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tv   Quarks  Deutsche Welle  September 23, 2020 5:30pm-6:15pm CEST

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so many different walks of life. some form on pain and oddly troubling but all of them come straight from the heart to look for a c.e.o. even when there's no more dealers in the marsh to enjoy. from the 1st glimpse of the world to their final resting place the russians on t.w. documentary. were all different even though at the same time we're all basically the same we're fashioned from a myriad of factors like age and sister e gender gymnastic ability nature and nurture and so is the world's work force so
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just how do companies manage to deal with human diversity i fit's to improve on that front a reality well mainly lip service that's our topic today on made data we use business magazine whoever and however you off welcome to the program. companies should be adapting to the realities of an open and diverse society however ensuring tolerance and respect for others in the workplace is perhaps easier said than done firms usually have to adopt a range of strategies to address the issue hirohito when you were an extremely diverse bunch with people from 60 countries working together and over 30 languages and the differences with celebrating go beyond just where we came from as my colleague. has been finding out. women and men young and old people of various ethnic backgrounds with different religions and world views different sexual orientations with and without disabilities the don't
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develop team in berlin is a colorful mix. wanted to know how does it work at other companies how big a variety is there and how do the bosses deal with it. on this t.v. commercial for germany's 2nd biggest mail order group is also making a statement about openness and tolerance. it's a vision of a corporate culture that accepts people for who they are. that may be every day life for workers at auto these days. but it wasn't always like that. it was in spots. even in germany in 2020 it's far from uncontroversial that we run ads featuring homosexuals and we get hateful comments online sometimes really disgusting hurtful remarks we just have to accept it and we make
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a conscious decision to do that and i think it's important that we do accept it because sometimes showing this attitude can help you endure. go back tom could never work in a company where he has to keep his sexuality a secret. he set up an l.g. bt q. network where employees can exchange ideas and find support many people are afraid to come out according to a recent study every 3rd. person in germany experiences discrimination at work and let's say i'm not out and a colleague asks me about it then i only have 2 options i can lie or i can be forced to reveal my sexuality as if it is a that's why it's so important for a company regardless of its diversity management policy to create a corporate culture that promotes openness and diversity for place.
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we lived through all catalogues from the seventy's to the ninety's. a time when you couldn't order fashion online. almost all female and male models are white caucasians vans marshawn and. more than. if you look here all of these models are one type of person they're basically all white women of the i don't know about you but when i look at it from today's perspective it's a distorted picture of the world. is the same. things look very different today any company trying to sell products to the general. to take social diversity into account city should be a top priority. that is the only woman on the board and she works part time. even being able to do that is not a given. when measured by whether we're making empty promises or if we stick
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to it through our behavior and initiatives and show that we're authentic. that. it's often difficult for homosexuals transsexual men or women to find work but more and more companies are hiring at special john fairs like sticks and stones in berlin. and stuart cameron was one of the fair organizers he knows from personal experience what discrimination feels like the o.e.c.d. estimates that a candidate's chances drop by 50 percent if it's their peepers. this discrimination is mostly very in direct for example you don't get invited to certain meetings or you don't get the promotion you're in line for or you don't even get invited in the 1st place. it was the same with me when it came out that i was gay and it was really remarkable to see how colleagues suddenly started to
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become more distant like carson he got scratched in the company parking lot. so it was very important for me to find out which companies out there really don't care who backed me if i have a problem who can i turn to and do i truly believe that this company believes in this issue. using his experience and he started his own business and now advises companies on how they can better address diversity issues . such as having the right contact person. and that also includes instructing management events workshops and training. i would say the biggest challenge we face on this issue is time. of course i see how a lot has happened in the past 11 years and things have become more open but it takes time and it's happening too slow for me i wish that more companies but also
