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tv   Markus Lanz  Deutsche Welle  September 29, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm CEST

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this is deja vu news live from berlin remembering the victims of a global pandemic the corona virus is now officially claimed more than a 1000000 lives it is a tragedy spreading across nearly 200 countries did have a unique family in belgium left grieving by their loss also coming up. was fighting in the disputed territory of the guard cutter box flares for a 3rd day germany's chancellor merkel and u.s. secretary of state my pompei o add their voices to calls for
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a cease fire. donald trump prepares for the 1st presidential t.v. debate but after reports saying he is massively in debt and pays almost nothing in taxes will is opponent joe biden turn trump's losses into a win. and california as a wine country is burning again as fast moving wildfires terror across that region tens of thousands are forced to flee as the most destructive fire season in the state's history rages on. i'm sumi so much convents good to have you with us the corona virus has claimed the lives of more than 1000000 people but experts caution that the true figure is probably much higher the johns hopkins university database recorded this tragic milestone and that database shows the virus has spread to at least 180. countries
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and fatalities have been rising through most of august and september after weeks of gradual decline many countries are seeing a resurgence in coronavirus cases including here in europe experts say the crisis is far from over. well let's take a look now at the countries with the most deaths resulting from cold it 19 now if we take a look at the the map now we see her that includes the u.s. brazil india mexico the u.k. italy france spain and also iran but if we look at the number of deaths as a proportion of the population of each country we get a better indication of the impact of the virus and as you can see on the back that list is a little bit different it includes peru belgium bolivia spain ecuador she lay the u.k. of brazil italy and of course the u.s. now if you focus in on one of those countries belgium of the government there has been criticized for being slow to act but the hyper capita death rate may also be
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because of a statistical quirk belgium has a broader definition of deaths caused by the virus which makes its figure higher than in other countries but no matter how the statistics stack up every coronavirus death is a human tragedy didn't use terrorist cells reports now on one belgian families heartbreaking loss. the world has lost a 1000000 lives. one of them meant the world to 10 year old lorenzo my grandpa who was the best his grandpa luke picked him up from school each day and when i got to we made homework and after dad. just played the couch and just didn't really want to deal. mostly i got snacks. but their hometown st true then was hit early and hard by the corona virus we had 53 people. who had to enter the hospital and we only
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had bets for 20 people but luke was already hospitalized failing fast he said if i don't make it police could go. he didn't make. it on march 23rd luke became seen truants 1st corona death jeanine and their daughters nell and lane and lorenzo didn't even get to see goodbye now that really hot. it struck us really all. mayor very hit and felt it personally her husband became critically ill but survived it was a terrible time for the families but also for us as a mayor but also all the people of my policemen and you know the people in the town who are working. 24 hours a day 6 months later same treatment has the infection rate under control with strict measures father room 10 and says now inhabitants need to heal it's important
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that we share. with each other what we feel what we want our r. and d. but also or the. mayor here and decided to create a space for that a corner of a city park is now a memorial the theme forget me not plenty of those flowers have been planted by city landscaper d.d.'s summers are long with a tree of life and a plaque bearing a poem in the heart and that. the flowers will come so yeah even when it's sat. it will be a little bit. beautiful. for the memorials dedication september 13th lorenzo was asked to commemorate his beloved grandfather he told his mom nellie he was too afraid to look at life there or the were i gonna laugh at me.
