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tv   Kultur.21  Deutsche Welle  October 18, 2020 12:30am-1:01am CEST

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there's a goal of high ranking officers of the nazi regime or you judge you by the allied forces. with the 1st war criminals to be held accountable for their crimes for. condos and by to count them on. very crude oil peddlers you use the phrase you're. our 2 part series the 3rd reich the dog starts nov 12th on g.w. . these giant monsters are trolling areas around copenhagen and we'll find out why later on in the show. hello and welcome to another fun edition of your own acts
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with me your host meghan lee here's a look at what else we've got coming up. capturing the beauty of unique bookstores . and furniture that is full imagination yes still functional. but we kick off the show with a balancing act of sorts the sport of slacklining or balancing on a high wire is hard enough and requires a great deal of concentration now add the extra challenge of playing an instrument or performing theatrical now by that may sound impossible but this is what a group of french performers are doing up on high we caught up with them at a church in france for one of their latest shows. acrobatics at dizzying heights on
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a high line. it leads to the abbey church of scent and baby and southeastern france. here the group will do so is putting on a show that combines music dancing acrobatics and puppet theatre with the extreme sports. we used to fashion which is highly i mean to make a scene india so high and. yet we just want to bring. out in the real space in assume nobody ever play music before. trying to communicate. keeping your balance at such heights is already quite a feat but performing a choreographed routine while making music on top right now that's showmanship extraordinaire. when you're focused on the music balancing on the line and
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performing it happens automatically and before i put my and you know i'm like oh i will never be a bird i need my arm to balance and once i start playing i just can't do it and when they play music under 9 i forget that i'm under that and. the members of the we do this have been performing together since 2016. the highlight of their career thus far was performing on chan many mountain in china. they also staged a multimedia show in a cave in the south of france. 2 would be do we try to introduce elements inspired by the local culture whenever we can at a concert in china we played a chinese drum on the net. and in the grotto we told a local legend. you see it's. we're always searching for the most interesting places to perform so here to be performing in a church it's
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a 1st time and to believe performing in the garden like this and in a religious context. it's really special for us to change the pre conceived ideas about locations like this. and the artists from our say came to sometimes 2 weeks before their show to develop the concept onsite. don't like just kind of. show we do so it means we are also from what we discover here so we're in and we speak with people of the village and we like to include. the place where we are from and. falling d.m. is. town chronicler. one of her tales which deals with the villages social
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problems in the last century became the central theme of the performance. they were counted local history but transposed it was making it more monton and accessible to everyone to want to play a musical instrument up there on a line without losing your balance that's impressive but. most of the groups performances also feature handmade props created with lots of love and care. we are gifted with this and we used. to make. the french performers are now looking for another unusual place to present their daring concept. after their debut performance on a church they're now dreaming of stringing their high lines between the chips in
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pyramids. we're all afraid of running into that scary monster in the forests well thanks to danish artist thomas dumbo coming across a giant troll is a real possibility for the last couple of years dumbo has been building and hiding oversized monsters like little tilda in the countryside around copenhagen and now he's put together a troll treasure hunt but as he sees it there is no reason to be afraid. stannis hiding in the forest while state has storm is watching every. long live is enjoying the beach. these mystical giant trolls in denmark. but what is going on and how did they get here. i think like anybody else my atack were up on fairy tales and folklore stories so i think that's also why i like to
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tell them oh and i for me trolls they don't need to be like evil they can also be good and in my favorites trolls they are the protectors of nature. right now thomas down by one to his team of volunteers have only got eyes for this trial. so this one here is called cuban evolved and it's like the little old but very intelligent troll. van is one of 10 trolls taking cover in the countryside the story is a well known danish fairy tale thomas plans to finish the sculpture in 10 days at 4 metres in height is one of the smaller. some of the trolls sculptures can reach up to 18 meters high i like them to play with scale and make us feel small compared to them because we are really small compared to nature using the right materials is an important part of the princess this one here is made from
