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tv   Kulturzeit  Deutsche Welle  November 5, 2020 7:30pm-8:01pm CET

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w. . with different languages we fight for different things that's fine but we all speak up for freedom freedom of speech and freedom of press. giving freedom for a global news that matters w made for minds. this is the only news africa coming up on the program will be in caps on the edge of our seat to hear views on the opinions from across the continent from the election the house costs so much controversy and he said to date also coming up. we need more glad health authorities in uganda see the corner virus from the make us cause the shortage of blood supplies in the country and lives have been lost.
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their name is michael jr welcome to the program from a record high 10 outs to baseless claims of election fraud it's been an unprecedented us election and it isn't over yet africans across the continent say much is at stake for racism to economic sanctions and concerns about democracy we start off with a country that calls a former president obama one of their own. kenya having their say in an all important race even if they're smart u.s. presidential election is more proof than real. electoral integrity may be highly questionable but it's a sign of the sentiment in this far flung corner of africa. and
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i think on the whole we've been. at it. and we don't want. fightings landslide victories little surprise this place kuntz former president barack obama as one of its own. his father grew up here. is still is named after him. obama's uncle is still here. for the last 4 years we have seen the. president trump the way he's treating the world it's like it's about himself and himself alone in zimbabwe they're hoping whoever wins will treat them to some relief from punishing sanctions. what if we used to see nixon's actually change stance what implicit types in smoove these. was that they put on our nation into consider these sanctions are actually getting the ordinary
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citizens. in nigeria the election has been the talk of the newsstands with trump's claims of voter fraud not only unnoticed here like being addicted to the tragedy truths. which is very but it is actually has been our drum by now is the man of value includes i know you can do anything wow still see he said that was all the same when the president of united states who put you up at the end your and then. you know every time to take courses. from lessons on race to sanctions and democracy itself in the spotlight has been something for africans across the continent to chew over. joining me now it's up in the mail and guardian news that it on political commentator from south africa hello out on the way thanks for your time now the u.s. lost its moral right to tell african countries how to conduct elections.
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of cause of course even before the actual election started using mail ballots the whole process was to seemingly flawed hide you have a president standing there and telling the world months before the election that he doesn't know whether or not he's going to accept the outcomes of the election of supposedly a democratic election and then just telling trying to work with in his own government to ensure that the postal services do not get the funding that they need to get to make sure that these elections can go smoothly yes there's a lot else that has been at stake in america in the past couple of months and unfortunately america has come down off of that pedestal when they get to dictate how democracy should be played just looking at what has happened in that country ok
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you wrote a commentary type told him if trump loses the damage is done what's done ages done and to who. there's been a lot of damage not just to african states never mind what he did called african countries when he started in his presidency there's a lot of damage that has been done in the americas in europe in those relationships in your syria's new middle east there's a lot of damage that this particular president has done over the past couple of years one of them of course is his work in reintroducing what is called the mexico city policy which is also known as the global gag rule where particular countries and organizations are just not allowed to speak about the rights of women and the parties and abortion and if they do particular funding will be removed from them
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whether they use u.s. funding or not and this is simply unheard of how do you dictate to women across other countries to tell them that they country whether they want to keep a child or whether they don't anchor he has been using that w h o and the paris accorded cream and this is all damage to the whole system of the world and how we use it not what effect called president tom's actions and all that he's been doing however on the through strongman politicians on the continent. a lot a lot of it has it has had diet fix because if a country as as big and as powerful as america has a president who can swear on national television who can be charged of numerous accounts of sexual misconduct of sexual harassment of sexual abuse who can pull out
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of such important accords and policies across the world and just does not care about human rights of the people in his own country that gives a signal to many other african leaders and many other leaders in and democratic states that they can also get away with this it is a very scary feeling in terms of the kind of world that donald trump has been able to create and has essentially caught away with whether he wins this election and not the damage has been done it is there people believe they can do as they please as leaders now very briefly before you go why should africa even care about what is happening in the u.s. unfortunately that is the world that we currently are living in right now it is interconnected in every sense of of the way of the word globalization everything that happens in america does many of the things that happen in america do that does effect africa environmental issues climate issues financial issues markets and all
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of that they directly affect africa we do care because if america sneezes we get the flu and so that's why we are still prudent trying to find out what goes on after today ok and then doing guardian news editor on political commentator thank you. let's now take a look at some other stories making news across the continent funerals have been held for 7 children who were killed in a school in cameroon last week authorities believe the massacre in the south western city of was carried out by separatist militants hundreds turned out to the victims in the last 2 weeks and identified gunmen have carried out 5 schools in the english speaking regions. has been sworn in for a 2nd 5 years doesn't he as president after last week's disputed election the
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integrations are going into place ahmed tight security with leading opposition figures are rested on charges of unlawful assembly if you can prime minister. to continue his military offensive in the region despite international calls for restraint there were reports of shelling in the state on thursday morning on tuesday ordered troops to confront rebel forces who he said military base in the city of mckayla the un has called for calm the secretary general expresses his alarm over the reported armed clashes region of ethiopia and calls for immediate measures to deescalate tensions and to a short peaceful resolution dispute. 19 has led to a shortage of blood supplies in uganda health authorities in the country seizes the start of the code i was pandemic the number of blood donors are significantly
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reduced and this deadly consequences. street hospital in kampala serves as a vital source of health care particularly for young mothers of low income but she can't guarantee help any more if a patient needs blood the pandemic has led to a sharp decline of supplies. and where there was the most. but. 'd because of luck or. because of bad blood pressure the producer. and doctors are very worried as it's especially young mothers up to c. sections and children that this hospital needs blood for uganda has just 7 blood collection and distribution sites across the country but because of the restrictions to control the spread of the coronavirus collecting donations has been difficult out of our own. country.
