tv DW News Deutsche Welle October 2, 2020 9:00am-9:31am CEST
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this is g.w. news coming to you live from berlin with one month to go until he faces reelection u.s. president donald trump has been inspected by the corona bar trump confirmed on twitter that both he and 1st lady melania trump have tested positive for a good 19 and will enter foreign team together trump is 74 years old placing him in a high risk group for the coach's 19.
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well i'm terry martin good to have you with us with just 4 weeks until election day u.s. president donald trump and his 1st lady millennia trump have tested positive for cope at 19 the president made the announcement on twitter shortly after the news that his top aide hope hicks at contracted the virus extravert with the president several times this week trump tweeted that he and his wife would quarantine immediately but his doctors said the president would continue to carry out his duties in the white house quote without disruption. well for now we're joined by d w a correspondent my a schwager in washington and here in the studio william clue cropped up are u.s. experts good to have you both now let's start with you my your closest to the white house what more can you tell us. well the information is very basic right now
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terry it's basically just what you've described we know that they're positive it's unclear when they 1st contracted the virus we know that they're going to be keeping some sort of schedule some sort of work while they're in quarantine to keep up with their duties the doctor has said that they're feeling well they're in good spirits they're certainly trying to communicate their good spirits to the american public right now but there's a lot of x. factors here we're in new territory in terms of the pandemic in terms of the election in terms of really how we go forward now we're going to go through some of the with both you and and william here but 1st of all is donald trump showing any symptoms yet we can't say and when asked by reporters his doctor has not said all he said is that again he is feeling well and that he's going to be keeping up his work schedule ok and just one more question you probably answer what that we've got a lot of questions we can't answer at this point but they have to be asked we know it is taking medications to try to counter to counter the effects of this infection
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. this is also something that we will be looking to answer in the next few hours of course he himself has pushed several different types of medications there throughout the pandemic hydroxy chloroquine run disappear we will be looking to see what sort of answers his doctors and the experts have for us as those on why further in the next few hours and exactly trumpet points claiming that he does have some a knack for medical advice let's bring in william good crop here william of course there's the medical saw this well we have to find out what's going to help with donald trump's condition but what impact could this have on the election we've been saying for months that we are an unprecedented times there's never been a campaign like this we've never had so many major world shaking issues and it's just one thing after the next after the next and although people been wondering for
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months when this trump going to be affected by this because of all of the lax protocols they've been taking him denying the use of masks and other basic scientific facts people felt as a matter of time and yet it's happened now and this i think has pushed everyone back on their heels i know it has me when i woke up this morning to learn the news we just don't know what we do we do know factually trump can't campaign trump cannot go out was already limited what trump and by them to do because of coronavirus restrictions but we know now that trump cannot go out he has to stay at the white house and we know that he performs best when he's interact with people when he's on a stage when he surrounded by his supporters so that's the most immediate effect of him for the time being for the foreseeable future being quarantined at the white house further effects on that we're we're really going to have to wait and see if there is i guess the option if trump does turn out not to be symptomatic but still having to quarantine the white house that he could do baby some campaigning from the white house strew whatever through zoom or at least through television sure
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which is what's been happening a lot of this campaign for both sides again because those coronavirus restrictions by. that's not the same as reaching out to people going to those campaign events which have been heavily criticized me remember the july 4th. of the july 4th event on the white house lawn i mean that people not wearing masks is just one example where where where where researchers scientists just anybody who takes this seriously is just wondering the risks they're playing the dice that there were rolling i think it's very interesting that. the world leaders so far who have gotten corona the biggest ones have been trump wilson r.-o. and boris johnson 3 leaders who have denied this virus who have played it down who have denied the science and why and not listen so much to their advisers their side their visors these are the men that have this virus they've all gone through it. we'll have to see what trumps going to what's going to happen to them both in r. and johnson both bounced back they're both back in office of course performing
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their duties we can hope the same of course for president trump maya what happens in terms of protocol now should donald trump end up becoming seriously ill for weeks before an election could the election be postponed. this is an extremely good question now there is a little bit of precedent for this back in the early 20th century another presidential candidate took ill and campaigning stopped but there is no precedent as i know for actually postponing an election and to piggyback off of what william was saying throughout this pandemic it really has felt like a slow drip drip drip of when was this going to happen and it really did feel like a when we kept hearing about certain members of trump's inner circle or aides that were close to him testing positive and everyone was wondering oh gosh what happens
