tv Kulturzeit Deutsche Welle October 18, 2020 6:30pm-7:00pm CEST
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will you. be there i'm david and this is a climate change is it sex. happiness. this is the book for you. smarter for free. on you tube. it's no secret that our planet's resources are dwindling and that's why when i am buying program would like to share ideas on how you can protect and support nature welcomes the coffee i'm now in lagos nigeria and a one welcome for me too so glad you could join us today i am sundra to know video coming to you from kampala here is what is coming up shortly.
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we. are. all the pride of a country here in uganda these are wonderful and on the most drum many visitors which helps the economy but the core of. the tourism industry hot so a women's initiative to the windy impenetrable national park where the. attraction has come up with other ways of income and that is continuing even though the park is now once again open to visitors but the women aren't the only ones who read good
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a thing. it's also good news for right for a woman. that profits from tours coming to see the. the coronavirus lockdown march broached tourism to a standstill depriving many local women of the way to on money these women have been home for 6 months with no walk almost 7 months and because uganda has opened. them to them it means they want to cut i mean an income right for a woman of us obviously such as bike was around the national park some of the women just hide out to ride a bike themselves but that tourism now in big demand rights for women was founded 11 years ago by. it now employs of a $300.00 women from villages in the area. women but using that mountain base as we
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thought maybe torso come and actually use the mountain by schools hire them and then the minute but what is the women and the benefits to providing to us as help their women and other locals to the need to protect. life many know watch out for porches america to prevent us from being exploited it's sort of a common human perspective that what doesn't benefit you is useless. and that's how most of the people in the. conservation areas it is and if there is a benefit of one of them then it seems. it's not good enough but that ended abruptly in march the 1 no more tourists to the mountain bikes visit workshops will buy handicrafts. so the women started making face masks for
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companies and organizations in uganda as well as for export abroad. went to the hospital and we have. so when we get it here we try to. there's a man and. we just got one and we started for that they must generate some income but. it's so evil and came up with another scheme to help this community of women with the help of their missions they set up a farm where. he also helps keep the charity going plus people need to eat even when there's no money coming in has become self-sustaining so we get put on here take it to the women who are on the other side walking and then we still i am bring their money out to actually come and pick the women walking in the process. now that's at
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intersections are being lifted. some of the women moved back on their bikes and we then will catch a glimpse of the silver box and his family. have been born since the beginning to the delight of conservationists these majestic primates that species most long ago there were only 800 mountain lives all of them in uganda and the democratic republic of congo fortunately the protective measure. has proved effective and their numbers have grown to over a 1000. did you know that some 1300000000 tons of food a west it every year one white in africa it is often down to
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a lot of infrastructure for preserving freshly rested food as a result on average $6.00 to $11.00 killers of food a west at. play here in developing countries what a waste of resources sandra but in industrial nations the level of waste is 10 times greater detail as on consumers often toss out food just because it's no longer fresh now one company has found a way of extending the shelf life of fruits and vegetables using a method that doesn't harm the environment. the fruit and vegetables rotting in fields or during transportation to consumers. according to the un food and agricultural organization or f a o some 14 percent of food is lost after harvesting and before it reaches the market or retailer. if you go to a particular country or really you are likely to see varying levels of losses and
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these you pending on the situation will go up even to 50 percent if you're talking about let's say fruits and vegetables for example if the from a does not find a market for that particular food product in a timely basis now this is huge amount of food and if you convert tapes into a monetary fund this is a lot and if you wait it is well into the laws to the environment or the environmental impact that is also huge. when that happens water pesticides and resources used for transportation are all wasted some 7 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions can be traced back to food loss and waste the chief causes include problems with transportation and refrigeration. getting the produce from harvest to kitchen table is a race against time. a
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california based company appeals sciences might be able to help. founder james rodgers and his team have developed a liquid that could extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables. appeal is a little exactly like it sounds peel we applied to the surface of fresh produce you can't see it you can't taste it you can't feel well it slows down the factors that cause the fruit to age. it helps even without refrigeration appeal is a liquid coating that dries into a kind of edible skin. the coating helps the produce last up to 4 times as long that buys time time to transport the produce to store it and eat it before it spoils. appeal is based on limits and other natural compounds found in fruits and vegetables. they were extracted and blended into
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a tailor made solution. by combining them in the rate ratios when they dry dry into an arrangement that allows us to control the factors that cause street to age which are basically water going out and oxygen going in so same materials we're just teaching a new trick by finding the right formula to apply to different kinds of produce in order to give them the same kind of protection that you have a woman on a cucumber or a. dutch wholesaler nature's pride sell some 120000 tons of fruits and vegetables a year they import from 59 countries especially in latin america in rotterdam. the imported produce continues to ripen before it's sorted packed and shipped to the retailer. spoilage and waste is a common problem in the industry but the company hopes to minimize these losses in