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a pole that i found just around the corner here and it's the from the local fisherman they use them to tie their fishing that's all of course we are in the harbor for. this one is the inscription stone which is actually made from the same wood that comes from those rolling their weapons that they got a whole bunch of in the workshop. aside from nails and glue thomas only uses discarded wood he collects ontario and eats it in his studio in copenhagen this what infinity used to belong to a shop big. to shut down. and i think that projects such as my art can maybe help alter people's perspective on trash from being something worthless to something with value 1st thomas makes sketches of his ideas. the heads and other details and then put together in his studio the other parts a created out in the new and. give it life some kind of peer group that i would
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paint black and poor here as always the last thing that i put in. when it's completed the heads are ready to set off. this one that will go to australia and this one will go to the united states across the globe a total of 70. hiding in places like belgium. south korea when i'm traveling out in the world i need to like find locally because of course the cancelling of from copenhagen from china i just love to go on the treasure hunt to find those things we're going to make me really having so it's a combination of like having people helping me organize before i arrive but then also just going around and looking what is in the dumpsters despite the size spotting a troll isn't as easy as you'd think but frankly there's now an interactive treasure map to help tell hunters on my quest this family feud has been taken this on the look we have
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a daughter who is 10 and she really likes digital world and to get her out and about to see a bit of the nature out here and then a treasure hunt is always great fun on the dot com hunters can access a digital treasure map using this map they need to 1st find metal plaques which then provide them with coordinates to the next plane. and so nice to see the people who use it and that is the whole object of my project is to learn people away from their comfort so finally at the end of the hunt. reward awaits like captain now and his. one of his on the trail friends. thomas down those plan to get people out to all this and into the nature of random seems to be working. and staying in nature most people consider weeds a pesky nuisance but for germans have paid to franco they are the stars of his
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cuisine now he scours the fields for for wild herbs like a mug or dandelion and he turns them into all kinds of healthy dishes now franken knows all about their health benefits and he shared some of this knowledge with us. across germany and europe it's like jaros wild kemah mile. it was seen as a nice inst. they often destroyed and discovered it. to chef and wild kind of ex but. that's a terrible waste enough spicing up his dishes with wild helps. with the common term as wild herbs sinful and the more insulting turtle is weeds but that's totally misleading club. this behind i think we should celebrate and plants and all their positive attributes
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instead. while she lives a healthy and some even contain more vitamins and minerals than common vegetables pay to find a farm just perhaps in the open fields and meadows surrounding babbin a small town in the region in jimmy's northeast. this guy just. if you can believe saw it like this and use it in herd as t. shirts or in the bath tub with. the best thing i bring from it is bitters. i paid a fine because restaurant had to bill while ted's featuring many of his dishes today into his colleague down the aisle no ask i'm making pesto from stiffening nettles instead of just picking out the leaves thing use the entire plant. misty just by the when you're cooking with nettles it's important to take the female sees the
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best and it's a perfect dietary supplement plaisted warm not perfect way to enhance the nutty flavor if a natural is to get the right consistency and all the ingredients are mixed with great seed oil before being crushed with a pass and a mortar why not. to do. plenty don't extend lines and weeds to make sound it but the most important ingredient is. ground elder also known as bishop sweet it tastes like kohlrabi carrots and parsley they ship sweet contains 4 times the amount of vitamin c. found in lemons it's also known to help me through my tears more to tackle a cold 1st the hips and chopped up into smaller pieces then they mix with grape seed all before adding marigold on tomatoes. for my heart and soul into cooking these dishes and taking a pleasure in cooking is really important to get it right working with all these aromas and using all your senses that's the secret ingredient to success. an
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accountant is a trained herbalist who offers wild her tools in berlin she'd like to pass on had knowledge of hips and greets making others more aware of them and uses. many wild head to go in big cities like going into you like these potato wheats this year contains a lot of ironic calcium and magnesium the iron plays an important role in keeping us healthy so i am i have. the greatest compliment for us as watching people stare at the ground after a tour looking for wild cards they can all use we think we help preserve our native plants by raising awareness for them. and the more herds they plant the less their yards look like sterile golf courses so. there are a couple of things to consider when gathering herbst like avoiding areas with heavy traffic and only picking plants that you recognize as a start up makes a reminiscences for a while to pick
