tv Auf den Punkt Deutsche Welle October 16, 2020 2:00pm-2:46pm CEST
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beethoven 2023rd 250th anniversary year on. pro-democracy protesters in thailand often back on the streets once again defying a government ban on demonstrations and a warning from the prime minister not to gather they say they won't back down until their demands for change i mean. also coming up. the u.s. presidential candidates square off from a distance at separate televised events joe biden and donald trump reveal that very
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different views on issues from the pandemic so racial justice. and g.w. visits kenya's rift valley where rising water levels flooded entire communities displacing thousands that inhabits homes. i'm get out of as welcome to the program protesters in thailand ha back on the streets for another day of anti-government demonstrations thousands of people are gathering in the central bangkok in defiance of an emergency decree that bans public gatherings police have stepped up action to try to deter them. to activists were charged under a rarely used law that prohibits violence against the queen if found guilty the past could face life in prison. thailand's prime minister.
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says he won't stand down and has defended his government's attempts to quell the armrest. your role well aware of the situation they need it up the government must use the emergency decree that. so we have to proceed with it because the situation became violent. and some of the things happening now have never happened before. the protesters are demonstrating to call feel resignation. really what's your decision oh i'm not quitting. in the fall of shareable from bangkok he's the asia correspondent for british newspaper sunday times full of thailand's prime minister has no intention apparently to step down what has the reaction been on the streets today. well the reaction is playing out as we speak only there are there is what could be
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a decisive showdown taking place right at the stage should rightly some protesters be just as accounted for the 3rd successive day and this is the 2nd day since the state of emergency fund any counting of 4 people or more there in a major intersection the heart of bangkok and the ironically some moving in and they are a body in them with water from water cannons at the moment is tightening. so that they'll be able to identify the protests afterwards and the protesters have set up barricades with railings and are fighting back and it is just this flash is taking place right now right in the heart of bangkok and it really could shape the future of these protests. to activists have been charged under a rarely used law that prohibits violence against the queen they were among activists so crowded around a royal motorcade carrying queen city during a large demonstration on wednesday let's take a listen to what one of them to say we were not notified by the police of the
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upcoming royal market in which we have you know we know it because they were not the. ones we know that ok it was a motorcade from the queen and the air or something to that role we try to broker i try to break away from the line. that news might make a phone through to have everyone move away from the from the police very. philip is he saying that the situation which is said to be the main cause for declaring the state of emergency was actually staged by authorities. there are conspiracy theories are running running riot. almost claims much the amongst the protesters. was known were the protests as well. it seemed very strange that a motorcade involving the queen should have been allowed to drive along a road where they were 3 senior police officers have been been removed from their positions because of this because this happened nonetheless there is
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a lot of suspicion much protest is that this was indeed allowed to happen to aggravate and galvanized the situation nonetheless is seen as the activists you just heard from says and this seems to be borne out by any old video from the scene the protesters they did cheer they heckled they shouted abuse they raised their fingers in the 3 finger salute of defiance of opposition but they don't seem to have actually tried to do any physical harm to the motorcade nonetheless this lore is of a wide ranging one inch simply by throwing abuse they might well be deemed. to be in breach of the some of the statute and they could face a lot of life imprisonment if they're found guilty. how do you gauge the situation on the ground how likely do you think violent crackdown is or even another military . well the crackdown is literally underway as we speak. and the 2 sides are clashing so we're going to have to sort of watch to see how how how how
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violent that gets that there is a physical confrontation taking place and i don't. think that the government is ready run by filner general's statement and supporting ok i think the reelected are of. course a spear in. elections rather than the military to step in a civil stage a coup against former coup leaders that's much the better suited it is a sign of how complicated and feeble the situation is that that is under discussion as a possibility the military assisting that would happen the former cuban leader is not prime minister says that won't happen but it's a very much you know a moving battleground at the moment almost a physical battleground on the streets at the moment for we're seeing live pictures right now from the streets of. protesters behind it how likely do you think it is that the protesters will back down if further violence is used by the authorities. well they have no you know they have no force they have no weaponry behind them but