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the future. when the consumer throws food away they actually brought it and they don't use it and that costs money. so in the chain if we don't know what it way you don't spend that money wrongly with the people we can reduce food waste or 60 percent do we do the level. food that used to land in the trash can now be sold every day nature's treat 6 tons of avocados with appeal before sending them to supermarket shelves across europe. the main customers are in scandinavia germany and the netherlands. nature's pride is the 1st company in europe to use appeal. they're planning to start treating other kinds of fruits and vegetables soon. as rain is coming by air by using a few we might give them the possibility go by boat and that is of course is they need since our state so there's lots of opportunities. so far the new technology
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is mainly being used by large companies smaller ones can't afford it but appeal says it's planning to change that with a new business model it foresees retail chains in supermarkets paying for the technology for small producers and farmers to install. in return the retailers receive longer lasting produce farmers in places that haven't had access to national and international markets could also benefit. and so the opportunity is to be able to use appeal to reduce the transport tahsin costs and increase the quality so it's not a it's a way for some small producer to grow something that's intrinsically valuable to collect some of that value. and that's exactly what would help producers in african countries appeal is currently setting up a facility in south africa for example it's not just aimed at the export market but could also help reduce food waste in the country itself but while extending the
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shelf life of produce will help it won't put an end to the waste problem. for that transportation and refrigeration systems will also need to be improved and expanded. and consumers will need to stop throwing food away and start only buying what they'll actually eat. here you get a clue what's really going on. africa . being played out big. we introduce you to clear the people and the latest solutions for the environment and . simply amazing stories. africa.
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let's move to egypt now many areas enough in the north african country are so isolated they are completely out of the pa great problem for residents on a tourism industry solar power could provide a solution and what egypt now has one of the world's largest solar plants it can't cover the needs of the country in the meantime smaller suppliers are setting up localized to it to fill the gap let's take a look. good man is a remote fishing village on the red sea and it's not on the national grid. until recently the only electricity here came from diesel generators. now a solar powered local grade to provide the electricity of ram to clock. enabling fishermen to store their cash safely. you know. when we can't fish we used to take them either 11 kilometers south to her or 16
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kilometers north to busan. it was quite a long drive and the fish would sometimes go bad and start to smell. now that we have electricity around the clock we have a freezer people come to us to buy fish and we save on time and travel costs. 100 kilometers to the north. it's a popular tourist destination the hotels here rely mostly on diesel generators for electricity. but that's not the case at the marseilles shakhtar a large where people come from all over the world to dive the owners here have invested in solar power but the system only provides electricity joining the day when it's dark the hotel still uses a diesel generator. still the partial switch to solar hasn't just been environmentally beneficial it's also been an advantage on an economic level.
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for many. for. the price of fossil fuels has risen a lot over the past 8 years. right now the cost of producing $1.00 kilowatt using the generator is the equivalent of 12 year old cents. on the other hand across from the solar plant is only 8. and 1.6. as a result we've been able to recoup our outlays in less than 5 years before. the aim is to switch to 100 percent clean energy as soon as possible. the many great and solar station was built and is maintained by the carm solar company itself the electricity to the hotel. jamaal opt out cause there is the on site maintenance
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technician carm seller has a policy of training local people wherever it builds a facility. and. i mean when i started i was a manual labor. digging holes laying cable and carrying stuff around i knew nothing about solar power. but slowly i started learning and thanks to kind solar i got trained by their engineers. he checks the solar panels every day it's important to clean them regularly because a lot of sound blows around here for local technicians com so there is grids present opportunities for career progression. i know in charge of 3 solar grids in most. carm solar mostly sets up facilities for big clients and companies but it also serves smaller ones like this better when settlement they recently received to solar panels from donors.
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jamal is visiting to explain how the many great works. harm solar also works but the government on large on grid power plants. another sign that solar power has a bright future in egypt join the tourist attractions and cultural centers all over the world have been offering their troops was so allow their sights and values to be explored from some wildlife hawks in south africa to the same approach i mean even though some are now reopening for defense also far as are still widely popular especially those featuring elephants and big cats here's this week's. i. want to see what lions do all day. lodges rangers bring south africa's wildlife into your home the
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rangers record what they observe in the money the nature reserve and post the videos online for free the idea came about when the reserve closed due to covert 19 a really great way of. bringing the bush and the animals. to people in their homes down they couldn't go anywhere and we thought it's a fantastic idea to bring these virtual safaris to people. on the beat virtual safaris are a roaring success and are watched by people around the world. 2020 videos were getting between 3 and 4000000 viewers. the virtual safaris proved so popular that they continued even after restrictions were lifted along with beautiful footage they provide lots of information. and. found out more about.
