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tv   Die Nacht des Mauerfalls  Deutsche Welle  October 4, 2020 2:15am-2:46am CEST

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as fox population and the animals are in fact genetically different from their country cousins. the stock kinds of schools about the city limits seem to market barriers between fox population was still leave between the city and the countryside but it's must of. the folks that live in the city you don't want to leave it to you and those that live in the countryside don't want to venture into the city. because they're afraid they're not used to being close to humans and. her research has also shown that urban foxes mark out their territory and like to stay in it with some exceptions. then you took the foxes reach maturity and also men start to migrate to the territory so they make their way through the city and you think they would choose to travel through the parks green spaces but in fact they tend to travel along the motorways to get from one place to the next.
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foxes obviously appreciate the benefits of urban infrastructure they're becoming increasingly bold urban foxes often even approach humans. to the consternation of many foxes are thought to carry disease although in fact rabies was a radical beat in germany in 2005 just highly dangerous is rare. has been having an issue in the western dutch on this knife. and it's rare across germany and the risk of getting infected is very very not a fix if you don't come into direct contact with folks is the new not at risk and in general you just stick to hygiene rules after working in the garden or if you've been digging in the soil i bet you didn't even need to add up. anywhere where fox is my clerk where there's fallen fruit vegetables or berries it's important to keep washing your hands and if you do encounter a fox keep your distance. most berliners don't mind living in
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close proximity to foxes info. that they like them sophia kimock will be completing her ph d. thesis this year her research on urban fox populations has been exhaustive she's grown fond of her bushy tailed research subjects. that's why to focus in where is where the 2nd folks are equipped with. a tough cookie who read how young hair every year. i don't get any data from her anymore but i still come by to see if she's still head to check up on her up so here are a few urban foxes lived to a ripe old age in this city you fear girls are their greatest enemy yet the growing presence of foxes shows that the opportunities of secure life clearly outweigh the threats. and yet suppose that he's continued to
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sprout up at an alarming rate is an ever more into surrounding areas humans and their beloved countries are taking over like here in china. and here in culture. as a consequence animals and humans are getting closer even sharing diseases of this which eat from india had a question about that. what is it were not take diseases they are diseases caused by pathogens carried by non-human animals that spread to people. out of every 10 infectious diseases are believed to be zoonotic. the pathogens can be viruses bacteria parasites. many of the diseases they cause in people a mild but some a serious and even deadly. the bubonic plague. malaria
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and ebola as do an arctic diseases that have killed countless millions of people. and perhaps it was also cats and dogs and many other species carry pathogens that can make people sick that. often they don't make the animals that host them sick transmission can occur via a bite also eating the flesh of a carrier or contact with its blood or feces. zoonotic diseases can spread fast and far if the pathogens adapted to be transmitted from person to person that's the case with the novel coronavirus. one hypothesis is that pangolins with the intermediaries that transported the novel coronavirus from its natural hosts pass to humans. what markets where life
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wild animals are sold are considered a potential site of transmission of zoo and arctic disease pathogens some have been closed for that reason. infectious diseases from animals are a growing problem the probably has to do with humans encroaching on animal habitats forests are cleared for timber or to make space for farms or towns humans and animals be she's on no longer far apart this office opportunities for the pathogens to make the leap. there are more than $200.00 known zoonotic diseases the wreck countless germs out there to which humans have no immunity on new devastating diseases lurking to prevent the making the jump to humans we need to protect wild animals and their habitats. we do know to diseases can result from intensive livestock farming the earth the
