tv Global 3000 Deutsche Welle September 30, 2020 5:03pm-5:31pm CEST
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his record on covert 19 and attacked by dint over his handling of swine flu. you could never have done the job that we did you don't have it in your blood you could have never done that yet i know how to do the job i know how to get the job where you don't do very well and swine flu h one n one you were a disaster your own she stands out in disaster t.v. 1000 people died not 200000 there with their economic lesser sure you made a rhetorical arrows no or yes he's made a point but i know it's there and there was no one no we didn't shut down the economy this is his economy and speed he shut down any attempt at meaningful debate was spoiled by cross talk. to the scientists that are in charge the way they will have the vaccine very says it doesn't fit with you guys here is not going to get the final word it's hard to get any word in with this clown excuse me this at one point the exasperated moderator ton teacher scolding donald trump i think that the
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country would be better served if we allowed both people to speak with fewer interruptions i am appealing to you sir to do that perhaps the moment that will live longest in the usury was was when trump to claim the invitation to condemn white nationalist groups then you give me a name give me a why is a problem that's unlikely to can die out process on right proud of our lives stand back and stand by but i'll tell you what i'll tell you what somebody has got to do something about anti fair and the left because this is not a right as we know of them is there is a levy i. kept on an edifying spectacle in which donald trump people over his policy blindspots and his competitor biden papered over his each the pair managed in this era of formalization t. he was the consensus the where no when us. some lowlights there for you from a chaotic presidential debate over chief international editor richard walker watch the debate and is going to provide us with some analysis now one of the most talked
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about moments is that last exchange that we saw president trump declining to use the opportunity to denounce white supremacist groups that were to jamaica yeah i mean the democrats are seizing on this of course as you would imagine as something with not just don't know not condemning this group but by saying stand by a seemingly hinting that he might at some point in the future want to mobilize them to do something so you can expect that to run in a lot of democrat campaign ads over the coming weeks they've already begun they've already started coming out but it is quite hard to say what how much of an impact it will have an awful donald trump has done things like this before he said things like this before and also the comments were just ambiguously phrased enough that his spokespeople have been able to say oh you know that's not what he meant and one was quoted as saying that really what he meant was telling this group and knock it off the was telling is that that's not how this group the proud boys interpret it
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themselves and they've been celebrating this comment by trump as a kind of endorsement another surreal moment richard during this very heated debate a simple question about voting that's right i mean the moderator asked towards the end of the debate both candidates whether if there was an inconclusive result on election night which is really quite likely to be the case. on the days actual voting there is no certainty about who is one of the dates only once the mail in ballots get counted of the days or weeks after that the terrace emerges. whether they would urge their supporters in that circumstance so they remain calm and whether they would accept such a result once it was certified from joe biden it was a clear yes on. that wasn't and he said things like this is a rigged election it's not going to end well and it could be months before we know a result which seems to be a hint that he is settling in for a kind of
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a long battle that could even hit towards an inauguration day there anyone emerge unscathed from this debate yeah well i think in both cases the vulnerabilities remain pretty much as they were going into the debate i mean if you think about the small percentage and some estimates say around 14 percent of the electorate haven't made their minds up yet what are the one of the vulnerabilities that they see on each side i think on the trump side they see a divisive potentially chaotic kind of president on the joe biden that kind of a prime vulnerability is this perception that is he too old to be running for the presidency and i think after that debate that question remains in place in both cases you know donald trump was very aggressive you know was playing up to this you know this divisive persona that he has and joe biden did allow himself to be thrown off course a lot by donald trump which plays into this idea that maybe he's just a little bit too old to kind of stay on point so i think with both of them you know
