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tv   Kulturzeit  Deutsche Welle  October 24, 2020 2:00am-2:31am CEST

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if martin truly isn't serving paris anymore. because it's dangerous to run an os run through realize it is a radically different way of living it's rather old. fashioned for china stores november 6th on to w. . this is news and these are our top stories israel and sudan have agreed to take steps to normalize their bilateral relations in a deal brokered with the help of washington u.s. president donald trump announced the agreements making khartoum the 3rd arab government to set aside hostilities with this trail in the past 2 months. thousands of demonstrators have taken to the streets of poland a day after the country's top court banned almost all abortions including when the
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fetus is malformed the ruling means abortion is now only legal if the pregnancy poses a threat to the health of the mother or in cases of rape or incest. the head of the world health organization has warned that some countries face the prospect of their health services collapsing during the coronavirus pandemic the w h o's director general said too many countries are seeing an exponential rise in co 1000 cases and he urged leaders to take immediate action to prevent further unnecessary deaths. this is deja news from berlin follow us on twitter and instagram at d w news or visit our website w dot com. or . donald trump all job i know that's the choice facing
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americans on november the 3rd it's been a long and bruising election season which is quickly approaching its conclusion and we've seen the last big battle in the shape of the final presidential debate. in berlin this is the day. 220000 workers were rounding to turn and were rounding the corner it's going away anyone is response really does she not remain as president of the united states of america i don't make money from. i don't make money from ukraine you do you have not released a single solitary year. what do you hire i am the least racist person the poorest fuel on every single freshest fire you have done nothing other than the crime bill which put. we have to move toward. serial bush
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has years going to destroy you a little dentistry will you remember that texas. also coming up it's holiday season in india but will that mean another spike in covert 900 cases actually but i got fed up with this. going on and all these things that's why they are. frustrated and they are stepping out. but we start the day in the united states where some 50000000 people have already cast their ballots number of early voters has already surpassed the early votes cast and 2016 some motivated by concerns over the coronavirus all motivated by the will to make their votes count the polls give joe biden a big national lead over. incumbent donald trump votes that count in the swing states that was the situation as the 2 candidates met in the final presidential
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debate in the nashville tennessee the meeting a chance for trump to close back some territory. republicans in longwood florida were thrilled with their candidates performance we love and adore him and tonight he was doing a fabulous job back in 2016 i voted against hillary not necessarily for trump but now percent on board the country and the but biden supporters seemed equally satisfied and it's hard to sum up is how do you get someone like. that he held his own he made great a glowing and very different tone and pace defined this head to head between the presidential hopefuls gone with the chaos and constant interruptions of their 1st meeting this was more of a conventional debate with a coronavirus pandemic given the most minutes on the clock. skirting around the dire coded $900.00 situation offered
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a rosy view. it will go away and as i say we're rounding the turn where rounding the corner it's going away we have a vaccine that's coming it's ready it's going to be announced within weeks and it's going to be delivered cost of shutdown by didn't condemn trump's record of dealing with the crisis 320000 americans dead and he want his response to that many of us should not remain as president of the united states of america we're going to the issue of race was also in focus. fact of the matter is there is institutional racism in america and we have always said we've never lived up to it we hold these truths to be self-evident all men and women are created equal guess what we have never ever lived up to put it we've always constantly been moving the needle further and further to inclusion not exclusion this is the 1st president to come along and says that's the end of that nobody has done more for the black
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community. and if you look with the exception of abraham lincoln possible exception to claim that has been repeatedly challenged by critics as patently false nonetheless voters finally got something resembling a substantive debate but it may be too late to have a major impact on the election result a record number of americans have voted early and polls show most remaining voters had already decided how they'll fill in their ballot. our correspondents have been observation the last 4 years of u.s. politics and of course this year's campaign did only as washington bureau chief in its full coverage of the election 4 years ago she's back this time around to our brussels correspondent barbara vangelis watched and agonized over europe's that syria writing relationship with the u.s. on the tramp and here is our chief political editor here in germany where she's seen up close and the german body politic struggles to find
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a way of working with trump's america welcome to all of you in his let's start with you in washington what did this latest debate show us. well if they actually show does that president trump has the ability to sustain control if he has to probably all of us remember how he constantly interrupted his component during the last debate the 1st debate and that didn't play out too well for him actually he even dropped some in the polls so this time he wanted to show to those who might have been a little shaken by his behavior behavior last time that he is eligible i think that was his main goal and the main goal of the democratic candidate biden probably was too full of he wanted to fulfill was to make no mistake and that's what he did but in a broad sense how would the biden presidency differ from a trump presidency in foreign policy. i think the difference couldn't be
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any bigger you know joe biden will approach foreign policy the way obama did i think and that means 3 normalizing the relationships between the global alliances like the e.u. and like nato he already has announced that he plans to re enter the paris climate agreement for example however i assume that he will keep pressuring germany to pay his full share to nato and he also wants the e.u. to play a larger role in security in general we have to keep in mind that it was president barack obama who kind of started the start treaty leading from behind. because compute germany has used the united states as a gun tall liberal democracy for decades now is that how germany under medical sees the u.s. at the moment. yes she still does and she does keep stressing that the united states are the closest partner for germany and europe outside the e.u.