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that is. 50 units but as i don't know we've got it down to 20 units. which is a big big big diff city and at the end of the beautiful and that it would. also arctic the need for blood in hospital. she didn't make up the largest group of blood donors in uganda closures mean it's not impossible to recruit them cheering the pandemic. also targeted school because you have that school and of course school that is yet to manipulate that stupid school play. they always action most of the tame compared to. take the. from the current that is close that down closed. the uganda red cross society is hoping campaigns to raise
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awareness will bring in more jonas and save lives that are currently being lost. and that's all we have time for on the program from. africa or check out our facebook and twitter pages today we leave you with. flowers from south africa's capital pretoria and. that. and. we believe that if you haven't started studying the jacaranda starts to lose its 2 legs you're going to fail. you know i mean it is a commercial is that if you work underneath jacaranda tree and one of the flowers holding out during a record sound time then you're going to be going to be flying. session
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for spectacular pictures. it's their passion for nature. it's the complete devotion. that the wildlife photographer in the world. confrontational and sturdy. 5 adventures. one goal. the preservation of our planet. is not just an issue apartment trees
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and city tennis anymore. is us this danger of surviving. passion for china starts november 6th on g.w. . is the american dream really just that a dream photographer matt black documents america's underdogs a look at his work coming up and later on arts and culture. oh. american baritone thomas hampson joins us to talk about this year's unprecedented presidential election. first though talking about that election another singing sensation joins us from
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her home in new york. well she. would say let's all grew up in germany but made waves around the world with her musical roles and singing performances she also proved to be the perfect german voice for disney's the little mermaid. and should be here in berlin with a show about malina ditto if it weren't for the coronavirus thanks for joining us now you have long said that you consider you said that you consider yourself a new yorker but not an american and does that have something to do with these divides we see in the us. well i am definitely a new yorker because it is a place of great diversity. of cultures short. plays with a free mind and the progress of spirit to liberate spirit so i certainly feel very
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home here and in new york is a very inviting city i came here in 199798 and after 3 months i was fully fully welcomed and integrated in this come glamorous of multicultural tapestries so it feels good to be here and i always felt great i didn't here and in some way i didn't feel the little nationalistic. dimension that i also felt in europe i have to say i lived in london for many years and after the brits can be very british and sometimes too british nationalism for us. because in new york where you are we've seen protests against falsely and prematurely declared his victory what do you make of that what was that moment like for you. well it was a typical moment it didn't surprise me his banter is always the same always too
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fast too loud it's a kneejerk reaction and almost like infantile way and i wasn't surprised by it it didn't mean anything you know you don't have i'm not listening to him for a long time so that was not enough but i was a little bit worried when it ended in the night of the election and then in the course of it i thought oh my god he has the lead how can this be i was also very surprised about the absolute you know tight tight election that the country is so divided even after 4 years and after the incredibly incredible crisis of corona that is out of the box because of the lack of mass mandate and the management of the crisis through the republican government just one more question you've been in the u.s. for so many years have you managed to wrap your mind around this electoral college system what do you think of it i think it's and it's an old fashioned reactionary
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system and it should be just the popular vote every vote should count and yes it should not be it should be retired. thank you so much for coming on arts and culture can i just mention that my lifestream concert is on november 10th and november 16th downtown in the east village in allen cummings club and it is my beloved show on digital with marlena thanks so much for coming on arts and culture thank you. the u.s. is the richest country on earth but there are huge disparities between those who hold the wealth and those who don't for target for matt black is interested in the have nots as exhibition here in germany had to close this week coronavirus rules luckily we got to check it out before that happened. the
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exhibition in hamburg shows pictures of america that exposed the myth of the american dream. magnum photographer matt black called this personal inventory of poverty migration and powerlessness american. using bold black and white images he depicts the underdogs in the land of opportunity the photographs look as if they were taken in another. sense of his when i look at these pictures i have to remind myself that we are in the 21st century with a powerful show and a world premiere which the photographer couldn't attend due to coronavirus restrictions. course matlack grew up in california the public image
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of disneyland of silicon valley of hollywood all of that exists but there is another california where it's hot. where farming is done and that's the war he comes from. black began to document that california in 2014. the desolation. the struggle for survival. for 5 years the photographer traveled through the u.s. bypass him. visited hundreds of places whose residents live far below the poverty line gathered data discovered things he met people who don't have health insurance unemployment benefits or any means of support the photographer recorded his observations in a diary. might drive north to
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flint past buick city which was once the largest automobile plants in the world in 1980 general motors employed 80000 people in flint today there are fewer than 8000 people living here. blacks photographs tell stories. about lost jobs security and confidence in one interview he said when it comes to power in the u.s. it's always a question of race as well my work also deals with the same issues who has access to power and who is excluded. this perspective of change or perhaps simply of the future is in the pictures and this creates a glimpse of some think that completely contradicts the american dream.