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for this kind of the few voters who remain undecided those questions remain we are watching this of course or from here from europe what is this doing this debate to the stature of the united states in the world yeah well it's the reporter said unedifying in the report and i think that is very much the impression you get i mean here in democratic europe for instance you know the united states is always been seen as a as you know a pioneer in democracy and. there are many many strong critics of donald trump he's not popular in europe and i think this will be seen as another piece of evidence that american democracy is in a pretty tattered state i think perhaps even more dangerous is in non-democratic parts of the world in china for. you know it's holding up its system of wealth or a tarion ism is the better way. they can pretty easily point to this debate and say is that what you want is democracy really what you want to reason our way best
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ignorance and richard of work or to give you chief international editor thank you. want to tell you now about some of the other headlines. friendship presidents in iran my call has condemned comments by turkey on the latest flare up in the caucasus as quote reckless and dangerous well that's after turkey voiced support for azerbaijan's efforts to take control of new garneau from armenian separatists dozens of people have been reported killed in the worst class clashes seen and the disputed region in decades. belgium has a new go and after almost a year and a half of negotiations the flemish liberal leader and former finance minister of the crow will lead the 7 party coalition as prime minister. former audi c.e.o. rupert to stop there has appeared in a munich courtroom making him the 1st person to face criminal charges in germany
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over the diesel gate scandal stadler and 3 other defendants are accused of fraud falsifying documents and false advertising. here in germany china has warned of a tough winter ahead she's announced new coronavirus measures aimed at avoiding a 2nd nationwide lockdown but the pandemic has already put the brakes on a large gatherings and events including germany's world famous october fest. it a normal year germany's october fest would have been in full swing by now but not this year instead of ariens adorning that later has an end in small groups in munich bavaria state capital facemasks and now compulsory in some busy outdoor areas and all thora teas are considering a targeted alcohol ban local responses like this to the pandemic remain the method of choice the chancellor angela merkel has germany heads into the most difficult
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autumn and winter months on a mission that's needn't even if we all want back to life as we knew it is specially our country's young people. so but we are currently putting everything that we've achieved in the past few months of risk. we must not allow nationwide restrictions high economic and emotional losses again. we cannot allow a dying person in a hospital or nursing home to die all alone because their loved ones aren't allowed to hold their hand to say goodbye. i'm speaking here because i want to do everything i can to prevent another nation what shut down. since may people visiting bars and restaurants in germany have been required to leave their contact details as part of the country's track and trade strategy but many guests have been leaving fake details donald duck has become a particular favorite from now on however anyone leaving fate contact details could be handed
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a minimum fine of 50 euros the number of guests permitted at celebrations in public or rented spaces will also be limited in future to 50 if the number of new cases exceeds the recommended threshold otherwise the basic rules and recommendations remain the same keep your distance wear a face mask and wash those hands and a german favorite even in those winter months crack a window. that is true next hour we turn our attention now to poland bt community which is facing growing hostility there all around $100.00 towns and regions across the country has passed resolutions against what conservative authorities describe as an aggressive ideology promoting homosexuality well earlier this week 50 diplomats from around the world published an open letter urging the polish government to stop discrimination against sexual minorities and the e.u. is also ramping up pressure on poland to protect the rights. pictures like
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these are the reason why i bought starship ski is getting death threats. he puts up the sign of the entrance to tell us that a so-called how the free zones shining a spotlight on the difficulties gay people face in poland. the situation they love or we are not showing off or we are in the closet where we are at our house not showing that we are i am scared of being beaten i am scared of being. scared or somebody will wait for me in front of my holes almost 100 local governments have declared themselves free of l g b t ideology these declarations are not legally binding but rights groups say they feel hunger phobia even outside the zones counter protesters have repeatedly attacked members of the algae bt community as you can see here. i have seen do you know if it is fake. right we are spreading.
