tv The Nefertiti Phenomenon Deutsche Welle October 12, 2020 11:15am-12:00pm CEST
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up next it's off to egypt will have a look did of your documentary work at the never t.v. that's coming up straight ahead i'm brian thomas for the entire news team thanks so much for being here and don't forget our social media feeds and website. we're all set. to go beyond your own so that. we're all about the stories that matter to you. and really. what ever it takes. you are running around trying to ensure that the job you made for mines.
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for more than a millennial ancient egypt was on lost while all but forgotten the remains of this civilization build on the banks of the nile barrett beneath the desert sand. to this day many have yet to come to light but archaeologists continue to uncover more of the egypt of the pharaohs revealing a little more of its incredible history every day thanks to the latest scientific technology in physics genetics and computer imaging some riddles from the past and now being solved. one of the biggest mysteries of ancient egypt is the fate of queen after gigi whose name means the beautiful woman as calm as she was pharaoh i cannot in principle wife and some say mother of one of the most famous pharaohs pluton comoving mommy has never conclusively been found so the search for her has.
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become a holy grail fight egyptologists and feeds the most contradictory theories. of all if you felt out that this folly is actually a definite it was a big moment in our research just what it is all the samples they studied still contains d.n.a. which i find surprising for their children it was a very royal city so it's certain never to be lived here. the proportions of her face are perfect she's probably the parka i want to hear. a team of experts follow the tracers of nephi g.t. to understand how and where she died and why they say gyptian queen has become so legendary. antonio few scanty dr of physics and science reporter will conduct research in europe egypt on a just protein low tone year design and science writers. will travel across egypt in such of an effort.
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ringback to find out what became of nafta t.t.'s mommy we must 1st reconstruct the timeline of a history spanning over 3500 years of the history of ancient egypt protein and geo made egyptologist. gives us an overview of those incredible civilization. or 1000 to 5000 years ago when the pyramids were built because what we call the old kingdom satirical was the great physical when they made the pyramids of khufu or coffee the ones we all know. probably around 3500 years ago during the middle kingdom they made pyramids with brick and covered with stone that if you have clay then you are on 2500 to 3000 years ago was the new kid. little bit on the.
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yeah. alexander the great came in 332 b.c.f. and after his rule for 3 centuries there was ptolemy cleopatra arson or these greek and macedonian pharaohs as it is it never lived around 1300 b.c.e. again and will jump some 3300 years into the past to egypt's new kingdom to try to shed light on earth fact. never g.t. was born in looks or known in antiquity as thieves back then it was the egyptian capital so it's in this legendary city on the nile that khloe dane and jill begin their research into the mystery of the beautiful never t.t.
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where was she barrett why does the location of her tomb remain of known. possibly moved these are the questions the experts will try to answer this city in the heart of egypt is famous for its temple his entrance was once flanked by 2 our beliefs one still remains the other now stands on the plaster low concord in paris it was one of the biggest pharaonic capitals and where we find the 1st traces of the future egyptian queen never t.t. . the legend of never did he really began on december 6th 1912 on that day in a manner in middle age up to the bastille queen f a t t it was discovered german archaeologist looked fake for shot dead at the excavation of the city that had lain bare it for $33.00 centuries in the ruins of
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us counters were it is. covered the magnificent and surprisingly well preserved past of queen efforts. now one of the world's most famous artifacts it is on display at the noise museum in valinor. the pop of short for the proportions of her face are perfect for that she has a bit of masculinity and especially on the chin giving her a slightly edited rajan is the abortion issue or sex or pander we know this androgynous look is more seductive then absolute emanating a. level please try to really true to those of the real method e.g. on not over a 1000000 visitors rushed to the noisiest museum every year to admire her likeness . is now the emblematic representation of the queen around the world. the experts now know walking efforts to low clock but to help them in their search
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for mommy they need to learn more about her history. it is vital to reconstruct a life story and the places where she lived to unravel the mystery of her final resting place. never d.d. was born in things into the high nobility that ruled egypt for centuries pharaohs weren't just political leaders but also the head of a religion with multiple gongs represented in various ways in modern day look saw the famous contact temples still bear witness to the egyptians reverenced of these gongs. here the experts meet dimitriy labadee an egyptologist who specializes in never t.t.c. era. work at us and she got this case karnac is a gigantic side around 50 hectors this is absolutely gigantic a paradise for archaeologists in the same area of modern day looks or on the. it's
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a sacred space it goes way beyond the sight of current sanctuaries and looks or. hardy and made you know it also it was sacred for the ancient egyptians since the founding of the city of the greeks they would be their sort of or was it that of gyptian and dates from the 2nd millennium b.c. . room. or at. the center of it it's a very royal city the king came here often as did his queen nefertiti he married in the 4th year of his rule he. was not a horse and all of us to dr circles were coming to the most sacrosanct part of the carnac temple the sanctuary where every pharaoh was initiated into their role this pharaoh in communication with the god of move the 3 every pharaoh since 2 at most of the 3rd set forth here so they're all walked here including our going out and.
