tv Kulturzeit Deutsche Welle October 28, 2020 1:00am-1:31am CET
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important truth is that the borg. from our last wrong tree grew out of this radically different where with its growth. story children were 60 on to w. . the state away news i'm vs our top stories french president of money and mccall is facing a growing backlash in the muslim world for his recent comments about as long the controversy began when he defended satirical images of the muslim prophet muhammad following the blue murder of a french teacher. 2 big wildfires are burning out of control in southern california near los angeles the blazes fanned by high winds have blocked roadways and destroyed bassed areas of scrub and trees 2 firefighters have
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been seriously injured and tens of thousands of people forced to leave their homes the weather service describes fire conditions there as the most dangerous this year . people in germany are bracing for strict move rules aimed at slowing the spread of cold with 19 amid a big surge in infections chancellor merkel and state leaders will reveal on wednesday which restrictions they'll impose and what's being called a lock down light. as the founder land follow us on twitter and instagram the way it is our visit our website dot com. corona virus cases are exploding on both sides of the atlantic more people are
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getting sick and hospital intensive care units are filling up the surge so strong here in europe that we could soon become the epicenter of this pandemic yet again to slow the spread ireland has started a total lockdown for a 2nd time in france and spain there are evening curfews again and in italy anger police clashing with protesters who say if the virus doesn't kill is this time the new lockdowns will bring golf in berlin this is the day. that it used to be normal for everyone to stay with their families but now it's not normal now they're messing with perhaps the do something they've been forced to close at 6 and even in the morning thousands of people can get on crowded metros in buses and he's one of the few the tourists have all disappeared it. completely
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finished i think we're going to have to close down in a week. and i just it's not right because if you want to close close everything otherwise you shouldn't close anything don't disturb me don't have an income how can you survive. also coming up she is exactly what u.s. president trump wanted amy coney barrett is joining the u.s. supreme court cementing its conservative majority if the court is asked to rule on a disputed. presidential election will judge barrett give the president what he wants the oath that i have 1000 li taken tonight means at its core that i will do my job without any fear or favor and that i will do so independently of both the political branches and of my own preferences.
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but to our viewers watching on p.b.s. in the united states and to all of you around the world welcome we begin the day with corona virus cases surging all across europe threatening to make the continent the epicenter of the pandemic once again in the last week more than 1300000 people in europe tested positive for the virus that is the highest weekly some since the pandemic began the numbers are increasing at such an alarming rate that governments are reimposing severe restrictions on when state leaders here in germany are expected to agree on a new set of measures that are being called a lockdown light france is also bracing for tougher restrictions during the cases there are now topping 50000 and a state of emergency has been declared for all of spain europeans have been through all of this before especially italians we remember the images of overcrowded intensive care units hospitals full of patients all being kept alive on ventilators
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in order to avoid a repeat italy's prime minister has just approved new restrictions that will bring public life in the country to a standstill beginning at sunset every day for the next month the news triggered more than just frustration and fear we have this report. it began as an angry protest the chanted for freedom in turin. but it quickly descended into a violent game of cotton most local media. port the group was made up of hardcore football fans no one is trusts riot police fired tear gas and water cannon to send them home. designer shops were targeted. and milan police clashed with protesters tear gas and pyrotechnics and plentiful supply several arrests were made as the carbon yairi try to restore order to the city's otherwise
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quiet streets the unrest was taken knighted by new rules forcing the country's hospitality industry to close its doors at 6 pm how marble italy's late night dining culture has restaurant owners locked up many feared this would be the beginning of the end. because one chip you'll. have disappeared and lunch time is empty as well with 75 percent of the employees walking from home. in fact we're done with this job i mean i think we're going to close in a week. to get. in a room industry workers poor discipline is away and protest. a place that is that if you don't do what you're seeing here is just a pot of our supplies that we've had to throw away and sacrifice we've already paid for it instead of setting it to our customers our friends were forced to throw on the ground and as we've already done in the past. the peaceful gathering and shot
