tv Global 3000 Deutsche Welle November 4, 2020 4:03pm-4:29pm CET
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that was a man in his tribe that best to make their voices heard on shoestring from black lives matter protests in d.c. to julan trump and biden supporters in miami crowds and during many tens hours as vote counting is still underway. the 2 candidates are locked in a tight race with both confident of winning the election. we believe we're on track to win a selection or. we really are because of the odd pressure down early voting a mail in vote is going to take a while we're going to have to be pretty sure until we're the hard work of tally of votes is finished. but president trump didn't wait ready claiming victory before votes were counted. will think we were getting ready to win this election frankly we did win this election. is
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a major fraud in our nation we want the law to be used in a proper manner so we'll be going to the u.s. supreme court trump was referring to mailing votes to be accepted after election day in several states but the system is fully legal and it's used by tens of millions of people. this election is expected to have one of the highest noting turnouts in recent history even during a pandemic indicating just how important she states mode was for the american people. i voted for the greatest president in history gone ok sharon chump is doing nothing for us now that he's going to have everything more in the control than what. chuck. but it looks like the situation will not be on the control of the. at soon as president chance statement throws the country in
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a state of uncertainty many in the u.s. a bracing for a political storm. let's go straight to washington then for the latest from databases in midst of a scandal welcome the same way so where do we stand now. hi phil well the state of play right now hasn't changed that dramatically over the last several hours and that is that it's just too close to call in some of these key battleground states they are still counting in some of these 6 states and and they are pennsylvania wisconsin michigan georgia arizona and nevada and these are states well that we knew going in would be bitterly contested that it would be a very close race so essentially that's what we're seeing playing out now and this is playing out as many observers had expected i mean we were reminded time and again that in such a close race we cannot expect a winner straight away so what's happening right now is they're going such a county by county ballot by ballot in these states to make sure that they can
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produce some sort of definitive result and that is important because it's early states there are specific counties where pockets are cities that really could push the outcome of that state's result to one candidate or the other and that could also push the outcome of the election one way or another so these are razor thin margins you mentioned it already fell in a state like michigan what has added a lot of urgency in pressure is the fact that as we heard the president prematurely claim victory as a lot of people have feared he would do if the result were close to one more thing i think it's important to say that this is definitely not the election that democrats have been hoping for they wanted a big win that was a referendum on president trump and the way that he has govern the country of the last 4 years they did not get that joe biden may still win but not with that kind of resoundingly enthusiasm that many democrats had hoped for and maybe expected with how polarizing president trump has been so in the mobile role of events so we do expected results by not so is this delay is this because of issues huge increase
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in postal early voting. yeah most certainly fell i mean you mentioned the numbers are ready are around 100000000 people cast their ballots early and many of those ballots were cast by mail and that is because of the pandemic so it changed the way people voted this year and that is presented a huge challenge to states i mean they are just harder to process you know you have to make sure that signatures are checked against voter registration records that these outer envelopes are close properly to make sure that they count so it just takes longer to tally these these votes these mail and ballots in some states didn't even start counting them on till election day and then fill if you add that to the fact that there is no in central administration for elections here so we had more than $10000.00 jurisdictions voting at the same time yesterday so each state each county might have different technology all of that slows things down and we should keep in mind that there was this really has been you know
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a mammoth effort for election workers with all the spotlight the pressure that's been on voting this year and the record number of votes cast by mail it is remarkable that so far things have gone pretty smoothly with the caveat that these tallies could end up as we know in court so when are we likely to have an idea of the final electoral college tally well that's really hard to say at this point so i mean the states are getting closer and they're counting but it could be hours it could be days it could be weeks we should know in some of your viewers might not know this that states don't actually have to submit their final tally so called the winner of their state until december 8th that's the technically the deadline that's a month from now but i do expect that we will see a more definitive result the coming days of the next week it is though just too early to tell when that will be and how definitive that result will be so possibly days or even weeks and the 1st results goes against donald trump is certain to
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trigger all sorts of other legal challenges where in which courts on what basis. ok well 1st of all let's point out 1st of all that there already have been all sorts of legal challenges in the lead up to this election some lawyers it here and experts are saying that this has been the most litigate election before it even started and these ballots it's crucial to know that they centered around mail and ballots and how they can be counted how they can be cast what president trump claimed is that he would take this to the supreme court that will not happen because he cannot simply take a dispute right now to the supreme court what we could see is legal challenges in these tightly contested states over which ballots were allowed to be counted at the time that could eventually escalate to the supreme court at some point but it's not clear right now with the current state of things that these counts would warrant legal action and certainly would not go directly to the supreme court so from outside of the united states this looks like a bit of
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a mess but it's it's kind of what we expected how's it going down internally how do going down with americans well everyone's really anxious felt i mean they were beforehand there was a cloud of anxiety over this entire election and they are even more so now i mean everyone is kind of watching every single out date on all of these states to see if there's some sort of movement one where way or the other and i think there's a bit of frustration as well knowing that we might be in for as i mentioned days. even weeks of uncertainty and that that really could get very contentious between president trump and joe biden between his supporters and democrats as well so i'd say that people are anxious and concerned about what might be heading for the u.s. she was so much going to washington that's very clear thank you so how are u.s. markets reacting to all this uncertainty that's brewing d.w. financial correspondent yes quarter in new york welcome yes the markets aren't
