tv Duck Academy Deutsche Welle October 17, 2020 5:15am-6:01am CEST
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watching news from berlin i'm william glue cruft next up is the w.'s covert special so stay right here they can always get more from our website u.w. dot com and on twitter and instagram your news thanks very much for watching. combating the pandemic. where does research stand. what are scientists learning. background information and. our corona update. from the 19 special next on d w. w's crime fighters back africa's most successful radio drama series continues this season the stories focus on hate speech prevention and
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sustainable production. all of a sow's are available online and of course you can share and discuss on africa's facebook page and other social media platforms. crime fighters tune in now. get. out of. new infections are accelerating around the world in what appears to be the pandemics next wave but even as death rates remain lower and hotspots health officials say it's too soon to assume mortality rates won't take up alongside case counts. to follow vinta such. unfold in you'd hope the exponential increase in daily cases i've met ching but a scent that increases in daily deaths. the evolving situation in europe
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raises great concern. as they look at the surging numbers one expression is uniting many scientists are calling this time a cliffhanger moment what can the figures tell us about the best way to respond. welcome to w.'s covert 19 special i'm jenelle that. we find ourselves in a time where each day sings to bring new sobering infection records governments everywhere are trying to push those numbers down while trying to stave off a lockout but few have been able to avoid new restrictions we bring you with this report from france it's. lunchtime in the era of coronavirus the last time m.f. n e had fries she shared them with a friend who later tested positive for covert 19 and then ventured temporaries testing center close to university here in surgery not far from paris but she never
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received her celts it was annoying because over my friends were meeting i'd like apartments or anything to do just like leave and i couldn't even go to the school to look at them in the class physically when i cool so it was where the like but we'll just stay home and do nothing but. i've been you had to go through that so it's not usual for test results to get lost in france but waiting for them isn't unusual recently people here often had to sit tight for several days in some cases over a week to get an appointment and the result time during which many others could have been infected france was hit especially hard in the spring of the beginning of the covert 1000 pandemic that's why the country ramped up tests and it's now carrying out more than $1000000.00 per week like in this lab led by josh extremists he says the situation has improved. it on the. given the facts the
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requests were twice as high as we had to make sure that we could technically carry out the number of tests requested. on the big question. today in this situation as currently being resource. but directed testing is not the only solution cases are especially high in big cities like paris where the density of population is very high this hospital in point of paris was going through a hard time during the 1st wave into our divorce corps denoting the covert done response here he sees another main reason for the rise in numbers and france. the french population suffered a huge trauma during the 1st wave nevertheless with another wave we're seeing a relative lax behavior in people. devote personal responsibility is key
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in fighting the virus keeping a safe distance and meeting us few people as possible but since the virus is now heavily circulating in france the government is toughening rules in paris for example bars have to close down for now we're joined by catarina fan she is a live data scientist at the world data lab catarina since the start of the pandemic we've been inundated with numbers and it can be hard to derive meaning from that we've seen the death toll from corona virus worldwide past 1000000 now what does a figure like that tell us. well 1st of all i think it tells us that we should really take this challenge seriously i mean when we're going this fight a high number and i think that a few months ago you couldn't really ask me to imagine this but to really drive meaning from not birth and to really be stemp percent the measures i think it's
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even more important to look at country specific numbers and especially constitute big numbers of deaths and i think it still all these all these numbers these things that make really puts into a new situation and to remain challenge and still we don't you know how the next months will turn out. but why is it most important to get countries specific numbers and especially of deaths does how does that help us get the most accurate picture of the impact of the pandemic. so 1st of all i think if we look at the number of infections versus the number of deaths the mercy of infections obvious need to depend a lot on how much to review tests and the numbers of deaths i think we are back to report in almost every country of the vault so i think to give us a better picture of what you say actually happening and how that situation really is i think however it can make sense to look at the number of infections if we think about short term measures that want to take the number of sections gives us a better picture wise and especially if we want to compare different countries