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contrast to scenes elsewhere but as italy tightens restrictions the sense of anxiety here every bit is strong. well it's hellions once again being asked to go inside and to wait it. is night i'm joined by sylvia bacardi she is a journalist in milan good evening to you what more do we know about these protests and the protesters are we talking about nationwide anger here. yes we are the protests started a few days ago in naples and now they have spread everywhere. and there are more than $20900.00. and in rome it's the moment there are protests going on. we know that there are a group of people of people especially from the. right wing extremists
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and who gets groups that. are taking advantage of this situation to. to to push forward this kind of like violent protests we know that deaths from goodnight are not rising as quickly as the number of new cases and that's a good say you are italians are the old for what restrictions mean for public health service time or the angry over what these restrictions could do to the nation's economic health so i think they're more worried about the economic factor of the moment we have a situation that is. getting worse and worse every day and there are more than 20000 positive cases a day and there are 7. are considered red regions. emergency regions. but what people are worried the most is the economy at the moment we had a. throng
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a strong situation in the past few months and people thought that they were going to. be able to keep their activities open for a while but this is not the case anymore. after prime minister decepticon announced his decision about closing restaurants and bars after 6 pm did he say what the government will do to help ease this economic shock that's about to take place. to date today. prime minister. signed need to create that is allowing 5 more than 5000000000 euros into financial economic health 4 for companies and and 2 prizes that have been. heat by this new regulation and they should be able to provide them by november but i think this will will how to use. it in a way that i think people are also worried because there are some specific sector
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of the economy who are being hit. that they're not being hit that's right we there are reports of people saying that they'd feel like they're being unfairly targeted by these restrictions journalists joining us tonight from milan thank you thank you. become to terms with new restrictions people here in germany will be doing the same very soon the number of new delhi cases could approach 20000 by the end of this week. back much toss a. district this is one of 10 busy streets in the german capital where people now have to wear a face mask germany has seen record numbers of coronavirus cases has been particularly hard hit now all 12 districts here a considered hot spots pressure is growing here in germany politicians to introduce new stricter measures against the coronavirus especially as numbers continue to
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grow this is something that is being debated on a daily basis here in germany both on the streets but also in the german press the latest topic to be discussed is the possibility of introducing a so-called lockdown right under this proposal which is reportedly favored by chancellor merkel schools on take a would remain open except in the worst hit areas restaurants and bars would have to shut and large advance would be banned so far most restaurants have to close only between 11 pm and 6 am for many new measures are necessary even if they mean fewer freedoms but others are more skeptical we all have to give ourselves a push now and see that it goes in the right direction. the numbers are always going up so you have to do your part to make them go down again the government take over the census and i hope that we will be spared but unfortunately we can't rule the salt completely although i'm not sure if it will really help to contain the
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pandemic and the answer then people for most people i assume that there will be new measures there's nothing you can do about it and we have to get the infection under control in this new search zone with the new restrictions are expected on wednesday after chancellor merkel meets with germany's 16 regional leaders. in the united states the confirmation of amy connie barrett to the u.s. supreme court has cemented the conservative majority in america's top court is the 3rd supreme court justice appointed by president truong she is promising to deliver justice with no bias sees or allegiances that's a hard sell for democrats who say it's nomination was motivated purely by politics and by hopes of a conservative future. after a month in the spotlight she finally got to say these words.
