tv Markus Lanz Deutsche Welle October 5, 2020 10:30pm-11:31pm CEST
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the fight against the corona virus pandemic. weirdoes science stand. and what a new findings have researchers now. information and background into. the corona update covered 19 special. monday to friday on t w a. a a guy. as president trump's a press secretary becomes the latest style high level republican to test positive for corona virus the president himself is going back to the white house despite this he is still infectious and isolating as is his campaign manager so with less than a month to election day who's actually running the campaign i'm filled in and this
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is the day. so he may not entirely be able woods yet the team and i agree that all are a valuations and most importantly his political status support the president safe return home we all remain cautiously optimistic. and on guard we have worked very closely with the walter reed team to ensure that we are looking very closely at infection control prevention strategies and the right posture so that the president can safely return to his residence we try to get patients from the hospital. as quickly as is safe and reasonable every day a patient stays in the hospital unnecessarily is a risk to themselves he has never once pushed you can anything that was beyond safe and reasonable practice that we all 1st. also on the day by
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opposition leader took on a sky out visits germany to meet with chancellor i'm going to what is she looking for a bird to broker talks with alexander lukashenko. we need. help in mediation negotiations with authorities and we think that. it is going to be extremely helpful in this situation. welcome to the day president trump has heading home to the white house the doctors say he is fit to do subtle. they also say he's not out of the woods and needs to be closely monitored despite still being infectious the president tweeted that he feels better than he has done for 20 years and urge people not to be afraid of a corona virus was helicoptered into the walter reed medical center in maryland 3 days ago after testing positive and showing symptoms of covered 19 doctors
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explained why they're so confident that he could be discharged we sent patients home with medications all the time. in fact yesterday afternoon you probably met most of his discharge requirements safely from the hospital and he's returning to a facility white house medical unit that staffed 247 top notch physicians nurses p.a.'s logisticians and the unit here the team here behind me is going to continue to support us in that nature we all remain cautiously optimistic and on guard because we're in a bit of uncharted territory when it comes to a patient that received the therapy she has so early in the course so we're looking to this weekend if we can get through to monday with him remaining the same or improving better yet then we will all take that final deep sigh of relief. but as i said 247 world class medical care surrounding him down there we're not going to
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miss anything that we were caught of here all right let's catch up with a senate where that shockley not be who writes for the washington post and has their power up newsletter welcome to d.w. this has all the makings of a truck miracle he's out of hospital we don't know quite how ill he is but apparently fit enough to return to the white house is expected to go back to work. that's exactly what his doctor dr connelly said although he declined to answer several pretty important questions again during this press conference the 3rd of the press conferences that he's held where he's declined to disclose important information such as the status of the president's lumps just how many times he is needed and to be administered oxygen but as you just saw he gave a producer any review of how the president's doing and says that he's going to be taking care of the best doctors in the world he's currently under on several several therapeutics and returning to the white house tonight you've mentioned what
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a weird thing about this the president of the united states in hospital but the doctors have been surprisingly vague about what's wrong with him they've talked to he's gone from having mild symptoms to needing oxygen to being treated with that's a method which is normally reserved to serious cases to now being released while still sick does this matter to people that. you know it should matter to people because there is a long well documented history of presidents being really private and you know shrouding they're the status of their health conditions with secrecy but that being said this is a matter of public knowledge this is something that they should be communicating to the public and keeping americans up to iran and being fully transparent about especially as we're under 30 days away from the election and the president is you
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know infection with a highly contagious disease virus that has effect killed 200000 americans but dr connelly citing hipaa regulations which is a law in the united states that prevents patients that prevents doctors from disclosing information that patients do not want released she said that you know do these have the regulations that he couldn't tell us any more specific medications that the president might be on or what his long scans look like so again he continued to say that you know withhold some very important information that you know could give us a serious and better picture of what the president's current health status actually is anybody that is out of hospital so i suppose we should be thankful for that meanwhile the latest of his inner circle to be confirmed with cobbett is press secretary to caylee kennedy hours after being told about her positive test as she issued this statement on twitter here's just a part of it after testing that it have consistently including every day since thursday i tested positive for cocaine had 19 on monday morning want to
