair tax system that provides long term sustainable revenues europe will come forward with a proposal early next year i want europe to be a global advocate for that. one of our members if europe is to play a vital role in the world. it must also create new vitality inside and to move forward we must now overcome the differences that held us back historic agreement on next generation the us shows that it can be done and the speed with which we took decisions on fiscal rules state aid or sure all this shows it can be done so let's do it migration is an issue that has been discussed long enough
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migration has always been a fact for europe and it will always be throughout centuries it has defined our societies it has enriched our cultures and it has shaped many of our lives and this will always be the case as we all know the 2015 migration crisis caused many deep divisions between member states with some of those scars still healing today. a lot has been done since but a lot is still missing if we are all ready to make compromises without compromising on our principles we can find a solution next week the commission will put forward it's packed on migration
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we will take a sure men and humane approach and their principles. saving lives at sea is not optional. t. . and those fan trees who fulfill their leader and more duties or are more exposed than others must be able to rely on the solidarity of our whole european union. we will ensure a closer link between asylum and richer we have to make a clear distinction between those who have the right to stay and those who do not we will take action to fight smugglers strengthen external borders deepen external partnerships and create legal pathways and we will make sure
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that people who have the right to stay are integrated and made to feel welcome they have a future to build and skills and argy and talent i think of sweat. the teenage syrian refugee who arrived in here of dreaming of being a medical doctor within 3 years she was awarded a prestigious scholarship from the royal college of surgeons in ireland. i think of the libyan and somalian refugee doctors who offered their medical skills the moment the pandemic stuck in france and last year i told you of the story of morris whom i had the honor to meet he is studying physics today in europe honorable members if we think about what they have overcome and what they have
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achieved then we simply must be able to manage the question of migration together. the images of the morea camp are a painful reminder of the need for europe to come together. everybody has to take a step up here and take responsibility and the commission will just do that the commission is now working on a plan for joint tyler with the greek authorities for a new camp unless those we can assist with asylum and return proces and significantly improve the conditions for the refugees but i want to be clear if we step up then i expect all member states to step up to migration as a european challenge and home of europe. we
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must rebuild the trust among us and move forward together and this trust is at the very heart of our union and the way we do things together it is anchorage and our founding values our democracies and then our community of law as. used to say. this is not an abstract term the rule of law helps protect people from the rule of the powerful it is the guarantor of our most basics of everyday rights and freedoms it allows us to give our opinion and to be informed by a free press before the end of the month.
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