tv Markus Lanz Deutsche Welle October 12, 2020 10:30pm-11:31pm CEST
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because of course you stay behind and say play a little my husband went to peru because of the crisis that the wanted if he hadn't gone there we would have died of hunger someone i want to sound. good just starts october 16th to talk. her name is amy coney there in just 3 weeks she could be the new judge on the u.s. supreme court she could determine the future of affordable health care and if the presidential election result is contested she could very well decide who the u.s. president will be immediate and incredible power but at what price the credibility of america's highest court is on the line can the court withstand the pull of partisan politics tonight the jury is still out i'm bored off in berlin this is the
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day. i. want to hold this hearing i believe we should not being written forward on this nomination a lot of people on our side just ram it through not until the election is ended i would like the world and the country to know more about your spirit this is a vacancy this occurred there a tragic loss to the great woman and we're going to build that they could see with another great the stakes are extraordinarily high for the american people there's nothing unconstitutional about this process. also coming up corona virus infections are rising across europe but nowhere is the surge as great as in spain and that people say they know who is to blame to not get in more do not want to experience that again the government has to do its homework and
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must keep its promises and more personnel. let's you our viewers watching on p.b.s. in the united states and to all of you around the world welcome we begin the day watching america's politicians trying to hold court today senate hearings of the contentious kind got under way for amy coney bearers the woman president trump has now. emanating from the supreme court if confirmed barrett would tip the scales of the court in favor of the conservatives and to those who would like to see the court overturned major decisions of the past such as the right to an abortion barrett is the holy grail to those who since decades of social progress such as same sex marriage being eroded well they say barrett is a holy nightmare but bear it goes beyond the usual parameters of partisan politics president trump says he wants are on the court by election day next month the
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implication here is obvious and it's troubling if trump loses the election but refuses to accept the results and if the supreme court is asked to decide would barrett come down in favor of president drop which day the battle lines were drawn 1st thing take a listen the bottom line is justice ginsberg when asked about this several years ago said that a president serves 4 years not 3 there's nothing unconstitutional about this process this is a vacancy this occurred there a tragic loss of a great woman and we're going to fill that vacancy with another great moment when justice scalia died in february of 216 senate republicans refused to consider a replacement for his seat until after the election at the time senator mcconnell said the american people should have a voice in the selection of their next supreme court justice bill if approved
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amy kone berridge would be president trump's 3rd supreme court's appointment in 3 years his presidency has already seen the appointments of neil gore sick and brett kavanaugh. i think at 48 to judge amy connie barrett could shape the supreme court for many decades to come 3 years ago trump appointed the staunch conservative to the federal court of appeals in chicago she has indicated support for gun rights trumps immigration policies and restrictions on abortion and l. g.b.t. rights group called her quote an absolute threat feminists fear she may move to restrict abortion rights in 2013 as a professor at the university of notre dame she was quoted as saying life begins at conception senate democrats grilled her on her religious views during the 27000 appeals court confirmation hearings senator california senator dianne feinstein who was even accused of anti-catholic bigotry i think your case
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professor when you read your speeches. the conclusion one draws is that the dog lives loudly within you barrett has said repeatedly that her faith would not interfere with her judicial decisions if barrett is confirmed to be for election day on november 3rd one of the 1st cases in front of her will be about the fate of the affordable care act known as obamacare trump wants to invalidate the law which provides health care to millions of americans. today judge perry deliberate her 1st statements in the u.s. senate and she outlined the role of the courts in her legal opinion but courts are not designed to solve every problem are right every wrong and are public like the policy decisions and value judgments of government must be made by
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the political branches elected by and accountable to the people. the public should not expect courts to do so and courts should not try and my 1st guest tonight predicted the predicament of today's u.s. supreme court years ago in his 2010 book the decline and fall of the american republic bruce ackerman writes that the u.s. presidency in the 21st century will be one of demagoguery and with that will test checks and balances in government and that includes supreme court nominations resume and is a law professor at yale and is one of america's authorities in constitutional law he joins me tonight from new haven connecticut mr ackerman it's good to have you on the day is president trump is he the demagogue president and with his nomination of judge amy barrett is he doing what
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a demagogue president does yes. ok that's that's the that's the long answer that that's the long answer their. answer is yes and hell should how should congress since we're talking about checks and balances how should congress deal with that. well you see i mean i think that the important thing to recognize is that congress isn't some kind of unitary think. the real question right now is the republican senators who are looking in their crystal ball some of them are going to run for reelection in 3 weeks and in about. 5 or 6 of them are in very close races.
