tv Check-in Deutsche Welle September 21, 2020 4:45am-5:15am CEST
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lots of people don't just shower for hygiene reasons but because it makes them feel good. to do should undertake up to have my daily shower not just for hygiene and lift my mood when i'm feeling down. showering gets rid of bacteria and other pathogens does that mean the cleaner we are the less likely we are to get sick just to see that now skin is teeming with microbes and most of them are quite beneficial for example some strains of stepha caucus epidermis has produced proteins that can protect us against other bacteria which cause disease bacteria and absolutely. during our experiment will just take one shower a week for 3 weeks. kevin will continue to shower as usual the doctor will check whether there are any changes on their skin
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the 1st swab determines the baseline. has lots of stuff in a caucus epidermis bacteria but that's not unusual. kevin's test also showed staphylococcus aureus a common cause of skin infections. day one of lauer's experiment 1st she feeds the baby and then heads off to university. when she returns home she takes care of a few things around the house and works up a sweat. during the test she's not allowed to use commercial soap shampoo or deodorant just natural soap made from palm and coconut oil. and. it's only been 3 days but lauer's already becoming uncomfortable. but. today i felt like giving in and having a shower. our ocean my skin is starting to feel
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a bit sticky. kevin says through our looks and smells ok to him. i think our believes that she's starting to smell bad but i haven't noticed anything unusual about the way she smells. lauer's even reluctant to go out in public. why it was i was at the bakery this morning and it felt awful. i had the feeling that people were staring at me and the sales assistant sort of looked down on. a week has gone by sold can take her 1st shower by now she started to adjust to the experiment. finally been stopped asking kevin if i smell bad it all seems normal
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now. a lot of. the 2nd half of the experiment goes quickly. i'll go to the doctor's office tomorrow to see what shape my skin is and it'll be interesting to see what they find. and also home. some tests will show how lour a skin responded to 3 weeks without regular showering in a preliminary exam the doctor couldn't find any change in her skin at all now they're waiting for the lab results. we found that she still has the same types of bacteria as she did 3 weeks ago we also found 2 new ones estimator back to you all feet and pseudomonas series these are common bacteria in small amounts but during the experiment they were able to multiply rapidly these bacteria help us to stay healthy.
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one surprise the new bacteria are also one kevin skin despite the daily showers them through normal everyday contact the experiment proves that there's no harm any not being squeaky clean. i'm saying i think i'll cut down a little i won't shower every day or whenever i have an appointment maybe just when i start to smell. so we won't get sick just because we behave less after all a little dirt never hurt anyone. ok you want something other than water and sent me an e-mail. in good shape for your weekly health show on t w covers many aspects of health care could look at what's new in medical treatment nutrition fitness and beauty. we discuss these topics in depth with specialists and
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give you the chance to pose your own questions so do get in touch. some people have an exaggerated fear of water this is called hydrophobia and experts recommend to sit at the edge of a swimming pool or to take some swimming lessons as a family doctor i can say everybody should take swimming lessons. or swimming pool is the perfect place to exercise. regardless of whether you do breast crawl or butterfly you're getting a full workout when you swim. you're using almost all your muscles but you're not overtaxing your bones and joints. when you can but the water supports 90 percent of your weight and release pressure on your joints for another advantage is that water resistance means you have to use
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a lot more muscles. another aspect is that the loss of body heat you experience when you're swimming means a lot of energy is consumed so given that you're also moving you're getting a steady moderate workout and if you keep it up for an hour you can burn 302500 calories and on. monday on her mom used to be a competitive swimmer today he teaches adults swimming technique getting this right is crucial. and that's not breast stroke that's a stroll. this is how. breast stroke is done correctly the face has to go underwater and you breathe out underwater you only raise your head above water and inhale when your arms around stretched in front of you for swimming technique can actually cause injury. just look at you could develop neck and back problems swimming with your back hollowed puts too much strain on. 70
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percent of the effort you're making when you're swimming breast stroke comes from the legs. 30 minutes of breaststrokers the same effect as one hour of cycling it's very good for anyone who has difficulty exercising due to arthritis or obesity. crawl or freestyle requires more effort and it's the arms that are doing most of the work as they slice through the water. you only lift your head to inhale every 2 strokes. kick the legs from the hip then move them continuously outstretched keeping the body stable it's an ideal workout for the arms shoulders and behind them places little pressure on the hips and knees. almost to crawl is great for anyone who has problems with their hips or knees you
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know putting them under stress because you're moving straight through the water. with crawl your body lies flat straight in the water which means you're training your intrinsic back muscles in the process. but crawl can be risky for certain people as a cardiologist explains. that anyone who's had a recent bypass surgery or hot surgery should be careful because every time you lift your arms in this position you're putting pressure on the breast but they haven't lost a. once you've recovered from surgery you can start swimming crawl or even butterfly without having to worry. steadily also strengthens the respiratory musculature and swimming improves blood flow and blood pressure.