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great animals are more susceptible to disease and so they're given blanket antibiotics this can lead to resistant bacteria which can then be transmitted to people. intensive farming also causes other problems it's resins genetic diversity by repressing older brutes of farm animals. meet turk pull your pigs. styria and chickens and the ancient british white. people have been breeding and domesticated animals for at least 11000 years. nowadays 180 breeds of farm animals are endangered in europe alone among them the german saddle back. at the head open air museum folk in favor is working to preserve the rare breed with its distinctive features for one thing it's meat tastes very different from that of pigs raised on
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a factory farm. we have. in the autumn when the acorns fall to the ground in the saddle back seat lots and lots of them are so their meat has this wonderful acorn and flavor is something you don't often find nowadays we also make sausage out of the meat and it's very special those. pigs have been bred mainly for their meat. the german saddleback has a generous layer of fat which nearly spelled its doom. tastes changed in the 1960 s. and demand for fatty meat declined. the food industry responded by getting it scientists to breed futuristic new pigs with more meat chops all the same size and crucially a lot less fat. the breeders did not care much about the health or well being of the animals these newfangled swine were too big and heavy for their legs and hearts
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specimens were put on treadmills so the strongest could be identified and allowed to have offspring. these pigs were longer and had 2 more ribs than most and lots of lean flesh. but modern pigs are susceptible to stress for example when being transported to slaughter but efforts are underway to. breed a variety that takes even that in its stride. old breeds are more robust and on the whole healthier and that probably has to do with their genetic make up. there are collections of genetic material from old breeds of farm animals. they are very important for research and for breeding purposes. one aim is to combine genes from different breeds in order to reduce the susceptibility to certain diseases. but it's far from certain that epidemics of say swine fever could be prevented this
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way. german bred mountain cattle are long lived and undemanding. have without complaining or complications for the most part. in the olden days there were no vets just down the road so everything have to just function properly and that's the case here even though it's cold when they have their cobs in february humans rarely have to get involved that's a great advantage to very healthy. and the ancient celts are believed to have bred these red brown cattle 2000 or more years ago the cattle provide milk and meat and can be harnessed to plow the fields this breed is endangered outgunned by modern turbo cows. breeders have been adapting cows to the requirements of industrial farming. new breeds have been designed on the drawing board. the cow's udder was bred to fit the shape of a milking machine milk production increased the body's use of feet was optimized.
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red mountain cattle were regarded as extinct in the 1970 s. but thanks to a coincidence it has survived a stud seed was discovered at a breeding facility. as he was known sire to a new generation and in doing so saved the breed from extinction. the cattle's characteristics could be useful in the future. even if they're no longer used in production their genetic material is needed for further breeding and we can't know today exactly what kind of breeding requirements will have a century from now. as in. the change of scene the roman mountains of central germany are home to the ruined sheep its positive characteristics were also nearly forgotten. once demand for its ruined sheep pelts dried up its numbers dropped from hundreds of thousands to just a few 100 creatures the sheep scratchy wool became unmarketable. modern sheep were
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needed to provide more meat more milk and above all softer wool. none of this applies to the ruined sheep but still it's being rediscovered for landscaping purposes modern sheep brains often suffer from both disorders but not the root in their trotters are especially tough. thanks to this hardness they have no problem grazing year round and since sheep are big eaters they help maintain sensitive ecosystems. this is silver thistle an emblem of the run their only chance of survival depends on the grazing strategy used and the sheep are best suited to the purpose of this the sheep choose what they like and they leave the rest alone that means just biodiversity already exists i mean actually want more of this dismissed my. old farm animals they are still useful for landscape maintenance for their ease of care for their taste and for their genetic diversity.
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if outlet is right why ave latin even if. you have a science question you'd like us to onset same day then if we featured on this show you could in little surprise as a thank you. oh come on just ask. want to hear most stories about science then visit our website and check us out on twitter. the a. that's all from us at tomorrow today thanks for joining us. we're back next week till then stay healthy curious.