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match black isn't trying to shock with his pictures he keeps a distance and preserves the dignity of those struggling. shocking is that these images show the present day here president trump's promise to make america great again remains unfulfilled. american classical singer thomas hampson one of the world's top baritones he's been living between europe and the u.s. now for decades. foundation promotes. ending of various cultures including american culture through education on songs and poetry and he's a close follower of u.s. politics. i promise hampson welcome to arts and culture watching this whole election cycle do
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you believe that the united states can still come back together as a country or is america just headed for more division. i think we can come back i think we must come back i think we need to although our american history a little better and know that this kind of very close election. both in legislature as well as presidential politics is not a new phenomenon that 13th amendment passed by 2 quotes which gave freedom to the slaves and john f. kennedy was elected by the slimmest margin ever in the history of presidential politics so i think we have i think i think we have significant reason to to realize or to believe that our our follow told messy politics will produce a direction we all have to commit to ok speaking of possibly a new direction do you think it's finally time to change the u.s. electoral system and get rid of the electoral college. well i think that's
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a very complex question i personally wouldn't have a problem with it. but being applauded being an old political science major i know why they electoral college is there and it's and it's essential to protect population bases from non population bases and it interesting if you see the irony of that that a great deal of the power of american of the american electorate is in the non populated areas so i think it should have been reexamined should it be adjusted shouldn't should be should be right up in front of everybody's face that we know this is why it needs there and what it does yes i think it's it it is sort of sampras a moment in me and my thing instead let's just switch gears a 2nd i want to talk very briefly here about arts in america 4 years of time so far at least now the pandemic are you worried about america's culture saying. you know i'm worried about i'm worried about people getting used to not having cultural events. the covert disaster on top of the accompanying financial stress
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has thrown a very sharp relief that the business models of america american are set institutions are essentially donor base and philanthropy based in salons are going to america is an amazing thing it's a we can only be grateful and proud that we have such philanthropies however when when they are known shows up and when the end when the unexpected is is the stress on the business model. to get tickets sales and artist fees are the 1st things about us and not on the shutdown we have 60 we have 1600 orchestras right now that are in the dark and in the next month's time this has turned me to thomson thomas hanson thank you so much for coming on this i really appreciate it why appreciate being here. a quick look now at some culture news milan's milan italy's last scala opera house is canceling its season premiere due to several coronavirus cases among musicians the gala event is normally one of italy's cultural highlights and
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netflix is tapping into the hollywood of the middle east's the network launched its 1st egyptian series paranormal based on the books of egyptian novelist ahmed khalid think about a doctor forced to question all he thinks he knows about science. now imagine if someone told you your bathroom mirror once belonged to a french queen well that's exactly what happened to a family in england they've been brushing their teeth in this mirror for decades before a london auctioneer told them it once belonged to the onto and that's now there is a little plaque on the mirror about its former owner but all that time the family just thought that was a joke not a joke at all the mirrors now set to go under the hammer and expected to fetch tens of thousands of pounds. well that's it for this edition of arts and culture for
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more news from the arts world check out our web site online at d.w. dot com slash culture sees it.
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to the point strong opinions clear positions of international perspectives. america has voted for the outcome of the presidential election is posing more questions than answers the bunghole who could really nice in reconcile these bits of a divided nation more almost to the point short play. to the point but there's not 3 minutes on d w 3. beethoven is for me. beethoven is for you. beethoven is for have. a. great open is for. beethoven it is for the.
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beethoven is for us. is for. beethoven 202250th anniversary year on. it was the 1st international tribunal in history. trials. 75 years ago high ranking officers of the nazi regime for new judging by the allied forces. were the 1st criminals to be held accountable for their crimes for. the count them on them getting rid of petty. frazier. our 2 part series the 3rd reich the talk starts nov 12th on t w. this
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is g w news live from berlin another day of waiting final votes still being counted in the race for the white house democrat challenger joe biden his wife means his lead over president almost. every vote is the message from biden supporters as their candidate leads the all important tally of electoral college votes but it's not over yet. odds to stop the kill say the truck champ as the president mounts a series of lee.


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