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getting the decisive outcome they'd hoped for. but still the market is up quite a bit i'm standing in brooklyn you might see the financial district i'm in the background blue chips are up by more than 500 points a good 2 percent meaning so far this week the market is up by around to 1500 points i have to say i'm a bit surprised because what we've got is a lot of uncertainty we do not know if this election will end up in front of court so maybe wall street some of the big tech companies for example who are up quite a bit have believe that as long as there's gridlock in washington that means the list changes for example to regulation says so maybe that's the reason why the market is up substantially here in the day after the elections. coming up the election polls are telling us that 35 percent of voters regarded the economy as the most important issue the results so far reflect that
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completely and we've talked about it again and again and again it was the campaign manager of bill clinton bringing that up many years ago saying it's the economy stupid and it still seems to be true and if we get the polls right most people said the economy was their number one issue and not the pandemic so clearly the pandemic is a bigot to call it because not just to people's health but also to economic growth but we are still shy about 10000000 jobs here in the united states in comparison to earlier this spring we is here every week companies putting people on furlough or even firing people so yes the economy the job security all that is definitely in americans' minds and that's probably why donald trump did better
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than many had expected. thank you so much. well the year of the race for the white house is the headline act but u.s. voters aren't just choosing the president democrats are forecast to retain member jarts in the house of representatives the left wing democratic representative alexandra. cortez was reelected they're worth 3 and there and the other 3 are like minded congresswoman who are known as the squad for challenging the washington status quo. republican or marjorie taylor green who previously expressed support for the cure known conspiracy theory has come to be one house seat in georgia presenter trumpeted her candidacy calling her a future republican she would own supporters that the president is secretly waging a battle against paedophiles in the u.s. bureaucracy and the democratic party. voters in mississippi of approved
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a new state flag featuring a magnolia flower words in god we trust it replaces the old confederate themed flag the symbol of the confederacy which secede from the us in 860 over. was widely viewed by black americans as racist. so let's take a look at the german perspective regarding this election our president trump an anchor and chancellor angela merkel have had a rocky relationship over the last 4 years as well as it left the ties between the u.s. and germany here's more from julia sowed delhi. even before donald trump became u.s. president it was clear the relationship wouldn't be easy. now merkel what did she do she's destroyed i mean she's in the process of destroying germany with a migration time magazine they didn't even give me the man of the year the person of the year they should out. that's why it's heading down the tubes folks.
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they gave it to a woman who has not done the right thing in germany it's not that would go well over there. so was their 1st encounter when trump ignored america's suggestion to shake hands thank you. ok. thank you but. one of the biggest sources of disagreement has been nato trump has attacked germany without pause saying it was not paying its fair share towards the alliance. that germany as you know is very delinquent in their. payments to nato and they're paying one percent in this supposed to be in 2 percent of the 2 percent is very low it should be much more than the so that delinquent of billions of dollars and this is 3 years delinquent. when trump treated racist attacks on this group of democratic u.s. congresswoman merkel openly condemned his actions. because i didn't see the
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midst of an achievement. i firmly distanced myself from the attacks and i stand in solidarity with these women. in america's strength from my perspective lies precisely in the fact that people of very different nationalities have contributed to the strength of the country that is and. therefore these are statements that run very much. to this impression of mine from you did it consist of. a strained relationship but also opposite approaches like on how to deal with the coronavirus pandemic and how to wear a face mask. now with trump fighting for a 2nd term in office and merkel in her last year as chancellor it may soon be time to kiss goodbye the question is how soon. or after 4
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years of america 1st many european politicians had hoped to wake up to what different clearer outcome is germany's norbert roger in his chair who chairs the bundestag foreign affairs committee said that germany is not prepared for 4 more years of working with trump a 2nd election victory would challenge us fundamentally in a way which we are not prepared and are scotland's 1st minister nicola sturgeon tweeted this the good luck america sentiment of last night seems even more up a sight this morning crucial hours and days ahead for the integrity of us democracy let's hope we start to hear the voices of republicans who understand the importance of that now again for hofstra is a member of the european parliament here's his tweet looking at the chaos across the atlantic and more certain than ever that europeans are stronger together in the us in an uncertain world whatever the outcome the e.u. needs to take its destiny into its own hands. well this has
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been a difficult 4 years for relations between europe and the white house so where is he likely to head now i didn't lose brussels bureau chief alexander farm norman was based in washington until just a few months ago and joins us now welcome alexandra so what would a 2nd term for donald trump mean for relations between europe and the united states it could be a potential disaster many here feel they fear that donald trump could feel freer and more empowered to pursue his every whim in global 1st and there are so many issues at stake let's take climate change the european union needs to work with the united states to tackle climate change that's not likely to happen if donald trump wins let's take trade trade issues the europeans are very eager to