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a specific was impressed by this age old knowledge. i think when you grow up in the city the diversity of the wild herbs surrounding you is something you're not really aware of right on the to the side element of it quite i call ever since i started using wild herbs my mom is so much more impressed by my. cooking it gives my dishes a little extra something special to. pay to frank i knows all about the many uses of want have not only does he use them for cooking but he will say preserve them by making jam jelly. oils. hopes that guesses his restaurants will pick up on his fascination and love for native. indians were living in a consumer society where everything is readily available makes us neglect our own well being that that's why wild herbs are so important to keep you healthy and should play a bigger role in our society we. like
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to see these. stories. to ze as. the smell amazing the best chefs with their best tips from meat dishes to begin diets and all the recipe secrets while. europe's diversity is a smorgasbord to list audio. subscribe and enjoy d. w. food. when was the last time you were in a bookstore while digital media and online shopping have long put many out of business and even now the world's largest book fair in frankfurt is only accessible virtually this year but german for tara for horst friedrichs won't let us forget the charm of the actual bookshop so he has set out to show us the beauty that they
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have to offer. these images give us a unique insight into the world of books presenting some of the novelist and most interesting bookstores on the planet. now they've been gathered together here in bookstores photographer horst and fried rice homage to books his book is the result of 2 years of traveling through 8 countries. every bookstore you enter is goaltimate feeling of books on shelves. but i wanted to show the shops that distinguish themselves from the rest either through their selection or their concept and concept. in his adopted city of london retakes has also captured images of speciality bookshops like max brothers founded in $853.00 it's one of the world's oldest and to terry and booksellers the most valuable item currently in stock 2 pages from
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a 670 year old manuscript about the travels of explorer marco polo the asking price $200000.00 euros even if own at max now reaches many customers online to him printed books are no relic of the past on the contrary. there's nothing like the light coming from a book. for use it makes everyone beautiful have been clever it is exactly the opposite over computer screen which makes us look probably. this bookshop in mayfair also doesn't fear the internet giants. it offers a special service. each month the staff at table till. that recommended free isn't based on a computer algorithm but rather on the knowledge of how many funding fell a day. all together they read over $600.00 books a year queen elizabeth the 2nd is among the customers on amazon you might get the
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rhythm where your only reading the same book over and over again there might be different authors might be slightly different. genres but you won't sort of go outside the box that's what we try to do we try to find books that you wouldn't have picked up. to share window with hurlingham books is the most colorful one of all and that's a testament to the shops concept the books don't appear to be sorted in any particular way. the store looks like one huge warehouse. yet owner ray cole locate every book his organized chaos attracts customers like. even when it comes to chain bookstores it feels like very clinical the way things are laid out and it almost dictates to you whereas i think in a bookshop like this where it's kind of a bit more of
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a ramshackle experience it feels. like you who come our way that. some people purposely leave a book behind when they visit the floating bookshop on the water on london's region canal. the old. on instagram one of. 47 bookstores. like the history of the. church back from the 13th century. harry potter novels. shops will always exist simply because books are so important like the air that we breathe without books and there would be no civilization. and books like.
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can you imagine a ping pong table for the dining room or a flying carpet as a chair or these are just some of the designs by. now his furniture looks surreal and is full of dream like wonder we caught up with the young designer at his studio on cypress to hear more about what inspires him. the cityscape of a modern metropolis dotted with skyscrapers in the table. its designer still used calls his functional artwork the wave city table. i went to really restaurant and while i was sitting there i was there during the shape of a rug this interesting shape so i thought you know what buildings would be interesting so. i think the rough sketch with buildings and i did the 3 d.
