tv Fit gesund Deutsche Welle November 1, 2020 1:30am-2:01am CET
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st. i measure by the economic out come on down the very brutal past few years right here in. our 2 part series by the 3rd reich the dog starts nov 12th on g.w. . the don't express travels across turkey in 24 hours from the capital ankara to the armenian border in the east it's spartan and slow but every day thousands of people try to get one of the coveted tickets for the train. these we've got me through the village we tried to get tickets for a long time of it but they were always sold out of that but it was that we thought we would never be able to make this trip a long way that he gets me. it's
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just before 6 pm for khan and his son meet their fellow students and grows old railway station the 6 friends are studying at the university here and are about to graduate before they start professional life they want to take one last trip together aboard the doe who express young turks have discovered the old fashioned train can also be a party on wheels. that i will take time for ourselves and for our friendship goes out so that we have a 24 hour journey ahead of us and another 24 hours to come back it'll be a great trip through the clear set of. the 30. i can't get up here by myself can you manage.
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hussein is the conductor for sleeping car number 11 where the group and their compartment will be how are you genghis. khan. hussein's shift begins shortly after departure one of his tasks is to hand out the bedding for the night. we have another question. i want to ask you something could you give us 2 extra pillows and i'll see if there are still enough there's a limited number of the ok i'll do that. but i have a look and bring you to the with the ok. we'll put it. on the sleeping cars with $2.00 and $4.00 bed compartments are at the rear of the train each passenger receives a sheet a blanket and a pillow or 2 if they ask nicely. here
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are the 2 extra pillow ok. the. only one in every. one of. their 3 kulish and i've been away from home for 4 days now i have a family children god forbid if something happens to them i'm sure i can't be there for them right away goodness and that is the downside of this job and. the don't who express begins its journey in ankara passes through 7 provinces and terminates in cars on the armenian border the train travels at an average of 70 kilometers per hour and takes 24 hours to cover 1310 kilometers.
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bottom line is a lawyer who lives on the a gene coast in western turkey his fiance nirvana is a lecturer in the turkish capital they don't see each other very often when a friend invited out to lie to his wedding in cars they chose the longest and slowest route this way they can spend more time together. gotten to the bottom of the american lives and i'm going to and i live in s.b. up here with them and i could both have gone straight there and it would have taken longer but i came to ok to take the trail. so we could travel together but this is a special experience for us a really nice experience but it's a new. push we don't see each other often just a few days a month we think the longer the trip takes the longer we get to be together that's why we like to do many vacations like that that believe that. in the evening things slowly quiet down on the train but not in car number 11 among
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young turks there's a tough competition to find out who's throwing the best party on the dole who express. it's an online competition they decorate the compartments and share photos of them on instagram the picture with the most likes wins. yet this report card enough all our tasks are complete and now it's your turn to do something all right you'll be surprised if you go there. again and use him our agricultural science students during their studies they have often traveled across turkey with their friends to see the country but also to be seen on the mountain top on its count on the wildcat. and you enjoy the moment but on the other hand we don't neglect instagram so you fall i take pictures and try to
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post them whenever we have an internet connection or human and we want people to see us because it's fun. it's a fault that we're really only here to take pictures. finally the friends can raise a toast to their journey to get tickets for the new who express they sacrificed a lot of time and energy. for budding archeologist his son it came at the cost of his relationship with actors and even through it bit of a video my girlfriend said where are you going and then the did you ask me if i'll let you out of the unit so i said i don't have to ask you for permission and didn't get down and now after all of my friends are with me and i want to swap them for anything event on that it's just because then we had a huge argument about the idea of. there i. knew that if i had a boyfriend he would never let me go on this trip. my actors have always been very jealous and possessive i think they attract these types of men by that time the
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only theory. is the young people celebrate it's time for the last prayer of the day. ahmed has been visiting an old friend and is now returning home yesterday he takes the dog who expressed because he has room to pray here at church here today it's not easy to determine the direction towards mecca on the moving train the staff help him. to develop muslim knows that he does not have to obey all the commandments when he's traveling but he wants to. in this. people who are away from home are freed from many religious duties. so if it is
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not good is the book functional in our religion is there a traveler if you go more than 90 kilometers and don't plan to stay longer than 15 days even if you end up being there longer. deal that also says if you plan to stay away for more than 15 days you're not a traveler the very get go. the train reaches kaiser a after midnight it's one of the largest industrial cities in turkey factory workers from the surrounding provinces often commute by train. but there. is no defense that cheerful about let's take a picture here to. help the van express and guinea express routes across the kaiser