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but lorenzo changed his mind and wrote a letter even. dear grandpa i miss you very much i am mad about corona mad about what happened. you were to bastogne always going to be the best because you think he said in there. that i was brave and that i was happy that i did it that i get through it all out. please happy. everybody's. grandpa. no one here will forget them. to diffuse teri schultz reporting for us there. let's get some more perspective on the story now we can speak to gabriel leung he's an epidemiologist and dean of medicine at hong kong university gabriel thank you for joining us as we mentioned
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we've reached a really tragic milestone 1000000 people have died from coban 1000 across the world and we know that the pandemic is still far from over what is your perspective do you think we're going to see the death toll continue to rise at such a level going forward. yes i'm afraid i do see it increasing oil etc reaching project korea all of hospitalization and then of course a few weeks after that you will start seeing rises in deaths as well so as. it is now going through the accept rate at phase i wave to you will start seeing and in fact indeed you have started seeing the age all the infected to go up from the younger age groups now into the order that i don't race
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group and with that you are seeing. being hospitalized and then as i said in a few weeks time the debt numbers will rise again on any increasing trajectory and that is almost inevitable especially as we now head into middle and then made or to made early winter that is quite a sensitive period to recrudescence it is extremely worrying gabriel i want to ask you about some of the regional differences we've seen particularly with the death toll it seems that asia has actually fared much better than the americas and europe how do you explain that. i think i think that it's not just the it's not just the dex dex is merely the tip of the iceberg so i think that noble line is the total number up in fiction. let's say to east asia or for that matter that down on deck and australasia i think that those numbers are
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a fraction by well i don't know what you've been 2 orders of magnitude smaller then europe really america is on a per capita basis and therefore when you look at hospital admissions i see you admissions and then dex eventually those corresponding the scale and i think that it really depends on how hard you work tractable one of the restrictions to the north pharmaceutical interventions of testing tracing where one teeny and isolating ok and i think that. very remarkable difference is between different regions in the road in terms of those key measures and in fact some of those that may reduce depending on the allocation on
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a global basis the 1st batches of vaccines as and when they become available i think starting towards the end to be a right the beginning of next year and even just a quick question on vaccines there we know that the number of vaccines are undergoing trials at the moment when they become available and are safe to use do you think that would really need the end of the pandemic. no i don't think that that would be the silver bullet that many are imagining or hoping people will i think that the 1st generation of back scenes with possibly one maximum 2 exceptions most of them good treatment of them i designed and made good as outcomes and licensed. to reduce disease severity not to stock tribes mission and so that is a very subtle but critical difference we'll have to leave it there gabriel then the dean of medicine at hong kong university thank you so much for joining us here in
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the w. . now germany's chancellor angela merkel will meet the country's state leaders to discuss a new strategy for combating the pen demick backless warned that current trends could lead to a major spike in infection rates before the end of the year but just how ready is germany for a 2nd wave didn't you visited one doctor surgery in the center of berlin that's hoping to get ahead of the curve. 12 meters long and growing. that's the length of today's line at a medical practice in berlin. people have come here to get tested for corona through the window no appointment necessary. i think it's a really nice option doesn't take so much time and it's it may be safer than going to a cost bottle and sitting in the close space where patients can be sick but here everything everyone is wearing masks and the just for the window so i think it's really nice
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that the doctors ability cuts and runs the practice she's bracing herself for a harsh corona winter with many more patients to deal with. any time you want my advice i don't want to be a prophet of doom and gloom but the numbers are clearly going up we all want to prevent another lockdown so we don't want to have to close the schools again somehow we've got to get through this winter. to prepare for what's coming germany wants to set up more testing stations they would receive people running at a high temperature or with other corona symptoms additionally the public health office which tracks infected people was promised more personnel but that has yet to materialize. and the politicians have pledged to bolster the health authorities over the next 5 years this requires the creation of 5000 new jobs but now as october and november approach the jobs don't yet exist in the health offices this
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is a problem that urgently needs to be addressed. but instead of relying solely on germany's health care and tracking system dr cuts and would rather make testing at home possible. if you miss a good movie you'll have to be given the chance to do a test without a doctor to go to the pharmacy and buy a test although they do not guarantee 100 percent accuracy and they provide an excellent indicator and are absolutely adequate from an epidemiological point of view because. the swap test involves taking a sample between the nose and mouth it shows the result within 15 minutes without sending the sample to a laboratory in germany though only doctors and pharmacists are allowed to order them should infections start rising sharply in winter they might be an alternative to long lines in the cold as we mentioned chancellor merkel as needing regional