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backstroke is also very healthy it looks like one of the easiest strokes but it's also easy to do it wrong it's important that your body lies as flat on the surface as possible using your arms and kicking your legs the same way you do with a crawl and since your face is out of the water breathing is much easier. backstroke is very good for anyone with back problems it takes pressure off the spine but gets all the muscles that supported working. according to the experts there are some common mistakes. one of the main mistakes is in correct positioning in the water if you're not lying flat you're just slumped there in the water another problem is trying to look where you're going but that means you overextend and you start to feel exhausted. and the
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instinct. as with most sports practice makes perfect so as long as you're doing it properly swimming is good for stamina and you're unlikely to sustain any injuries. you just need to be careful if you have a heart problem. but there seem to be able swimming helps the blood to return to the heart and the next patient he struggles to pump blood will sink. then life. a cardiologist also says there's no. need to overdo it rather than spending an hour doing nonstop laps she advises beginners to start by swimming for 10 minutes taking a break and doing it again for a total of 6 times if you want to avoid getting water in your eyes or ears then we're swimming goggles and a bathing cap and you may enjoy the experience of being immersed in water even more . what
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food waste games lady elite after the hard. fresh fruits often end up in the garbage instead of the supermarket. that should change with the peel in the liquid that increases the soap life of food. is this the way to avoid food waste global 3000. and 30 minutes on t w. e's and not amount to the enjoyment of garbage everywhere.
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sinopoli says nothing already the environmental activist and her fellow campaigners travel around the archipelago educating and advising me to clean up because they are hiding the fact of the type of trash. in 60 minutes on t.w. . the power of influencers and what they mean for democracy. will come to 6 months session of the global. influencers enormous reach. now increasingly voicing their opinions about political issues. a new dynamic is
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emerging. what does this mean for democracy. joining our discussion starts 1230. 3 jenny is full of surprises coming all out. themselves going to get in the footsteps of the refreeze movement in durham north carolina most around the fleet street. 3 times i wanted the film very much alive. trapped. in germany. recognize where exactly. the most fun learning lost our culture history and. travel extremely wary of it.
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this is the complete news line for good in a lot scale investigation finds banks were involved in illegal dealings hundreds of investigative journalists working together for field documents leaked from u.s. financial authorities that appeared to be banks facilitated corruption money laundering and sanctions passed on behalf of pretty. well mass protests in bell the 1st part democracy activists call another day of demonstrations after police arrest hundreds of people mainly women demanding the resignation of hard line president
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alexander lukashenko. and with infection rates soaring again in the u.k. the government slaps gifty fines on foreign team brightest and most imposing a 2nd total meltdown. american how do we begin with new revelations of money laundering illegal financial flows and the banking scandal of gigantic proportions for years banks around the world. to have help divert and conceal funds originating from criminal activities documents leaked from the us financial or 30 financing seem to show how banks helps to circumvent international sanctions including those against iran and syria down east and british banks but also banks are implicated in the late files.
