tv Verruckt nach Meer Deutsche Welle October 18, 2020 10:30pm-11:30pm CEST
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w. w's crime fighters are back a little africa's most successful radio drama series continues here in the olympus odes are available online course you can share and discuss on w. africa's facebook page going to other social media platforms to crime fighters to nino. ethiopia in east africa rich in biodiversity and home to many animal species found nowhere else on earth in the south of the country lies the bond of mountains national park. a natural wonder and the source of life giving rivers comes to nick mcgregor few other regions show how closely linked to the survival of an endangered species is with our own it would be becoming charged. some 12000000
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people depend on the rivers that originate in the ballot mountains to protect the rivers from drying up the national park must be safe the question is how. the. water is life but in many parts of ethiopia there simply isn't enough of it. most of the people here are farmers. many still work with the simplest of tools and bland suitable for farming and grazing is scarce. ethiopia is among the most populous countries
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on earth more than 100000000 people live here and that number increases by around 2500000 every year if the growth rate remains constant the population could double by 2050. ethiopia is part of the horn of africa it's a country of high mountain peaks in the south the ban a national park protects the afro alpine biome it's not only home to many rare species of plants and animals it's also the source of several rivers that flow through so malia to the indian ocean providing millions of people with water. the ban the mountains are the water reservoir for the whole region since 2004 at the frankfurt zoological society has been helping to preserve the national park the society's director coast of shank has come to see what the situation is like on the
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ground he knows how important this area is. for non jewish i'm told be used to be able to ship to file diversity as an evenly spread on our planet in 80 percent of species are found on just 20 percent of the earth's surface the reason we just have to protect the right places for the gums british the most important parts are the so-called hot spots as these are regions where the earth secular abundance of the sixty's and beautiful ones that only exist in those regions for more on these hot spots are shrinking in the courts but one is the afro alpine region including the ball a mountain of the culture been a good girl. most of the region is covered by forest one of the last intact expanses a forest in the whole of ethiopia it's enormously important as a habitat for plants and animals as well as providing a balanced climate and water supply. ancient juniper
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and caso trees are habitat for various herbivores including the extremely rare mountain eola this species of antelope is found only in the uplands of ethiopia. a mere 3000 mountainy alast still live in the wild most of them in bali national park. there's also a diverse host of small creatures it's likely that there are reptiles and amphibians here that haven't even been discovered yet. scientists have identified about $1300.00 flowering plants in many of which are only found here the diversity of species is encouraged by the climate. the high mountains make for fertile cloud forests.
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droplets collect on moss and lichen. they merge to form streams which in turn converge into mighty rivers supplying millions of people with water. crystal shank is on his way to the national parks headquarters. during the drive he struck by the extent to which human activity has changed the environment. the many cows are just one indication.
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the once clear water is stained brown by this oil it's washing away. because in your confused we don't see human influences here hold large numbers of livestock with massive over use of the land on which their ocean caused by trample and grazing over there is also erosion caused by the water behind me are non-native eucalyptus trees the landscape is totally changed and in very poor condition especially to stumps. ethiopia's wealth of nature disappeared from here a long time ago many children don't know their country any other way. as often happens the weather in the mountains is about to change. the hailstorm in the ethiopian highlands.
