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tv   Kulturzeit  Deutsche Welle  October 15, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm CEST

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true. anymore. true realizing there's a radically different way of. drawing. starts november 6th on the w. . this is these are. coming up today reeling under the impact of floods. millions of vietnam and cambodia out affected as floodwaters destroyed houses and crops southern india to deal with the record rainfall. and cinemas in india following the covert lockdown we find out how the people behind the bollywood 1st i've been surviving without.
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i'm british by mystery welcome to d.w. news asia it's good to have you with us large parts of south and southeast asia are reeling from floods brought on by heavy rains and storms these are visuals from holy on in central vietnam showing its famous ancient underwater close to a 1000000 people in the country are affected and at least 36 people have died over in india record rainfall in the southern state of telangana has killed at least 15 people it's part of a wider trend in south asia where more than 9600000 people have been affected by severe flooding this year. hyderabad is drowning the rain has been relentless in the south indian city and it's now. and one deadly incident flood which has pushed
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a woman to the house which collapsed on impact. other victims were swept away and raging currents. pressley teams have been working day and night but they can't get to everyone presidents in some areas in some areas say that had no help at all. 500 or 2 golden holders a lot of problems in the water since yesterday night and nobody visited this place so what people are suffering kicks off opening there is no food no water no milk. service to go. catastrophic scenes also in cambodia deadly flash floods have hit the west of the country prompting the evacuation of some 2 under half 1000 people. the military and police have been deployed to assist with the massive operation and hand out much needed food to isolated communities.
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and this is the scene and neighboring vietnam where flooding has claimed the most casualties in the last week after a 1000000 people have been impacted by the floods some 200000 homes are underwater and there are fears the death toll could rise after a catastrophic landslide hit a mountainous area in central vietnam. and there's no relief in sight more bad weather is expected as tropical storm pummels the country and aid groups say it could overwhelm even the most resilient communities. and joining me for more is a program coordinator for the international federation of the red cross and red crescent societies in bangkok and thailand welcome what is the scale of the damage that we're seeing in vietnam and cambodia. yes. the tropical depression is induced significant heavy rain in the past
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many days. in vietnam and cambodia and laos well so the flood has caused significant and serious damages to almost 100. 1000 households in several provinces of the central of yet none and it is also clear that close to a 1000000 people will be faced that by these floods because of their holes in and they hit in the water and he's only destroyed and including their life. in cambodia according to the national disaster. management committee that is the sole still having a serious issues and flooding which is. force.
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i'll hand a 1000 people have been so afraid that. this flooding problems are ongoing could all know about a sperm turmeric is that having a double impact on people absolutely i mean this double whammy making it even power for all 1000000 people already struggling with their economy trail out there called the night in an egg that has destroyed. livelihood. what is the government doing about double worries urgent call them is the government being able to cope. at the moment the government is giving up their priority into sochi and rescue and saving lives.
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together with local authorities and. red cross as well so of course i mean the what i just mentioned the. 19 pandemic has for taking the overall capacity of the communities so i think there is something that international community also have to look into this and try our best to leave and to work together so that people will be able to access to relief and. recover the spirit of cooperation is what is been defamed generally through this corner of our responder but are you really seen that international help in trying to help these affected communities. can you repeat the question are you really seeing help
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coming from the international community to lead the work that you are doing or the governments are doing to try and help these affected communities although i think this kind of situation after the start floods after floods and blasts we call the night in pandemic and i think it is also even for a very wealthy and resilient community it is also something the yell. too much so i think that it is not this in the the individual government of any organization but i think we need to to come together and. sort it out. hard run from the international federation of the red cross and red crescent societies thank you so much for speaking with us.
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most cinemas in india have reopened after a 7 month hiatus because of the coronavirus spend the reopening in some states comes despite a rise in case counts that is currently above 7000000 the 2nd highest in the almost 10000 theaters flows. to india imposed one of the longest and strictest lockdowns in the wild cinemas adri opening now with a staggered show timings separated seats and mosques and mandatory temperature charts one trade on list called the reopening a momentous occasion to understand by listen to him explain all indians. most of the people go to the cinema not to be educated not to learn something to be
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already to be entity and as long as human beings are like the medieval indian men will not. dance with well you would being the cheapest form of entertainment and it ended in the need for entertainment you know it is unnatural you can already. it may not die but it certainly slowed down during the prime time a bollywood hero refers to the indian language film industry based primarily in mumbai who's filming should be ones were impacted during the months of lockdown and so to where the earnings of thousands who depend on it for survival. glamorous elaborate song and dance routines. that's how most of the world. but behind the glitzy for thousands of deviates workers who form the backbone of the film industry. yet they
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remain anonymous and live at its margins far from the scene under she is one of them. he lives in a wondrous flat and is just one breadwinner in his family of 4. if. the tidy 5 years under worked as a background dancer in countless people moving if his work completely dried up as the forward 1000 pandemic forced the film industry to shut down if not before the block down i used to get good walk i would get one or 2 songs. i managed to on about 18000 rupees every pundit which used to take care of my family's expenses but for the past 6 months or so there's been nothing new to me in the. under is now finding it difficult to make ends meet and he's far from the only
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one people who have been hit the hardest are the daily beaches who work in various capacities in the industry including as makeup assistant in light of the spot boy group dances and julie are just most of them are now struggling to find what is now just beginning to pick up a bit but only in fits and starts and under. and the widest measures. budgets have been pared back as the indian film industry reels from the shutdown of movie theaters its biggest source of revenue even and then the shoot just starting now the actors especially are requesting for minimal crews so our crew sizes i shrinking rich of course means those people who were doing leverage will end up being the biggest loser in this show you. know under is increasingly desperate for work and has been reaching out to others in the industry. but of my it's not
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like we have the security of a permanent job. in the foot and walk otherwise we get nothing if i do have hope of finding work again the world after all. having worked all his life in movies which allow others to dream. these stories we also have. that's it for today be sure to check out other stories on. facebook and we're leaving now with images of a digital exhibit in tokyo these are from the team. at the digital art museum in tokyo a number of these lights in there when people approach them or touch there's a lot of the same time.