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this all the the wall of fear that surrounded protesters in this country talking about certain political issues and the role of the royal family that has been breached you know and many of them insist that you know they will they will fight you know they will battle on through that felt for that beliefs but so you do have at the end of the day the ruling establishment which is backed by the military and very pro or pro royal against thousands of you know crime merrily young students in the streets in terms of forces those are not those are not politics for says you know the protesters insist that they will or they will not be going anywhere and they have the power of numbers but how they how they take this forward if there are large scale arrests tonight we'll learn we'll we'll have to see. philip shareable their sunday times correspondent and bank of thank you very much for joining us here on the news. britain's prime minister boris johnson has said the u.k. must prepare for
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a no deal break with the european union unless there is quote fundamental change of position from the bloc johnston says the e.u. is refusing to give britain a trade deal like the one it has with canada which the u.k. wants to even leaders have dismissed johnson's statement as rhetoric and since we have only 10 weeks until the end of the transition period on january the 1st i have to make a judgment about the likely outcome and to get us all ready and given that they have refused to negotiate seriously for much of the last few months and given that this summit appears explicitly to rule out a canada style deal i concluded that we should get ready for january the 1st with a range means that are more like australia's based on simple principles of global free trade. promise suppose johnson speaking there let's take this to our london correspondent parts charlotte johnson says he's getting ready for
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a quote australia style solution what does that actually mean. well it is just a nice so way of saying we're walking away without a trade deal leaving the customs union and the single market at the end of the year without a new deal in place but let's not forget boris johnson is not walking away from the negotiating table there just yet he's just putting the pressure back on the e.u. saying now it's your turn to compromise your turn to come a step towards closer towards our position here in the u.k. and that is exactly what the european union said yesterday now it's time for the u.k. to move to our side so we are still negotiating both sides a still at the table at this point and we mustn't forget a lot of points are already agreed upon a lot of very important points in this new trade deal but there are also some points that are still a matter of discussion for example let's take fisheries
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a rather small industry in comparison but a huge fighting issue between the 2 sides the u.k. wants access exclusive access back from british for better for british water but still wants to sell its fish to the european union e.u. fisheries are saying well therefore we want access to british water as a rather small issue it seems but this could topple in the end negotiations and at this point it's very hard to say what the outcome will be we know that on monday negotiations will continue though here in london. so what does that in the end mean for the future relationship and of britain with a new. well the relationship is already under a lot of strain i think the question is what does it mean for the u.k. economy and we are obviously in the middle of the pandemic if you look at the high street behind me a lot of the shops here restaurants bars have not reopened after the 1st lockdown
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there's a spring they're expecting a very very hard winter with more lockdowns to come now fast forward to do some both 31st the u.k. already leaving the single market and customs union of the european union so there will be changes and on top of that a no possible no deal that could mean disruptions at the borders chaotic long queues of lorries fresh fruit going bad on the way from southern europe to the to the british island for example medication shortages not coming in from the european union to the u.k. so it could really have catastrophic consequences for the u.k. economy and we thought boris johnson that he's willing to accept all of that if he doesn't get what he wants in the end at least that is what he says and how he is putting pressure on the european union at this point to do reporting from london thank you charles. now let's turn to some of the other stories making headlines
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around the world 13 bodies have been recovered from a landslide in central vietnam triggered by torrential rains nearly all of the victims were army officers on a mission to rescue other workers i read in another landslide flooding across the country has killed at least 36 people since last weekend. thousands have turned out in guinea's capital cannot be to show support for the country's main opposition candidate head of sunday's presidential election is chello delaying gallo's seconds attempts to unseat president the yellow house denounced condo's decision to run for a 3rd term as unconstitutional. u.s. social media platform twitter says it's investigating a global outage the company says it has no evidence of a security breach or users in many countries reported not being able to use the platform for more than an hour. u.s.