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at the same time she's put more mood distance more differentiation into what is the president as in donald trump and what is the country of the united states throughout the past couple of years and that explains why she once again stressed when she mapped out her foreign policy for the current german presidency of the european union that the u.s. is the most important partner based on values and then remaining silent pretty much on how president trump has interpreted this these values she wouldn't say it in public but there is a perception here in berlin that he simply doesn't stand for that and that's why everybody's waiting with bated breath breath whether there could be a back to relative normal if joe biden wins these elections visited brussels the trouble administration has tried to play off your european partners against each
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other much as the bush and his did as this affected the. it has the effect of the e.u. but in the reverse manner because we've seen them all sort of step up there 1st was treason may having this lovely visit in washington and then hardly had she gotten back on her plane trump sort of betrayed her publicly then he had the state visit in great britain and if she slagged her off to one of the national newspapers and so others watched in shock and all. of them across the french president giving trump a a military parade on the show's lizzie's something trump enjoyed enormously did a tell no it didn't and so i'm going to marcus sort of was clever enough and has been in the game long enough to sort of look at this was this so famous sideways sort of look of hers and thinking this is something i don't want to get involved in
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and she sort of kept her distance in the end what happened was that the you're opinion got more united than split by this because the good forged together they said ok we're alone in the world and since then there has been the word that the european union and europe had to grow up they had to sort of figure out things more on their own and that's sort of the steep learning curve they have run through during the last 4 years. i mean germany has been the focus of a lot of anger from president trouble the defense spending over the north stream gas pipeline whoever wins by can germany seriously expect a reprieve in those few issues. well no doubt the united states will remain on a course of the united states 1st but at the same time that's how the united states have always acted but what changed is that suddenly alliances and longstanding
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commitments like with many like with europe seemed conditional they seemed transactional particularly when it came to nato that's also an undercurrent in the whole issue of the north stream pipeline which is hugely unpopular in europe as well donald trump clearly also wants to see germany take more liquid gas from the united states so there are economic interests behind that but what we would expect and could expect from joe biden because he's said so that he would revisit many policy areas foreign policy areas is that the whole strategic thinking in terms of alliances and on those said values would come back into the equation rather than playing political hardball which is something that europe despite everything is still getting to grips with so is germany actually let's go back to washington is there a sense in washington that president trump has also bill loss of trust between the
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u.s. and its traditional allies. that we have lost the line there. so we go to barbara barbara you are also covering nato there in brussels a key foreign policy official in germany's government said today that a 2nd term of trump would quote grind down nato is that the view that nato h.q. as well. and not officially of course because officially nato h.q. doesn't have a view on anything i mean. the secretary general his middle name is cautious i mean he is more diplomatic then the mildest of diplomats he does and even dared to say anything in that direction because everybody knows they need to is. short of sort of implosion look at the problems it has was turkey i mean is
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this really severe and nato members like france and turkey have been squaring off nimitz renia in the summer so it isn't in nato this in a really really difficult spot if the u.s. carries on like you did the last 4 years on the trunk if you should be reelected the future of the alliance is in severe doubt. and now we have reestablished the line to newspoll in washington is there a sense in washington the president from pas lost trust with the major traditional allies of the u.s. here in europe. it sure is scared but it really matters to him you talk with the people like it or not libertarians for example hi do you support donald trump approach as they really want to stay out of all international relations they think europe for example should take care of itself but if you talk to business people
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the chamber off call verse they are very unhappy with drums policy they want to pay less in taxes but they want to do business abroad and that means obviously or is only possible if business partners can rely on each other. let's come back to the u.s. are not really seen as a reliable ally animal here in germany what would be the consequences more german leadership as many in europe seem to demand. yes well that's what many are hoping for and germany remains a reluctant leader but clearly the leaders sitting around the table including germany have recognized that it's time to define own strength and this is something that i know from. question time with journalists this year that when. push comes to shove the question is does europe in the end have to decide
