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tv   Markus Lanz  Deutsche Welle  October 9, 2020 10:30pm-11:31pm CEST

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this is so no story about a stubborn rice farmer from thailand. his problem. his credo no chemicals. and his plan was. the students are mine this is don't stand a chance. train in successful. cademy starts october 15th w. this weekend sees the imposition of tougher coronavirus lockdown restrictions in major german cities like and frank 1st the german chancellor and the mass of 11 countries biggest cities have agreed on more strict and more targeted measures if infection rates continue to climb speedy action is necessary they say because winter is coming i'm phil gayle and this is the day.
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now in the days and weeks that will decide how germany will fare in this pandemic in winter. we see that we obviously have very special infection dynamics in germany's largest cities. patients on ventilators for. my top priority is possible not to have to bring economic and public life back down to the level that was necessary in the spring. we have to appeal to our population we don't want to have a situation like the resume proust's for a situation like there is in spain. we don't want to 2nd lockdown. germany marks a year since an anti semitic attack that left 2 people dead. ladies and gentlemen
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it is not enough to condemn an attack like the one in hundreds of targets and then to return to business as usual. welcome to the day chancellor angela merkel the mass of 11 major cities in germany have agreed a package of new measures to stop the spread of coronavirus germany fear is a growing 2nd wave of the virus after infection rates in cities like berlin and frankfurt reached a key threshold triggering tighter restrictions from her office in berlin angela merkel's video conference with the mayors of key cities sent the message germany urgently needs to prevent corona spreading in urban centers the other spirit. chance that the big cities there have been areas and now the area now where we will see if we can keep the pandemic on a country as we have done for months so for if we lose control that is precisely
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where we are right now it and the important thing. to contain the virus the mare's agreed a tough new framework it could see experts from germany's armed forces and the national disease control body sent into cities if the 7 day infection rate rises above $35.00 per 100000 residents their job would be to focus on contact tracing cities where that infection number is above 50 will require people to wear masks in public spaces and there will also be limits on alcohol sales and socialising berlin and frankfurt have already reached that threshold many young people in berlin's bars of not yet change their behavior from saturday people in the capital will only be able to socialize in groups of 5 more if they're from only one or 2 households. you know we have a rule which allows us to take action very quickly because we're saying very
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clearly these places must be closed from 11 pm it's easy to see if a bar is still open or not if it is action can be taken quickly to get young people may find it hard to take a break from their social lives but as the chancellor appealed to them to observe the rules she also offered reassurance this fits in with everything the return parties nights out fun without corona but what matters now is something out some respect and talent erickson might and if the rise in infections is not halted within 10 days the mayors have agreed to impose even stricter measures. will be doubling caught up with leading virologist to christian draw distance with the virus now spreading fastest in urban areas have been found about asked him why. now professor dressed in cities all over the world seem to be particularly vulnerable for this virus why is this the case and what can be done in cities. well
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it's actually an obvious thing we have. a younger age structure in cities and we had over the last few weeks a higher incidence in young people over the summer months so this infection is now prevalent in cities and it's now redistributing into older age groups these are all the effects that we have served not only in cities but also elsewhere but obviously because of the higher density because of some situations that you like and measure and professional life where you have more people to gather like say and large offices. this is probably a specific trade of cities so when we have. well let's say and. and have a higher incidence now what can german cities for example burden learn from the experiences in new york paris london other cities all over the world well
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i believe the experience in other cities is like. look into the future if we are not ready to to act on the problem now especially and in cities and the the element of this activity is to inform the general public to avoid misinformation and to rely on the corporation of of the general public including the younger people. so to address younger people. via media channels that they actually use. is is really a task that maybe hasn't been addressed sufficiently now one patient that we see a lot in media channels all over the world the u.s. president is history talent and medication a blueprint for patients all over the world well this is very difficult to command