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experiencing no symptoms moreover i definitively had no knowledge of hope hicks's diagnosis bronzer holding a white house press briefing on thursday so what is the story here why is she protesting so much. that is an excellent question and kerry magnan is response and handling of this situation is really emblematic of the way the white house has viewed and treated the virus and flouted centers for disease control guidelines throughout this entire ordeal mcenaney did in fact we know no hexes diagnosis and this is why the c.d.c. has these guidelines nick and that in any statement you know fundamentally represents an misunderstanding of the guidelines what the c.d.c. says that is that you can test negative several times even if you have the virus especially if you've been exposed to it and as we know mcewan has been around the president hope it's an enclosed proximity with several other people who have tested
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positive yet she continued to return to the workplace brief reporters did not wear a mask and endanger others around her even though the c.d.c. guidelines recommends that people who have been exposed to the virus stay at home in quarantine for 14 days even just to take precautions even if you do not test positive for the virus in those 14 to protect others around you so yes again some good answer to this question because we asked a again we have a white house we have a president we have white house staffers who appear to be acting particularly what's the what recklessly we have people not wearing masks we have people not isolating sensible people say that is not a sensible thing to do to people really care though the so many high level republicans seem to have acted in such a reckless mullet. people are starting to care you're hearing senior republican senators on capitol hill start to worry that the republican party is looking like
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a potent quote party of stupid is what we at the washington post reported over the weekend especially since there are a handful of vulnerable senate republican senators who are up for reelection and if they lose that means that senate majority leader mitch mcconnell will lose his majority and if the president wins reelection that means that it will be much harder to govern with a democratic led senate you know we did see the president's polls tank over the weekend and that polling was conducted after the debate and not and before his diagnosis of it became public so it remains to be seen just how much more his stance in the polls will drop you know once there is another round of polling conducted and people are responding in real time to his diagnosis this infection has also made the president's campaign come crying to a halt as applying to her president does rely on these rallies in person and several of them about the president because we have a president now coming out of hospital but his campaign manager bill stepien has
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also tested positive for cough it so who is running the company and indeed it is that much of a trump campaign at the moment. so there is in fact a you know a robust strong campaign i do speak with several time campaign sources who are on the ground who are organizing these are talented operatives that being said the president has always been the one who has run his campaign that's why his cycles for so many campaign manager so many chief of staffs this is his management style it's why there's been so much turnover in the white house and his campaign he dictates the message and largely his campaign strategy relies on his personality and these rallies that he holds that draws in so many people. talking to thank you so much for joining us such a claim the alimony from the washington post thanks for having me.
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meanwhile the british government is investigating how nearly 16000 new coronavirus infections went unreported because of what they say was a technical glitch health minister not hancock says it was critical to ensure the mistake doesn't happen again the 15841 virus cases from september the 25th to the 2nd of october were not added to official figures prime minister barak's jobson seemed quite delighted about the era the the incidents that we're seeing in the cases really sort of corresponds to pretty much where we thought. we were and to be frank i think that the slightly lower numbers that we'd seen you know didn't really reflect where we thought that the disease was likely to go so i think it's these numbers are realistic. so let's take a closer look at this with paul hunter he's professor of medicine at the university of east anglia england welcome to day doubly professor is paris johnson right to be
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quite so relaxed about failing to count nearly 16000 coronavirus cases. i think there is a serious issue here and that is that if you are going to be running a test track and trace system that will actually stop transmission ongoing transmission in your community then you have to be really timely in your response you have to identify cases soon as possible and then identify that contact and advise the contacts just to help isolate and test if it's necessary or any delay that reduces the effectiveness of the system so if we are having to wait a week to tell potential contacts then the chances are if they are even if those contacts are infected they will have developed their infection they were potentially incorrect other people and may well actually be already getting to the
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point where they're already less infectious as they were a few days earlier so yes it is a serious. mission that we haven't been able to follow up as many as many as. 30000 contacts that really should have been followed a more timely than we have managed ok so that the 3 elements you mentioned that are of a good track and trace system a timely intervention identify the cases and identify contacts putting those $16000.00 cases aside how does britain's track and trace a system match up against so strict criteria. well i think. it has been difficult and it remains difficult i think they. are not forgive me for interrupting when you say it has been difficult you mean it's not been going well. i think so yes they the we have not been i don't