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president onil and his democratic challenger joe biden have been answering questions from voters at separate televised events held at the same time on different channels the town hall meetings as they are known replaced the 2nd presidential debate which was canceled off the trump was diagnosed with coke at 19 and then refused to conduct the debate online as we report the 2 rivals showed their very different approaches in both style and substance. always confident at times defensive as the incumbent u.s. president donald trump now has a record to pick apart and he got a grilling starting out with the nation's biggest crisis the coronavirus. i knew it was a picture read at the same time i don't want to panic this country i don't want to go out and say everybody is going to die everybody's got their you know how you don't have this money in the u.k. you know you know there's not a really good and more contentious exchanges. as trump made exaggerated claims
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about voter fraud and deflect the criticism over his tax returns and his position on white supremacy in the us into it you've done this one everybody seem like i do white supremacy you times against a white supremacy. oppose my position at the same time on a different channel a different tone chimes challenger joe biden offered a forceful rebuke of trump's pandemic response is the president's responsibility to lead and he didn't do that he didn't talk about what needed to be done because he kept worrying in my view about the stock market we make up 4 percent of the world's population we have 20 percent of the world's tests we're in a situation where we have $210.00 plus 1000 people dead and what's he doing nothing he still would not worry mask and so on because at times that bite and he endured but he did deliver clear punch lines on a number of issues including foreign policy if they will and before the election
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you are open we've been most effective as a world leader in my humble opinion not just by the exercise of our power most powerful nation in the world but the power of our example that's what's led the rest of the world to follow us calling factor trading blows remotely the 2 candidates will again face off at the final election debate next week about making force that earlier we spoke to washington correspondent all of us on this and asked him what stood out most for him in these appearances fed seemed like this new form of the town hall works better for joe biden sold trump in turn he made a lot of false claims during this conversation. and the host there at the network that broadcast this town hall n.b.c. challenge president trump grilled him essentially over a variety of questions and topics and simply because he did not look good defending
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himself he did. good debating certain points he didn't want to remember or didn't know certain details so biden in turn had a rather solid appearance then come across a lot more presidential as someone who is really willing and able also to heal the nation that is very divided right now of course and he was able to deliver his points much better that were. during the 1st debate that ended in chaos. global rights group human rights watch says russian and syrian as strikes on the rebel held city of it lip last may constitute crimes against humanity the group has released a report that looks into dozens of what it said were unlawful strikes on civilian targets over a period of 12 months it says this fights were deliberate meanwhile attacks in the region continue despite a cease fire. a classroom destroyed by an air raid numerous rockets struck the school in the south of it live province luckily no children were
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killed in the attack bombings are an almost daily event in this region despite a ceasefire being in place. lessons have resumed but attendance is low how the young. children have returned their parents are afraid they don't believe it's safe to send their kids to school because of the attacks. strikes on schools markets places of worship clinics go on for days or months and this year just like last year. this is the last rebel held region in syria during their offensive syrian and russian fighter jets are said to have targeted civilian facilities their goal is to demoralize the local population in order to make their advance easier according to human rights watch the organization said it reached this conclusion after analyzing some $550.00 satellite photos and videos and interviewing dozens of witnesses. the fact that the facts that we have gathered here clearly indicate that we are talking
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about war crimes and crimes against humanity. human rights watch is now demanding those responsible to be held to account it says it's time for the united nations to step in. they're watching the news still to come bollywood looks set to get back on its feet after being hobbled by the pandemic but for the thousands of extras and low paid workers in the industry the future. it may not be sold. but 1st to kenya where the lakes of rift valley are rising threatening homes and businesses water levels have been increasing for years but a particularly high this year following every rains to make matters worse 2 lakes like baringo. which you can see on this map grown so much that they run the risk of merging together. and while bring a fresh water lake providing drinking water to animals and people in the region it
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would be an ecological disaster if the 2 made. so swollen from rising water levels that the shoreline changes every day. we see this early on in our trip when the access road unexpectedly becomes part of the leak. we find. who's just arrived to open her restaurant but there's been a dramatic change. this water just came in within one day i said came slowly and slowly until it got to this level so without any notice you have to demolish within just a few seconds. chana gets has already been forced to move her business once it's inevitable that she will have to move again and she's not the only one the structure we're looking at is an entry point that was erected by the kenya wildlife service after their original gates were submerged by water ice on it took 3 months before the lake eventually caught up with this one and we can clearly see that this