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what happens do they really want to vote for this nomination before they know whether what happens in november if they vote for judge byrd. they will alienate. many conservative will educated professional women who will either not voted all or vote for the competitor and so if they make it clear that they don't want to vote then the majority leader of the senate won't be able to do it and they could yet they still haven't go yes. yes moreover there's a whole group of senators who will be in 2022 in 2024 and they won't
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know they they don't know whether trump is going to win or not and they will therefore. be very cautious because if they vote for trump and he loses this will be understood as any. and then judge bear gets if that omission gets that gets on the supreme court this will be understood as a humiliating moment in the history of the constitution of the united states so. my question my point is not to tell you that you or the senate what they should do but to inform your witnesses is that if it's more complicated than if it appears if you ask me yes they probably will appoint judge barrett but it is by no means as clear as every want to say right now the president has implied that he wants barrett on the court by election day in november in case he contests the election
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results now if that does happen wouldn't justice barrett wouldn't she have to recuse herself or could she actually sit in judgment should be the next u.s. president. the president doesn't surprise me unsurprisingly doesn't know the law and the law is that. the supreme court will not. intervene in determining who the next president is going to be rather this decision will be made and this is the constitution is very explicit about this the constitution has $600.00 words out of let's say depends on how you count 3000 which was devoted explicitly to how the president should be selected and the constitution explicitly says that the president and vice president shall be
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selected as their 1st act by the joint session of congress that meets on january of this year 5th or 6th and this session will be presided over by of all people mike pence. and mike pence is the presiding officer and. he will open the ballots this i'm quoting the constitution and the 12th amendment which revise it and and then the each member of each. members of the house will vote in a special decision rule unique in our marriage in the american practice in which each state delegation the $53.00 delegates of california and the one house member from. population state has equal delegates. so there is the need
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$26.00 delegate delegations of states to select the president of the united states. and that's going to be the crucial moment of truth because there may not be 26 republic. delegations or they maybe. what do you think that the president do you think he's expecting there to be a repeat of what we saw happen though in 2000 with george bush and al gore isn't he planning on that happening where the supreme court does decide. well you see i was representative of al gore her. theory i was his representative in that in before the florida state legislature the the it is quite correct to say that the supreme court intervened before january 4th in that case but in our case
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today there are going to be shipped or 7 states that are closely contested contested it is really john roberts will do his utmost to prevent a repeat of bush against gore except the court would have to intervene in 6 or 7 different states and find facts and make decisions in blind things time you know this is you know i don't think it at all i happen to also be quite good with john roberts he is a rule wall conservative a serious jurist i disagree with him on a lot of things but not that he's a serious jurist and he and it is and in this particular he will persuade his colleagues now if truck were to win. by manipulation or something of this kind in the joint session mind you with pence
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making all the contestable rulings and predictably on the side of trump. if. trump does win then we will see a devastating transformation john roberts will lose control of his court. we have 5 really strong conservative with disparate being extraordinarily. you know radical conservative. really let me ask you before we run out of time here are just for the delay we were talking olds in each other here i said at the beginning of the program that the legitimacy and the credibility of the supreme court are now all the while i do you think that that that statement is true either way with
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a reelected president or with a newly elected president by the if trump wins our democracy is in crisis it isn't only the supreme court our entire democracy we will be inviting mar. 1931 ok. no mistake about that if biden winge and the. very strong conservative court appreciates to us soldiers women's rights as they surely will but even more they will assault the foundations of health care in this country and the regulatory apparatus and environment and other things this will precipitate a crisis that is comparable to the court packing crisis of 1937 and. so is the there is no question that. that if biden with
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inch the supreme court members will have to really think do they want to provoke a foundational crisis of the republic of iraq which will no telling them no no no if. a don't know whether it is a longer control the his colleagues over we definitely will come back to you mr ackerman when we get closer to election day and after the election as well to see we're what happens professor ackerman we appreciate your time and your insights tonight thank you. here in europe the summer of low corona virus infections is over all of them is here and the virus well it's proving that it never left more european countries or reimposing coronavirus restrictions as the continent grapples with rising infection rates spain is the hardest hit country with 860000 cases the spanish central government
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has declared a state of emergency in the capital madrid doctors there say that they are preparing for the worst. the lineups continue to get longer in front of moderates health care centers. the workday should already be over for dr mano garo but she's making time for a quick interview outside her clinic the authorities have banned doctors from talking to the media however she won't be silenced and she remembers only too well the disastrous weeks back in march when moderates health care system collapsed. did not get him or do not want to experience that again the government has to do its homework and must keep its promises and more personnel that's the only way we'll be able to master the situation and protect the population. the number of those testing positive in madrid has been increasing dramatically for weeks but instead
