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tv   extra 3  Deutsche Welle  October 28, 2020 9:30pm-10:16pm CET

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the fight against the corona virus pandemic. how has the rate of infection been developing. what measures are being taken. what does the latest research say. information and context. the coronavirus of data the code of special monday to friday on d.w. . germany was able to flatten the coronavirus curve in april it will have to do it again in november beginning next monday a partial lockdown will take effect in all of germany for weeks so no dining out no domestic travel and no nightlife a november of shutdowns and shut ins that will hopefully shut out the fires i'm bring gulf in berlin this is the day.
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the city is dead which the fires are spreading at the moment it is expected to quit what we are experiencing is an exponential rise and you cases of the important indicator i see use and the number of patients being treated here again and the last 10 days the numbers have doubled if the. price of new infections continues the response capacity of on public health system will soon be exceeded and we must act to prevent an acute national public health emergency. also coming up they say they are sick and tired of dealing with the coronavirus but never too tired to throw a party tonight pandemic fatigue in madrid and the police are on the way.
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we just rented a place so we could drink and smoke inside just a few of his attests even wear masks but that didn't last long honestly young people's biggest fear is having to pay a fine that's why the places need to be well insulated so the neighbors sent the police won't detect anything. but to our viewers watching on p.b.s. in the united states and to all of you around the world welcome we begin the day exactly where she feared we would end up a few weeks ago german chancellor angela merkel sounded the alarm over the. troubling rise in new coronavirus cases in the country and she warned not enough was being done to slow the spread and she was right new daily cases are now approaching 20000 here in germany so today with the support of all regional leaders the chancellor and else to partial lockdown for the country for all the bamber merkel said that time is running out to flatten the curve again and that the
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decisions made today will mean wife or death tomorrow here on the 4th temple that is you with the issue here is that this is a dead which the virus is spreading at the moment it is particularly quick what we are experiencing is an exponential rise in you cases with doubling times that are quicker and quicker today for example we had twice as many infections and this is the case with other important indicators as well for example the important indicator of our i.c. use and the number of patients being treated in them here again in the last 10 days the numbers have doubled if the speed of the rise of new infections continues the response capacity of our public health system was soon be exceeded and this is why it is absolutely clear that we must act and we must act now we do not want to have health emergency in this country and to prevent it we must take measures. from the
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most important tool that we have and i've talked about it again to curb the spread of that i'm demick is being able to trace the contacts of every new infection and this is a tool that is no longer available to us because the public health offices have reached the limits of what they are able to trace we no longer have the control of the spill over the spread of the virus and we must change this and for more now i'm joined by to be. cort he's an epidemiologist and director of the institute for public health at the sharon tate hospital here in berlin and professor kurt it's good to have you on this show let me ask you that the german chancellor she warned the country several weeks ago that we would be in this situation because the measures she said were not strict enough stringent enough to slow the virus and that is indeed what has happened this partial walked right action at the right
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time i think it's the right time it's about the right time maybe a little too late to implement these measures as you said and some medical has predicted it as others have predicted this development and we're not surprised to see this so right now it's the time to really react because if we wait things will get worse and then we cannot do it with a lock on all 3 to 4 weeks to really solve the situation and to reduce the number of infections it's not a complete lockdown and it's also not going to be a 2 week short period that had been predicted we're talking about an entire probably with this partial lockdown is that enough time. i think it's well you can argue that 2 weeks would be sufficient but we know that we see the result of a 2 week lock down after another 2 weeks so i think 4 week is the right time
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because otherwise you would not be sure whether the measure actually worked out think it's important to keep schools and child support open because that's a very important aspect understand its members are very hard for some people and we all have to support these businesses to to really keep their their function over these 4 weeks and after really to hopefully go out and enjoy them again but if we don't do anything right now we are in a situation where it's getting much worse and we see other countries west of germany and also east of germany where the situation is really bad and then you cannot really have a lockdown in place for 4 weeks it would be much much longer the decision to force restaurants to. do you think is. a wise decision the media is there proof that restaurants are places where the virus
