tv Markus Lanz Deutsche Welle September 25, 2020 10:30pm-11:31pm CEST
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people i don't know i think that. people feel for their lives and their future so they seek refuge abroad but what will become of those who stay behind. displaced starts october 16th on d w. before the pandemic we got used to the sight of thousands of school children around the world skipping school on fridays to demand didn't action on climate change and cove it happened well today tom burke and her followers around the world are back and they're socially distant but the message is still the same but how much difference has friday's future actually made until gail in berlin and this is the day.
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we have. a look at everything. and we're here to support the climate action because we really feel that teachers on the life. of me the future generations will be facing the right if the oldest be there slave you have good reason why he's against it if you don't want it. done quite right. that the congress at one time. also on the day of the race to create the 1st corona virus vaccine but it's the search for a cure the only motivation. is part of russia's strategic interests
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to always want to be 1st irrespective of whether it's a revolution or the 1st flight into space now it's about saying that we're the 1st to develop a vaccine. welcome to the day world fridays for future climate protests back for the 1st time since the pandemic back in march the rallies calling for urgent government action on climate policy went on live by the pandemic began today more than $3000.00 climate strike events took place all over the world. bad weather and social distancing rules couldn't keep them away the fridays for future protests are back thousands of people in berlin and all over germany urge the government to do more to combat climate change young and old came and along with their signs they brought the mandatory masks. people told me they were happy to finally be able to go back to the streets to protest
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thinking that during the coronavirus pandemic the issue of climate change had been forgotten their main goal for the protests is to push the german government and the european governments to respect the $1.00 degree limit to the rising global temperatures that was set by the paris climate agreement more than $3000.00 rallies were registered worldwide mostly small gatherings due to the pandemic and stockholm greater tune back who started the school strike for climate over 2 years ago was among the protesters before the pandemic millions used to march every friday like here in the belgian capital now protesters had to be more creative. here in brussels climate protesters want to set a light on those regions of the world is that now already accepted by climate saves here behind me you can see video messages from climate protesters from all around the world there are just so that climate science is a global problem and that the climate is that global brands like you and the
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movement that made people protest on this friday here in nairobi kenya. and more than 10000 kilometers away brought activists to the streets of mexico city . for a government that they can number of larger scale projects. much and not the right areas and that's. busy young people who want to do what the engine do thank you new train connection that will lead right through the jungle protestors fee for their beaches clearing reefs and the overall biodiversity in mexico the coronavirus put a pause in the protest but it did have some positive impact to the cove in the 1000 pandemic has see the factories periodic lee suspend operations resulting in a reduction in c o 2 emissions in cleaner air but activists argue the world will eventually need to
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shift to permanently changing its behavior in order to bring global temperatures down. a permanent change that is what activists all over the world are demanding. let's take a closer look at this with. she's professor of environment and climate policy at munich's a technical university welcome to you it's often said we heard in the report that governments are not treating the climate crisis as a plot as a crisis is that true. when i think i think it's true in that we've seen the governments around the world being rather slow in the development of climate policies but something that we're also seen recently is that the. mr future movements and very. impact was more and more governments around the world starting to take action
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developing climate laws and now seeing climate emergencies. so that the european level the announcements of the green deal which has been a climate neutrality goal for mid century these are these are important changes and although price for a future movement may not be the only reason these things are happening that certainly played a role. in as much as what they that they've brought into that highlighted it as as a. governance you know that their. future managed to do is to wake up media and get the media to really pay attention to an issue that's been around for a long time and i think they've been able to do it because we're not used to seeing hundreds and thousands of 14 and 15 year olds out on the streets politically active basically willing to speak directly to politicians and insisted that i just level
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of politics and basically say you are ignoring us you're forgetting us it's our future we need we need action we need to. your lack of action there if you choose instead and it has appeal it's more sleep care of the young people and i think by getting out on the streets and by demanding change know the reason why. they've had impact they've been able to motivate other young people and they didn't dance for change and they are being listened to ok so so we have the fight is for futures movement doing those things that you just outlined there but we also have that the more militant environmental campaigners like extinction rebellion to their activists antics and change the minds of governments all over otis as well just annoy people. and i think that what we've seen with the extinction. you act.
