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tv   World Stories  Deutsche Welle  October 17, 2020 9:15pm-9:31pm CEST

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berlin up next is doc film which looks at the curious story of a thai farmer who has been training thousands of ducks to help him produce sustainable rice stay tuned for that or be back with more news at the top of the hour tell then you can get all the latest news and information around the clock on our website that's. next spicer thanks for watching. can you hear me now on yes we're going to you and i love students gemstones that we bring you i'm going to man call and you never can tell surprise himself with what is possible cool really what moves them to want. to talk to people and follows her along the way maurice and critics who join us from eccleston stop.
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her. please. her.
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in our. local region is a rich agricultural province in central thailand. and is one of the world's leading rice producers and exporters.
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but this isn't even possible with the extensive usage of agricultural chemicals be it herbicide pesticides or fertilizer. this has led to environmental economical and health problems affecting both farmers and consumers. you. pay for them that my name is some look to sunny i'm 74 years old 60 years ago time people were very healthy. was number one in the world back then we never used chemicals to farm but farmers were later misled and grow chemical advertisement and started using that by you and that lot of hong yeah. all of the 18000000 rice farmers in thailand so mark is among the few who refuses to use chemicals involving. he has his
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simple and interesting way of growing chemical free rice. when the field is in the mid ninety's the population of apple sounds exploded i found out my wife was secretly using pesticides i didn't agree and bought my docs instead of reading. these awesome looks a.v.'s. their existence can be of tremendous benefit to mankind and the environment. the. only. one. they are the cross breed between natives and cocky campbell ducks. the natives
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breed gives them a strong immune system and the cocky campbell breed means they can lay lots of eggs . their future is determined by their gender. these workers are checking the gender of the ducklings. there's a hot spot in the rear end of male ducklings and only experts can feed. the. male that he says older to keep the price and will be arranged for me. females are more expensive and will be raised when they.
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letting doubts raised in both closed environments and free range in the fields. need me how old are the docs. when he almost 3 months. today so now he's visiting the doc farm to preserve 3000 female docs he'll pick them up when they're 5 months old which is the perfect age for training. so look is discussing the new school year of the academy with his son and wife it's
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a family business which needs all hands on deck. the previous class of duck academy has retired and this is a boarding academy. and his helpers are preparing the dormitory for his new group of students. i need to put in a poem for the run. just tie it to that wouldn't post but the road should go here. the most necessary feature of this academy is the school bus. so not designed it himself using his 20 years of experience in transporting ducks. it has 7 levels and can carry up to 3000 ducks what makes it different from other trucks are the
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adjustable ramps which enable ducks to move up and down each level by themselves. today is a big day. so he's going back to the farm to recruit his 1st group of students. taking out 99 docs today how about i want to test out the storm. and that the dumps get used to that i think. i. i i got some of those 5 months so
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i. i. i'm tired docs. have got 99 is a lucky number of the thai people. but in the days friday which time people believe is no suspicions day. friday is the best day of the week to hold a ceremony according to tradition. i am or know where they are i let's go i. i.
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i. i i. come on hurry up i. i get the oak rate i now get a few smaller ones too but these are all a nice healthy sign similar. plans to trade the 1st group of ducks to be leaders for the big group that will come later. i doubt it's too long familiar down soon find their way around i think there are times i go back and forth exploring ways.
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to tear up the property leading the way out cracking loudly she could make a good leader. see the docks go up. learn to use the ramps to get up to the top level they way. i'm teaching them how to get on and off the truck they're still having trouble with the corners but they'll learn eventually to use both levels.
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next time i pick up the docs and lucky number today i'm getting another. 1900 they . call them and get them all out. and i want them on different levels when you. go out by themselves all. the way these are new ducks they won't know how to do that yet. each duck costs around $3.00. for. the. ones already made to stick together docks you'll need to do this every day catch them
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and put them out there. that. the 2000 already. 2. all.
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of the academy has officially opened. up and the company has 3 simple lessons. lesson one boarding the truck. even this lesson 3000. 700. 30 minutes.
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past. the 1st time they've ever done it. and they have on their own eventually. yes i now teach themselves at the end of buying.
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some that takes his 3000 students to feed in the rice field every day. normally we have to pay around $200.00 us.


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