tv Spatschicht Deutsche Welle October 22, 2020 2:00pm-2:45pm CEST
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this is data every news live from berlin germany races to keep corona virus infections under control as the caseload surges daily infections have jumped to more than 11000 and german health minister against france says he tested positive for the virus also on the program to hear opinions of top human rights prize goes to the belarus opposition movement we'll speak to a lot of politicians fighting for democracy and enter repression in the country. and protesters push for democracy in thailand the prime minister has lifted
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emergency measures designed to curb the wave of protests the demonstrators say they'll keep up their demands for reform planning giving him 3 days to resign to get an update from bangkok. i'm rebecca ridges welcome to the program germany's public health body says the country could face an uncontrolled spread of corona virus infections robert cock institute has recorded a new high fidelity cases and ones that covert 9 tain death rates are set to rise of dorothy's have issued new travel warnings and are urging people to stick to the rules in an attempt to curb the spread of the virus stricter measures could be yet to come. it's the highest number of new covert 1000 infections the german public health institute has had to report during this pandemic more than 11000 new cases
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in one day these maps show in red where they've been more than 50 new infections paragraph 1000 inhabitants over a 7 day period left is a map of germany 2 months ago now to the right it's clear half of germany has changed color. and solution is to talk to one. situation is now very serious the number of infections is rising quickly in many places and we don't know where that number is headed but we can still slow the spread everyone can play their part we're not powerless if we follow all of those rules you don't tudor. 1.5 me to distance hand washing and compulsory masks in public places such as while out shopping those rules seem to work for germany the majority of people don't catch the virus that work or on public transport but in private setting such as a private parties or weddings. the virus spreads where people enjoy coming together and where they want to get to know each other there is more intense
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interaction in those settings you discuss things you laugh you're having a good time then the virus naturally has a much better chance of spreading if there's an infected person present players with infection rates accel rating fast some labs in germany like this one in ryan and platon it a warning that smaller facilities are already working at full capacity and wouldn't necessarily be able to cope with rising numbers. there's also increasing concern that more areas in germany will have to implement restrictions again like kiran back to land in bavaria where even schools have closed down again to curb the spread. so that's the picture in germany now let's look at what's happening in the european countries earlier i spoke to a levy a courthouse in walsall or she said that the situation in poland's hospitals is looking increasingly dire yes indeed the health care system in poland is about to reach its limits yesterday for the 1st time poland had more than 10000 you called
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it 900 infections within a day or on my dolls and people are hospitalized this is a record high in poland according to the health ministry we still have a wrong 6000 free baths in the country however there's rising reports of hospitals having problems earlier this week a covered 900 patient and health care worker himself died after he was able to find a freak but. the prime minister motto is more of us announced the problem there's going to be a red zone for the whole country from saturday own meaning that there's going to be stricter restrictions and all of poland. from will seoul to london went to hell some pill bottles up to date with what's happening in britain back in just to give you some context the law many news outlets in the u.k. yesterday we had u.k. is now required at the hub i have days to go cases to date has to be points out that a lot more testing is happening here but of course that is concerned compared to the way the spring but that is concerning many many people now as you say there is
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a regional approach to go wales for example that's just imposed to what it's calling. essentially a national law down to trying to spread all the coronavirus you've got different measures in ireland and scotland but what's causing a real rebel here in the u.k. is the difference between measures here in london for example to the measures several cities up north they are considerably tighter in the north of england is due to the disproportionate spread of the virus that the number of cases are and how you're seeing now play out is brown's not only in parliament you had one opposition m.p. yesterday calling someone from the ruling party. names in the house the pond and i was up north last week people that very angry are in the know how this is playing out feeling that london is imposing measures on them that in the north they say that they feel like they are being punished older while trust in boris johnson's government schooling as cases here are writing. and lastly to athens now grace is
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one of the few countries where the situation is slightly better than elsewhere on the continent despite rising infection numbers i asked and he can't solve in athens why that's the case the governments here took a very aggressive start from the stance from the start of the pandemic here and it's effectively imposed a very strict sweeping draconian lockdown that just brought the at the country to a standstill and we had no other choice because greece had just come out of a 10 year financial recession that had left the health system here shattered so the government knew that it just could not face this this health crisis and use this 2 month lockdown to basically support the system to get the doctors it to get more i.c.u. units in to get masks and suit to shield groups but what has happened though and that's how it managed to quash its code from the 1st time around but now we're