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if and when this happens and now we're here in this territory and also yeah this is a big question there are all sorts of jokes after the 1st debate that happened earlier this week about well maybe there shouldn't be any more debates trumping the 1st lady have to quarantine for 14 days no matter whether they're symptomatic the next debate is 13 days away we don't know what this is going to look like are they going to have to do it over as you said zoom or some sort of teleconferencing will it be postponed is the vice presidential debate which is supposed to happen next week also going to happen what now happens with joe biden and how often is he getting tested so many more questions now about how this plays out this is then an unprecedented campaign and it just got even more unprecedented about joe biden and about the debates it was just 2 days after the debate in ohio that trump's campaign aides hope next develops was tested positive or so then to his test of
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paul's do there is of course the possibility that trump was posed to already when he was debating biden there were risks that joe biden could have been infected himself. well this is something else that we're going to have to wait and see what spins out in the next coming hours and of course we can't tell you know who gave it to whom at this point we do know that it was known that hope pics was positive on at least thursday morning and trump went to a closed door fundraiser in new jersey despite this knowledge being common among white house officials trump also had campaign rallies that were scheduled for friday and both wisconsin and in florida that have now of course been canceled because of this i mean look this is a president who has as william said been very lax and even somewhat cavalier about wearing masks not encouraging people to wear a mask making fun of those who wear masks including joe biden pushing states to
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reopen when it probably wasn't the wisest thing and now we're in the situation where we have 207000 people dead in this country and 1000000 dead worldwide this is what's coming home to him. william trump's handling of the pen demick figured prominently in tuesday's debate what does this mean for the democrats yeah that debate was interesting in the context of where we are now and he sort of he took his mask out at one point and said very as to to use my as word cavalier about wearing masks mock job joe biden for wearing a mask too much in a sense of course there doesn't seem to be too much now i mean democrats joe biden's last tweet he's probably sleeping now so he's got something to wake up to joe biden's last tweet was hitting donald trump hard on the denial of covert of not handling it very well and they'll probably as they already have in making health care a huge issue especially obamacare
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a huge issue and they'll probably make the point that donald trump as we get all the health care he needs to get the absolute best top everything that many americans including these $200.00 plus 1000 americans have died from krone many of whom were not able to get i can see that's where joe biden is going to go to make this about health care as you know. also in the debate donald trump said as a response to joe biden criticizing him for talking about bleach he said this is i did meant that sarcastically joe biden didn't hit him back at the debate at that time but i don't think anybody is laughing now let alone the president and the 1st lady known as laughing indian course so there are a lot of questions still to be answered william blue cross from our us political coverage team and our political correspondent in washington my way to thank you both very much now 1st lady millennia trump has also tweeted she said that she and the president or feeling good and that she
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had postponed all upcoming engagements yourself tested positive she said white house has confirmed that the president will not be making a planned campaign trip to florida on friday. well let's get a scientific perspective on all of this i'm joined now by eric fight. he's an epidemiologist and a senior fellow at the federation of american scientists in washington d.c. thank you for being with us mr fighting what went through your mind when you heard that president donald trump had tested positive for the coronavirus. well it was. actually just it was a matter of trying it was about time because he had been doing a lot of dangerous and risky things for example out that their date how the room was mass democratic side how the room was entirely unmasked the republican side all
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of his aides never wore any mouse or did distancing whatsoever in any of their travels so and with hope picks we actually not with this just in just a few minutes ago we now know dish everyone tested negative on tuesday everyone in the debate hall but she tested negative on wednesday morning but they had to give positive when the afternoon when she got sick so this means because she's so short symptoms and that she was definitely carrying the virus then and potentially into infectious crease symptomatic period and don't trump testing so quickly positive also means she did not get it from her after she was becoming infectious he probably got it much earlier which meant he may have also. potentially some dramatic transmittable at the at the debate so i think in certain ways it was inevitable cuban how risky they were and potentially trump and hope to explore both
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transmitting the virus at the debate despite testing and this is a a shock for americans and everyone else watching this election of course you think the fact that donald trump himself the president of the united states has contracted the virus will have an impact on the way americans approach this pandemic. i think so and i'm certain ways i hope so because half of america is been incomplete to not more like 40 percent complete and now in terms of masks they think it's overblown they think it's just the liberal media you know ramping the story up just to make trump look bad but now trump himself has got it so in certain ways the optics of he wasn't careful he got it he actually mocked biden for wearing a mask at the debate and yet here he we are 2 days later i think i turn some
