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tv   Frag den Lesch  Deutsche Welle  October 9, 2020 7:30am-8:01am CEST

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egypt's prosperity joining the fatigue his ties. to a wealth derived from living near the nile and its. one excavating the fortifications around the qana temple complex archaeologists discovered the foundations of a ruined and hitherto unknown temple it didn't even appear on official maps. claudine and that much evidence linked to acknowledge an answer never t.-t. including fragments of monumental statues were found here though nothing is left on the site today they must dig deep into the history of these temples to find out more about nafta t.t. the queen of the heart of a cultural and religious top evil in egypt. back
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to europe the r k o v is your laughter is based in bordeaux france here archaeologists and graphic designers combine their skills to create 3 d. models of famous last temples this helps us understand never tedious living environment at the time and the previously unknown rituals dictated by the new religion. by senators will solve a. murder inquiry i live in the 1920 s. archaeologist working to the east of karnak we're lucky to find a few rare vestiges of the temples dedicated by arkan art and although all 3 of these things are off it will require hold reload and what are they far from here are very good the bases of the pillars with lower sections of walls and all above all starting idols in the image of ark an artiste. everything on this show is
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a may see a good face or prominent stomach and large thighs and legs something that shocked everybody more. than they knew it was walking auto. that gave us the 1st indications that the king had indeed built to the east and that this sector had the 1st temples dedicated to art and police don't believe that he would you have to. do it if you know bit by bit we began to better understand the temples built to the east because we started discovering the walls. even in the under decoration we have egyptian images of the temples as they were at the time so it's precious quickly through. the new religion introduced by our cannot and never t.t. produced unprecedented egyptian aunt for the 1st time these walks presented
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realistic images of the virus 'd now considered to be part of the song. when you look at representation of the next. couple you surprised to see the degree of intimacy through these natural gestures that you just don't find anywhere else in egyptian. that it's true that this is one of the rare periods where you can see a couple touching or hugging one another and if you're 50 you don't even have never t.-t. stealing a kiss from aka not with the necklace on. and it's astonishing what we're seeing is the appearance of what i would call a new liturgy. told it was no longer about god but the king the life of the king became a permanent ritual his movements when he got up or when he ate the. more similar in verse side with the son king where as was addict. at every moment of the king's
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life it was ritual last year was. this counter of personality is down close at the heart of the never t.d. legend the queen embodied the word of the king who gave her a powerful position in the kingdom. hall. but while she had great influence in this new society our experts can't find a trace of what could be hard to match connor. so which events are never tedious life could provide them with a promising clue. surely the one that turned her fate upside down. i cannot and decided to create a new capital for egypt fully dedicated to the religion of the some god. they had
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to erect a palace which would be the seat of his residence. the through the course real the king decided to build a city totally dedicated to art and a city where he would be at the center. of the untouched site of a more and it was chosen for the job. it's one of the 1st times in ancient egypt that sacred constructions were built on virgin territory every 2nd one got rich. going up the nile to the heart of a country i cannot chose of vast plain next to the desert the pharaoh was in the 5th year of his reign and wanted to make his mark by building a new egypt it's here in a manner that the vestiges of his new capital would be rediscovered thousands of years later there. in the desert sand.
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to die for pressure nor amar know it was exciting and original because it was a new city order to look from. all the restoration work we can do on the city helps us to understand the architecture on the to do to no longer proud of vestiges of the floor plans that remains or give us accurate ideas about the measure of his death he put his sort of promise so we know more or less the dimensions to work with on the ground with. or for. the banks to their precision with modern technologies are very important as they allow us to recreate the past in ever greater detail. this could give our experts newly it's in the search for another t.t.'s tome and her mommy. can art an amstrad for t.t. moved into our vast residence in
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a manner it was here that i cannot and son the future came to town kamui was born. the scenes on these remains tray the reverence for the royals but the reality is more complex plane tablets from the time revealed that egypt's international relations were complicated perhaps never t.t. and ak an art and didn't rain as easily as they'd hoped in a manner. to better understand their down for antonio is in paris to meet. a journalist specializing in egypt look where you are the mark in the to the royal couple of arkan are going in there for t.t. lived in their own world they didn't tread on an sacred ground with this when they travel it was certainly going to share its unique and they only set foot on the floors of powers or temples to say they were loved by the people is uncertain.