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contacting as many cases as we would have liked in the past and certainly the evidence is that many people who've been contacted haven't actually been responding appropriately haven't been self isolating and to address that the u.k. recently introduced. new laws that made it actually a criminal offense to not to self isolate when advised by the test track and traces them compare having said that compared to many other countries we certainly not one of the worst countries in europe in terms of our response to 19 but. could certainly do better the u.k. also seems to be having a problem with the thousands of students having to be locked down in new universities in manchester edinburgh and glasgow amongst others and not to be wise after the event but it does seem predictable that you take tens of thousands of 18 year olds living away from home for the 1st time they're going to have little time
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for social distancing this could have been avoided couldn't it well certainly i think it's predictable whether it's avoidable or not is that it is a different issue and i think that the issue is whether or not you will you can balance the loss that they get cation that would come with closing our universities at this stage with the. the harm would be done to students from both from the virus and from not attending education so certainly it was predictable and i think many people were expecting there to be a fairly substantial number of cases amongst universities we've seen that already both in america and elsewhere where in countries where universities went back for the u.k. . what is the alternative the alternative closed not open the universities against
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the game list. damaging many. young people's education. i wonder what sort of what people make of the political what you make of the political leadership on here because you have said it's important to be timely in identifying the cases and identifying contacts and acting quickly but we have the u.k. has a health secretary matthau kark who says this mistake losing nearly 16000 cases has not substantially changed the government's assessment of coverage 1000 impact and has a not impact the basis on which decisions about local action were taken last week so. what you say what he says the political leader seems to be at odds. no i don't think so well certainly i have i don't certainly don't agree with everything that our minister said but in this in this regard the u.k. tends to make decisions on on a weapon city. and when you look at it when both cases of being lost
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many of the most most of them would actually not as already not would have not come to the attention of the system by wednesday evening anyway so i don't think it's actually made that much difference to right decisions on local lock downs this week most of the cases that we're seeing most of the big increase that we've seen in the last week would would even if it were probably would only really have come to the discussion points in the next wednesday's. command meeting where they decide on these things ok so briefly what what sort of pandemic do you think they'd be u.k. is having clearly these are unprecedented times but how well is there is it being controlled. well i just gotta look at the figures it is it is has increased pretty dramatically over the last few weeks.
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compared to other countries we were better than many not as good as some and it's easy to point to other countries where that have had a much more severe increase in in recent weeks than we have. we are still having said that a long way to go it will always always was going to be a very tough autumn this year in terms of infections. provide if we can't and i think the decision is if we can't go back to the intense lockdown that we had in april things are better now than they were earlier in the year the availability of p.p.s. better we we better at treating severely ill patients now than we were but still it's going to be a tough autumn thank you for joining us the outline being about so clearly a professor of poor hunter from the university of east anglia thank. my foot.
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on the research opposition leaders spent lana had to come a skier is here in berlin to ask for german help in solving the crisis in her country as she herself was forced into exile after losing all this presidential election to longstanding awful terrible either and xander. has been beating the 2 of us weekly mass protests in her country continue human rights organizations say more than 10000 people have been detained in belarus since the election actually meet german chancellor angela merkel on tuesday ahead of that mystical sky told the w. why germany might play such an important role. this moment to prove. the recent political crisis in. support of any country arranged around is important for us but germany is. most powerful countries in the war is extremely important because
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we need. help in mediation. with authorities and we think that germany and that is really just going to be extremely helpful in this situation. let's catch up with the developed political correspondent simon young welcome simon so when svetlana. asks. for help and mediates and the way they have been of use in the government what sort of answer do you think she's going to get. well phil i think it's pretty clear where the sympathies lie in the chancellor ie angela merkel spokesman was saying today that she sees. as a key figure in the belarus opposition movement that she's looking forward to their meeting very much on tuesday and this has got huge admiration for the peaceful demonstrators in belarus and the german government is at the same time repeating
