tv Markus Lanz Deutsche Welle October 10, 2020 5:30pm-6:30pm CEST
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egypt's prosperity during that time. a wealth derived from living near the nile and its fertile shores. one excavating the fortifications around the khan and temple complex archaeologists discovered the foundations of a ruined and hitherto unknown temple it didn't even appear on official maps. claudine and that much evidence linked to i cannot an answer now for t.-t. including fragments of monumental statues were found here though nothing is left on the site today they must dig deep into the history of these temples to find out more about methods e.g. the queen of the heart of a cultural and religious are people in egypt. back
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to europe they are calle busy on black berries based in border france here archaeologists and graphic designers combine their skills to create 3 d. models of famous last temples this helps us understand never t.t.'s living environment at the time and the previously unknown rituals dictated by the new religion. by slowly do revolver only know you're in power you live in the 1920 s. archaeologist working to the east of carnac were lucky to find a few rare vestiges of the temples dedicated by arkin arthur although all 3 of these things are off it will require hold and what did they find in here i think are the bases of the pillars with lower sections of walls and all above all starting idols in the image of ark an artist. they showed his i'm
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a seated face on prominent stomach and large stars and legs something that shocked everybody more. and they knew it was arc an auto. that gave us the 1st indications that the king had indeed built to the east and that this sector had the 1st temples dedicated to art and. you don't really believe what you have to. do if you have 0 bit by bit we began to better understand the temples built to the east because we started discovering the walls is thrown off and even in the under decoration we have egyptian images of the temples as they were at the time so it's precious quickly through. the new religion introduced i cannot and i'm soon after t.t. produced unprecedented egyptian ont for the 1st time these walks presented
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realistic images of the. 'd now considered to be part of the sun. when you look at representation of the net not in couple you surprised to see the degree of intimacy through these natural gestures that you just don't find anywhere else in egyptian. it's true that this is one of the rare periods where you can see a couple touching or hugging one another in the 50 years we even have never t.t. stealing a kiss from aka not an issue with the necklace on it or not and it's astonishing what we're seeing is the appearance of what i would call a new liturgy. told it was no longer about god but the king the life of the king became a permanent ritual his movements when he got up or when he ate the. kid was similar in verse side with the son king where as was adequate. every moment of the king's
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life was ritual on your walk. this counter of personality is doubtless at the heart of the never t.t. legend the queen embodied the word of the king who gave her a powerful position in the kingdom. hall. but while she had great influence in this new society our experts can't find a trace of what could be out to mark connor. so which event in never tt's life could provide them with a promising clue. surely the one that turned her fate upside down. husband's i cannot and decided to create a new capital for egypt fully dedicated to the religion of the sun god. i had
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to erect a palace which would be the seat of his residence. or this isn't the course 3 of the king decided to build a city totally dedicated to art and a city where he would be at the center. of the untouched site or more and it was chosen for the job. it's one of the 1st times in ancient egypt that sacred constructions were built on virgin territory every 2 hour sekret through and get rich. going up the nile to the heart of the country i can often chose a fast plane next to the desert the pharaoh was in the 5th year of his right and wanted to make his mark by building a new egypt it's here in a manner that the vestiges of his new capital would be rediscovered thousands of years later berent. in the desert sand.
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pressure north amar know it was exciting and original because it was a new city on the druid cried a good old all the restoration work we can do on the city helps us to understand the architecture or on the to do to know broader vestiges of the 4 players that remain just give us accurate ideas about the measure of his death he put his sort of promise so we know more or less the dimensions to work with on the ground with. or for. banks to their precision with modern technologies are very important as they allow us to recreate the past in ever greater detail. this could give our experts newly in the search for another t.t.'s tomb and her mom. can art and i'm stephanie t. moved into our vast residence in
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a manner it was here that i cannot and son the future came to town kamui was born. the scenes on these remains portray the reverence for the royals but the reality is more complex plane tablets from the time revealed that egypt's international relations complicated perhaps never t.t. and aca not and didn't train as easily as they'd hoped in a manner. to better understand their down for antonio is in paris to meet farnsworth tony a journalist specializing in egypt. marking the royal couple of arkan art and effort lived in their own world they didn't tread on an sacred ground with this when they travel it was certainly good sharing and really the only set foot on the floor is a power source or temples to say they were loved by the people is uncertain.