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across the globe i think the number of excuses i'm using but. well comparisons have also figured quite prominently people would say compare flu or deaths to corona virus that's the way of putting these numbers into contacts how useful do you think that is as an exercise. well i think if we compare the numbers of that this campaign also actually be quite misleading compare 19 to the normal fuel i think that in a lot of countries we can see just the numbers that's from 99 not so high so far like one stop in germany or austria if you have the chance to really take measures quite early in this and that make but i think here we should not be misled about another soft acts but we should draw their milk at studies that analyze that infections at 73 so this is basically the rate of how many people are in fact that no matter whether you show symptoms or not really die of disease and here we can
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see that 19 is actually 16 times as that we estimate for them so i think that's the better comparison. 16 times as deadly as a normal flu with that is a staggering figure of course i also want to ask you about the number of unreported cases we have to assume there are a lot how much do you think they affect their understanding of the whole picture. well they definitely affect our understanding of this picture and it's really hard to assess also how many on the part he says they are specially in countries that either cannot be one to test a lot or also in poor countries that just don't have the possibility to really get with measures of these numbers i think in this case it can be helpful to look at the total numbers of the us not only from the quality but all the overall and to country and then compared to these numbers to the averages from the last years and i think this can really tell us have as the number of deaths increased have people
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been dying because of them and. now i have to say katerina i worry that we lose sight of the fact that behind these numbers there are real people and real consequences for real lives to your mind are policymakers doing a good job of remembering this when they design responses to the crisis. well i want to soon that they are doing their best and i think that in many countries also for example germany and austria they have dominant why didn't drop so far i mean i think it's really hard to assess which messrs majors we should take and i really wouldn't want to be in their place so i think in many countries they are doing a rotten job so far also and i think that the numbers are probably the most useful tool for setting measures and force the teams you know i mean so i think numbers and they don't really give us the best guideline here and there's
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things that as. posed to wife the emotions or the feelings that we have with this one demick numbers can also really help us to find the misinformation and also the insecurity that it's related to this and i mean so i think that looking at the numbers and really trying to do our best setting different measures here is the best you can with which moment. numbers tell a story but you have to be listening thank you very much catherine offense of the world data lab we really appreciate your insights thank you for having me. and speaking of numbers here are the latest data off from more than 200 countries the numbers show new cases doubling in 38 nations and increasing in another 79 countries. they stayed at the same level in 10 countries. 67 nations has seen their new positive covert 19 cases decline another 8 are down by at least half and 8 countries have reported no new cases for 4 weeks in
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a row here's the bar graph showing the statistics of the past few weeks the fight against the corona virus will be over when that whole chart turns blue so it's going to take some time. and now it's time for your question over to our science correspondent garrick williams. what's dangerous is the pneumonia why not find a cure or treatment for the pneumonia instead of the virus. pneumonia is a blanket term that's generally defined as a more or less serious inflammation of tissue in your air passages and or your lungs it can be caused by a number of different pathogens both both viral and bacterial pneumonia that cove in $1000.00 can cause is generally the knish evaded by the virus and can't be
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treated for example with antibiotics which only kill bacteria when they're infected with source code to the cells in the small sacks in their lawns where where gas exchange occurs what are called the alveoli begin to die and clog the lungs up and that can eventually lead to what's called an acute respiratory distress and drug as the pneumonia progresses the situation can be exacerbated by the immune system causing massive inflammation which is which is supposed to help get the infection under control but which can actually make things worse so so treating for curing coronavirus pneumonia means either addressing the problem at its root which is the sars code to infection itself or somehow toning down the body's immune response to it when it goes over the top.