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a lot of pain in some moderates to wake up to the reality that this virus is serious enough don't trump could get infected anybody can now you were one of the 1st to raise the alarm about the dangers of this virus in the u.s. do you think the president being infected will impact policy when it comes to dealing with the pen demick moving forward. you know there's a lot of health care reform policies especially around preexisting conditions if anything the supreme court of the us may shoot down obamacare one week after the election in november so there's a lot of a lot and i think in certain ways this points out if you don't function have the best health care in the world by paying only $750.00 in taxes every day americans should be as well and should not be denied coverage for a preexisting condition because 50000 americans more have a preexisting conditions every single day and that's the number of people being
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affected every day so i think in certain ways this will steer the competition in the health care even more and make trump more vulnerable because this is health care is his most vulnerable issue and to find a link thank you very much for talking with us that was epidemiologist eric by calais. so what about the financial fallout from this news let's cross cross straight over to our financial correspondent in frankfurt. this is big news obviously what are global stock markets making of well yes the sentiments have turned negative and the reaction was swift the japanese markets turned negative they had they were trading up by then and when's the news struck the negative and even the markets across europe have opened in the red you can see the dax behind me struggling dead at the bottom is the same in paris same in london so yes at this point of time the markets are really trying to process how they
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should actually go ahead and try to make sense of this news and what impact would it have on the markets going forward. basically there is an element of uncertainty there especially at a time when the u.s. was struggling to come up with a fresh stimulus package and the white house is playing a crucial role in those negotiations there so there is that element of uncertainty there and and the traders are going for safe assets like the dollar the yen japanese yen is performing better so that's the that's the position as if not but we should also keep in mind that when prime minister boris johnson contracted the disease then also the markets did turn negative but they did settle down a little later this time it's a little different because it comes close to the elections in the u.s. and that adds to the uncertainty ok any indication at this point what will happen
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all wall street when trading opens their. we don't expect anything different day is going to be the same perhaps even worse the futures markets are indicating that the open markets are going to open in the negative dead tree so it's not going to be any different dead is going to be a lot of wallet in the. video elections in sight and also. as the markets try and make sense so what kind of impact would it have on the negotiations. related to that assuming this. in the u.s. and this new 13 is going to overshadow any other news that was slated for today and was expected to have an impact on the markets like the jobs and the number for september. thank you very much your insights in frankfurt. let's get the view from brussels our correspondent barbara basell is standing by there were a huge summit is underway it must be said we'll get to that in just
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a moment but 1st barbara any reaction from europe yet to the news about president testing positive for the coronavirus. european leaders are just beginning to come back into the building and so far the 1st ones haven't mentioned it probably a little bit later there will be an official statement was the usual best wishes for a speedy recovery britain by the way was the only country and the 1st one to be early out of the starting blocks wishing president trump all the best but britain of course is not present in the council building here behind me anymore they are out however if you look at the other level watch leaders my thinking in hearing this news this morning is of course it's striking fear into their hearts that the on a very cape arctic election present pain in the united states might sort of descend into the next level or might the elections might sort of completely go down further
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words chaos and catastrophe and so that is something that of course european leaders don't want to see everybody had hoped that things might sort of drag themselves over the line but that doesn't seem to be sure now so a lot of thought there ok just thinking about transatlantic relations already in disarray to some degree could this have some impact on that. of course nobody will talk about this at the moment you know somebody's fault will you sort of shut up and say ok let's wait what will happen and we will react later and we will think about this officially talk about this later however it's clear that transatlantic relations had already been in complete disarray and it is really not to be seen as everybody now things you know what can be salvaged from this
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complete chaos and on the other hand of course european leaders have been looking at the trams handling of the. infections and the krona in epidemic and it was shock because it is so contrast to what they do look at the summit just here in brussels very carefully socially distant everybody wearing masks very few aides super high ginnie conditions and we were what we heard now from the correspondents on the on the u.s. side from going out and talking to people nobody wearing masks and trump for months and months denying that this was a serious way so of course they now see this and think we work so hard to contain the virus here in europe and look what happened there and i would not want to speculate what might be going through the minds of one or the other european leaders at that point stay with this we're going to take a look at what transpired on day one of that e.u. summit that you're covering there that's going to continue today of course e.u.