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why and how was a mana destroyed and who raced all the references to the god. it's believed that the successors of 2 income in particular the 1st and rams is the 2nd systematically destroyed all the temples they are less systematically chiseled the way the images of art and. his queen and his children of. it before i didn't i cannot ns successors stay in a march. 8th work shake it's thought that the failure of the art in art and project led to the city's downfall and the move from a modern back to look saw. this happen very shortly after the death of the king in the successor what again the city's wasted away just how almost all the temples were destroyed so i could be walking more to the top of.
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their view if off it all the city was made of brick and cruder except that with the wind and the rain all traces of life in the city vanished. dignitaries of the economic regime still believed in the future of a mana as can be seen in the tubes they made these marked a change in egyptian funerary architecture. busy. for a long time made tombs in the pyramids and now they built them into rush hour these new tombs will. deal with as you want we have a change of religion that was reflected in funerary customs in the way kings were into. law what. we've gone from the pyramid which is a sun based concept to a more. underground one with notions of the afterlife but subterranean or from what
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were you doing when all peal down the royal tombs of the new kingdom which are in the valley of the kings and weary of these new rights and right in the south why. do thing when you are walls were engraved with these new sacred books or in which we have the receipts to passing into the underworld and all the dangers they must overcome to live again when the sun is reborn. for them to find never tt's grave the experts now know they need to look for a tomb down into the rock and in fact at the end of the 19th century archaeologists found in the cliffs of a plunging valley east of amana several openings leading to 21 of these was identified as having temporarily housed i cannot hymns call. as a man a egyptologist mark spent several years mapping the royal necropolis he suspects
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that certain tombs could have housed other members of i cannot in his family so could never teach his mommy be hidden here. this will take all i missed it because i wanted to try to shed a light on the mystery of where lee objections have planted area never to be in this necropolis that nicole boil it and my current conclusion is that whenever t.t. died her place in the world tillman had not been initiated and they have probably had to bury her a bit quicker and never t.v. died a few months before her husband was mole and will probably be buried in the royal term infinite dollars but where exactly in the world which is hard to say of the. markopolos theory is that i cannot and never t.t. were buried together in the cliffs of amana but after the fall of the city his son the new pharaoh tootin commune had their mommies moved and interned in the valley of the cain. so on if a t.t.s.
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remains to be found in the valley of the kings along with those of her husband. protein and she'll decide to pursue this hypothesis and return to look saw. at the famous winter palace and to the hotel which has welcomed generations of explorers. they all fall to the former egyptian capital in the hopes of making great discoveries. from the start of the 19th century eminent egypt ologists rush to look saw to excavate the famous valley of the game. old film footage shows the frenetic hunt
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for buried treasure. expeditions to the valley of the kings multiplied and there was a real rush to wanna the moment. egypt became a major destination for researchers and many nations financed extremely costly excavation campaigns. egyptologists from all over the world whilst in a race against time to exude the tombs and objects that would bring new lives to history. own all talk about the valley of the kings what is it exactly all our levee there are saying. now where these corner benefits are all the value of the kings as
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a water at least that's what we call it. it's a drive alley that can flood and heavy rain. the valley of the king is in there is a very isolated valley in the mountains of looks or a good look so it's scylla and it's where the kings would order their tombs to be dug what was a fair cuisine looked on. between the nile valley and the desert hidden in a small mountain range lies a labyrinth of rocks and tunnels here more than 60 tombs have been found they once held the bodies of the pharaohs and some of their wives. to see all of these tombs have 2 letters hey envy followed by a number what does that mean with a hugely sceptical. king very cave means a king belly and the number gives us the order of discovery at least to do that. when we talk about k.v. 62 is the 62nd tomb discovered in the valley of the kings
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a dog very dour don't like invoked in 1907 egyptologist edward ross sought out and found to mark a v $55.00 and there he found human remains and on proven to come from a man are undoubtedly pillaged several times this tomb held a sarcophagus with the name of a king. i cannot and. this discovery was extraordinary the theory that the pharaoh akon arden had been moved from a manor to the valley of the kings was correct but there was still no trace of his wife never t.-t. . another tomb also called the experts attention it's famous as it belongs to a cannot and son to it in cameroon who died very young between the ages of 17 and 19. there hissing here at the heart of the valley of the careless entering to. it