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water is unrelenting what we can't see but we can certainly smell is this similar ribs that's also being brought to be this because obviously people here use pit latrines and all their contents are now under water and the water is clearly unrelenting because all around us the ground is soggy and there's little of all over the place. the extent of the flooding can be seen clearly from neighboring requiring go the freshwater lake has expanded by 60 percent in the last 7 years this year has been by far the worst. folks our tour guide grew up on the shores of this lake where has been scarce as most of the hotels are now underwater . he leads us to one of many flooded schools in the area just revealing a yearly seen all decaying buildings. but our last
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story is the most significant for folks i grew up here my foster until years of life are spent each year this is my playground it's quite sad to see it drop going through and i don't know what i'm going to tell my kids scientists are warning that freshwater lake baringo and salt water like bulgaria could merge the cross contamination would destroy the balance in the ecosystem. to understand what is happening to the lakes we head to the forest home to the rivers that feed the lakes in the rift valley mo forest is recovering from years of deforestation. david weston has been a conservationist for more than 50 years he says the destruction of the catchment areas is just one in a series of linked problems the pastoral people are settling down and staying in one place so what that means is every single day you have heavy grazing and that is really prominent around the baringo basin up in the hills on the side so all of that erosion has been washed off routinely so in 2018 we had rainfall which was the
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equivalent of el nino in 1908 then followed last year by these extraordinary rains which have continued for a whole year so that means degradation huge amount of runoff and siltation and it's the combination of those 2 that have made the rift valley lakes and even other areas like amboseli just lift 10 sometimes 15 metres. back in bulgaria the storm brings. its shore thanks for the ocean. challenge that is visibly worried and soon how worst fears are realized the water level has gone up again this could be her last day on this land. it's the following day and construction has started on higher ground and this is where china gets new woman business will be. it's a fresh and easy start no one can be sure the want to winterize this high because
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no one believes the water would ever get as far as it already has. been. to india now where movie theaters have begun reopening after being forced to close because of the cold at 19 to make the country's multi-billion dollar bollywood film industry as well come the move as much of its income comes from the local cinema screening spot as to w.'s my child free reports or the many extras and day laborers the future is anything but right. bomb glamorous elaborate song and dance routine. that's how most of the world knows. that thank you but behind the glitzy facade are thousands of the leverage workers who form the backbone of the film industry. yet they remain anonymous and live at
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its margins. nasy under she is one of them. he lives in a one room flat and his disorder breadwinner in his family of 4. you. for 35 years under worked as a background dancer in countless make movies. but his work completely dried up as the forward 1000 pandemic forced the film industry to shut down thank you. before the block down i used to get good walk i would get one or 2 songs. i managed to on about 18000 rupees every pound which used to take care of my family's expenses but for the boss 6 months or so there's been nothing to win this. under is now finding it difficult to make ends meet and he's far from the only one people who have been hit the hardest are the daily beaches who work in various
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capacities in the industry including as makeup assistant in light of the spot boy group dances and doing art most of them are now struggling to find work what is now just beginning to pick up a bit but only in fits and starts and under strict antivirus measures. budgets have been pared back as the indian film industry gains from the shutdown of movie theaters. it's biggest source of revenue even and then the shoot for just starting now the actors especially are requesting for minimal crews so our crew sizes i shrinking rich of course means those people who are daily wage will end up being the biggest loser in this shift you. know i'm going to is increasingly desperate for work and has been reaching out to others in the industry . but of my it's not like we have the security of a permanent job when we couldn't walk otherwise we get nothing if i do have hope of
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finding work again. after all. having worked all his life in movies which allowed others to dream. i heard these stories would also have a happy note. this is the darby news here's a reminder of all the top story at the top of this hours in a developing story protesters in thailand back on the streets for another day of government demonstrations we're seeing live pictures right now thousands of people are gathering there on the central bank in defiance of an emergency decree that vance public gathering splays have stepped up action to try the thailand's prime minister prior to someone who says he won't resign and has defended his government's attempts to quell the armrest. you're watching news from berlin coming up in good shape and the myths about exercise don't forget you can always get the
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. in good shape. next on the list. imagine how many push old loves us right now in the morning right now climb a tree different awful story. faces life lesson when photos one week. how much worse can really get. we still have time to where i'm going to. success. at some strive like this. it's their obsession for spectacular pictures. it's passion for nature. it's their complete devotion