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the landscape has been consistently damaged by humans and extreme weather like this only makes things worse. let's visit this year just like people's future is being washed away on foot but we associate ethiopia with drought and they are in conditions and those are on the increase but huge downpours are washing away the topsoil which is so important for agriculture so it's getting harder and harder for people to farm because most at the same time of the population is growing makes that greatly increases the risk of people not being able to stay where they are not all that means they will be forced to migrate and those who make the youngest. cost of shank continues on his way into the national park. the women and men who
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work as rangers are waiting for him the director of the frankford zoological society offers them encouragement and knowledge you have to protect it and you are one lucky. that most of the staff come from the surrounding villages they work here because there aren't many other jobs available and forcing the park's regulations often means coming into conflict with their neighbors. the frankfurt zoological society is aware of the challenges the global organization provides the ethiopian authorities with financial support it also helps with the management of large scale wildlife sanctuaries. in the valley national park is just under 2500 square kilometers there are a few roads and the rangers often patrol the reserve on horseback. and. this group of mounted rangers say that cows have been spotted in the middle of
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the park even though that's not allowed. the animals need to be rounded up. and of ethical. even situations like these can easily escalate. from the grammys big hero to ethiopia seems such a peaceful country but there's quite a lot of conflict violent disputes are not uncommon that there's a strong conflict between using resources and the need to protect this department because it is in part to ships and the work is dangerous and by no means easy but it's also extremely important that's why the french for do a logical society finances the patrols equipment and operations. the parks wildlife often has to tolerate domesticated visitors this time horses are grazing alongside the mountain eola. as reported
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there are also cattle on the plane. the domesticated animals have to be captured this happens time and time again. but. the rangers skillfully herd them together there are even a few sheep. on. the livestock compete with wild animals for food they can also transmit diseases. the intruders are not harmed just rounded up the cattle and sheep are extremely valuable for their owners the aim is to find an amicable solution for everyone. the rangers take the animals to a pan their owners can collect them after they pay
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a fine. customs shank has arrived 1 in the morning one. morning when i got the animals are still waiting to be reclaimed and. the livestock owner 1st has to pay his fine though it isn't too expensive. in the coastal shank and the staff do their best to explain why the park rules should be followed or fought for your children as well and also that is the conflict we are in now looking at the being of the other negative money part we don't get any benefit from the park little the only benefit is that we'll use water from the park i mean your daughter ok it's important for the next generation but right now i don't get maybe. if it from the arctic i mean if you switch it off i
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don't have to get another. place the farmer is finally able to collect his animals this time everything went smoothly but others aren't always willing to comply. with. the metal finish question of the product we have just heard a farmer saying no we don't get any benefit from the park because the benefits aren't there are studies about the old they might only become clear decades from now when the forest is gone and the water rushes through taking all the soil with it it's mostly because that's what makes this so difficult but at the end of the day there's no easy solution because once our get to lose a. game . on balance high plateau hosts of lush flame flowers cover the ground.
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it's also home to something else an extremely rare animal. the ethiopian wolf. it's the world's rarest species of canada. there are now only around $500.00 ethiopian wolves in the wild roughly half of them in ballarat the national park has become the bastion for the survival of the species. in the end the animals were once widespread in the ethiopian highlands but they've had to withdraw from humans more and more today they live and hunt at an altitude of 4000 metres.
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they can't retreat any higher and large tracts of the country have become virtually uninhabitable for them. rodents are the wolves preferred prey and there are some splendid specimens up here like the giant mono rat which can weigh up to a kilogram. easy opie and wolves hunt alone. but even up here in this remote part of our planet they still and counter domesticated animals. because the wolves aren't interested in cattle they don't come into conflict with the herders. but where there are cattle there are also dogs
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and they can transmit diseases like rabies. and one of the biggest problems the park administration has to deal with is the illegal settlements springing up in these last protective forests. the village every rock is located in the middle of the national park the 1st touch here were tolerated but then people continued to build despite a ban on further expansion. today really is a large permanent settlement around 500 families live here and it continues to grow . the welcome here isn't nearly as warm as it usually is in ethiopia has cost of shang wants to know how people today feel about the sanctuary.