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leaders today to hash out a new strategy to combat the virus political correspondent hans front tells us what to expect from that meeting. well there have been some leaks about what is likely to be decided today and it looks as though the restrictions will be tightened again what they're talking about is the number of people that are allowed to attend private parties for instance will be restricted to a 25 and public gatherings to 50 the background to this is that in recent months or in recent weeks the number of infections have risen is specially because of gathering such as the religious gatherings. waiting parties birthday parties in other words things that are happening really outside public control in private in private circumstances but these kinds of gatherings ought to be restricted we have to say however that there is some dispute between the various regions the 16
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federal states and germany amongst each other there is a push to have these rules imposed for the whole of germany but especially the rural federal states feel that in their cases where the number of covered cases are very low applying such strict measures would not be reasonable so there is some dispute going on about whether this will be for the whole of germany or not. hans front reporting there let's take a look now at some other stories making headlines around the world human rights watchdog amnesty international says it is halting its operation in india after what it calls a witch hunt and reprisals from the government amnesty international said in a statement that the indian government had frozen its accounts and the organization has now paused all research and campaign back in the country. french president emmanuel in my car has met valorously an opposition leader. during his visit to lithuania she said also fled belarus in august after
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a disputed election she told journalists after the meeting that michael had promised to help mediate the political standoff and balanced and secure the release of political prisoners. french police have dismantled up migrant camp in the northern port town of callender the makeshift camp was home to about $800.00 migrants mostly from iraq afghanistan sudan and eritrea every year thousands of migrants tried across the english channel to reach the u.k. . and protesters clashed with police in mexico city as hundreds of women marched through the capitol demanding the decriminalization of abortion ranks of female police officers used pepper spray against the demonstrators abortion is banned in most of mexico except under certain circumstances like sexual assault. germany's chancellor merkel and u.s. secretary of state mike pump aoe have both called for an immediate cease fire in the disputed territory of nagorno-karabakh in the caucasus michael following the
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leaders of both our media and azerbaijan the 2 countries are now engaged in a 3rd day of fighting over the region it lies within the azerbaijan but has been under the control of ethnic armenian forces since 1994. these scenes have put the international community on edge. but for the residents of both mania and as a by xan they have been a long time coming. was a little the as i by johnny ami will win this war and we will return to our historical lands. as it is that victory is our as if my country needs me as a soldier i am ready even at my age. of course we are afraid of a long war but the civilian population and the military must be ready for it although it is better to be free later than to continue this false pace. the focus of the fighting is the goal in a car back region the dispute itself is decades old beginning in the early 1990 s.
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when the ethnically armenian region declared independence from us of i shall and that independence has never been recognized by the international community which is urging for calm from both sides. the secretary general strongly called on all the sides true mediately stop fighting deescalate tension and returned to meaningful negotiations without preconditions or delay world leaders fear the fighting could lead to full scale conflict which destabilizes the south caucasus region a kargil for pipelines carrying oil and gas to world markets regional players like russia and turkey also at risk of becoming in broiled in the conflict and escalating it further. and that is that today we are at the side of our azerbaijani brother and in the defense of their homeland mania must immediately cease its attacks and send back the mess in areas that it brought from abroad talk with
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dozens of people have been killed so far including civilians and hundreds more wounded at the request of germany and france the un security council is expected to hold emergency talks on choose day but with both sides accusing the other of starting the battle and of continuing to use heavy artillery acquitting claim break from the violence seems unlikely. u.s. president donald trump and his opponent joe biden are preparing for their 1st t.v. debate due to take place later on tuesday after the revelations by the new york times many voters want to know how trump will deal with the investigation into his tax records the times story suggests that the self-proclaimed billionaire and savvy dealmaker may actually face a nightmare of bad deals and unpaid taxes totaling hundreds of millions of dollars trump denies assertions. donald trump compromised thoughts among the many questions