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that makes them the best wildlife photographer others want. me to enter politics confrontational and story. 5 adventures. one goal. the. servatius our climate. fight starts november 6th on g.w. . i. thank. its 186-878-8899 extension 00 buck and good say. no pain no gain that's what they say. and i can surely feel the game sports an
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exercise performed regularly a healthy and this is my topic today sports make you sexy it gets you in good shape and it's fun and it makes you live longer. isn't exercise fun but perhaps not that much initially for those of us who aren't used to it the sporting rickey's are being put through their paces by experts from the german school university in. their searches have decades of experience in examining the effect of physical activity on our bodies. i can genuinely say that the deeper we delve the more fascinating things become practically no biological system does not positively impacted by sport or physical activity. shocked by full spirit that's also due to the interaction between different parts of the body active muscles need more oxygen so the condi vascular
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system has to pump a lot more blood keeping our hearts and blood vessels elastic. to prevent heart attacks and the brain also benefits regular exercise most of the reduces the risk of strokes. the doctors are able to measure how movement influences our entire metabolism as the muscles develop more strength this affects the energy providers for muscle cells mitochondria thank grow in size and number and burn glucose and fatty acids more effectively which also helps ward off metabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes and dimply vast stamina after just a few weeks of beginning regular exercise the test subjects absorb and consume the oxygen from their lungs more effectively so it takes longer for them to get out of breath. the oxygen intake rises accordingly. many studies show that starting regular exercise causes a general improvement in fitness levels. after
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a few weeks of regular activity improvements of 20 or even 40 percent are not uncommon is it. great interruption is working out on an. tickle train a long time exercise regimes also help to strengthen our boat in. the sports scientists have now found out exactly how bones responds to constant movement best structure increases in density giving the bones greatest ability this helps to prevent osteoporosis a condition that makes bones more brittle and which is especially prevalent among older women. exercise evidently has a positive impact on the entire body a crucial factor here are the $400.00 also biochemical messages created by the muscles themselves they use the bloodstream to do that work all over the body including the brain the experts in cologne suspect this also has
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a positive effect on off cognitive abilities. for new brain cells are created they communicate with each other more affectionately. it's probably due to the stimulation of brain derived growth factors. physical exercise has been shown to lower risks of cardiovascular disease diabetes and even code on breast cancer while increasing life expectancy really about it or as someone age 30 or 40 who make sure never to exercise regularly over the next few years and decades can extend their life by 3 or 4 years if not more. for their. 150 minutes of exercise a week are enough to experience these benefits making you fitter healthier and more likely to live longer what's more you can even have fun in the process.
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but if i'm under jimmy always look at me a medical doctor physician's also an extremely good. doctor to me. thanks for having me today are you you're very welcome thank you i'm fine great so what are you training for what i am doing is integrating exercise in my daily activities i could see it on a conflict here but with the time i would realize that my muscles are weaker on my coordination is not the best bet is they love that i am sitting on this ball and i move myself i have to pay attention to my position and i am activating my muscles with the time i am improving my physical performance instead of loosing it ok so you don't own a chair have a couple of chairs about this one is more effective and nicer and. funnier safer i would want to start with exercise and sports and training so what kind of training program would you recommend for
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a beginner the verse that you can do is just start moving just start walking one step in front of the next because that is the easiest form of activity and it will bring you a lot if you really burn more calories you will improve your cardiovascular ability and it is the easiest that you can do when you are ready with that when you're able to walk for 3040 minutes and you like it you can include other exercises for example for your belly or for your back and also coordination and more mobility exercises and other anymore specific exercises for me from the muscles for instance if there was simple exercise the only thing that you need is the floor and you have floor everywhere just. go to the lord to your elbows and stay this way for a couple of seconds maybe 1015 seconds and then rise one leg. down and on the other leg and down with this simple exercise you got your back muscles your leg
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muscles you are improving your coordination and it's going to work. candy bars. love handles and bulging bellies and not and then you have to deal with the problem of how to get rid of them a balanced diet and sports and exercise are a good combination 100 grams of this delicious candy bar amount to $500.00 calories so paul long we have to run to burn it 10 minutes try to minutes 30 minutes. katherine run a from the sports institute of the university of freiburg are looking at how the body uses energy how much to be takin and how much to be burned. the basic metabolic rate refers to the amount of energy a body needs to stay functional over a given period of time. it's often measured in kilojoules or kilo calories.
