tv Check-in Deutsche Welle October 9, 2020 5:03pm-5:31pm CEST
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it certainly has been some the day and that began at a minute after midday today when the bells rang out across the city today. sorry to say i'm not sorry there was some smoke there. and there was 2 minutes silence one minute after midday when that was the time a year ago when the gunman actually fired his shots into the door the exterior door into that synagogue and throughout the day they have been several commemorative memorial events taking place around the city and those are going to culminate this evening with this event that's taking place in the church concert hall behind me let's give viewers a sense of how germany has responded to the issue of anti semitism since the attack . well actually already before the attack a year ago there had in fact being
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a commission of the fight against anti-semitism already being put in place and since then that been several of the contacts being set up in various organizations also for the judiciary for example in lent and the capital is seen as a front runner really in this fight against anti-semitism but it's making sure that those measures are also rolled out nationwide but having spoken some members of the jewish community here in how the today they just don't think that politics the politicians here in germany and also the authorities have quite grasped yet the severity of the issue of anti-semitism in far right extremism and that they believe still more needs to be done especially when it comes to the discourse in society and in political sphere is. showing a split screen right now where we were in a moment ago of. you and the inside hall where this festival festivities will take place and there's a conductor and music is being played we understand there were there will be
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speeches give us a brief rundown of what will be happening at the memorial. that we would say we are expecting to hear several speeches this evening but of course we'll hear from the president from. who is expected to address again the responsibility really of society were expecting to hear a message from him calling on german society to act when they see people's rights being infringements not turn away if someone witnesses for example an anti-semitic attack on the streets or an islamic attack in the underground and that is all of society's responsibility to stand up for each other and to stand together but we're also expecting to hand speeches as well from the from other members of the jewish community also in attendance will be the leader of the jewish community here in how
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the and also the president of the central council for jews in germany. and in addition to that we'll be hearing more music as well which we can already hear with a bit of now thanks for that kate stand by we'll see you in a moment and of course we'll have live coverage of all of that when it begins in a few months minutes right here on news meanwhile german chancellor angela merkel has met with the mayors of germany's largest 11 cities to discuss further measures they can take to reduce the spread of the coronavirus germany has recorded over 4000 new infections for 2 straight days the highest level since april berlin and munich have responded to by using infection rates with new restrictions in a press conference on friday merkel said it was important to contain the outbreak before the onset of winter and restrictions could be tightened if infections continue to spike she appealed directly to the young generation to do their bit to
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beat the pandemic. now please think about what is most important for you is it not the health of your family including your grandparents. is it not also your priority to have a good education and to have a good career on things that are dependent on a healthy economy not just hanging is it then not worth being a little patient and enduring a few restrictions on party image which i temporary and are aimed at keeping the infections under a certain threshold and in fact. she little back to partying to going out and having fun without corona restrictions will not be good but right now other things are important being aware and showing solidarity is a mild. earlier we spoke with chief political editor. and asked why merkel in particular addressed germany's younger generation we saw the german
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chancellor today appeal to the younger generation because that's where a lot of this infection is coming from and that's a significant difference to the initial outbreak where it was very much focused on those risk groups older people going to machall today held a video call with the mayors of the 11 biggest cities here in germany their conclusion her conclusion is that in those centers it will be decided whether any loses control of this corona pandemic those are the was that the german chancellor used so once again a very dramatic appeal to the public to follow those 8888 regulations so basically keeping distance wearing the mask and making sure that you simply listen to what ever local regulations in place at that particular moment in time. job you caught up with germany's leading brawler just christians will stand
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here in berlin with the virus now spreading fastest in urban areas sabi and then to mark ask him why that is now professor trust in cities all over the world seem to be particularly vulnerable for this virus why is this the case and what can be done in cities well it's actually an obvious thing we have. a younger age structure in cities and we had over the last few weeks a higher incidence in young people over the summer months. so this infection is now well prevalent in cities and it's now redistributing into older age groups these are all the effects that we have surf not only in cities but also elsewhere but obviously because of the higher density because of some situations. like leisure. and professional life where you have more people to gather like say and lots off with this. this is probably
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a specific trait of cities so when we have. well. let's say. and have a higher incidence now what can german cities for example bourdin learn from the experiences in new york paris london other cities all over the world well i believe the experience in other cities is like. look into the future if we are not ready to act on the problem now especially and in cities and the elements of this activity is to inform the general public to avoid misinformation and to rely on the corporation off of the general public including the younger people. so to address younger people. by media channels that they actually use. is is really