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individuals out there would simply understand just how good and important it is and that there was more investment in this area because it's good for everyone. in germany as a.p. is considered a model company on matters of diversity there are workers from 118 countries at the software company's headquarters. different cultures and ways of thinking and styles of communication meet here. diversity needs to be managed or otherwise there could be problems. ahead of personnel was forced to flee afghanistan for germany as a 14 year old on his own. today he's responsible for over 20000 workers. from the company's point of view openness to diversity means locating the best
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talent for the respective jobs in the respective team we have these talents everywhere they're not only white or german but could be indian male homosexuals except if you only look at the specific requirements of a job a diverse team automatically emerges. large companies can benefit from an open corporate culture mixed teams often achieve better results precisely because they have a harder time together. i think we have to do it because it's the right thing to do because the world has differences they do have to accept we've also noticed that teams are more innovative when they don't all come from the same pot metaphorically speaking. in about a dozen other. but of course this also applies in recruitment if we're more open as employers and we are more attractive option right that's why it's not just an
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end in itself but it's also a good fit and has quantifiable advantages for corporate success even. allowing diversity in a company is a challenge which ultimately. we need to talk about money and that can sometimes seem crude but addressing diversity means addressing the yawning gaps in how different groups of people are paid for the same work were voted so many times here on the debate about gender pay differences but the change that needs to happen simply hasn't it's time to get something done but 1st a few facts. why do women earn less. it's not a myth women's wages remain low while men's climb higher and higher. in germany she earns 21 percent less than a man and she has far less chance of up painting
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a company car but where does the difference come from let's look back a couple of decades. in the wake of the 2nd world war in germany there was a shortage of men and women had to take on hard work their fight for just wages was particularly loud women demanded equal pay and they were successful. then came the bitch the economic miracle the traditional gender roles returned with a vengeance. in west germany at least they have a could remain a housewife and stay home to take care of the kitchen the kids and her husband. both socially and legally men were seen as the only breadwinners this role division continued for decades and it continues to affect employment today. eva chose a typical women's job working in a human resources department. careers in i.t.
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the natural sciences and high tech didn't interest her. the problem is typical women's work is paid less nurses and caregivers often earn less than a truck mechanic for example for in addition eva interrupted her career to raise a family and later worked only half days she never sit in the boss's chair. a vicious circle. as it stands now researchers say evil would have to work almost another 170 years before she finally earns as much as a man equal pay in germany wouldn't become a reality until the year 2187. will keep reporting on that issue but women work as a facing other disadvantages besides lower pay the coronaviruses in something of a regression towards the gender roles of the past men have been the 1st to return
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to offices while women have often been left juggling working from home with keeping the kids schools and entertained entrepreneur and mother in a doll things that's totally out of order she's been speaking to our reporter milty audition it also gives us a little insight into his state of retain. i cook at home why aren't my own shirts and i work full time for my unique and. you definitely unique quite rare for many women as you'd be a dream come true which is a good thing. working from home is good because it gives people a chance to take care of their children and their careers are there any downsides. they have a problem is the problem is that during the coronavirus and demick women pay the price for the good of society women have followed their hearts and taken care of
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their families and their children $1.00 they want to do this as well but they also still have to do they paid work it said gender roles back a few decades. back to the fifty's. the coronavirus could encourage further discrimination against women. mine is all my concern is that if unemployment continues to rise due to the coronavirus women will get a broad deal by staying at home doing more part time work taking care of people more and paying an even higher price. my impression is that if a woman wants a career she caught up a child and she wants a child she has to forgo the career how can we avoid this dilemma. in germany it is unfortunately often the case that women must choose and get trapped working part