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incumbent on us to talk at all. thanks to the dogood persistence of howard cancer this tumors discovered in 1922 the british archaeologist had a hunch that the young. i design tomb in the valley of the kings. was a worker i was shocked to said don't worry thinking of autobots what. the search for this tomb was an adventure in itself going to be there what you know. carter had always wanted to dig in the belly of the chaos saying no. i didn't have a contract but he got one book with the founder sponsor if you heard me you know he had many excavation is over many years that want to fruitful so far but he had an intuition of all don't want to. direct his intuition was that the now famous king. who nobody knew anything about before the discovery of his to get out of tune with the center of the valley because some clues and some tombs that link to the king were discovered. thanks to persistency persuasion and of course excavation in
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november 1902 they stumbled upon a 1st step in the sand and that step led to newton coming through that much of the famous cave in 62 due to forgotten clapham moved swiftly. after years of fruitless searching carter was about to give up when he made a sensational discovery under a heap of rocks even under the door which opens on to a long car ride on. the news and they say they're here in the heart of $210.00 communes to you where is the empty chamber and here is the room with us a copy of. the 1st undamaged tomb found in the valley of the kings with many other items said. this tune was originally not intended for a king as it's much smaller that so we imagine to take on living and died quite young around 17 he was buried quite quickly so they used to. to know that wasn't at
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all. if i didn't know why i brought up our experts continue their search for never tedious to me and mommy if she isn't in her husband i cannot ins to him nor in a still hidden room in 2000 communes tomb might she be in her own tomb somewhere else in the valley of the king. in the late 19th century a french egypt on a just discovered a tomb now designated as k.v. 35 that reignited debate about methods and his play their love for the ranchman victor a lot there who was excavating in the valley of the kings and 89899 discovered successively the tombs of 2 at most of the 3rd and then aman ho-tep the 2nd in k.v. 35 a in aman hotel the 2nd burial chamber for an excess were found at 2 of which were pricked up. by removing this all he discovered a number of mummies because that they noticed
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a very quickly that they were royal mummies. some of these mummies have been identified on the similar me notably there was took most of the 4th quarter was not in this grandfather recall bell the end aman ho-tep the 3rd i mean that the plot if you're certain some mummies have been identified for example and elder lady with long hair you know the younger lady in the a b 35 who had quite a disk bigger face a c. and a yard that prints. and recently on the it's been suggested that the younger lady is never to only 15. british egyptologist joanne fletcher was responsible for their spectacular yet unexpected developments in the methody mystery according to her research a younger lady is never. a series of tests was carried out on there's over 3000 year old copes as the queen finally been found polygamy good. younger ladies mommy
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is in bad condition all movie with visible damage dating from antiquity the damage from the damage to her chest was like my smashed where to steal an amulet is found within the body. of course some have suggested that the mummy was mutilated on purpose because it was never that this said and if you however we have no proof of that or can quote the younger lady mommy continues to fuel egyptologists imaginations it's now carefully preserved in cairo's egyptian museum. after gathering so much information in egypt and europe for protein and travel to cairo to continue their search of the egyptian museum there they have an
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appointment with egypt ologist vasil. never t.v. had surely been mummified following a ritual reserved for royals they want to find out more about this tradition. where in the mummies room at cairo's egyptian museum i don't know if it's fascinating or frightening it makes an impression. well why did it gyptian by their kings their royal families and the only does it bar in ancient egypt where they didn't say people died. they said their breath. also to allow the breath to come back later so the pharaoh in this case ramsay's could live again their bodies had to be mum and wife of the girl therefore the director could return to the body if you will revive it of course there are a formula there are many things to do before hand magical oils and all of that it
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will evolve a book and come back to life so you need somebody. in our religion we say your soul needs your body they don't you they ascended to heaven with their bodies to join their father ron the creator is the only developed. so here we have randy is the great according to what is written as these mummies were not found in tools but in a hiding place pretty weird all these mummies and a whole series of others were in hiding places up they were hidden taken out of their tunes it prevented the priest for the time established it was ramsay's ramses the great god. to discover mommy's history we need to uncover its secrets one of the most useful tools for this is genetic analysis. at the foot of the italian alps is a laboratory that's transforms the world of egypt ology. geneticist albert sink