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move. move move move move. move. move. to a. daytime job is a village. but they have a sideline as a you tube star. and the most. breath of fresh air gemini's constant challenge. to fresh. mixed. i have. to get her in the
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following german unification. in pop culture. music. 30 years of john mccain from the perspective of. the role. in 60 minutes on t.w. . every 2 seconds a person is forced to flee their home. the consequences have been disastrous our documentary series displaced depicts dramatic humanitarian crises around the world. fuck at them i don't think i meant i didn't go to university to kill people
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and i thought if i acted that way i haint. people feel for their lives and their future so they seek refuge abroad but what will become of those who stay behind. displaced starts october 16th on d.w. . m m m m. m m m this is a small town in the north in german state of lower saxony. it's home to around 2000 people and nearly all of them are protestants. but i'm a has something no other town in the region have. stephanie and eleanor
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vodka are a same sex couple both ordained ministers there are local pastors and also if you tubers their channel is called on does amen on doors being the german word for different and amen well so be it. the topic of an upcoming episode is the gay and lesbian hanky code by which some poor people signal their sexual preferences. i don't think i can do it. what will happen after it's broadcast i'll have to go into hiding for. iranians to bring queer in church together that's our intention and not long ago while listening to a podcast i had something about the handkerchief i thought this is interesting something cutlass always seemed to have the same significance like violet for
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instance means practically the same thing in the churches liturgical year as in the thank you. brigitta shada chairs the parish council in iowa she showing us the vestments and various altar linens. each color has a special liturgical significance the pastor's about to see a link between this tradition and the color code the queer people used to indicate their sexual preferences. discuss pretty much anything there i'm heterosexual couples don't signal in public what they like to do to each other. and when it comes to the topic of sex you may reach a point where you say i really don't want to know. that could of course happen to
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us but then it's usually the case that it quietens down again. they knew from the start that not everybody would like their you tube channel. to say send. me. here you see the spam container in the car. we have to pick it up ourselves then you must. know i'm in an elevator with sperm. and here you can see our positive pregnancy test. finding out the time carrying a child that i'm going to be a mother that we're going to be a family has really changed things just like that i've developed enormous feelings
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for this child the love of this being in my belly. he would die if we were in a polyamorous relationship this would maybe you die to. one text this never take is that if i had a horse or woman on my side it would kill you. now it's worth it i think it has a lot to do with the individual in the course of your life you have to figure out why aren't what you need to summon up. they were court the videos in the old parsonage. the channel is produced by the local protestant churches radio station. is the programme producer. during auditions we quickly noticed that most people weren't up to it then we met ellen and defeat by chance at a party in frankfurt we drank a lot of apple wine together and realised they were perfect for it to their total
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opposites and yet have such a strong bond we had so much fun that evening and thought maybe that will come across on the internet through a flight of internet remember if you show means penance by doing that. and then we have to hang out there and for most of your listeners it's clear that by that i mean spanking your let in here but if you are like stephanie and don't understand these concepts spanking means putting somebody envy on us was a way pennis equal spanking in just 6 months under a man has garnered more than 10000 subscribers that makes it the most successful program in the german protestant churches new social media offensive. stephy isn't bothered by negative comments but recently one of her parishioners expressed criticism that she took to heart. and it's causing her problems while filming the latest episode. do you know it's
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inhibiting me that comment about how when i change my voice i sound stupid that the post is blocking me. but most reactions are positive there's lots of fan mail. this is wait it's bigger than the beirut i have seen your videos was like a revelation it's hard for me to put into words and it probably sounds crazy but just to see your buddies knowing you're there and that you're happy makes me happy . candace amen has found an audience. some of the 4 we couldn't have imagined it 5 months ago then the coronavirus came along and gave digitalisation momentum in the church and maybe a whole new form of church is developing through things like under the hood for. the capital of lower saxony. saunders was controversial in the protestant church
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from the start. we asked the local bishop what he thinks about it. my story steffi and alan about his boss the bishop is no fan of men. trying to mammas me for me i was there not doing it for me but i'm not the target audience cool if i get off there are lots of things where i think after 3 minutes oh no not again or that's just silly. the continuous self irony and the story of their relationship which they talk about over and over no thanks i don't need it so but other people like it they find it interesting and that's the reality of. the pastors themselves as part of their ministry including their candid discussion of how ellen got pregnant. in the batting i