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being asked after all a gay sions of marriage that the u.s. president is liable for almost half a $1000000000.00 in loans. totally fake news fake he dismissed rather than deny this story but a former white house ethics lawyer told t.w. news knowing where the money comes from matters if the party that guarantees a lot of the bad stuff in a lot is asked the former are whether it be russia or another country we simply don't know that's very dangerous for the united states to have our president in debt to either foreign governments or all of our so closely allied with our governments the new york times revealed how the reality t.v. show the apprentice transformed trump's reputation from a field to businessmen with serial bankruptcies to mr trump a so-called titan of the boardroom with the mightiest touch if the sure revitalize
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the brand it's allowed his empire to tap into huge loans which he then used to finance loss making golf courses around the world outside the trump tower turn fortress some lump while others are angry. the new york times with unnamed sources with no proof absolute proof will come out with such a story to try to skew the debate i think now it just is a testament to the fact that he always thought that he is above the law he lies about how much money he has how he makes as many democrats argue trump's finances make him a national security risk a point they hope will push sweet voters with less strong opinions to that end tonight's debate the stage for a fiery 1st head to head clash between trump and biden. let's bring in
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nicole ranvir for more she's a us analyst at the german council on foreign relations hi nicole good to have you with us these bombshell revelations from the new york times that the president trump is hundreds of millions of dollars in debt and that he's paid very little in taxes how do you think that the trumpet ministration and republicans are going to try to get ahead of the story and frame it going into the debate tonight where they want of course this miss the whole story as fake news because i think what they have to do now is they have to buy time. they know we think this is a very serious issue they're completely changed the rules of the game so but the only thing they can do now is they can trying to happens to be after the election if they have it not now it's a big problem but again they way down playing it and it's a good news ok if we look at this from the other side of the coin how much does this actually play into the hands of his opponent joe biden in the debate. well joe biden could of course point to the fact that as
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a good american citizen you are 1st of all if you are as a president transparent with your taxes you pay your taxes and. considers them and that you know it's the law if you follows the rules and the game shows that he's a honest good to you as citizen like everybody else and there could be something there you know whereby into the hearts and minds of the voters are certainly going to be an issue at that if they can be sure of that what do you think you call that joe biden and donald trump need to do to come out on top tonight. well the thing is they have so far when by trump in the t.v. show this is basically a big advantage for trump because he is actually entertainment and sasha can be pro and what biden has to do to really change that is to his advantage is to show that he is on top of things that he is alive use a lively event he you know has enough energy to be in the next u.s.
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president and here in my view very hard because again the success of trump has a lot to do with experience on t.v. and we might see a very very interesting debate tonight it's their 1st showdown do you think that voters are going to see this differently do you think these revelations the new york times will make a difference at the ballot box. where we still only talk about the people out in the site it says you know who they're going to vote for and they might be a small chance that used to board us a tramp all the indecisive voters might now i have doubts you know about the crowd after all starry might then change then my about invalid at his core about team they were not change their mind so the outcome is not so heavily influenced by this debate now nicole bender from the german council on foreign relations thank you for your insights. now in another us state california
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firefighters are battling to contain sassed moving wildfires that are tearing food wine country right now strong winds have been fanning the flames and 70000 people have been ordered to evacuate it is the latest flare up in california's largest wildfire season in history. escaping the into the. this driver is one of tens of thousands of residents that have been told to get out because of the flames close in. and this is what they're fleeing from rapidly spreading fires found by strong winds have ripped through the world famous napa and sonoma wine regions 70 kilometers north of san francisco consuming vineyards and devastating highlands for many it's been an anxious wait. my house is a quarter mile up the road on how mountain road and the fire was about 100 yards
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from our house so right now we're waiting and hoping the firefighters can win the battle. and harry is the blaze is already passed through there was relief to some. very good now here in the us i finally got back it was such a relief that some of our houses were still here and everything but it was a scary night it was strange to share a feel so bad that in the off the house of not so sad for the. california has been battling the worst wildfires in the state's history. and many people in the state's wine country have been hit before deadly wildfires 3 years ago i still see it into people's memories here and just a month ago many of the same residents with a q.h. out from the path of yet another plays. let's get a reminder now of our top story on data view the corona virus has now claimed the lives of more than 1000000 people around the world the number of deaths has been
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rising throughout august and september with the u.s. brazil india and mexico accounting for more than half the current total. thank you for watching t.v. .
