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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  November 3, 2020 8:00am-8:30am CET

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this is news coming to live from terror strikes the heart of the people fleeing. after gunmen attacked 6 locations near a synagogue in the city center 4 people are dead including one of the assailants police are hunting for one or more attackers believed to be still it. also coming up one of the most polarized campaigns in u.s. history draws to a close with early voter turnout surging to precedented levels in the final pitch to voters donald trump predicts what he calls another beautiful victory for his
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challenger joe biden tells americans now it's time to end the kale. and germany has begun its partial loss. of the country's new credit virus restrictions citing the surge in new infections and a growing number of patients in intensive care. terry martin good to have you with us 3 civilians have been killed and more than a dozen wounded in a gun attack in the center of vienna the austrian government is now calling it an islamist terrorist attack a gunman opened fire at multiple locations as people enjoy their last evening out ahead of a new coronavirus law police shot and killed one of the attackers but say they are hunting one or more assailants still at large. panic on the
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streets of vienna the shooting began around 8 pm and police quickly flooded the city center it was an unseasonably warm evening and bars and restaurants were crowded ahead of a partial lockdown beginning tuesday gunman opened fire at least 6 locations the 1st reports came from the of the city's main synagogue it was closed at the time but a rabbi watched the horror unfold from his window. i saw the attacker running into various interest rooms. or the street. and people running away and. one or 2 attackers armed chasing them or to the street they were shooting at least 100 rounds just in from the program. police sealed off the city center urging people to stay away and remain indoors. last night we experienced an attack by at least one islam is terrorist
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is a situation we haven't had to experience in austria for decades. said same. oath or if he's told parents not to send their children to school on tuesday if possible further attacks can't be ruled out. of this very well equipped they have automatic weapons on a very professionally for paired that as police continue their search the army has been brought in to god key locations additional checks are in place at the borders and they feel is that one or more heavily armed suspects could already be far from the austrian capital. has crossed to vienna where journalist christian cummins is standing by on that austrian the interior minister has described this as an islamist terrorist attack or can you tell us. well we know that one of
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the assailants was killed and then they raided his home of blowing out the door to get inside now they haven't elaborated on how they've come to this conclusion that he was an islamist terrorist but they've even said he was an islamic state sympathizer so they must have some details on his background on his beliefs but because of what they describe as a tactical investigation reasons they're not elaborating too much on the evidence they have gathered we also know that several other houses have been raided and several of the arrests of the maid we're assuming from within the. acquaintance group of this assailant so that's the only information they're giving us on the attack we don't know anything about he's origin we just know that he's being described as an islamist a terrorist an islamic state sympathizer we understand that one or more assailants
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are still on the loose how are police going about their search for the missing gunman the police trawling in. cars the streets of vienna today and people are being told if possible to stay at home it is an absolutely sure it was one attack. more than one of these acts of place in several different places and of course they're sifting through the evidence of witnesses some of. summer in hospital and it's hard to get a clear of exactly whether it was any she was or was. yeah send their video footage straight to the interior ministry they're looking at the video footage that i think 20000 hours of 8 or 20000 videos maybe was a number of their trawling through trying to get a picture of exactly what happened who moved where and when and then they were able
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to say whether it was a lone shooter or they presume there were more than one and if so that would mean there are maybe one or more gunmen on the run on the loose heavily armed and dangerous and that's why there are these precautions as you say many people witnessed this attack many people currently made videos of it happening are you have you been able to piece together any details about the attackers themselves if there was more than. what the interior ministry has done is they've they've made a sketch of the area and the movements you can imagine as your report you very good report said it was very warm evening very many people out on the streets. it does seem according to a security analyst i spoken see that perhaps the original target was in this site instead the gas near where this closed synagogue was and and made the this is
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unconfirmed the shootings in the bars and restaurants was kind of carried out by a gunman or gunmen on the run and that's the opinion of one security analyst i spoke to because of the amount of witnesses the amount of people running away and then the pure fear and you know. i'm trying not to say chaos but it was many people on the move as a huge police operation trying to. you know go through all that material of gathered all those different testimonies and find out what happened when and where . and also want to quickly correct myself i said last hour that the schools are closed what has happened is the authorities saying that people should keep their children at home impossible to school. on clothes that people have to take their children to school but people are being encouraged to stay off the streets particularly in the city where there's forensic evidence is being gathered and there's a huge police presence they want to people on the streets as possible they want