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all over the world criminals are using the global financial system to launder money it's a dirty bit lucrative business for the banks. if a bank notices a suspicious transfer it has to report it to the authorities. thousands of such reports were obtained by both paid news and then evaluated by the i.c.i. jai. it's an international network of investigative journalists. they have discovered evidence of money laundering worth $2.00 trillion dollars. you could earn a lot by handling money from criminal sources. so that's why it's hard for banks to say no to criminal money. in germany bank has some explaining to do the country's largest banks already had to pay millions in fines in $27.00 tane after dodgy dealings in russia. the investigation reveals that those illegal
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activities a much more extensive than previously thought russian criminals used torture banks moscow branch to loan to millions the current c o christian saving served as head of corporate order thing at the time he did not raise the alarm but subsequent external investigations deed. bank says it is since toughened its internal controls and it denies that c.e.o. saving did anything wrong it says he was unaware of the external probe. yeah i know i know how it was she founded a unit that led these investigations is what we're not paying it takes to have since been external investigations to this and no stage could any responsibility be traced back to the head of the business to the concerns of it and the fun for to listen to the consent of those who have no interest in the investigation also shows that us president donald trump may have profited from dirty money all agog from
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kazakstan allegedly bought apartments at the trump new york property with laundered money trumps company denies knowing who these customers were but they did make money from the transactions. the investigation shows the scale of international money laundering efforts to curb it a floundering because regulators can't get to grips with highly sophisticated criminal networks. well for more we're joined now by our washington correspondent carolyn and sean malloy carolyn of the scale of this lake is simply enormous what does it reveal exactly about the global financial system. well the leaks are explosive because they show criminals and political figures see quickly moving money through the global financial system the leaked documents involving about $2.00 trillion u.s. dollars of transactions they have revealed to house some of the world's biggest
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banks have allowed to criminals to move this dirty money around the world the files cover money a chance fierce heartedly tade it by well known financial institutions such as the german or d.p. morgan and carried out for it sanctioned individuals or even criminals across the world between the years 1999 and 2017 all this shows that there is apparently not enough control in terms of money laundering the leaks papers are from the us financial crimes of force and network finn's. if you just a little more about the organization financing the organization with these leaks have originated. well fiza is a group of the united states department of treasury that collects and analyzes information about financial transactions in order to fight domestic and international money laundering and other financial crimes having said that and
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considering the a normal scale of this leak one can really say that this control mechanism is not really working the phones and already has reacted to this and they say they are aware that various media outlets intend to publish a series of articles based on unlawful closed sensitive documents from several years ago an authorized disclosure of documents this is what they say is not legal it is a crying shame and this is why the finns and has already referred to this matter to the united states department of justice. you talked about the scope of the links being enormous magine the investigation itself was also enormous how was it carried out exactly. well the investigation was carried out by the i c i j an international network of investigative journalists or also a colleague from d.w.
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has been investigating a working the network includes more than hundreds of partner news organizations from 88 countries so it was a huge investigation that took really years and the journalists analyzed more than 22000 pages searing all the time this is the biggest leak in terms of money laundering and this is why it also provides a unique bird's eye view of illicit money flows that are supportive or why it's that support of corruption and criminality or what they do believe washington correspondent carolyn a chimley thank you. moving to build a bridge where protesters are not giving up despite with government crackdown tens of thousands of people gathered in my just cities throughout the country on sunday police have been out in force again the tiny peaceful demonstrators calling for president lukashenko to step down after disputed elections.