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time but order that means that i do a job part time that is normally full time but i'm constantly get told that i can't have a career if i don't work full time plus i have to do 100 percent of the housework that i do if i didn't have a job so i'm constantly stressed so i think if a woman wants to have a career and. children my advice to her would be to work full time. because the likelihood of her finding a partnership model in which the man does a lot of housework in it is much higher than if the woman were to work part time. at holder and. need more men who contribute and share the workload definitely definitely we need men and businesses to contribution other relationship models are possible i've had one with my husband for 20 years i cannot emphasize this enough we both work full time we have 4 children and we don't have an au pair or a nanny and we manage by alternating between working long days and short days 6
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hours 10 hours 6 hours 10 hours and that works well but. i can't bear to hear any more businesses say we have standards and just can't find a qualified woman i can't bear to hear it anymore because it's not true and we need to consider that women present themselves differently and their qualifications come across differently and we need to take a closer look at that question. how by looking at people differently and not just at those who appear boastful story that's not true for all men and there's less to it than what it might sound like there are men who are very competent don't get me wrong but men also present themselves with their chests broad and proud and women tend to be more modest and hope to be discovered and doctor. but that doesn't usually work you know they can no it doesn't but it also doesn't work when women say i'll act like
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a man throughout my career i've heard again and again you act like a man and you're too dominant can't you be more humble women have to realize that that can hold them back as well as i'm a doctor who suffered at all. diversity also means people of different abilities working alongside each other however disability can make finding a job much harder for example just one in 4 blind people in germany is employed over cloudy a large shark camp and visited him have been speaking to 3 women making a success of themselves in the world of work and one of them to rights to the outer reaches of his comfort zone. let me know when it starts to hurt can you still speak. and breathe. and i have retinitis pigmentosa it's a genetic disorder and causes tunnel vision my eyesight was quite good until i was
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30 or 35 i could still ride my bike. given the normal fog of. most of my patients don't even know when i tell them i'm legally blind they say they don't believe me. that was a quick. one can verify this if you can cover up a lot you become a champion in covering it up of course i have trained my coworkers to never put things in the wrong place. i get so mad if i have to spend hours hunting for something if i reach for it and it's not where it's meant to be and i have to start looking for it. my parents always supported me they never said you won't be able to do that. but lynn is very noisy very crowded and people just leach other a lot it's a challenge. i
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see light and dark and contours here in this hall i can make out the windows and the round lamps that look like bright patches. so i can orient myself quite well. i locate the steps with my stick. i know the courthouse building very well with all its corridors and corners. sighted people often get lost here and can't find their way out without help. but when i was 11 i once went to a lawyers office was amazing so it was clear that i would study law. the figure of justice is always depicted with a blindfold in my case given that i can't see i don't judge people by their exterior because i can't that also means i don't get distracted and remain focused on what people tell me. but that doesn't mean i'm entirely free
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of preconceptions they're just a bit different blind people might not like the sound of someone's voice or the way they shake your hand. i'm not a living lie detector but i am pretty sensitive to what people are telling me whether it's true or whether they're lying. on the floor if you can't imagine a blind person can climb a flight of stands you won't believe that a visually impaired person can hold their own in the workplace. i've been blind since birth but when i say i'm on my way to work people ask if i'm going to a workshop for the blind they should be asking where do you work that just goes to show how many preconceptions there still are.
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in the digital world technology is a blessing and a curse at the same time there are some websites we can use easily but far too many and not excessive. if you don't have the app will tell me. it's just like the bus is just arriving no. standard that can be recognized by the app. it says the next one is delayed coming in 10 minutes it doesn't show the one that's just come in so i got on the. dial of in town because there's good public transport that lets me get around. that if self driving cars ever become available and i can afford one i might consider
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moving to the country. long view of diversity is that cultural and ethnic background should play no role in our ability to be employed however your race can still be a boon or a burden on the job market something my colleague to ponder chim better has been finding out for himself erin but it. here's the information a german employer would get about me. i'm a journalist the dortch of ella in berlin and i'm black and african in case you're wondering. after 12 years in germany i'm still surprised that data on ethnic origin and race isn't something german employers normally record about race and ethnicity can still play a role in whether you get hired. a foreign sounding name can already be