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people to stay as safe as possible in case there is still a gunman a gunman or more than one gunmen still on the loose percent thank you very much for bringing us up to date there that was journalist question coming in via thank you. now to the u.s. or the most anticipated and polarized presidential elections ever takes place amid record early voting in a campaign marred by the president's allegations of play on the eve of the election donald trump and his democratic challenger joe biden made their final pitch to voters from a whirlwind tour of 4 swing states telling voters he would win again despite polls predicting his defeat by meanwhile focused on who will hire and pennsylvania he told odors it's time to end the chaos of the past 4 years. well with me in the studio is the w.'s chief international editor richard walker richard good to
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see you again you were in the u.s. covering the election 4 years ago what's different about it this time yeah well i mean i think there are 2 main things that i would pull out there terry the 1st of all is the obvious one is the affecting the entire planet at the moment that is of course the pandemic and this is had a massive impact on both the nature of the campaign you know i mean to american election campaigns usually this kind of traveling circus with 2 rival traveling circus is huge numbers of events in past an offense where people want to go and meet the candidate and really almost like a kind of a celebrate every atmosphere on both sides of a seat that's been massively toned down you know the number of real impose new events taking place particularly on the democratic side on the scale of them has been really scaled back but also in the aspects of the coronavirus kind of putting into even sharper relief the fact that this election is a referendum on the presidency of donald trump which it was inevitably going to be
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off to 4 years of this kind of president but it puts that really into sharper relief because his handling of the pandemic has been so controversial so there's the pandemic on the other one side and then on the other side you just briefly referred to it in the introduction that. the sense about the. of the result about the results now there is a good chance that this time tomorrow we're not going to know the results of this election a lot of very important states a very close. there's been a large amount of early voting city by post a lot of those votes will not be counted by this time tomorrow morning and this opens up the possibility of there being a legal challenges to kind of a long drawn out count in key states like pennsylvania for example that could mean that we have a couple of weeks or even longer of not knowing the result next week really destabilizing 4 years ago the u.s.
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was already polarized you could see it in the election the but now things are off the scale did you see at calming 4 years ago i think unfortunately you could only anticipate that really and if you look at this polarization it's a trend that goes back quite a long way really i mean you could chart it back at least to the 1990 s. say the period where you have bill clinton in the white house you can bridge in congress that began this really kind of deep phase of polarization i think we're still in now and 2016 sort of felt like it had of a new low for that obviously with the arrival of a very polarizing figure donald trump i remember many of the rallies that i went to the trump supporters in the crowd chanting look her up talking about hillary clinton as is the rival. that was very deep but of course what we've got on top of that now is that we've had 4 years of trump in the presidency which means that the
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2 sides everyone is even more entrenched in the positions that they were in then trump supporters feel like they fought every fight with him and trumps bitterest opponents really feel like this is absolutely crucial moment for the country to get rid of some. one who they've grown to despise it's. what's quite interesting is in the middle of all of this you have joe biden who is in himself he's not really a particularly polarizing figure which you see in the nature of the attacks coming from the trump side and often not actually directed at him directed his son or at the left of the democratic party he himself is not a polarizing figure so i think what's going to be crucial to this result is whether . only lack of polarizing character is an advantage to him because it helps him draw in kind of support votes is from the middle what remains of the middle independent voters or whether it may weaken him by lacking that total mobilization
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of the left that donald trump has a right richard thank you so much for your insights search chief international editor richard walk well u.s. elections being closely followed here in germany course for decades berlin and washington shared relatively warm relations but a number of events have shaken that relationship including revelations and 2013 of american surveillance of chancellor in america but don't trump's time as president has deepened divisions and left germany leading calls for a stronger e.u. saying the days of relying on the u.s. are over. germany and the usa were best friends for decades in the early sixty's a wall was built dividing both germany and berlin in 2 east and west then u.s. president john f. kennedy conquered the germans hearts. eighty's
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was the era of the arms race. many germans disagreed with the politics of president ronald reagan but in the end his contribution to germany's reunification put him in the history books is rather strong. in the 2000 barack obama's cult status was merely that of a pop star so much so that differences of opinion never became an issue. we can billow more informal among friends. but german american friendship took a turn for the worse when obama's successor donald trump was voted in more than once he snubbed chancellor angela merkel and germany for instance when he refused to shake merkel's hand at a press conference the relations between the 2 countries cooled down dramatically a meeting in berlin a few days before the u.s. presidential election the atlantic bridge has been committed to german american