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the streets of minsk turned into a sea of red and white flags the symbol of the position tens of thousands joined the march of justice in the capital and other cities it's the 6th straight sunday of protests but what looks like a high turnout was actually significantly lower than other weekends perhaps a result of calls by president elects on the go for tougher action against critics who want him to step down. some of them have never experienced belarus without him. the irishman stated i do my cards to vote as a streaming of democracy but i was dreaming of freedom and justice where laws are observed. we don't want our children to grow up in a prison and look around that people in uniforms behind barbed wire everywhere. the government is flexing its military muscles armored vehicles amende to
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intimidate protesters metro stations were closed the internet slowed down dozens were arrested. and police brutality is getting more and more visible like here no. i'm not resisting stop strangling me i haven't done anything shouts this protester before police arrest them in response to the latest escalation of violence and online messaging channel with more than 2000000 subscribers published a list of names birth dates and addresses of more than 1000 police officers. ok let's take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world. demonstrators have marched in several german cities calling for the evacuation of a crowded market camps in greece they want the german government to take in more than the 1500 refugees it has already agreed to relocate after the fire at the more
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your camp on less force. environmental activists in new york of unveiled a climate clock it's counting down the time until the earth's average temperature rises by $1.00 degrees celsius if greenhouse gas emissions and not reduced one of the clocks creators said the recent extreme weather in the us underlines the need to tackle climate change now. these ilands prime minister just. has announced old remaining coronavirus restrictions will be lifted across much of the country with the exception of its largest city will continue to have some measures in place for another 16 days the city's outbreak now appears to be under control. around 3000 people gathered for an open air mass in angola as churches there reopened for the 1st time in nearly half a year coronavirus restrictions have been relaxed but worshippers still had to keep
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their distance while taking part in this. or one of the british government's top medical advances is warning that the u.k. is that. a critical point in the corona virus crisis since the start of the pandemic more than 40000 people in britain have died after testing positive for covert 19 that's the highest number in europe and the u.k. health minister has now refused to rule out a 2nd total lockdown and that as the u.k. enjoys the final days of summer it's not just the approaching winter that fills many with a sense of foreboding with infection rates rising a 2nd lockdown is increasingly likely we face a tipping point as a country and everyone has a role in the choice that we face either everybody follows the rules or we're going to have to take more stringent actions starting this month people who have tested positive for the coronavirus will be hit with stiff fines if they break quarantine
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. such fines are nothing new but at 10000 british pounds for repeat offenders the financial hit for those caught it is significant the u.k. government has not shied away from controversial decisions it has not however managed to implement an effective national testing system. in the past 2 weeks bottlenecks have forced many people to travel hundreds of kilometers for a test. because the. hybrid. but the best people to test with which to some. so far local look downs have been centered on the north of the country but the capital london is likely to be next its mayor has already demanded that restaurants and pubs close by 10 pm. sport now on cycling's most prestigious race the tour de france ended in paris on sunday and 21 year old rookie todd a car became the youngest to take the crown since the world war 2 back in
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home village in slovenia people got together to celebrate their native sons victory is the 1st living in to win the race and his compatriot primeau struggle each came in 2nd to lock up a very popular one to finance. the football in just a month ago abi leipzig had reached the glittering heights of the champions league semifinals on sunday it was back to the bread and butter of the board as they did business and last year's 3rd place team were heavy favorites to beat the minnows of minds as they got their new campaign underway. after just a few seasons leipzig are firmly among the bundesliga elite could deal yet not goes money lead them to a 1st championship their campaign got off to an ideal start against meit's a male forsberg and already put someone up from the spot when use of pulse and strike made it on 17 minutes. into the 2nd tower
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for john phillips gave the visitors on 48 minutes to watch. but that hope was swiftly doused by amadou i doubt who made it 31 just 3 minutes later. a satisfying 1st outing for leipsic but now goes mine will know that far sterner tests await his young pretenders. and finally when it comes to football you might well expect the ball to come flying at your head but for one member of the brazilian women's team it wasn't a bowl but a bird the women were interrupted during a brace and training session when allowed to bleed mccool landed on purina beneath his head and then perched on the bowl before flying down the field. play was then finally able to version.
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it watching didn't believe needs live from berlin up next it's world stories the way can reports go to get all the latest information around the clock on our website to date of the dot com you can also follow us on twitter and instagram now and anthony help for me and the team here in berlin thanks for watching. what secrets lie behind. discover new adventures in 360 degree. and explore fascinating world heritage sites. w world heritage 360 getting out now.
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