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a station. one train goes to the iranian border and the other to the border with syria and iraq. while the parents of the students don't mind that their daughters and sons travel together and spend the night in a single compartment conservative families don't like it when unmarried couples spend the night alone. than ever and until i bought tickets for the seating compartment for several reasons. do you want to read yes a bit. economy which they call financially speaking the seating compartment is the better choice for us and it's significantly cheaper than the sleeping compartment. and you can also take 2 compartments but that's expensive we will and we would have to separated bedtime i looked up again here or there where together with my choice. each
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carriage has its own conductor who say and shellac is responsible for number 11 even if he does get to rest he's there for his guests 24 hours a day you can knock on his door any time the conductor has been with the railway for 32 years he earns around $700.00 euros a month plus bonuses it's a good sound really in turkey. as a civil servant he had the option to retire after 25 years. sure there are there's yourselves here in the uk hard last say you are allowed to work until you're 65 you weigh up what's possible. a balance between what you earn and what you spend has to be right and looks of it is richer since i have small children so i think i'll continue to work. passengers often choose the seating compartment because it's cheaper the ticket
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price for these seats is 6 year olds most of the passengers are on their way home to work to visit family or to see a doctor in the next big city. although they celebrated late into the night for cunha son ishmael and marriage are already busy planning their breakfast we better not said anything about a fire yeah be careful with those flames. it was. cooking on the train is men's work the women admire the best fuse on the route the world famous kamal gorge through which the euphrates river flows.
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haasan and vulcan were responsible for groceries they did some shopping before the trip and also brought a hot plate and dishes they're allowed to cook food in the compartment for breakfast there's such a quick aches. but something's missing. may i have sixty's please so i took that sour to culture is very important to us it's a tradition that we're up. we enjoy drinking tea as we'll do now for breakfast. so i thought. 2 all of these have breakfast like this every morning it's normal for us are they using the kitchen more modern.
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the boys did the cooking and who does the cleaning up. the girls i know much else being a macho would mean treating women badly but we turkish men don't go with the store your little girl to your age even when we aren't hungry we think of food we live for food. being as in chance and later we'll call the restaurant in as little and well order kababs i don't know how many everyone will leave before we left some said 3 others said 5 i think we'll take one or 2 each in the order some would just enjoy him. this is a tradition on the dover express for sure that. surely is a teacher in cars she was in ankara for a few days for a training course her daughters and sister came with her her husband stayed at home because of work for the trip home she had the choice between the train and the bus which would have been quicker but she chose the train so the girls could play.
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chess and that little one was sleep a little and the older one can do some learning with me then we'll call dad and say we're coming he is used to the 3 of us often being away and always welcomes us with gifts and flowers let's see what surprises he has in store for us this time. the train stops in is in china. like many railway stations it has a fountain guests can perform religious obligations freshen up or have a drink. just feel it felt good to wash my face the city of tears and john is known for its cold spring water. i washed the children's hands and now they can have the ice cream i
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promise that it has a. larger stations have small kiosks where you can stock up on essential except liquor because the sale of alcohol is prohibited. soon after the dough who expressed departs most of the passengers restaurant in is a room providence 4 hours away. order the famous chuck about to be delivered directly to the train. com placed our order but to be honest we're a little worried that the train only stops for a short time let's see if they can get our food ready and bring it to us hopefully they'll find us. in rural areas children approach the door who express because passengers throw them gifts and sweets from the moving train. ride but. some of them well i'm glad they got the books. right.
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for. her. and. her going up not all of them. the students bought books for the children and put banknotes between the pages. in the late afternoon the train arrives in as that room where the food will hopefully be waiting for the passengers. muga and volcom have only 10 minutes to find the delivery man get the key box and pay for them. it was agreed that their order would be brought to cora levon but no one has shown up. lots of delivery people. i wander through the station and it can be difficult to find the right one. but they spot him in the end.
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they know. there are. hundreds of k. bugs are delivered directly to the doe who express every day. little . while delicious better than we expected really tasty yet and still hot this is how we imagined them and they didn't disappoint us says it all of that. on the journey from central to eastern anatolia the landscape changes as does the temperature the snow capped mountains of cars province are 20 degrees celsius colder than ankara. never and to lie are planning their future together where will they live and work after their wedding in ismir ankara or somewhere in the east of turkey like this. guide us through it will know i cannot imagine living
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here even though the scenery is beautiful it's a bit about us and bring you joy my father was an official with the turkish railways and heirs and john noble's nanda we've been longer than you lived there for 10 years and i went to an elementary school there. he also doubtless wasn't done but the living conditions in the east are tough it's not for us. to get out and in the middle of the. turkey has the highest percent. of people who use instagram worldwide some 58 percent of its citizens have an account.