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then use up around 1740 calories a day. for women it's around $1340.00. that's similar to the energy consumption of a bright old generation light bulb. gentle exercise increases the metabolic rate to between $22600.00 calories a day it's affected by range of factors which is why it differs from person to person. die using over a period of weeks does cause the body to lose weight but also to switch gear. the metabolic rate drops but it also stays low when you go back to eating more that's why you gain weight more quickly after a diet the so-called yo yo effect. but how can you lose weight over the long term sports physician daniel koenig researches in this area. we know that maintaining weight loss in the long term only works if you do exercise
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alongside it exercising freezes muscle mass it raises the metabolic rate and of course it also burns calories all of this is very good when it comes to our daily energy use. every movement burns calories that said a lot of people overestimate the effect how many calories with half an hour of gentle jogging or. take their pulse and run of their own street at low intensity. a half hour or so let me have a look at your watches that works in terms of intensity you ran at a relaxed pace for 30 minutes you cut your weight 250 calories and for you it's about $350.00 that's about one a pretzel for a pretzel with butter for renee or a small or somewhat larger handful of french fries. one of
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12 is a single calorie so it does take some amount of effort. exercise is always worth it but you shouldn't overestimate the effect of a single session but instead you should exercise regularly. male amateur athlete tree $150.00 calories a day then a regular person. female 200. 1 of the most effective ways of turning fast into muscle is to do high intensity interval training for his for short. high intensity interval training involves short periods of really intense exercise followed by short breaks which are immediately followed by another burst of high intensity exercise however there are no longer recovery periods so as the name suggests. it's very intense and there's a lot of calorie burning. after an intense workout the body continues to burn more
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energy for a few hours even when it rest just due to muscle regeneration and the nature of planet energy stores. and that's key because to lose weight long term you need to burn more calories than you take in. a lot of most concerning sports and exercise perps you could shed some light on them sure i'm going to do that myth no pain no gain is it true that more intensively you train the more you gain it is true but just until a certain point because in order to improve your physical performance you have to leave your comfort zone and that is necessary but if you exaggerate the intensity of exercise you can enjoy yourself that is the 1st problem the 2nd problem is that exercise of water and 80 percent of your ability is not going to improve your performance it can also be crease your performance therefore in order to improve
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your physical performance you have to do more than you usually do but if you exaggerate in one direction you do too much you are not going to get better with magnesium prevents cramps is this correct some people have problems with muscle cramps and they are not related to physical activity in these cases they can reduce the symptoms if they take not need some supplements about other people indeed most of them are problems because they exercise to march or they stand for a long time in this case is not missing is not going to help them miss exercising outside is always healthier than inside true. well it depends you know that people exercising in the sound for example in california or in australia they have they are more prone to skin problems like skin cancer on the other side people working out in the basement it is where the need to scald they don't. not get enough oxygen well it's not the best thing that they can do they are for the best to do is to
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find the middle position where you exercise enough outside but if the weather does not always exercise in the gym or at home myth the more you exercise the more you can eat without gaining weight correct or not correct that is true because when you exercise your more calories and maybe you know the example for marathon runners they eat they only 400-5000 calories that this about 2 or 3 times what you usually eat but in this case they are running for 30 kilometers they mean that means 200 kilometers a week they can afford to eat much more than you hence if you think that it is enough to go for a walk 10 minutes and after that taking such a stop all of. you are wrong there are many myths concerning the correct training method stretching before training really reduce the risk of injury and search for muscle really burn calories cheerleaders miriam zara and monks want to get to the
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bottom of some myths about training 1st off does stretching help prevent sore muscles athletes don't think much of stretching before exercise on the scalp you always do is start off with a gentle random we don't sprint straight away well it is not to warm up the muscles instead of stretching. all 3 of them using up to measure the length of their workout and calories burned a half hour later they are back they've worked up a good sweat and now they're ready to do some stretching and they drink some water to max as it helps them to loosen up afterwards and i was there with some luck on another one when they heard $6.00 to $20.00 some stretching out of money and my muscles are less likely to be sore afterwards especially in my legs but. ok. is that true what few studies there are. our show that whether you have stretch before training makes little difference in terms of the risk of injury what about
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after training well it doesn't stop sore muscles but you will definitely be more supple. the more muscles you train the more energy use even that rest so how many calories does one kilo of muscle burn. and one kilogram more muscle let's say maybe 500 more calories it's hard to say. i think one kilo wouldn't make much difference i don't think i could really eat that much. but. i don't think it would be 500 calories i'd probably say something like 50 maybe 50 to 100 to the full. not quite one kilo of muscle only burns around 13 kilo calories a day 500 yeah that was a rough estimate guesstimate. people. so time to not only challenge the muscles but also to feed them protein is important but when should you eat. after strength training i make sure i eat some protein and fewer
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