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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  September 16, 2020 10:30am-11:00am CEST

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we must rebuild the trust among us and move forward together and this trust is at the very heart of our union and the way we do things together it is anchorage and our founding values our democracies and then our community of law as vita have used to say. this is not an abstract term the rule of law helps protect people from the rule of the powerful it is the guarantor of our most basics of everyday rights and freedoms it allows us to give our opinion and to be informed by a free press before the end of the month the commission will adopt the 1st annual rule of law report covering all member states it is a preventive tool for early detection of challenges and for finding solutions
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i want this to be a starting point for commission parliament and member states to ensure there is no backsliding the commission attaches the highest importance to the rule of law and this is why we will ensure that money from our budget and next generation e.u. is protected against any kind of fraud corruption a conflict of interest this is non-negotiable. but the last months have also reminded us how fragile it can be we have a duty to always be vigilant to care and nurture for the rule of law and breaches of the rule of law cannot be tolerated i will continue to the vendor and the
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integrity of our european institutions. be it about the primacy of european law the freedom of the press the independence of the judiciary all this sale of golden passports europeans values are not for sale. was. none of our members these values are more important than ever i say that because when i think of the state of the union i am reminded of the words of john schumer one of the great europeans who sadly passed away this year if so many people live in peace today on the island of ireland it is in large part because of his unwavering believe in true manatee and conflict resolution used to say
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that conflict was about difference and that peace was about respect for difference and as he seraglio reminded this house in 1908 and i quote the european visionaries decided that difference is not a threat difference is natural difference is the essence of humanity and of quote and these words are just as important today as they ever have been because when i look around we ask ourselves where is the essence of humanity when 3 children and wisconsin watch their father shot by the police while they sit in the car where is the essence of humanity
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when anti-semitic carnival questions openly parade in our streets where is the essence of humanity. when every single day roma people are excluded from society and others have back simply because of the color of their skin or their religious belief i am proud to live in europe in this open society of values and diversity but even here in this union these stories are daily reality for so many people and this reminds us that progress on fighting racism and hate is prejudice it is hard won but very easily lost so now is the moment to make change to build a truly anti-racist union that goes from condemnation to action and the
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commission is putting forward an action play plan to start making that happen as part of this we will propose to extend the list of crimes to all our forms of hate crime and hate speech whether because of race religion gender or sexuality hate is hate and no one should have to put up with that one. we will strengthen our racial in equality laws where there are gaps we will use our budget to address discrimination in era such as employment housing or health care we will get tough on and force meant when implemented station lags behind because in this year of new orleans fighting racism will never be optional.
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we will improve education and knowledge on the historical cultural causes of racism we will tackle unconscious biases that exist in people in institutions well yes and even in algorithms and we will appoint the commission's 1st ever anti rise racism coordinator to keep this at the top of our agenda and to have directive with people civil society and institutions honorable members. i will not rest when it comes to building a union of equality a union way you can be who you are and love who you want without fear and recrimination.
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because being yourself is not your ideology it is your identity and no one can ever take it away so i want to be crystal clear l g b t q i've tree zones are sure manatee tree zones and they have no place in our union. a deal. and to make sure that we support the whole community the commission will soon put
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forward a strategy to strengthen l g b t q i writes as part of this. i will also push for mutual recognition of family relations in the e.u. because if you are a parent in one country you are of course a parent in every country i. mesdames you miss your lady pretty. donna karan over all of you. don't know some zuni. even nitish in diversity and diversity. a world where we work together overcome our differences and when we support each other in the difficult times. we are talking about a world of tomorrow that is stronger more respectful more healthy and world that we
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are building to leave to our children. while we are teaching our children how to live they are teaching us what life means that this year has shown that more than ever. there are millions of young people who are calling on us to enact change for a healthier planet. for the hunters the thousands of children who put up beautiful rainbow in their windows as a sign of solidarity all across europe. there is one image that has really stayed with me over these last 6 months it is an image which shows us the world through the eyes of our children. that is the image of carla and we thought here the 2 young girls who were playing tennis on the roof of league
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in italy during the lockdown. it was not just their courage and their talent shining through in this image but it is also a lesson that they can teach us it is a lesson to you never give up when faced with obstacles that you should now. let conventions i hold you back and that you should always seize the moment that is what i don't have a thought here and all the young people of europe teach every day about how to live this is the future generation of europeans next generation. this year europe has taken up their example and made a step forward together when we needed to find a way forward for our future we did not let out dated conventions hold back when we
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. felt the fragility around us we seized the moment to give fresh impetus to our union. when we have the opportunity to go it alone as we have done in the past we chose to use the full strength of the 27 to give all 27 a chance for the future. we have shown that we are in this together and that we will overcome this together ladies and gentlemen members of parliament the future will be what will make is it and europe will be what we want it to be we should stop trying to break it down and instead build it to make it stronger and to build the world that we want to live in
