tv Zu Tisch Deutsche Welle October 10, 2020 7:30pm-8:01pm CEST
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double. every journey begins with the 1st step and every language with the 1st word i looked in the cook. is in germany to learn german why not come with him simple online on your mobile and free shots of the d.w.p. learning course nikos frame german made. the world. hello and welcome to it shape since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus late 2019 everything has changed we have to wear a mask we have to keep our social distance and some of us even have to work from home the pen demick has made people grow a propensity for getting infected and people feel isolated because of social distancing and doctors are seeing an increase in stress levels especially in
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patients with family members who are infected today shows about the physical long term effects of corona and what the virus does to our psyche and i'm going to need dr under yes based on he's a psychiatrist and he's the head of the department of psychiatry psychosomatic and psychotherapy in 2 clinics in berlin and then he's confronted with the effects of the coronavirus. meeting and thanks for having me today as a psychiatrist what kind of problems do you see during the qur'an up and there are people present for small and cypress and term small depressive symptoms sleep disturbance and some people they tend to use small subset so sly or a kind of dose all. illegal drugs but what we also see is that people who already suffer from severe mental disorders like severe depression of psychosis the . cresent to a hospital it's
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a small suv you episodes and do you think that all those episodes are very severe and that the corona pandemic has a severe impact of the psyche of patients at all i think corona has an impact on mental health fall off all of us and people. in his old school be with us and you think that the number of cases would rise in the future i think i would expect in the future that the cases would rise and. corona has brought about a lot of insecurity and uncertainty some people are constantly checking whether the tastebuds are still working and whether they've got a sore throat other us are experiencing a loss of control because they're not allowed to lead the life they used to and i see a lot of patients with migraines a heart palpitations and these are just some of the problems which are on the rise right now what does the coronavirus do to us to our relationships with family
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friends and strangers how does it affect our confidence in ourselves and in the world. a team of psychologists at marburg university in germany has been gathering the public's answers to those questions in an online survey. the surveys findings offer a broad picture of the myriad effects that the coronavirus pandemic has had on our mental health monitor srinagar is an educational psychologist. so what do people need to feel good in theory the feeling of being in control of their lives being independent and belonging to a social group. is that when it comes to these 3 basic needs we found that our sense of autonomy has suffered our need to be in charge of our own lives has been very badly impaired we know from investigating these 3 needs that the situation can also lead to psychological problems they can even manifest themselves as psychological disorders like depression anxiety and the like. and yet people
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experience the restrictions in very different ways just how different personality types get through the crisis is the focus of equipment as work one finding is that introverted and withdrawn people are suffering due to the current coronavirus restrictions those restrictions can magnify a person sense of isolation but there's a more surprising result in miller's work that. people who are most sociable extroverted and more optimistic tend to go through life positively they're experiencing a noticeable increase in bad moods suffering very much from the situation. we think it's caused by the restrictive measures which obviously lead to fewer social contacts. so the crisis even weighs down on those who otherwise go through life in a sociable and positive manner one serious problem in the pandemic is the sudden uncertainty when people can stick to things they plant anxiety disorder specialist
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christiane upon me looks at how we try to reassert control through behaviors like panic buying hoarding excessive hygiene and pathological obsessions with the symptoms of the illness this is. relatively important to keep an eye on your body the question is to what degree we've observed that if parents raise their children to be obsessive about even relatively harmless physical symptoms like a runny nose or minor heart palpitations. there is children have a higher risk of developing anxiety disorders and because the uncertainty is also promoting a relapse into old gender role behaviors women are once again managing the household and family while the men are focusing more on earning a living. and what are the effects of the economic shift to home office. organisational psychologist 10 include wants to know how working from home affects our social identity our perception of ourselves as group members.