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seeing a roaring comeback of the coronavirus since august we've seen it up by 7 fold in the last 3 months and that is creating a crisis yet the prime minister tonight is holding a nationwide address to inform greeks potentially of new. and speaking to us from athens now let's take a look at some of the other developments in the global pandemic island has gone into a 6 week lockdown it's the 1st european country to order a 2nd lockdown non-essential businesses will close with bars and restaurants limited to take away service in indonesia is reporting nearly 400000 new cases the country has the highest number of infections and coded 19 deaths in southeast asia and astra zeneca an oxford university say they have vaccine trial will continue despite the death of a volunteer in brazil regulators say there are no concerns about the safety of the
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brazilian trial. the european parliament has named belarus's democratic opposition and civil activists as the winners of its top human rights award the sacral freedom of thought prize recipients include exiled belarussian opposition native cannot skya mass protests attracting tens of thousands have rocked the country since the presidential election in august despite police threats to open fire on the opposition accuses longtime leader alexander lukashenko of rigging the votes. well for more let's bring in valarie carlo he's a deloris an opposition politician and part of the movement that's just been awarded the prestigious prize currently in riga mr carlos good to have you with this how are you feeling right now. well i think that 2 tours the right decision to nominate 3 great for women who started to fight against
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what they saw regina made against the locusts and courage you and you know i think it's a safe area decision because that now of course of fighting and still is fighting for himself but you swallow war for his wealth and these 3 women and they were out fighting for so eerie or principles the principle of democracy and defiled use that well was their time very orton to the whole european countries to the whole european continent and. the sense you know they were fighting not for themselves and the soup line was 5 not for herself as all the sion as a leader as a president them but they were fighting for the rights of bill equal to freely elect their leadership didn't there were only wars and i think that these what made them different from. the gold woman surf. around europe or what
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exactly does this precipitous prize mean for the belarus in opposition. well i think that it means they will lose people i know to look face to face with the stick that all real. built people feel is support from the side of the european community and from the side of the global community but the whole world actually swore shame on what is happening and below troops and the whole world has the support to or don't use democratic hold. and what impact a high paying this prize will have on the movement. well you know it's very hard to say on any particular laid back i think that this is just a probe says no it's only a fact that the so or it worse yeah give it to us for you break we have to go to
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actually but for some people also 'd where he included in these promises. but i think that it's a good how we will need all the roll support over for the european community or the european and democratic government to hold to the old or old to call the movement to the roost and i hold it to within a couple of months these words you will finish then those people will get to know what you need to built there for you don't read it's over and stay why do you think your pain polman chose amazement for this award. well dick morris the surreal we have big story at least these year. it's not very over. and you know the world will start fighting against dictatorship and the particular. teacher over movement below
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who's there it's. 3 men who were taken out of the race 3 brave women are substituting them and so you know just their actual as far as i know it never happened before and when the when where fighting to push normally you know just their prerogative but not we and below who suarez has these distinctive features so pro-democratic will and not the whole i think they don't use nation one because the original lucian and consciousness of the last people already happened so and you cannot stay in our world when you are 80 why most don't belong to speak well and that what is happening in connection to it lucas encouraging war and the merits of common part of the matter is in opposition movement that's being the winner of this is human rights prize awarded by the
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european parliament thanking. and now a look at some of the other stories making news this hour lebanese lawmakers have voted inside hariri as the country's new prime minister designate who really previously held the post but resigned last year amid nationwide anti corruption protests he's pledged to quickly form a government of experts to help the country out of its political and economic crisis. 12 children have been killed and several wounded in an air strike on a mosque in afghanistan's northern region afghan security forces believe taliban fighters who killed 40 soldiers were hiding in the mosque the militants had already moved on. a russian soyuz spacecraft carrying a u.s. astronaut and 2 russian cosmonauts back from the international space station has touched down safely in kazakhstan nasa astronaut chris cassidy spent
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a total of $378.00 days in space but mission marks the last federal russian flight carrying a u.s. crew member. with less than 2 weeks to go before the u.s. presidential election intelligence officials believe that iran and russia have interfered in the upcoming vote they accuse iran of being behind recent intimidating e-mails targeting american voters in multiple states they also allege that tehran and moscow obtained voter registration details with the goal of altering the vote democratic voters in at least 4 battleground states received e-mails that threatened we will come off t.v. if the recipients didn't vote for president donald trump. data series some of that is in washington she gave us more details about the f.b.i.'s accusations groups from iran and russia got their hands on voter registration data they use that information the arraigning groups did to send these threatening e-mails as you mentioned and as you said in those e-mails that said vote for president trump or