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its calls on the local shanker regime to end violence to release political prisoners and to hold very transparent elections or i think you can see the direction in which the thinking is going to will get a good reception having said that it will he will have to wait and see what she asked for and whether berlijn can become more directly involved in mediation it's worth pointing out back in august and other medical agreed with the amir putin that neither germany or russia would get more directly involved in internal affairs in belarus some would say putin has gone back on that already with his demonstrations of backing for look. but it's also worth saying to herself has said again today in that d.w. interview that in the end only the people of bella reuss can solve this crisis yet so we've had these calls from from europe for for a peaceful resolution to this we've had calls from from germany is not only that
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there doesn't seem to be any indication that look is listening whether it comes from whether the call comes from uncle or merkel or anyone else. well maybe there doesn't perhaps behind the scenes more is going on the we know about i think germany's position in all this is a sort of conduit for diplomatic pressure from the e.u. and that's particularly true at the moment during the last 6 months of this year when germany holds the e.u. presidency and i think the e.u. pressure at the moment is coming in the form of statements of support and backing of this type for the for the opposition there's also a certain amount perhaps that could be done in the way of material support with legal medical support or indeed offering refuge to activists who fear for their safety and want to leave belarus but so far it doesn't go beyond that i think it's about adding to the pressure also demonstrating to russia that really there's not
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much advantage for them in backing lucas. where is the german geo political interest in this why what what what does germany get out of. being seen with. and potentially being in opposition to putin over this. well i think it's about you know supporting peaceful protest and democratic rights also germany i think would like to see the end of europe's longest dictatorship as many have called it that would send the message into the post serviette space that the era of the autocrats is coming to an end and that democracy continues its advance i think that is the sort of broad perspective that people in berlin would look for having said that there's
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a need of course to tread carefully because russia tends to be nervous about this type of development and just all not points we have better result position later here in berlin to converse with the mac on tuesday at the same time as we have a prominent russian opposition leader alexei novelli who still here in berlin after being poisoned everybody thinks it's by the russians this germany of a particular attraction for dissidents from the former soviet union. well phil it seems to me and i think lane in particular again and again we've seen these kind of figures popping up in news headlines here in germany one thinks of the chechen dissident who was a man actually who had a georgian passport he was mooted in berlin in august of 2019 actually just a short distance from chancellor merkel's office right in the center of berlin german prosecutors say that was a killing carried out by russian agents to put
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a stop to him we've also seen protests here outside the russian embassy organized by russian citizens among them for instance a cousin of boris nemtsov the murdered russian politician protesting against what they called putin's tara so again and again we see opposition figures cropping up in germany. political correspondent simon young thank you. the nobel list soundly at karolinska institute it has today decided to award the 2020 nobel prize in physiology or medicine jointly to harvey j. vulture michael horton and charles am rice for the discovery of hepatitis c. virus but as this year's nobel peace prize for medicine in there and i was with a nobel prize committee when his discoveries had saved millions of lives. now i
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haave outset discovered the appetite to say virus in 1809 michael horton isolated it stand a chance rice proof the virus cause liver diseases such as callous and so it's thanks to their work that most have a tie to see patients around the world country successfully treated for the virus today. a bit of good news that was the day as ever the conversation continues online you can find us on twitter at dave w news. of the day. confrontation
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china's next target. in 90 minutes on d w. the power of foreigners. where i come from and i never saw the sun where it needs to. have been going up in brazil the sun was always a man since the point of his words 1st and his masculine when i moved to germany as a 10 year old i wanted to come to it on t.v. and that would change how i see the world because interment was feminine. seem to now but the side of a good listener so i was a funny tale instead of a deep voice exterminates guy seemed absolutely incredible. i realized how language shapes the thinking how definitions if i'm not only mental in may just put our whole perception of the role. inside save my life and was one of the reasons i became a journalist i'm a storyteller and i use my words to help with every culture on this and my name is
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a lemon when you and i work and to tell people. this is a 15 year old girl. being gang raped. his teacher is beating a board for talking by complots. for the rest of the class wants. i'm sure a tall tourist been killed by his mother. breaking a collapse. just child sleeps in the streets because her family threw her right. here. online bowling. pushes a teenager over the edge. just because you can see violence against children doesn't mean it doesn't there are the invisible visible. violence against children
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disappear. this is a dozen years lie from donald trump to be discharged from hospital tonight. he's met or exceeded all standard hospital discharge criteria to receive another dose of m. desert you're here today and then we plan to get him home just as your doctors give b r j for the u.s. president to leave the walls of need medical center because he says he feels good but questions tonight of his condition and whether he and his staff cotten safety