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on because i don't have any particular knowledge on this treatment regimen there are drugs. that are being discussed in the public that will be widely available other drugs will are not even even clear now so. this is. maybe a bit of a complex type of question. maybe also very specific to this particular place. so you wouldn't say that it's that these medications would be helpful in this fast recovery could be also seen with other patients who get this treatment well i mean the the list of drugs that's being discussed in public i think for each of these drugs there is evidence for an effect or a pivot but this all depends very much on that point of time when they are up
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ministered that those the general condition of the patient and so on so these are all aspects that i can't comment on but the drugs that were given are certainly contributing to a positive outcome ok thank you very much. german general just speaking with happy and from them are well while german officials are broadly in agreement on strategies to control the pandemic the story in spain is very different there the national government has imposed a state of emergency in the area around madrid despite opposition from the regional government a spanish capital will therefore now be in lockdown for 2 weeks the government decree overrides a courtroom ing on thursday which lifted restrictions the move comes ahead of a national holiday and bans people from leaving time that's $230.00 cases per 100000 people and madrid has the country's highest infection rate while spain it's a country in western europe hardest hit by the pandemic with more than 850000
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confirmed cases. so let's bring in correspondent jaime vasquez in madrid a welcome so the country is just about to go into a long holiday weekend so good talk us through the form these new restrictions will take. well they are basically the same set of rules that accord suspended just yesterday but this time they are but by at the estate of a made you see which is but by the constitution and is a tool the central government can use or basically are the same rules people may not be allowed to leave for example the capital of a spain or get into the capital of a spain but this time they would be more in forced really because the police will be there and backed by their constitution but they could situation now or there and that is a state of emergency in fact we've seen and
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a lot of police deployed in route there's been some roadblocks. there were making sure that nobody was leaving this city ahead of this long weekend as you said because this was one of the main concerns of the central government debt that now that we have some some holy days ahead a lot of people of madrid will either to have a 2nd homes in the countryside or in the seaside and decipher was the main concern of them yet i guess it's important to remember that spain's 1st lockdown at the start of this pandemic was particularly harsh. yeah it was very hot has nothing to do with the lockdown that we have now the books are allowed to go out businesses and bars and restaurants are still open even though the heart some restrictions of their capacity there are you know only 50 percent of their capacity
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but it's not the same and we had before that people actually had to stay at home only essential workers were allowed to leave their houses it is a different thing but it is still quite harsh for. my julian ok so at the heart of this seems to be a political battle between the center right regional of parties and spain's socialist led government which is reimposing this state of emergency that a court ruled illegal a week ago let's hear from the country's health minister salvador. median routine mostly minor last week 63 people died from cope with 19 in a community of madrid i want to miss more right now there are 3361 people hospitalized in madrid i couldn't think of there are 498 people in intensive care between life and death fighting for their lives we can either sit back and do
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nothing or we can stop the virus. of alaska and madrid what talk us through what's going on the best political battle. well there's definitely a political battle and regatta spatially on who is going to take the tough decisions for example does lock down i think the much read the regional government the government of madrid and the central government have been fighting for and you know who will take the blame for these final lockdown that it seems that it was almost inevitable it was impossible to avoid a disappoint that basically what they've been doing for the last 2 weeks and so now this is done it can't mysticism cannot be reverse the madrid regional government just have to accept this. yeah definitely. the regional government of madrid gave a press conference
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a train to show the new set of rules and at the same time the central government in the cabinet meeting was declaring the state of emergency just 8 of a 1000000 sea with will over write all the decisions rather the regional government now we have a warning about for we had a warning this week from the world health organization of countries reporting what they called increasing levels of pandemic fatigue amongst our citizens so how are madrid's citizens at taking this news of this latest on lockdown. you know full of all for the people of madrid this is like a dick and not even believe that we are finding that we are find ourselves again in the same lake chick one again they did everything they were asked to do they were asked for and this feeling that well they've done their work they've done their job and but probably the administration didn't and