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it was invokes all where never met the future of pharaoh i cannot and who she later married the couple worshiped in the contact temple but so far their mommies haven't been found here nor is there any indication as to where the teeth used to mind being. so the experts head to the site of the potter's efforts you do occupy me a look song to search for clues that might lead them to the queen's mommy the egyptian leaders sought calm and serenity fall from the chaos of the contact temple complex for years akiyama years searched deserts and fields but never to these residents and finally thanks think thanks found it west of looks saw in mt katter. peter alaca is leading an excavation on the site. was
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it to you. it was huge it's bigger than buckingham palace it's bigger than the white house it covers an area all the enclosures it's about $150.00 by 100 meters so so a huge huge area very often we have the kings kind of founding these palaces outside near the royal sit near the capitol say seems but that nearby like versa. we know a lot about the decoration of the palace because. it seems it collapsed perhaps storing a rainstorm and so much of the painting on the ceiling and the floor got preserved not so much on the walls but you know it was very decorative you know. the. one of the reasons that we're trying so hard to preserve tekton preserve now
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is it's the last of these were all cities that sort of in its original landscape if you go to other royal cities like amar or darryl or there they're being encroached by the modern town so fortunately it's a little bit off in the desert so you can get an idea of how it would have originally appeared. excavation gives them some pretty good idea. and its environment. meanwhile antonio is in northern france to learn about the palaces interior notably its wealth decorative elements and unique and egypt tofile has made a 3 d. model which. for most forms of how exactly did you make a 3 d. version of this palace. in the winter does it we used archaeological sources and talking to your given that with this christmas tree excavation manager peter luck
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of the. provided us with the plans a reconstructed from that it is in from some small decorative elevated since we were able to model the whole building in 3 d. by the earth 2 but small. or led to the field really identified 1st and we made an aerial view of the whole thing then we set about reconstructing the whole columns that leads to the throne room and it was so good when we constructed this colony it from elements found on the site and it was with us the overall blueprints of the room as well as the limestone bases of the college. of wheelchair however the rest of the columns are going to be so now it's a complete reconstruction the wood on the trunk of the columns was painted red tops or capitals plant motifs and more brightly colored all open all to them with a visual visit to the local it can you imagine that for t.t. living in this palace. to feel absolutely nothing t.t. like they lived here in our youth.
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so if we can assume that never t.t. was indeed born in flames my cheek also had died down. could her mummy still be there. where should we stop looking. in the 4th year of his rule or. husband i cannot and turned his life around upside down looking revolutionized egypt's traditional religion imposing veneration of just one gaunt otten the god of the song. or a. scope
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when it is reduced. this is the best place of out in is i'm on the 1st absolutely or here in a temple that was redecorated by ramsay's the 2nd house around a century after our going out and put in all likelihood it's here art in this art or the 1st ideas that lead to autism began. it was here that i can are to build a temple dedicated to his new protective dady here the sun god would only become the god once we're on the other side of that door outside the temple complex you. egyptians polytheistic religion in which they worshiped many day and his was replaced by a monotheistic want ot an ism. done in a collapsed contact temple archaeologists discovered more fragments dedicated to often these sculpted stones reveal the rising adoration of the sun god they also demonstrate egypt's prosperity during the 30s time.
