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tv   Frag den Lesch  Deutsche Welle  September 16, 2020 1:45pm-2:01pm CEST

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i think all of us stack. this country or tiger or whatever is not the chirping of a sparrow. sound like that does something to our driver men are said to meet at your bellowing noise that signifies. the greatest disease this buzzing sound. india doesn't have such an immediate and powerful impact but it could come to signify another kind of power that's expressive in its own right i'm a power don't we don't the challenge is to develop that power for electric cars the shorts we elect to move we need to eat. disempower. car dealer benyamin dad it says a timid buzz just doesn't do it for him he loves the full throated growl and roar of $500.00 horsepower. feel good does it not matter too that's just part of it
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for many people with. the big engine big sound great sound like. that means performance passion fun behind the wheel when everything good and exciting about driving as you head into the sunset in your sports car dimwit's on and going for it. but how can a lector vehicles be fitted with a truly authentic sounding fake sound. in this we're going 151617 kilometers an hour the noise is minimal i'm going to tweak the sound quality. i've just boosted the higher frequencies. the new e.u. regulations says new electric cars will have to be quipped with an acoustic vehicle alerting system which makes a sound at low speed entering reversing. the. it's not that the e.u.
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wants to make the world sound better and cooler for us all it's about safety you have to be able to hear if an electric car is just 10 meters away heading at you or 20 kilometers an hour. and the sound has to be distinctive and easy to hear those fish caught on for one sound designer just want to shape the experience of those inside the car as well as outside it's also about branding. the spot i'm a 50 years ago most eighty's had a special distinctive sound and it had to do with the substance of the cars the sound was authentic just like it also came to stand for stability and safety those times over now you can fake everything so you keep wondering does anything actually sound like what it really is just. driving pleasure reliability safety and authenticity canis don't be designed to suggest all that.
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well it does seem like everything can be imitated reproduced or fake these days and often quite convincingly or the battery or combustion engine cars still roll along roads but if the entire journey were virtual across viruses decimated global terrorism there's one sector that stands to benefit from the pentagon and its associated travel bans are a virtual reality industry after all just because we can't travel doesn't mean we can be transported. headfirst into the virtual world can we really go on a journey without travelling and how does it feel i'm giving it a try. i've always travelled as a reporter but i've also travelled a lot in my free time i've backpacked through asia and australia. and i'm starting
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to get itchy feet again i wouldn't say that times have changed. i take a church to the id experts at the university of hamburg french dynaco runs a research group studying human computer interaction i'm going to take a trip in his virtual reality laboratory. teleport at the touch of a button i can fly anywhere i desire automatically and. i'm back at the old as a rock formation in the australian outback. or. the view is incredible. but it's not australia i can't feel the hot wind or hear any animals. i travel to the all goes almost 20 years ago we spent many a night out in the open it was a journey outside of my comfort zone and one on never forget it was hot and not all
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the animals were friendly you can ever have virtual experiences like that ok. we mostly experience things with our eyes and ears you have no sense of touch or temperature here to include all the senses you'd need to wear special equipment like a david suit data gloves and lots of cables that's not what we're aiming for and it's not really available yet anyway because it is but virtual reality does make more extreme traveling possible i can take a drive on the moon for example or i can climb mount everest things i could never do in real life. in the gaming industry as a cutting edge of virtual reality towards in one game well traveler my avatar randomly land somewhere on the planet my job is to figure out where i am.
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the tourism industry hardly uses virtual reality it's cool that it's dealing with other problems at the moment of the coronavirus pandemic and the other problems lie ahead technology is moving forward at every rapid pace many believe that in the not too distant future but will journeys will become competition for tourism in the real world. in the next 5 jane or 20 years and we'll have virtual worlds that you won't be able to distinguish from real life least in terms of sound insight as much so that means we'll have to develop a new sense to know if something's real or not exactly. it's interesting ethically i mean i always have to tell people that the reality is virtual real and we're always having problems like that today i can't tell if the nooses fake or a photos have been retouched and b. are technologies of the future will bring them to a whole new level. mixing up realities that won't happen to me it's easy for me to
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tell that this journey is virtual it's great but i feel sick now i need a break. sometimes your movement in the real world doesn't match what you're experiencing in the virtual world it can lead to a conflict of the senses you're visually experiencing something different than the body is going to lead to feeling a bit queasy that was exciting but i'd rather travel in the real world this year i'm going to go on a bike till it's good for social distancing and good for the environment. and while we're talking about 2 wheelers what comes to mind when you think about a motorcycle rally burly men clad in leather you may be behind the times the fact is more and more women are heeding the call the open road and in recent decades they've carved out their own space for clubs rallies and group rides and with them their own market brands are beginning to take notice.
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the wealth of money to buy one that's long been dominated by men. but this is a women only event they want to break the stereotype. rule and that's it's money cannot win by money you know your children partner at home called friends you haven't seen for a while get on your motorbike and head to pack for lads to do something that's just for you these guns out. 4 years ago if they were caught next founded what's now europe's biggest women only motorbike festival petra let. her aim was to get more women interested in motorbikes and to connect them with each other. and calling every year we see a handful of women who don't have motorbike licenses and who aren't into the scene and then they have a license and come by motorbike. and having an impact on the market since
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2011 the number of women with motorbike licenses in germany alone has risen by around a quarter to almost 5000000. but still more than twice as many men have money to buy clothes and it says the industry remains very male centric. it's difficult when you go into a store i wanted something for me with different sizes and i was kind of intimidated their only guys in the store there guys they don't like even talk to you or if i'm one of the roads with my friends. to introduce themselves to my friends but they don't even like shake my hand that's the name i don't the self awareness is growing and as a target group were taken more seriously but there's still a long way to. for the motorbike market gets more female friendly especially in terms of clothing so nothing since i've been snooping. in the past women were often
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just used as decoration to sell most to buy. but that's changing slowly the industry is taking note women by cars are a force to be reckoned with. these women are born to be wild the global motorcycle market is riding high worth some 100000000000 euros in 2018 it's expected to keep growing and that's done some pot to women. 2 wheels for wheels big car or small loud or quiet growth of transportation and travel is changing role getting from a to b. may be the main objective will never be the only reason for getting behind the wheel or the handlebars are glad that you came along for the ride today that's all for this week's made see you next time and the mean time to be sure to check us out
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cole africa. these freshly hatched seem turtles in an ivory coast are under threat . humans are their greatest enemies. but one in geo is working with researchers and the maritime police to protect them. saving the sea
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turtles a microscope. to come out for. 30 minutes g.w. . in the army of climate change. goodness of. much mr. klaas what ideas do they have a father future. cut. deep global news dot com traffic and legacy of the multimedia. click on an adventure. been told it is for me. is for. beethoven is for.
1:59 pm
beethoven is for. beethoven is for every one. beethoven 2020. 5th anniversary here on you know. every day just for us and for our pleasure. google ideas is on its way to bring you more conservation place how do we make seduced greener how can we protect animals and their habitats what to do with the following placed. we can make a difference by choosing reforestation over the forced recycling over disposable smart new solutions oberstein said in our latest good news truly unique and we know that uniqueness is what allows us to wear them survive. my ideas be
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a modern mental issues to global $3000.00 on g.w. am going. to. play. this is the w. news live from the european commission president sets out her vision for the blocks future we need to go fast and we need need to do things better. and the 1st state of the union speech was a follow on says commission's green the recovery plan can help the e.u. emerged from the coronavirus crisis stronger if everyone gets on board also on.


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