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a lot of people wonder what we are done wrong if we're just following the structures even even though some people of course you always find some people that are not following the rules but most of the people are actually following the rules and if you look at the. figures that in madrid are going down actually cause but legs ations and infection it has nothing to do with the rules that they have been set it is actually because of the people who you know thought well let's try to do our job because they are not going to do the good of the others. in madrid faqir thank you. for the winner of this year's nobel peace prize is the world food program you know we've had nobel committee is all a big u.n. agency for its fight against a global hunger the use of hunger as
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a weapon of war the committee described the award as a call to the international community not to underfund the w.f. pay. it's perhaps the most prestigious award in the wild the nobel peace prize is craved by world leaders including one of this year's nominees stunnel trump but the jury decided to honor an organization not a politician for promoting peace. the prize came with an urgent appeal here with this year's award the norwegian nobel committee wishes to turn the eyes of the world towards the millions of people who suffer from of face the threat of hunger. the world the world food program plays a key role in multilateral cooperation and making food security an instrument of peace. last year the world food program fed almost
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a 1000000 people at risk of starvation. the u.n. body is active in 88 countries this has made it an agent of peace says the nobel committee the link between hunger and armed conflict is a vicious circle of war and conflict can cause food insecurity and hunger just as hunger and food insecurity can cause latent conflicts to flare and trigger the use of violence. as the winner was announced in oslo there was joy and surprise at the w.f. paid real. i mean this is the 1st time in my life i've been speechless whether. this is worth a little talk about the most exciting point of your life is the nobel peace prize
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it is because of the the family there out there in the most difficult complex places all in the world with this war on fleet climate extremes it doesn't matter they're out there and they deserve this award and wow wow wow wow market will leave it there won't be much time to celebrate 175000000 people suffered from a key tanga in 2019 the most in years challenges that the coronavirus conflict and climate change ensure that the work of the world food program is not about to get any easier. well but is chief spokesperson for the world of program and joins us from berlin welcome and congratulations how you feeling. q wonderful it was an amazing day i was watching it on television i was eating a sandwich watching television instead of just streaming so it's
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a wonderful surprise it's a wonderful news but it's also very humbling. and on the on it goes to my colleagues in the field in africa and the middle east and asia and latin america who are in many places every day risked their lives to bring food and nutrition to desperate people. as well as we've talked about this across the bay it becomes evident that the f.p. doesn't is you're not just a sticking plaster are you you're you you don't just go in and provide food at the point of crisis you're also developing people's ability to sustain themselves over the longer period. yeah because the number one goal that we have is that we don't have work anymore and we know how to end hunger. at one site you work in crisis areas like yemen or syria but we want to do real long term work we help women get
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job training help them get micro credits teach them how to plant their fields differently we work with traditional for school children for pregnant women so that little kids have a real chance to develop their brains and become smart adults we work on programs with irrigation. projects of fields can be planted we have planted will slow the communities billions of trees all over the world to make them more resilient for climate change come on if this is really a tough work but there was the things that are killing people so looking back across your time at the w happy be interesting if you could sort of pick out a mission that particularly sticks out in your mind's eye me with your particular be proud. i think the one that was trashing me the most was after the tsunami in indonesia and i was on the ground within
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a few days and we were living in tents and when i arrived. just devastation of the landscape you know that half of the town was destroyed and the other half was untouched and i've always been absolutely amazed by the resilience of the people who are suffering and by the dignity of the people that are suffering and went to darfur for example and work there and made amazing people who've lost everything and when i lined up interviews their work for journalists who accompanied me there was one woman who had lost everything it was sitting in a will had and she gave me a chair so i could sit on because she was worried that i was this white western woman you know would faint in the heat of darfur so again and again the dignity of people the resilience of people but also the meeting suffering i mean this vicious cycle we see of hunger and wars i mean this price really also goes to the whole
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world to tell us give us the money so we can do a work and all of making to forgive me for interrupting but my time is short and i wonder if you could tell us briefly how winning this award is likely to affect the world food program's work its much more awareness and publicity and and to the old men with the power who wield war and fight was into the young men with weapons this has to stop and the world community can come together help us do our job and answer together with our many partners and those conflicts which if the conflicts go on as they do now we will never end right hunger but in a from the world of food program thank you hamburg and congratulations thank you so much for having me. for germany has marked the 1st anniversary of the deadly antti semitic attack on a synagogue in the eastern city of hama on the jewish holiday of your uncle paul