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the media attention pretty early on and i'm not so sure that having violence is really the right approach i think i don't think it's the right approach but i'm calling attention to just how serious this climate crisis is what we've been hearing for far too long is yes we're taking action but that action is very slow it's been incremental and that is something that really is the insufficient it's not sufficient for. the pace in which climate change is happening we really need to have the states out of fossil fuels we need to have a switch to renewable energy we need to build our cities differently i'm not only. forgive me for interrupting i want to get them to sort of get coded into this because we've seen the vast amounts of money that industrialized countries have
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poured into saving their economies from covering. are they likely to backslide on their climate commitments as a result of this old perhaps use this as an opportunity to embrace a green a future which way are they likely to go. i like to think positive so i'll say they're likely to at least put some of the investment money that needs to be happening to get economies going again in the direction of what the right is for a future who is calling for the energy transition the transport transition we just saw china announced that they're looking towards a 2060 target for climate neutrality california with the big fires just announced that they are speeding up their calls for a transition of the automobile sector normal are gasoline fired automobiles after 2035 so i think i think things are going to change but of
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course we do have to. wear them but maybe that technical difficulties have ahead of florida say in the end but professor marandi show us from unix technical university thank you so much for joining us and apologies for some of they got technical sound quality that. the european commission will challenge a ruling that the tech company aapl does not to have to pay a bill of $13000000000.00 euros in back taxes to ireland. you quote decided apple had not broken any rules on tax and that it was not the recipient of illegal state aid from the irish government the commission alleges i have and all too would she be duty all the bits of the irish head office that existed only on paper by avoiding paying tax on revenues or on the irish government did not require it.
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sounds a bit tangled a weird doesn't it the folks are from d.w. business explain well welcome kate what you see is the commission go to appeal or basically feel the european commission is fed up with multinationals paying so little talks and it sees us very much as a homegrown problem under the current arrangements in europe every country decides for themselves what their corporation tax rate is are lent is famously low at 12 and a half percent and just to put that into context here in germany it's 30 percent on even in the u.s. it's 22 percent this particular case though isn't actually about 12 and a half percent corporate tax rate it's about something else it's about how arland an awful came to a very specific arrangement and there's 2 sides to this i'm going to try and explain it as simply as i can the 1st how to do with intellectual property licensing and the other how to do with phantom capital so back in 2014 apple and
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arland came together and it was agreed that apple would move most of its intellectual property ownership to our land what that means is that if you buy an i phone in china. company the subsidiary in china has to pay the irish company intellectual property service fees that can be a substantial amount of money doesn't disclose how much and you think ok this means that they'll have to pay 12 and a half percent tax on this favorable make the european commission is not modified but still within the realms of respectability but that's not in fact what's happening so what apple has done is come to a very particular arrangement with the irish government whereby it says that those profits made are actually managed to elsewhere in a company that does not actually have a fixed abode and because of the us the irish government alive it's awful to diverse its profits and the tax payable on us to a company that doesn't actually exist anywhere in particular and that's what led the european commission to conclude that opera has in effect only been paying about
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one per cent rocks in our land 75 years old about millions perhaps even billions going from apple somewhere out there. who are on the outs again to somewhere exactly 13000000000 to. me it seems extraordinary that the irish government doesn't want the 1000000000 euros why well to put it simply because it thinks its relationship with awful on its reputation as a destination for tech investment is worth more than 30000000 euros and you can see why when you look at it from marlins perspective it's a small country it doesn't have much industry of its own to both of these tech companies are hugely valuable to the company to the country they provide ties of jobs so there's not too much in it for our land to go tough at this point know that the person leading the charge from the commission this is the moderates a vest. and she's got form when it comes to going after u.s. multinationals she certainly don't there's not many regulations that are household