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quarantine in the white house also on the program that will reduce his exiled opposition leaders from monod to come a skywalk calls for job and mediation to end the political crisis gripping her country she spoke with i had a meeting with the chancellor. 3 just swing this year's nobel prize for medicine a discovery of hepatitis c. . i'm so gail welcome to the program donald trump's doctors have given the u.s. president the all clear to check out of hospital he was admitted to the walter reed medical center 3 days ago after testing positive and showing symptoms of coverage 19 he broke the news before his doctors on twitter saying he'd be discharged at 6 30 pm local time he said he was feeling really good and urge people not to let the
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coronavirus dominate their lives during his briefing his physician warned that the president still out of the boards but said he was fit enough to continue his recovery at the white house. straight to washington then where we join d.w. correspondent my shredded welcome so the initial announcement was made by the president by tweet shortly afterwards these doctors that gave statements so let's hear from his physician a sean conley. it's been more than 72 hours since his last fever oxygen levels cluing ambulatory saturations and his work of breathing or all normal . though he may not entirely be out of the woods yet the team and i agree that all are evaluations and most importantly his clinical status support the president safe return home where he'll be surrounded by world class medical care 247 by shred of his sounds like a miracle he was only in 3 days ago and now he's leaving hospital. well
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this seems to be also the most amount of information that we've gotten out of these doctors about the president's condition they've been rather circumspect up until now and now we're getting stats and figures that are all seem very positive but the phrase not quite out of the woods yet taken together with what the doctor said moments later when a journalist asked him when was the president's last negative cova test and the doctor said oh i don't want to go backwards this opens up the possibility that the president has not had a negative covert test that he is in fact still positive and has the virus in his system and is therefore still infected and contagious so this sending him home while he does have a lot of medical staff at home still then poses a great threat to the people who work with him ok will he you tweeted a little don't be afraid of culver don't let it dominate you along but doesn't
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sound as if he's taking this disease particular me seriously. yeah it seems like he hasn't particularly adjusted his administration's stance on the disease the entire 7 months that we've been living with this in the u.s. his administration has very much downplayed the effect saying oh it's not that bad people don't need to wear a mask coming out very much against having a national mask mandate which people on the left have been pushing for also pushing cities and states to reopen their economies reopen their bars their cafes their places of work very much against the advice of medical experts including his own top medical experts and now he can come forward and say he has proof that it's not that bad because oh he spent 3 days in the hospital and he's perfectly fine but i have to reiterate that there are more than a 1000000 people dead worldwide and 210000 people dead in the u.s. the u.s. has the highest rate of mortality from this disease and it is something to be taken seriously so it's
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a good within the ones i was it's not just the president with culvert 90 in the rough of infractions sweeping through why tough stuff was bring us up to the it's about he did it seems like there was a bit of a splash there's a recent count from c.n.n. that says at least 14 people in the president's close orbit also have tested positive including the 1st lady and just a couple hours ago press secretary kelly mcenaney came out and said that she had also tested positive although she is asymptomatic and she is going to start the quarantine process there's also a new york times report the said to household staff the president's staff have also tested positive recently so this is an infectious disease and of course the president has been meeting with donors having fundraisers was supposed to be having rallies so it's not just the president's top circle it's everyone who they've come in contact with as well meanwhile there is the election too with less than a month to go let's talk about the other guy joe biden what
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a very saying about all this. but a campaign has been publicizing biden's negative cova test and also been taking the opportunity to draw a very bright line between their plan and how the troubling ministration has been treating the pandemic so harping on health care their plan to get more health care to more people their plan for a pandemic recovery for economic recovery and the fact that they are taking it very seriously very much in contrast to the top administration's stance which is that as we've seen oh it's not that bad everything should reopen we can be sort of cavalier about it it's going to be fine. mush waiter in washington thank you bill russo you know positioned leaders from tacoma sky is here to lend asking for germany's help in solving the crisis in her country and she was forced into exile after losing orcus presidential election to long standing before a tarion leader and he's on the look she's been missing with the european leaders
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as weekly mass protests continue country human rights organizations say more than 10000 people have been detained in baton rouge since the election she will meet german chums and i'm going to back home on tuesday ahead of that she told the wy germany might play an important role in this moment to. the recent political crisis in. support of any country bring their own is important for us but human the is. the most powerful country in the room is extremely important it was. the need to. help in mediation a pole in the authorities and we think that. and that is the just going to be extremely hopeful in this is let's talk to our political correspondent about how they can be soluble what sort of. a chicken or sky are likely to get when she