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leaders agreed yesterday to impose sanctions on dozens of belarussian officials linked to the widely disputed reelection of alexander lucas shameka in the recent presidential vote. cyprus dropped its veto against the move after securing you support in its gas dispute with turkey it gets kind of complicated the sanctions include travel bans and asset freezes. a breakthrough in brussels after weeks of deadlock. a year later has presented a united front on bella roofs slapping sanctions on 14 members of president alexander lukashenko his regime. they're accused of falsifying the august election results which is led to weeks of unrest across the country the bloc stopped short of sanctioning lukashenko they are despite already rejecting the bellary seen leaders claim to the presidency the people of the they have the right to determine
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what's the own future it's also our intention to continue to develop a foot in order to support the important use such as the freedom of the press the freedom of speech and decision of society they had been broad support for the sanctions but discussions hit a snag when cyprus vetoed the move within a year requiring a unanimous decision. all eyes were on the cypriot president who wanted to 1st secure a huge support in his country's dispute with turkey. turkey has been carrying out exploratory drilling for gas in what cyprus in greasy is their sovereign waters something ankara disputes. the 2 issues on directly related but cyprus used its vote as leverage amid growing tensions in the mediterranean in a compromise the e.u. warned turkey could face consequences if it persists with its project it is now
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tricky that has to prove that it wants to go the constructive road with us and this is the offer to light but we are very clear that in the opposite case we have all the necessary tools at our disposal. for previous warnings and sanctions on those involved in the drilling have done little to deter anchor of our. the e.u. has promised to reassess the situation before the end of the year. so barbara what about those sanctions on bell roosts they were a long time in coming how significant are they they're mostly symbolic terry but for the european leaders this trip means a lot because they were caught in this political limbo where they were incapable of even doing this step to sort of show their support for the protest movement and they don't have any actual live rich we know that it can't really actively
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interfere everybody agrees on that but at least show them the protesters in the opposition and better that europe is on their side that they want free and fair elections and self-determination for the country that is the least they could do and it had been a long time in coming so they're quite glad they finally managed to get this deal with cyprus and it again one washington time showed the to deflect off of potency of the european foreign policies if europe can be caught in this sort of blackmail game about the important point foreign policy decision then change definitely needs to come everybody thinks oh ok it's europe it's complicated these sanctions on batteries for only possible because cyprus stop blocking them in return for e.u. support in its territorial dispute with turkey what's the deal there. the deal is that the german chancellor leading these new ca sions last night went in was sort
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of like reverse negotiation strategy she started out very mildly talking about the positive agenda towards turkey only for cyprus and greece sort of jumping on the table shaking their fists and saying no we want more we need to play hardball towards the president early on because he doesn't understand any of the language and what followed with hours and hours of wrangling about the text and in the end we have the classic carrot and stick approach a carrot of course that means we are ready to positively engage with turkey but stick means as we heard from the commission chief or slow from the line measures measures means mean sanctions and tools mean sanctions too that is turkey it's really really dependent on the european union if the e.u. sort of closes its borders towards turkey or takes other measures then will be hit hard and president knows that whether he will now compromise and withdraw remains
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to be seen that at least the threat is there all right thanks so much as always our brussels correspondent barbara fazel. sports now the draw for the group stage of champions league has taken place and holders by a minute can have been handed some tough looking fixtures by own who have won all 5 competitions they have been in this year will face a political madrid sounds book and motif moscow in group a over the coming months the 1st fixtures are on october 20. just reminder of the top story that we're following for you here today on d w news with just one month to go until he faces reelection u.s. president all trump has been in time to find a coronavirus trump confirmed on twitter that both he and 1st lady melania trump a chance to post her covert 19 and enter foreign team together trump is 74 years
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to the point of strong opinions clear positions of international perspective such only a small thing the 1st years and a good story of the reunification of the 2 germany some east and west today it's a different country mold makes all diverse and the younger generation of course has its own perspective so whose germany is it to find out from to the point shortly.
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to the point. that the t.w. . big book mexico is producing school lessons in a t.v. studio. because everyone has a t.v. . on canvas make education accessible to the poor in times of the pandemic. more does it create even more social inequality in mexico. 3000. people 60 minutes on d w. d t you know that 77 percent of. our younger than 6 o'clock. that's me and me and you. and you know what it's time no voice is not part.
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of the 77 percent it's all bobby issues. this is where. the 77 percent this weekend on d w. germany is marking the 1st year found a verse or rate of the reunification of the 2 germany's east and west following the full of the berlin wall of the crumbling of communism it seemed at the time. something of a miracle but for the people of today's germany there's been a change of perspectives the country has become more mixed more diverse which is welcomed by most violently rejected by so what is the younger generation think about the way things are developing on to the point this week we are seeing german reunification is it time for the next generation.
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