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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  October 31, 2020 10:30am-11:01am CET

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i'm david and this is climate change. happiness increase book. this is the book for you. to get smarter birth free books. minimalist noose and precise choreography are the trademarks of the french dance school and you retain it about a year after that more on that later and with that a very warm welcome to new edition of euro backs let's see what else we have in the show today. europe next week part of max merrill takes left and the gone
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going big in the grammys and we need damn good at the top fashion designer for the european project. lot of people are celebrating halloween and so we start the show with a cake make up from britain who specializes in scary creation several hotties customers need a strong stomach to bite into her sweet treats how about a sexual and human brain it's all made of chocolate but it looks disturbingly real or a cake shaped like a human thought we paid her a visit at her home and a whole stay at around 100 kilometers north east of london where she created a very ghoulish treat for us a zombie cake and joy. my name sarah heidi and i like give me the.
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shocking surprises for you edible definitely not to everyone's taste sarah harding hands an unusual way of making money. on the menu today human gray made a white chocolate. and a massive horrifying member when i didn't watch horror movies but always made creepy things and bits of bodies when i was a sculptor i went to school and i started making fit it's just natural to make the same things i've always made it just make them and chocolate. molded chocolate and colors taken from fruit is all that's needed to produce a street. party used to model blanks figures she says chocolate is much easier to work with a bit goes wrong you can just melt it back into place and then of course it tastes
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good the taste is of ultimate imports incidentally this much work to make a chocolate and. not care about what it tastes like but i keep it simple i choose 3 really good chocolates leaped up white ones and i work with that is over and over again. it isn't the only thing on the menu sarah harvey also bakes cakes where you really wonder edible like this or turkey. or a zombie perfect for how we. the idea is that i make something as horrible as what you might see on the walking dead but then we get to eat it. the cake is made up of several sections all baked and molded to individuate like this stomach is made of cake base cim cases it in march and then molds it into shape. when she
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paints it with food colorings it looks increasingly realistic sarah hardy has learned everything by doing it and never baked a cake until i was nearly 40 so i had to just get a recipe book and on my. but being a sculptor really helps because i can already see things in 3 dimensions and i know roughly how to make in lots of different materials before ever mating cake and chocolate. she doesn't only get our inspiration from horror from a walk in the forest can also provide food for thought. are plenty here. she don't processors have findings on. perhaps they will soon be available in chocolate for. which they really love the bone i just found it it's a really nice shape that curve it's very sculptural you know like perfect object
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with. those on those chocolate cake the liver is ready to go shareholders' daughter gets a major over she will form the upper part of the door miscreation mom's new parent intestine cajun white chocolate around. good enough to eat a few. where their customer commissions a cake like this they definitely eat it it's always feel like a party or birthday or something and their reactions are usually getting everyone to take photographs selfies with it and everything for a good few hours and they wait until very last minute for they can eat it. ok now it's time to perform the autopsy. i love that song because i would really like to have one for one expert at their
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party and if you enjoy bacon you can find lots more exciting cake recipes on our you tube channel d w food. to make you see these. stories. to see as i'm. just now amazing the best chefs with their best tips from need to be can die in the cold or recipe secrets while. europe's diversity is a smorgasbord of good my list you know. subscribe and enjoy d. w. food. for oh a serious quirky customs you're a mixed report a mix marrow travels all over europe not just to find out about strange customs and traditions but to try them out for him so this time max went to one of the world's
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most traumatic cities that is where he set himself and ambitious goal to learn how to steer a gong in just one day. my search for quirky customs has this time brought me to the iconic italian city of venice. this is not only a bond movie for its canals and those that traversed the gondoliers. the world over the ferry and tourists through the maze of waterways i want to join the club and learn how to steer these magnificent boats. it's an incredibly exclusive profession and one that i aim to master in just one day. show. do you think i can learn much in one day. of my training. only one day.