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a barrier and german employers typically expect a photo along with a job application so what you look like and your perceived race or ethnicity influences your chances of getting a job. german companies recognize that there's a problem with just what are they doing to reduce bias in recruitment one of the country's largest employers says it's made diversity part of its core strategy. parader georgia baan employs more than 200000 people across germany the company's diversity manager says they only recruitment system helps them to be more objective . but what happens when humans and not computers are involved. aap newest of all. went out to start testing a new measure that will run during our diversity week. test and it will be a kind of blind audition process blind auditions come on 1st will remove all
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personal data from the job application this is it's. for the blind auditions the recruiters will sit in one video conference room and sits in the candidates will sit in a different conference room or in the recruiters will only be able to hear the candidates not see them. but the candidates will be able to see the recruiters. zied the always fair and oh well that's a bit like the voice. yeah. but you can still tell a lot from a voice and an accent several major german corporations about got the diverse we try to do when we send here and that has helped them hire people from different nationalities and different cultural backgrounds but race and ethnicity remain a major problem when it comes to the workplace discrimination. a survey by germany's anti-discrimination agency shows that one in 3 people who reported workplace discrimination said it was because of their ethnicity or race the berlin based citizens for europe says more needs to be done to understand how race and
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ethnic origin can affect people in the labor market here the u.k. is a step ahead 2 years ago the british government published its 1st race disparity audit the report revealed significant pay differences among various ethnic and racial groups and they all white british p.s. according to official u.k. statistics in $2809.00 or 80 groups burnt nearly 22 percent less on average than their white peers in london where the country's ethnicity pick up has widest. that's why calls to require companies to report ethnicity paid a growing louder. we think. that. i. think.
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they could use. the right thank you very much things are moving far too slowly when it comes to diversity discrimination based on ethnicity or race is still very much a reality in the u.k. germany and elsewhere and it also affects us in the workplace. i've learned a lot while working on this report but i'm not convinced employers are doing enough to prevent discrimination based on the knesset and race. not enough is another way of saying too little isn't it so obviously something that as we're seeing can ultimately benefit us all and will keep reminding companies of fat fact this report brings to an end this edition of made his business magazine it's been great to have
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you with us until next time take.
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the be. glued. to. the game. we know this is a scary time for the coronavirus is changing the world changing our lives so please take care of yourself good systems wash your hands if you can stay at how we are d.w.p. for here for you we are working hard listening to keep you informed on all of our
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platforms we're all in this together and run together when they contribute. to a series of what is it instead of saying stay safe the phrase stay safe. is for me to hate is for you. 3 come. right over this for hours. is truth that. beethoven is from possibly beethoven is for the b. a talking 2021250th anniversary here i am on the you know. every 2 seconds
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a person is forced to flee their homes nearly 71000000 people have been forcibly displaced. the consequences of the disastrous hour documentary series displaced depicts dramatic humanitarian crises around the world. forgetting when i didn't go to university to kill people that i don't want to have my boss come to me and tell me to kill someone having in many and if i don't they'll kill me and. keep things for their lives and their future so they seek refuge abroad as a couple in about scares me the most about this state machine to arise is that someday we won't even see the roots. but what will become followers who stay behind and say when my husband went to peru because of the crisis. if he hadn't gone there we would have died of hunger my grandson and i want to down a plane just starts october 16th on don't you.
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think. this is it every news life for world and they're giving it another girl the european union makes another attempt to repair its broken migration system the e.u. commission unveils an overhaul so easy overcrowding and strained resources in frontline states but well the 27 member states unite over such a divisive issue also coming up behind closed doors the embattled leader of the worse is sworn in as president in a surprise ceremony alexander lukashenko suit but inauguration the. 5 thousands of protesters who consider his presidency illegitimate.
