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tv   Druckfrisch  Deutsche Welle  September 20, 2020 2:30pm-3:01pm CEST

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though was their aircraft their helicopters and their drones. flying out. there. without the excuse of hunting down a war criminal the u.s. military would never have been allowed to conduct an airborne operation over such an unstable strategic area. are likely thanks to operation kone it was able to map the area and install g.p.s. beacons. or in military terms gather intelligence. but
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central africa is not just a region of military interest. it's also rich in gold and diamond reserves along with businessmen ready to exploit them. this man for example on the left. he appears in footage shot in 2014 at a security meeting in the oval. that day he was handed what was clearly a confidential map. he refused our requests to film it and with good reason. i don't really have a clue if it was the map was addressed to the colonel of the american armed forces . i'm not saying mark feels some this is mark pearson. apparently he's a cultural advisor. but what would a cultural advisor be doing and. that goes and why entrust
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a cultural advisor with an american military map. 4 years later i looked into who mark pearson really was. before following the american military into the area he was employed by jim diamond's a multinational diamond operation. it boasts turnover of some 300000000 euros with mines and prospecting projects all over africa including one in the central african republic. but the only area of diamond exploration officially declared by the company is in the west of the central african republic one and a half 1000 kilometers away from mobile on the other side of the country. so what was one of jem diamonds former employees doing here in a region that harbors a wealth of gold and diamond deposits. in kampala the ugandan capital i needed to find out more about who is really
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running the country. you know where we must have any seized power in a coup in 1906 to consolidate his grip on power he purge the country of many rebel groups. joseph coney's however was spared. along with a creation of the state. only a member of the opposition. talk to me about this angle of the story. as president but it will have been my dentist so on i come from to do so meaning to do that on was a creation of the government and to find data that will go away we have to read to state power but those for the weather wise they were trained. that this fact that you want ice that never came in and wanted to create the universe is not if you eat it you go with up in bare feet in length and if you didn't have the power
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as in about it in about bottoms of them. without those of course. the ugandan administration would not be able to make the justification that it needs more build trust systems from the united states it means needs more weapons and it needs more financial resources and diplomatic partnership with the united states how would you be able to make them out to be a presence of course of course. that brings us to the least known and least documented part of the story. on the pretext of driving out just of kone the ugandan army committed horrific atrocities inside its own country. between 19062004 most of any as army engaged in a bloody crackdown in northern uganda. officially it
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was hunting down the l r a. son officially it was crushing resistance to his move from the actually people the ethnic group to which joseph coney belonged and which had dominated the previous government. did my bit to young man called the church was complaining a lot i'm talking about i'm one i'm in uniform and they came back and said this one in the bible. want to show you today that design would be a war so they take in ladies others they don't because on battery and the shut in take it for the zealotry mothers it from top to head and it told to go and say shut up really think well do this and. this very incident was detailed in 1991 m.s.d. international report.
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we haven't a single incident where the u.p.d. it was accused of intention of going to intimidate and massacring people are you familiar with the 2005 human rights watch report about this conflict. human as if you know human rights watch. you know. because in their report which is the most exhaustive they refer to torture. rape. willing full killings. on both sides on the r. a side and also on your beauty of sites so it's not in the case of impossible to have our own human rights commission. but you do agree that for instance. 2005 report by human us watch the world's a pretty strong willing full killing rape torture this is not lights where.
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some of them. some of them are not verified yet we have cases over matter matter of one person medical groups of people. and intentional. why was the united states desperate to support the ugandan regime. despite its abuses despite the authoritarian rule of most of any president for more than 3 decades or was it because the agent ugandan autocrat was providing a few services to his american godfather. exists to let them edit out one on president knew where they said that for too long today as this big saying so michael. flynn you were none too for being sent to my that american officials can progress in parliament to support the president of troops of
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the war. if you need somebody to be involved to help in fighting. terrorism in a place like somalia which is celtic and it was so many is willing to do that sending ugandan soldiers to. i think that's a very easy decision for us to make regardless of anything else that was submitted does you know we've been hit so. and can't weigh in on me when too late i quote that the couple of. the show the way they stayed in broad daylight that many times kept a blind eye been made is that men been about the above it could double that and what the bleep drop since the instrument so you and i because. america made it so when we screwed it. yes we're coming along.
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none of this was mentioned in the county 2012 video. not a word about the ugandan regime about president museveni 4 about the war crimes committed by his army. why not. and what exactly was invisible children's role. when they say they're helping the widows or orphans or so on what are these really do and. those are the sorts of questions that always are occur in my mind. i think across from probably about 2 years before their big viral video and. i
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found their website and look at them and read what they said they were doing. so something about it felt very off to me. in their level of access to the region of northern uganda around 2005 northern uganda was completely sealed off by the ugandan army the only people who got in especially people with camera gear sophisticated camera gear such people did not get into northern uganda without the express permission of the ugandan government jason russell and his team they were in there because the ugandan government want them to be in there so why. the small in geo was purportedly working to save orphans when in fact it was promoting one of the most corrupt regimes in africa.