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much no. matter how much can i learn in one day. the. road venice is an all female rowing organization my lord they could work is going to live but it is nearly impossible for them to get into this old boy's club can you tell me a little bit about yourself how long you've been rowing and so i started when i was going to 3 years old they just throw me in a boy then push the buy their way. back if you can and that's. something i don't think i'll just feel. some feeling elena is giving me lots of how this seems to be plenty to think about. and try. this is much harder than it looks. so you don't think this
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is so much of it and you know that. if it. ok. my instructor is a. in the boat with me with an extra paddle this is sort of like having driving lessons again and then a. straight back is always the best idea when it comes to bridges. luckily i've stayed dry and after less than an hour i'm on venice's main road so yes. it is along the canal ground and i'll love super for the fact that. fortunately the paddle slipping out of its wooden rest for not ideal and the big boats are making me double a bit with their waves so how did i do for a 1st time. in
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grey. didn't fall in the water. it's a good result and then you were really fast down there you were reading faster. and with my newfound confidence i challenge elena to embrace venice is founder jane corporal is in the boat with me to make sure i don't damage it i'm even getting some last minute tips. of course i've got no chance against a true venetian i even feel like she's taking it easy on me. but at least i'm chauffeured on the way back from the bridge. well i definitely feel a lot more at home on this side of the boat and you can maybe tell that i really
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started sweating and i really have an appreciation for what it means to do this professionally. well i'm glad he didn't fall into the water in our next report we need 5 young men from france who have to develop their own amazing got one that messed the rise of their audiences and has changed life so they live in different cities and france and all have normal day jobs as plumbers or shop workers but when they come together on stage audiences at home and brought. this performance this poetry in motion these hip hop dances from southern france have created a mess memorising style all of their own they call themselves. and they
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live up to their name precisely coordinated moves create geometric forms circumstance of his own choreography and others aren't. turn tot mom arms and count 56781234 make a star on 5678. kids simple but effective moves imposes. their performances minimalist no costumes no sets just a few stage lights it may look easy enough but it's hard work it isn't as easy as you think what you don't see is how important it is to have a solid structure visual our bodies are to stand firmly on both legs and hold the tension in the pose continuously that's very strenuous you know as it. also has
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social media to thank for their success in 2017 the 2 founding members posted their 1st video of a performance online. also mean we stepped into a studio and started making our moves within wants any kind of choreography where we'd be doing the same thing. we just wanted to have a connection between us and create moves and one thing led to another or we wanted to be poetic music and white and on choreography and that's what we posted on the next day we had over 1000000 hits. soon after they expanded the trip to find members of. the young french dunces had met that so-called battles dancing duels in the hip hop scene. that if it were true for devoted women donned bottles were used to getting a reaction immediately. it's different but the cooking
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ricky many people in the audience are totally focused on what we're doing. at 1st we thought they didn't like it. they're highly original style of dance took them into the finals of a talent show one french. television. and on american television they've done with superstars like jennifer lopez. even with this success that's still not dancing professionally full time present mama. he's a store card you're an electrician. but they're going to little grocery store he's director of a dance center and a friend and the organizers are very. are going to go to all they're going to and even so we still manage to meet up and work from together for what. they value dialogue with their audience after every show 1st hearing they talk to their fans
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who are of all ages. is going to see even cycle music over their old think are a nice thing coordinated just incredible how they can achieve such a mechanical effect with their supple bodies mcdaniels if they were machine decides to go for it but there are people who do the mess in iraq is the song is you know this you know skillful e.q. is very impressive how they do that it feels good don't i think i must train very hard for it. there apparently is have become less frequent steam to the coronavirus pandemic but that done for those of you mentally very alpha hope to go on tour again sometime soon. well that didn't really sound like much but alex
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a passing him from germany can make amazing sounds on objects of all kinds just 33 years old he is constantly adding new instruments like ships propellers and watts of bottles to his repertoire and because he is so multi-talented the quality by percussionist is invited to give guest performances in major concert halls. that she was a performance is laden with emotion. 33 year old alexei gassy may is one of the world's best percussionists by their own classical drummer sets the xylophone all marimba he's mastered his craft to perfection. her to her that i want to learn from this is my greatest passion i really like to get to the bottom of what's good or and when you work with an instrument whether you realize how much more it has to
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offer to a new song to the 50 or so there are colors and nuances. in front of them for you and i try to build something that makes a statement and i'll start out. i think sega has he may is always trying out some new improper instruments like this ship's propellor. he's not concerned with the visual effects so much as with its unique metallic sound. it's always about playing something that evokes a particular feeling that you can't put into words what you can't obtain any other way. because music started where wordstar why dalal fun where words simply fail me where i can describe something and that's what we're seeking in music doesn't we're seeking a very particular feeling that's pretty screwed. how much feeling can be
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found in household objects is revealed in his piece so well off the bottle. i'm going to get by with essentially it's all about capturing the soul of these objects fans saw a fossil. this is one of those water bottle has an incredible range of sounds that are all well hidden and buried with. a very quiet and the weirdness with who for as we call fall out with the aid of a microphone and some dedication. i can bring them all out playing. he's got several 100 instruments in his berlin studio including plenty of improvised ones for a new composition titled levee a 1000 he wants a very specific tapestry of sound from it to britain clink clink a new thing to make them resonate a little 1st these things have to be insulated from the ground or if you. so
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a little more sound comes out. requires what the composer calls a junk metal station basically like some sets made from junk. you can buy or sound anywhere in the world no music shop can provide it you have to go out and look you know i ask myself where can i get this sound from. even just for a short matinee alexei gassy mayfield's the thing with instruments to get rich variety of sounds that he wants for this concert season the brandenburg state orchestra invited him to frankfurt and order as artist in residence as well to go on 0 you're welcome to of course he's still a very young artist who has achieved breathtaking success in a relatively short period of time he gets invited to take part in on
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a song because it is asia and other parts of the world but he has a profound social divide and when you see what such a young man cannot do and when you experience him alive on stage it blows your why a bit but it really is right up there with the best dance follow 'd. he's for ever reinterpreting the role of percussion. at some stage i realize that i do what i do very well and that there are only maybe a handful of other people who can do it with his height but that isn't the decisive point for me i'm grateful that i can make music you know there are evidently people who like it and that i can share it with i'm very lucky or the script. makes a gassy mate takes percussion to
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a whole new musical level and it's earned him. time now to meet a man who dresses many of your of the screens and princes this belgian designer. then has long been a favorite with royalty all over the continent so why did a loft wear his creations we met up with him in the belgian capital brussels to find out. queen maxima of the netherlands weighs his creations and says we must hear defend. many of europe's princesses. through playboy i was brought up as a royalist but i also love being able to help beautiful personality.