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else now these e-mails were actually signed by the group the proud boys this is the white supremacist group some of our viewers might remember that the president refused to denounce in the 1st televised debate and this is a group that does support the president but that was a false flag there is a lot of information we don't know at this point i'll tell you what that is that's crucial we don't know which groups were behind this we don't know if the voter registration databases themselves were accessed because that would also be a really key here and we don't know what the intent was the f.b.i. director said the intent was clearly to hurt president trump but if you think about it if democrats were intimidated from going to the polls and perhaps didn't cast their ballots that certainly would hurt shoebite and so we are hoping for more information to be revealed in the coming days. sumi some of our racism and police violence have become campaign issues after a series of killings and the months of protests that ensued in minneapolis the police killing of george floyd sparked global protests and people are still trying
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to come to terms with what happened many are asking if trust between police and citizens can ever be restored. minneapolis may 28th the 3rd precinct building of the minneapolis police department said the blaze during protests against the death of george florida in police custody. the burning police station becomes a symbol for the protesters fury for their demands for an end of police racism and protect. 5 months later the band and boarded up and secured with cement barriers precinct 3 still a symbol now signifying the city's. struggle to make the changes the protesters demand to the local police department and how police against them many apple is still. dealing with the fallout and the controversy and the trauma so rounding george being killed by the minneapolis police department there is
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definitely a breakdown in terms of trust between our elected officials and their constituents as well as between their constituents and our law enforcement community volunteers from being prepared to patrol the neighborhood and the 9th ward of minneapolis where george floyd done christian and local and growing in number. just thank you for your. walk the streets the group recently recognized and supported by the city is filling the gap created by the collapse of trust between police and the black community with police patrols largely absent from this part of town they have taken on the task of proactively protecting the community from rising crime we want to have selected police are not going to live in our community who look like me and then there'd be a better pace like how we can wreck talk to them and how we communicate to each other minneapolis police recognize the need for urgent and fundamental change says
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they're pretty chief eric force he sees new recruiting strategies this critical for any real progress one of the best things you can you can have as a department that's as reflective of your community as you can get it especially people from the community and that's really what we're pushing force stresses that from his point of view there are at least 3 of the top priorities for reform there needs to be deep in gauge went with the community secondly would be trainings with how we deescalate situations and lastly with what that requires all of this is the personnel to do that but we're. words are not enough so they've been a local activist with a group called community spigots police brutality there's been talk of reform there's been some radical talk from the city council but there has been virtually no action whatsoever and we're not seeing
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a lot of initiative for action from the city council the mayor the police chief the city council talk of abolishing the current system of policing but was hit by a sobering reality check. my advice to other cities who are facing the same challenge is to ensure that when you are going to divest from are your true policing system that you really do have. a much longer and proactive plan for instituting alternatives that have been tested and worked after hours of patrolling the neighborhoods the a godly men decide to go home they'll be back tomorrow night and tonight after that the changes they were pushing for you know it's kind of more of a generational change you know because we want to make it better for our children their children and this is this is this is like our starting block right here you know as we're trying to pave the way for. the time government has rolled
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back an emergency decree banning protests in the capital bangkok and have been put in place in an effort to come anti-government demonstrations that have been escalating for weeks but the measures failed to discourage tens of thousands of demonstrators from turning out for protests around the edge of bangkok intersections demonstrators a demanding the time prime is resignation and reforms to the monarchy. for more on this let's bring in philip show well from bangkok he's the edge of correspondent for the british newspaper the sunday times philip protests is said that withdrawing the measures was not enough what are they demanding now. well they're demanding what they were demanding before this decree was put into place you have to remember that they've been on the streets full for months and they have a series of demands and those remain those remain from 2 foremost for them and those are the resignation of the current government now that's led by general. he
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staged a coup in 2014 and then kind of came we keep maintaining office last year under a controversial election that the opposition claim was unfairly held there demanding a change to the constitution which includes unelected senators and which and embeds the current hiero system and most contentiously like a reform of the road family which is a long venerated institution it's been a complete to even discuss the political and military financial previously but some of the students are gone now and that is on the demand so all those are still outstanding under the prime minister said he will. recession apart and it still recession a parliament which is otherwise in recess next week but there's no indications that the government is really going to offer any substantial narrow 3 major areas of demand. some of them high profile later arrested during the crackdown well the rollback mean anything different from them what can i expect.