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names but she is and she's tough she had no figure out all about going out and going after these companies so she's in 2617. the european commission fined google 2700000000 euros for and favoring its own services in its search engine it's also going after amazon and looking into how it treats 3rd party sellers on its platform so it really you really have to say that she's she's tough on this and she's determined to get her way so this latest court ruling that the commission says it will appeal so when are we going to get there and when will this all be over could take years and i think in the meantime the debate about corporation tax sovereignty is going to continue to rage in the european union ok meanwhile that 13000000000 euros just sits out there resting in cyberspace all right kate ferguson from did every business bank you. know next
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story has the ravings of a brown thriller catholic cardinals fighting over huge amounts of money a pope brought in to clean up the stench of corruption allegations of child abuse financial corruption court cases and overturned guilty verdict today's episode concerns one cardinal angelo a bench you who resigned unexpectedly on thursday on friday he told the press the pope told him to go because of allegations of investment he says the charges relate to 100000 euros that he gave to a charitable organization run by his brother the money is actually still in the church's bank but questions are also being asked about a 200000000 euro london property investment and again the way the cardinal tells it this all came as a bolt out of the blue. to give each are going to cause a tsunami on the year if you know it was a surreal feeling because until 6 o'clock yesterday evening i felt as
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a friend of the pope a faithful servant of the part. and each of them in the pipe told me i no longer have trust in you may have been a kid even more than a singer that c.l. made that was because he had received a report from the magistrates that i had committed embezzle months. they could not so what is going on at the vatican and who is bet you anyway he was a religious a fast correspondent of mata neg i cannot talk through the shenanigans welcome martin let's start with today's the main character cardinal angelo becerra boo is he. so bad use a very very high ranking figure certainly not a household name even for those that follow church politics but he's somebody that was in the department of state of the vatican under benedict and then under friends
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is. a piece of the if you're that actually held an enormous amount of power he was sexually the 2nd in line to better lean who is actually essentially the department of state or. essentially that the person directly underneath the pope souci had unfettered access to the pope. to both popes actually he was in charge for a very long time with managing entire ambassadorial bodies about it buddy of there i think and he also was eventually moved to the office. essentially proposes saints for going to the sation and he's somebody that had a huge huge footprint on the vatican korea so that he's essentially the civil servants. that move. to. this are the tick in the vatican ok so he was a big deal so how unusual is it for such a senior a cardinal or
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a cardinal is told to me effectively get fired and then to back the pope about why he had to go. it's very very unusual i mean so the 1st thing to be said is you know the way that the vatican percent. that bit you had presented his resignation cardinal said that state of their career do not present risk nations these just doesn't happen that essentially you know the very coronation often tired entire essentially. really just live for a couple of truth now furthermore this is not just a cardinal this was a cardinal of the very top of the power structure of the vatican so that he's actually extremely unusual but it's also got a few for me some that we all usually hear from the vatican. rather surprising that you know almost a day after the game out he went out to the breast you essentially say that he
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indeed had been fired and you know he clearly takes takes issue with the way it was done and with the accusations that were leveled now if i were a conspiracy theorist i'd be looking for a link between today's resignation of cardinal bad shewn who was in charge of lodging once a vatican money the pope's mission to clean up vatican finances and the australian cardinal george pell who resigned not so long ago because of child abuse charges of which he was cleared can you draw us a line between. i can it's not a terribly complex when essentially it comes down of it comes down to financial reforms within the vatican. somebody that has been associated he's name has being you know said and whispered around different forms of receipts tends to financial reform inside the vatican and in relation to the vatican bank when they're looking