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should have to think yes according to statistics one in 5 couples can't get pregnant without help. and the church remains silent on the issue. and this in the past paul of the year pa. i think we know what it's like to get a negative pregnancy test after 2 weeks of wasting test not after you've invested a lot of money in the process. why is this in the churches silent in the face of the suffering. but ministry is about letting people know hey you're not alone. giving people hope when you look at work. for us there are stories in the bible about people who tried desperately to get pregnant but these stories are largely unknown no longer told me talking about human failure is part of preaching and that's why we do it with us. as. the
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doctors are visiting the german capital berlin. it's wished f. you had to was born and raised and came to know the church. and visit to her old parish in the berlin might be district. pastor sasha gabbar open the church just for her say it's so nice of you to do this on your day off to . this is the path we'd always take. you know i'm not sure where it is but it's not on here i think we only have to go up one flight of stairs. and this was your room this was the room it's really big. so cool. so it's amazing that they gave us a room like this we were just straight ahead. you didn't have any supervision this
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was a number it was incredible we smoked weed here and drank they put in a football table and asked if we needed a t.v. and a playstation and they never asked anything about incredible i was so impressed that they trusted us it was reason enough for me to go to church. as if it's amazing for me to see this room she's told me lots of stories about herself and her friends about things that happened here and i couldn't quite visualize it because for me the church was a place where you were taught a place where there were clear rules that's the complete opposite of what she experienced here so it's really great to be here in this room i'm. officially stephanie belong to a different parish the kaiser 3 jewish memorial church in the berlin hands a quarter she was confirmed in this church and here she struck a bargain with god. she would attend church for
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a year after confirmation if you helped her make something of her life. you were confirmed here. for crazy you know this is strange to be back here it was so long ago that was in 2000. and you received your 1st blessing on those steps well i was already christened but the 1st i can remember kneeling section me. well there's no need or it was not exactly sure where it was what you don't really show you. i didn't laugh i was so nervous. i noticed it made me feel cold. as a teenager i heard that our i didn't understand the sermon didn't understand what the people was doing here i was glad if i could find the right him i had no idea
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what was going on even though i'd been confirmed or. i just used the time to think about my life. and that one hour a week helped me become calmer more reflective what about and i heard really good things. i try to listen to the sermon but after 3 minutes my mind would wonder. but i would still grasp some idea that i could think about the millions in the bank of the masses in your thought. after best lived i felt at home here in church i was lost in a battle and i had my parents but my father died young i was always a troublemaker in school. and here i learned to find peace and. it enabled me to do things that i hadn't been given the chance to do before. and i'm a pretty tough. christian ministry wasn't an obvious career choice for stephanie
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vodka but she rose to the challenge. today she's meeting her confirmation class for the last time before their big day. on the agenda making sure everyone's shoes are in good order i love ok we've prepared it's most intimate now you just have to relax a little and enjoy yourselves. ask about get their shoes on i. thought. i might come over here since you had twins show me your soul's the other one. ok here ok. ok. yeah i know me can i get that leg up you can do it ok. no visible price tags on the soles now comes the running test is there to say i love the snow i want you to run around the rails to nuts in your shoes and you can't you start.
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a. new guy who can step it up. so that she won't make it but was also falling apart. the shoe exercise was simple now it's time to rehearse the confession of faith busy play twins go 1st. you declaring your faith in front of the congregation i believe in god the father almighty the creator of heaven and earth. if we give into the scenes the resurrection of the body and live life to have a lasting amen. so that we're very good not have got it noisy i was the one necessary for the pastor. but not all of the kids know their confession of faith as well as the twins pastor roger gets tough. if you can't remember it all cancel tamara
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i keep telling you you're the ones who have to declare your confession of faith you have to recite it on your own i won't tell. stephanie hard can also be stern. she agrees to practice with each candidate. only the twins are allowed to recite together. but the kids do get to choose a group activity. as a gas it is really cool guys you know. not everyone would do it now. but. he could but how do you get it. to.


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