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many things for the future. don't get anything for our future from the park. the conservationist wants to know more about the community's needs. we need a better infrastructure like clean water and electricity. even if the dangers of environmental destruction are known there are simply more pressing concerns for people here problems that need solutions today the benefits of keeping forests intact may take decades to be felt there was a lot of convincing to be done behind. the park people frank for people conservation people and we really have to find solutions. for the people and for the forest but it's very clear. the mood remains tense even though such
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discussions are vital because everyone here depends on a functioning ecosystem a system that provides clean water and keeps the soil in the fields. coast of saying now wants to get a report on the situation in the lowlands he goes to visit the head of the bonn and mountain conservation project. nettles immediately explains how critical the situation is in the lowlands he has video from the border area between southern ethiopia and somalia this huge region is home to 12000000 people who are dependent on water from the mountains but more and more often the water isn't flowing. livestock can survive long periods of drought and when the animals die people lose their source of food and income the
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rural population is being hit hardest some river beds are bone dry. several factors are at play environmental degradation climate change and constant population growth the overall. dulled is that people can no longer feed themselves . living because they become dependent on help from the outside and when people no longer have enough to live on they're forced to leave. new month for list comes on $101.00 likes to leave their homeland but what's happening here is the start of a huge migration flow that could reach as far as europe so investments in conservation and in the mountains water system is vital it's a much better investment than having to face big problems later on in the form of huge waves of refugees the 2nd. in order to stay
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people need prospects and they can't be founded on the destruction of nature. one such opportunity is growing coffee plant flourishes amid the alpine forests. the wild growing coffee plant originates in ethiopia no wonder the country has a long coffee drinking tradition it's always prepared fresh and instead of a quick cup on the go there's an elaborate ceremony involved. from ethiopia coffee conquered the world today it's an industry worth billions but farmers here don't see much of the profits. me in. any store and you know the whole part i buy coffee at a bargain price from a discount store in europe only
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a tiny part of the money goes to the coffee farmer it's important for coffee farmers to be paid a decent price was otherwise they switched to illegal farming they clear trees and grow coffee in the national parks like here in the mountains of course. that's disastrous so in a global sense bargain prices are actually no bargain at all and. in fact money can be earned from coffee that's why illegal cultivation is flourishing . once again the park rangers are on patrol they come across an illegal logging camp wood is in high demand for construction or as fuel for cooking and eating. the rangers spot something else coffee what looks like a natural clearing is an illegal coffee plantation in the rain forest coffee grows well in the shade of the forest canopy the undergrowth has been completely cleared
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to make way for the plantation. and in part will come from the villages and plant coffee bushes in the park they wait 3 or 4 years for the bushes to ripen and then harvest them but they also come to clear the vegetation 2 or 3 times a year as that has a big effect and it's illegal to retain. the rangers make sure there won't be any coffee harvested here. another source of income is found in the tree tops only brave and skillful climbers like is male abdul qadeer can reach these giddy heights he uses a sophisticated technique to work his way up using ropes that he tightens with his own body weight he often climbs to a height of 30 meters all without professional climbing equipment or protective gear. this is his livelihood is male
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a dual cuddyer is a beekeeper. he 1st has to drive the bees away with smoke. they can be incredibly aggressive. he's placed around 50 beehives in the tree tops up here he says these are more likely to accept the hives and they're harder for honey badgers to reach. if all goes well he can harvest from each beehive twice a year but for that to be possible the bees need lots of flowers and a florist in forest only then will they produce enough honey for him. it's a tough job but it provides an income that fits with the interests of the national
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park. today's climb has yielded 3 kilograms of honey and around $100.00 be stang's these days he hardly notices them for the them or for that and this is my job i go to the money our money our government our. i for them what it is for my children for school it is. for clothes for everything . living sustainably with the forest can work but many people are seeking more opportunities for development. population growth is also putting pressure on the system children grow up to establish families of their own and everyone wants a better future but how best to achieve that is conservation the way to meet those needs. and. you'd think that in developing countries like in the o.p.o.
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the most important thing would be to build schools hospitals roads to develop markets altitude but unless we succeed in conserving nature and the climate and the water supply none of that will be needed and bossa holds out hope because people will no longer be living where they live today you know probably incredible shortly . the situation in the bali mountains is an example of a dilemma affecting many regions of africa there's too little space for both wildlife and humans. the battle over the last remaining natural areas is getting more intense. competition for dwindling resources is growing. that's why illegal settlements continue to spread in the national park in places
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where just a short time ago there was nothing but dense rain forest. endangered species have nowhere to go and. in many places they live on virtual islands amid a sea of destruction. ethiopia is home to unique creatures found nowhere else on earth. if they were to disappear the world would keep turning but the loss of any single species shows that ecosystems are no longer functioning as they should. and the fundamentals of clean water fresh air and fertile soil are things that we humans depend on to.