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mean in to us appointed by these folks. to reorganize the financial structure east understood every day often said that bit too was one of the main opponents of bedlam as a matter of fact something that was even reported by the new york times today. that they too was named as one of the people that bush to have bill essentially sent back to australia to face justice so it is very very much the case that what we're seeing especially when we saw bell react today to to the sacking of bit you celebrating essentially and congratulating the boat for the move which that itself is very unusual this is something that sort of was done showing again i think the lines in the lines in the sand inside but you can politics so you don't need a great conspiratorial story here you just need to sort of follow follow the money
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as they like to say and a lot of the stories have to deal with these 2 figures of power ok what we actually need is a skit a hollywood screenwriter believe it that religious affairs a correspondent martin kept going to it. the russian capital last go has ordered elderly people to stay at home and advised employers to allow as much working from home as possible. coronavirus cases russia has recorded more than a 1000000 infections more than 20000 deaths this is happening even though russia claims to have created the world's 1st approved coronavirus boxing sputnik 5 which is still undergoing clinical trials. washing his hands multiple times a day just one of a series of hygiene measures parent undertakes the dr doesn't want to take any
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chances with coronavirus but he knows a vaccine would offer the best protection against covert 19 that's why he's volunteered to take part in testing a new russian one. someone has to do it. without clinical trials and there are no medicines. the effectiveness of his vaccine can only be evaluated in the 3rd phase of clinical trials. the stage 3 trials began 3 weeks ago but the vaccine which has been named sputnik 5 was already licensed in august before they began and mass inoculation in russia is planned for later this year something numerous experts have sharply criticized the russian government has rejected the criticism it says the vaccine has been developed from already known substances and doesn't pose any health risks rush urgently needs an effective vaccine the country currently has the 4th highest number of coronavirus
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cases worldwide and the numbers continue to rise with around $6000.00 new infections each day. gallup aaron and other doctors say they're not worried about the vaccine safety. after all the vaccine has already been tested on several well known public people and they're doing well. these public figures include russian defense minister sergei short moscow mayor. and one of president vladimir putin's daughters potent p.r. material. it's part of russia's strategic interests to always want to be 1st irrespective of whether it's a revolution or the 1st flight into space now it's about saying that we're the 1st to develop a vaccine internally we're showing that the situation is under control. it's a signal that russia is still mastering its role as the savior of the world.
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isn't thinking about his country's p.r. plans just now the doctor is here because he's hoping to help win the fight against the corona virus pandemic. lou do people are tired of cook with the who they want it to be over in the new vaccine can help calm people and offer a way out of the situation but google's because it will most likely be at least several months until the results of the phase 3 trials are known only then can the actual effectiveness and safety of russia's sputnik 5 vaccine be assessed. and not whilst the day as everything comes asian continues online you'll find us on twitter at d w news i'll leave you now with images and music from the lying in state of the night the u.s. supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg at the capitol in washington d.c.
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to the point of strong opinion on your position some international perspective sum up. a massive new leak of financial documents show is that internationally renowned banks are continuing to aid and about illegal money laundering hokum robbed are the banks that's our topic on to the point up to the point. that up in the minutes on d w. i'm not thinking about the debt well enough sometimes i
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am but most end up in which at that point the german thinks deep into the german culture of looking up a stereotype aquatics many years think the future of the country that i'm. yet. you can see we've taken a scrum a day out to eat it's cold out. fox news i'm rachel join me tonight the gentle sunday duppy. post good use crime fighter are back africa's most successful in radio drama series continues this season the stories focus on hate speech prevention and sustainable truckle introduction lola besos are available online and of course you can share and discuss among africa's facebook page and other social media platforms. crime fighters to mindanao.
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get. whatever we begin to do what they were for to get out of c o 2 in the atmosphere of the increase of the temperature. 2050 we have to start down by starting to decrease the amount of c o 2 are there now this is actually not a hard problem just takes will however there are very important economic interests to all of the lot of coal who own a lot of oil that are doing everything possible to make sure this doesn't happen we have to fight them by 2050 will be well on the way to be relied on renewable solar wind i'm optimistic that. we're not totally safe as p.c. .