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is being transmitted. well it's indoor people sitting in door and obviously you cannot wear a mask while you're eating the ventilation situation it's also sometimes difficult to understand that it may not be a major force of intention and most of the infections may be happening elsewhere but i think it's the only way to really make it make a sort of measure of that that we is accepted i also think it's important to have it all over germany and just not regionally so i think unfortunately it's right decision to close rest wrong as much as i had it myself how did we get to this point maybe you're familiar distrust the police here in berlin had to break up a party that had 600 people attending despite all of the restrictions mean has our behavior made the situation worse. difficult to say i'm not a friend of accusing
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a specific part of the population of have done something wrong i think it's a diffusion faction situation where many of the infections this happen at home or like at situations where you don't even expect to get infected so yes we have a partner situation certainly that is that is not a good thing doing on a pandemic to do because he would increase the likelihood of of interaction but overall i think that nothing really went wrong we as a population may not have listened carefully enough and we may have focused too much on on the on a discussion off of that people argue against it and not support the people actually following this measure is in the recommendation since many weeks a month and now we're facing this lockdown of we all have to stay together otherwise it won't work. difficult to say is all a question on the vaccination there will certainly be another way for it's almost impossible to keep this low and if we have
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a situation like like now where the hospitals like getting full again with the i see you bad side getting killed again like over 1000 patients we will face another lockdown in the future and in the future hopefully swords and intends and then hopefully we can open up again. to be escorts the director of the institute for public health at the surety hospital here in berlin professor quote we appreciate your time and your insights tonight thank you thank you for having me or germany is not alone spain is also dealing with new record high numbers of corona virus infections the number of coded 1000 deaths is at its highest level since may and there are now new lock downs in curfews but not everyone is a big thing the rule she wus young philip schulte reports tonight from madrid. every week and madrid police have been knocking on hundreds of doors to shut down
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illegal parties madrigal meetings of up to 6 people who are not related but police have broken up parties of more than 200 who are keen as a business student in my view that he only wants to speak briefly and anonymously as he regularly goes to such parties he himself recently helped organize one. that we just rented a place so we could drink and smoke inside a few visitors even wore masks but that didn't last long honestly young people's biggest fear is having to pay a fine that's why this place is need to be well insulated so the neighbors and the police want to take anything that you know not to push on. keane and his friends seem unfazed by the statistics the 3rd of spaniards become infected with the coronavirus at private parties 200 illegal parties were broken up in madrid last week alone police chief javier fine and this is especially troubled
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by the new business model being developed. bars that are actually supposed to be closed certainly do take money in exchange for letting people in there's a clear economic incentive for it apart from that we have discovered private homes that were charging entrance fees right at the front door this isn't just about a few friends meeting up psychiatry's diego figueroa is calling for more empathy with a young people even if you support strictly abiding by the hygiene measures experts are starting to acknowledge the consequences of such drastic restrictions on young people socialites right now we have finding that young people's mental health problems have increased dramatically as a result of this spring's lockdown and suicide safe increased by 22 percent so far and attempted suicides have even increased by 35 percent on top of that there's been a major increase in the consumption of alcohol in psychoactive drugs young
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spaniards are now confronted with new rules all bars in madrid must close at 11 pm starting this week and curfew begins at midnight after a year of the pandemic has message that the quality of life of young people all over the world at the same time experts keep emphasizing how dangerous partying can be in the current situation spain's chief amala just even directly turned to spence you with and asked them to refrain from parties at the moment. even so business student who are keen doesn't want to be forbidden from partying he says he can decide for himself what risk he's willing to tolerate even if it means partying in private homes until 6 am for the duration of the curfew. well my next guest tonight is dr john campbell an independent health analyst and one of the u.k.'s online authorities on this pandemic dr campbell it's good to see you again if you think we've got france going back into lockdown we've got germany going into
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a partial lockdown we've got parts of the u.k. vetter now in some form of a lockdown i mean we see we see total impartial lockdowns nationwide we also see localized lockdowns is one more effective than the others. there's a big debate about this in the u.k. at the moment some people say because the downs are regional in this quite disparate regulations and different people having different regulations in different areas and this causes a lot of confusion in the scientific advisory group for emergency is actually calling for a breakout and the rule nationwide temporary lockdown if you like popey 2 weeks maybe 3 weeks to try and get the situation back down to where it was a few weeks ago because the numbers are quite dramatically increasing now in the u.k. is that the way so then that this scientific question but the political will is not yet then i want to ask you about a new u.k.