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baits the chance of a tomorrow. well i think a positive answer generally depends of course what she asks for and i think if that's an active role for germany in mediating between the opposition in belarus and the regime well that would be a huge step for lane so we'll have to see how that plays out during the 3 days of this visit but i think what's being in visit as well is a more. practical kind of support for the opposition many of those activists have been locked up and badly treated by police so they could use some legal and medical support also their families too as well i think and some of these activists probably for their own safety would like refuge in the european union that's something that germany with its current presidency of the european union can drive forward as well and we can listen to another clip from that quick interview with svetlana taken all skier in which she explained
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a little bit more about what kind of support she's looking for. and i repeat it all the time you know. we need the support of the recent society now it can be any kind of help push to didn't help for journalist help for sportsman for all those people who. who fighting for the rights fighting for new elections and. it's up to every country how to help but every. circle of settlers in this camp at the moment somebody young what sort of message does that send to bella ruse that she is here in germany meeting with the chancellor and foreign minister. yeah i think it does send a strong message angle americal spokesman said earlier today this meeting between mcclintic and all scar that set for tuesday is intended as a sign of the chancellor's great respect for both self and also the peaceful
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demonstrators in belarus and the spokesman sort of emphasized the sense the chancellor believes the enormous courage is very important particular of women demonstrating in belarus so this very much echoing the same sort of comments that were made by the french president when he met with taken all skier last week in lithuania and so i think it's clear which side germany and the european union stand on in this in this confrontation and as again the spokesman repeated the key points are to end the violence release the political prisoners and hold free and fair elections after those very distorted election results we saw just a couple of months ago from belarus simon yeah thank you. we'll turn now to some of the other stories making news around the world at least 17 people were
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injured and police clashed with protesters around the capital bishkek demonstrators were protesting the official results of a parliamentary election held in the former soviet republic of the weekend excuse they get to quitting parties of buying votes under for old. suicide bomb attack in eastern afghanistan has killed at least 8 people left more than for the 5 injured the attacker rammed the vehicle packed with explosives into the provincial governors convoy comes afghan president ashraf ghani travel to qatar in an attempt to sweet stop stalled peace talks with the taliban. paris is famous cafes and bars have been ordered to close for 2 weeks following a surge in corona virus infections move comes just months after france lifted a nationwide lockdown the new rules 3 sure social distancing the french couple come into force on tuesday. the 1st of the 2020 nobel prizes was announced
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today this year's prize for medicine went to a trio of virologists for their discovery of hepatitis c. on the child's rights of michael hall on it for their groundbreaking research dating back to the 1970 s. when the bell committee says their discoveries helped save countless lives around the world. 71000000 people that's how many suffer from a chronic hepatitis c. infection as estimated by the world health organization they have to try to see a virus is transmitted through blood it often goes unnoticed for a long time slowly and silently attacking the liver infection can lead to diseases like liver cirrhosis or liver cancer a major reason people need a liver transplant the discovery of the virus led to huge medical breakthroughs really saving discovery in those it's critical to go to the to do beginning to really understand the basic regional discoveries that he really enabled there's so much. that has happened so many. advances in its center but that's
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made possible at this initial discovery of the actually. when harvey alter discovered the hepatitis c. virus in 1909 it was the 1st step towards fighting dangerous and until then mysterious liver infections the 2nd nobel laureate michael houghton then succeeded in isolating the d.n.a. of the newly found virus and finally charles reiss prove that it is the virus alone that causes liver disease these 3 scientific discoveries also made it possible to screen donated blood making blood transfusions much safer if it looked after the discovery we were able to test all the blood donors and sort out the ones with hepatitis c. . one could also develop treatments with which we could successfully fight the virus. there's still no vaccine for hepatitis c. the research for that is ongoing but today the world health organization estimates
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that over 95 percent of hepatitis c. patients can be successfully treated against the disease thanks to the work of today's nobel prize winners. well lines of sport will start with television germany's alexander spare of has announced that he has had another negative test for corona virus this after he admitted playing with a fever in his 4th round loss of the french open he called for a doctor during the 1st set of his defeat to italian teenager yannick center and was seen coughing on court players at the tournament to regularly tested for krone virus spirits last test results are negative but speaking after the defeat you admitted he shouldn't have played the match. until international football on the germany tape of arrived in cologne to prepare for wednesday's from the against. the squad took to the pitch for a trying session on monday evening the turkey matches should be able to warm up the