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this is a radio h.q. where we coordinate all the security information for the southeast of the central african republic. newsroom. every day we have a security round in the morning and another in the afternoon dark and. in concrete terms it was nothing more than a network of informants scattered through dozens of villages they were responsible for reporting the movements of active armed rebels without really knowing whether there were any small isolated l r a groups among them or not. that was more information than the military because the radios were all over the community. that information. this is so it was full on top of it. in the.
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most of the information would come to the invisible to. mr sawyer and i knew about it was how forceful the entire. but i don't know how it would have been between the nonprofit. information to the military so we were kind of like. at the end of it to look to us if we were the voice of. the n.r.a. why children if you're feeding the military for them. get them to the children. to do your good and she told me she fell through the uncomfortable with sharing information with a new trick. that's very interesting i was not in a position of leadership that i have now at the time when jolie was working with invisible hand in that role but my understanding was that that was not her
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sentiment previously so i. thought it was like. my understanding is that that was not a sentiment that she held. at the time that these programs are being developed the concept of neutrality with the l r a is very different than in the context of a civil conflict or intercommunal conflict and so in that context supporting essentially law enforcement in the protection of civilians we felt like was very. except that in the code of ethics for n.g.o.s recognized by the un neutrality is non-negotiable in fact a non-governmental organization should always be independent of governments and armies. invisible children however has always collaborated with the ugandan army and regime. so just like in february 2009 at the time the most of any government claimed there was a conspiracy afoot to overthrow it. patrick coma cash who had worked for invisible
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children in its early days was accused of being part of a plot. to do i was a place too. only the need for me. i was supposed to. have never seen in my life before. and. i remember one day said i was the. prisoners who were down there. by the way this guy from. patrick was eventually cleared of all charges but who denounced him the answer was hidden in a secret diplomatic note written by the us ambassador himself in 2009 later published on the wiki leaks website. here number 4 they say they foiled a plot against the ugandan government and were looking for someone. coming
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. they say he was then arrested thanks to a tip off from invisible children. even the american ambassador implies that the organization does the leg work for ugandan forces. by then i don't i was not working with you. and i didn't know what up. from there i called. somebody there. was so much. investigation. from. you know him. i know who i am i do know who he is but i don't i can't recall. if i heard his name it might have been back in 2007 or something. do you know what
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happens or. no i don't say that it has been arrested. because invisible children the design gave its you both to the ugandan security forces i have no information about that. how do you feel about doubts about so that's was a question of them wouldn't be able to do so well i have i have no way of knowing if that's true at all i sorry it is i'm in love met the guy there is substantial evidence that's actually invisible children have that's i'm david supposed to be your i'm not a tree in the arrested him and the guy was tortured for 3 months and then he was cleared because he didn't do anything how would you feel about that is that. i i have no information about that situation at all i obviously anyone who
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acts who would experience something horrible like that is it is unacceptable i have no information on that situation. another thing that bothered me about the coney 2012 video was the evangelical rather messianic tone adopted by jason russell. the founder of invisible children seems to regard himself as something of a pastor. his speeches are sermons. more you know and no one i'm here to tell you who are not. here's the copy that was put out by truth wins out the words organization i was working. on for this audio i found a pearson russell at the gathering in 2000. gathering is the biggest
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community of christian fundamentalist philanthropists in the united states. only and so with this movie we are able to be the trojan horse in a sense going into a crowd say guess what life's about our sins and stop. us. and scott is his start and that's really what this has been all. well i was surprised that he would use the word chosen horse even at. a conference such as out of a joke or christian donors i was surprised that he went that far to say it minute that is his that invisible children was. perpetrating some some deceit.