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and you can post your questions to derek on our youtube channel if you'd like to keep up with the latest developments on the coronavirus to subscribe to our newsletter just log on to d.w. dot com slash coronata dash newsletter. that's all from us thank you for watching. problematic powering. dmn batteries we use this precious resource for almost everything in the 21st century but supplies are limited mining is harmful to the environment and recycling is complex and expensive how can lithium use become more effective and environmentally friendly to morrow to. d.w. . tensing overcome boundaries. changing
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the world with gas. no words required. but a full body in. totality journey home on the. march 20. 30 minutes on w. o. it was the 1st international tribunal in history. the nurnberg trials. 75 years ago hi randy moss' ors of the nazi regime of georgia by the allied forces . were the 1st war criminals to be held accountable for their crimes.
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by the government found them on bail they are going through dollars pair of years of frasier. our 2 part series the 3rd reich the dog starts nov 12th on d w. moving from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources the goal is clear but the way to get there is less. bio gas production relies on monocultures that are bad for biodiversity and insects wind parts are noisy and a danger to birds how can we generate truly clean energy that and more coming up. well come to you tomorrow today the science show on d
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w. 'd at the risk of sounding corny i'd say today's show is about me not as food for people or animals but feel to generate electricity this share of energy from renewable sources is growing every year especially in asia. europe and north america. most of the energy is produced from biomass from something like me. the other sources aren't doing so badly either. however i've come under a lot of criticism recently why see for yourself. this field is lush and green but in a way it's a desert a desert of corn planted to produce biofuel fields like this cover more than a 1000000 hectares in germany corn provides hardly any food for insects biologists
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say that's one reason for massive insect die offs. one committed by 90 you can't generate biodiversity with a single type of plant a monoculture so you need to sow a range of different plants to get a range of insects it just doesn't work with corn hop and. the idea is to replace the corn with plants that can also be used to produce biofuel and provide food for insects at the same time. up to 30 different species. to begin flowering here soon. so far only come a mile is visible. to see look at the state of that disgusting even though it's a law something nicely of us fighting is all wrong we want to have a field of flowering prairie shrubs here we need biomass this senseless camel mile has reached just 70 centimeters in height that's not enough mass we should have some flowers here now perennial sunflowers this tall that's the plant plunker's and
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has been like this for years but this year awful. it's a failure come a mile produces hardly any energy and offers very little nutrition for insects. but scientists want to examine the field more closely perhaps the sunflowers have germinated underneath to come a mile. a walkable strip is cleared so that they can see what plants they have here . insect traps are set up to check whether more bugs are being drawn to the field. with a measuring stick and case report forms they set to work looking for anything that might be growing underneath the ramp and come a mile you and i are. seen the records the amount and height of each flower species often fans were looking for various species that were sown here and the main component of the mixture right now is the heavy on through the 1000000 the
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perennial sunflower that's here and that's there year i missed out and. it's taken a good foothold here still half there's a caterpillar that i'll put. even if such perennial shrubs provide food for insects that indigenous to north america and asia critics fear they might crowd out native species. this and i misspelled commenting. on those are actually claims that have never been investigated there are assumptions but do you have to consider that we are here in germany a land of immigration so we have a level of biodiversity which since the ice age has yet to fully recover to what it was before the icing which we're trying to show that our front to only accept these wild species from foreign lands just as much as the indigenous species and interestingly we discovered that while beings in particular are very close and it's
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you so concerned. martini's connie indeed elease is looking at whether beings on the other insects can really feed on the pollen of non-indigenous flowering shrubs for example with cylinders like bees in which wild bees build their nests. in the biologists then drive to another field of non-indigenous flowering shrubs. they see right away that it's not overgrown with come a mile and boasts many more types of plants they're not fully grown yet and most aren't in flower. if saddam out on until we have 7 here and this is siberian mother war 2 years ago neurosis japonica was in full bloom no wonder the field has more flowering shrubs and more bugs. you can also find it very pleased the field is really clean the plants have space around them so they can establish themselves it's