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violence are disappearing one time ecosystems are in danger from the mountain and in the. in the caribbean climate change is brutally real environmental activists on doing a break. but is there any hope this car dies can be saved the car of the. rescue and climate change. close up. next on d w. here
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on the road in the same meeting people across the country listening to their hopes and their worries looking with them towards elections are. made of americans are one of the most under-represented groups in the country and low voter turnout is one of the reasons why we'll meet up with members of those kota tribe for trying to change this culture report on g.w. news. this is some notes story a stubborn rice farmer from thailand. his problems past. his credo no chemicals. and he's trying to. step. back our. senators.
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the students are of the past don't stand a chance. of training successful. such. starts october 15th w. carabine is a region remembered natural peace and rich mine diversity. in this natural paradise is in jeopardy the scene is clogged with waste and many our lands are under threat from rising water levels. coral reefs are bleaching and fix blankets of albion seen wheat
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a champion the seeds. animals and people suffering. there is hard dedicated conservationists a function effects of climate change. here for every dog the pyramid they're trying to raise awareness about environmental issues nothing to do with making children really well. the. critters somehow is known for its beautiful beaches which store choose from farm wind to the marine an island environment is also home to many wild animals. including bob a very special feeling go i miss not only in purists now but all over the world.
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but it deuced and flamingo bob are inseparable the veterinarian came to bob's rescue when it flew into a hotel window and was seriously injured. they both were there within 10 minutes i was in front of them like i am here for the filming though and they were like. it all can no longer spread his left wing properly and his feet are too stiff he would struggle to survive in the wild so it it took him in. when they asked me is name i was like oh yes flamingo now and then in a split 2nd i thought oh it's no mushrooming. i don't like that about him ugh why bob don't only look like a bob there all the funny thing is the name bob it means like a flame and so to be well no and now he's. famous. nomen is open right now but. it's
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a thursday. and on thursdays bulkheads out on his new job as a wildlife ambassador to do. so this back especially for him not to. get hurt but. here. today they're visiting a primary school. here. their pain while bob is used to the passenger seat like what are the. or even if i walk in somewhere with people you know that i'm coming in with bob though i'm not a reaction like oh it's you know so they think i just run around with a paper i mean that it's to me which is also by. the thought makes a grand entrance to children as trails. more. like a horse. to get. up some brief introductions to children get
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a closer look. at the omission of much of that in. an hour some of the children are hesitant more so than bob he by now has clocked up plenty of experience. and it spent several months preparing for visits like goods. none of the children have ever been this close to a training guide. and. their budget then begins explaining the importance of protecting nature and animals . even a chance can't abandon the outside can smell death to flamingos in iran amongst. most all whose name that's this is nylon and once it's in nature it doesn't go away . it familiar like bug could get stuck in this. gulp is quite the hit. maker shouting the message
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sticks. plastic isn't good for them also if they die it's not ok. but it knows that moments like face can make a difference. when you have that reaction then you have the gateway to their heart with their xiang spunky might still question their marriage to friends. like some discussion what are we doing why are we doing what we do we is this something. needs to be continued and. this is what i did is hoping to prevent. away from the tourist destinations many of curacao space a club with waste nylon fishing lines and fishing holds a simply abandoned birds and animals get tangled in them the lucky ones but it
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finds and nurses back to health for. the debts work as a vet keeps her busy but she also runs a wildlife century she's always love birds. the flamingo is one year old a debt fountain a seriously injured near pool and has been tending to her for months you know a female can live up to 40 to 60 years in the world so she's a baby and if she's a female reproducing also for killing the population for. both kids company so that she doesn't forget how to interact with their own species shall return to the wild soon. they need to not be tamed rehab at the rehab is not cuddling rehab. it's wild animals that are hurt you help them they put them back soon a shotgun. but it is currently rehabilitating $45.00 wild animals they need
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medication in cages and 80 kilos of food each week the wildlife clinic essentially depends on donations for debt it's a labor of love but it's exhausting work. to get her to. soon audit will have even moved on her hands over just a few days a. week has drifted to the island's coast. the sea turtles trapped in the algal can be deadly. a group of conservationists have made it their mission to save them a cold came early in the morning. i get this goal to get that when you.