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a wealth derived from living near the nile and it's but i. want to excavating the fortifications around the continent temple complex archaeologists discovered the foundations of a ruined and hitherto unknown temple it didn't even appear on official maps. protein and land that much evidence linked to i cannot an answer never t.-t. including fragments of monumental statues were found here though nothing is left on the site today they must dig deep into the history of these temples to find out more about methods e.g. the queen of the heart of a cultural and religious stop evil in egypt. back
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to europe the. latter he's based in bored out of france he just says and graphic designers combined to create 3 d. models of famous last time polls this helps us understand never t.t.'s living environment at the time and the previously on known rituals dictated by the new religion. and the 1920 s. archaeologist working to the east of car neck we're lucky to find a few rare vestiges of the temples dedicated by our. record. and what did they find in here. to the bases of the pillars with lower sections of walls and above all the stunning idols in the image of arkansas to take on the
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shoulders i'm a seated face or prominent stomach and large stars and legs something that shocked everybody mormon. and they knew it was ark an auto. that gave us the 1st indications that the king had indeed built to the east and that this sector had the 1st temples dedicated to art and. you don't polluted you would you have to. do it if you know bit by bit we began to better understand the temples built to the east because we started discovering the walls from rome off and even in the on earth decoration we have egyptian images of the temples as they were at the time so it's precious. the new religion introduced by. after t.t. produced unprecedented egyptian art for the 1st time these were express. rented
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realistic images of the pharaohs 'd now considered to be part of the song called. god when you look at representations of the net it's easy i can not in couple you surprised to see the degree of intimacy throughout it these natural gestures that you just don't find anywhere else in egyptian. civil right that it's true that this is one of the rare periods where you can see a couple touching or hugging one another and if you're 50 you even have never t.-t. stealing a kiss from aka not with the necklace on it or not and it's astonishing what we're seeing is the appearance of what i would call a new liturgy loopholed it was no longer about gods but the king mary the life of the king became a permanent ritual his movements when he got up or when he ate. every skidmore's similar inverse saw it with the sun king where as was adequate for every moment of
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the king's life it was ritual was it in. this concert of personality years down close at the heart of the never t t legend the queen embodied the word of the king who gave her a powerful position in the kingdom. hall. but while she had great influence in this new society our experts can find a trace of what could be hard to mouth contact. so which event and never did his life could provide them with a promising clue. surely a one that turned her fate upside down. husbands i can often decided to create a new capital for egypt fully dedicated to the religion of those. god. they had
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to erect a palace which would be the seat of his residence. we'll watch this you know of course 3 o'clock the king decided to build a city totally dedicated to art and like a city where he would be at the center. to the untouched site of them are not was chosen for the job. it's one of the 1st times in ancient egypt that sacred constructions were built on virgin territory every 2nd one direction. going up the nile so the heart of the country i cannot chose our fast plane next to the downspout the pharaoh was in the 5th year of his rank and wanted to make his mark building a new egypt it's here in a manner that the vestiges of his new capital would be rediscovered thousands of years later buried in the desert sand.
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to die for pressure nor a minor it was exciting and original because it was a new city although due to. all the restoration work we can do on the city helps us to understand the architecture on the to do to your knowledge of vestiges of the floor plans that remain should give us accurate ideas about the measure of the priestly sort of promise so we know more or less the dimensions to work with on the ground with you or for. the banks to their precision with modern technologies are very important as they allow us to recreate the past in ever greater detail. this could give our experts newly in the search for another t.t.'s tomb and her mummy. back an art and i am staff or t.t. moved into our vast residence in i. monna it was here that i cannot and the future
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king to turn kamui. the scenes on these remains portray the reverence for the royals but the reality is more complex clay tablets from the time revealed that egypt's international relations were complicated perhaps never t.t. and i cannot and didn't rain as easily as they'd hoped in a manner. to better understand that down for antonio is in paris to meet ponce while tony a journalist specializing in egypt. marking the royal couple of arkan art and effort t.t. lived in their own world they didn't tread on sacred ground. when they travel it was certainly going to. only set foot on the floors of palaces or temples to say they were loved by the people is uncertain in the.