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believe. problematic powering lithium batteries we use this precious resource for almost everything in the 21st century but supplies are limited mining is harmful to the environment and recycling is complex and expensive how can lithium use become more effective and environmentally friendly to borrow to. 30 minutes on d w. today i'm going to take your trip
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a little sex and wine ribs from tasting to my son right why my neighbor says i'm. 60 fun filled kilometers i just have to come to the 2nd one move it's a small a wine region but it's got a lot of history and culture cheers. to. translate . carefully you don't know the simple truth is to get. the edge. discover the world.
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subscribe to a documentary on you tube. it was the 1st international tribunal in history. the nuremberg trials. 75 years ago high ranking officers of the nazi regime in the corner judging by the allied forces . were the 1st war criminals to be held accountable for their crimes. now come on. going through paris really was right here in. our 2 part series the 3rd reich the dog starts nov 12th on g.w. .
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this is a deja vu use live from berlin static and solidarity. people across france alter the well liked history teacher who was beheaded after discussing cartoons of the muslim prophet muhammad with his class prime minister john kass text joined the crowd in paris. human rights groups and opposition politicians in turkey raise concerns over the country's volunteer police forces notice that she will have more to report later in the show. and in the bundesliga shall could get their 1st point
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of the season on the board but they're still without a win in $28.00 league games. on a spicer welcome to the program there have been demonstrations across france in a show. the after the beheading of a teacher on his home on his way home from school thousands gathered in central paris to pay their respects to. who was killed after showing cartoons of the muslim prophet muhammad during a class on freedom of expression police have now detained 11 people in connection with the killing the suspect was shot dead by police soon after the attack. thousands of people came to the plaster little public in paris to show their solidarity with the slain teacher some your party. it was here with large groups
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also gathered following the 2015 charlie hebdo attacks. but today people wore signs saying just. or i'm a teacher. many came here to grieve but also to protest they felt compelled to speak out in support of the teacher and freedom of speech. before we are here to defend the republic liberty equality for eternity and secularism. but it was not just in paris communities came together right across the country to stand in defiance and remember the 47 year old history teacher. and. we are in shock and now our focus is on the well being of our children for them it's especially horrifying if it is all because he was my teacher for 2 years he was very friendly one of the few teachers who would help us. as a secular country we've been under attack and now our education system that's going
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too far from the. party was on his way home from school when he was attacked shortly after police surrounded the suspect and ordered him to drop his weapon. authorities say they opened fire on the suspect after he attacked police. the french government has called the killing an attack on french values in europe but. it is no accident that it is the teacher who's being killed by a terrorist because he wanted to kill the republic and the values that represents the enlightenment the possibility to make our children were ever they come from believers or nonbelievers whatever their religion to make them free citizens. francis said to hold further national tributes for the victims and the coming days . and for more on this i'm joined now by. who is
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a journalist in paris and it is good to have you with us there are demonstrations of solidarity rallies for the victim taking place across the country what more can you tell us about. what's interesting is how many people have been attending in those demonstrations right lots of teaches and in cities there have a chart you. do 2 hours from now and in in the provinces as well and the shock is very quick heritable to what happened when the cartoonist or shall you do well slaughtered by terrorists 5 years ago and you really have the feeling that this is touch something deep in the nation because teachers and teaching children this is a this is an issue that transcends a great deal of other things that it brings the french together in ways that we haven't seen recently. and do we have any more information about the attack her.