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judge the county sheriff is heading to the u.s. supreme court. it's a privilege to be asked to serve my country and this office and i stand here tonight truly honored and humbled. president donald trump is on hand to celebrate one of his signature achievements locking in a conservative majority on the supreme court for many years to come. this is a momentous day for america for the united states constitution and for the fair and impartial rule of law. barack took an oath at the white house finally in our after the senate narrowly voted to secure the nomination order with only one republican not supporting the motion. democrats strongly opposed to the confirmation saying a supreme court justice shouldn't be appointed this close to an election let the
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record show that tonight the republican senate majority decided to thwart the will of the people and confirm a lifetime appointment to the supreme court in the middle of the presidential election. opponents of carny bars nomination say it paves the way for conservative rulings on abortion rights health care and q. rights carny barrett val that she will remain independent. even though he judges don't face elections we still work for you. it is your constitution that establishes the rule of law and the judicial independence that is so central to it. she'll take the 2nd or 3rd to the parts on tuesday and a private ceremony which will allow hood to begin official duties on the court. are even more now i want to bring in mary ziegler she's a professor of law at florida state university she's also the author of abortion
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and the law in america roe versus wade to the present she joins us tonight from santa rosa. ziegler it's good to have you on the program i'd like to remind our viewers and and play the part of judge barrett speech that she delivered last night after being sworn in by president trump at the white house take a listen to what she said the oath that i have silently taken tonight means at its core that i will do my job without any fear or favor and that i will do so independently of both the political branches and of my own preferences. do you believe judge bear i'm sure she believes what she's saying but i think all judges have. situations where their politics and their personal preferences have to come into play after all and the law is that clear the supreme court tends to be unanimous in cases don't tend to make it to the u.s.
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supreme court in the 1st place so i think i'm sure justice fared is sincere but i think that what she's asking of herself is an impossible task all judges i think have moments where their politics creep in and that's the reason for example that ruth bader ginsburg didn't retire while donald trump was president or that clarence thomas won't retire if joe biden is president there is some political calculus they goes on and it's an open secret in american politics do you think judge barrett is being judged mean we prematurely i mean i'm thinking of chief justice roberts he was also seen as a conservative when he was appointed but he has often sided with liberal judges on the court could judge barrett maybe could she be a clause that keeps middle of the road to justice. sure i mean there's always unpredictability when it comes to supreme court justices because after all these people have lifetime appointments which gives them
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a certain freedom to do what they want really without regard to the will of the people who nominated them and i think if we're kind of trying to break down what kind of conservative different people on the supreme court are john roberts isn't necessarily in the middle i would say he's more concerned about the court's reputation in his own image which makes him kannur and attracted i think sometimes to rulings that avoid any possible popular backlash we don't know if tony barrett would be a justice like the chief justice at least by her own analysis she is more similar to antonin scalia who was very conservative and also i think sort of fashioned himself a principled justice who would do things that were very conservative even if or potentially even because they would upset people. and so if barrett's to be believed she's more in the mold of scalia but of course we won't know for sure until she actually begins issuing decisions what do we know about justice barrett
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that leads her critics to warn that she will help the court overturn roe versus wade in the right to an abortion in america. well i think probably the thing we know the most about judge barrett is that she was picked without a human mind she was vetted by the federalist society for that purpose and president trump has made no secret of his desire to see roe v wade overturned and to nominate people who would do just that she doesn't have a tremendously on track record as a judge she's been on the 7th circuit court of appeals for a very short time that in every decision she joined on that corner she would have voted to uphold abortion restrictions and to do so i think to some degree in the face of precedent on abortion so i think again she's not convinced that she doesn't seem to be convinced that there is a right to abortion and seems willing to reach that conclusion even when there is precedent applies in the face of her outcome if the presidential election next week
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is disputed and the supreme court is asked to rule on it what should judge barrett do and what will she in your opinion most likely do. well i think she should recuse herself just from the staff point of optics one of there's no hard and fast rules about recusal in the united states but there certainly would be an appearance of impropriety which is one of the considerations judges are supposed to take into account i don't think she will recuse herself i think if the supreme court were tasked with functionally deciding the election donald trump would win the election i think that outcome is exceedingly unlikely because it would really require a situation like we saw in 2000 in the united states in bush v gore or the election came down to very small margins in both the electoral college and the popular vote and turned entirely on one state if polls are at all to be believed in the 2020 election that isn't likely to be true so while the supreme court has been doing