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after failing to bridge the synagogues for a dog the attacker gunned down 2 people outside a speaking commemoration ceremony in the city german president frank about a steinmeier said he felt a deep sadness but also shame and anger over the attack and over the recent increase in anti semitism and racism in germany more of president steinmeyer speech . ladies and gentlemen it is not enough to condemn an attack like the one in harmless the targets and then to return to business as usual . we must take a clear stance on this we must show them that we will not tolerate any form of semitism whether it's old or new well german president or frog. speaking there. has been speaking with one of the women who escaped the attack that day the attacker came to the synagogue to the exact same spot i just walked out the
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door and he started shooting it down. life is now before and after before the attack and after the attack molly scharf men escaped death by a stroke of fortune on october 9th $29000.00 in the city of hama a heavily armed attacker arrived around noon to the local synagogue planning to break in and shoot the jewish congregation during the yom kippur prayers she missed the assailant by only a few minutes after stepping out for some fresh air in a nearby park shortly before he arrived. in my imagination it felt farther away like i was the park is far away it's protected but actually when i went back i realized it was so much closer the close call this is just beyond comprehension as things got back to normal actually thing that's when things got more difficult so slowly i started feeling kind of symptoms really hard
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to keep up with everything. a lot of stress and anxiety. a few months after the attack molly was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder she started treatment and at the same time found great comfort in the very target of the attack her jewish identity and community the communal events such as prayers and singing a part of her therapy. singing is right there will be part one of my connections to judaism and if you look at some of the words there are really kind of what i went through of like you know. hard times got is. this connection to god it will be. even in the more difficult times. matter what would have been a year after the attack the alleged perpetrator has gone on trial in the city of mack to board molly sharman was the 1st witness to give testimony in front of the
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judges in her statement she referred to her family history. my grandfather went through a very terrible thing he lost his whole family in the holocaust and he was able to live and live a life and you know give us love and he was a cantor and he loved judaism judaism i was very close to him so that's what. made me feel the strongest was this connection with him and i felt it was important to share that in the court and that is resilience. says her grandfather was the only member of the family to survive the holocaust but hala has also made a survivor out of her every year on her grandfather would say a prayer for his granddaughter in hopes of protecting her from any harm she says on october 9th 2019 his hopes were fulfilled this attacker this person cannot take away my grandfather taught me what my grandfather gave me i stood on my own 2 feet
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i'm strong and i was able to stand in front of a person who has so much hate and tried to to hurt us to be able to like say to him you mess with the wrong people. the day the conversation continues online you can twitter feed.
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to the point of showing opinions clear positions from international perspectives. after days of uncertainty don't just say donald trump no longer has any coded 19 symptoms so what's behind the president's mysterious recovery and will the current underneath decide the u.s.
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alone should find out on to the point shortly the bottom disappointment as we. keep on d w. cutting through the noise. where i come from people are known for being tough but fair new york can get loud and people tell it like it it is they call it the concrete jungle a melting pot a city that never sleeps it's this energy that makes it feel like old but amid the hustle it's important to listen and pay attention because it's not just the loudest voices who need to be heard we all have a story to tell i see it as my job as a journalist to go beyond the obvious now i'm based in europe and my work takes me around the world but my instincts for me and the state to tell the important stories behind the headlines what is the heart of the story why does it matter who live in pakistan to stay focused if you want the answers to cut through the noise
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to get to the truth. my name is sarah kelly and i want you to death. in the. all. of the morning. i can't sleep because you know for losing love. in those sworn to swallow the. loonies long as long as. the slopes no love. for the wicked. doesn't leave your kids in the world. i can't sleep. ugh couldn't sleep. are.
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loose. this is the news line from germany. german president. says every citizen has a responsibility to stand against hatred also on the program.