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book why and how was a mana destroyed and who raced all the references to the god. it's believed that the successor to income in particular the 1st and the ramsey's the 2nd systematically destroyed all the temple sit on it they are less systematically chiseled the way the images of art and i can are to his queen and his children of. it before i didn't i cannot ns successors stay in i'm are no. aid workers shake it's thought that the failure of the ark in art and project led to the city's downfall and the move from a martyr back to look so. i don't know what this happened very shortly after the death of the king of the successor what again the city wasted away just how almost all the temples were destroyed so i could. prove. to the thought that.
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love you all the city was made of bricks and cruder except that with the wind and the rain all traces of life in the city vanished. dignitaries of the i cannot regimes still believed in the future of a man or as can be seen in the tubes they made these marked a change in egyptian funerary architecture. busy georgians had for a long time made germs in the pyramids and now they built them into the rush hour these new tunes will. do with your we have a change of religion that was reflected in funerary customs in the way kings were into. what. we've gone from the pyramid which is a sun based concept to a more underground one with notions of the afterlife that subterranean or. where
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you do it all peel down the royal tombs of the new kingdom which are in the valley of the kings and we hear of these new writers are you writing this. in would you the walls were engraved with these new sacred books or in which we have the deceased passing into the underworld and all the dangers they must overcome to live again when the sun is reborn. but we're going to find methods tt's grave the ants birds now know they need to look for a tomb down into the rock and in fact at the end of the 19th century archaeologists found in the cliffs of a plunging valley east of the mana several openings leading to tombs one of these was identified as having temporarily housed i cannot and. as i'm on a egyptologist mark spent several years mapping the royal necropolis he suspect.
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certain tombs could have housed other members of i cannot in his family so could never teach his mommy be hidden here. this with tico i missed it because i wanted to try to shed a light on the mystery of where lee objections had plantar very never to be in this necropolis that make up for it and my current conclusion is that whenever t.t. died up at her place in the royal tilman had not been initiated and they have probably had to bury her a bit quicker and never t.v. died a few months before her husband will mall and will probably be buried in the royal term oberle more infinite dollars but where exactly in the world which is hard to say of the years that it markopolos the various that i can answer in ams never t.t. were buried together in the cliffs of amana but after the fall of the city his son the new pharaoh tootin come moon had their mommies moved and interned in the valley of the cain. so on if it remains to be found
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in the valley of the kings along with those of her husband. dean and she will decide to pursue this hypothesis 100 turn to look. at the famous winter palace and to the hotel which has welcomed generations of explorers. their own folk to the former egyptian capital in the hopes of making great discoveries. from the start of the 19th century eminent egyptologist rushed to look saw to excavate the famous valley of the games old film footage shows that for
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a nasty comment a buried treasure. expeditions to the valley of the kings multiplied and there was a real rush to honor the moment. egypt became a major destination for resurgence and many nations financed extremely costly excavation campaigns. egyptologists from all over the world walked in a race against time to examine the tombs and objects that would bring new lives to history. talk about the valley of the kings what is it exactly that all our levee there are saying are where these going to benefit you all the valley of the kings as awadi at
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least that's what we call it. to create it's a drive alley that can flood and where the rain was conversing on the belly of the king it's in there is a very isolated valley in the mountains of locks or dukes and it's where the kings would order the tombs to be done while also pharaoh cuisine. between the nile valley and the desert hidden in a small mountain range lies a labyrinth of rocks and tunnels here more than 60 terms have been found they once held the bodies of the pharaohs and some of their wives. to see all of these tombs have 2 letters k n v followed by a number what does that mean with a humorous or 2 more covies so to get king very means king valley and the number gives us the order of discovery of these 2. when we talk about k.v. 62 what is the 62nd to. discovered in the belly of the king's dog very that what