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of dealing with it the conservative regional government got in broiled in a dispute with spain's ruling center left government. epidemiologist gothia together with $600.00 health care experts released a report accusing decision makers of not having learned from what's happened in recent months. that actions are simply negligent and they aren't intervening the pandemic has worsened again since the end of july and they are apparently hoping that the problem will go away by itself. shot up watching these after 1st declining to deal with the accusations now that it's deputy minister of health is ready to state his case despite about 10000 people having died so far from the disease in the spanish capital he sees no reason to be self-critical. so we're not magic it is a safe city it has a fantastic health care system we already saw that in spring and considering all
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measures taken we certainly should not disregard the possible social or economic consequences for citizens in last friday the central government finally. he imposed a temporary state of emergency in madrid effectively overpowering their regional government since then strict rules have been imposed again local only allowed to leave the city in exceptional cases the virus would be less destructive if i'll put it titian's actually did that job it's a sentence that you hear more and more on the streets off now that it's people are increasingly tired of a political system in which power games seem more important than pragmatic crisis management and they hardly see any sign of improvement. at all it isn't done yet she takes a short coffee break 3 hours after her shift was supposed to end and will then attends to more patients she's worried that the coming days will even be longer for her and her colleagues. i want to bring in now endure he's the madrid
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correspondent for the new york times he joins us tonight from the spanish capital feels good to have you on the program spain we understand has been marking its national day holiday today what were those celebrations like. well there were very muted in past years you would have had a big military parade and certainly many more people out on the streets this year you had a new visual minutes of great you had just a very small gathering of the political leaders. this morning and what you need instead in was what was essentially a crude test a car parade. led by point courage by the far right books party to protest the latest state of emergency measures and he says yes for the government the central government to resign or over. on friday the national government imposed a walk down on the capital against the wishes of the regional government so why is
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it that spanish politicians can't agree on a strategy during what is obviously a national public health emergency. well i think you have to go back to the fact that just as spain have not been agreeing on very much for many years we can run a long list of other things on which to have a live read and i think year 2 will suit keep in mind in what kind of political situations got into this coronavirus crisis generally was the coming into office of complete limbo year 2 elections of the new mine ricky left wing government and in 2 months up to date it was facing endemic it probably was one of the weakest governments and one of the most controversial ones in the sense that the opposition was already calling for the government to to resign even before
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it came into office so i think spain unfortunately the country starts off in a very very fragile position in terms of its politics and the crisis has made things really worse all the divisions that where there before rather than getting a bit over deeper yet especially in madrid infection rates in madrid are double the rest of the country why has it hit the capital so hawt. it's a difficult one because it's the same scenario we had in the spring one small madrid is basically counting about one 3rd of the national numbers but in terms of cases and casualties number dead i think. we have to take into account that. it's one of the it is the biggest city it has alongside barcelona dealing the big subway network it's also
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a city that attracts well as one of the arguments that is the gateway to space that the fagots fim is basically not testing people can rival at madrid apple probably hasn't helped and i think you know all soon it's fair to say that it's a very densely populated city specially in some of its. outer areas in the suburbs . it's it's just hard to explain exactly why i did differences mr sharon but it makes sense you know in in big cities there are more people moving around more people public transport what's the situation in the hospitals in madrid i remember when we have had the 1st spike or surge back in march and april we talked a lot about the number of health care workers who were infected and who died. that's right i think the one plus. in this new wave is that healthcare
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system is better prepared. in the 1st wave essentially doctors were sent to the hospitals without even basic protective gear and that brought some of the worst infection numbers anywhere in terms of the health care stuff this time around of course they have had time and they have gloves they have protection gear but i would say their moral is down from last time because they've already given a lot to fight the 1st wave from much to do i think it's a it's a mixed picture but in terms of the help to doctors and nurses i think it's and it's down from what it was back in april the i'd been used to looking at it from the outside you get the impression though that spain has maybe not warned the westerns that it should have learned from back in april when you can pair it to italy for example which is faring much better now is that it is that
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a fair assessment. i think right now it's a terrace essman because that's what the numbers tell us but we see that the numbers in all countries of europe shift very quickly sir you know what we're seeing to tonight my not hauled in in 2 weeks' time but i do think one thing that is fair to say is that spain was desperate to get a good sum a good economic sulla it's a tourism country and it felt they needed a rebound in the summer if it was going to survive economically so the getting out of the. first wave was done as quick as possible in the case of madrid actually was fast tracked they jumped the last phrase of what was supposed to be the screw moving out ok lockdown and now we're seeing them seeing spain paid a price for this i guess to some extent they did their best to have a good summer and didn't have it right here mentor for joining us tonight from
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madrid rafia we appreciate your reporting tonight thank you thank you. the day is almost done the conversation continues online you find us on twitter in 30 w new she can follow me in print golf t.v. and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see you then everybody. a little. blue.