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whether it goes with china or the united states that's a question that everybody here is afraid of and it is the moment to discover and invest in european strength that's also something angela merkel the chancellor who's term comes to an end time comes to an end at the end of next year has recognized so yes you will see more leadership but now everybody's hoping for some kind of return to traditional channels of communication at least. that's come back to you trumpeted by really a clash over climate change debate given the european commission on the line was made for the climate change people policy goal is there any way of saying which of that she would like to see win the election. you think i'm a mind reader i think. the light is not the only european leader who every night in their nightly prayers hoop to the heavens that something might happen in washington
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that will not be a return and reprisal of the last round so yes of course she won somebody else of course almost every european leader to be honest want a change and more stick because what you hear most from diplomats here climate change or whatever the topic may be we call somebody in washington then after a certain time he finally managed to speak with someone then 4 weeks later that person was already gone again it's the unpredictability of policy in washington that was maybe the worst of the last 4 years taking the european view because what they are trying is to establish channels to to have some reliability that never happened and so everybody had to ask themselves every month where we stand what's happening are we having another trade war is this guy going to fall in so yes climate change and what ever issued the relationship to china would ever
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international global issue you pick everybody hopes this mike not to continue. is there anywhere what was all political but lin would like to see on november the . well that's exactly as barbara says i mean nobody will say this into a camera certainly not the german chancellor angela merkel but she 1st saw would like to see joe biden when she's worked with him also in the obama administration when he was vice president we saw donald trump in that latest debate with joe biden there say that look i'm not a traditional politician and that's what got me elected and a traditional politician is what everybody here in germany is longing for and the big question now is what the united states what the people of the u.s. will long for this time around. leads me to my last question to him is in washington if you cross the u.s. from coast to coast when you covered the 26 elections you've done the same this
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time what's different. look we have to keep in mind the united states has always been a country full of contradictions and because of the political system with only 2 major parties there has always been a division between those 2 groups but i have never seen the divisions so diva as i did this time the biggest difference probably is that it is all about feelings it doesn't really matter to whom and where you speak with people americans are overtaking by their anger some of them are also overtaken by their fear and the problem is that facts sort of matter anymore and there is no tolerance square anymore wherever people really can come together to discuss different political viewpoints so that is really the biggest biggest difference to 4 years ago but i also really want to point out at this point these united states is so much bigger
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than donald trump and that is something we experienced during over our road trip we met so many wonderful people who helped each other especially in this time of crisis so i think we must not forget them when we discuss this united states in the correspondence is paul in washington in berlin above a visit in brussels thank you all very much. also india now to sponsor a rapid rise in cases in september the daily covert 19 case count is now plummeting the government claims the country with the 2nd highest number of cases after the us is now past its peak but holiday season that leads up to the wildly has now taken off and prime minister narendra modi has appeal to people to continue taking precautions. monte mohan that grew up on stage 1st watching her father
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perform and then joining him at the age of 14. every year for over a decade marjorie has participated in this festive season production of the hindu epic mayan. many other shores have been cancelled due to coronavirus restrictions. but thanks to extensive precautions taken by what he had to accompany the mafia got lucky. marvie streak remains unbroken here's a thought made after spending almost 7 months on the lock down when an artist comes on stage again it's a different kind of joy we are thrilled that we are able to perform it's a really big deal to us that we can take to the stage again stage home in that the artist's hero with death to 2 weeks before the show started and then again closer to the date they have been given the option of staying at the theater institute if they choose to isolate from their families during the run of the show. as for
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audiences only a total of the usual capacity is permitted. temperature checks i'm sanitization told the calls are being strictly followed. even on a smaller scale this production is a reminder of normalcy it has been a tradition in that i'm up to the bonnie for over 60 years but it's not yet time to celebrate. after recording close to $100000.00 cases every day in the middle of september india daily care found have come down significantly they're often felons however the gathering during the festive season will cause another spike. the discipline off the pier toe is completely missing in the festive market crowds are strong here for the season's shopping and sales. social distancing and temperature checks seem a distant reality for people here only the festive cheer seems to be infectious.