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this is the w.'s life from the fridays for future movement is back to return to climate change the top political agenda around the world from the arctic to australia thousands of young protesters have been turned to the streets for the 1st time since the outbreak of the pandemic. program farewell to u.s. supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg blocking the capitol building in washington d.c. the 1st woman and the 1st jewish person to see that. people injured one of them seriously paris knife attack several suspects have been arrested the new office of
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the satirical magazine charlie hebdo the scene of a terror attack in 2015. of the program. friday is for future climate protests have returned to the streets for the 1st time since the start of the pandemic and botched the rallies of mainly school children calling for improved climate protection policy went online on the coronavirus started spreading but today more than $3000.00 climate strike events are taking place around the world. to see what was happening here in bout it. climate demonstrators were back on berlin streets for the 1st time in months after the coronavirus pandemic forced most protest actions online thousands flocked to
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the brandenburg gate the city's most famous landmark carrying banners and chanting slogans neither the threat of touring rain nor the coronavirus could stop them they were young people children with their parents students but also people from older generations including a group of grandmas fighting against climate change all were wearing masks and respecting social distancing people told me they were happy to finally be able to go back to the streets to protest thinking that during the coronavirus pandemic the issue of climate change had been forgotten protesters say the time is right to push governments to pursue the 1.5 degrees celsius limits on the rise in global temperatures set by the paris climate agreement make its basics for me the most important thing is to comply with the paris climate agreement the measures that are currently being taken in german politics to world wide are not nearly enough to comply with the agreement that. i want the goals that we have now
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said. that europe has hopefully agreed on implemented. and they are ambitious goals but i think they are realistic. the demonstrators are vowing to not give up the fight they want the government to hear them loud and clear and to take action. u.s. supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg made history again on friday as the 1st woman and the 1st jewish american to the u.s. capitol building flood florida half mast democratic leader nancy pelosi and chuck schumer justice ginsburg's coffin into the capitol. presidential nominee joe biden who presided over her confirmation hearings as a senator back in 1993 was amongst those out friday saturday.
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let's get more from washington bureau chief polwhele how is justice ginsburg being remembered today. so is it was the final could buy to an american hero i think who stands like no other supreme court justice for equality i think it is 1st to say that she was like a radical liberal who changed america with her never ending fought for equality and against discrimination well the president has said that he's going to reveal his nomination for justice ginsburg's replacement on saturday which joe biden is unhappy about why. right he made it clear immediately off the president trump announce that he's going to pick ruth bader ginsburg's successor tomorrow that he joe biden things that the american people should decide whether they want to have a liberal or a conservative successor or for meaning that the next president should pick the
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next supreme court justice so phil they have there are some major differences between biden and trump when it comes to gun rights and also when it comes to abortion rights ok now voting in november's election has already begun in some states how is that a one of the polls projecting. well it's interesting since joe biden became the democratic nominee for president he is constantly. ahead in the polls of donald trump. but at the crucial state of florida this will be probably the deal maker for president if you loses florida he is in danger that he will lose the white house in florida joe biden's. figures are dropping down so
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everybody kind of is now looking at this stage in the united states one of the issues getting voters excited or indeed depressed as you talk to them around the country. right phil i had the chance to really travel different states starting in the west coast and making my wife way back through washington i would have expected that the demi greely is dominating the decision so to speak from the voters but it's actually not it is as always in the united states abortion rights we have many single issue voters they just would go for the president who is against abortion then it's obviously guns but it's also the economy because many many people are suffering because of the cold with 19 pandemic so they think many things that donald trump has the power the energy to do to bring the united states out of this crisis and this is another challenge joe biden is facing
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because more and more people think that he might be too old and too weak to carry this country out of the current situation in a poll in washington thank you. let's take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world now the illinois a teenager accused of killing 2 protesters in commotion appears an online hearing to fight extradition to his concert kyle rittenhouse allegedly fired on the 2 during a raster of the police shooting and wounding jacob lake in the city is lawyers say he acted in self defense. at least $22.00 people are dead after a military aircraft crashed in eastern ukraine the plane crashed while landing in the city of jehu if of course they say there were 2 survivors who are said to be in serious condition 4 people still missing most of the victims are young military cadets. turkish prosecutors have issued arrest warrants for 82 people including