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the world population is increasing the climate is trying to it's getting warmer and there are going to be more and more places where you cannot grow critical problems we have to fix this the way to do that is to use the modern genetics modification methods to make that a crawl it is a look who looks safer than anything we've done by traditional dramatic modification you take one to need you know exactly what it is you put it into another plant to become a map exactly where it's gone i think we will be able to provide enough food for people by 2050 if we can make crops that were grow under 70 arid conditions this will lead to meet a much greater stability in the food supply that we have at the moment.
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this is g.w. newswire from berlin in the u.s. senate contentious hearings to confirm the woman president trump wants on the supreme court republicans are rushing to get 'd amy tony barrett just proves ahead of november's presidential election her confirmation would seal the court's shift to the right also coming up the confusion surrounding karuna here in germany coronavirus restrictions seems to change by the week critics say there are too many different rules which often make no sense and they are chico. it is john that's the
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morning from scientists returning from the largest ever expedition to study climate change around the north pole. by brant goff it's good to have you with us we begin tonight with the woman who could be the next u.s. supreme court justice today the u.s. senate began the process of filling the vacant seat on the country's top court and cementing a conservative majority there before november's presidential election republicans are rushing to confirm president trump's nominee amy kone barrett today the senate started 4 days of questioning on her positions on health care abortion and gun rights her nomination has sparked a partisan fight over filling vacant supreme court seats in the election year. of speaking to the committee for the 1st time today barry think us president trump for
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nominating ranking member feinstein and members of the committee i'm honored and humbled to appear before you today as a nominee for associate justice of the supreme court. i thank the president friend trusting me with this profound responsibility as well as for the graciousness that he and the 1st lady have shown my family throughout this process are you more now i'm joined by our correspondent carla blacker she's on the story for us in washington good evening to you carla so the country heard for the 1st time today a statement by amy barrett what how did she presents herself. she came across as very calm very self-assured and she talked about her her family and the role that plays in her life she answered used her husband and each of her 7 kids individually but she of course also talked about her career as
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a law professor at notre dame and as a church for the 7th circuit court of appeals she talked about things that are not controversial talk to me a little bit about why her nomination is so controversial it is controversial mainly for the timing we are now roughly 3 weeks away from the u.s. presidential elections and democrats are outraged that the republicans are trying to push through this nomination before election day they are saying they should wait that the u.s. people are the american people should decide who the next president will be and then this president should decide who the next supreme court justice will be the republicans on the other hand are saying well a president is elected for 4 years not 3 years and this process is entirely constitutional so why should we not go through with exactly the democrats say that
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that. was not guaranteed for president obama when he was in the white tells let's assume that there does become a justice on the supreme court what will be her will we're. as we have heard she was solidified the conservative majority on the supreme court if she gets confirmed it will be 6 justices who are considered conservative and 3 justices who are considered liberal now she likely won't answer any questions about how she would rule on specific issues that hasn't really been customary for prospective justices to do in these confirmation hearings for a couple of decades now but we know that she has talked critically about the affordable care act also known as obamacare in the past and this is important because later in november after the election the supreme court will hear a case about the affordable care act where
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a group of republicans from texas want to completely abolished and speculate that the president has picked any county parent because he believes she will help the supreme court's abolish the affordable care act which is something that he has been trying to achieve his entire time in office that's true it's a good point it could be one of the very 1st items of business that she does if she wins the nomination correspondent karl of like wrote the story for us in washington tonight carla thank you or let's take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world long lines have formed in the u.s. state of georgia on the 1st day of early voting for next month's presidential election voters waited up to 4 hours in some locations for pandemic and interest in the election this year have prompted a surge in early voting instincts that allow it facebook c.e.o. mark zuckerberg has announced that the platform will be imposed to deny or distort the holocaust users who search for information about the nazi genocide will instead