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director of the institute for mummies studies has analyzed numerous mummies in egypt including the famous younger lady. she never wanted the d.n.a. revealed yet for the family of the young lady we were able to take samples we could use a very small biopsy needle to obtain samples from the long balls especially from this area from the bar but also the same for the leg bones we were able to take a different small ball surface because we also tended not to damage the money too much but we could get good quality bolts. for inside of the bulbs and related then eliseus in the lab it turned out that there are still d.n.a. preserved in the samples. the ball will be found out that this monkey is actually the brother thinking you took that shot was
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a big moment in our research because it took us many months to set up everything to do this out there this is to overcome the fish problem and finally we got these very obvious of the identity of the younger lady is in no doubt but albert think he's convinced she's the mother of 2000 car moved never t.t. . if professor analysis is correct the mission is complete however antonio wants another scientific opinion so he's heading to the paleo genetic lauren tree at the museum impacts. how can genetics help archaeologists egyptologists the log on it in its 6 in a 6 is the study of d.n.a. we're very lucky as d.n.a. is a molecule that in tears over the centuries common the problem is it does degrade in the molecule is eternal and i degrade over time the older
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a personal sample the harder it is to find d.n.a. and there are environmental factors to. the old dog. in the case of egyptian mummies like the younger lady which dates from several 1000 years ago is the d.n.a. still usable there then it explored it's an extremely harsh climate and not the ideal conditions for d.n.a. preservation so if their day is there it's surely cut into minute fragments and hard to analyze them but albert sink sounds the young lady was analyzed under the banner. possible conditions. value of the young lady was placed from your original true and in my view was medical aid that since you'll be different many different people in one and then boss are prepared to be on the other hand grave robbers who get in contact with the family or so the scientists and the archaeologist with
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their family since it was found so there was a lot of contact of people that left there in a traces of their budget and we had to make sure that we don't then allow us to come to the nation to surface part of the money but the rent in sight the money we took biopsy needle small meals to get a sample from inside of the bones to avoid to having to analyze the surface of the mummy and in addition we took several summer samples of the mummy from different parts of the mummy body in order to compare them to recite to make sure that in the end we have really the authentic ancient d.n.a. of the young lady and of any modern condemnation from what we could show is based on the genetic fingerprint thing that young ladies the mother of king tut and siobhan and we could also deprive of the same effort that is the part of children shall after weeks of research and thousands of kilometers of travel through egypt and europe claudine and antonio have followed all the known traces and clues about
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never t.t. and they might even have found. a younger lady mommy could be. still some egyptologists propose other theories and continue to look for the remains of an engine dairy queen. over 3000 years after her death the beautiful egyptians don't fascinates specialists and the public unlike never t.t.t. is one of the most emblematic figures of ancient egypt. a great and powerful egypt replete with. troll wonders accounts of pharaohs new religion and amazing woks.
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into the conflict zone with 2 incidents. brazil is in the news these days for the reasons i did so that's the 3rd highest figure in the walls for covert 19 infections my guess is me from brazil a half of the country's vice presidents how old so. how did the government measure its own gets so bad. conflicts of. 30 minutes on d w. what
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secrets lie behind. discover new adventures in 360 degree. and explore fascinating world heritage sites. w world heritage 316 get kidnapped now. this is some dope story a stubborn rice farmer from thailand. his problem that's. his credo. no chemical. words. don't stand a chance. training success or. talk to me starts oct 15th.
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this is day 8 of a new news live from the shaky cease fire in the caucuses as warring parties come to the table mania and as a beyond agree to hope the conflict over the disputed region of the one kind of back on each side quickly blames the other for breaking the armistice also coming up early closing time in finals and restaurants in the german capital now have to shut their doors at 11 pm. hoping to avoid a new lockdown despite rising khurana infections. and more cities in france shut down their boss entirely as they put on today as they put on maximum alert new infections in the country spiked with daily record of 20000.