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call it it is 14 years old as a volunteer at the sea turtle conservation organization she in the team leader about to head out. nearly all species of sea total and now endangered. the accused in the turtles are in distress battling helplessly they're fighting for their lives and we want to do what we can to save the. many turtles attract in the massive scene. but out here on the water they're almost impossible to see. and. and they're not easy to rescue. these
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parts so. i believe her but maybe it's not. very bad. and can't hear anything in the water just everywhere there is with. these huge seaweed blooms a recent problem they caused by rising water temperatures along with agricultural fertilizers washing into the ocean from brazil sea turtles come to the surface to breathe and then find themselves trapped in the matter of seeing weight. without help they would die in the heat every rescued sea turtle is a cause for celebration when a severed turtle it's just. it's like i'm helping. but it's not just total it's everything the ocean itself and everything we see it's wonderful to me and i dare you for doubt but it's. 15 have been working here
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for days on end they've rescued 25 turtles so far many of them are undernourished and weak and will need to be nursed back to health. the sickest turtles are brought toward it to help. hope that. we have one of the undecided but not on the rocks no it isn't. really is. so. there is something here with these turtles suffering from a chuma disease found in a ring internationals will surgically remove some of the growths this one is making it hard for the turtle to see which. could a sound has a network of wildlife conservation is to call on each other face to. hurtles are healthy but need to put on some weight don't go to the aquarium for a while to recover the bridge over my head. who has been
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volunteering for 3 years she helps whenever she can wherever she's needed being able to help it's just one thing if this is a home. every summer hurricane passed through the caribbean in recent years they're prone more frequent and gained in force the stronger storms bring death and destruction mike here in the bahamas and the dominican republic the storms being fueled by rising water temperatures a hurricane could spell the end of the cooney alaska peleg over panama i chill my genius is worried storms a growing more powerful and the sea level is rising. and hell and sila a fishing today. these waters have long sustained the indigenous community people look. like. they were not the only other thought god created this and gave it
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to us he gave us this privilege we should enjoy it but we also have to take care of it or we have to preserve nature the environment in. which they're hoping to find enough fish for a meal and perhaps some to sell but that's proving difficult this morning. that this is a sea cucumber the chinese like the eggs of america. first this is a lion fish. they're venomous if it stings you you could die there were . the water is shallow here the island is surrounded by a reef that forms a natural barrier. was.