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friendship for decades throughout the crises the by continental relationship has gone through why the even their chairman former german foreign minister. says things can only get better relations between germany and america have always been difficult but i think the problems have never been so deep and this has to do with the fact that the current president is treating us more like enemies than allies or partners. right now there are unresolved issues between the u.s. and germany for example the americans want the german defense budget to be increased because the u.s. is getting tired of footing the bill for the security of others secondly the withdrawal of thousands of u.s. soldiers from germany the germans see this as punishment to force them to increase their arms expenditure and thirdly the north stream to gas pipeline which in america's view makes germany too dependent on russian supplies the problem all this is likely to remain controversial between berlin and washington no matter who wins
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the upcoming election of course there are expectations. of allies in particular an ally as important as germany germany will continue to be keen even more important that the u.k. is on the way out will be out by january 1 berlin will be the epicenter of europe and so of course there are expectations but i think much will change and it is not appropriate for the united states to be lecturing and insulting and harassing an ally as we have in the last 3 and a half years donald trump or joe biden the eyes of the world are on america and what about germany germany hasn't looked toward washington this anxiously for quite some time. spring in our political correspondent thomas sparrow here told us what's at stake for german american relations in this election there is such only a lot at stake terry we already saw some of the main problematic issues between the
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united states and germany everything from nato defense spending cheraw germany straits plus all the north stream to pipeline those all those have all been very difficult issues between the german government and the u.s. government under donald trump but it's important to stress that some of these issues are not exclusive to donald trump joe biden for example had previously also criticized the north seem to pipeline or i also heard myself when i was in washington from obama officials that they wanted germany to spend more on defense so some of the issues that are very difficult very problematic between these 2 countries may actually continue after this u.s. election irrespective of who enters the white house for sure we can say that the relationship in the last 4 years has been very difficult and that's something that affects germans very clearly because they believe in the importance of this u.s. german relationship something that we saw in our reports has been very important
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for a very long time. if biden wins thomas is berlin into supporting any major changes in u.s. foreign policy regarding germany is something that could such an early change on you hear that as well from german officials is the tone of the way in which the relationship is conducted the way in which these diplomatic relations are carried out it has been a very different tone for example in these last 4 years if you compare them with the previous 4 years the obama presidency that's something that's absolutely evident and german officials do expect that if biden wins that they could suddenly be a bit more no model at sea in that relation in the way diplomacy is conducted but as they already stressed some of the issues that are very difficult between both countries will actually remain north seem to pipe line nato defense expenditure the fact that germany has these traits plus troop withdrawal the ivies the troop presence here in germany those are all issues that in one way or another will remain so that's why irrespective of who wins the relationship is still in
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a very difficult situation thomas thank you very much that was our political correspondent thomas sparrow well german chancellor angela merkel has urged people here to abide by the new rules designed to slow a rapid increase in covert 1000 infections restaurants bars and leisure facilities have been closed for a month the chancellor told a news conference the measures are necessary to prevent your money's health care system from being overwhelmed the country has recently seen a surge of coverage 900 patients in intensive care. a wet start to germany's new partial lockdown early morning in berlin as school children have to class they are some of the few whose routine won't change that much with the new measures the new restrictions on affect shops schools or day cares the german government says it will prioritize children's education something it says is better achieved with in person lessons. what does appear different is the street usually
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bustling with tourists and locals now quiet and empty its many bars and cafes have to shut down and can only offer takeout. german chancellor angela merkel acknowledged that the new measures are hard but said that they are necessary to limit social contacts and bring the pandemic back under control. those who do it and of course this means that for the next 4 weeks will have to go without a lot of the things that make life worthwhile and we all know that the state premiers as well as we in the government we spent a long time considering whether there was a better or moderate way but we did not see one that's why with heavy hearts we decided on these measures and. the government has also urged those who can to work from home and asked employers to facilitate the transition with more people staying home fewer commuters should craft trains and buses. at lunch time