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where are you so much for your company everyone we begin this broadcast with a complex issue that has docked the european union the european commission is trying to again create a coherent and humane way of dealing with migrants those who seek asylum and those who seek a better life it's unveiled a plan by which you member states like hungary and poland which refuse to accept migrants what is said offer money equipment or personnel to help patrol borders european commission president resolve underlying appeal to member states to show solidarity with one another and rise to the challenge of migration. a camp on the greek island of sommeliers fit for 500 people it houses 5000 it was
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meant to be a transit point but a backlog migration system has turned it into a home for so many. routes on the 2 years i've been here not in good. conditions are squalid this place and these people are why europe is finally confronting this crisis presenting her proposal the european commission president called on member states to rise to the challenge. this package reflects a fair and reasonable balance between responsibility and solidarity among member states we all share the benefits we all share the burden. the migration pact includes compulsory pre entry screening with fingerprinting and a health check a foster 12 week asylum processing target and a sponsored return scheme that would see member states take responsibility for
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returning migrants on behalf of other member states. the plan abandons previous efforts to relocate new arrivals around the 27 member state something opposed to by the likes of hungry i'm paul and n.g.o.s see that could create havoc in the mediterranean. member states from play member states like italy greece and and malata will be reluctant to cooperate if there isn't any sort of mandatory relocation and then they might not disembark our ships that have been rescued and then migrants are remain stranded so a lot will depend on the willingness of even member states rights in the last 5 years has not been a very high the commission hopes the seams of a farming migrant camp on the greek island of latest polls will be the catalyst for change. morea is a stark reminder we need to find sustainable solutions on migration and we all have to step up. moreas residents know rehung used in another makeshift camp can only
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hope that action comes sooner rather than later. i want to go now to brussels or to correspond above of a. following this story for you barbara so will they rise to the occasion what are you hearing. it depends on how you look at it of course there were a lot of wonderful sounding words there was a lot of paper there of a lot of new proposed legislation but then listening and listening to the commissioners they began stumbling through the minefield off their own proposals because it is difficult it take for instance the proposed sponsorship for people who bring being brought back to their home countries how is that going to work take for instance 300 afghans who might not have the right to sign him then will hungary who as we know notoriously doesn't want to take migrants in take the
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sponsorship for them take them in or will they hire the flight to take them back to kabul will they talk to the afghan government how is this going to work nobody really knows journalists here posed a lot of questions and we didn't get that many answers so already this overhaul has well has elicited a lot of criticism from n.g.o.s barbara because what they fear is that refugees who are now currently in those abysmal camps will not be spread over europe that they have to stay there where they are. maybe the camps will be a bit better but no they will not be spread out because there is not obligatory quota in that to that much the commission really said new we will not force member states to people take people in if they are not willing to we will not really. from our by our own sort of the administrative powers so yes people will stay in thames
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they might be slightly better there is a promise that the whole process of asking for asylum and being considered or not and being sent back is going to work faster but we've heard that promise for 567 years and it has never happened so why should it happen now again cams will stay they might just be a bit nicer and the you might spend a bit more money on them well that's the thing though isn't it in conclusion it kind of sounds like the please correct me that the commission just kind of gave up on this whole idea of redistributing refugees across the continent because of countries like hungry. i feel you quite right line up because they have given up the populace have won this battle more or less politically because they have really put up so much resistance to this they have a created so much political havoc around it that the commission says ok if we can
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force them we can do it it's there is no purpose in trying for there and now we have to sort of call for for. solidarity and just of asked people to do something voluntarily and the question really remind every mainz after this why should other countries looking at eastern europe then say ok if they don't have to do it why should we do it so it might even reduce the will to take in migrants and to take asylum seekers even further than we've seen now of reporting from brussels thank you want to show you now with some of the other stories making news around the world. russian opposition leader alexina vavi has been discharged from the hospital and berlin where he has been treated for poisoning with a nerve agent the kremlin critic says he still faces a long rehabilitation process of all he was airlifted to germany last month after becoming seriously ill during a visit to siberia. the us has begun 3 days of tributes to the late