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that it's not just live it's people who are trying start on to us. poland's ruling lower and justice party is behind much of the anti-gay rhetoric it claims to be protecting traditional family values here we have to defend ourselves against the l g b t people their way of life is the road to perdition it leads to the dismantling of basic social structures in which the family plays the most fundamental role. the european union has condemned poland's treatment of its allergy bt community i want to be crystal clear l g b t q i've 3 zones are sure manatee tree zones and they have no place in ours union in july and the e.u. commission rejected grants to 6 polish towns that had so-called l g b
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t free zones. but bonds wants to see more concrete action. so i expect the european union obey not the union of empty warts about something more. the people are equal and they're taking it until that equality becomes a reality in bob's country he will continue his fight against homophobia. the united nations is gearing up to host a major biodiversity summit after world leaders pledged earlier this week to tackle environmental degradation and protect the natural world well the mostly virtual event kicked off in the un's general assembly hall in new york just a few moments ago most delegates are attending online and are set to discuss strategies to reverse dramatic losses to buyer diversity while here in germany the former borders zone between east and west has become an important haven for wildlife but despite the transformation the nature reserve still faces existential
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threats. this is where the deathstroke one usually. between east and west germany today it's one of the country's largest nature resorts lessons the hard part was created 30 years ago biologist going to cost or has been making sure that what belongs together gros together. that's in our pockets the unique thing about this national park is that we're giving the church $24730.00 hc tears of space to take its own course it's weird to completely refrain from using the land and leave it untouched by lumber industry so that nature has free range and that saying wood for the logs. back when the national park was created and staff had to start from scratch like here at the former days trains in 1909 soldiers were still patrolling the border between east and west germany. here
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the so-called norman slant a strange 100 metres wide to prevent people from escaping from east to west the barbed wire and concrete fortifications were practically in some mountable 2 decades later nature has failed this deadly zone with new life. to build the birch trees really won the race this trip was treated with hair besides of pesticides so heavily that hardly anything could still grow here and yet so much has happened here in the past 30 years. and it's not just the plants that are making a comeback several where animal species are also we claiming their natural habitats . lynxes are back after 200 years of being regionally extinct thanks to a reintroduction program. to look out for.
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linux's had lived here in the heart for a long time until they were killed off by humans they deserved to be back in the hearts so in 19041005 we started reintroducing them to the woods has taught that to look for the dog and food brought on it was a successful undertaking which took a lot of hard work the biologists spent thousands of hours in the words carefully documenting nature's campaign to recapture its territory in the form of border region. despite everything this area has overcome the biggest challenge for this german national park still lies ahead dead trees as far as the eye can see here there used to be huge spruces but droughts and rising temperatures weaken the trees and the bark beetles finish them off. now more often cost finds he has to educate hikers by sitting in the region. with. the snake
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it's a sad sight when you walk along here with him but if you look closely you can see that new life is in a marriage and where the old spruce trees have died out they should marry theme it's a colossal task for the authorities from the former east and west and going to cost that is not done yet he says he will carry on until what we longs together has drawn together. and i want to talk more about this with i just to in there on john from environment good to have you here with us why our leaders meeting so this is a major summit to work out how best to protect nature of the coming decades etc road not pretty for how to reverse these trends of unprecedented decline of nature of this accelerating extinction of species and it's really to set the groundwork for a big meeting in china next year in coming where well leaders will sign an agreement that's kind of comparable to this 2050 in paris climate agreements are really the
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international framework for how best to protect nature and how are they planning on going about protecting biodiversity so this is a way of thinking they are very concrete targets for 2020 which they mostly have not actually met. 20 targets i mean none of them were met a total of 6 of them were partly achieved one of them is going back in the wrong direction and so it's kind of not necessarily new targets but more just reaffirming what we've already said there are some concrete actions kind of taking place i mean it's important but that context right side of pollution is still on states levels governments are still subsidizing businesses that damage ecosystems coral reefs friends and still dying so it's mainly a case of trying to take what we really know about how to protect nature and implement it so was going to change this this time around you know what why would they implemented this someone they haven't done it. so the rhetoric is noticeably stronger so i mean i think on monday 65 world leaders including germany i'm going