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all types of. consuello says the virtual safaris teach the importance of wildlife while also encouraging people to support the reserves. how about you if you are also doing your bit tell us about it visit our website or send us a tweet. hash tag doing your bit. we share your story. digital technology is opening up new possibilities on the pandemic has only serves just celebrate for us in kenya cutting edge technology is helping pharmacy improve the crop yields and cope with the fact of climate change. that is right near a start up in nairobi is using state lights to provide farmers with forecasts on
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the harvests and also rely on the way that but it's not only state lights that are keeping watch on the farm most fields. oh. it was some months most risky money flies are drawn over his clients from africa has talked to some about crop fields here are often. these technology could change that the bronze come there are cultures they like that's reflected off the plants in vegas with plants and so reveals information which they netted human eye cannot see. we fly closely over the probes. do you think that image with honor and allies and we can give the corpses to them why this is important river drawn you can actually see just 2 weeks before you can see to your naked eye the farmer make the right decision in time before the crop
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has the last most risky money founded the company lin terra africa in 2016 together with the find the startup is one of 12 across africa currently receiving guidance from the german government program for start ups he's kind of set regularly with the john months of his provide up for sustainable development g.i. said their initiative supports touchups in the agriculture and food sector in just such for investors up until now most of their funding has come from the same offer to like this most business has also set up a demo sees to clients can use it to learn how to use the technology decent some mischa's the temperature you meet. the recipe has a special developed by the startup then transmits the data feel of charge to a cell phone it's not a that is increasingly vital to the families asking it to be suffering the effects of climate change seasons and weather patterns a shift in harvests a decrease in tara 6 to officer lucian's to these problems so learn to africa
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kenyan based agriculture technology company relabel farmers adapt to climate change i don't because they yield through precision agriculture through climate smart inputs and through conservation agriculture. this soil census data is combined with additional information regional weather forecasts and images from satellites which can quickly captcha large areas of land from outer space the images come from the sentinel to set lights. these in the sky are part of europe's observation. every 5 days they send the new image. this specialist at the startup then turned the data into valuable information for local farmers big technology can evaluate our plants growth and highlight potential problem areas it's even possible to estimate how high a crop yield will you would see is performing well consistently you know that we
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can actually make adjustments on the farm groups they've got to their yield now we look at the soil moisture analysis. so for this one it is blue whether it's good so western distribution yellow or green red is less wild west are already right absolutely dry so what that tells us is the education lines here are not working. he'll mean why everything is going to plan. your route kenya has been using the interior africa for about a year out of the details of your machine she can also 40 percent more produce than before to hotels and local markets 200 farmers will really use the op appreciates it's user friendly set up. and like before when you were depending a lot on i was coming to take on if i'm not able to be here then i have to depend
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on their work sometimes they don't do this properly they don't give me the correct information so these has been like my 2nd eyes and giving me information which i cannot even see for example there whether. has been able to improve crop elance in her awnings but in terre needs to send a lot of data to use a smartphones luck of coverage in rural areas on the grid that the farmers have to purchase from mobile service providers can be obstacles for some especially small enough businesses. that is all from us today we had a lot of fun hosting the show hope you enjoyed watching for now it is a good buy for me sundra to nobody here in company uganda i'm from him outside when lagos see you next week in the marines are do be sure to stay in touch on social media so long and see you again very soon.
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was the 1st international tribunals used. the nurnberg trials. 75 years ago high ranking officers of the nazi regime of origin by the allied forces. were the 1st war criminals to be held accountable for their crimes. count them on them to have going. pay a new year's frazier. our 2 part series the 3rd reich the dog starts nov 12th on d w. with them how to be done it goes on because when the highest if i had known that the boat would be that small i
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never would have gone on a trip i would not have put myself and my parents so much danger to the bottom of the beam of the foot a beautifully it would. love one sunday because that one it would be to give them i have serious problems on a personal level and i was unable to live there much i'm going to. want to know their story in full migrants for a find a country mobile information for margaret's. how does a virus spread. why do we panic and when will all this. produce through the topics covered and the weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like and the information on the coronavirus or any other science topics you should really check out our podcast so you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at dot com slash science.
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this is a deja vue news live from berlin standing in solidarity. people across france honor the well liked history teacher who was beheaded after discussing cartoons of the muslim prophet muhammad with his clocks prime minister john kass sex is among the crowd in paris. bolivians cast their ballots for a new.
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