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why and how was a mana destroyed and who raced all the references to the god. it's believed that the successors of 2 in particular he said he the 1st and ramsey's the 2nd systematically destroyed all the temples they are less systematically chiseled the way the images of art and. his queen and his children who saw. it before i didn't i cannot and successors stay in a modern. age work. it's thought that the failure of the ark in art and project led to the city's downfall and the move from a modern back to looks or even though. i'm going whoa this happened very shortly after the death of the king of the successor in the city wasted away just how almost all the temples were destroyed so i. presume walking more to the top of.
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their view people fit on the city was made of bricks and cruder except that with the wind and the rain all traces of life in the city vanished. but dignitaries of the economic regime still believed in the future of a mana as can be seen in the tubes they made these marked a change in egyptian funerary architecture. and busy. for a long time made germs in the pyramids and now they built them into rush hour these new tombs the world. news of all. these you know we have a change of religion that was reflected in funerary customs in the way kings were into. what. we've gone from the pyramid which is a sun based concept to him. or underground one with notions of the afterlife that
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subterranean or. why you do or don't peel down the royal tombs of the new kingdom which are in the valley of the kings and weary of these new rights and right in the south was. in when you were walls were engraved with these new sacred books hall in which we have the deceased passing into the underworld and all the dangers they must overcome to live again when the sun is reward. for them to find never tt's grab the axe birds now know they need to look for a tomb down into the rock and in fact at the end of the 19th century archaeologists found in the cliffs of a plunging valley east of amana several openings leading to tomb one of these was identified as having temporarily housed i can often scopes. as i'm on a egyptologist mark the boat spent several years mapping the royal necropolis he
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suspects that certain tombs could have housed other members of i cannot and family so could never teach his mommy be hidden here. this with tico i missed it because i wanted to try to shed a light on the mystery of where lee objections had plantar buried never t.v. analysts necropolis that nicole boil it and my current conclusion is that whenever t.t. died her place in the world tillman had not been initiated and they had probably had to bury her a bit quicker and never t.v. died a few months before her husband while it will probably be buried in the royal term or barbara more infinite dollars but where exactly in the world term is hard to say at least that it markopolos theory is that i can oxen and never t.t. were buried together in the cliffs of amana but after the fall of the city is some of the new pharaoh tootin ca moon had their mommies moved and interred in the valley of the cain. so on
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a 50 teams remains to be found in the valley of the kings along with those of her husband. dean and she'll decide to pursue this hypothesis 100 turn to look stop. at the famous winter powers and to the hotel which has welcomed generations of explorers. they all fall into the former egyptian capital in the hopes of making great discoveries. from the start of the 19th century eminent egypt ologists rush to look saw to excavate the famous valley of the games old film footage shows their friend as they
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come to a buried treasure. expeditions to the valley of the kings multiplied and there was a real rush to wanna the moment. a chip became a major destination for research and many nations financed extremely costly excavation campaigns. egyptologists from all over the world while in a race against time to exude the tombs and objects that would bring new life to history. but all talk about the valley of the kings what is it exactly all there are levee there are some. now where he's going to benefit you are the valley of the kings as
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a warrior at least that's what we call it. to create it's a drive alley that can flood and heavy rain. conversing on the belly of the king it's in there is a very isolated valley in the mountains of looks or duke so it's scylla and it's where the kings would order their tombs to be done to feel queasy little. between the nile valley and the desert hidden in a small mountain range lies a labyrinth of rocks and tunnels here more than 60 tombs have been found they once held the bodies of the pharaohs and some of their wives. to see all of these tombs have chill letters k n v followed by a number what does that mean with a healing circle so to get king valley kavi means king valley and the number gives us the order of discovering at least to do that. when we talk about k.v. 62 is the 62nd 2 discovered in the belly of the king's dog where you got what i
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don't like. in 1907 egyptologist edward or rather sought out and found to mckay v $55.00 there he found human remains and on jets proven to come from a man are undoubtedly pillaged several times this tomb held as sarcophagus with the name of a king. i cannot and. this discovery was extraordinary the theory that the pharaoh at an art and had been moved from a manner to the valley of the kings was correct but there was still no trace of his wife never t.-t. . another tomb also called the experts attention it's famous as it belongs to i cannot and son to it in cameroon who died very young between the ages of 17 and 19 . this is here at the heart of the valley of the careless entry. coming minutes to