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dawn. in 1907 egyptologist edward ross sought out and found $255.00 there he found human remains and on jack proven to come from a man are undoubtedly pillaged several times this tomb held a sarcophagus with the name of a came. at a knot and. this discovery was extraordinary the theory that the pharaoh act in art and had been moved from a manner to the valley of the kings was correct but there was still no trace of his wife never. another tomb also called the experts attention its famous as it belongs to i cannot and son. who died very young between the ages of 17 and 19. there hisses here at the heart of the valley of the chemist's entering to 10
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comeliness to knock it off thanks to the dog and persistence of howard carter this tumor is discovered in 1922 the british archaeologist had a hunch that the young children come moon had his own tomb in the valley of the kings. so what good was just to said only thing of autobots was. the search for this tomb was an adventure in itself going to be there why everybody looking clogger had always wanted to dig in the belly of the king of the saying no . i didn't have a contract talk but he got one book with the founder sponsor if you heard me you know he had many excavation is over many years that want to fruitful so far but he had an intuition. of all of the direct his intuition was that the now famous king to become who nobody knew anything about before the discovery of his to get out of tomb at the center of the valley because some clues and some tombs that link to this king were discovered you know thanks to persistency persuasion and of course
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extra. nation in november 1022 or more they stumbled upon a 1st step in the sand and that step led to newton coming to that much the famous k.b. 62 group to book a middle class a move swiftly. after years of fruitless searching carter was about to give up when he made a sensational discovery under a heap of rocks evander door which opened onto a long corridor on. the news and they say they're here in the heart of 210 communes to where the entertain there and here is the room with a coffee. it's the 1st undamaged tomb found in the valley of the kings with many other itis said. this tomb was originally not intended for a king as it's much smaller so we imagine to take on living and died quite young around 17 he was buried quite quickly so they used to know that it wasn't at all
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royal if i didn't know why you. are experts continue their search for never g.-d's tomb and mommy if she isn't in her husband's ark an atom's tomb nor in a still hidden room in 2000 communes tomb might she be in her own tomb somewhere else in the valley of the kings. in the late 19th century a french egypt ologist discovered or 2 now designated as k.v. 35 that reignited debate about methods his bags author ranchman victor all of a who was excavating in the valley of the kings and $89899.00 discovered successively the tombs of 2 at most of the 3rd and then aman ho-tep the 2nd in k.b. $35.00 is in aman hotel the 2nd burial chamber for an excess were found out 2 of which were bricked up. by removing this all he discovered a number of mummies because that they noticed the very quickly that they were
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oilman. some of these mummies have been identified on the notably there was took most of the cannot miss grandfather who called bell that and aman hotel but the plot if you are certain some mummies have been identified for example and elder lady with long hair you know the younger lady in the baby 35 who had quite a disk bigger base as me and my yard friends. and recently it's been suggested that the younger lady is never to only 15. british egyptologist john fletcher was responsible for their spectacular yet unexpected development in the never g.d. ministry according to her research a young lady in. a series of tests was carried out on there's over 3000 year old corpse as the queen finally been found polygamy good the younger ladies mommy is in
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bad condition moves it with visible damage dating from antiquity to the damage from the village and the damage to her chest was like my smashed were to steel amulet is bound within the body that. some have suggested that the mummy was mutilated on purpose because it was never t.t.'s at this 3rd and if however we have no proof of that will can close the younger lady mamiya continues to fuel egyptologists imaginations it's now carefully preserved in cairo's egyptian museum. after gathering so much information in egypt and europe for protein and travel to cairo to continue than so much of the egyptian museum. there they have an
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appointment with egyptologist. never jihad surely be mummified following a ritual reserved for all they want to find out more about those traditions. were in the mummies room at cairo's egyptian museum i don't know if it's fascinating or frightening it makes an impression. why did it by their kings their royal families and it only does it in ancient egypt where they didn't say people died. they said their breath. also to allow the breath to come back later so the pharaoh in this case ramsay's could live again their bodies had to be mummified. therefore the broke they could return to the body if you will revive but of course there are a formula there are many things to do before him magical oils and all of that it