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study showing that antibodies for the corona virus in people who have been infected don't remain in the body very long maybe one to 3 months does this worry you. it actually doesn't too much this is the reacts today and it is a combined study between the same already the polling people in imperial college london and they've actually taken antibody studies from the fingerprint blood test from about 350000 people enormous 20000 of those came back positive so they have a very good sample size to judge by they found out about 30 percent of those people are actually asymptomatic and what they did find over the 3 months of the study from june to september that they antibody the people testing positive for antibody went down from 6 percent to 4.4 percent which represents about a 26 percent drop off so we see that the antibodies aren't lasting for very long but that well that study doesn't do is test for the memory t. cells because it's probably the case that people get people who get more we'll make
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more than 2 bodies because the t. cells haven't already aborted the infection so that t. cells are probably the important thing here and the other reason we think that is really if you think way back in britain to the 2003 saw coronavirus type one pandemic that affected about 8000 people in different parts of the world but it was contained people that developed antibodies and they didn't last very long but people that also developed t. cells memory to use that was that fight that virus and they've been tested for this yes 17 years later and they're still present not only that those sauce coronas group sauce coronas one antibodies will combat and protect people against oz coronavirus to now there's only 8000 people in the world are infected by that so it's not a big deal but these memory t. cells are hanging around for 17 years now we know that the corona virus is the cause the common cold this fall coronaviruses course the common cold the immunity
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for them doesn't last very long and we can become re-infected within the year but what the founders the sauce coronavirus to the particular proteins the actor the virus the antibodies the fight so ask about. devise one the particular proteins they effect to the same ones as on sauce coronavirus 2 which had different from the common cold ones so it looks like the sauce coronavirus one is asked to run a virus to fairly similar viruses so i personally expect that sees obvious bonds to be fairly similar and i am optimistic it's going to be a long lived response we don't know that for sure yet but i think that's the way the scientists dotting to head what does this does this is a good omen then would we want to talk about the efficacy of a coronavirus vaccine. is frustrating because a lot of the scientific papers on the vaccines have not been published yet so there's a lot we don't know but just last week the astra zeneca oxford collaboration vaccine did publish an interim report not wasn't peer reviewed scientific paper it was more
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of a commercial publication but they did show that the oxford vaccine the astra zeneca vaccine is effective in people of all age groups equally effective in all age groups which is encouraging because very often the not effective in 0 people they didn't show it raised the 90 body response but importantly it also identified a definite memory t. cell response in response to that vaccine now how long that loss of course no one knows because we don't know the future it could be that they will spontaneously disappear at the end of the month but that's very unlikely given the evidence we have from sauce coronavirus one from 2003 hour to expect those antibodies after 2 doses of the vaccine to be fairly long lived i am actually quite hopeful about long term immunity you know let's let's hope for that happen before we say goodbye unite we i think we spoke last week for the last about the walk down in wales is the u.k. closer now to a nationwide lockdown being imposed. if you watch the scientists in the scientific
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advisory group emergencies they say yes it is the politicians are still resisting it there is some evidence that the phased this 3 phases in england this 5 phase in scotland is a lot down in wales so there's all these different approaches but there is evidence from england that this 3 phase lock down is starting to work now the number of cases are going up they're still increasing but the rate of increase is started to decrease over the past few weeks so in the last week the increase was 7 percent of infections but in the 7 days before that it was 14 percent and of course in september it was 90 to 100 percent so there is some evidence that this is working so i think what the government probably going to do is stick with this 3 phase pattern for now and see what happens and the hope is it will get the audacity to doubt round about work hopefully in 3 or 4 weeks time but we will take the success anyway we can get it at this stage dr john campbell is always stuck here we appreciate your insights thank you thank you. i wrote
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the lever record prosperity epic job growth at a safe vaccine that eradicates the virus said quickly ends the pandemic and we're making that fire don't turn they don't want to hear it we're making that turn this is not political it's patriotic wary to match where war period. the u.s. presidential election is now just 6 days away and the pandemic remains issue number one nearly 9000000 people have been diagnosed with corona virus in the u.s. more than 220000 americans have died from coke at 19 hospitals are filling up with some considering rationing care to patients the crisis is getting worse but the trumpet ministration is telling a different story in a new report listing president trump's achievements in office the administration