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combating the pandemic. where does research stand. what are scientists learning. background information and. our corona. 19 special next on d w. jim if. at any time i've come any place. yeah i don't like
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a. song to sing along to see this to come from soup but. for . interactive exercises. everything is online and interactive enjoyment a free gift a w. i. the race continues for a coronavirus vaccine still the highest hopes of treating infections from the medicines that already exist approved for other diseases or in development. it's called repurpose ing. to know that. drugs like that. it's important to
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know what stage a treatment is most effective medicines helpful early on when the infection is mild when there are no breathing problems could be ineffective or harmful to a patient. continue to scour their portfolios for possible solutions the world has never faced a pandemic of these proportions in a moment i'll talk to an expert from the european medicines agency 1st a look at some of the drugs that are being repurposed. anti-viral medicines were originally developed for hiv hepatitis c. influenza and 2 other coronaviruses sars and mares they're designed to stop the disease from reproducing or entering long cells anti-inflammatories are used to treat rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory diseases they're supposed to limit the body's defenses and severe long infestations to avoid further information which would cause more damage than the disease medicines for long complications are
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designed to treat idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis they help supply the patient's longs with sufficient oxygen and help to long to repair themselves cardiovascular medicines were developed to treat blood clots or heart disease they're now being used to prevent complications from covert 19. is head of biological health threats and strategy at the european medicines agency is a pharmacologist who spent several years in antibacterials and antifungals in preclinical and clinical development so where are we at in treating corona with medication. yeah we're seeing some important advancements in particular i think they use all of them at the saw not for treatment of the light patients we call the 19 and with important results from the recovery study showing the benefits to immortality using this a medicine has i mean for the advancement and will be used and also the antivirus
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does appear one of the 1st one to be tested in clinical trials for the treatment of corby 19 it showed that the ability over a few scenes at the time to recall vary so the time to start from the off the gulf region we had all the lies that call the 19 and therefore d's are so far the most significant that fast meant that we are reaching tons of these these i went through the various treatments before what are the most effective as the straight lines yeah yeah there's a matches on indeed the movement giving us the most impressive results so far and we really hope to see other interventions that will be as effective as this one and really the combination of deeper and more dolly piece of treatment will be but important to be investigating the future we are posing a hope in the new 1 o'clock on 2 bodies with that and neutralizing activity story acting as unto biros and probably the combination of all bunty bar as we say new no
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more do needles my might be the most interesting were to follow in the future. it took a long time to find the right mix to treat hiv we going to have to wait that long suppose it. we are not to of course your everything is much more compressed in time and fortunately there are still a lot of patients out with severe called the 19 and be hospitalized and we have seen the correctly in europe new wave all cases including similar cases so we're really all that clinical trials that are running out the moment and there are several efforts we'll be able to deliver you know much faster way what we need to know about what could be the best intervention c.r. and how to combine the different agents of course is very important and one of the lessons learned that we need a lot from the mosque and the core trust and the small mentee clinical research that we've seen in the beginning part all seem europe is not really elsewhere
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because we need larger studies to tell exactly what is working and which patients but instead of free purposing all these different drugs developed to treat different diseases what what about new therapies. yet in terms of one to virus in the new way both products are brand new and they cover all the small molecules seem not to read that severe or indeed the zante bodies that have the potential to naturalize the virus and being battery effective and indeed we seeing this with other emerging viruses like it how they can be a really bach pulling times all reducing the burden of disease so we are really hoping that all these new maxine's will provide really new opportunities and really be helpful in fact fully tweaking the station as he said the new drugs could reduce the burden the need to hospitalizations i guess what we do need is a drug that works at all stages ard. absolutely in fact so we're really supporting
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the effort by many developers to study different drugs at different stages of the culture in 1000 d.c.'s starting really from their profile oxys and post this for your profile oxys going to treatment of mine p.c.'s in the out patient and then of course the treatment of severe copy 99 patients that i was brutalized and maybe we will need a combination of different drugs depending on the difference and point of all the z's all of your encouraging new therapies but why isn't more being spent on that potential vaccines have received about 6 times more funding than the therapies and we don't even know if we'll get a vaccine. i guess from what i can say is that he's believed that the vaccine could ever be the end of the day yet bigger impact on the course of the fund than we can also in trying to contain the spread of the virus and this is what will be learned for a number all. diseases over years and decades but of course you're absolutely right