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jumps ahead of that nation's need touch with ukraine on saturday. that's it you're up to date we'll have more world news of the top of the hour stephen piers they will have your business update in just a moment in the meantime of course you can always get the nicest news and information around the clock on the website that's w. m with. every day. for us and for our such. global ideas is on its way to bring you more conservation. how to make cities scream or how can we protect animals and their habitats what to do with
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the waste. we can make a difference by choosing reforestation over the forest recycling over disposable smart new solutions overstaying said you know what. is truly unique and we know that that uniqueness is what allows us to live and survive gloom ideas the environmental suit system global 3000 on g.w. and on. well there's no hollywood ending in sight for movie theaters one of the world's largest cinema operators announcing. the closure of over $700.00 u.k. and u.s. locations now threatens thousands of jobs. also in the show we'll look at how women efforts in afghanistan are pushing ahead with their own businesses despite fears of a taliban return. and she earned
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a name for herself by going after big tech europe's top and you trust official margaret 1st dogger tells us why their work isn't done. 12 welcome to the show i'm stephen beard's in berlin it's good to have you with us a global pandemic may make for a good movie plot but a painful reality for the movie industry the world's 2nd largest cinema operators center world says it's temporarily closing more than $700.00 theaters in the u.k. and the u.s. center world says the delay in major film releases including the latest james bond movie has made the industry on viable. not for the 1st time had double o. 7 been expected to come to the rescue this time an industry thrown into crisis but no time to die itself fell victim to the virus it's pretty serious delaying its release until next spring. the last of
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a crowd puller like bond has made the movie theater industry on a viable according to bosses and it comes after a miserable year that force a new world lose $1600000000.00 the quiz if you will. we were leading the march big amounts. will be like also the shop was not food with 45000 jobs now at risk british prime minister barak's johnson is calling for the public to help out. who i would say to people is that you. do now have ways of letting their shows go on in a they could be secure way and i'd encourage people to go out to the cinema enjoy themselves and support those businesses it may be too late for the silver screen without the lure of blockbuster releases anxious consumers are perhaps even less likely to flock to the cinema for some of them no matter how much they need this.
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let's bring in our financial correspondent in new york yes korda yes i see you're standing outside of a movie theatre there will this industry actually survive this pandemic. well it's a tough question to answer i mean the movie theater i'm standing here in front of this closed since march 1 analyst put it quite well i would say let's compare movie theaters to groceries chains which are open but are not but do not have any groceries sell so that's really one of the big problems without the blockbusters for the industry to survive if you look at new york los angeles those are the 2 biggest and most important markets for the movie industry both cities have not allowed for theaters to reopen so that is
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a big problem and then also you need confidence from movie goers set to return to movie theaters so clearly it is a pretty grim situation for the end tire industry and if you talk about movie theaters a lot of them are based let's say and shopping malls to a direct people to so it's not just the movie industry itself but also a lot of businesses surrounding those movie it's theaters who are impacted are right a massive industry there in the u.s. as well as the u.k. quarter with us from new york thank you and from new york we go over to afghanistan where women entrepreneurs have been on the rise for years according to one business groups estimate from 29000 there are more than 1100 small and medium size women own enterprises around the country mostly in larger cities and one such enterprise is a fitness center for women in the former taliban birthplace of kandahar. political gains have been slow for women in afghanistan since the fall of the taliban in 2001
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. but the gains in the gym have only just begun this woman only fitness center in the conservative stronghold of kandahar is credit to the hard work. the mode. also employs women it's vital progress in a country where less than a quarter of women walk outside the home. was just in those years and certainly i'm delighted to work here because i can help women and exercise myself after all exercise is good for my health and the money i earn is a great financial health is my family. it's not just the cardio machines here that are raising hard creates the owner says she's never set on going peace talks with the taliban could mean compromises that restrict women and threaten businesses like cars. i want to get on in the house they were worried not only about our business and sports but about all sectors where women work. our concern is that if the
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taliban reunites of the government what restrictions will they impose a lot of because given what i've been following on the here is i think the taliban's mindsets and ideas have not changed much the mission. for now the women walking out here see the will push through their fears and work towards their fitness and health goals. or i let's take a look now at some of the other business stories making headlines. u.s. oil multinational exxon mobil says it is cutting 1600 jobs in europe by 2021 as the oil market slump shows little sign of recovery the oil market was already struggling with over production before the coronavirus pandemic drove demands and prices to record lows all oil majors are reviewing their business models. the e.u. will extend its suspension of budget deficit rules as the bloc tries to recover