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here's an outfit that guy in this has an impact on us every time it rains or high waves hit the island the island is flooded so much. if it is the spawns are inhabited some of the most beautiful have hotels built on them for tourists. the cannot live on the other islands many men work as fishermen forced to organize their women and sell their handicrafts. mansions island got his souped up is 300 meters long and 150 meters wide just about every inch of the island is built on . multigenerational families live under a single ruth. was my mother sleeps here might find sleep here my father sleeps there too this is our
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room there one of the. local people have dug up much of the reef and now they also have climate change to contend with the sea levels are rising and the islands days look to be numbered. i don't know who we are where there was one at the end we had unusually heavy rain recently the flood of the island our home 2 of them quote the sea water came up to our ankles. it was unpleasant seeing my mother and i bailed out the water all day and we never had anything like this before so we're much worse off. allows lopez was also worried about his time there with the has become increasingly unpredictable like many locals he's tried to build a protective barrier made of discarded materials and called from the relief. well we got for my look after we look for coral and fill up the holes with it. so we can build a natural barrier against the water at that point. local people are removing the
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coral the pretext there are in hope of protecting their homes it's a vicious circle until hopes the global community will finally take action against climate change that they said look one of the major response to our actions that damage the environment but we have to look after our earth and keep this from getting worse and that will require a change in perspective on the guns into. the government has long ignored the problem with it given up on the island and say the family should be resettled to the mainland. 8 to move would threaten the final flight of an entire community the older residents are especially reluctant to move. some of them are ok if we are like elephants you know we want to die in our homeland. that
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if it wasn't absolutely necessary with global warming the storms. we feel that we have to go to a better place our who guided me hold. a 1000 kilometers to the north there is still cause for hope. because to waters of billy's oppressed take need beautiful. people here live surrounded by the wonders of nature but the greatest treasure is. the police barrier reef is the 2nd largest coral reef system in the world. some of the coral growth is believed to be 7000 years old. just a few years ago the reef was on the endangered list now it's slowly coming back to life. fernand is helping to preserve the reef she's doing the work she's always dreamed of even as
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a girl she always knew she wanted to help rescue to coral reef. but i feel like when i go to work it's like. when they call me and say all right we're going to all do this laughing work here check the corals here or whatever it is i'm like all right let's do this let's let's wrap this let's wrap today. people here in the coastal village of percents live from fishing and tourism both industries depend on a call reef. you know i come on this trip many times many there is a man left and i look at everything that i am that is their front of me and i think i hope one day this doesn't become a memory underwater it's apparent that the reef is struggling coral dies when the water becomes too into a city storm surges from increasing use of the hurricanes also damage the range
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climate change is meeting behind leached grain in. many quilts a marine biologist lisa cowan and her n.g.o.s friends there are about to harvest some special coral atoll used to reforest the reef. overdue and so there's no time to waste right now the rows are basically a lake there for us this season so just like the trees in the forest provide a habitat so there for some of the other animals on the corals do the same on the reef. through careful research they determined which coral is especially. when we collect from the donor pony we never get more than 10 percent of the large bees and these 4 are that the birds have a very fast rapid growth rate. they use a technique called micro fragmenting in which small coral colonies are transplanted to other locations. perhaps carl sawed into 5 centimeters pieces then the pieces
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are half the. fragments of hope and because carmel is a living creature they have to work quickly. small pieces of coral a seed in places where the original coral has died they come out here several times a week and played. the fragments on to what they call cookies made of the cement mixture. this is a kind of know what i thread that for the for the future and that's the other matters. about 80 percent of the coral fragments survived these here have been growing for a year and a half as life returns to the reef and other marine life pretends to and. for me to look back at a reef and say i helped i helped in its diversity and for all there is
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a seed later on for me that's hope that's hope. it when leslie is also feeling more optimistic again. like. we did have then some more you know there. is that star that rose. more coral means each. engine is official like his father and grandfather before him and now his son into he also brings tears to fish the pelicans tell him when the fish a congregating. more boy here which comes 1st in years i start to change my diet. but this is my goal for. the world as