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the country could lose control of the. leaders of the country's largest cities the green. places. increase. the 1st. half of the world food program expresses his joy as the agency is awarded the nobel peace prize. to the program germany has marked the 1st anniversary of a deadly anti semitic attack on a synagogue in the eastern city that happened on the jewish holiday of poor the neo nazi attack couldn't get through the synagogues front door and went home to shoot 2 people outside of the commemoration ceremony german president. expressed shame and
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anger over the resurgence of anti semitism in the country. unit. me. move move it was an occasion to mourn and reflect for survivors for the brief and for germany the ceremony and hull essential of x. church mark the anniversary of an anti semitic attack that evokes germany's darkest history. i don't ya just forgotten a year has passed already a year just a year or 2 a year ago today and nightmare came true here in holland in broad daylight in the middle of germany in germany of all places i was conversion it into explained. earlier in the day the city came to a standstill for several minutes as people took
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a moment to remember the victims. in the courtyard of the synagogue a new memorial was unveiled the head of germany central council of jews said the attacker had failed in his mission that tito were to give it the perpetrator wanted to impress the world by killing people who in his mind have no right to live how but he did not convince us of his inhumane ideas he did not impress anyone on the contrary. it was one year ago that a far right extremist attempted to shoot his way into the synagogue his intention to kill worshipers marking young kid paul but the people inside was saved by a wooden door that wouldn't breach instead the assailant gunned down 2 non jewish victims a woman passer by and a man i think about shark attacks against jews have been on the rice in germany recently the german president said it was up to all germans to fight anti semitism
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. and this image is most anti semitism as a canary in the coal mine done for the state of our democracy but the more overtly it is expressed the more of values of tolerance and respect for human dignity are under attack and before. the attack left many germans wondering how widespread far right extremist views are in germany the commemoration in holland was a chance to remember the victims but also to reflect on those concerns. d.w. correspondent kate brady was in holland for the ceremony it was a song but day in hell is the city mark one year since the terrible attack it was a day not only to remember the victims of the shooting but to also show a sign of solidarity with the jewish community both here in heller but also across the country so memorial services took
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a more critical stands highlighting again the failures made by police in the investigation after the attack but also the blind eye that had been turned towards far right extremism in germany for many years during his speech at a memorial service in this concert hall behind me german president frank files a steinmeyer reminded german society that it had a responsibility to protect the rights and values that germany stands for and to stand up as well against any kind of hatred in the country if we stand together we are strong he said brady german chancellor angela merkel on the merits of 11 of the country's biggest cities have agreed new measures to hold the spread of the coronavirus germany fears a growing 2nd wave of the pandemic after infection rates in several cities including frankfurt passed a key threshold and triggered tighter restrictions. from her office in berlin angle america's video conference with the mayors of key cities sent the message germany
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urgently needs to prevent corona spreading in urban centers the irish billiard i think we are the sense that the big cities there than areas are now the arena where we will see if we can keep the pandemic and control in germany as we have done for months so for if we lose control this that is precisely where we are right now it cannot and the important thing is to contain the virus the mare's agreed a tough new framework it could see experts from germany's armed forces and the national disease control body sent into cities if the 7 day infection rate rises above 35 per 100000 residents their job would be to focus on contact tracing cities where that infection number is above 50 will require people to wear masks in public spaces and there will also be limits on alcohol sales and socialising berlijn in frankfurt have already reached that threshold and experts are worried the situation
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could deteriorate as it has in some other countries the experience in other cities it's like. look into the future if we are not ready. to act on the problem now especially in cities and the element of this activity is to inform the general public to abort misinformation and to rely on the corporation of of the general public including the younger people many young people in berlin's bars of not yet change their behavior from saturday people in the capital will only be able to socialize in groups of 5 more if they are from only one or 2 households. you know we have a rule which allows us to take action very quickly because we're saying very clearly these places must be closed from 11 pm it's easy to see if a bar is still open or not if it is action can be taken quickly to get young people
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may find it hard to take a break from their social lives but as the chancellor appealed to them to observe the rules she also offered reassurance. and this photo everything the return parties nights out fun without corona but what matters now is something out some respect and solidarity. and if the rise in infections is not halted within 10 days the mayors have agreed to impose even stricter measures. a 2nd look at some of the other stories making news around the world starting in spain where the government has declared a state of emergency in the capital madrid because of a rapid increase in number of coronavirus cases the government overall believes north orators in order to force a partial lockdown in the capital and the surrounding region the country's health minister said the measures were necessary to prevent madrid's high infection rate affecting the rest of spain. the foreign ministers of azerbaijan and armenia have