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a lot to essentially limit state efforts to extend the vote past election day or to have accommodations during the pandemic the court is obviously hostile to those kinds of accommodations and will probably become more so with any county barrett on the court it seems less likely that the court will actually be the one deciding the election. or writes mary ziegler professor of law at florida state university professor we appreciate your time in your insights tonight thank you thanks for having me. our next story is about a young woman with a brilliant mind and a big heart ilwad elman has been awarded the german africa prize for her work in somali dedicated to reclaiming a generation that was almost lost to woo hoo. using the ocean and yoga to heal from trauma is new to many in somalia but it's just one way ilwad elman helps
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former child soldiers and rape survivors overcome their trauma she calls it. a combination of yoga and to shoot the therapy aims to break down walls of silence and heal. and then asking people to draw comparisons between challenging challenging experiences like pushing her body to limits and testing yourself and when's the last time you experience something like that and it resonated and there's a body of research that's available on these approaches and we want to see if that also fits in a context like somalia bill what didn't expect global attention for her work when she returned to her home country 10 years ago she and her family were exiles in canada for many years she was 19 didn't speak the local language and wasn't directly exposed to every day life in a war torn country but her mother was already determined to go back out. human
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rights activist. herself and decided to come back to somalia at the height of the conflict and. from her i saw that you know you can be anything and anything you want to anything and everything you want to be a woman that's not a message women and girls often hear and so under her. i also was empowered encouraged and sometimes challenged to do more following in our mother's footsteps threw herself into organizing money looking after former child soldiers. and young girls who have suffered abuse. as a result of the. girls we provide services for children and youth that are being. co-opted by groups and organizations and another human rights. the freedom to life and safety and determination. now more and more stories are being heard. it's
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important to show a different image of somalia not just chaos and destruction. for the. work focused on emergency aid but now there's much more to it. a lot from purely service delivery where we respond to violations. and has grown into. whether it's through empowering and educating communities to end the cycle of. whether it's through working with government to put in place legislation. to fundamentally change society and she believes she can do it. by her side.
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well germany is world famous for its christmas markets with their mold wine toasted almonds and car wooden figures but not this year the city of near and bare has just decided to cancel its world famous chris kindles mark which usually draws about $2000000.00 visitors there is a year round industry that's devoted to supplying these markets with the folk ornaments that give the christmas market so much of their appeal one that is centered on syphon where there's always a with christmas in the air it's one of the few christmas markets that will take place this year. the christmas season always comes only to the town of sanction in germany southeastern mountains you can find a very very very satisfied tino going to launch sites in style markets a few years ago he sells saxon is world famous wooden figures from his shop in the at the all mountains business is booming modified for the lot is the season before
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the christmas season the advent period and the pre have been periods of syphon stock market is for just this time of year just so you can look forward to things it's especially important for us to start spreading christmas joy in this season so that people can look forward to christmas after this horrible year. the whole town is a christmas market and the stalls are at a safe distance to each other visitors following the current virus prevention measures here the fact that cycling is a crisis region doesn't seem to worry them. we're not very fearful crisis or no crisis we can put up with it and we're trying to get through this. and everything will be all right. how with the safety measures here oh everything's great i'm looking around here do you have the impression that there could be christmas markets in germany this year given hell things are here i'd say why not have
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a christmas market. but at the moment it looks like markets like the one inside from could be the exception and not get sold here is very little compared to the masses of items offered at other christmas markets and for which there are hardly any orders julieann a cleaner represents more than 100 local crafts people and she has an alternative idea. hope alone doesn't bring anything during the lockdown this spring we thought a lot about what might happen in the fall and we came up with the idea of creating a virtual christmas market which would definitely be opened by my dad and definitive of this online instead of mulled wine this replaces person to person sales you know going to is skeptical but he's refusing to call it a catastrophe. to inform the generations before mine who built up our business they had it hard i really can't complain about this sort of thing really easily get through this instead of complaining the people of syphon are stressing how much
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they're looking forward to christmas and when the pandemic is over. the spirit of christmas here well the day is almost done the conversation it continues online you'll find us on twitter either at the news or you can follow me at brant go t.v. every member whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see you then if.
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discovered who. subscribe to the documentary to. trump all biden whoever wins the us presidential election the rest of the world will be watching it's safe to say that 4 years of donald trump has us president has left their mark on the world's biggest economy and its relationship with its trading partners around the globe including europe. oh well.
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