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arabic or is welcome to the program a safe 5 between a mania and as a vision appears to have been short lived as a defense ministry has released footage of what it claims a strikes against the armenian army it says the attacks are in retaliation for mania violating the cease fire mania in turn has accused its foes of breaking the deal the 2 former soviet republics earlier agreed to russian to moms to hope their decades long conflict over the disputed region of not going to cut back. hundreds have died in fighting over the last fortnight caught in the middle of thousands of displaced civilians. a mother and child forced to take refuge in
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a school. who is just one of several azerbaijani families who fled here from nearby villages there are scaping heavy fighting near the border of not going to care about the tour and that lives apart. in the mess we have cash in the gulf as we have children we were forced to come here but we go back and forth even if they destroy our house we will go back to that past year a guy that if it's. over the border in the disputed region of nagorno-karabakh this armenian father surveys the wreckage his 2 sons have been fighting to protect this breakaway territory he blames azerbaijan for the devastation. there from us every day 15 to 20 times
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a day we can't leave basements or shops are closed there's nothing to eat. golden rule. one of going to carry back is officially in azerbaijan it's controlled by ethnic amini and forces the last 2 weeks have seen the worst fighting since a war over the disputed territory ended in 1994 russia has been mediating between these 2 former soviet states in the early hours of saturday morning a cease fire was announced. the republic of john and the republican for mean you are starting substantive negotiations with the aim of the cheating a peaceful settlement as soon as possible. now there has to be an exchange of prisoners and the repatriation of bodies. but for families like these cool top in this conflict their biggest dream is for
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a last piece. earlier i spoke with the danger correspondent emily shown in moscow and i asked her why this conflict was proving so difficult to resolve this is an ongoing conflict that has been going on since the dissolution of the soviet union and this is the worst fighting we've seen a century since the ninety's both countries this is one of many conflicts actually that is kind of rumbling along in the post soviet sphere what you have to understand is that both countries were part of the soviet union so it didn't really matter where the borders were they were part of one country it didn't matter that this ethnically armenian part or section was kind of within there by john but now that the 2 countries are of course independent countries that has become an ongoing difficult conflict and this time of course the power balance has kind of been
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thrown off by the involvement of turkey defending what. the president of turkey called its brothers john people as a by john are ethnically turkish and that has kind of thrown the whole balance of this conflict off making it even more difficult to resolve to of course the fighting has been taking place on russia's doorstep and yet most hesitant to get involved why is that. russia's been the traditional peace broker in this conflict and that's a complicated role because both by john and armenia are close allies of russia russia considers both countries to be part of its kind of traditional sphere of influence because both countries are post soviet but russia has closer ties with armenia armenia is part of an economic union with russia part of
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a mutual defense pact as well but the kremlin i think somewhat distrusts armenia since nicole pushing on the president there now came to power in street protests in 2018 that is always a reason for the kremlin to distrust people people who come to power in revolutions or protests that's something that the kremlin is not a fan of and of course turkey's involvement as i said makes this much more complicated now. and in moscow thanks very much analysis. ok let's turn now to some other stories making news around the world russian security forces have arrested dozens of protesters at the eastern city of khabarovsk it's been the same of months of demonstrations against the incarceration of the regional governor. in july supporters say he's innocent and was sidelined because he's not from president vladimir putin's party. north korea's leader kim jong un has apologized for his
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people's difficult lives kim was speaking at a parade in the capital pyongyang to mark the 75th anniversary of the ruling party the economy has been ravaged by the pandemic but authorities have not officially reported any cases of coke at 19. here in berlin hundreds of left wing activists have protested over the eviction of residents from a house that had been occupied for 3 decades the property was one of the last remaining squats in the german capital some protesters threw firecrackers and set cars on fire or thorazine is mobilized $1500.00 riot police. were staying in germany and rapidly rising corona virus infections have prompted action from the authorities the capital berlin has joined frankfurt and cologne on the list of cities where new cases have exceeded it came a ship bars and restaurants have to close early but there's some doubt about whether the new restrictions will be enough to stop the spike. 11
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pm and its poor in with rain but that doesn't stop these young people here in berlin neither does the rise in corona virus infections in the past few weeks the police have had to clear public squares and parks people were ignoring hygiene and social distancing rules now the city is cracking down. and it is on my feet and that since the end of the summer holidays the focus has shifted to young people who got infected during leisure activities. it's especially in pubs people get infected because they don't keep their distance when it gets late in the u.k. maps and that's a speech about. the new rules are strict no more than 5 people can gather at 11 at night private parties will be limited to 10 instead of 25 guests bars restaurants and kiosks will also have to close between 11 pm and 6 am bartender jango is
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frustrated. that time is crucial for us that's when the bar is running at full swing with lots of customers around and then to say you have to leave now we're not allowed to serve you anymore that's the end for us. and what happens after young people have to leave the bars at 11 o'clock well they actually go home because i was only 4 but i'm not planning to go home until 11 i want to live my life and enjoy it as much as possible so. why does it is to avoid those who want to drink who get their drinks beforehand they get out of all from the supermarket and drink it anyway until 5 am no matter whether the bars or clubs are open of the boss of mom because of mom's assessment of course i want to go out for dinner in the evenings and sit together after 11 but personally i want to take people with a higher infection risk into consideration i can step back. the new restrictions
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are set to remain in force until the end of this month but if you affections keep rising because could be extended. meanwhile france is struggling to contain a drastic rise in corona virus cases officials reported a record 20000 new infections on friday alone the government imposed one of europe's strictest lockdowns back in the spring and has stepped up its testing program but despite these efforts they were able to stop the onset of a 2nd wave francois' it is especially hard in the spring and the beginning of the covert 19 pandemic that's why the country ramped up tests and it's now carrying out more than $1000000.00 per week like in this lab led by josh actually minutes he says the situation has improved. it ordered to do so given the facts that their requests were twice as high as we had to make sure that we could technically carry out the number of tests requested since it is only because from.