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long live europe i live ok thank. your was live from berlin you're getting live coverage right now from brussels where in a wide ranging speech heavy on numerous internal and global issues president. has delivered her 1st. state of the union speech recapping some main points for you now the president touched on the need for the block to prepare for future health crises like the coronavirus and also highlighted the need for economic stability in the wake of the crisis urging members to deepen the e.u. monetary union while also calling for continuing labor reforms on the climate fine line said the you needed to go faster to achieve climate goals and propose raising carbon emission reduction targets significantly should also touch on plans to
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invest in digitalisation and ai with the creation of a new e.u. superpower a supercomputer rather fun line also touted a new migration pact you to be unveiled next week ok let's go to brussels live now for more from his bureau chief there alexandra phenomena alexandra a wide ranging speech there european commission president said she wants to move the e.u. from fragility to vitality what struck you most about her path to get there. well i think what was very interesting was to see how she really managed to to send a positive message how she was trying to convince the members of the european parliament that the european union can and should emerge stronger more resilient out of the pandemic crisis and how she was insisting that the european union should take
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a leadership role in terms of climate change with regards to the climate change she announced that the commission is proposing to increase the target of emissions reduction of to 55 percent in 2030 and she also was saying that the european union now after this this crisis or in the middle of this crisis has a chance to be a leader with regards regards to digital transformation and she made quite a huge number of very concrete proposals one of them told leishman of a secure digital identity that the u.s. citizens could use a word that we are talking about riding a bicycle of or paying taxes ok the results of some very specific suggestions are from her from also getting to a global vaccine to fight the pandemic and moving into the future for potentially other vaccines as well what does she have to say there. what she was once again
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talking important to coordinate the efforts and what i found very interesting maybe not surprising but very telling is that talking about what is important for europe and how you rolf is standing for solidarity she also mentioned the white house and . the u.s. president and he's america 1st policy without mentioning his name she said that europe is dog. about putting up 1st. is for standing for all nations working together to overcome this coronavirus pandemic but she was also criticizing the us by saying that there are major forces that are pulling out of international institutions that are taking those into institutions hostage at times where we need we have to work together and to strengthen
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international institutions for example like the w. h. o. the commission president also touched on some of the challenges facing european union right right now some old wounds from the migration crisis for example there are still healing. well that it's true was a funding lie and talked about the refugee crisis she talked about the situation on the greek island of course what's going on in moria and. here once again she stressed how important it is to show solidarity with those who needs refuge but at the same time how important it is for the european member states to be together and to come together on this issue and to work together to solve this crisis. phenomena in brussels live we're on the line has just learned her 1st state
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of the union address thanks very much for now alexandra. and with me here in the studio richard walker our chief international richard a lot on the plate here and this went far longer than we expected she said she wasn't doing the details but we have plenty of them online saying it's all about european values strengths and ambitions you know broadly where does she want to take the european union i mean it was striking wasn't it we were we started to look at the clock close to the hour mark and i think she hit one hour and 17 minutes at the end and it's usually 3 languages even rivals some of the longest u.s. state of the union speeches but i think i would agree with alexander what she just said at the beginning there about trying to present you know opposed to a message while at the beginning of the speech she acknowledged the kind of trauma that europe has been going through and is still going through in the anxiety the people feel i think you know
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a big part of her speech was about projecting confidence. i think a key line that she made early on in this speech that she's saying that this is now the moment to make change happen by design not by design or by dictate from others so this is like a kind of declaration of ok we've got so far so far so good we've had some big problems but we're kind of we feel like we're fairly on top of the pandemic at the moment we need to be thinking about the future and also need to be kind of marrying what europe has learned from the pandemic to the commitments that they already had and i think maybe the kind of overarching themes that you could say on that front was well being. held she also mentioned physical health. beyond that well being in the health area well being in society and the economy and well being for the planet and i think that was kind of the thread flowing through her speech because it was
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the whole speech didn't absolutely it certainly did let's take a listen now to that to a fine line on the issue of the coronavirus and and how to deal with the pandemic. so for me it is crystal clear we need to build a stronger european health union it is time to do that. and to start making this a reality we must now draw the 1st lessons from the health crisis we need to make our new efore you for health program future proof and this is why i had proposed to increase funding and i'm grateful that this parliament is ready to fight for more funding and remedy the cuts made by the european council. of future proof health plan how does she want to get there that is very ambitious goal well i think that has given the question that we posed that almost every step along this beach
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you know you have your theme of well being but ok how do you achieve it it was interesting how she talked about this because she she she talked back about the early stages of crisis and i think many people remember and in the 1st few weeks or couple of months of the crisis there was a lot of controversy in europe that countries were going their own way they were doing their own thing they were closing the borders they were look at they were holding on to their own kind of protective gear of the p.p. either the health systems needed. funding line kind of talked about the moment where europe really tried to get back on top of that but she said that she chief that and the european union achieved that despite not having the powers to do so and that now is the time to start saying all right the e.u. needs to have central power as a relating to this health area and there are some things which were quite specific like saying that she wants to strengthen bodies like the e.c. d.c. that's european sentiment disease control so more centralization and to address issues like there were inadequate stockpiles that's right discretion to stop