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be directed to authorities he did sources the change is part of facebook's attempt to tackle conspiracy theories and misinformation ahead of the u.s. presidential election. this year's nobel economics prize and with it nearly a 1000000 u.s. dollars has been awarded to 2 americans paul know graham and robert wilson they specialize in option theory if their work helps in training everything from airport landing slots to buying and selling goods on. the. police in the bell regime capital minsk kept clashed with pensioners protesting against the regime of president alexander lukashenko the march came a day after police arrested $700.00 people at a mass protests the bill rusian government has now authorized fully used to use lethal weapons against protesters. european union foreign
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ministers have agreed to impose sanctions on russia for the poisoning of kremlin critic alexina following germany and france put forward the proposal after concluding that while scale must have been involved the european union is also threatening sanctions against leader alexander lukashenko unless he holds the crackdown against protesters and holds talks to diffuse his country's political crisis. with a 1000000 same sentiments consomme day again demonstrators took to the streets and once again they were detained in droves security forces entered the mass protest with water cannon stun grenades and lodge scale arrests in luxembourg and you foreign ministers said they'd see no change in belarus and would now ready to add president alexander lukashenko to a list of 40 officials already under sanction and today ministers reconfirm that mr lucas lacks any democratic base you can see and gave him
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a politically light to start preparing. that next section package which will include ricocheting kill himself. the foreign ministers also criticized russia saying moscow had made no effort to clarify the circumstances surrounding the poisoning of opposition leader alexina vonnie last week the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons confirmed the deadly nerve agent nabil chalk was used on of on the and now the e.u. is preparing new sanctions against russia. to try to crush often we along with france are proposing sanctions be imposed on those individuals we believe to have been involved in this crimes question often. that could mean asset freezes and all travel bans for those names that appear on the sanction list. where in europe germany has fared better during the coronavirus endemic than many
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of its neighbors but the number of new hot spots across the country is on the rise especially in urban areas well that's prompted a range of new restrictions which differ from state to state leaving lots of people uncertain about the rule. 2 weeks of fall vacations are in full swing for many people across germany but travel will be difficult this year especially for those living in the country so-called corona virus risk areas. various areas have surpassed the threshold of 50 infections per 100000 residents over one week including german cities like berlin munich frankfurt and cologne. to try to stop the spread of the virus many german states have introduced travel restrictions for people who live in the risk areas in the states they can't stay in hotels or guest houses unless they show
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a negative covert 19 test no older than 48 hours or quarantine for 14 days but other states haven't imposed restrictions the picture is chaotic making it hard for people in germany to understand where they can travel to and under what conditions the federal government is the fending the measure but critics say the domestic travel restrictions won't help stop the pandemic and will put a strain on germany's testing system. in my opinion really a reasonable. measure because most travelers are. low risk. of very important and very very p.c.r. tests in order to make sure that. it is also very burdensome for the travelers and it is basically useless for controlling the penned in germany. the
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new restrictions have disrupted travel plans at a time when many families across the country normally go on vacation people are frustrated by the lack of clarity. on the one hand they think it's confusing for example i live in brandenburg and work in berlin and sometimes i wonder which rules apply where this always leads to some confusion and i would have liked more consistent rules i would prefer some uniform rules citizens would be more aware and maybe the rules would be communicated better. and if people understood the measures better maybe more would respect them. german chancellor angela merkel will meet with state leaders on wednesday as criticism of the accommodation ban grows they will try to bring some order to the chaos. political correspondent linda crean said this update on how the government views this current situation in germany. the government is worried this folks men for the
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chancellor said today that the situation is very serious that the country is on the verge of we're already in a 2nd wave and that germany is associating an increase in the number of severe cases requiring hospitalization and intensive care so he called this a decisive moment for germany melinda cray reporting there the arctic ocean is die that is the stern warning brought back by scientist who spent a year studying climate change around the north pole. the last few yards of the most complex north pole expedition ever after a year in the arctic the german research ship pull our stan is coming home a special moment for the woman in charge of the alfred figure institute. do you see my tears of joy i am so happy that our ship is back home and when i saw it again
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after such a long time i thought we are so lucky that everyone has arrived home safely. last fall the polar stand froze on to an ice floe and drifted across the arctic at a speed of about 12 kilometers a day propelled by the isis movement on ocean currents the crew came from 20 different nations and worked throughout the darkness of the arctic winter in temperatures that sunk as low as minus 40 degrees celsius one danger throughout the trip was hungry polar bears nonetheless they successfully gathered the information necessary to learn more about climate change. the expedition paid off i am thoroughly satisfied with the results we have pushed the limits of polar research we returned with a treasure trove of data and samples from the arctic that will have a long term effect on science the expedition of 140000000 euros