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your own today this situation is currently being resort city. bad rapid testing is not the only solution cases are especially high in big cities like paris but the density of population is very high. this hospital in point of paris was going through a hard time during the 1st wave into our divorce court he notes in the covert dungeon response here he sees another main reason for the rise in numbers and france. the french population suffered a huge storm on during the 1st wave nevertheless with another wave we're seeing a relative lax behavior in people looking for. divorce personal responsibility is key in fighting the virus keeping a safe distance and meeting as few people as possible but since the virus is now heavily circulating in france the government is toughening rules in paris for
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example bars have to close down for now and are some of a of the latest developments in the pandemic confirmed coronavirus cases in india and nearing $7000000.00 there are hopes the rate of new infections in slowing on authorities are warning that europe's 2nd wave of infections has struck well before the flu season has even started they point to a widespread covais of 19 fatigue among populations and everywhere in poland it's now become compulsory for people to wear a mask outdoors infections they have also hit a new record high. some sport now and polish teenager a guess your own tech has won the french open women's final in paris debating america's safina kennon in straight sets becomes the 1st polish player to win a grand slam singles title beyond seeded 19 year old did not drop a single set during the clay court tournament she's also the youngest women's
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french open champion since monica seles in $9902.00. and in football manchester united forward marcus rush that has been honored by britain's queen elizabeth helping vulnerable children during the pandemic the fall would made headlines after successfully campaigning for the government to extend free school meals to poor children over the summer holidays rushford has spoken about his own reliance own food vouchers as a child. and the 22 year old has promised to continue to fund it. if it was like to do or not and this position is just. the prime minister and you know just really just for for the voters to be extended you know norm what they have how much they've been helped on how much is going to affect them if they don't think that's. my main focus and also to go on message across. a year after china's state broadcaster banned showing n.b.a. basketball games the sport is back on the air chinese state television which holds
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the tavi rights for the league and game 5 of the n.b.a. finals between the l.a. lakers and the miami hate the n.b.a. is the most watched sport to play in china but was suspended last october after the manager of the houston rockets hosted a tweet in support of hong kong's pro-democracy protests. were finally to brazil where one business woman won't let the coronavirus pandemic crush her enterprising spirit she lost her job in real estate and decided to turn her 969 volts wagon beetle into a flower shop the idea is a hit with locals in rio's copacabana beach district in the 1st 3 days the florist has made and nuff to cover a good chunk of the cost of her vintage car a rare example of a business blooming during these uncertain times. you're watching day w. news sports life it's up next tommy will bring you the headlines next hour and
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don't forget you can always stay up to up to date on our web site at www dot com i'm rebecca reaches in and in for me and the entire team thanks very much for watching. every 2 seconds the person is. forced to flee their home. the consequences into sastra as our documentary series displaced depicts traumatic humanitarian crises from around the world. fuck it then why don't i think i didn't go to university to kill people who don't know. that any pain. people feel for their lives and their future so they seek refuge abroad but what will become of those who
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younger brother mo. is help. ghana and most of it have disappeared just as. an animal and fighting snatch is katniss. exchange below and you have to. know this is about not letting in harbor concentrate on civilians means in another nuts adolph because a completely flattened so that as a unit and some unit the vet said this is. no more than the film and the most an. underdog and an intensity have to. look. at the age of 12 shoes ya began practicing judo he was so talented that he eventually began competing in the bundesliga for sighted athletes. as i'm conceived clobbers. does feel like
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a partner. can is it behold madame kenton past the smell and the aftermath and. it can feel they have a good cup others feel and i was done past years but there's at least isn't the hide asking listen. does the. shoes just enjoys regular yoga sessions with his team which helps him keep mind and body in tune. as learn vest and this is when this medicine called get him an. innocent person who sits here and ladders is for most of us and. too often. i just lost in the dentist and get shoes are trained several times
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a week even during the coronavirus pandemic his dream of competing at the paralympic games in tokyo lives on. and on snow has had a chance at others just apologise enough now to live. as if it all carbon and most do. not have to be done to him for the speed of the shot and. got him to. regular visits to the spa the german city where his family lives help them unwind from the pressure much to the delight of his little sister's idea now he is able to enjoy these visits the relationship with his family wasn't always easy. it's think also but what other things are in the air to things on earth and thank you for on what off and on they have got to continue to create and. money been going on. and.