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that includes professional contacts. working from home over the long term could lead to people's sense of belonging in the week and the entry so could be ammunition. so forth like that 1st and the things that used to be a given for attain their identity are suddenly no longer there. it could be things as mundane as gathering around the coffee machine and if a company can't keep social identities alive in the way they've always existed they can have a negative effect on the health of its employees effect of went over to the limit all the time. those who have lost their jobs as a result of the crisis are in a much worse position they experience less access to social activities shelter and healthy food all of which can contribute to psychological disorders and the effect it could no longer count on society understanding their plight the mob org team
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hopes their focus therapies will give patients the tools they need to deal with the cataclysmic changes happening in their lives. do you think he advice how we can keep mentally stable in such difficult times. yeah 1st of all i think it's important that we acknowledge that these are difficult times for us and that we tend to it's a kind of normal reaction for everybody to be even more nervous more irritated if a little bit more sleep if you could sit and do so that's important for us to acknowledge that and the other strategy which could be paper is to. to reduce the times when you with the cold covert pandemic. because since 3 tend to be irritated somehow when we do have very long with the issues around and endemic then it makes that if that's even more nervous what
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should we do if we feel live only because of social distancing measures. i think it's important to recognize that there's too many options how we can stay in contact with others like on the on sky and on the all the decision media which is around and also to plan more social context for example if we. if you have a day where we have to be in the home office or something if it makes sense that it's important for us to organize a kind of social context maybe even especially for you if you live alone then to all be nice in advance that you make a phone call in the afternoon or that when you see someone on skype or see someone you know in a cafe it's because in the opposite situation when big family sits in a small apartment and it's also crowded and you don't have any space for yourself
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so how can you do with. it that's helpful to stick to certain routine so even if children are not going to school or something like that then to start the day kind of to get those so even to get up to have breakfast together those kind of things so and so to have a daily routine even if there's no external stimulus for that and also to plan on things which everyone can do on on his or her own since that's what we are used to to have times doing there where we do something on the on in states to stick to that. let's broaden of you a bit right now we focused just on germany and europe but what's a situation world wide from the psychiatric and a few i mean it's very true preliminary data we have for now but it looks like that the actual symptoms in in the german population from small studies it's this
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stage it looks a bit like people in germany tend to have less symptoms then people in the u.s. saw in china and it's interesting to speculate how that could happen and maybe it has to do with the strategy the politics came up with that they tend to focus on the individual and that's still their decision how they deal with the rules and that they may. no strict laws which. makes everybody doing the same because we know when the stress around it was it's her fault. for coping with stress if it is to our own decision what we are doing when young people get infected with the coronavirus the disease does not seem to progress so badly where is the virus hits patients with preconditions or other people heart in any case a coronavirus is not to be underestimated it cannot only lead to severe respiratory
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problems it can also damage the kidneys and the brain among convalescent persons. holding them high and so i came down with covert 19 today she still suffering the consequences to her health so. i got really sick 3 months after catching the coronavirus my hair started falling out really badly i was like a christmas tree losing its needles i grabbed my hair and it came out in bushels there were areas where i was totally bowled it's not as bad as it was then but it still falls out in the head it does grow back is there now wiring and a different color. in march she was rushed to the hospital unable to breathe she made a video journal of her illness for the magazine contrast. are not being able to breathe has an effect on your mind my condition was miserable i couldn't inhale my whole body rebelled my pulse skyrocketed i wanted to breathe i
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inhaled and trying to get tat but i couldn't breathe and i loved coming. even after leaving the hospital her breathing problems continued after very much physical exertion she needed to take breaks and catch your breath. from the another dramatic consequence that colleen applies to notice much later was that. had difficulty speaking. she found it hard to turn her thoughts into words. i imagined the sentence in my head but a completely different one came out my nouns got mixed up for a whole day i replaced every now in my head with the word random but. the central nervous system seems to be more affected than medical experts 1st realized patients who have recovered from cope with 1000 have reported exhaustion dizzy spells and problems formulating words. researchers are now trying to determine what the long