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a task that maybe hasn't been addressed sufficiently now. one patient that we see a lot in media channels all over the world is the u.s. president is his treatment and medication a blueprint for patients all over the world well this is very difficult to comment on because i don't have any particular knowledge on this treatment regimen there are drugs. that are being discussed in the public that will be widely available or other drugs that will are not even even clear now so. this is. maybe a bits of a complex type of question. maybe also very specific to this particular case. so you wouldn't say that it's that these medications would be helpful in this fast recovery could be also seen with other patients who get this treatment well i mean
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the the list of drugs that's being discussed in public i think for each of these trucks there is evidence for an effect or a pivot but this all depends very much on the point of time when they are ministered to those the general condition of the patient and so on so these are all aspects that i can't comment on but the drugs that were given are certainly contributing to a positive outcome. germany's leading for all ages there christian. let's return now to our top story one year since an anti-semitic attack on a synagogue in the eastern german city of hala let's bring in chief political correspondent melinda crane now who joins me in the studio melinda it's good to see you here even for this event could you briefly remind viewers what happened a year ago today. of year ago was young to poor and 52 people were celebrating
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getting ready to celebrate at the synagogue in the eastern german city of hala when they saw a closed circuit t.v. that someone heavily armed was trying to break down the door they then barricaded the doors of the synagogue and he began also trying to shoot through the doors he also apparently lobbed a couple of homemade bombs toward the synagogue but did not succeed in breaking down those doors while the worshipers cowered inside he then went on to shoot 2 bystanders not far from the synagogue and then got in his car and tried to drive away so causing consternation and clearly a great trauma for the people inside that synagogue it would have been the worst anti-semitic attacks since the 2nd world war if he had realized his aims and trauma for people beyond the region frankly tell us give us some perspective on why this
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memorial is not just important for the people who are directly involved in that synagogue and for the town of hala but for all of germany because for the past 70 years since the end of the 2nd world war germany's identity actually salutes center of its identity has been based on never again never again the anti-semitic prejudices and hatred that led to the holocaust and yet anti-semitism is on the rise and not only through this one attack in hala we're seeing in the last 3 years a doubling of anti-semitic incidents in 20192000 incidents reported that was an increase of 13 percent on the year before we're seeing anti-semitic signs and sayings and things like the protests against the corona restrictions that occurred here in the capital berlin so that. anti-semitism rising once again in this country is a warning to the entire country that the never again is perhaps on
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a weaker front foundation than it has been in these past 70 years very important that's country pays attention and milind of the present of the central council of jews in germany joseph. appealed earlier to all germans to make sure that proper respect is given to immigrants and to minorities here in germany why was it necessary you think for him to make such a sharp appeal. as i say we are seeing rising incidences of anti-semitism and we're also seeing rising use of anti-semitic language and phrases now that partly has to do with the online websites that spread hate and that was one of the things that the german government tried to work to curb after the shooting in holland because the shooter there had self radicalized the the internet but we're also seeing a kind of
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a casual use of some of this language that indicates a level of negligence bordering on and on something darker and deeper and therefore to call attention to this which is very much what the chancellor has also been seeking to do she spoke a few weeks ago at the 70th anniversary of the central council of jews here in germany and said that what we are seeing is shameful and we have to call it out and we have to really focus a spotlight on these incidences also to raise public awareness because i think for many germans that anti-semitism has been latent but it's finding a stronger base and such a sensitive subject for so many reasons clearly. it's been a year obviously since the attack. as germany actually learn from theirs have there been lessons you think that have been internalized and if so what's the real
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evidence of that well there have been. and there have been measures taken including the appointment of excuse me to take a moment anti-semitism commissioners both to look at anti-semitism among the security service and the police and also for example in state governments berlin has one of the most serious programs in that area but the picture is patchy overall and therefore it is absolutely imperative as mr schuester said that the country take strong action and really. focus public attention on this we've also seen an devers to. to curb online hate speech that was a law that was passed right after the holiday tack but enforcement is very very different difficult the number of complaints that the authorities are faced with the the internet is astronomical and they simply don't have the resources to follow
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up on all of these so measures have been taken but as nearly all politicians we spoke to today said there is much more work to be done melinda crane you're going to be hanging out with me here for the duration this is a 15 minute long commemoration is our understanding of the events we want to dip into the event now to see whether we can hear a little bit of what the dignitaries might be saying let's now go to max provide roski he's the head of the jewish community in hala who may be speaking right now. this is the mayor actually amid fears. that so i can often often marked with avoidant but i did.