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at those protest leaders. some of them are still behind bars and some have been bailed but they're facing very serious charges including sedition and several of them and the but the the the protest organizers and the protesters are now adopting the manager of the you know we are all leaders they are absolved they're taking kind of the hong kong approach in last year which is that where we're leaderless we're not dependent on particular individuals by spreading messages via social media they're spreading messages on the street and so those protest leaders do face very serious charges and one of the main demands of the protests is that those charges are dropped of also demand from human rights groups and opposition parties but also they're not letting that undermine the actual strength of their own of the demonstrations they mentioned no real movement from the government what about from the royal family have you heard anything have we been hearing anything
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from them. that the palace does not comment on current affairs and we wouldn't expect them so that's not their modus operandi but the king did last week meet a group of former communist rebels who were once fighting to overthrow the monarchy and he pointed out to them what what the nation needed was people who love the country and people who love the institution why would she meant the royal family so you know he was sending a message that we wouldn't expect him to say anything directly certainly it was not to address these rather extraordinary and unprecedented demands by the protests and reform of the institutional units right philip shall from the sunday times many thanks for time thank you. how far could plastic waste become a part of underwater life that's the question swiss director pascal shepard shepley set out to explore in his short movie the beauty it's an imaginative take on one of the most pressing issues facing our planet plastic pollution has won
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a student oscar for the animation which he created as part of his final faces at one of germany's top film schools. to beauty takes us on a journey into the depths of the ocean to get a book watch a little longer. and you realise it's no documentary but a parable based about pollution. starring characters made of plastic waste dunces. a basic concept was to tell the story poetically and with irony. all the videos you see featuring distressed whales and turtles are so shocking and somebody i have the feeling we've become emotionally immune. filming and post-production took a year and a half. of the characters like the pufferfish made
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a double wrap. over the school of fish made of flip flops were digitally animated and later integrated into live action underwater footage. does concerts and i think the concept only works if it looks realistic if it makes you believe that that's really a more radio made of a car tire that just swung by. shelby's photo realistic aquatic fantasy invites us to suspend our disbelief and dive into a world in which nature and waste deal with police by entering. into a supernatural symbiosis but the film doesn't spare us the harsh reality. it ends with a look at the ever growing forest of synthetic refugees that's gradually suffocating operations and everything that lives in them. to be seen
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as right for the one accolades the international student oscar propels cosco show billy's artful appeal to save the season into the running for the best animated short in the main oscars competition. and it's a reminder of the top stories we're following for you germany has reported a new record number of dating corona virus infections with more than 11000 new cases reported on thursday health minister yes it isolating a time after testing positive for the virus. and the european union has awarded its top human rights prize to the valorous opposition movement and its exiled later svetlana a chicken off sky of the sacrifices of what is annually to mark important contributions to him and rights and democracy. which indeed of the news live from birth and next down this conflict zone this week sarah kelly interviews the armenian foreign
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enter the conflicts confronting the powerful. more than 2 years ago the government in armenia came to power in the so-called revolution with the hope of fundamental democratic reform my guest this week from your lawn is armenian foreign minister story of manasseh kanya how much responsibility does armenia for the conflict
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escalation conflict. national drama competition rival marketing numbers that was here by that time and childish love hate money millionaire fans problems by a spanish. football . to go off on you tube joining us. i want to see you when i arrived here i slept with 6 people in a room. it was hard i was. going to go white haired.
