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tv   Frag den Lesch  Deutsche Welle  September 17, 2020 6:15pm-6:30pm CEST

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$7500.00 fans watch the match again shall go in 1st and this is just a german politicians agreed face week to allow up to 20 percent of stadium capacity has to be filled but local helpful forces have the final say on each game. in situ up to date i'll have more world news of the talk. show business update in just a minute. to. reach any kind of surprises. the old alex. to some tips for you to get in the footsteps of the race. in missouri. town the fleet street. car.
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3 times wanted to still very much alive. travel guides to specialists in germany. where exactly. learn a lot of cars culture history and. travel extremely worth a visit. a ticking time bomb as the pandemic sparked a debt emergency across africa experts warn the continent recession could trigger a global explosion. in the fight against coronavirus germany's is expanding to give the firm a head start in vaccine production. and the fall of or the wind in south africa
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which is running again after idling and locked down. this is v.w. business i'm going on in berlin thank you for joining us the world bank's chief economist says it's going to take 5 years for the global economy to recover from cove it carmen reinhart says that the pandemic represents the largest economic shock the world has experienced in decades the world bank predicts world the gross domestic product will fall 5.2 percent this year they recommend governments focus on strengthening health services and providing financial support to the private sector and citizens. but that's harder to do in some places than others the coronavirus has thrown africa into its worst economic crisis in decades the streams of revenue like raw materials and tourism have dried up along with the foreign currency that would have been generated as
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a result many african economies that burdens are bulging. economies across sub-saharan africa struggling to cope with the fallout from the pandemic some like kenya and tanzania have been hit hard by the collapse of the tourism industry oil rich angola and nigeria meanwhile losing revenue as exports to indulge you to record low prices debt loads in some sub-saharan countries are expanding so rapidly that they're becoming unmanageable the percentage of government expenditure that goes towards paying interest on loans has risen to more than 15 percent in the region that's around 5 times as much as in industrial nations it's a vicious circle the more interested country pays the less it has available to shore up its economy and health care system as a result to millions of people in sub-saharan africa facing unemployment and hunger
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and the region's most indebted countries are on the brink of bankruptcy. for it is an emerging market economists from capital economics she focuses on africa a seemingly intractable debt situation for the poorest african countries what's being done. thanks for having me to now indeed it is a grave economic health and social issue that we're all facing for africa it is certainly especially difficult in terms of debt relief and. relief efforts and it initiatives multilateral organizations and bilateral creditor is our attendance of parts of poorest countries and even the moment well once the i.m.f. for its part has. provided an emergency financing. for the
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smallest and poorest economies and africa all the way today the biggest and more and most industrialized industrialized ones including nigeria but it's important to stress that just as much as with this type of lending with other initiatives to there are limits to how much. external partners can support africa for example nigeria's i.m.f. emergency financing deal even the fund itself. acknowledged that it's not going to be enough to cover the country's financing needs there are also out there initiatives and the main suffering from the same problems the constraints for example bilateral creditors from the g 20 countries have offered to suspend payments. to about 7080 countries in africa and around the world i just want to jump in there sorry to interrupt but i really
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wanted to ask you about this point now some countries have decided not to take part in these games like the debt standstill scheme of the g 20 like ghana and kenya for example why do you think that is. indeed it is the case that some countries have kenya has been specially loud and. in stands it is worried that participating in the debt service suspension initiative would jeopardize its credit rating. just like kenya other countries might be worried about ratings downgrades. and in some cases this might be substantiated for example ethiopia west put on a review by ratings agencies and has seen its. great and negative territory so countries might be concerned that their access to
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financial markets might be compromised because i was surprised. a problem all around for issue as an emerging markets economist from capital economics thank you very much for your insights thank you for having me german biotech specialist biotech is buying a production facility in the german city of marburg from pharma giant novartis many analysts consider buying tech a leading contender in the race to produce a covert 1000 back seen at a press conference the company says it's working on a vaccine using messenger r.n.a. the drug is being developed in cooperation with pfizer and is currently in late stage testing pfizer has called the test successful so far with patients experiencing only minor side effects production of a vaccine is scheduled to begin in the 1st half of next year at an annual capacity