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from the coven 1000 pandemic the rules to keep government deficit government deficits below 3 percent of g.d.p. and to couple the debt every year or last earlier this year as the virus of the e.u. spinning into a record recession. staying in the e.u. we go over to germany where the berlin government says it wants to avoid another general shutdown as infection numbers rise in the country economy minister peter all smile toward a gathering of business leaders on monday that if it was up to him there would be no 2nd shutdown in the country the german economy contracted 9.7 percent in the 2nd quarter due to the pandemic many german manufacturers were forced to suspend production to protect their employees. now opening that same event in berlin was someone not known for accommodating business at least big business the competition commissioner marguerite facade would argue she's looking out for the little guy by going after big monopolizing mostly tech companies of
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a sagas find google 7700000000 dollars over the past 3 years now she's proposing more regulation for those companies in europe are reported to milan sat down with us dr to ask why she's had big tech in her crosshairs. thank you so much for joining us today commissioner it's a pressure now digitalisation is of course a very important topic in europe and with your digital services act do you would like to see a range of rules imposed on big tech companies like facebook and google and apple rules like making them share their data with smaller rivals what is it that you think that they're doing that is so wrong. well the last time when our democracies sort of say things you can do things you cannot do that was back in the digital stone age that was the year 2000 and no one back then imagines what's what what would be the case of our reality today so when you then grow up and you become stronger then of course comes responsibility. and we need to say to some of these
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service providers you have a responsibility for the way you do business to make sure that people feel after as comfortable when they are online as well as when they are off line and that i think is very important and also for these businesses the internment of is that member states they make their own legislation i think i would still prefer to have one set of rules to live by but can it keep up with the breakneck speed of tech well not so known the difference of services that will not do it alone i also think that we need to say to some of the gatekeepers there isn't there a number of things that you simply cannot do so that basically regulate from the outset to say this a b c don't do it and last but not least to be able to say well we don't want new gatekeepers to to rice we want to make sure that also other digital markets that they stay competitive some would argue that it makes more sense to create the
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conditions that would give birth to the european equivalent of a facebook google or apple why don't we have the equivalent of those companies and could regulation be getting in the way. well i think we we failed 201020 years ago in providing a real digital single market because one of the reasons why the giants are giants today and that also goes to the chinese giants was that they had a single market they had a giant home market while they could grow the strengths to become global companies and this is why one side of things is of course for society to catch up with the digital development but the 2nd thing is to provide a real digital single market also for european businesses to grow and to provide a capital market with sort of more risk taking france's venture capital that comes with capital but also with knowledge about how to how to scale up this company but
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we need to provide businesses with the market and with the capital needed we've learned to also recognise as the public how difficult it actually is to regulate very big companies to try and prevent monopolies how would you rate your success as a commissioner. well as they say it ain't over til the fat lady sings and i have 4 more years to go so i love to pick it up when we get there thank you very much. bring us that interview and that's all for me and the business team here to check us out online at the double dot com slash business we're also on facebook and twitter thanks for joining us to take care.
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next target closer. in 60 minutes on d w happiness fears for every human penises are very different from primates we have a totally ridiculous sized view of nature david and this is climate change crisis sex how to increase books you get smarter for free you know we books. every 2 seconds. a person forced to flee their home nearly 71000000 people have been forcibly displaced the consequences to stress our documentary series displaced depicts traumatic humanitarian crisis around the world you know a. good thing we don't need and i didn't go to university to kill the pain so i don't know i fully or to have my boss come to me and tell me to kill someone to get
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my and if i don't they'll kill me. she can feel for their mothers and their future so they seek refuge abroad but what will become of her stay behind it's a. little my husband went to peru because of the crisis that i wanted that if he hadn't gone there we would have died of hunger and i wanted them. to split starts october 16th. this is dede everybody is africa coming up on the program traditional kenya is in south africa save they're also working on the front line of the bad day make and should be included in the fight against the coronavirus so what do they have to offer. what helps potential ones who fall under the health department. that is the way i don't understand why can't the government give us the chance.
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