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clients lined up outside restaurants not to wait for a table but to order takeout a buffer for many restaurant owners but not enough to make up for the lost income. this is really a service to customers but it's not much more than that i assume that i will have to accept some losses this month in. a difficult november lies ahead the hope now for germans is that. next 4 weeks movie enough to curb the spread of the virus. say look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today women's groups in poland have protested for a 12th straight day over a constitutional court ruling banning abortions in the case of fetal defense that was one of the last legal grounds to end a pregnancy in the staunchly catholic country the protests have given voice to
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broader anger at poland's conservative government. at least 22 people have died after gunmen stormed kabul university during an iranian book fair officials from iran in afghanistan have been expected to attend witnesses say the attackers targeted students the so-called islamic state militant group has claimed responsibility. and nicaragua and honduras have been evacuating citizens as hurricane bears down on the atlantic coast forecasters warn of massive flooding and landslides across the region they say the category 4 storm packing winds of more than 240 kilometers per hour could unleash waves more than 5 meters high. mexico's day of the dead festival has drawn to a close and this year's celebrations were unusually muted due to the pandemic normally family members gather to remember those who have died but with 90000 mexicans dead from cove in 19 many parades for cancelled and cemeteries are closed
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to visits because of fears of spreading the coronavirus. sports and in the bonus league is monday night game when you're in berlin grab their scrappy 31 victory on the road against hoffenheim with the score level 5 minutes from time. netted the 2nd and final the 2nd and winning goal for the finish forwards didn't give up when his shot bounced off the goalkeeper and he poked the ball over the. pen that make his 4 spending sporting events to take place behind closed doors some have been postponed like the 2020 took lympics they're now scheduled to take place in 2021 and japan is testing to see how they can make it safe for the crowds that in a baseball stadium in yokohama was turned into a testing ground for 3 days with 28000 people in attendance. the yokohama
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base stars have 2 goals to win games and to try to get the upper hand on coronavirus the fact that their stadium was on one day almost 90 percent full is the result of a technological home run and also thanks to almost $28000.00 test subjects. motueka. you feel a bit on easy about it however having a lot of fans certainly helps the players on this one and. those who take part in the testing get a 35 percent discount on their tickets as well as having 2 apps kick in the national corona app is mandatory as is a 2nd one from a private provider which inquires about your health 10 days prior to the game and 14 days after. we stay in contact with the olympic organizers they're very interested in the data we send it to them without names we're doing everything to ensure that the games will take place next year when because it will make up the.
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monitoring devices are placed in the stands to measure a lot of people a lot of cheering and a lot of carbon dioxide add to that wind intensity and velocity and experts can already figure out where fan density is too high making the dangerous spread of the virus possible and at the stadium crowding is also an issue for washrooms but a digital guide post will show you the way sending you a chat function via infrared waves radio and t.v. all in real time. but you don't and i mean we've installed the guide posts at 39 locations at toilets kiosks and shops so if you have to do something then just look at the map to see where there's a line up and then maybe go to another location. the japanese are very conscientious about wearing face masks however those who may be potential visitors to the olympic games and think they don't have to take part in such measures may still be reminded thanks to our high performance facial recognition system. but in
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a lot of these you know our software doesn't just count visitors it also sees how long you stay somewhere and whether you're wearing a face mask and if you're not security personnel could be alerted all this data serves to lower the risk of the spread of corona virus or the city but i do. they say the technology is reliable that just might make the olympics doable despite the pandemic at this stadium medals will also be up for grabs in baseball and softball and just thinking of that really inspires the fans. this is g.w. news coming to you live from berlin just reminder of our top story this hour 3 people have been killed in piano in what the austrian government is calling and islamist terrorist attack gunmen attacked by standards at 6 locations in the city center on monday evening played shot dead one of the assailants one or more attackers are thought to still be at launch. you're
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watching d.w. news coming up next to kickoff of our soccer program but if you want to get more information you can find everything anytime you want on our website at g.w. dot com i'm terry martin thanks watch.
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after 6 match days. they're on top but ghana. wins in cologne putting it at the top of the table. after 6 match days empty handed. loses now is the bottom of the table no coincidence no. next d.w. . the next pandemic is just
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a matter of time. scientists in brazil are convinced of this. the destruction of the rain forest continues the habitat while dam carry deadly pathogens they want to prevent even more some of the breaks brazil the virus hunters close on. 60 minutes on t.w. . they're upset for spectacular pictures. it's the passion for nature. it's their complete devotion that makes them the best wildlife for the 1st the odds . and the magic confrontational and story
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above 5 adventures. one goal. the preservation of our planet the book starts november 6th gone to w. above . the bronx.


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