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is one of belgium's best known fashion design as. he's been a designer of choice for the european royals for over 30 years as. he receives conduct vies it's his royal until he and his brussels. close down but the voting is done up here where a small private. company or the princesses or queens get out their diaries and discuss what's coming up with various instant some engagements they need certain it's. the time they'll need to hire another time not wardrobe is a complex matter. is the certified purveyor to belgium. when designing the outfit worn by materials for the coronation of her husband king felipe that was and not to consider. the dress had to be absolutely
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timeless because the official photo couldn't happen expiry date so the dress couldn't follow a particular fashion. needed to be very minimalist as it would later become part of belgian history. maxima of the netherlands seen here with britain's queen elizabeth also west for millions designs she buys her everyday clothes from him to. find at this range of colors sometimes very well. the more italian time. more yellows and various different turns will go well with tween for example a victory truly sweden's crown princess victoria has also paid for a 1000000 a visit he says she has a great sense of humor and of course he remembers what suits her. this trans-am for sizers the wire just as i can well imagine that on a young princess along with a beautiful necklace. that would be
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a great dress for princess victoria. simple but elegant because of the fabric in the goal. the 63 year old 1st started out as an interior designer. a job he continued up until 983 when he took on the net town boutique in brussels in the elegant avenue q yes. he was immediately successful as a fashion designer but it wasn't until 986 that he 1st started dressing the royals . belgium's then queen paula heard about him and was immediately taken with his designs that this reminds me of past time also because i was a lot younger than of course these are all more forgettable moments in my career after that things continued step by step with coming to me to. potential off a marilyn doesn't only dress the royalists his creations can be found in more than
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$150.00 boutiques across europe and the united states dresses on his speciality with prices starting at $600.00 euro's a piece it's classic style appeals to many. my creations are essentially timeless but still in keeping with the time minimalistic i think people come to a fashion house because they want choice but also because they want to buy clothes that they'll be able to wear out for a long time or designs that are more than just a passing trend or into one of them. in the coming talent he believes young belgian fashion designers have a great future ahead of them but his job won't be up for grabs any time soon designing kate's for royalty. that's all we have time for today but don't forget to follow us on social media and visit our website where you can find our one makes a strong thanks for watching face today and i thought.
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the phone. what's going on here oh no house of your very own from a printer. computer games that are healing. my dog needs electricity. gets delivered facts and show what the future holds. yes living in the digital world shifts. in 15 minutes on d w. a bicycle and one. day i
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want to find out why the muzzle is one of the most beautiful river states in germany so i'm also right along a part of the result psychopath. the beautiful landscape is certainly here. this bike touring dispersed mr. trichet. in 30 minutes on d w. presented a drama competition why the marketing numbers atmosphere by at sac intuition love hate money. fans friends via spams and fans. on youtube joining us. is for me.
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to open his 1st. beethoven. and beethoven is for. beethoven is for everyone. beethoven 2020. the 50th anniversary here on d w. the finding against the corona virus pandemic. how has the rate of infection been developing. what measures are being taken. what does the latest research say. information and context. the coronavirus up to the code special monday to friday on w. .
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faces date every news line from berlin thousands of people are killed as a powerful earthquake rocks turkey and greece hundreds more are injured as buildings in the turkish city of ismy a crumbled rescue is worked through the night to save people trapped under the rubble president on promises all means necessary to help also coming up people in france mormon victims of thursday's attack in a nice church as police say they've arrested as a 3rd suspect in the stabbing. and fears of henri.


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