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but it's not over yet for the scientists who are on board it will take them years to analyze the data and samples that were collected on the. sports news now when u.s. basketball the los angeles lakers have won their 1st in be a championship title in a decade. to the streets outside the staples center to celebrate last night the lakers victory over the miami heat gives the team a record 17 a championship. season that resumed in july after a 4 month for 19 shut. our george w. news here's a reminder of those top stories that we're following this hour at the u.s. senate the start of the confirmation hearing for president trumps 3rd pick for the u.s. supreme court republicans are rushing to confirm any before november's presidential election if approved she would cement a conservative majority on the course. you're watching the news coming up
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must be done. make up your own mind. made. the nobel prize for economics goes to 2 u.s. economists paul milgram and robert wilson for their research on auctions there he will look at that ground breaking work also coming up the o.e.c.d. and reseating issues of push notification it says global digital tax is not going to be agreed before the end of this year despite almost $140.00 countries pushing for it. why some men as in japan are battling to have nuclear waste
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dump to match how. this is going to be a business on robots in berlin or come to the program. running off a week of awards the royal swedish academy of sciences has given the economics nobel prize to 2 american researches paul milgram and robert wilson it's actually the only category that wasn't established in alfred nobel's will back in 895 it was created in 1909 but that does not make winning it any less sweet. americans have dominated the economics nobel in this year is no exception us academics paul milgram and robert wilson were honored for their groundbreaking research on auction theory the jury noted that the auction formats they developed quote are everywhere and affect our everyday lives they're used in markets for most everything from fishing rights to electricity. every day astronomical
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values between buyers and sellers they affect all of us perhaps more than we think . the 2 economists are affiliated with stanford university in california milgram is 72 wilson is 83 when a swedish academy called to notify him of the selection he admitted that he sticks to theory rather than practice is the way to go bargain or. we might have never actively participate if you don't. mind waiting for it just to be there reporting. for us because they don't when they're going to be a knock at my door. who also lives across the street came over me was knocking my door saying. oh you know bill bennett me along with recognition the prize comes with a hefty award amounting to some 950000 euros which the 2 researchers will share.
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now the organization for economic co-operation and development says a digital tax could help support countries joining the coronavirus crisis companies such as apple and amazon will be forced to pay out at least 10 percent of their profits according to germany's finance minister the o.e.c.d. says such a tax could bring in $100000000000.00 a year worldwide a significant amount but why are we talking about this now well sales and profits at major tech companies have risen despite the pandemic helping steep climb in stocks apple and amazon have seen their shares leave over 50 percent well over in the case of amazon yet the e.u. has complained that apple pays less than one percent tax on its european endings and in the u.s. amazon paid just 1.2 percent tax on its profits last year but that is up on
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a 0 the year before $137.00 countries have agreed in principle to a digital tax framework but can't agree on how to go about it meaning a final decision has now been delayed until next year. well on this let's speak to accor spondon on wall street jose luis to haro and you're in the united states u.s. companies are going to be overwhelmingly impacted by whatever tax ends up being brought together. that's right to rob don't only are poor in amazon bad we are we're talking about google or facebook or even among others and some of these companies are actually eager for a global agreement that would limited a complications of compline we've what it seems to be a few printed you told services taxes in many countries but others say fear the agreement will raise their taxes and inspected lee so for us or trish 3 secretaries
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stephen menu she has pushed for prohibition in any kind of deal that would effectively allow the american corporations to be able to choose whether or not to be burned by did global tax system set up by a potential agreement obviously duties are demanded that all their leaders in countries oppose a while it seems that nothing will really come to fruition at least until the middle of next year and after the presidential elections here in the u.s. you know in the meantime some countries have taken you in unilateral action on this they've seen france bring in its digital tax may have how's that going. not doing really well since it has increased tensions with the trump administration especially after each really spain and many other countries have followed france's