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results don't know it's trump has strengthened message saying sions on mess of tariffs on european cars and of our goods and let's take nato donald trump has repeatedly questioned the american commitment to the alliance and that was corrodes it to the underlying trust among l. lies and many here fear that he could decide to leave the alliance if he gets reelected and so would have biden presidency necessarily be better for your. well we have to say that you leaders are not naive they know that there are many problems that they would disappear overnight if joe biden gets elected but they want to see someone in the white house who is more predictable who cherish international organisations and dialogue who appreciates long held alliances and that's why they would hope for
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a change of the tone if joe biden gets elected we look to sort of to do so just before we brought you one other example from politicians are around europe but we've also heard from the chair of the german parliament's foreign affairs committee saying he's against another trump presidency in the german defense minister warning the president trump is in danger of triggering a constitutional crisis it does seem unusual for national leaders to be so critical of another country's elections it is very unusual indeed feel and i normally would say that they would come in when the final results are published so it is very telling that there are commenting on the you asked election on the process right now it shows us how concerned and deeply shocked they. may be right now why didn't you have brussels bureau chief alexander for not thank you. president claimed to have won the election. to contest the ballot count of raising the
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specter of a disputed outcome assuming some risk on the reports now on what's likely to happen next. donald trump versus joe biden both were determined to win the election but neither of them has emerged as a clear winner the u.s. could be in for days even weeks of uncertainty the record number of ballots sent by mail will now become the focus of a bitter fight. absentee ballots made it easier for americans to vote amid the coded $1000.00 pandemic but absentee ballots are also more likely to be delayed slowed down by mistakes or even rejected something that is now dictating a bents across the u.s. . we will 1st see fights oh over whether certain absentee ballots should be counted or not be counted with the election administrators in those states it won't be surprising if whichever side loses those battles runs to court to try to get
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a court to overturn it with election day over the clock is ticking there are a couple of dates to keep in mind december 8th is safe harbor day that is the deadline for states to declare a result if they want to guarantee that their decision will count towards the national outcome. the next deadline on december 14th the electoral college has to vote that is the body that actually elects the president the state select either republican or democratic electors depending on the results. if there is still a dispute at that point it could get really complicated both sides might claim victory that means states could end up with opposing groups of electors one for biden another for trump congress would be forced to decide between them but if we get to that point we're already in a dark dangerous place and if the process. distracts out over some significant
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period of time even though the media is preaching patience to the public i think in our social media toxic political culture that could become a more explosive situation. fairly quickly some americans worry that a more explosive situation could look like this the president's supporters and opponents fighting on the streets if there was no clear result for several days or even weeks law enforcement and even the military could be called in to bring things under control and what about another scenario that democrats fear and that president trump himself has refused to rule out that the ballots show the president losing but he refuses to accept the result and tries to hang on to the presidency. well the current president's term ends on january 20th by virtue of the constitution period i would assume that any officials who might need to
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be involved in making sure that transition happens will follow the commands of the newly elected president biden because he would be the president the legal fight started months ago the democrats and the republicans have amassed an army of lawyers who have already been clashing in court over how and when ballots should be counted now they will push that legal battle that far if it takes to decide the outcome of the election. we'll take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world a diplomatic sources in brussels are claiming the european union is preparing sanctions against the president of belarus alexander lukashenko was not on the 1st list of better rusin officials to be sanctioned over august's elections which the e.u. says were rigged the new list of sanctions against president bush ankara and 14 other officials he said to be adopted this week. china has criticised u.s.
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plans to sell military hardware to taiwan the us state department approve the sale of 4 sophisticated armed drones beijing says the move undermines its sovereignty i china views taiwan as a breakaway province. and that if you open as prime minister has ordered the army into t. gray state abbey ahmed says the deployment of those armed rebel attack on a military base the t gray of people's liberation front along dominated the ethiopian politics in the move has fueled fears of a civil war. and interior minister has resigned perez a stepped down after parliament voted to impeach him now he had been criticized for his handling of fisa and strikes and police brutality is resignation after just 3 months in the job is a blow to the president sebastian pinera. this is life from his reminder of our top story the outcome of the u.s. presidential election is still unclear even though vote counting is continuing
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president trump has claimed victory on the folks for democratic challenger joe biden i says it's not up to republicans or democrats to call victory but the american people number of swing states that will decide the election are still counting their hopes. on the u.s. at election to the international i debate. and you should check the website speed dot com i'll be back at the top of the hour.
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to the point of strong opinions clear positions of international perspective such. it's tense it's exciting and it's disturbing america has voted in a momentous presidential election that is pretty don't trump against job i trump already declared victory and once the supremes coexistent the council. to the point
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one goal. the preservation of our planet. it's not just an issue of hardening trees and saving pandas anymore. exhausts birds and danger to survive. through realizing there's a radically different way of living it's rather. unfortunate starts november 6th on t.w. . it's tenses exciting and it's disturbing america has voted in a momentous presidential election the disputed republican incumbent donald trump against democrat challenger full of vice president joe biden welcome to the point. well the turnout has been huge with long lines in many places across the country president trump.
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