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term effects of the infection are they already have a good idea. the most common symptoms are various disorders in 92 percent of the cases they usually disappear within $4.00 to $5.00 weeks but we don't know about the remaining 10 percent will the disorders become permanent we know that some patients suffer from strokes even patients who are younger and have no history of blood vessel risk factors. dimension could be another neurological long term effect christiane cummings ios still has problems remembering a possible effect of the virus he doesn't belong to a high risk group and yet the fireman was put in an artificial coma for 17 days 3 months later his perception is still strongly affected. and figured if i have to deal with
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a lot of things all at once getting those tossed on is still very difficult for me i have to admit. neurologist peter ballot says that a 3rd of all 1000 patients admitted to the intensive care unit have diffuse brain damage that won't improve in the short term side so if this is typically manifested by the fact that patients have memory problems as well as difficulties paying attention and concentrating they can also start getting confused they show signs of perceiving things wrong or they have a loser nations so it's often accompanied by anxiety and restlessness and here. they also determine that the kidney is the 2nd most affected organ. the. baby when. caught the coronavirus his kidneys failed he was put in an artificially induced coma for a month. please next moment alice i had such a moment of happiness i woke up to a forest of chub and all around me were people who said i should open my eyes i
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started crying at that point from the one tops going to. the room of virus can do lasting damage to the kidneys like causing a kidney infection a part of the organ dies in that case and becomes dead scar tissue. it's eerie verse about the kidney can compensate somewhat so you don't notice it immediately but you only have so much kidney and all of a sudden half of it is scar tissue thought has a lasting effect because the scar tissue doesn't recover. your young people especially don't even notice that their kidneys aren't working to full capacity but the older they get the more they'll feel the consequences. of. breathing in deeply and filling the body with air it's something that most people's
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lungs do automatically but 2 months after being on a respirator. has to really learn just that. doggone fragments and i find it hard to breathe sometimes and i'm sometimes limited in what i can do but these courses teach me how to breathe again properly how to breathe consciously that's really helpful so much. the lungs can get badly injured during a covert 19 infection but there is some good news they have a good chance of healing. that's according to initial observations. professor good. is comparing the tama graphic images of covert 1000 patients during and after their infection. fortunately we can already say that we haven't seen severe late affects in the majority of cases. the lungs heal well even in people who have had 3 weeks of intensive care you don't see much change 3 months later peter needs me or see
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a feel for him no. catalina piousness none seem to now she can sing again. what about the psychological problems with corona patients and their families it's important to focus of on possible positive outcomes of the situation for example when i get infected by corona that i actually get symptoms it's less likely then that i actually do not get any symptoms even if i have have symptoms of the colon a disease it's more likely that they were just disappear rather than i stay with them but looking on the bright side of life may be difficult if you're if the fear of losing your job because of corona what you tell those patients again it's important to focus on things which helps me to stay stable and besides. limiting the time i am dealing with the covert pandemic.
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i have most most of us have vive to knowledge of what is helpful in stressful situations so it's important to stave is there for example to look after one set of to do positive things which will help food to be stable like reading on seeing a friend or think that and it's always have food to be more active so to do sports or something else and so if i have the opportunity to do some things like that it's easier for me to cope even with the economic consequences of the disease there's a service i think it came from australia which is called moot jim yeah so what is this is so this is a program which is free so everyone can use that and it's available in many languages. and it focuses on what we know from cognitive behavior therapy is helpful for people who tend to have depressive symptoms so it focused on kind of
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restructuring us thinking too to make it's more likely to have kind of positive thoughts and it helps you to be more active in your life which is important strategy for people who tend to have to process symptoms and there's always more easy how to improve those strategies when you have a program which helps you because sometimes as we all know it's not so easy to start a new things on your. autumn is arrived in the northern hemisphere and with it there's an increase in france of cases the flu is a serious respiratory disease which kills many people every year and i as a g.p. tell you get your flu shot especially if you're chronically ill and especially in the times of corona it's important that as many people as possible get accidents that. it comes on suddenly it's persistent and potentially very dangerous.