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a fisherman also sees himself as a protector of the rates using large necks is out of the question for him thank you . which also kills the coral so all is well you look up. there if you don't have an official board there. is no. there there is just temperate there's the fishes that if they don't have that i have the fishes out communities corals and stuff like that the growth of diet is that. the region is now teeming with life would you like. to go and if so you are. still talking on a. sustainably altering elations for want isn't seen that means no spinal obstacle today. it's going to help that it is this somebody should kill it off and get back. to where it was once but for. the government has divided the police raid designs
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fishermen i really like to fish in their own area it's a sacrifice but edlund supports the measure. about it after the wedding is a legal activity i get there by the great glory. that across there 1st the future is not going to be here for the kids will. serve as much as possible the future will be beautiful. and lin has also become an activist the police government has been issuing generous permits for offshore oil exploration but the catastrophic gulf of mexico oil spill 10 years ago was when i come home and even joined the back of a petition opposing offshore oil exploration in the united nations weighed in and the government called a moratorium was. stretching all the flags not that there is. one little or burn the forest for. the
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people of police fighting to save the coral reefs. mining is taking measurements on the cultivated coral planning to transplant soon. the work is supported by project funds and donations coverage he has increased to over 50 percent 8 years ago it was just 6 percent. of their hard work is paying off the reef is recovering. this is not solving the climate change crisis are this is a little band-aid behind us some time for the cause of community people here and i think that the units of the right now they have all the power to make so much change and that is where i'm trying to get at because they they are that they are the future. despite this success there's still calls for consume
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a basic human reef here but elsewhere it's still being destroyed the police very brief region is dotted with tiny islands covered in mangroves the mangroves are as important to the ecosystem as the coral itself. and mangroves provide habitat for a lot of other critters that live on the reefs they serve as nurseries in the tap root system mangroves also stabilize the landing to keep it together so when you remove them everything falls apart. but that's exactly what's happening many small islands have been solved the mangroves have been chopped down and small hotels are being built sometimes cultural is even dug up to shore up the islands there's so many things out of our control for say that we're constantly scrambling to mitigate and try to adapt to it's frustrating that the one thing we can control which is posted development is not be controlled was the battle to save the
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ecosystem along police's barrier reef has not yet been one of the hurricane season approaching the new coral fragments need to be firmly embedded so that they will stay put in a storm. back in curacao the environmental activists are thrilled. to is removing a sea turtle from the aquarium that she risk youth from the same wheat more than a month ago. dozens of people have come here to help a way in the sea turtles measuring them and tagging them so they can be identified if they're brought in again. today is a big day for everyone was. going to be released today there is so much better now so it's time for them so. now it's time to head to the beach.
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the wildlife conservation is to attract a lot of attention along the route. that's actually. somewhat like front. dispraise it means that more and more people are going to realize what we're doing and i know what it's. come out of. the water is choppy the clean fishing turtles will be returned to the ocean. very very excited. they hope to see totals will swim away without turning back.
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6 eighth's the sea turtles have been risking. it's a special day for a day or 2 she's invited local church. interests today the birds that have recovered will be returned to the wild. the female flamingo will say goodbye to bob . for 18 years now a date has been working to help people appreciate nature and wildlife. domingo bob is the star of the show. his charm helps win people over to the cause which also helps the wildlife rescue program raise donations. bodie is ready to return to the wild and to freedom it's a joyous occasion but there's always a bit of worry will the wild birds accept ody or has she become too tame in acclimated to humans i have the bird flies away for his home in for
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his other siblings. at the governor's time to let go o.t. is a little uncertain at 1st. then the flamingo plans a way to rejoin her colony it's another moment a celebration the people here know they can't stand the tide of global warming on their own but they're working for change and to raise awareness even a small success is worth the effort.
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we know that this is very time for us the coronavirus is changing the world changing our lives so please take care of yourself good distance wash your hands if you can stay at how we're d.w.b. for here for you we are working hard listening to keep you informed on all of our platforms we're all in this together and to gether make it free. status is everybody in stacey stacey stay safe place and stay safe.
3:00 pm
this is deja vu news live from berlin remembering the victims of a global pandemic the corona virus has now officially claimed more than a 1000000 lives it is a tragic spreading across nearly 200 countries today i mean it's a family and belgium left grieving 5 their lives. fighting.


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