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to find the left so they describe the situation we're in as a planet treat and see and the rhetoric here is pretty strong and they talk about this kind of unsustainable production and consumption of being the key drivers of biodiversity of us and i mean this is related to climate change as well obviously. and they i mean they say this requires immediate and immediate global action. but then you look at some of the proposals about that and you see that they want to reduce they want to eliminate plastic leakage into the ocean by 2053 decades away so i mean whether that's immediate or agent of i mean you can understand why activists maybe are kind of skeptical of some of these conferences lots of semantics there that you have to read in between the lines now what decide to see how big are the changes required to keep what biodiversity we still have intact in all of us so if you look at the stem from firstly the report from the world wildlife fund a couple of weeks ago found that 2 thirds of the world's populations of wild
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mammals fibula fish reptiles followed by truth since 1977 space the 50th and i mean the scientists last year when they released this big global assessment of the state of life when i found i mean we need for because the transformative changes and this really goes into every aspect of society so we're not just talking about individual conservation efforts but i mean they require basically the required steering away from the current limited paradigm of economic growth that we're really talking much changing concepts like g.d.p. maybe the world leaders today at this meeting off the light on this believing this so i mean it talks about changes that are at a much bigger scale and what's currently being discussed are asking for a model home or for some of the things that clearly the world economy is it's in there and john of thank you so much thank you appreciate it. authorities in belarus have suspended the country's main independent news outlet for 3 months the
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website's coverage of the government's recent crackdown following the disputed elections frequently went viral while the government is also making it increasingly difficult for foreign journalists to operate you know years nikolaj takes us through efforts underway in belarus to stop the cameras from filming and what that might mean for the protest movement. weeks of protests capturing imaginations around the world colorful symbols charismatic leaders. it's often turned ugly security forces cracking down brutally on peaceful protests and when it did photographers and journalists were there to report. people here tell you one thing time and time again knowing that the world is watching makes them feel safer. they're sure the outside attention acts as a restraint on the government. 6 but journalists are facing increasing intimidation 2 photographers spent 15 days in jail for quote organizing an illegal protest they
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had taken pictures of a demonstration an editor who published an interview in which a victim of torture named his torture also ended up in jail and tire news outlets now stand to lose their media licenses without them their journalists could face arrest at any time. foreign journalists like me haven't so far been subjected to this kind of treatment very soon there may not be any of us left $10.00 getting a new credit station or extending this thing papers is no longer possible there's no outright refusal just the same excuse over and over again the commission in charge they say called get together because of covert this in a country where the man in charge president alexander lukashenko who claims to have won the disputed election downplays the dangers of the coronavirus he has said that a visit to the sauna is the best treatment for the disease. has independent media
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here vanishes protesters fear a future in which there is no one left to document what the government does to its opponents. they call it reporting or find me in it to take on months in the german super cup on wednesday night in munich while the game between the bonus they get champions and runners up was meant to happen before the league season but the groan of virus destruction pushed it back it comes at a time when both clubs are licking their wounds. by and munich a bidding for a 5th trophy this year in the super cup against dortmund but the otherwise all conquering bavarians are smarting they suffered a shock for one defeat at home for 9 in their 2nd blunders the game at the weekend leroy son name is also out of the super cup through injury and i want to say for him as often time did very well they kept things very tight and we didn't have the same punch that we usually have we have to move on from that game and concentrate
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on dortmund unlike every other match we're desperate to win it is yours and of 2 for just given the good news for byron is that dortmund also surprisingly lost on saturday going down to no lets out. the young dog one team showed their inexperience at times and could have wily cats in marco royce back in the line up against diane. dozens of someone says 171819 years of age the fact they don't play at their best every week is normal we have to have patience and we have to find the right blend the coach must find the right mix we have total confidence for paul on top and of not won a trophy since lifting the super cup last year beating who else but byron. another scalp in this year's edition for the black and yellow rose will mean 2 defeats on the barents for bion for the 1st time since december. next made up in germany
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with a look at how business here has changed in the 30 years since german reunification don't forget you can stay up today by visiting us online adobe dot com and download the dummy app you can also follow us on this program and twitter our handle is at you know some will iraq and roland from all of us in here thank you so much for spending at this part of getting a. master's
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made in germany. i'm not going to think out of the gym well i guess sometimes i am but most of the things which are that the german thinks deep into the german culture of looking at the stereotype question but if you think you see the country that i know not. yet you don't seem to take it as grandma. it's all about ok. i'm rachel join me from the gym from d.w. . post. this is some dope story a stubborn rice farmer from thailand. his problem. his
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