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gentleman language no not this give me a little but you need be to interact with say you want to do their story. you can approach. for margaret. a verb or german side has chosen the path of war it seems as if you're not signaling that you're serious about peace excuse me only kind of agree with me i will never agree with this more than 2 years ago a new government in armenia rose to power in a so-called velvet revolution which raised hopes of fundamental democratic reform and a thaw in relations with azerbaijan over the long disputed territory nagorno-karabakh now the region has been hit by the worst fighting in decades and a cease fire remains elusive with both sides deflecting play my guess this week
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from your of on is armenian foreign ministers or of manasseh kanya how much responsibility does armenia bear for the conflicts escalation. armenian foreign ministers or of the not the congo and welcome to conflict zone thank you very much there is currently fighting in the disputed region of nagorno-karabakh off which is governed by ethnic armenians but which is recognized as part of azerbaijan by the international community hundreds have already been reported dead you have been part of talks to broker to cease fires in that regard and yet the fighting continues what responsibility does armenia and the forces in the region which you back bear for the continued fighting. we have committed ourselves fully to the 2 statements one in moscow the joint statement of the tanto
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fork tobar and the 2nd one on the 17th of october committed fully to respect the ceasefire to go back to the negotiations and to find the peace were a solution to this conflict we have been totally faithful however the german side as chosen the path of war the 2 cease fires have been by a late hit right away after we have reached an agreement and there has been no call on the line of contact and the territory where the conflict is taking place so we have issued a notice a statement in which today in which we have retreated our food commitment to the agreements that we have breached. and expressed in those 2 state mr foreign minister you say that you are committed but i would like to put it to you because on saturday the azerbaijani said side said that 14 people were killed 14
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people in the city of ganja the country's 2nd largest city in an overnight attack a missile by our many you say that you're committed what is your responsibility now let me put the gun in the context on the turn for for turn over at 12 noon we were supposed to have a cease fire we have been the. forces have been fully committed to this we have been restrained the showing was continuing the massive offensive have been continuing the rimini in nagorno-karabakh armenian settlements in the going to kind of been under consistent constant shelling and are blooming the rockets were interest the un b.s. have been pounding the cities and villages the towns and villages in nagorno-karabakh and. simply we have. 38 amongst the
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civilians we have and in 16 seriously wounded we have over 8000. infrastructure and you have casualties the other side says that they have casualties the azerbaijani say that that 60 people have been killed 270 wounded since the flight the fighting so i just like to ask you because i'm hearing from you both sides are accusing each other they say that you started it you say that they started it either someone or one of you is lying here it doesn't bode well does it for 2 countries who need to sit together and find a peaceful solution to the conflict. point you're making about the blame game this is exactly the devious part that has been chosen to engage in the blame game in to continue with the attacks on civilians attacks i'm
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going to go in a car bomb consistently we have been calling for the very few creation communities where the ceasefire and the very few creation of the cease fire american and if the armenians in are going to you know mean you are blamed in anyway then let's go let's do the perpetration mechanism and be done with it however their budget has been consistently avoiding very consistently rejecting those proposals because this is a very convenient way of deception and engaging into the right while those accusations i'm going as you have been mentioning we're going from from both sides mr foreign minister so then i would like to ask you the message ultimately that has been coming from your side. the message from the armenian prime minister he said the following in the days after the 1st cease fire was agreed and this is a quote at this decisive moment we will. not to vent because this is a fateful war for our people he added to that we will fight till the end and that
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and is called a free and happy to garner i'll put it to you because i mean this was in the days after the 1st cease fire was agreed and he's talking about fighting to the very end is this really a rhetoric that is supposed to support build support for a cease fire build support for peace look when you have 30 days your people love the story of the 3 and a half weeks when your people are under such massive attack when they have to every day you have your people subjected to risks of existential threat risks of you know existence on the on this when you're fronting for your life when you have the ceasefire violations consistently. poignant when you have this situation you obviously you are fighting for your life the armenian science again and for sizing
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this with full responsibility the armenian sides. emphasized the importance of the ceasefire and the verification americans i read through strongly the commitment of armenia to respect the seas for to spread the commitments were undertaken on the turn provoked and the 17th of october the nagorno-karabakh has also retreated support to that but sitting back and waiting when you are killed your family is killed you are you know your your property is destroyed is you have to understand this is a mr foreign minister and it's not in 3 years since this is now everything that this conflict is about because you are going far dark cannot run on i want to come back to the very important question but you also raised and that is the question of the peace resolution absolutely and we are certainly going to talk about that but but before we had there i would just like to put it to you once more russia your partner with whom you have a defense deal who has been working very hard at brokering
