tv DW News Deutsche Welle November 2, 2020 8:00am-8:31am CET
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this is coming to you live from berlin europe steps up its fight just so slow soaring cases of the coronavirus germany returns to a partial lockdown as a number of other countries imposed their own restrictions will get the latest from our correspondents around europe also coming up 2 days before the u.s. election donald trump and joe biden hit the campaign trail in key battlegrounds for
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a pinal push with reports from florida and why the latino vote there could favor the status quo. in formula one lewis hamilton wins again this time in italy to extend his record breaking number of victories to 93. below and terry martin good to have you with us germany is back in a partial coronavirus lock down from today until the end of november social gatherings will be limited to 2 households across the country boris restaurants sports centers and entertainment venues have to remain closed hotels are prohibited from providing rooms to tourists new daily coronas corona virus infections hit a record $19000.00 at the weekend and the latest measures come in response to what's being called an exponential rise. one more round before long
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time sunday was the last chance for germans to visit bars and restaurants before an unforced month long closure it's a heavy blow to businesses still struggling to recover from the 1st locked out in the spring. of the shaab the economic damage can no longer be measured you can just forget this whole year right this year off. this year isn't about making money any more it's just about survival and saving jobs let's all just between. the german government has announced up to 10000000000 euros of aid for businesses and the self employed it says the new measures the necessary to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed there are still enough intensive care beds available but some areas a facing shortage of medical staff to care for rising numbers of coronavirus patients. to the government is desperate to avoid shutting schools and childcare centers. instead the focus is on recreation the fresh closures and tightened
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restrictions on socialising come after low infection numbers over the summer allowed to return to relative normality on sunday evening some took that chance for one last blow out despite politicians pleas to stay home chance in america once again appealed to the public in her weekend video podcast. even the big. day is the hardest we must do everything in our power to get the number of infections under control we must face this test together and understand together in solidarity in unspoken promise is the prospect of family get togethers at christmas but if infection rates don't fall and extended lockdown can't be ruled out. more now from our political correspondent thomas sparrow told us credible iris infections have been rising sharply in germany a host of health system coping at this point. terry the main concern that german
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authorities have both at the federal level but also regionally and locally is the speed at which the coronavirus is actually spreading new figures for example pointing to the fact that the 85 percent of german districts are now considered hotspots so for now germany's health system has been able to cope with the coronavirus pandemic but if the virus continues to spread at the speed at which we're seeing then the health system will soon be overwhelmed another issue altogether is those regional health departments that are in charge of tracking of tracing infection and as we heard from under them a call last week germany can no longer trace now around 75 percent of infections so that gives you an idea terry of just how serious the situation is here in germany and that explains also why we are now as of today here in germany and until the end of the month having a new partial lockdown. thomas we heard chancellor merkel's sunday people once
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again to send together in this crisis would you say that people in germany are actually doing all the except doing the measures that the government has imposed it's interesting because just before the new measures were introduced a poll here in germany was released and around 32 percent of those who were polled there said that the measures back then were not actually enough so i would say that there is some sort of understanding that there is a need of the measures to be introduced that the ones that we're seeing right now even if that comes hand in hand with fewer freedoms for people with the difficulties with people because in the congo to restaurant the congo to boz they can go to gyms and so on at the same time it's also important to stress that criticism is growing and not only on the streets also in the german parliament we saw that last week as well and there is also very evident coronavirus fatigue in other words people really exhausted by the put by the prospect of having to have
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another knock down now in november so there is a big question terry as to whether people will comply with the rules and whether these measures that have been put in place will actually be effective. thomas we've been seeing a massive rise in infections in germany how likely is it that this one month's partial law down will have to be extended or that tougher measures will have to be imposed the goal that the government has again both federally but also regionally is to avoid any comprehensive complete lockdown they want to keep schools open they want to keep pace this is open as much as possible that's something that we've heard time and time again i'm going to put on the regional leaders will meet in 2 weeks time to assess whether these measures that will start today are actually effective all weather further measures are needed for now these are the measures that we have until the end of november thomas thanks so much for filling us in there that was our political correspondent thomas specter. well germany of course isn't the only place implementing new restrictions as europe faces
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a new wave of infections friends is currently reporting the continent's highest daily case numbers in response it has imposed the strictest national law down with all non-essential businesses closed and severe restrictions on movement people will only be allowed to leave the house for essential work or medical reasons spain has implemented a nationwide curfew but bars and restaurants remain open people have to stay at home between 11 pm and 6 am more severe restrictions are in place in regions with particularly high infection rates and in the u.k. the country with the highest death toll in europe and one of the highest new kate daly case writes the government is announce a new national law down to take effect starting thursday non-essential shops must close bars and restaurants can only offer takeout schools universities and construction sites however will remain open. well let's talk to our correspondents