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met for talks in moscow following nearly 2 weeks of deadly clashes over the disputed region of nagorno-karabakh the mountain on klav is a syrian territory under international law but is populated and governed by ethnic armenians. in nigeria have fired tear gas at people protesting against police brutality hundreds of protestors job after a video of a man being allegedly killed by police went viral on social media authorities deny the video is real. the target read the nobel peace prize has been won by the world food program norwegian nobel committee praise the u.n. agencies work in fighting global hunger and the use of hunger as a weapon of war the committee described the award calls for the international community not to underfund the w.f. . it's perhaps the most prestigious award in the world the
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nobel peace prize is craved by world leaders including one of this year's nominees stunnel trump but the jury decided to honor an organization not a politician for promoting peace the prize came with an urgent appeal with this year's award the norwegian nobel committee wishes to turn their eyes of the world towards the millions of people who suffer from a face the threat of hunger the world the world food program plays a key role in multilateral cooperation on making food security an instrument of peace. last year the world food program fed millions of people at risk of starvation. the u.n. body is active in 88 countries. this has made it an agent of peace
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says the nobel committee. the link between hunger and armed conflict is a vicious circle. war and conflict can cause food insecurity and hunger just as hunger and food insecurity can cause delays to conflicts to flare and trigger the use of violence as the when it was announced in oslo there was joy and surprise at the w.f. paid real. oh this is the 1st time i was a bit speechless but this is worth a little talk about the most exciting point in time with your wife is the nobel peace prize it is because of the the family there out there in the most difficult complex places all in the world where this war conflicts climate extremes it doesn't matter they're out there and they deserve this award and wow wow wow wow
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here we'll leave it there won't be much time to celebrate 135000000 people suffered from acute tanga in 2019 the most in years challenges like the coronavirus conflict and climate change ensure that the work of the world food programme is not about to get any easier. today marks 80 years since the birth of legendary songwriter john lennon after finding fame with the beatles he went on to have an influential solo career but his life was cut short when he was shot dead in new york aged 40 is a look back at his life and legacy. imagine john lennon's 971 song became an anthem for the global peace movement.
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by then he'd left the wild years of the beach behind him. it was an intense crazy world class career he once said that the beatles were more popular than jesus lennon was the funny man but he was also very unhappy by the end he and the others became tired of it told the arguments the touring and the screaming founds. his famous bedouins for peace with his wife yoko ono proved the last straw for the band's fans with furious saying she calls the breakup. an intense period of creativity followed her lead and he wrote incredible songs and performed amazing concerts. on the journey of self discovery he became a hero for the peace movement. then
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in december 1900 mentally ill man shot him 5 times john lennon died soon after probably never having truly found himself and his music that has gone down in history. quit a sport in tennis roughened adar or play know about jock rich in the men's final of the french open on sunday when a win for the doubt would see him equal roger federer's record of 20 grand slam titles the spaniard made short work of diogo schwartzman in the semifinal the l.b. the 12 seed in straight sets to avenge a recent loss to the argentine in rome. looked as though he would waltz into the final when he went to 2 sets up against the pass of greece but since the person
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fought back to level the match before joke of it claimed the decisive 5th set victory on sunday for a joke of it would see him move on to 18 grand slam titles. that's it you're up to date more world news of the top of the hour stephen beard as your business update in just a moment of course as always the latest around the clock on the web site b.t.w. dot com good to. be there i'm david and this is climate change brags that sex. happiness increase book. this is the plan for you. to get smarter for free to do your books on you tube. and you know yes yes we're going to do you and how it all
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stands judgments hans now we bring you an angle that madoff as you've never had to have before surprised himself with what is possible who is magical really want to move and want also we talked to people who followed her along the way i admire those and critics alike now as the world's most powerful woman shaking huddling could join us from eccles last stop. us levels new tariffs on aluminum from more than a dozen countries germany and brazil get hit the hardest but the real target is china will fill you with all the details. also on the show corona virus infections are rising across europe where many economies are still recovering from the 1st wave in spring one of the spanish holiday island of majorca. and thailand's health
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minister planned some pot as the country tries to cash in on the growing market for medicinal cannabis. welcome to the show i'm sitting here. it's good to have you with us the u.s. has imposed new tariffs on nearly $2000000000.00 worth of aluminum from 18 countries the commerce department accusing those markets of passing along chinese overproduction and germany faces the highest tariffs of some 353 percent of the u.s. importantly $287000000.00 of the product from germany last year a commerce department statement says the u.s. will immediately begin collecting the tariffs from importers to compensate for the price of aluminum sold below production cost. and for more on this let's go to our financial correspondent in new york korda good to see you this new round of tariffs this seems to be more about china than germany necessarily is that correct.