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a cease fire agreements the foreign minister there sergey lavrov reportedly told you to quote halt the provocative warlike rhetoric so i would just like to ask you once again to give you an opportunity it seems as if you're not signaling that you're serious about peace about these negotiations with this type of rhetoric will you take responsibility for that look so far as the rhetoric is concerned we have been dealing with a record rhetoric which is based on the hatred of her minions on the encouragement to kill her minions we have today see cases of beheadings and mutilations of our compatriots in the going to occur fuelled by this rhetoric this is not a new thing this has been happening. for a very long time. we have cases of glorification of murders of her minions in nagorno-karabakh what i want to come back to is not i agree very much the right 3
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percent the rhetoric is fueling poison into this and the peaceful resolution has absolutely no alternative this is what we have been so consistent about when it comes to peaceful resolution we're working very consistently and we have been. for peace resolution of this on the basis of search arrangement in which the interests of all the parties are taken into account so you acknowledge that the rhetoric is not helpful and that you want to pursue a peaceful solution and therefore i would like to ask you in that context let's talk about how we got here and i'd like to go go back to more than a year ago for months the tension has in fact been ratcheted up and i'd like to go back to something that your prime minister said this was more than a year ago he travelled to go on a car of africa region which is disputed we have to mention and called for the reunification of armenia with car about he said the following. nagorno-karabakh is
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armenia and that is that he also repeatedly led the crowd and chants of unification the nationalist slogan that gained popularity in the 1980 s. and the 1990 s. as armenians fought for car box to break away from us a question do you acknowledge that more than a year ago this was a clear provocation of the other side if you want peace why would the prime minister travel to go on. and say that now let me come back again to the very point that the question about nagorno-karabakh is the question of their existence their physical the physical threat to have been confronting over these many many years when the prime minister in armenia was saying this he was referring specifically to the responsibility of armenia as the sole gear and to put the physical security before competitors get into to look after the security for our
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compatriots they defend themselves but there is no guarantee apart from. the prime minister in fact has been very consistent in his specific approaches concerning the resolution of the conflict the prime minister in that very same speech he was referring to the negotiating process and repeating the very basic approaches that our media has been promoting as a compromise based solution which meets the interests of the parties in that very same speech however what we have been dealing with is this deliberate you know taking out of context of the statement of the prime minister we don't have to go to all things he has been saying over there and most of the time now and this comment in particular came from your prime minister we're talking a lot about about the language and the rhetoric and i'd also like to look at the actions that you have been taking. there is
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a sin. 3rd road currently planned to be constructed through disputed territory from armenia to garner karva a number of e.u. parliamentary committees have condemned the move this is what they say the decision to build this highway has been taken without the consent of the competent authorities in azerbaijan in violation of international law so these are not just words here these are real concrete actions on the part of armenia and armenian supported governments in the region these are these provocations are not just words they're actions aren't they now let's take it let's take another look at it that let's look at it through another prism prism for 30 years no other belligerent has been taking every effort to isolate nagorno-karabakh from this world to isolate any any link of nagorno-karabakh people from from from anyone outside. blocking anything that might be you know referring to the
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normal normalcy normal life in nagorno-karabakh but i think every action that the international community might take to you know. for the people in a going to have a normal life now nagorno-karabakh is. is people are leaving no we have a situation look now we have a situation where 90000 people were displaced 8000 property and infrastructure is destroyed there is a humanitarian situation in iraq and what are we having are we going to leave them alone or are we going to disregard the lives of our people that wasn't my question mr foreign minister my question was do you acknowledge that it is a provocative action that you are taking in the region that the other side interprets as a provocative action excuse me saying this again what is normal provocative letting
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our people strangle in nagorno-karabakh letting our people in isolation in nagorno-karabakh they are less important than any of the people i knew were in the world excuse me i cannot agree with i will never agree with this are people who not be strangled they are people like any other people and this was exactly the policy of nagorno-karabakh to degrade them to deny them the right to live freely in dignity to live in safety and to live in security and know you're telling me that's what we're doing to make sure that they have the opportunity to live in the removed life is a provocative action i salute they not i'm just asking you about a road that you're planning to build in the region that the other side sees as a provocation mr foreign minister another action that i would like to also ask you about that has also been seen as a provocation from the other side is the following the fact that there was an election that was held recently the following transpired in relation to that at the inauguration in the city of shop which happens to be happens to have been
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overwhelmingly populated by azerbaijanis prior to the 19021904 war and a key symbol of azerbaijan's claim to the territory it arouses apparently considerable anger in azerbaijan which was then added to the fact that your prime minister had a presence at the inauguration now the europe. union has acknowledged that the selection was indeed not valid under legal international standards do you do you acknowledge that this was also provocative again the european union didn't put it exactly that way the european union acknowledged the. ease. in view of the so-called presidential and parliamentary elections in the garden. if they reiterate.
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