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of $750000000.00 doses the firm has contracts with governments around the world to supply the drug. our financial correspondent chelsea delaney has more. well beyond texas certainly one of the farthest along in terms of developing a chronic virus vaccine what they have said is that they do expect to submit data to the f.d.a. the u.s. regulator by the end of october along with their partner pfizer that means that it could potentially be approved by october or november and it's shipped out soon after that but it's important to keep in mind with this that even if it does get approved by november it won't be widely available to most people for for several more months the 1st doses from what we've heard would certainly go towards the most formidable populations and there would certainly have to be a ramp up period where beyond tech and pfizer are producing a lot more today's deal with certainly help help them with that but even with more
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capacity it would likely be mid 2021 late 2021 before everyone really is able to get it get a vaccine the president of the european commission ursula underlined has pledged a green recovery plan to rebuild the u.s. economy she wants deeper cuts in emissions accelerating a reckoning in the automotive sector that was already underway now german car maker dialer has presented its 1st hydrogen powered semi truck but it's a long way from road ready and its environmental credentials are by no means assured. with a certain amount of pump dimer unveiled its 1st hydrogen powered so much truck in berlin the wednesday but it's not going on sale anytime soon the concept of equal the hydrogen fuel cell in the range of 1000 kilometers is perhaps an indication of where the company's development is headed. that leads to should visit the next step
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will be models for customers to test that will happen around 202324 that's for serial production meaning in any desired quantity and variance that customers can order i expect that by 2027 or so on. today a hydrogen powered truck with such huge fuel cells is 2 or 3 times as expensive as a diesel truck once it goes into serious production the technology will likely be cheaper but it may never outprice diesel and manufacturers are making clear demands of policymakers they want purchases of environmentally friendly hydrogen trucks to be rewarded with lower highway tolls for example germans transport minister shares that view. to you now we have to move toward a c o 2 rolls told that way the topic of c o 2 emissions will play a role in the price of the usage and that way the difference between the propulsion types will be reduced so an alternative drive that is currently more expensive can
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become more affordable and efficient to use the studio has been your good of you to be correct the attendees at the reveal event agree that such regulations only make sense for a long holiday if they are e.u. wide and that the environment will only benefit if the trucks clean fuel is produced in a climate neutral way today hydrogen fuel is still often generated using electricity from coal fired power plants. and finally visitors are flocking once again to south africa's wine country and they're touring it in style the wind has finally started running again after all lock down induced thought so with all aboard and cheers for the country's wine lovers. the so-called wind tram is back on track south africa's strict lockdown had put a stop to the tourist attraction but now passengers can enjoy the views over the video it's just an hour from cape town it's also
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a great excuse to try plenty of wine. you know the good 19th you know how when you work there it's the difficulty because you in and out at the end work. so being on technically do wonders with the phrase you know escape as much as we can so that it's a business and we slowly opening the economy so it can oh yeah i would like. the tram when's its way through the historic french valley south africa's world famous wine region unlike before most of the passengers are day tripping locals foreign tourism is yet to see a revival here but the owner of the tram line david bleich expects a steady turnaround in the coming months. in february was a 1000 people a day and. on saturday we're doing 250 and that's the 3rd set. so the numbers are going up winemakers and restaurant owners are also hoping for an
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uptick in visitors for 6 months the entire tourism industry came to a standstill a lot of jobs here are dependent on the wineries as well as the tram that brings in the tourists without the white trash weekends would be a lot quieter as you can see it's very very busy. very very grateful for them it's not quite full speed ahead for the tram line as it serving just half its usual timetable but it's a start one that symbolizes south africa's journey back to normality. and that's our business news for more they would check out the way it all can slash business are follow us on social media thank you very much for watching i'm joined now the mylan in berlin.
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sometimes. commits a few keystrokes in the midst of christmas. was so strong that it.
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we celebrated the 30th anniversary of the good news for. october 3rd on d. w. . as long as. you know good day nothing would change you know the banks. and so what the language of a bank. speaking the truth global news that matters. for minds. this is the w.'s a shop coming up today talks continue in doha to determine our future. what is the future of the gives women and minorities their rights their own it's one of the key questions of the force and i'll be speaking to one afghan woman who most hostile to the past of costs of fighting for them. plus why is india's call on obama's death rate so.


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