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a real success there's enough light getting through to the soil so the things species can develop well the field is still emerging and i can see there's another vase and we see this here's a young bronson weed and here's a hollyhock all of that good news if you see if your mouth he could mr crow was it all of. the scientists plan seems to be working here even though the plants are not yet in full bloom there are a lot of insects in the field will also produce a lot of biomass later for generating energy. but the yield will never be as high as it is with corn 50 to 60 percent at most that's a loss for the pharma. navy and it's a free you know i'm not satisfied on the film but fall martinis programs are supporting us so it's ok. but farmers would plant more of this if they were supported by the government if there was a funding programme to make up for the shortfall i normally have $45.00 to $50.00 tonnes of corn in this field it's good soil. but with this stuff so to speak i need
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to be compensated to make a profit on. lower yields but increased biodiversity protecting species and agriculture can go together even if the profits are lower but the idea here is that losses can be minimised if farmers keep growing corn but also plant flowering shrubs in between so that the profitable corn is mixed with flowering perennials that benefit insects. of course will farmers it's easier to grow the same plants every year. but there's a big downside to that according to a study from munich technical university monocultures destroyed just as many species as climate change does an apparent paradox and energy crops often grown as monoculture is intended to counteract global warming well
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a mix of energy crops help to restore insect biodiversity. biologist ingrid has put beehives in this field to see if the insects are feeding on the flowers. or the field is the bees habitat the scientists want to confirm they also gather pollen here small only to be sure the pollen comes from this field . every year we have to make certain that there could be something in the field that the bees haven't collected from and that would be important information for us . think of the elite uses a little trick to find out where the pollen comes from 1st she calms the bees with a bit of smoke. then she uses a grid to block the entrance to the hive. this allows her to gather the pollen that collects on the bees hind legs in their orange colored sacks which she then strips
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off to examine later. if the bees want to get into the honeycombs in the hive they have to crawl through the grid. the grid openings are so narrow that the insects can just squeeze through. but the pollen on their hind legs sticks to it these samples show how the pollen differs depending on which plant it came from. after an hour the 1st batch is ready for examination. as the shines out it's very likely that a lot of this pollen comes from the field but we really have to look carefully under the microscope and confirm that before we know for sure. but what we can see from this pollen is that the bees are using many different plants for their nourishment. in contrast to the monoculture of corn there's more than one flowering perceives in here because one of the 30 or so plant species in the field is always in bloom that means the bees and other insects have food from spring right through
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to autumn. what about other creatures can they also find a habitat here after all many species of birds live on insects. a camera which automatically takes pictures when it detects movement should tell us. in just a few weeks this photographic trap captures several animals including field hamsters birds and hares but. it seems that one species attracts the next. and the fact that the bees are making a lot of honey shows that they're thriving in this environment. trami much of time and so it makes me so happy to see a healthy colony like this one was well taken care of adequately supplied with
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nectar and pollen the brood nest is beautiful it's great fun. obviously this test field with its energy plants provides food for the insects. but what about the yield for humans. a field cultivated by a farmer is now in full bloom. mind got closer i might go on so much buzzing no matter what he would be hives in there there are a couple 100000 bees out here then we'll surely remember you've got some crazy. sure to be out of full flowers amazing. many of the high yielding perennials are not yet fully grown some to rise are going to grow another 50 centimeters right here we have. our yellow sweet clover that's not yet fully grown you can see it here it's spreading its shoes it should grow another 3040 centimeters so there is
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plenty of biomass in there and that's exactly what we want we want mass for the biofuel companies and we also need lots of flowers for the insects and that's exactly what we have here. an impressive sight an abundance of blossoms on a cultivated field. it's time for the harvest biologist carnelian martini and farmer klaus gas and i have come to see the results. looking good. he wants to be compensated for the reduced yield but he also knows that these species rich fields offer an opportunity for farmers and they prove that agriculture and biodiversity can work hand in hand.