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we know quite a little more now about the attack and he's an 18 year old chechen was born in moscow and who was admitted to immigrate in france after he was refused in poland and against the advice of the french immigration office a judge decided that he should be admitted in bronze he never returned it to officer fatties class that he doesn't good to the high school he was very obviously radicalized and we don't know whether he's been radicalized over the months or whether he's been radicalized in the past week by the combination of the social media messages videos and demands by several families and several organizations around the high school employees under no age who demanded that be a teacher be sanctioned in section can mean many things from mr chips sanction to what happened actually yesterday and that's that's really something that shocked
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everyone. and it is a threat is of course proudly and publicly and officially a secular country is that however a source of tension with parts of the muslim community. it used not to be we had a muslim colony we had immigration in the fifty's and sixty's before and after independence from algeria morocco tunisia and of those generations the 1st generation integrated pretty well and then things started getting worse and you can really date the change of climate right at the beginning of the 1980 s. and that coincides with a push that was made by the extremist 100 sect to born in saudi arabia who started practicing and include streaming retrograde form of islam and financing mosques that push that kind of the slum and in general trying for cultural and religious tension with the over the other muslim community has you seen in france
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increase in years. women wearing full face covering the book and called for a law and for all it's against out but if you look at all sorts of pictures imputing during the algerian war you never saw women wearing head scarves and what not book is it was not a tradition all of this is new and that is this kind of grooming in most extremist ways that has created tensions and promotes ok and it is there in paris thanks so much. and here as well in berlin people have been showing their solidarity with the victims of the attack in france a small crowd gathered outside the french embassy in the center of a german capital mourners pay their respects to victim 7 who had pets laying flowers and biting candles. and it's time now to take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world. the united arab
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emirates minister of tolerance has been accused of sexually assaulting a u.k. woman she told a british newspaper that she had visited shake to discuss the staging of the 1st ever a literary festival in abu dhabi he has denied the allegations or employer hay festival has severed ties with the u.a.e. . voters in cyprus have elected a right wing nationalist as president of the breakaway northern turkish cypriot state arison tar won 51 percent of the votes in a runoff with the incumbent qatar's backed by turkey and opposes reunifying the turkish cypriot north with the greek cypriot. czech police in the capital project have made numerous arrests after protesters attacked officers during a demonstration against corona virus restrictions at least 20 people were injured the czech republic has closed bars and restaurants and banned sports events in an attempt to rein in his record surge in new infections. and here are some
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more of the latest developments. has also tightened restrictions as its coronavirus caseload source the government announced plans to use up to 8000 soldiers to support mass testing saudi arabia has allowed citizens and residents to perform prayers at the al-hurra mosque in mecca for the 1st time in 7 months and palestinian chief negotiator saeb erekat is in intensive care in israel after his condition worsened earlier this month he announced he had tested positive for corona virus in turkey human rights groups and opposition politicians are worried about volunteer police forces the patrols known as beckett she were 1st introduced by president airto on 4 years ago opposition leaders fear airto one is using them to build up local militias loyal only to him even drawing parallels with the violent brownshirts of nazi germany. this is no standard
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police check when the situation suddenly ask relates to a man in uniform pulls out a gun and shoots this kind of violence is becoming increasingly common in turkey and it's carried out by men and women who aren't actually police officers they're called back a voluntary community police force mainly out in the evenings patrolling neighborhoods vehicles and residents on foot they're allowed to carry weapons after just 3 months of training where worried about the huge powers these rather are educated and untrained forces are going to be given the back she were reintroduced by turkish president richard type area one as a kind of auxiliary police force after an attempted coup 4 years ago the government says they've made many neighborhoods safe for the opposition however here's the aim is to create local militia members loyal to president to 11 politician sees parallels with the violent essay brownshirts of nazi germany. members of the nazis
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political comeback groups also war brown uniforms. they had a bad reputation because of their cruelty and involvement in street brawls. jihad doman has 1st hand experience of a check carried out by the back seat a few weeks ago he was walking through istanbul when the evening took a dramatic turn. to be the sole of the initial 1st they grab someone and threw them on the ground little while someone attempted to help and they hit him until it with us. 10 men stepped in and tried to mediate this caught the attention of the bakshi they took him to a police station. they wanted that they didn't inform the public prosecutor or state that a very late they kept me at the station with her 9 or 10 hours just for fun is equivocal but pathetic get sick this she has since reported the back before their actions. but there are unlikely to face convictions. 2 and what we tend to see
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happen is the authorities immediately jump to the defense of the police and the police themselves file counter charges against the person whose complaint despite concerns turkey already has more than 20000 back and the government says it's planning to recruit more. shockers start to the bundesliga campaign has been less than impressive with 3 defeats from their 1st 3 games coach many was desperate for his side to pick up even a point against young berlin on sunday and they did just that in a scrappy clash that ended one all. concerned faces chalco have only won one bundesliga match in 2020 and that was last season manuel bowman charge of only his 2nd game faced an uphill battle. and after a goalless opening half it looked bleak for the home side when you're on berlin.