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a man and members of a pro kurdish opposition party as part of an investigation into deadly riots in 24 teens sparked by anger at the government's perceived in action against militants from the islamic state group along the border with syria. a british police officer has been shot dead inside a london police station while detaining a suspect the incident took place inside the croydon custody center in south london the suspect was also shot and is in critical condition it's the 1st time since 2017 the london officer has been killed in the line of duty. france's interior minister says a knife attack says today's knife attack in paris was clearly an islamist act of terror the incident left 2 people wounded one seriously a number of people have been arrested in the attack happened as the trial was underway of suspects in the attack on the offices of the satirical magazine charlie abdo 2015. a sickening sense of deja vu
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in paris is 11th hour going to small 1st responders will out the victims at the very sight of one of the most infamous attacks in the capital's history the former offices of charlie a dog with 12 people died in 2015 shaking the foundations of the republic. well going to be year we had shots around midday we ran outside and that was all we saw before the police arrived. to put it would you study the. shore victim lying on the ground covered in blood that's when i panicked and then people started panicking in shocking to me. off to savagely attacking the victims who were taking a smoking break the principal suspect fled the same police say they arrested the man nearby on the plus the law but. they were also detained several more peace
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alleged associates in the attacks off the mob. were those injured in the incident stuff a television production firm in charlie if those form the building the magazine wrote on twitter the entire charlie tame since it supported solidarity to our former neighbors and colleagues at p.t. over the films and it everyone touched by this horrible attack french authorities have already up an investigation into the attack the french interior minister and the city may have visited the saying anti terror prosecutors are in charge of the probe into the incident we have all of this we've decided to launch an investigation into attempted murder with a terrorist motive some crime associated with terrorism. we can do that you're killing it. french authorities are already calling this attack symbolic it is happening right in the middle of
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a mass trial of 14 people in connection with the 2015 charlie it done massacre that began what's being called france's war on terror this incident signal that iraq is an r.v. get. frogs where they can cumulative number of corona virus infections has passed half a 1000000 for the 1st time the rising number of cases has led to the reimposition of restrictions of what if you'd only a couple of months ago in the mediterranean city of ma say frustrated by restaurant owners protested after the government ordered them to close the prime minister says that types of measures are necessary across the country to prevent the kind of national lockdown seen in march on thursday fronts reports of more than 60000 new infections and more than 6000 people hospitalized with the virus. marci on maximum alert as the number of killed that patients in intensive care searches
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non-emergency operations are being cancelled to keep critical care beds free authorities worry a 2nd wave could overwhelm the health care system. to contain the flare up bars and restaurants in france's 2nd largest city will be forced to close for at least 15 days starting on saturday the decision is left many bar owners and staff seething some feel they are being unfairly targeted. we're on justly punished stigmatized fingers are automatically being pointed at us bars and restaurants we are responsible for the rise in kobe cases in marsay it's nonsense how and why are we responsible for this when we do everything to comply with the rules with regard to the others also that france is prime minister disagreements speaking on a t.v. programme he said the industry has contributed to the surge in covert cases. don't think longer about showing the wall many people in cities see bars where
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a lot of people don't have masks and don't respect the social distancing measures so they are hotbeds of contamination i mean us your uncle who was and we are 3 times more likely to be infected in a bar then in a normal business with. other french cities are also bracing for tougher restrictions in the capital paris bars and restaurants will have to shut at 10 pm. we'll take a look at the latest developments in the coronavirus upon to make the united states is not accorded more than 7000000 infections that's the highest number in the world a spanish capital madrid has imposed possible lock downs in a traditional areas with high infection rates aspirants code of the worst hit country in the e.u. the united nations is warning about the current virus may have more deadly consequences in yemen and you know that ascs country the war torn state is struggling with multiple crises at the same time. quick word of sport
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frankfurt kicked off much state 2 in germany's borders leader on friday night by beating hatband then $31.00 in the german capital with frankfurt already to nil up sebastian roeder fired in the 3rd goal in the 71st minute it was a beauty. reorders rocket flew past the reach of the outstretched hatton goalkeeper when puts from us 1st place for at least a day. is a reminder of our top stories at this hour of the fridays for futures school climate strikes resumed it today around the world organizers say the scaled down demonstrations will take place in line with coronavirus restrictions on social distancing of the pandemic means everything at rallies are called by swedish schoolgirls political birth and to be held on life. i mean you're late to the u.s. supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg says that letter was late that it has