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that said that. he want to take pictures of each other here we have to take a lot of photos that we can post on instagram getting here it's like proof we were here. to give them up i hope we can find enough interesting poses will also change and swap are close. to. the deal who express has to pass through nearly 200 tunnels on its long journey most of them were carved into the mountains 100 years ago and provide an astonishing backdrop for striking instagram photos. and while the head conductor allows the young people to take photos in the freight wagon he won't allow them to put themselves in danger you're welcome to take photos here but no crazy poses don't lean out of the train. can we stand here sure. but
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keep the door shut that's not allowed i'm responsible for you. it's only a few kilometers to the final destination in cars. where low lives. sucked sheila has everything packed and is ready after days apart she will soon see her husband again hello yes will be there soon well it's ok to neva use that. as a working mother shula has to combine work and family in turkey it's expected that family members support each. other in childcare sheila sister accompanies her on trips as a babysitter. the doe who express arrives in cars almost 2 hours late.
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is already on the platform waiting. for dinner. at a lot of. the students will spend the night in a hotel before the return trip but 1st they visit a caucasian restaurant. cars the next morning at 8 am the train departs for the return journey to ankara the students would have liked to see the historical town but they have to head back because lectures are starting again. on the way back is once again the conductor
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for car number 11. welcome hope you have a great journey massier tickets. don't i know you from somewhere. the same ticket again ah ah be careful i'll take my bitter revenge to set. your public good that you like to have fun with the young people and join in their jokes they don't annoy me it's a long journey 3 days and whether we like it or not we do it together so i want the trip to go well for all of us and that's only possible if you get along with the guests this. funny videos from the da who express are especially popular on social media like parodies of popular songs. the. if you really are going to call someone the size of the united states i say oh yeah cause.
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the luxury compartments are 2 cars further along the train. equipped with a kitchenette and fridge they are particularly popular with couples as well as foreigners swiss social workers michelle and us ophelia have taken a break from work and are on their way home from tehran. was the go go express is one of the most wonderful experiences we've had especially with this private 2 person compartment. just seated for meat on the couch that's what i said of the law and our goal was to travel home from tehran by land. and i'm going to say we immediately thought of taking the straight it's low enough that you can really take in a lot of the landscape feed from that lot of chuffed mythical. person is looking for someone to break her hair in the do who express it goes without saying that you
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can ask fellow travelers for help can i ask you something could you break my hair. sure how. maybe start in the middle. then smiting. down what's your name stepped up pleased to meet you septa i'm using we got on in cars. i study english literature and cars while i'm doing agricultural science. son is a successful archaeology student who doesn't have to worry about his professional future but he is concerned about his private life. and joining us. in the digits i've been mulling this over truth i had an argument with my girlfriend before leaving she wanted me to choose between her and the door express
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that i decided to travel it's about when we're back and i'm going to all wait with flowers in front of her door until she forgives me the other words it would sit. on their last evening aboard the doll who express the students stage a spontaneous concert in the buffet car. much to the joy of the fellow travelers. that the. oh oh. the train arrives back in ankara at 8 30 in the morning. the reason it is you got to do so if you're sad of the journey is over thank god you didn't but we are you agreed during the trip that we have to do it again this
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. an interview with german president jiang falters steinmeyer with tears worried about a split in society during the pandemic he shall for many years also numbers a good old history of calm numbers in the boardrooms which again yet again these are the novices wish to be indian to indeed enjoyed a cold war nods go for the globe you don't want to are by and strangle many funny sharply in an interview with oncologist on my own. and 15 minutes on t w. watch makes
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a princess up quite sad. let's ask ed won by a long. piece there taylor. europe's crowns ladies come and go in his brussels fashion house. and we were invited to look into his sewing tips you'll see. beyond 30 minutes on the. board. w's crime fighters are back at a clip of africa's most successful radio drama series continues all of us owns are available online of course you can share and discuss on t w africa's facebook page and other social media platforms crime fighter 2 mean now
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a bit of the. player . playing the to. play. this is g.w. news the live up from berlin french police arrest a suspect after an orthodox priest is shocked outside his church and they are france is still in shock after this recent deadly night's attack with a suspected islamist motive but the reason for the latest assault remains unknown also coming up on the show. by mr bond double 07 star sean connery dies at the age of 92 widely regarded as the best james bond of all connery played the secret agent in no less than 7 blockbuster.
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