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credits trump with ending the cove did 19 pandemic and you see here the press room these which says from the outset of the curve in 1000 pandemic the administration has taken decisive actions to engage scientists and health professionals in academic industry and government to understand to treat and hugo defeat the disease. well that is a narrative that defies truth and that just 6 days to go into the election joining me now is my colleagues timmy's of us going to in our washington d.c. bureau good evening to you sumi has there been any reaction to the white house's claim that they've ended this pandemic which is not ending. but as you can imagine there's been a reaction that's been really a mix of bewilderment some frustration even anger particularly among democrats senator elizabeth warren who some of our viewers will remember was herself in the
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running to be a democratic presidential candidate what she tweeted earlier today is this a sick joke the pen to make is getting worse americans are dying and birth that really reflects what many observers see here as a real dissonance between the messaging that we hear from the white house and president trump who in many rallies in the past few weeks on the campaign trail has repeatedly said that america is turning the corner and the reality on the ground and you have to look no further than the numbers you mentioned them yourself i mean the virus really is still raging through the country at this point 8700000 infections 226000 people have died if you look at the average the number of cases new cases over a 7 day period that has also hit a record 70000 and you also mention the fact that hospitals in some states are either reaching capacity or either after passing over capacity they are struggling with the load right now as well so for observers here it is questionable to see such a statement from the white house i do want to point out as well however that the
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white house is somewhat walked back to the statement today in an interview with fox news the right wing media outlet the strategic communications director alyssa farah she said yes that statement was poorly worded you know the pandemic is still ongoing of course people need to stay vigilant but she said the reason president trump keeps talking about rounding the corner he's talking about a vaccine being available very soon and that should be rolled out by the end of the year to millions of americans well brant we also know that the top infectious disease expert in this country anthony fauci said it will be months into 2021 next year until a vaccine is readily available to many people so more of that dissonance print a wall of cognitive dissonance there for sure let's talk about this cue the early voting is bringing out voters like never before told about the record numbers and what do these early voting numbers what did the poor mr barton and for mr drum. those numbers are are blowing records and he said out of the water we've seen a 70000000 ballots cast across the country already and the number of ballots cast
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in mail and voting and also in person early voting is actually more than 50 percent of the total turnout of 2016 and what that tells us brian it really underscores the incredible enthusiasm that we've seen for people to to go on and cast their ballots what we saw as well covering voting across the country you know some of those long lines the pictures you see in georgia and texas but also new york and pennsylvania and the reason is voters have told us they see this as an existential election that if the other side wins it essential will mean the end of the country for them so that is why that is really driving people out in droves to the polls now whether it benefits the democrats of the republicans well in early voting the indication is that the majority of people who voted so far have tended towards the democrats this is a younger popular population a more diverse population people tend to vote democrat but don't forget that on election day november 3rd we're also going to see a surge of republicans heading out to the polls that could tip the balance back in favor of president trump so it is true early to say whether this record turnout
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this enthusiasm in the u.s. really will tip the outcome one way or the other. day in election night even more exciting let's talk about where the 2 candidates were this week president stopped in nebraska yesterday a state that offers only one electoral college vote and we sold joe biden campaigning this week in georgia state that has a like to the democrats since 1009. what do these 2 campaign stops or do they tell us about this race. ok so 1st of all let's start with nebraska president trump there yes you're right that there is one electoral college vote but you know brant everyone is saying this election is going to come down to the wire there even fear is that we could have a tie in the lector old college and for some of our viewers who are not familiar these are the people who actually vote for the president so president trump is really trying to make sure he picks up every vote that he can along the way now as for joe biden yes georgia has reliably been in the hands of the publicans for many years since 1902 as you pointed out but right now it is
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a dead heat between joe biden and president trump and the reason is we're seeing demographic changes in a state like georgia a large african-american population a growing latino population also more younger voters turning out so that is changing some of those traditional voting patterns and one more point there brant i should mention there are 2 crucial senate seats up for grabs also in georgia so that is another reason we've seen both biden and trump on the ground in georgia to lend their support to those candidates because the democrats certainly want to flip the senate as well as the white house it is amazing right we've got what north carolina georgia texas but you know the race is neck and neck maisie will be there. so museum is going on the story for us tonight in washington so we've always think you were. are the days almost done the conversation continues online you'll find us on twitter either d.w. news or you can follow me at brant go off t.v. and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll
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see you that.