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making it one they'll with this perfect header in the 55th minute. but shoka hit back substitute gonzalo pass in 0 and beating his mark as to have the ball and i saw it for a side that was sitting bottom of the table going into this weekend's auction. both sides held on to end the game in a one all draw shall have now gone $21.00 this league matches the time to victory. and in sunday's or early game montage frankford missed the chance to go 2nd in the table after drawing a cologne frankfurt we're leading at half time thanks to andhra silva's penalty but the home side it back a 2nd half andre dubus half volley to those goals after cologne. earned their 1st point of the season. and it is the final score.
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let's take a look now at all of this week's business leader results shaka and cologne are both off the mark as we saw on saturday leader's life figure to good for. champions byron put 4 past bielefeld dortmund edged out hoffenheim stuttgart one of her to berlin freiburg bremen literatures beat minds and were held by will spur so how do these results affect the bonus the good table with 4 games of the season played leipzig remain top but they have biron hot on their heels dortmund also climbed up the standings they're now in 3rd at the other end off the bottom after their draw it needs months are now the only team without a point to season. and you are of course watching news live from berlin up next reporter looks at how the pandemic has worsened the housing crisis barcelona stay tuned for that i'm next parser thanks for watching.
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i'm not laughing at the germans because sometimes i am but i said nothing with the german i think deep into german culture up here you don't seem to take this drama they owe to you because it's all that they know i'm right oh join me for me to get the money of course. the fights against the coronavirus pandemic. where does science stand. and what are the new findings have researchers made.
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information and background into. the corona. coated 19 special. monday to friday on d w. parker was the bearer of bad tidings when a court issues a warrant he goes to people's homes and evict them bad more laws we have a court warrant. the tenants are led away by the police i haven't been paying the rent. for them where can i go with my children rents are high in barcelona there's a housing shortage thousands of people live in apartments as illegal occupants the pandemic has made the situation even worse bailiff's ago
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a busy. weekend working on. there are 8 evictions on parkas schedule today all in last the tell it a suburb of boston. the family he's going to next has to leave their home it's been ages since they last paid the rent. remember we have a court warrant and all have to leave today go home even or why weren't we told about it. or if i'm here now you must have been given plenty of notice from another governess founders that you know the owner of the apartment wants them out they owe him rent and the court has approved his possession plame. what should we do.
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by what the apartment back for my son so he can live here. really short then go unpack your things get off the locks are changed right away the courts are cracking down on illegal occupancies especially with private claimants when apartments are owned by banks so companies decisions can take longer. i guess in this case the landlord has the final say so if he's willing to give them another 2 days then that's what happens if he wants the mounted a then they're out it's up to him. were among. the landlord has lost patience with the tenants. the. single isn't acceptable if the apartment grown by a bank it will be one thing. but when the owner is someone who worked for decades to buy property it's different because i have no sympathy for them. in. spain has a housing problem during the financial crisis that began in 2008 many people were
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unable to pay off their mortgages and many homes will be presented by balance now the pandemic has ushered in the next crisis. who are struggling before are now at rock bottom and. they had precarious work contracts and now they've lost their job. so they start paying their rent. what's up with little girl . caylee. or have been sent by the court can you open the door. is on his way to an apartment with illegal occupants 'd parker had given them 2 days notice but no different people seem to be living here. this is one of the how long have you been here since monday the more you sold the keys. we were talking we were here on
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monday and told the tenant you had to leave he's obviously taken off and sold the keys to this woman of us who had no idea she was being ripped off. parco cools the landlord's authorized representative. and you know the apartment is occupying a woman with 2 children what should we do we got them out of but they're not ready to leave we've been kicking them out onto the street. the woman is from the dominican republic she's living on the breadline. you know i get $268.00 euros a month it's not enough. to cover the most of because of the welfare office can take care of her a little bit but even before the pandemic they were overburdened one if this woman can't find somewhere else to live with family friends or people from her country then she and her 2 children are going to have a tough time we talk a lot of landlords don't want children in the apartments you know. luckily