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in the u.k. and france start with a big masses in london sanjana coffee is in paris we'll start with you sunny and so prison emmanuel mccollum said france has to put a brake on the virus and has imposed a strict lockdown how are people in france coping with that. well this is france's you know not 2nd national lockdown in just 7 months and i think however the restrictions this time on for severe as as the previous one for example this time you know schools of colleges are open as a construction sites and fox as well as certain small businesses like kiosks like laundries like and opticians certain services that are deemed essential and i think as a result there are many streets that he's here and pad is not to busy they aren't entirely deserted either for instance you know in my neighborhood i still see people queuing up to noon outside popular bakeries outside cafes that do but of course there is
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still a ban on private gatherings on having visitors people do need to still carry a sworn declaration form when they step out of the house that are clubs and how long they can stay out but i think people here largely do seem to understand the need for these renewed restrictions to cognize infections but it's true that there is a sense of fatigue a sense of resignation among people and i think also growing anger among people will have to shut down their businesses yet again so some anger there in paris and resignation to bigot in london prime minister boris johnson has announced a new law down in england starting on thursday people are all obviously anticipating that now how are they preparing for. boris johnson is doing this to protect the n.h.s. to protect the health service and i think this is something that resonates with people people have had reports of particularly in the north of england of hospitals
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being already overwhelmed they know that some elective procedures like hip operations or cancer care that this is actually called be performed as it should be at the moment there's a lack of bags and also a lack of stuff i speak to one nurse from the north of england and he said he's very very scad of this 2nd wave and that this stuff around him tired and they don't have the same energy as in the 1st place so i think a lot of people will understand the. health service needs to be protected on the other hand like everyone else there is a lot of fatigue and there's also growing criticism within boris johnson's own conservative party. we know that there are a lot of members of his own party in parliament that are thinking of whether they're not going to vote for these new measures that as a vote soon and parliament and we might see the scale of the knees reflected in that so that's a place to watch out for for how the country how the u.k.
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is thinking about these new measures. bigot's must there in london thank you very much for your insights from there we've been hearing about fatigue and resignation and some anger also in france for us in paris thank you very much thanks. and take a look at some other stories making headlines around the world today rescuers in the philippines have freed hundreds of people trapped by floodwaters after typhoon goni pounded islands in the country so at least 16 people were killed as the storm destroyed homes and triggered deadly landslides and came just a week after another deadly typhoon struck the region. royalists have gathered at bangkok's grand palace for. a glimpse of thailand's king and queen show support comes amid months of huge anti-government protests which have also called for reform of the monarchy in a rare direct comment on the protesters the king said we love them all the same.
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and new zealand's prime minister just in our den has unveiled what she calls an incredible diverse cabinet new foreign minister. is a maori with a traditional face tattoo the country will also have its 1st openly gay deputy prime minister down one a landslide election victory last month. well it's just a day to go before elections in the united states president donald trump and his democratic rival joe biden have been making their final pitches to voters trump has been holding campaign rallies and pie battleground states meanwhile biden's campaign has focused on pennsylvania trump believes he can pull off another surprise victory as he did 4 years ago most polls have been showing biden ahead in the key states needed to win. well
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a lot of eyes will be on the biggest swing state of florida it's being seen as a must win for donald trump the past 2 elections have seen a way for sin margin between the winner in the loser president trump is banking on the support of one of the state's main voting blocks the latino vote carlina chinmoy has been to find out how the republicans under president trump have tapped into a narrative that's found appeal among florida's cuban americans. they want to see donald trump stay in the white house and they're determined to deliver florida for him it's a must win state for the presidency even at this back democrat rally in orlando the triumph waters are far louder. trump has strong support from a large part of the latino community here in florida this despite things which
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would seem almost designed to put latinos off like the harsh words he has used to describe immigrants i'm here to find out why the hispanic vote leans more republican here in florida nearly a 3rd of the latino voters in florida have cuban roots including the. head of latinos for trump in orlando she was 15 when her family fled cuba after losing everything to the government of. the door and. now we have lost everything you know we have lost our beautiful home. the ranch the chauffeur but we had a different life and you adopt. that's why voting is so important to me because it's the gift that this country has given me that i didn't have they took away. one of her biggest fears like many other cuban americans is the idea that the system
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they fled could be adopted in the united states no i don't think joe biden is a socialist or a communist but i do believe the people around him are and they have the same socialist ideas that i lived through in cuba and i've seen in venezuela so yes i do believe that he's surrounded with that and a leader is as good as the people around them being pro trump is slowly becoming something to presidents supporters keep to themselves because there can be consequences mike or plumber is also a devoted trump support so i had a reason for you to say i have. 0 right for. courting or you know lesser of the left over i was there but he says you're not appropriate and there's no war because you don't want to do the job if you were trying choice already provided for just to do the job and that's a really good word. it's not just the fear of socialism driving support for trump.