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passion for such starts november 6th on g.w. . this is g w news live from berlin tonight germany and france both pulling the emergency brake to slow the pandemic partial lockdown is in both countries for the month of november the german chancellor angela merkel says that bars restaurants and hotels will close and domestic travel will be limited in france people will need written permission to leave their homes also coming up polls close in tanzania's
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presidential and parliamentary elections but opposition parties say the vote has already been corrupted by manipulation and fly. by brant goff it's good to have you with us another lock down is coming to germany but only partially today german chancellor angela merkel announced a limited national lockdown for most of the month of november the goal is to stop an elder control rise in corona virus infections bars restaurants hotels and cinemas will close beginning next monday but schools in shops will stay open the government is earmarking up to 10000000000 euros in financial support for businesses hit by this shutdown. the deserted streets of the spring are about to become all too familiar again in germany for 4 weeks from november 2nd the entire
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country will be under a partial lockdown faced with another record high of daily coronavirus cases on wednesday chancellor angela merkel in the country 16 state premiers quickly found consensus there's a. lot of today is a difficult day for policymakers i have to emphasise that because i know how much we're asking of people but we have to find a way to ensure that we don't fall into a national health emergency but at the same time to the greatest extent possible ensure that the economy stays upright. with 3 courses of new cases now untraceable the measures of far reaching cultural and leisure facilities as well as bars and restaurants will close with the exception of takeout social contact in public will also be limited to just 2 households with a maximum of 10 people schools and daycare however will remain open with new
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hygiene protocols ahead of wednesday's announcement concerns about the economic effects of a 2nd shutdown were on everyone's minds not least of all the thousands of protesters from germany's hospitality industry who demonstrated against the closures in central berlin. event bans would be dramatic for us because then we'd have nothing already the cancellations are rolling in if even a small event like birthdays aren't allowed then we really have nothing imagine and say to you there are hardly any artists left because they've had to find another job that will have an emergency in the culture sector. we need help we're not allowed to work we're hoping for some positive talks with the government of what it is pretty limited. finance minister orloff shots however has prepared a 10000000000 euro coronavirus aid package to compensate businesses hit by the straight to measures the height now is to flatten the cuff before the holiday
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season but it will be a costly feat by for the economy and society. or let's get our political correspondent hans brought he's on the story for us tonight good evening to you hons so talk to me about how strict these measures are going to be that take effect starting on monday. well if you look at the letter of it you have to say that that doesn't appear terribly strict there is no cook few there are very few prohibit. nothing and tire economy is being shut down on people aren't being confined to the us but at the same time people are restricted from meeting in groups of larger than 10 people they are urged to stay at home and to work at home and everything that has to do with with recreational recreational activities from sports to. fun parks to restaurants to theatres and operas all of that is being shot dom so it is an
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attempt to make people say it they are urged to stay at home they are not to leave their homes not to go travelling not to meet people and this it's absolutely necessary and at the same time however schools and daycare centers are being kept open so it's a balancing act that is being attempted here and an attempt also to keep the economy going because apart from you know restaurants and so on most of the economy will continue factories for instance are not being closed on a balancing act and an attempt to control things november will be a critical month in germany and the huns you know internationally germany's tracking tracing system has been praised as being one of the best in the world in today the chancellor said that 75 percent of contacts can no longer be traced back what has happened. yes indeed the chains of infection can no longer be broken
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can no longer be interrupted what happened simply is that the authorities were overwhelmed by the number of cases that have been found in recent weeks and we have to remember that 2 weeks ago under the knucklehead another meeting had a previous meeting with the 16 premiers of the various regions and after that meeting she went public saying that she felt the measures that have been decided then were not strict enough and in fact she was proven right in the last 2 weeks the number of infections have risen risen exponentially the situation has become a lot more serious and there are concerns that german hospitals could be of a wound within 2 or 3 weeks that is why the emergency brake has been pulled now do you think we're going to see much pushback especially from businesses you know restaurants for example that have to shut down in the yes indeed there have been protests as we've seen in that report we just saw but they are also being compensated with the 10000000000 euro as which are being paid out to companies that
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are affected by this at the same time there is a lot of political pushback already put it ical parties in opposition are saying that parliament is not being involved enough that these restrictions are too damaging for the economy and they are likely to be court cases they are going to be challenges in court against some of these measures and it's quite possible that the courts are going to cancel some of these measures i'm going to now go this taking this fairly seriously she's going to address the german parliament tomorrow to try and explain her thinking behind this and why these measures and according to her on necessary are corresponded with the latest tonight here in berlin and thank you. well in france president emanuel mccrone has laid out a 2nd coronavirus lockdown one that is stricter than the one we are seeing here in germany now called announced on television that most shops plus all bars and restaurants will have to shut down from this friday travel between french regions