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influenza is the real. w.h.o. estimates that more than 10 percent of the world's population catch it every year. the flu is europe's most fatal infectious disease it's enough to be taken lightly especially for the people i just 60. flu is a serious respiratory infection which often has a very severe progression for people with preexisting conditions like heart or lung disease this is a stream of fall and it can often be fatal for these patients. include a short time but isn't. just one small injection can stop that a new vaccine has to be created every year for the seasonal strain and it provides up to 80 percent protection when introduced into the body the immune system starts to create antibodies the body can then recognize and distro. the virus. the aim of the flu shot isn't just to prevent people from getting infected at all it's to
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reduce the number of severe cases hospital admissions intensive care patients on ventilators and ultimately deaths and even a vaccine that's only partially effective can do that. and then the coronavirus pandemic it's important that as many high risk people as possible and vaccinated to help prevent a similar way. coronavirus patients this winter. so let's all hope that there will be. available for all of us. various kinds of vaccine for corona virus or in development one kind is an inductive virus vaccine that uses proteins from the virus to create the vaccine viruses 1st up to be broken down into parts and their infectivity has to be destroyed so it's no longer dangerous. but it still has to provoke an immune
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response in the recipient so that the immune system develops antibodies to it. so what are the advantages and disadvantages. of this approach is well established. companies that develop and manufacture vaccines are familiar with it. and the production processes have been perfected. but certainly an advantage. the disadvantage is that it takes time to grow the underlying virus in large amounts if more is needed. a viral vector a vaccine uses a harmless live virus of a different kind as a carrier to transport genes from the dangerous virus. into cells in the recipient's body. a protein gene from the virus is 1st added to the benign one
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in the case of the novel coronavirus it's a spike protein gene. modified virus that resembles sars c.o.v. 2 in one key respect the immune system detects the offending protein and creates antibodies in response. for the safety requirements for growing the virus not as strict as with inactivated whole virus vaccines of. disadvantages are that it takes a lot of time and you have to choose vectors that are not affected by any preexisting immune response capability. and. then there are vaccines that use messenger or an egg for the novel coronavirus it is m r n a with instructions for making it spiked proteins. such vaccines prompt cells in the recipient to make such proteins themselves which in turn provoke an immune response although these proteins are not dangerous they are still identified as enemies by the immune system which then creates antibodies and thus immunity.
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for. one advantage is that the safety requirements are much less stringent. another is that you can modify the r.n.a. quite quickly manufacturers say that within a short period of time perhaps 6 weeks are in a vaccines can be produced in very large volumes millions of units you can't match that with vector whole virus or other kinds of vaccine. leashed. so each of these approaches has upsides and downsides nonetheless they're all considered worth pursuing it is likely that we need more than one vaccine. i guess it grown i would just go away like this it will stay for longer so how can we keep our spirits high. i think there are lots of opportunities we can do by always halfs to keep off the interstate stable of there are lots off heads of possibilities to
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support us in this like in the internet in counseling and those kind of thing but maybe it's also an option to think about the chance once every crisis has a chance in it so. corona makes let's think about all our routines and maybe there are routines we were not very comfortable with but in in in the non choral not times like many people who are struggling from too many appointments too many time pressure and all those kind of things and maybe this could be an opportunity to give you think about how we want to live and what's all very new reader avail for flipping is and. very important also every crisis of a golden age even the corner prices are to go away and there will be time in future career when i will be less important than it is today thank you so much for this interesting talk here and the show is over for today so see you next weekend until
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the to. be. the number of coronas infections is rising. mortgage groups of people are listed keeping the necessary distance from seems impossible. the researchers say it can be done. by the flow of the debt strands. could this help reduce the spread of the biopsy tomorrow today. 30 minutes on doubling. how can
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a vision loss be combated. eye problems are increasing all over the world and the patients are getting younger and younger. doctors and scientists are researching new treatments from groundbreaking diagnostic procedures the therapy with reprogram stem cells healthy our eyes clear vision. in 75 minutes on d w. how does it feel i don't know. where i come from but all of that it does this go it just like this child is fluid that's a measure of where i am as a boy with. reminds me of home after decades of living in germany china's food is one of the things i miss the most but that taking
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a step back i see things i need to the difference between now and. then of for a person or a correlation that exists the other part of the board haven't been experimenting in china that's new for a lot of chinese people wondering if their forty's a lot of people have a right to learn oh that is this is their job just under the law how i see it and that's why i did nothing my job because i tried to do it exactly maybe an hour a day. like they medalling to and i work at d w. 2 in the height of climate change. for a closer look at. what's in store plus. one of them is to come for the future. come for to make a super bowl to get inside clear picture. of.
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this is the dublin news live from berlin shaky cease fire in the caucasus as warring parties come to the table armenia and azerbaijan agreed to host the conflict over the disputed region not going to care about. sides but each side quickly blaming the other for breaking the armistice also coming up. early closing in berlin balls and restaurants in the german capital now have to shut their doors at 11 pm authorities are hoping to avoid a new lockdown despite rising corona virus infections.
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