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tv   World Stories  Deutsche Welle  September 19, 2020 9:15pm-9:31pm CEST

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op store i'll give you access to old the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news on disk or part of a news story you can also use the interview off to send us photos and videos of what's up. with. watching the news live from berlin our docs film series takes us to russia after a short break to look at cossacks and the orthodox church don't forget you can get all that i just news and information on our website. take care for. the. second. beyond. the initial. we're all about the steamers that matter to the. country. whatever it takes. people are running around trying to explain
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a little nugget d.w. made for mines. last winter in moscow. thousands of people lined up in the middle of the night to be a part of an old ritual. the russian soul where the siegel of which we've put our faith in god makes a strong let's be honest here a yetta. something resembling a baptism for adults is taking place next to a church. the faithful take a quick dip in ice cold water. during the soviet
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era this russian orthodox ritual to mark a picture and all but disappeared now it's being revived. this is not just about faith it's a way to show the world but russia is capable on. russian television is here to show president vladimir putin taking the plunge. 400 kilometers from moscow the man who serves as a role model for his country enters the chilly water. this ritual good nights russians in different parts of the country. and the faithful are impressed that their president is leading by example. with both the broad bottom of it a good russian or a religious russian if you spray people to his roots his countrymen this is to men
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what us. want to bring about peace for us you need someone to lead the way. and that's flattery applied to the body but. many things that were banned in the soviet union are now presented with pride including cossacks traditions. not far from red square are the offices of sardar t.v. a broadcaster that propagates a return to traditional values. even in the lobby it's clear who has the say here the president and the patriarch of moscow and all russia. the broadcaster was founded by constantine malefic an orthodox businessman and putin ally here journalists criticize western
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decadence and declare homosexuality to be a cardinal sin so our grad t.v.'s biggest star is host andre often asked he have. that's always true to your he's considered one of the best and definitely of well equipped and russian say in the world. the main specialty of it is the hand by in that i can all. jesus spent a crater it's one of one of the symbols of our channel. in 2017 and very often as you have made international headlines when he produced a video offering the russian homosexuals a free one way ticket to the us. he's a jew from which this is not a joke we really want you to move there where you can openly submit to your since you brought up i.
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saw our grad t.v. says these kinds of pieces have increased viewer numbers substantially. the broadcaster claims a quarter of all russians have watched its programs at least once. the us that's a young video if i'm underage often i see you welcome to the russian answer to. the program spike for family values and against abortion and they depicts the west as decadence and corrupt. these are also favorite topics of owner constantine montefiore. the 45 year old business tycoon amassed his wealth through banking and internet companies. people call him the orthodox oligarchs though he sees himself as a monarchist he's also said to be interactive contact with vladimir putin. putting in my house there from to substitute for the star for this moment there
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because what he's doing right now it would be the best what. could be done by born star. he personifies himself with russia. to pass the sense of patriotism and orthodoxy on to the next generation constantine of has also founded a school the st basil the great school is located in an upscale neighborhood in moscow. 400 pupils attend classes in what resembles a palace the school is a training ground for russia's future elites the walls are lined with images of past stars and famous russian writers constant reminders of the pre-revolutionary russian empire. the point was you know for children to know more space paintings. and dates it's given something to your hearts and to your mind to you and if you're not passionate as didn't your module this would remember you know some some nice you know it back to russian history.
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of to make sure nothing distracts from the special atmosphere cellphones aren't allowed at the same basel the great school for just over $1000.00 euros a month even young children get to learn all about tradition including church slavonic which is still used in orthodox services. where it's a volunteer like church the phonic was the 1st. along with the classical education pupils were also taught good manners proper etiquette and dancing. the way 15 year old barbara is the daughter of an oil company c.e.o. and oh she's attended the school for 4 years. not too bad.
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i proceeded and turned. i think they're doing so and this traditional dance was very popular in the 19th century. and we're practicing it for our schools anniversary celebrations was when our parents and many other guests will be clear voice. celebrated in the style of the imperial era the ball is one of the highlights of the school year barbara will also dance before the watchful eyes of school founder constantine around here. i'll admit i'm
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a bit nervous at the most but after the dress rehearsal there will be less stress and at the ball i'll be much better for that your sister. barbara lives in an exclusive residential area not far from the school with her parents and her younger brother. a room is decorated with russian icons but recently barbara has also been learning to play the guitar and her walls are also covered with posters of rock bands which aren't on the curriculum at the st basel the great school. should be a somewhat pushy i'm a completely normal teenager make up artist that i listen to alternative rock i like a ramstein 3 days grace and green day. and there's a magic dragons and my chemical romance she made the rainbow flags which symbolize the l g b t pride movement herself. i knew my parents don't know what these colors mean
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nor at school they tell us that homosexuality is something bad. but i think that all people are equal if. you don't know. there's even if someone has black skin or a different sexual orientation they should be respected and loved with your view wishing you're with them you. know. this evening barbara's parents are hosting a dinner party her father andre is cooking a specialty from siberia where he grew up. this is siberian sturgeon was the favorite dish of people in the north. a little if we lived in the north for 40 years my parents moved there in their youth in the days when it was still the soviet union also i would cyril.
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andre trained as a geologist he worked for an oil company and rose through the ranks until he became its c.e.o. now he belongs to the russian elite. rather delicious. she barbara's mother anastasio is also preparing a siberian specialty. at the beginning my dear impel many dumplings filled with ground on the russians he loved and that's just. another married couple and barbarous grandparents have been invited for dinner. and of course there's lots to drink since yes i wish you luck and with. the other one we're glad you're here. this was allowed. in russia it's a tradition to say
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a toast before drinking another glass. fletcher for that post the us will hold our shores and your high drink to your big family may it remain united that's what's most valuable to ourselves. and that you honor tradition to you to do specific things we've known each other so long because that's not. maybe these russians are so focused on tradition because their recent history has been so chaotic for many change breeds fear will worship that in russian history he's already there in every major changes lead to violence. if you please could you do any preaching to those who believe we've always had bloody revolution losing to cruise with many deaths and lives shattered. the ladies should keep. their job right here they're all put in supporters mainly because russia has enjoyed sustained economic growth during his rule. since
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1909 the average income has increased 10 fold more using your assumption and today we have more faith in the future. the country has stabilized. we feel protected in every way you can make money legally stability is the most important thing. but putin doesn't just have the wealthy upper class behind him he can also rely on the support of a legendary slavic people known for their courage and fighting skills the cossacks . their troops on horseback once defended russia's borders and spread fear among opponents and religious minorities. rostov on don in southern russia is the center of don cossack culture. grigori is 15 years old his father and his grandfather were cossacks his life's aim is to defend his
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homeland. to where to put the money which everyone must decide if he's a patriot or not wish for. today russia is subject to many dangers from abroad. some bridges a she should i have to defend my motherland one day. i mean prepared to sacrifice my life with. the stories we need to instill. grigori has already internalized the cossacks values of patriotism militarism and orthodoxy. it's a mixture that matches blood a mere pittance conservative ideals. grigori as a cadet at the highly regarded shakti cossacks school. here $220.00 young men are preparing for their military service. while those who go off and therefore pale the fly exe of the russian federation and the rust
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off region have go our core. in soviet times cossacks were oppressed after the iron curtain collapsed their culture began to flourish again and putin officially integrated them into the russian army this school is publicly funded but let me. i expect our president to hold the country together and ensure our welfare in this to any. today is most important duty is the security of our country and must see to it that there is peace in our nation. because what's happening at our borders frightens us. i need both.


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