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will no longer be possible schools however will stay open but people will need to show documentation when leaving their homes france has recorded 500 deaths in the last day alone from the by our correspondent lisa lewis she is monitoring events for us she was watching microphones address for us tonight in paris good evening to you lisa what else did the french president have to say. well as you said this lockdown is stricter than in germany but it's less strict and than earlier this year prison in my class said you know up until the last moment we thought we could actually prevented but over the past 2 weeks we have been overwhelmed with the number of cases the latest figure of daily infection cases that have been detected is about 70000 and the government said the only way to get through this is indeed another lockdown the lock done is less strict than early as
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i said specially because schools are going to be stay are going to stay open and the government will revisit the measures in about 2 weeks if the situation improves then the government has pledged to maybe loosen some restrictions for the retail sector which is already obviously complaining about the fact that they might lose money or might actually have to close lots of shops but for now the government is saying really need to stand together be united because this is the only way to prevent from having prevent us from having about $400000.00 deaths within a few months if we don't lock down the country yeah i mean the numbers are already flight meaning they've been increasing on tuesday french reported over 500 deaths the measure of the lockdown is it strict enough and is it coming too late. well there is a discussion about the fact if it is a bit late you know when the french went back to school went back to iraq after the
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summer holidays actually almost no restrictions were in place and then over the past few weeks and months we've then seen increasingly more and more measures the government apparently was at the belief that these measures would be enough such as for example closing the closing of bars and limiting restaurants to certain hours and then curfews in certain places in france but now times are that these measures haven't been enough and some as you say yet some opposition forces are now saying the government should have prepared better for the 2nd wife the government obviously says we couldn't prepare better because it was also it's also overwhelming and it wasn't actually possible to predict what was going to happen already w.'s lisa was with the latest on the situation in france a new walk down taking effect this friday thank you least well the corona virus has exposed many inequalities in many countries with citizens unable to
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access health care in a tape and a legal settlement near mexico city residents are cut off from the water supply and also cut off from proper health care that makes washing their hands of protecting themselves against the coronavirus especially difficult. a water pipe and a lifeline this filter turns rainwater into clean washing water. brenda and her colleagues from an aid organization have installed 20 such systems in a paddock a suburb of mexico city you're on a suarez can wash some of her children's clothes and give them a bath but there's not enough water for everyone especially during the pandemic. wellness m.n.m. of the headlines right now for one entire week we have no water they say wash your hands but then they have to give us water. most people here work informally without a contract that's increasingly the case across mexico and those jobs are under
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threat. much as present as in ekiti a lot of people here live off of day jobs as soon as they work less means and their whole families suffer. i mean they just can't afford to stay home and do nothing. but media. with water from the roof these people can at least protect themselves a little from the coronavirus. or let's take a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world as are by john says an attack by armenian forces near the disputed region of nagorno-karabakh has killed at least 21 people and injured dozens more are media denies carrying out the assault 3 cease fires have so far failed to halt the long running conflict which flared up one month ago nurses in poland have joined a nationwide strike against tougher abortion more women are protesting against a court ruling that bans terminations in cases of fetal abnormalities the new
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measures restrict abortions to cases of rape and incest where the mother's life is at risk. in tanzania voting in national elections is now closed president john morgan fully is seeking a 2nd 5 year term he's up against opposition leader lisa who survived 16 assassins bullets these he says the election has been marred by vote rigging. time to cast their ballot. here in the commercial capital doris salaam voting was peaceful with the long lines forming throughout the day. among those out at a polling station president john magaw. hoping to secure another 5 years in office . that this is it i'd like to reiterate that as a nation we should continue to be peaceful because there is life even after an
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election which was. but what's in the hearts of tanzanians may not matter according to the opposition. they say there have been widespread irregularities with voters in some cases being given multiple votes like these to then stuff in boxes prior to the election the opposition said there was a pattern of suppressing bad news and press freedoms and brutalizing rival political parties the economy is being hate hard by the pandemic but president michel foodie montagne is the country has conquered the virus through prayer. critics say the government has covered up tons of me as i'm frank. who had so coalition of opposition groups he spent 3 years in exile and after an assassination attempt and claims to government is widening its crackdown on rivals. kind of violence that we we have to see it we're beginning to see that it is is
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is is different this time. then he is is cat and that would be bad if that it violates because their free and fair election would lead fast and square. the result is expected within a week. you're watching g.w. news up next g.w. business news with janell's stick around she'll be right back. why are people forced to hide in trucks. there are many present. there are many.


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