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many latino voters are catholic and support the republican position against abortion and it may seem counter intuitive but many also supports trump's hard line on immigration even from latin american countries. trying tells the truth i don't want other hispanics to come into the u.s. even if they are from my country peru if they don't pay taxes that is not fair so if more hispanics come and um pay taxes they seal and live off the money they get from the government then i'm a racist too and i also say get out it's not fair that those that come through the border illegally obtain a call you already 10 $1000.00 to come here and we don't know who they are they could be rapist here in florida support for president trump and the republicans steeply emotional if that support is reflected at the ballot box it could decide the election. let's bring in william glue cruft here from our u.s.
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election team very good to see you so florida very complicated demographically how important is it in this election complicated is a nice way of putting it it's often the butt of the joe of a joke in america politically socially culturally mean there are social media accounts that follow all of just the crazy news that sometimes come that comes out of florida that said it is an extraordinarily important election almost every winning president in recent history has won florida and you can't really win the presidency without winning florida and it's such a diverse state 17 percent of registered voters in florida are now latino. which is a huge amount of voters but also we have a huge retirement population we have rural white voters you have a large jewish population you have an increasingly young population all of these are competing groups and you know we talk about latino but that in itself is
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a diverse group we're talking about people come from dozens of countries or their previous generations of come from dozens of countries with hundreds of experiences you know when we talk about for example in comparison black americans 80 to 90 percent of black americans vote democrat they are much more reliable in politically speaking electorally speaking of a much more uniform group of people or time but latino's it's important to say. we saw in the report many trump supporters but the majority are still in florida going to go for biden but you do have a breakdown or there are more people voting for trump we saw this in 2016 you had 35 percent of all the tino's voting for doll trumpet 54 percent of cubans within that group voting for dollars ok and when you talk about cuban americans there they are really concentrated in in florida but let's broaden this out a little bit talking about the latino vote in the u.s. it is incredibly important but they don't vote as a monolithic group there's a lot of diversity within. the latino absolutely in the united of how do they lean
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politically as a group i mean they lean democrat we're looking you know 2 thirds of latinos in 2016 regardless of their specific circumstances voted for hillary clinton we're looking at about that same for joe biden and latinos are a growing population you know 4 out of 5 of them are u.s. citizens they have they have u.s. citizenship they have voting rights they this is no longer the immigrant story that stereotypical immigrant story always here these are tried and true americans who have been here for generations now for groups such as cubans and venezuelans as you heard in the report this word socialism is a code word for them you and i might hear socialism think something very different but for them that's a scary word because they're coming from countries where socialism means political prisons and it means taking the land away from from landowners and these kinds of things and these are many people who lost out to those socialist revolutions in their countries and came to america to find
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a different way of life to find what they would perceive as freedom and that leans them more conservative but again we need to be careful say it's still a minority group but the question is these as we said at the top these razor thin margins it might be enough to tip an election one way or another the fact is we just don't know williams thank you so much that was from our u.s. election. so it was more headlines at this point police in could back city of arrested a man dressed in medieval clothing and armed with a japanese sword on suspicion of killing 2 people and injuring 5 others an initial investigation of kate the 24 year old suspects motive in the how we night attack was personal and not terrorism. ivory coast's leader of a sunday what tara has taken an early lead in the country's presidential election he's seeking a 3rd term in an election that's been marred by violence opposition parties who boycotted the vote say several people were killed in clashes on polling day on
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saturday. and rescue workers pulled a 14 year old girl from a collapsed building in western turkey almost 60 hours after a strong earthquake in the aegean sea struck the region of hopes of finding more survivors are fading the quake has killed dozens and killed dozens of people and hundreds were image. now to bill rose where police have fired warning shots and use stun grenades in an attempt to disperse tens of thousands of protesters marching in central minsk on sunday dozens of demonstrators have been arrested at their mass protests demanding the resignation of longtime leader alexander lukashenko are now in their 12th straight week. undeterred by threats of police violence thousands of protesters marched through the streets of minsk their destination a wooded area on the city's outskirts once used as an execution site by stalin