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supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg people will be able to pay their respects at the supreme court building on wednesday and thursday on friday in spirit will lie in states in the u.s. capitol in a controversial move president donald trump plus a nominee to replace humans for the liberal icon before the election. germany's foreign minister hypo moss has been grounded for now after his bodyguard tested positive for the coronavirus it is unclear exactly how long mr moss will have to remain in quarantine in his apartment in berlin is initial covert 19 test came out negative which was. more than half of the pilot whales stuck in australia's biggest stranding on record are believed to have died rescuers have been struggling to free the nearly $500.00 mammals beached off tasmania the stranded pod was 1st believed to be about half the size before further aerial
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searches spotted another group of around $200.00 nearby. the president's about alexander lukashenko has been sworn into office in a surprise inauguration ceremony despite mass protests against his reelection the question assumed his 6th consecutive presidential term with hundreds of top officials presidents present although the inauguration was not publicly announced it comes on the heels of a disputed elections are weeks of mass protests the opposition in belarus says the poll was rigged in the west and the e.u. are now pushing for sanctions against officials involved and the vote we can now i'm now joined by one of the belarusian opposition leaders veronica step kahlo a very good day miss accept kahlo 1st of all were you surprised when you heard that alexander lukashenko has been sworn in for another term. well actually i think
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older are gross people the russian people were surprised because he she did these ceremonies of course years later when all of this in real money is open publicly open and many many guests international guests where there's going to people are invited to these tournaments certainly but this time the entire procedure the entire ceremony was hidden these years goes to show good looks and is very afraid that there are people who are protesting against the polluters aus for their 40 plus diesel raided because we do not accept him as a president elect he became an illegal in egypt and president of demos and he is not able to present a list or an international arena we do it as do most people we are going to fight for our freedom and democracy in europe as well exactly what it is there anything that you can do now. well actually yes we have negotiations with the international community and we let them know what's going on below it was that it's our cities which are happening and belarus will lead not
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only with let them know what's going on in billers prisons how the people are beaten up how the people of the we should how the people are put in the prisons and to we as i said we are going to demand the question got to leave as soon as possible and to our tunis all political prisoners prisoners and to announce 3 announced new presidential elections where alternative candidates will be able to produce debate in these elections and this then is going to be different this than this which is so good to see how open and open and him. intimately and democracy at these are your aspirations but for now he's not going anywhere he's just been sworn in what does the international community need to do what can they do. well 1st of all as iraq in union already did the opponent and that is him as a persona non-grata armenia all of a european countries do not and can as him as a president elect and they should not ever have any kind of negotiations with location that the european countries and the rest of the contras in the world
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should never accept and ambassadors from the question of the course except in them best as we were understand in the knowledge of him as a president so they should refuse him and looks and doesn't have any support inside of the country cubans now aapl around 30 percent of supporters inside the building was so taken into consideration the lack of international support is the level of international internal support it's just a matter of time when the question call will be and we just hope it's going to happen as soon as possible but will never give up that want to. thank you so very much for speaking to us thank you. and some sports now for you any german athletes has been the name the best player in the world's top hockey league north america's n.h.l. goalie on the ties that all is all of 24 years old and plays for the edmonton oilers but the cologne a does hasn't for that his roots he stars for the german national team as well. on the ice is where lay on divides idol is in his element he's known as
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a german gretzky in canada in honor of the ice hockey legend wayne gretzky who also played for the edmonton oilers drives idol has been at the club since 2014 and now he's been voted the n.h.l.'s most valuable player. floyd of course i'm really happy about it. there are many many people i need to thank for helping me along the way. they play a huge role so that i can be successful and do my thing. prior to this expansion of games future the coronavirus pandemic tries idol became the league's top scorer last season and was the 1st in german to receive the art ross trophy in the qualifying round for the playoffs for the coveted stanley cup yet minton oilers were eliminated by the chicago blackhawks a tough blow for the team but despite that this appointment lay on divides idol
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just 24 years old has already achieved great success in north america and in germany. currently playing with germany's world cup squad. the country produces a lot of talented players but many clubs there are suffering difficulties i. i saw in germany doesn't have the financial means to deal with the current situation. it needs enormous help and they deserve it. for. they on the rise idol a force to be reckoned with now and in the future. and before i let you know i would let you go rather a coronavirus test but no 14 day quarantine that's what foreign athletes taking part in next year's delayed 2020 tokyo olympics may face upon arrival in japan on the draft plan japanese alys will also have to be tested when
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a lot when traveling to the news and training camps organizers have been trying to find a workable solution for the games to go ahead despite concern over their viability due to the ongoing pandemic. that doesn't trust some little rock in berlin business is up next with kate ferguson supporter. most.


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