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electricity from renewable sources has a weakness the energy supply can fluctuate sometimes renewables provide more electricity sometimes less to the grid. excess power could be stored in a trick this holds true although not in use all of the telling. they rechargeable lithium ion batteries can store a lot of energy relative to their weight but extracting lithium comes with its own problems. and this is how lithium is often found in nature as a mineral and hard rock generally in combination with other elements. that's because a lithium atom has a loosely bound electron that it easily give south to form compounds in rock like this it is hard to extract. but in south america there are deposits where it is much more accessible more than half the world's known reserves are there under the
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crust of the salt flat is a brine rich in the us when the briny water is pumped up and left to evaporate the residue contains among other things lots of lithium. various chemicals some of them toxic are used to separate out the lithium. what's more as the brine is removed from the salt flats groundwater from the only extremely dry terrain takes its place to get enough lithium for the battery of just one mid-sized car 12000 liters of water are needed if they extract such vast amounts of water so quickly and we know that's a lot of water then in the next 5 or 6 years this area will turn into a real desert it won't just destroy farming and livestock breeding it will make human life here impossible. a high price to pay for mobility.
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the extracted layfield now undergoes further processing it's the most important part of a rechargeable battery the battery cells are mainly produced in asia about 6 kilograms of lithium are needed for a midsize electric car. and this is how the lithium performs on the road. in the battery it provides power by letting its electron migrate from the anode to the cathode. and back again during recharging. at some point the lithium is you. and the battery becomes too weak to run a car. but it passes a lithium battery can still store electricity from renewable energy to be ready to use when the sun isn't shining and there is no wind.
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but every rechargeable battery. and its lithium be put to rest. not quite the batteries can be recycled but a lot of energy and chemicals are needed to revive them. right now it's hardly worth the trouble since the price of new lithium from south america is. lithium is in huge demand for batteries. in 2019 more than 3000000000 smartphones with. cell phones with an internet connection great for accessing info from all over the globe. and they can be a big help to people in remote areas for example a vegetable in rural. things
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have turned gloomy in recent days from into more. he lives in a village in south central bangladesh. division. he's a tenant farmer and has been doing well the soil is fertile and describes have been abundant. he's one of 80000 tenant farmers in the district who grow mainly rice and vegetables. but a new problem is just cropped up. as plants have been hit by a disease he can't identify. the victim of there. is a head to get this plant has dried up in with. them what they want 1st the tops of
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the stalks dry out at the and then lower down as well you know. we've never seen a disease like this before. the planet and i within a week but. then execute with it that means we could be facing huge losses. other farmers in his village own their own land and are more prosperous. is one of them he went to school when he was young and he has a smartphone. meant to most tells him about his problem farmers here have heard that they can get advice from experts via a smartphone app. or sort of the. suck your host sign takes a photo of the diseased plant writes a brief account of the problem and posts them to for sholay and based online
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service offering free advice to farmers it's run by a c.i. agribusinesses a unit of the conglomerate a.c.i. . so he said it best that we used to go to the local government agriculture department or other people who could help when we have problems now if you have a smartphone you can find many solutions via an app. for surely is based in the capital dhaka. our alina processes queries received from farmers across the country she's already received about 100 queries today she communicates with the farmers but the information she provides comes from experts sunbeam raman runs the geographical information system and remote sensing unit of a.c.i. the technology enables farmers to monitor the health of their crops and to protect them by analyzing and predicting threats for surely doesn't just respond to
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specific queries but also makes a lot of general information available on that sap. the ones that they commence to buy every 12 days we analyze the backscatter values we get from the sentinel one satellite for crop growth and feed the data into our map yes there it won't even look at the only thing pest and disease control methods we try to figure out what kinds of diseases might affect crops within the next 48 hours. and in which particular stage of growth and put all this information in our app information all of it in the system. for sholay is an intelligent decision support system. a.c.i. has invested a lot in its development. farmers don't pay for the service but at the same time the company using sales of its agricultural products soar.
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it has recruited staff to go out into the fields and teach farmers about the app. local government officials are. also involved they appreciate how this software can enhance communication among farmers experts and the authorities. is hoping to get a reply to his query later the same day so that he can start to tackle the disease killing his plants for him and many farmers like him the new digital technology could mean the difference between ruined and a brighter future. digital technologies are expected to. much of which may be generated by wind power. but critics say.