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there probably we need not to forget that also tara pure dicks are streaming important and the efforts to be put also in that are to make sure that we have a group or for your or treatment options that cover different pharmacological activities in order to make to make sure that we can treat this one as possible in a non christian way patients with different stages of the disease from the a used top strategist marco company thank you very much for your time thank you building of time is germany's 2nd biggest pharmaceuticals company with close to 6 and a half 1000 staff and busy working on various drugs including a special covert 19 therapy. these antibodies may be invisible to the human eye but they could play a vital role in neutralizing the corona virus scientists in the laboratories and bieber half said they are developing new treatments as fast as they can. we are
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generating antibodies to bind with the virus and prevent it from infecting other cells and the human body in fact. so these antibodies are designed to catch the virus after it has entered the body yet before it can do any damage this side of an upper sway be a is brilliant in the himes largest research and development center the head of the german division says the prospects for b. are good. by we're in the middle of the process of building up our team and our workforce and we expect a slight increase in personnel over the next few years and. another approach to fighting the coronavirus is the in-house molecular library the so-called treasure troves these shells contain over a 1000000 different chemical substances the accumulated knowledge of the pharmaceutical giant researchers are investigating whether these substances are
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suitable for treating some of the effects of covert 19 the scientist said person or have joined 36 other pharmaceutical companies and research institutes around the world to form a consortium to fight the corona virus. invent some enough by if we can work together and we can pull the best information from each contributor and that is precisely the goal of the consortium to bring together all the experts and move forward quickly once again but it could take years before an anti coronavirus drug is approved the scientists at drilling or in the heim say it's too early to speculate about a possible release date. time to look at the viewer questions that have been coming in on how you tube channel is there williams. it's covered 19 now endemic. when i read this question i thought ok it's time to
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talk about the elephant in the room the fact that despite all of our fondest hopes this virus is not going to fizzle out and go away 1st let's define endemic the way we're using the word here is in its epidemiological sense which describes when an infection is more or less constantly present in the background within a specific population and geographic region but it also implies that it's in a kind of steady state which hope in 1000 is not at the moment it's still spreading fast and furiously in many places all over the planet one of 2 things could happen next when enough people build up immunity to it through infection or vaccination covert 19 could become an endemic disease or it could just apparently burn itself out and disappear like sars dead but not that's not going to happen in other words at this point if we could say that the disease wasn't dead that we'd actually be
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farther along the road towards returning to life as usual that we are it would mean covert 9000 was no longer out of control but was a disease we had tools to cope with we'll develop those tools eventually just like we did. aids and influenza in fact probably a lot faster but but wiping the virus out entirely at this point would take a massive planet wide strategy like the one that wiped out smallpox and is nearly banished polio but projects like that take high levels of cooperation between nations and they take time so covert 19 is going to be with us for the foreseeable future but to some extent at least for how long will depend on us. humans on the other ones going through difficult times during the pandemic some zoos a closed door have very few visitors and often lack the funds to feed their animals so much as from perot's launches wholesale food market have joined forces and
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donated over 10 tonnes of fruit vegetables to help feed the animals of lima. it seemed visited numbers tumble from around 500-2508 day and leave you with the animals nice to have you along for another code special here on the facility have a nice one a lot of. meat .
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to the barricades in defense of cultural autonomy. in brooks kentucky by the country's top arts university the far right government wants to impose a government over morning or to the school. to student protesters strongly oppose this measure. the culture war in congress is. focused on. 90 minutes d w. b our fighters want to start families to become farmers or
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engineers everyone of them as a planet in a super you should. say nothing is just on the children who have already been the boy and those that will follow are part of a new process. you know they could be the future of. granting opportunities global news that matters d. w. made from minds. every day campus for us and for our planet. is on its way to bring you more conservation abundantly mixing screen. how can we protect our budget. we can make a difference to the binding environmental series of moving. on.
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every 2 seconds a person does forced to flee their home nearly 71000000 people have been forcibly displaced and the consequences of the disastrous our documentary series displaced depicts dramatic humanitarian crises around the world you know. what a good thing will be that i didn't go to university to kill people. or to have my boss come to me and tell me to kill someone to get my and if i don't they'll kill me. people feel for their lives and their future so they seek refuge abroad but what will become of the person who stayed behind it's a. battle my husband went to pearl because of the crisis. that if he hadn't gone there we would have died of hunger down. the biggest starts october 16th.
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but. enough to stop an exponential increase in the program. no. trade talks in the balance. of democracy protesters in.


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