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strategic stockpiles and a global health summit i found that a very interesting initiative yup that's something that she wants to hold initially next year she said that she's spoken to the italian government because this really will be chairing the g. 20 s. of the international grouping next year but whenever in the european union to get you get to a discussion about where the powers are held all they held by nation states or are they held centrally by the european union that is inevitably a huge discussion people don't like giving up power. it's going to be very difficult moving forward with this i mean there's going to be a lot of discussion necessary of the parliamentary level in strassburg words this was in brussels but at the commission as well how do you think her proposals are going to go down on the labor front i mean it sounded great you know a minimum wage for everyone but. couldn't that be disruptive economically in the european union where jobs flow to certain regions specifically because the labor rates are lower yeah it was interesting that she wasn't calling for
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a statutory for a legal minimum wage in every country she said that she's also that she said that she's particularly a fan of collective bargaining and bear in mind she's a conservative i mean this sounds like kind of social democratic question from is important to many of the so she's a conservative she's not saying that this has to come come via kind of legal measures but she's saying that she wants to see that across that you but again of course this is now up to individual countries whether they implement that but you know i think that she's using the bully pulpit effectively saying that you know the pandemic. as a whole has proven how successful the european kind of social market economy was cause of german term but she applied that kind more broadly to europe can be and that the implicit criticism was of the united states there were a number of. states alexandra mentioned. but essentially saying look what happened to me she didn't say this spell this out but implicitly look what happened in the
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united states is in big credibly precipitous. fall in employment. 8 digit numbers of people suddenly. getting unemployment benefit that that has not really happened in the e.u. because of this short time working scheme that was brought in on the level so essentially that the e.u. would would support going on to kind of cutting workers hours and subsidizing that to the companies and hailing that as a big success of european solidarity in this crisis the reason other success that. is looking at moving forward she wants to make the e.u. the leader in climate change the battle against climate change and meeting carbon reduction goals and cetera let's take a listen to what the commission president had to say on that we need to go faster and we need to do things better we looked in depth in every
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sector to see how how asked me could go and how to do it in a responsible evidence based way the european commission is proposing to increase the 2030 targets for emission reduction to at least 55 percent. ok that is a big change going from 40 to 55 percent by the end of the decade germany is going to have to lead on that certainly yet what i mean but she pointed out that only very recently she had received a letter from more than 100 business is calling for this level of ambition so she's really framing this is not something that's anti business or difficult necessarily but also a huge opportunity but i think here there were some quite interesting specifics for instance talking about how again coming back to this idea of kind of marrying getting out of the pandemic and recovering from the pandemic to these long term
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goals or trying to bring together this recovery fund with these green targets and she says that she wants 37 percent of the spending from the european green from the recovery fund to be on green deal goals and even using green bones as an investment mechanism to achieve that so quite interesting specifics that will be interesting to see what kind of take up like these dream bones get that the green bonds are going to be a big question moving for britain thanks very much for coming in on this our international chief international editor richard walker. let's get you up to date now on what's just happened european commission's chief your loaf on the line has delivered a lengthy and wide ranging 1st state of the union speech touching on healthy economy green issues digitization and migration she also called out human rights abuses of the rose and turkey. why have more again at the top of the hour on the speech as well as other international news for now though for me brian thomas of the entire team thanks so much for being with us you can find out more about this
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story at a web site you know if you got com you can also get more as well at our social media feeds on twitter facebook and instagram. thanks so much for being with us live from.
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the big guy just. 2012. the campaign against war crimes in uganda. a campaign that took the world by storm ahd. a campaign against to start a war. what is really behind confirmation coming. in 15 minutes on d w. every
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day counts for us and for our planet. global ideas is on its way to bring you more conservation law how do we make cities green. how can we protect habitat struggle we can make a difference to. the ideas the environmental series of little 3000 on t.w. and on my. we can. sometimes. sense land. walls. what connects people is stronger than what separates the. moon was so strong that they cannot be torn down. we
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celebrated the 30th anniversary of his regurgitation october 3rd on d. w. . my 1st vice like moses sewing machine. where i come from women are bound by this social tool something as simple as learning how to write them by side isn't. since i was the middle guy that i wanted to have them bisect the law of my home and it took me years to been. finally the game bob invention by me and by psychos and returns people sewing machines sewing i suppose was more apt pro-create for those than writing i'm biased as no i want to meet those women back home bloodhounds by their duties and social norms and informed them own dead basic rights my name is the amount of people and i work at speeds of.
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the. this is d. w. news lawyer from berlin european commission president ursula fall in the law and gives a wide ranging 1st state of the union address from migration and digitization to emerging from the pandemic in the future do you why the health program will break down what she did and didn't say also on the show. a new prime minister of.


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