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took a very vivid look at come back to life so he needs a body. in our religion your soul leaves your body they don't you go they ascended to heaven with their bodies to join their father ron the creator if you want to develop this level so here we have reds is the great according to what is written as these mummies were not found in tools but in a hiding place pretty weird all these mummies and a whole series of other different hiding places they were hidden taken out of there to the people in the priest for the time established it was ramsay's ramses the great god. to discover a mommy's history we need to on its secrets one of the most useful tools for this is genetic analysis. at the foot of the italian alps is a low bar trade routes transforms the wound of egypt ology. geneticist albert sink
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director of the institute for mummies studies has analyzed numerous mummies in egypt including the famous younger lady. she never wanted the d.n.a. revealed yet for the family of the young lady we were able to obtain samples we could use a very small biopsy needle to obtain samples from the long balls especially from this area from the bar but also the same for the leg bones we were able to a different small ball surface because we also intended not to damage the mummy too much but we could get good quality bolts. but for inside of the bells and related analysis in the left it turned out that there's still d.n.a. preserved in the samples. the moment we found out that this monkey is actually the brother of king took that shot was
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a big moment in our research because it took us many months to set up everything to do this out there this is to overcome the ignition problem and i had time to think up these very obvious on the identity of the young lady is in no doubt it's fat albert i think he's convinced she's the mother of 2000 kamui never t.t. . if professor analysis is correct the mission is complete however antonio wants another scientific opinion so he's heading to the paleo genetically pantry at the music impacts. how can genetics help archaeologists and egyptologists to log on is in its exhibit in a 6 is the study of d.n.a. we're very lucky as d.n.a. is a molecule that in tears over the centuries common the problem is it does degrade in a molecule is eternal and i degrades over time the older
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a personal sample the harder it is to find d.n.a. and there are environmental factors to. hold. in the case of egyptian mummies like the younger lady which data from several 1000 years ago is the d.n.a. still usable and then export the system it's an extremely harsh climate and not the ideal conditions for d.n.a. preservation so if they are they is there it surely cut into minute fragments and hard to analyze. data albert sink sounds the young lady was analyzed under the best . constable conditions. value of the young lady most splays from your original true and in my view was medical aid that since it to be different many different people are one and the boss of me on the other hand grave robbers who get in contact with the family or so the scientists and the archaeologists which study their bodies
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since it was found so there busy was a lot of contact of people that left there in a traces on the budget and we have to make sure that we don't generalize the crime to the nation the surface part of the money but the rent each side the money we took biopsy needle small needles to get a sample from inside of the bones to avoid to having to analyze the surface of the body and in addition we took several some of samples of the mummy from different parts of the mummy body in order to compare that there are sites to make sure that in the end you have really the authentic ancient d.n.a. of the young lady and not any modern condemnation. what we could show is based on the genetic fingerprint thing that young lady's the mother of king put in one and we could also get to 5 of the same effort that is the father of children shower after weeks of research and thousands of kilometers of travel through egypt and europe claudine and antonio have followed all the known traces and clues about
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never t.t. and they might even have found. a younger lady mommy could be. still some egyptologists propose other theories and continue to look for the remains of an legendary queen. over 3000 years after her death the beautiful egyptian still fascinates specialists and the public i might never t.t.t. is one of the most employ magic figures of ancient egypt. a great and powerful egypt replete with arc. troll one does the cold so faroes new religion and amazing are 2 x. .
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a person does forced to flee their home nearly 71000000 people have been forcibly displaced and the consequences to say stress in our documentary series displaced depicts traumatic humanitarian crises around the world you know. forget that you know that i didn't go to university to kill people. or to have my boss come to me and tell me to kill someone and again and if i don't they'll kill me. people feel for their lives and their future so they seek refuge abroad but what will become of the worst christine. behind and simply our people my husband went to peru because of the crisis that if he hadn't gone there we would have died of hunger counting down. to starts october 16th.
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this is news live from berlin a truce between boring former soviet republics collapses civilians caught in the crossfire a dozen saw kills and injured as i mean as a budge on trade accusations over the disputed region often the goal of corrupt. and european governments crack down on travel and policy.
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