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tv   Heute Xpress  Deutsche Welle  October 22, 2020 1:00pm-1:03pm CEST

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faces d.w. news live from berlin germany races to keep coronavirus infections under control as the caseload surges daily infections have jumped to more than 11000 and the german health minister jens found says he's tested positive for the virus also on the program peer opinions top human rights prize goes to the batteries opposition movement makes one of the politicians fighting for democracy and an end to repression in the country. and protesters push for democracy in thailand the
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prime minister has lifted emergency measures designed to curb the wave of protests demonstrators say they'll keep up their demands for a film that giving him 3 days to resign look at a live update from bangkok. also coming up could plastic trash become part of life underwater an animated movie with a fresh take on the problem of plastic pollution makes a splash that this is stupid oscar awards. i'm rebecca riches welcome to the program germany's public health body says the country could face an uncontrolled spread of corona virus infections robert costa institute has recorded a new high for daily cases and ones that coated 19 death rates are set to rise or far tease have issued new travel warnings and urging people to stick to the rules
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in an attempt to curb the spread of the virus but a stricter measures could be yet to come. it's the highest number of new covert 1000 infections the german public health institute has had to report during this pandemic more than 11000 new cases in one day these maps show in red where they've been more than 50 new infections by around 100000 inhabitants over a 7 day period left is a map of germany 2 months ago now to the right it's clear half of germany has changed color. and solution is to talk to one situation is now very serious the number of infections is rising quickly in many places and we don't know where that number is headed but we can still slow the spread everyone can play their part we're not powerless if we follow all of those rules you don't you can draw to buy a car 1.5 mi to distance hand washing and compulsory masks in public places such as while out shopping those rules seem to work for germany the majority of people
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don't catch the virus that work or on public transport but in private settings such as a private parties or weddings. the virus spreads where people enjoy coming together and where they want to get to know each other there is more intense interaction in those settings you discuss things you laugh you're having a good time then the virus naturally has a much better chance of spreading if there's an infected person present. where the infection rates accel orating fast some labs in germany like this one in ryan and platon it a warning that smaller facilities are already working at full capacity and wouldn't necessarily be able to cope with rising numbers. there's also increasing concern that more areas in germany will have to implement.


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