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but he's 90 britain and going to these impressions the question of whether jews can live more safely in our city than they could a year ago i cannot answer more clearly but i can promise you with all of the means that we have at our disposal we'll be come back to anti semitism and trying to protect the jews who live here because anti-semitism racism have no place in our hold and one thing you saw in harlow city now the attack. took place in holland but it was an attack on everyone who wants to have a peaceful and tolerant country. the fact that this is the majority of society has been proven one after and on the day. of the 9th of october often hebrew song was some showing went on how the people of
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supports their jewish community cullom have a dream it's like making peace shalom covering peace be among you. what happened in his district a year ago today we're expecting to hear from the head of the jewish community and how that would be max for who i'm sure might have some very poignant words for us. quite a few this morning of mine callender published
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a my calendar isn't until i saw that it was the 9th of october again and you are going off one year later and gone to meet dr and then when you talk to us at lunch time. when i'm not together with many of the people of how i was at the market square middleton get no on farm this on slugs at the very minute that the attack began that we experienced in hala right in the open there was a minute of silence rob and this is explained it was the and at this time it was as if i saw the film going through my mind again i'm going to not go but i thought of what happened on the 9th of october 29th teens or a film that continues to this day. so in these 6 hours it was not looked like a whole year the 9th of october 29th seen. with panic 3 of
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them. received fear withdraws from use a lack of understanding of what was going on outside the synagogue even though we saw a police outside the synagogue we didn't know you could be from how many sites were being attacked how many had been murdered whether it was just in hala on the spirit or whether there were other cities under attack whether this was an attack on jewish facilities across germany or not. glacially talk on their own front and then at 1130 at night on the same day and dr across all of the meeting with the house a lot who had come from brussels especially to hollo on that day you know to speak to speak with me that it does speak with us to express their solidarity. this was really the 1st personal expression of solidarity that i experienced on the day of the attack itself. i mean after that
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it emerged that 2 people had been murdered and kevin rudd government's feeling for sure then that i and then so many other events so many other things happening to good things some bad things to me you can see i will never forget the gifts the e-mails we received the letters that commands he received and how the one example of poetry days after young people are so caught begins that he's going to have an eye on both man and the jewish community from mannheim. and the popcorn consent as a parcel full of presents for our children not because they knew that we wouldn't have had any time. to prepare for the cicotte festivities and get presents for the children i nearly burst into tears when i saw that but there were other examples to show about them and then shot on the 11th of october 2 days after the
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attack mine i'm leaving for the rest of my life i will never forget there's 200000 people stood between the synagogue. and the restaurant. owned by the taken by the. human chain. support saying you're going to get all of us with sholom aleichem song supporting us these are things that stay in my memory one year down the line. but there were mistakes made as well and they were painful and after an attack like this a person who has served by i have been attacked like that is more sensitive than otherwise but seeing swastika as i know that i was within my own fighting unit is on the 31st of may and the 1st of june this year at on the town hall the entrance the town hall on the road maybe before the attack they wouldn't have been so
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relevant as they are now but after this attack from the seeing these swastikas. really hits us on the current it's an open one is. another thing that really stayed with me and it was summer this year are no financial different and there was. little disagreement between 2 groups of young people in hull as noise shot district . this was about our stuff. to. do best holiday you are holland and it was a did women are great about that there was a discussion that the police came but they want to laugh police there to begin with and from who try and improve the situation got out of control and then there were comments. and of course the policeman couldn't be there because now they have to guard the synagogue in the palace district the synagogue. where the attack was
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after a few minutes and reading now was very painful and for my congregants too when i told them not much matter what was even more painful for the situation just a few days ago when there was a similar situation i was the good mind that they thought that we read in death cell from my friends from just so they told me as they said again that the justifications for the law enforcement scarcities and problems. were mine because of this argument that they had to protect jewish establishments in the synagogue. and this was done by the minister of the interior of the state this really shocked me a player on the field and i simply cannot explain that to the man and for other reasons could be named namely what our mayor just said let out many police hours.
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are required because. they have to do that my guy did not see demonstrate. but they didn't choose that example to justify that if you have the problems i'm sorry but we have become more sensitive than we were before offenders are perhaps this will dissipate but this is not the time for that yet both of you woman who looked in that i hope that we'll be able to return when it comes to our normal lives. but if you don't ya know i'm kevin this will never come back what if they even opened up your mind to you and so i don't imagine we will be able to have a normal life in our community here in holland for a long time either thank you.
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