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the lead in response to us is ready actually to to impose new targets against countries considering or already adopted a digital taxes so far the us announced 25 percent tariffs over $1300000000.00 of french goods by the to be applied by the end of this year if france their presence ahead to impose it said 3 percent tax on on revenue from digital services to french users jose luis the hero in new york thanks for bringing us up to date of the coronavirus pandemic has forced major changes in the way companies do business some like online retail as delivery services for example are profiting from the crisis but others of course are struggling to survive that also applies to us firms in germany the american chamber of commerce here did a survey showing that in the spring 82 percent of u.s. companies were expecting higher turnover in 2020 but as you can see here by autumn
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that number drops to 22 percent the same with investment 2 in spring 58 percent of u.s. companies in germany were planning to invest more but 6 months later only 30 percent want to then as the presidential election of course well we asked the president of the american chamber of commerce in germany frank supporter laurie if he thinks the outcome will influence future business ties between europe and the united states. well 1st i'd like to point out we're not at all a political organization strictly commerce but we do poll our members on that topic the overwhelming majority of them say that the outcome of the elections will have a significant impact and the vast majority also feel that change that ministration would be good for transatlantic business in general we're still trying to figure out a little bit which way i prefer president biden would go he said various things
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some of which concern or some of which we find positive but either way we continue our work and i think the transatlantic relationship will continue on strongly now time for a look at some of the other business stories making the news as the coronavirus pandemic sends us unemployment rates soaring many americans risk losing their health insurance just when they could need it most around half of the u.s. citizens are insured by their employers and there is no help with medical costs without insurance congress has approved a package to make coverage 19 testing free but not covered 1000 feet meant. an inbred trade talks fishing remains a problem france insists the e.u. has the rights to fish in british waters to new york mr clement bone says trust is in it is an issue after u.k. policies undercut the withdrawal agreement echoing former u.k. prime minister to resign may he added that no deal is better than
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a bad deal with it but we need a most people would hate the idea of having a load of radioactive waste dumped in that neighborhood but in japan some municipalities are actively bidding to host a new nuclear disposal site and of course secure the generous subsidies that come with it. this is sue in northern japan the town has a population of 2900 most people make a living from fishing here but the industry is in decline that's prompted many to move away in search of work. now the mayor wants to bring jobs back to do so he's asked the central government in tokyo to allow the town to host a nuclear waste dump or to. seriously discuss the projects to build a final disposal site for high level radioactive waste now having to apply for the 1st stage of the way. the survey consists of 3 stages once they're completed the
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government will reach a decision in the 1st stage all towns that apply get 2000000000 yen that's more than 16000000 euros in subsidies for 2 years and they receive even more money in the latter stages so far another small town has applied to host the nuclear dump the central government welcomes the competition goes to physically the government will continue to work hard to encourage as many areas as possible across the country to become interested in the final disposal project. but the fukushima nuclear power plant disaster 9 years ago is still vivid in the memory of many japanese and mayors are expecting objections from locals in 2007 even before that disaster a town in western japan that had filed an application had to withdraw it after protests from residents. and finally local businesses in iceland's
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capital reykjavik have clubbed together to rid their city streets of a goodly scourge that funding 70 year old could join oscar campaign to clear the pavements of discarded chewing gum the job came just as he was made unemployed and he says it's rewarding to scrub the sticky blobs away and has cleared away over 15 . thousands of them in the last 11 weeks and he is keeping count as you're about to say and he wishes people would just stop and think before gulping that go out on to city streets. so for me in the business team here in berlin thanks a lot for joining us.
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confrontation between china and taiwan the superpower is threatening to invade its neighbor. how serious is it how is china justifying its claims. richard walker analyzes the causes and dangers of the conflict in taiwan china's next target comes up. in 60 minutes on d w. in the art of climate change.
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the islamists in 6. years today have no further future. teetotal dot com africa because of the melting you. could cut or. kill that volume or that hard and in the end is a me you're not allowed to stay here any more we will send you that. are you familiar with this. with the smugglers would lie and say. what's your story. 'd on what numbers of women especially of victims of violence. take part and send us your story we are trying always to understand this new culture.
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for you are not a very little or nothing yes you want to become a citizen. in for migrants your platform for reliable information. this is state of being is africa coming up on the program. public anger problems the bad of a notorious police unit in nigeria but that is not of peace the protesters we find out why. a last it's back to school in kenya but only for some and it's a happy return despite the new restrictions.
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