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laid in state in the capitol building in washington d.c. she is the 1st woman 1st person of the jewish faith to receive back on. that's it you're up to date small world news at the top of the hour up next here on d.w. kate ferguson has your business update of the day. care that vi work that's hard and in the end it's a me your not a lot of the year and more we will send you back. are you familiar with this. new smugglers with lions and. what's your story. 'd 'd on what numbers and women especially in victims of violence. take part and send
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us. your story you are trying always to understand this new cold. saw your another visitor another guest you want to become a citizen. to margaret's your platform for reliable information. but going to grinded 737 mocks could get the green light to fly again but with the aviation industry in crisis and the models reputation in tatters the playmakers problems are far from over. also coming up cuba to currency system could soon be coming to an advantage but is the country prepared for the economic fallout years of the move. on that part of africa tentatively reopens the country is hoping domestic tourism will help restore its dealing travel industry. this is the end of
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the business i'm kate ferguson and i for joining me boeing's grounded 73000 marks could take back to the skies by the end of the year that's according to the e.a.s.a. europe's chief aviation safety regulations or according to statements made on friday the scandal plagued model could receive regulatory approval to resume european flights before the end of this year the 737 mark has been grounded for 18 months after 2 crashes killed more than 300 people investigators have blamed the tragedy on a design for. our business correspondent joins us now from new york yeah and some promising news for the 70000 mark from europe what's the status of the model in the u.s. . we've probably a world see a milestone next week already even the head of the f.a.a. the federal aviation administration is supposed to conduct
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a test flight was the 737. 8 that does not mean that immediately the plane will be back in this guy is there will there's need to be to finalize some training requirements and also there can be public comments but there was all of this recent development it is possible that maybe even worse than towards the end of 2020 the plane might be flying. but he ends with all that said boeing are far from. here well clearly i mean just look at the customers of boeing so meaning the airlines they're still struggling capacity is still a far cry from which used to be a year ago the airlines are burning millions of dollars in cash each and every single day soledad is one problem and then we also heard on friday that one of the suppliers sell for boeing in california actually had to file for bankruptcy protection that does not mean that the supplier is not delivering any more to
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boeing but it really shows that the problems definitely are far from over either way the stock of boeing was up in the friday session on wall street by almost i'm 7 percent and was that boeing was by far the biggest winner in the doug jones industrial average. thanks so much on a great weekend. now to some of the other global business stories making news google's parent company alphabet is to pay $310000000.00 to settle a lawsuit over how it handled sexual misconduct allegations thousands of google employees staged a walkout in 2018 after it emerged that would create a reuben received millions in severance pay while facing misconduct allegations. b.m.w. is to pay $18000000.00 to settle allegations that it inflated u.s. sales figures between 20152019 apparently with the aim of impressing investors
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during a bond offering the german carmaker accepted the penalty without admitting or denying the findings. authorities in pervert who have seized 11 tons of shark meat that was due to be shipped overseas a kilo of it fetches up to $900.00 on the black market making is a lucrative cause for criminals sharks are protected species in many parts of the world. cuba is a land of 2 currencies the 1st the cuban paizo is the money most cubans use day to day the 2nd the converse for paizo or cook is known as the tourist currency it's commonly used in foreign foreign exchange transactions the government has long used the scheme to protect the regular pesos value but those days are now coming to an end leading to fears that the country could be in for an economic shock. she is one of the lucky ones because although rodriguez receives money from relatives abroad
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so she doesn't have to rely on cuba's convertible pestles to see you sees. what i'm going to go to me and i asked if my relative sent me money now even $3040.00 that i wouldn't exchange it for c.c.'s i go to mamma and to buy the little things i like in the dollar stores there listed in the middle lines are a common sight in havana thanks to chronic supply shortages and with the sea use these days numbered shop owners don't want to accept them. that's forced many cubans to exchange the unwanted currency for american dollars a vicious circle the striving up prices. that have spent $30.90 and look at what i bought some packages of shoes for my packages which i get in 5 packages of tomato puree almost nothing and. metal is one of a small fraction of cubans that has access to dollars but what about the rest. of
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you don't know how you have got or simply don't know if we have for example $11000000.00 people $1000000.00 can buy in dollars and what about the other 10 you know what i mean if i don't have a family abroad i don't have that great opportunity. experts say the timing for phasing out the c.u.c. couldn't have been worse. it is the worst moment because this is monetary reform that implies a significant devaluation of the official exchange rate against the dollar something that has never been done. for years the cuban government had men tamed the c.u.c. at an artificial $1.00 to $1.00 rate to the dollar shielding the cuban pestle from pressures from abroad but without the bull work in place the cuban pistils real value may be revealed at a time when cuba is largely cut off from supplies of foreign currency with hardly any tourism amid the all. call that 19 pandemic.