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partly it is by the way the barclays center here in brooklyn is probably not built out of a well the accusations are that there are already steve chair of some place from the us tolerates those aluminum sheets from china and that china is selling this aluminum to germany and those other 17 nations and that way around it comes back to the united states so that's the accusation also the international trade commission is having a look at that might be coming up because it was a decision by february and if the commission should say that the accusations are false then maybe germany and those other nations might get the tariff spec. ins when i ask you about wall street this week markets seemingly driven by one thing in particular and that was the effort for more coronavirus aid in the u.s. what can you tell us. well it was a wild up and down and back and force especially when it came to negotiations about
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this 8 package on friday u.s. president donald trump surprised was tweeting gold big so obviously he's looking for a big deal the word is maybe $1.00 trillion dollars so that would get closer to the idea of democrats but that still doesn't necessarily say that they will come to an agreement because the big question also is what do you spend those $1.00 trillion dollars or whatever the amount by be at the end be spent for but still wall street wasn't a cheery mood most of the week and blue chips were up by more than 3 percent for the week the best week since august and actually for the s. and p. 500 and nasdaq composite it was the best week since early july so besides all this pick it's talk of next week will be very interesting because that's when earnings season will kick off. with the latest from new york thank you.
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and now we go over to europe's capital markets where exchange operator euro next is to buy the milan stock exchange for $4300000000.00 euros a year and next as the acquisition will create the largest pen european market maker and the deal also benefits the london stock exchange which hopes shedding the italian unit will ease its takeover of financial data firm referred to the e.u. has expressed skepticism over that deal. so the next appear to be the winners from the milan deal is there a loser our financial correspondent in frankfurt chelsea de laney thinks so. perhaps the biggest loser after today's deal is the director birthday which operates the frankfurt stock exchange share they were also in the running to buy the board. they clearly lost and it comes after they have lost out on several big acquisitions in the past couple of years there's really a big push towards consolidation. stock exchange operators right now they're facing
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an increasing amount of competition from the u.s. from asia from high speed traders that are really starting to dominate the market and with this acquisition with this deal next will really become the clear leader in the european stock trading business. or in chelsea delaney there in frankfurt corona virus infections are rising rapidly across europe and so are fears of new business lockdowns economies are still recovering from the 1st wave in the spring including spain where economic activity contracted 18 percent in the 2nd quarter and madrid has tried to ease the pain by bulking up social programs for many just getting a hold of that help has not been easy. volunteers prepare over 800 meals a day here at this emergency food bank in palma dimmer yorka. is working in the kitchen he's a top chef but he lost everything because of the coronavirus pandemic. that's when all the problems began i had everything and then came months during which i lost
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everything was no help or a lot of promises but nothing came of it. thanks to the food bank of the man who is surviving he invested all of his savings in a restaurant thanking the pandemic and the lock down the restaurant talk to close today he lives in a tiny room beside the kitchen. sometimes i don't know what you're getting yourself into as with but it all happened so quickly that i didn't have time to react you always think it won't teach you want a little time comes. this i'm going. to get the. there are hundreds of thousands like tiago in majorca alone this grim social drama could get worse. 85 percent of all families who ask us for help have not been able to pay their rent for 2 to 4 months almost none received the basic social income and many have not yet received the short term work allowance if they were entitled at all. in madrid
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is painfully aware of this problem she's a dancer but she can't perform she's been trying to get support for months she also hopes to get a basic income that would give her 460 euros a month. it's my last attempt to get any help the aid for arts isn't coming and i don't get on employment benefits either you. know one of the ministries involved can say why the aid is flowing so slowly the spokes person is not available for comment so we asked the trade union to explain. came as a complete surprise like the pandemic itself but on the other hand the idea of basic income is something completely new that has never been seen before and these are new applications new permits. back in majorca tiago only sees his wife every few days she now lives in a neighboring town and also only has a small room to grow viruses separated them the mood is getting worse.