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the landlord agrees to grant her delay to all of. you know the home office and we'll go now and come back on the 5th of november you need to have found somewhere to go by then. travelling people out of their homes it's not a job that parker enjoys he's been doing it for 12 years now so it's not easy always having to be the bad guy. best friend the loss will be so you can see how people are struggling single mothers it's old people sick people and i have to kick them out it's often a horrible situation. when i started doing this job it cost me a lot of effort. over time you develop a thick skin you become immune. to
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these protesters belong to a tenants association they here to support a tenant who is being evicted today he has no right to go. normal i don't know what to do to avoid it i get 600 euros a month by the way we don't know i can't go to a hotel. the riot police are here to the protesters are angry and the situation could escalate parco talks to the unionists to try and find a provisional solution. for the police intervene we want to find a solution before but the tenant has to be willing to hand over the keys the apartment owner has the last word. in with you and i would have guessed that there would only have the unionist calls the owner and pleas for understanding the housing situation is dire. enough to have
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been lost because her lead wages have gone up 6 percent in 3 years while rents have gone up 34 percent the result is massive actions there were 138 evictions in barcelona last week you know in the in the years and on and. finally a compromise is found. for all the wrong things ok i can stay until the 18th of march but then he has to hand over the keys of the us. courts and lost it and indeed across barcelona overrun with eviction claims a sign of the times. is 52 this wasn't his dream career he studied computing but couldn't find a suitable job. there with all the often run pyramidal. and i thought i'd be
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a really good programmer but what happened to me i became a civil servant want to be doing this until i retire. his next task effecting tenants who also have a dog. the building belongs to a bank and is being renovated parker calls the animal protection service and the police. i need police backup illegal occupants aren't opening the door you know. we've been threatened with knives once someone turned on the gas to try and cause an explosion it can get dangerous that's when we call in the cops want to . know what i how are you. the building squatted we heard a dog barking but with 3 people escaped through the back door.
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the police go in the head to scope out the property. they find a pit bull which they'll take to an animal shelter. or busy. one of the squatters is still there it looks as though he couldn't take off with the others because he's sick. i'm fed up with living like this i've got no father no mother other lost everything. we have off the last place you've got to stick to the law people might not always like it or you but we've got to abide by the law you know otherwise we'd have an arc you're on our it would be a jungle out there. but
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only. parker lives with his partner they don't have children life has taught him that you're either born on lucky or lucky like him but i don't know if this is. my home since 1906 and we paid it off straight away my parents helped me and i consider myself very lucky with our oil. but now he has to evict a young woman who gave birth just 2 weeks ago. when i'm not doing well where am i supposed to take my children.
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a group of activists are here to support her all parker can do is try to get more time to think. and i know often are them at home when you can't put a 2 week old baby on the streets. ok i suggest we come back at the end of the month then we'll see the activists try to reason with the landlord. you know the welfare system is broken right now the only way to get another apartment would be to barricade yourself in the mail selfish. rescue the landlord agrees to let the woman stay another 6 weeks. to find a new home as fast as possible. try family friends move into another place illegally if necessary she has to leave this one and she can't live on the streets. if this is reality.
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or go find they're not going to throw out the space. and you know chain myself to the apartment if i have to. be you know. situations like these still upset. if you don't have another song. got there have been many occasions when i've had to go against my better judgment if it were up to me i'd cave in on humanitarian grounds to my they have. when you've been told you're being evicted 4 times and you haven't looked for a new home at some point also you have to draw the line because that is.
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problematic powering lithium batteries we use this precious resource for almost everything in the 21st century but supplies are limited mining is harmful to the environment and recycling is complex and expensive. in lithium. use become more effective and environmentally friendly to blow to the. street d.w. . today i'm going to take you on a trip along the sex and wine rooms from traced to my son. the name says a. 60 fun filled kilometers you just have to come to the section one knows it's a small a wine region but it's got a lot of history and culture cheers. changes. to.
11:30 pm
the ideas it's all its way to bring you more conservation play how do we make see the screen or love how can we protect habitats we can make a difference in the ideas of the mental series in global street on g.w. and on line play. moving from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources the goal is clear but the way to get there is less. buying gas production relies on monocultures that are bad for biodiversity and insects wind pots on noisy and a danger to beds how can we generate truly cooling energy that's coming up.
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