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swiss invented it found a solution. this is a conventional wind turbine and this could be the wind turbine of tomorrow the 3 rotor blades rotate around a vertical axis so far no one's managed to produce electricity with a 100 meter high vertical axis wind turbine but inventor patrick least here believes he and his team have made a breakthrough. fixture spent more than 6 years working on the project as a personal hobby after another 6 years collaborating with scientists he managed to produce a prototype. i'm excited we've been working on this for a while it's a major component and now we'll see it for the 1st time when it comes out of the mold. and this is the moment of truth in the hangar near 0. the part measuring 27 meters in length and weighing 2 tons is the 1st section of
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a rotor blade for a test in the field made of fiberglass and resin it was bonded and pressed into a gigantic mold. and it's coming along. so cool. his vertical axis wind turbine has a certification a $105.00 metre tall tower is already standing waiting for it in western germany the turbine will be mounted on top for the inventor to demonstrate its advantages especially for the environment you see because the back of your poke it's compatible with wildlife in the air bats will fly around it and birds can recognise it so there aren't any bird strikes with one very important feature is that it's much quieter than conventional wind turbines. even at close range you don't hear anything it's like a tower that turn slowly and it can be used in many different places where conventional wind turbines can't be. back in 2011 at
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dubin door of an airport near zurich after the special trial on the runway patrick feaster could no longer keep his vertical wind turbine a secret. second test in 2012 in the swiss town of core it was sobering the turbine with 12 blades that track the wind didn't produce enough power like many before him face to face failure especially after a storm knocked the turbine off kilter. back just 10 days after it was installed was a huge shock. it was weird to be woken up on a saturday morning. of the board it's a quick. 8 years and many lab tests later a touch weekly feature and this team were able to solve the problem of the rotor blades. today the blade still adjusts to the wind but they're powered by 3 motors it's the heart of the invention. of the fuel the motor ensures that the position of the rotor blade is always optimized so that the stream of air on the blade doesn't
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break down and the blades pull the entire road or even in the same direction. because that way they turn very slowly and quietly which allows us to enlarge the system all the. teacher wants to get his prototype on the market he has projects in the planning phase in asia and the us and a lot depends on their success there's already 18000000 euros worth of venture capital invested in this design. bad mix of all thumb if you don't take risks you won't reap the rewards of my entire life i wanted to be a pioneer my parents always said i should do something pioneering software i always search for things that no one had done before. and that for forces when you really do experience tilting at windmills 1st hand sometimes you don't feel like going through with it but moments like this make up for everything well. there's no turning back now for patrick least or his 1st vertical axis wind power system is
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defy gravity. the slack line artist of. the french something struck the balancing act between extreme sports and. your. 30 minutes on d w. it's session for spectacular pictures. it's their passion for nature. it's their complete devotion that makes them the best while my fraternal for 6 more . is amazing and putting confrontational and stirring.
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5 adventures. one goal. the preservation of our planet. for planet starts nov 6th on t.w. . the other watching of all the very knowledge in the ward the poorest of the poor didn't work on. 300000000 the education they are demanding good called it is a question for the children don't quite get it watered also realize that if they have to have good quality programs and good quality consumers good needs good quality can work for i'm very confident that include holds on 50 no child or no i don't really demand illiterate that is the fundamental human right that is the divine right which the nature of the god has given to us and those who call it is
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legend of it that i had to look good as much of it i had the freedom against nature that i've used wrong. this is deja vu news and these are our top stories french president emanuel meconis called the decapitation of a history teacher in a town outside paris a terrorist attack on said the man was killed for teaching freedom of expression french media say he had shown his students cartoons of the prophet muhammad the suspect was shot dead by police shortly after the knife attack. british prime minister boris johnson has told us country to prepare for a no deal brecht's.
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