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our lives are dominated by fear and worry but we don't know what decision to make this uncertainty in the you know. this year an estimated 1500000 people are reliant on food aid from the government and chargeable organizations. let's take a brief look now at some of the other business stories making news j.p. morgan chase has announced a $30000000000.00 initiative to aid black and latino homebuyers and small businesses in the u.s. an effort to counteract what its c.e.o. calls systemic racism in the american economy funds will largely go to existing house to existing housing initiatives with the aim of enabling 40000 new mortgages for homeowners and 20000 new home refinancings. germany's onetime booming startup scene has hit the brakes the state investment bank says there are 70000 of the small innovation driven firms in the country the same number as in 2018 the report
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says a weakened economy and a stable labor market in fewer people are willing to take the risk. u.k. government says it will pay up to $2.00 thirds of employee salaries capped at $2100.00 pounds who work for companies forced to shut by the coronavirus pandemic resurgence of a pandemic has forced london to consider new containment measures and is threatening to derail an economy and economic recovery that has already started to wane. over asia now it's not a cure for coping 19 but it can help ease chronic pain and the symptoms of diseases like multiple sclerosis cannabis there's plenty of it in thailand and now the government hopes it could also be a lucrative export. elsewhere it's inconceivable the health minister the man in the middle aging in the cultivation of cannabis a new tin chant of iraq will join the hundreds of employees of the thai government pharmaceutical organization and they ceremonial planting the shrubs will be used to
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produce medicinal products completely legally and on behalf of the state. had one lakh and. that mad but the greenhouse can control various factors about the growth of the cannabis i had and that matthew thought police had that enables us to extract large amounts of cannabinoids from the plants you know that i'm basing that and they reduce the cost of producing it as a product in the future but i'm not like that. for almost 2 years it's been legal to cultivate cannabis in thailand under controlled conditions it's going well with some of the crop even being exported for now only massive state run facilities like this one can grow it but the thai government is already planning to put medicinal marijuana plants in the greenhouses of private grows. and finally the story of a brazilian business woman who won't let the pandemic crush or entrepreneurial
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spirit having lost her job and real estate else in the emma shadows sought another income stream and decided to turn her 9 $169.00 v.w. beetle into a flower shop the idea is a hit with locals in rio's copacabana beach district the 1st 3 days alone a shot of it enough to cover a 3rd of the cost of her vintage car a rare example of the business blooming during these uncertain times. and that's it for me and the business team here in the land as always you can find out more about these and other business stories online a d w dot com slash business to check us out on facebook and twitter as well i'm seen variously watching.
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to the point of strong opinions clear positions international perspectives time. after days of uncertainty don't just say donald trump no longer has any coded 19 symptoms so what's behind the president's mysterious recovery and will the corona one demi decide the u.s.
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election find out on to the point shortly. to this point. in 60 minutes on t w. w's crime fighters are back with africa's most successful radio drama series continues all of disowns are available online the course you can share and discuss on w africa's facebook page and other social media platforms crime fighters tune in now. every 2 seconds a person is forced to flee their home nearly 71000000 people have been forcibly displaced the consequences from the disastrous were. documentary series displaced depicts dramatic humanitarian crises around the world. and i didn't go to university to kill people. or to have my boss come to me and tell me to kill someone and if i don't they'll kill me. people feel for their lives and
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their future so they seek refuge abroad but what will become followers who stay behind and it's a. battle my husband went to peru because of the crisis that i'm under that if he hadn't gone there we would have died of hunger down and down. displaced starts october 16th. this is news africa coming up on the program. confronting harmful traditions the former queen taking a stand against female genital mutilation we'll look at the challenges she faces. finally free after their ordeal in the hands of jihadist militants for hostages released in mali. and shining a light on
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a dark past efforts in the name to tell the story of slavery using what it left behind.


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