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secret police. but to get there they'd have to make it past lucas chink as police on this 12th weekend of protest against his rule security forces once again deploying familiar tactics arrests stun grenades and warning shots. from the head of sunday's march lucas in ca met with law enforcement and had this warning for protesters yes they can do it and we will take no prisoners if someone touches the servicemen and i've spoken to the generals they should leave without their hands at the very least you know. he's not backing down but neither are his opponents not until they get what they want a fair election and a fresh start for about liberals. but it's really a football and beaten labor crews traveled to fribourg knowing that
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a win would leave them just 3 points off the top of the league freiburg meanwhile were looking to address an alarming slump in form they were without a victory in their last 4 games going into this one. it was a soaping way in the black forest yet live accusing coach peter boss on friday cunt apart. we're all smiles in the rain despite the contrasting fortunes of their teams . struggling freiburg took a surprise lead on 3 minutes to lucas who look at freiburg through an away leads in their last 2 games and their fragility showed again after 29 minutes because a lot of you punished by shocking but pass from nicholas who flew. the argentine 2nd shortly after put leave refusing to warm up at the break. into the 2nd half and not seem to count the game with this cracker on 64 minutes.
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before news pages and dragged freiburg back into the game. and restored lever couzens to lead 40 minutes from time and that proved the last goal of a frantic 90 minutes leverkusen extended unbeaten run to 6 games and move within 3 points of leaders by an freiburg miserable run goes on. well neither of the leagues on beaten sides both travel to berlin to take on in sunday's late game although the visitors run included only one win from 5 games. gave houses prize early lead despite losing his footing as he shot at goal. equalized later in the 1st half with a goal of the match from. the bulls couldn't find a winner and settle for yet another drawl one all the final score.
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lewis hamilton has moved one step closer to winning his 7th world title with victory in the amelia romagna grand prix in italy when extended his form his record to 93 formula one victories for. wasn't the best. guard for lewis hamilton he began the race in 2nd behind mercedes teammate of all terry porter ass and slipped to 3rd in the opening up but he soon recovered to take the lead. red bulls max 1st stop and who held on in 3rd managed to jump passed both times with 20 laps remaining but was to be short lived. re took 2nd on for stop and he kept up the pressure crushed and after suffering what looked like tire failure. something broke up the car. couldn't regain the top spot while lewis hamilton then tanked his lead on the briton held on to pick up a record extending 93rd career when the strain and daniel ricardo finished 3rd for
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random. people watching maybe think we're used to this but it just always feels like the 1st of this thing and i think this is the spirit and so i'm very very grateful to everyone. with a team or 30 days finishing 1st and 2nd in a media romagna clinched a record 7th straight constructors talking. and before we go through reopened is world famous inc city much of picchu on sunday after 7 months of closure due to the coronavirus penned up the reopening of the interest and citadel was celebrated with a light ceremony site has strict corona measures admitting only 13 percent of its normal visitors pass. and just reminder the top story we're following for you this hour germany has gone into partial lockdown again with bars restaurants gyms
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and other public venues staying shut for a long schools who kindergartens remain open the restrictions come as the country sees a known precedented number of new corona virus infections. watching b.w. news coming up next to more and today is our ground water under threat. and all the stories coming up in just a moment and of course you can get all the listeners may shelter web site if t w don't call i'm sorry martin thanks watch.
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of the bug next on t.w. . every day counts for us and for our planet. bloodline business we're going to bring you most conservation law how do we make c. the stream or how can we protect habitats what to do with all our waste above. we can make a difference by choosing smaller solutions overstrained said in a way you suborning do the subliminal series a movement sounds a whole new job of dawn. the 20 joining us election on g.w.
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the boy in florida to find out why the latino gold leans more republic of. the. last. but surely for today indeed all unions. you. know. this is was here so is this. and this. all the or sit in on and above our planet amounts to about 1400000000 cubic kilometers almost all of it more than 97 percent is salty less than 3 percent is freshwater and most of that is in snow and ice in.
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