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talk at all. thanks to the dog and persistence of howard carter this tumours discovered in 1922 the british archaeologist had a hunch that the young 2 didn't come moon at his own tomb in the valley of the canes. with a walker that was just the said don't worry thing of all to us what. the search for the stone was an adventure in itself going to be there what you know. carter had always wanted to dig in the belly of the chaos saying no. i didn't have a contract but he got one book with the founder sponsor if you heard me you know he had many excavation is over many years that weren't too fruitful so far but he had an intuition. of all of his intuition was that the now famous king. who nobody knew anything about before the discovery of his tomb good had a tumor at the center of the valley because some clues and some tombs that link to the king were discovered. them all thanks to persistency persuasion and of course
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excavation in november 1902 or more they stumbled upon a 1st step in the sand and that step led to newton coming to that much the famous cave the 62. i move very swiftly. after years of fruitless searching carter was about to give up when he made a sensational discovery under a heap of rocks if under the door which opened on to one long corridor on. the muslims they say they're here in the heart of $210.00 coming to you we're in the n.t. chamber and here is the room with us a catholic is. the 1st undamaged tomb found in the valley of the kings with many other items said. this tune was originally not intended for a king as it's much smaller that so we imagine to take on living and died quite young around 17 he was buried quite quickly so they. good to know that wasn't at
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all royal. for our experts continue their search for another tedious tomb and mommy if she isn't in her husband i cannot and to him nor in a still hidden room in 2000 communes tomb might she be in her own too somewhere else in the valley of the games. in the late 19th century a french egypt on a just discovered a tomb now designated as k.v. 35 that rick knight a debate about methods his plagues say or a 4th arrangement victor all of a who was excavating in the valley of the kings and 89899 discovered successively the tombs of took most of the 3rd and then aman ho-tep the 2nd in k.b. 35 it in aman hotel the 2nd burial chamber for an excess were found at 2 of which were bricked up. by removing this all he discovered a number of mummies because of us that they noticed
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a very quickly that they were royal mummies. some of these mummies have been identified on the simoom e notably there was took most of the 4th not in this grandfather of all the other and aman hotel the 3rd i mean that the plot if you are certain some mummies have been identified for example and elder lady with long hair you know the younger lady in the baby 35 who had quite a disk bigger face a c. and a yard that prints. and recently on the it's been suggested that the younger lady is now pretty only 15. british egyptologist joanne fletcher was responsible for their spectacular yet unexpected development in the negativity ministry according to her research a younger lady is never t.t. a series of tests was carried out on there's over 3000 year old calls as the green finally being found. the younger ladies mommy is in bad condition.
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with visible damage dating from antiquity the damage from the damage to her chest was like my smashed where to steal an amulet is bound within the body that. some have suggested that the mummy was mutilated on purpose because it was never t.d.'s that they said and if you however we have no proof of that or can quote the younger lady mommy continues to fuel egyptologists imaginations it's now carefully preserved in cairo's egyptian museum. after gathering so much information in egypt and europe for dean and travel to cairo to continue their search of the egyptian museum there they have an
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appointment with egyptologist. never t.v. had surely been mummified following a ritual reserved for royals they want to find out more about this tradition. they were in the mummies room at cairo's egyptian museum i don't know if it's fascinating or frightening it makes an impression. well why did it gyptian zoë mummify their king their royal families and the only does it bar in ancient egypt where they didn't say people died the book was so they said their breath. also to allow the breath to come back later so the pharaoh in this case ramsay's could live again their bodies had to be mum and wife of the girl therefore the director could return to the body and he will revive it of course there are a formula there are many things to do before hand magical oils and all of that it
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took a very vivid look at come back to life so he needs a body. in our religion we say your soul needs your body they don't you they ascended to heaven with their bodies to join their father ron the creator to develop. so here we have randy is the great according to what is written as these mummies were not found in tools but in a hiding place pretty weird all these mummies and a whole series of others were in hiding places they were hidden or taken out of their tombs if you and the priests of the time established it was ramsay's ramses the great i'm just gong. to discover a mommy's history we need to uncover its secrets one of the most useful tools for this is genetic analysis. at the foot of the italian alps is a large tree transform the world of egypt ology. geneticist albert sink