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in india thousands of farmers have taken to the streets to protest against proposed agricultural reform critics of the plan changes say the new rules will allow the government to stop buying grain at guaranteed prices leaving them at the mercy of private buyers the government for its part says the new rules allow farmers to sell to institutional buyers and big retailers such as well mars. to south africa where international travel restrictions are due to be eased following a 5 month lockdown under the new measures airports and hotels are reopening prompting a celebration of the long stuff but with many international visitors still likely to choose to stay away some fear that domestic travellers alone won't be able to restore the country's ailing tourism industry here's a look at how one safari large operation has been fairing. this is can
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swallow safari large and the greater kruger national park following strict covert protocols the large is open again for business. it is game viewing season and normally the luxury camp would buzz with tourists from all over the world but with borders only opening in october just a few local travelers are to be found manager alister lawyer is glad to be back at work again but fears that cash strapped south africans will not keep the largest in the area afloat. you know i think everyone's in the same boat and they some lodges that didn't manage to hold out and have closed more entrenched maybe only stuff i'm so we lucky still to be open but they're not just that i opened with us you know the big name brands and they're in the same boat as us they've they've got it with the south african market you know their rights put out big special say and try and keep going to less borders i think over the years tourism has been one of the few growth sectors in south africa for 2020
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a record number of 17000000 visitors were expected to experience the country's natural beauty. places like to swallow large almost entirely dependent on american and european tourists now operators have to survive on local travellers alone with the country's economy in serious trouble many lodges have to cook their rates by half. fantastic specials around at the moment it's wonderful to be able to afford you know a lunch be we use used to be not be able to afford before lock down and there are really amazing specials so that gives an opportunity for people to see the country to experience them a chance to experience a lot of life with 10 percent of the workforce made redundant consuello could keep most of its employees but conditions changed wages have to be cut down some by 70 percent and there is the risk of infection as most visitors come from coronavirus
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hotspots like your highness burg nevertheless workers are relieved to have clients back. no i was not schooled i was hippie because of me had to probably save many my siblings that's why i'm gay maybe. i'm not scared of anything borders will open again for international visitors on the 1st of october under strict conditions with almost 10 percent of jobs here dependent on tourism experts hope it's soon enough to not lose out on the lucrative summer season. and finally amazon's latest addition to smart homes around the globe is raising more than just some eyebrows billed as a home security solution the company's indoor drone uses motion sensors to detect disturbances when tricked the drone flies to the site of the disturbance and sends users a video feed but privacy advocates warn the technology could open the door to other
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types of intrusion some are also concerns that amazon could allow governments to tap into the drones feet. and not fall from me for more head to our website e.w. dot com flash business you can find us on social media to top of the line on facebook or twitter for me and the team could buy a ticket. to
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we celebrate the 30th anniversary of journeys from. 230 w. . this is state of the union's africa coming up on the program the man portrayed as a hero in the movie hotel rwanda has admitted to backing a rebel group but all resists have been a denies that he supported any killings violence or attacks against balkan gummi. and will check in odds madagascar's even as they've had the forest to themselves these last few months because of culverts 19 restrictions. what happens to the african soldiers who were taken as prisoners in germany during world war one.
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