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if you give the museum if you get much. i mean is there a kid in my family and when i need. aged 5 shoes from yemen to germany. he learned how to cope with his retinal disease and hopes to set an example for his siblings germany is his home now but he still feels a deep connection to yemen which is inspired him to help out in his native country . the media. does it all. and hides it in mention of. ice and fire. and then when god 1st. now as my niece came to move. this year it was all set to compete at the paralympics corona canceled these plans and
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serve shoes john has decided to visit yemen to organize a mini olympics together with a friend he sorts out the final details. guest this with his thin miss and often together and what his friends in the fence and on doesn't it is distance what the. over the last week's shooting has invested a lot of time and energy into the project which is being organized together with a judoka in yemen. and the media. saying it is mostly. non. listen only lawyers know nothing about. it's going to. hear what you're going to say.
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they travel via egypt to the u. many coast then drive to the capital sanaa by car. from. clinton cut by gun trail and an odd. sort i think come on. dad get out of it with the death of the construction father you have to pause so that in. a civil war is being waged in yemen since 2015 famine sickness and violence have plagued the country particularly the capital. it's here that shoes. wants to bring some peace together with the your many judoka alley whose rough.
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and pledge to getting valuable sculpture and so in my letters in and say manning is just a mistake my new course is that this is as super fun as well i'm talking. about the missing the it's the end all muslims as movie can push. you go to sleep just months have had enough as i just didn't come disappears in minutes until shine and. those kids. know i'm. hardly the event that. i thought i could be choosing your friends only have a few days to organize their mini olympics get people together and find a venue. and then. end up on it as. it has with this one post mentioned.
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and one. war has made organized sports impossible in your. children and teenagers don't have anywhere to go for some friendly competition somewhere to escape the bleak situation. and alley don't have it easy they have to organize many things in secret in the end they manage to find a hole where their event can take place. just like that sport is back in the emmy. awards continues months and is able to perspectives on well. mention auburn in. you and said you can be in the band get into a deep and mentions a concept and there's about peak it's been my best in months this delusion given
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i've been in the done such got run. so i. was. on this day. off far away to use a fully focused on judo and the event is a resounding success. designs give voice to what is like in hats and the mentions will be. ok is this inspection his it's what's on. the vine needin the one he was knocking on is a positive vision all for long for this reason guys this board. highlight should john and ali facing off to them fighting for freedom.
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i mean the olympics are on the way the 2 don't care combined paralympics and a lympics blur the lines between germany and yemen between peace and war. the. same. month. in month out can you come on you've got a geeky. and i mean. by that of. dizzy and intense heat and baking this is to be gotten fun google for. this stay. feelin big flame a symbol of peace and bright in somehow. because
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to germany the trip has left its mark on him he's mentally and physically drained he seeks help from his old. job trains here to restore his energy his long fight is far from over. and science is that. honest and he's right so this is. painted contested so. enter the conflict zone with 2 incidents. brazilians in the news these days for all the wrong reasons i did so that's the highest figure in the world for covert 19
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infections my guess this week from brasilia is the country's vice president coming to the floor all how did the government old get so bad. conflict. next on t.w. . in good shape the topic of this episode affects every single one of us how is the coronavirus affecting our lives what impact does it have on our spirit. world. and our relationships. plus. one of the long term plans. in 60 minutes on d w literature invites us to see people in particular that i'm going to see some of the kids find. might try to bring
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this to. the books on you tube. here in brazil everything is ok for you preparing for the military to intervene we had enough time military government brazilians in the news these days for all the wrong reasons allegations of high level corruption uncontrolled illegal logging and far as raging in the amazon rain forest i did so that's the highest figure in the world for cope with 19 infections my guest this week from brasilia is the country's vice president so. how did the government 'd let it all gets so bad.
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