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things are much better now many more customers are showing up because of the wildly if you like the old times in this market this market is a mind set is all teens know goal weight is nothing like a hoarder know the scene is set like simple everyone is going to what you can see on this so much afloat actually but i got fed up with this. going on in all these things that's why they are. frustrated and they are stepping out staying off the stage was frustrating for marjorie too and she's hopeful that there won't be any more long absences on the ethical from mayan speaks of the victory of good over evil. a valuable message she says joining a pandemic. to south africa now where the hillbrow district after one asparagus infamous for many
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reasons struggles violence prostitution you get the picture but many in the neighborhood are determined to change that one group of residents meets every week because the ones who are brought to be famous for something that's actually quite ordinary clean streets and green parks africa's. top with some of. these volunteers meet up every saturday to clean up their neighborhoods. 35 years old and has been living in who broke for 4 years not. in it was. staying since takes no you have the people to the extent that they can do this. as a problem with rubbish it's everywhere the cities waste collection service cannot cope on its own so the volunteers decide to stay. form their own organisation it's called ski city. the organization is supported by local businesses so they can give
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rewards to the volunteers when they have participated 12 times they receive a voucher from a local supermarkets the organization has launched a program called adopt a street to help residents feel more connected to their community in the days of apartheid only white people were allowed to live a year later it became a melting pot with people from various ethnicities and cultural backgrounds but as the population and unemployment grew problems started to emerge became known for violence criminality and prostitution are their trip you taishan is beginning to change actually in parks and people enjoying the district's improved image. they live vs the environment so it's it's bringing that pride to their own environment you know you don't have to just say it's something out of a plastic would bring something out of a bottle and throw it on the ground so we started to to get the ads change of
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behavior in the people and the community that lives here and then eventually once a street on the air or a park is cleared and the crime elements they move out the killer must seek or says crime particularly robberies needs to be addressed he takes us to the block of flats where you works as a caretaker he says well the situation has improved dramatically in recent years the crew in our virus pandemic is threatening to roll back that was improvements that best credits the increase in clean up because people almost the contents definition then are treated so no this just let them to get their foot in the center of the house they're starting to get a little bit so they're trying to find some for their actions so i'm saying that they could and that's not good for us i'm going to quote on to the finish and then that's it and if you treat it like i say if you. kill of my sickle why. stu do what she can to make the locals a little bit happier next weekend and make the neighborhood
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a little more pleasant even if it can solve all the area's problems themselves many of those very happy to live here in. atlanta know. this. is a. planet. and that's it for me and the team but the conversation of course continues online you'll find us on twitter us. sponge off we'll be back on monday here on the day fresh from.
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the past always being his. nico rosberg is a formula one world champion. bison a german finnish superstar is entering the race as an eco investor and keep driving the future of ability with his cream tank faster mom. read. next on the phone. the old mine bridge is the
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perfect starting point for discovering verse birth from here you can see many of the important sites and i'll be checking out those faults and on top of that i'll do some wine tasting because this region here is known for its good the culture now let's get going in line with the mild baroque and wine little steak it explores and it's less surrounding the chicken. in 60 minutes long t.w. . beethoven is for me. beethoven is for you. as for hell. beethoven is for her. is for the.
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beethoven is for cause. beethoven is for every moment of. beethoven 2020 the 250th anniversary year long deal. and neal festival clock with this is. such an event an automated plz. plz plz plz. we are living during the most extraordinary time history league transport will go for the electric cutlery. meant i haven't. read the also that minutes he shouted over.


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