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director of the institute for mummies studies has analyzed numerous mummies in egypt including the famous younger lady. she. wanted the d.n.a. reveal for the family of the young lady we were able to obtain samples we could use a very small biopsy needle to obtain samples from the long bowls especially from this area from the bar but also the same for the leg bones we were able to take a different small ball surface because we also tended not to damage the money too much but we could get good quality bolts. that was from inside of the bags and later in the analysis in the left it turned out that they're still there preserved in the samples. the boy we found out that this monkey is actually the brother of king tut that shot
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was a big moment in our research because it took us many months to set up everything to do this out there this is to overcome the problem and that finally we got these very obvious on the identity of a young lady is in no doubt but albert think he's convinced she's the mother of 2000 kamui never t.t. . if professor analysis is correct the mission is complete however antonio wants another scientific opinion so he's heading to the paleo genetically hard tree at the museum impacts. how can genetics help archaeologists egyptologists should look on it in its 6 in a 6 is the study of d.n.a. we're very lucky as d.n.a. is a molecule that in 2 years over the centuries common the problem is it does degrade in the molecule is eternal and i degrades over time the older
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a personal sample the harder it is to find d.n.a. and there are environmental factors to. hold both. in the case of egyptian mummies like the younger lady which dates from several 1000 years ago is the d.n.a. still usable then it explored the city it's an extremely harsh climate and not the ideal conditions for d.n.a. preservation so if their day is there it surely cut into minute fragments and hard to analyze. data albert sink says the young lady was analyzed under the best. possible conditions. value of the young lady was placed from the original too and in my view was medical aid that since it to be different many different people one and then bob also prepared to be on the other hand grave robbers who walk in contact with the family or so the scientists and the archaeologist with their
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family since it was found so there busy was a lot of contact of people that left there in a traces of their budget and we have to make sure that we don't then allow us to cross to the nation the surface part of that money but the rent in sight the money we took biopsy needle small needles to get a sample from inside of the bones to avoid to having to analyze the surface of the body and in addition we took several some of samples of the mummy from different parts of the body in order to compare that to recite to make sure that in the end we have really the authentic ancient d.n.a. of the young lady and of any modern condemnation. on what we could show is based on the genetic fingerprint thing that young ladies the mother of king tut and siobhan and we could also get a photo of the same effort that if kept on is that part of an hour after weeks of research and thousands of kilometers of travel through egypt and europe claudine and antonio have followed all the known traces and clues about never t.t.
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and they might even have found. a younger lady mommy could be. still some egyptologists propose other theorems and continue to look for the remains of an edge and dairy queen. over 3000 years after her death the beautiful egyptian still fascinates specialists and the publican like never t.t.d. is one of the most emblematic figures of ancient egypt. a great and powerful egypt replete with. tetra wonders a concert faroes a new religion and amazing art wax. come.
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come. come. one continent. 700000000 people. with their own personal stories. we explore every day life for. what europeans fear and what they hope for. focus on their own. 30 minutes on d w. every 2 seconds
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a person does forced to flee their home nearly 71000000 people have been forcibly displaced the consequences to sastra so our documentary series displaced depicts dramatic humanitarian crises around the world you know. forget that you know that i didn't go to university to kill people. or to have my boss come to me and tell me to kill someone and again and if i don't they'll kill me. people feel for their lives and their future so they seek refuge abroad but what will become of those who stay. behind it's a play table my husband went to peru because of the crisis that if he hadn't gone there we would have died of hunger down the. display starts october 16th on.
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this is the day of you news live from berlin europe sees a surge in new coronavirus cases tougher restrictions are taking effect in berlin and across germany to stem the tide sections health experts warn of hospitals could be overrun if the trend continues also coming up. u.s. president trump is ready to return to the campaign trail saying he might attend a rally in florida this week at the u.s. president was hospitalized with cold it does doctor has not said if the president has since.


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