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is it's. truth. so i. can't comment on what jason might have not said but i can say very calm down we are in no way a religiously affiliated organization. all of this was funded by an army of young people who put their money toward their belief in the value of all human life they gave a few dollars a month of what little they have. there from the comes from young people who give a few of those a month. as invisible children became better and better known they were able to get small donations by by presenting themselves as more or less a secular. non-profit which was doing great things in africa but that's not where they started they they started with money from. giant fundamentalist haven't
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philanthropies they gave them seed money. this is the 1st year they're a foreign language is the list of those that's really a lot of churches and yellow churches a lot of ministry years so here is the big one the prohibition foundation which is a subsidiary of the national christian foundation and so this form lists. $350000.00 and i think they're one of the biggest in grants they got in 2007 and the national christian foundation it's a fundamentalist christian philanthropy they say in their statement of belief that the bible is the infallible inerrant word of god and that we're about essentially extending the kingdom promoting the kingdom are kind of the christian kingdom throughout the world and. we are. non-profit organization that's completely secular and that folks not at the prevention into neuroscience programming so that's not
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that's not the. hi i'm sorry is a short time that it would go to invisible children websites you know to see what they're publishing know in terms of the that's the difference you know they'll be interesting because i haven't looked at it. i think it's probably still with this. you're getting half a $1000000.00 from someone no name and it was yeah i mean. when you see when you go to do some daughters in your thoughts for. we can say that we can see that there was a amounts of money for instance house a $1000000.00 from someone but we don't know we don't know who it is unfortunately a hotline you know. i could send you because yeah because it's so interesting. to google up and down with a few days after the interview but the ship the invisible children press officer who cut in during the interview sent me this clarification. it guarantees that donations are from private foundations with no religious affiliations will use.
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when there's really no reply that i would like to believe there is no religious connection for me but need to check for myself. could i have the names since then i've had no word from invisible children. but it doesn't end there the involvement of another more powerful entity in uganda raises the question who was really behind kone 2012. i'm an author of 2 books about an american fundamentalist organization with deep involvement in uganda. the family or the fellowship as it's known is the oldest and arguably the most
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influential christian conservative political organization in the united states. the organization the furze and terry very low profile the more invisible you can make your organization the longtime leader on the saying the more influence it will have he liked to refer to it as the christian mafia. located close to congress this unremarkable red brick building belongs to the fellowship. its members meet here in private to talk about jesus and business. but it won't open its doors to outsiders. its membership was not for the masses they weren't going to big revivals it was for congressmen business leaders government leaders and they play a major part and facilitating u.s.
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relationships with authoritarian figures around the world that's what they admire this they when they look at christ they don't see a model of love or compassion primarily they see strength. could there then be a more i do. he'll recruit for the fellowship in the autocrats where he moves have any. call for a terry and vehemently homophobic and evangelical. the family looks at the 70 as their key man as they put it in uganda but also as they're one of the key men in africa and one of the key men globally saying come to us pray with us. do business with us and they really take credit for forging that relationship at the beginning and turning the 70 into the american sphere of influence where she has remained as powerful regional proxy ever since.
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in washington i was particularly interested in one member of the fellowship. a senator named jim inhofe known for his interest in african affairs. on. the model on on what i did you know paula it's what you might think you fight. inhofe was one of the stars of the coney 2012 video. with all the problems that are out there no one is more severe than one in the middle age and takes their lives a little bit. assistant on to this senator jim inhofe from oklahoma must be pretty close to the ngo because in one of the other videos we have we see him taking part in one of the n.g.o.s protests. areas. his interest in uganda goes back many years. in this press release from 2006 he was already raising the alarm about what he called northern uganda is terrorist group the l r
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a. when i go he says i'm doing my jesus thing when he goes and meets with foreign leaders he says i'm a u.s. senator i'm a conduit to u.s. power and money if you want to get there you go through me and you go to jesus. the senator will not answer our questions what's clear is that for decades a radical fellowship has been pulling strings behind the scenes to get uganda to advance u.s. interests. me 2012 was just part of a much more complex story. incidentally what happened right after the video's viral success. once its makers collected $70000000.00 in donations. that. the conference of 12
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when i was c.e.o. decided that there was no from me. and he made the decision to close the invisible children in uganda. the moral of this story. is that there isn't one. in 2017 the u.s. government's development agency usaid awarded $24000000.00 in grants to invisible children to fund a 5 year mission in the democratic republic of congo. today invisible children gets most of its funding from the us government. to me a founder member of the invisible children i'm the one who led to them to get this story i felt packed that this is our story that went out there and it was being managed by someone else that is why i chose to continue with
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it here. you know me. me me here 10. 1000000. doesn't seem modern day europe. artists search for treason little mark. things out. the lesson easy
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issue. 21 and. 30 minutes till you. order. what secrets lie behind. discover new adventures in 360 degree. and explore fascinating world heritage sites. p.w. world heritage 368 get kidnapped now. compatible with. muslim women choose between their faith and self-determination. i don't want anyone to tell me what the right to lead scholar enough women are striving to reform. away from traditional prejudices for.
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women. start september 24th on g.w. . played . bass is data of a news live from protesters in thailand send a strong message today and i'm president of move back to the cold for reform of the monarchy installing a clock declaring a country amongst to its people tens of thousands marched to press fed announced a change at the top of also coming up to try to market the activist schools of
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french protests in bettering the police arrest hundreds of women demanding the resignation of top line president alexander the send help.


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