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model on the computer so when we made the 1st evolute really really good fans of designer furniture agreed the wave city table has made most cities famous it even features in the permanent collection of the louvre. he says surreal furniture has a design language all its own whether it's a comical figure holding a surfboard. chairs inspired by a latin spine carpet. or a mountain wire mesh that props up a ping pong table and doubles as a dining table. he's inspired by the natural beauty of his homeland cyprus. because if you look at nature he's beautiful in the future look closely or even if you look on their microscope you find all these unique patterns in joe metrical shapes and fascinates me because i think the best art take these nature
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a glass drop of water that creates a ripple effect. more rockets lifting off carrying glass tabletops you can see the mediterranean sea and the clouds above cyprus reflected in his work. many of mousavi says designs rely on 3 d. printing technology which enables him to create the most unusual shapes quickly the 13 d. printers in his studio help him produce his furniture. b.c. biodegradable plastic this posting is very slowly anyone break very easily in addition to black the wave city table also comes in a wood finish. the table shouldn't break if someone sits on it to increase its store ability. and a metal worker spent a lot of time fine tuning the design. we're using studio we did place here are big sheets of metal we cut them in the dimensions of the we want and then we
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use the machines behind us to bend the steel into their shape of the table it turns out to be not very very easy because you need to get it for size so. processing and try. we got it right the end then the 80 kilograms plates are clad with wood painstakingly and by hand a carpenter joins the maple veneer sheets together he can't afford to make a mistake otherwise the entire work will be ruined the craftsman must glue the thin wooden layer to the curved metal plate precisely to the exact millimeter so that makes a gives you disability and heaviness and they would it gives you the usually small wood. for the black version the metal is coated with powder based paint. then attaches the buildings using a special and he says. it's very very very solid pieces and.
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so you can see there. the table bends but it's not actually coming off a trained model maker he's spent some time in london working with the world famous architect norman foster after that he returned to cyprus. cyprus is a small island it is very quiet as well here so i like quite places a lot of people saying you can do anything here is quite is very difficult to do here because of the limitations of the infrastructure and everything of the void island but there are ways there are ways if you really want to to do it you can do it you just have to find those ways and judging by his success it seems most sundays has indeed found the right ways his creations now sell for as much as 35000 euros. and with that we wrap up another shout now and don't forget to follow us on social media and please be sure to check out our
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website for this week's drop in if you take part you might become the proud owner of a tablet as always for me in the research crew here in berlin thanks for tuning in and see.
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today i'm going to take you on a trip along the sex and wine route from tasting to my son writes why in the name of sense of. 60 fun filled kilometers i just have to come to the 2nd one most it's a small a wine region but it's got
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a lot of history and culture cheers. tricky. spot. problematic powering lithium batteries we use those precious resources for almost everything in the 21st century but supplies are limited mining is harmful to the environment and recycling is complex and expensive how can live music become more effective and environments only for a moment to bob. dylan 60 minutes on d w. what secrets lie behind small. discover new adventures in the 360 degree.
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and explore fascinating world heritage sites. t.w. world heritage 360 get kidnapped now. do move through all. of the mormon. church. because your war isn't love. in this war to swallow for. loonies on the loose. there's no use no love love for god which. goes underwater your world could see the world are. canceling.
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her couldn't sleep. her smile. this is d w news live from berlin bolivians are casting their ballots for a new president come sunday amid a deeply divided political landscape the front runners are a leftist and a centrist the winner will have to deal with the coronavirus pandemic and bolivia's worst economic crisis in decades. and uncle americal calls on the germans to do their bit to stop the spread of coronavirus as new cases serves to their highest
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levels since the pen demick began. also in the fall.


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