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tv   Auf den Punkt  Deutsche Welle  November 6, 2020 1:00pm-1:46pm CET

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this is e w news live from berlin as the vote count turns against in the u.s. president conjures up a conspiracy donald trump unleashes a slew of baseline claims insisting that you are one that is being robbed of her election d.w. picks through his allegations which attacks the foundations of america's democratic process meanwhile his challenger joe biden inches closer to the white house with tallies as postal votes they bring this democratic party that counting nearly complete biden overtakes the president in the key state of georgia.
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i'm sorry kelly welcome to the program facing growing likelihood of defeat in the u.s. presidential election donald trump is again claiming without evidence that he won and that democrats are trying to steal the election in fact trump is steadily losing ground as the tallies in most undecided states swing in favor of joe biden. now let's get the latest figures for you they show by the end with 264 electoral votes president trump with 214 we're going now to the key state of georgia where we have seen movement in the past couple of hours 16 electoral votes at grabs there it's an extremely tight race biden has pulled ahead of trump with just over $900.00 votes 99 percent of the votes counted there meantime pennsylvania the biggest prize
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yet to be decided 20 electoral votes donald trump currently holding a narrow 3 tenths of a percent lead that gap has been narrowing rapidly in arizona meanwhile votes are still being counted the a.p. news agency this is they've actually called the state for by and they did that pretty early on but most other media outlets say not so fast 11 electoral college votes are at stake there which were included here in biden's count but that could still change. joe biden currently having a slim lead in nevada the state carries the 6 votes that he needs to win reporting from the state shows that 84 percent of the vote has already been counted so with votes here as we can see still being tallied donald trump's path to victory is looking increasingly difficult states in red or blue they have been cold by a.p. for trump or biden states and lighter blue or pink they are leading toward biden or
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trump respectively any one state would give biden the win trump needs a combination of states in order to clinch the presidency for a 2nd term so let's break down what all of this means of and ahead to the table now where my colleague peter vola doll has been following all of the results for us and has been standing by to break it all down for us peter got to start talk about georgia just right now george wafer thin margin but 99 percent of the vote counted it's going in favor of biden how confident do you think he and his campaign are right now george is a nail biter if there was one above but no president will win that state since a democratic president since 92 bill clinton byt in with the latest fashion which is god is off by just a little over a 1000 votes with i said 99 percent of the state ballot count reported. we're looking at just over $5000.00 votes left to be tapped related most of which
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are from clayton county that is part of the greater plan to metropolitan areas so more urban more democratic traditionally it's also home to be civil rights icon john lewis the former congressman who passed away in july so democrat democrat there's very little. love lost for for trump there is specially considering his attacks on the black lives matter movement so i think a lot of the votes are working to see coming out of there is. so are going to go and buy insurrection trump cannot afford to lose georgia's 16 lead toward votes so i do also think with the race this tight we can expect maybe a couple more attempts at lawsuits see if you can contest the election there. and then if we step back from georgia the next state is always going to be pennsylvania where the state secretary there has said that we can expect more results
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today says the county is going faster than they expected if fighting wins and some overtaking. there also where most to waiting on votes from urban areas there he won't even need georgia how fast i think counting pennsylvania because i mean the $1000000.00 question here is of course when are we gonna see these results what sort of timeframe could we be looking at you know both in georgia and also in pennsylvania right i mean out of georgia the announcements have been very drip drip drip the election workers there appear to be doing their job very diligently very thoroughly the election official different sterling has said that he'd rather be accurate and fast he's also said the with the tight vote in some of these races we could be headed for a recount in some of them so you know that could take up to a week after the certification line which is number 13 which could take us to november 20th. so we might not know the final numbers out of georgia until then
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pennsylvania really depends on how tight is that race going to be we look at that there are still over 300000 votes it means biden has one the latest batch as with as many as 70 percent almost so if he continues that trend i don't think that there will be much reason or much of a case for trying to contest the result there ok so we won't know until they know and it could be a while. right and i just want to that's the check on the numbers right now i'd like to take a deeper look at the message that we have been seeing from these 2 campaigns 1st joe biden we have again see them urging patience with votes counted donald trump addressing the nation last night stating multiple falshood state election officials say there's been 0 evidence of wrongdoing in this election so let's get
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a closer look at that and then we'll get your reaction. 2 days after the polls closed president delivered his latest broadside against the electoral system. if you count the legal votes easily won if you count the illegal votes they can try to steal. the election from us if you count the votes that came in late we're looking at them very strongly but a lot of. there is no evidence of voting irregularities in the u.s. because of the coronavirus pandemic many votes were delivered by mail delivered in the congo mail and ballots are steadily increasing the lead of democratic candidate joe biden. seeking to stop the vote count republicans have launched lawsuits in several states once the legal battle to reach the u.s. supreme court which leaned heavily to the right after he failed 3 of the seats with conservative justices. do you think there's going to be
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a lot of litigation because we have so much evidence so much proof and it's going to end perhaps that the highest court in the land the president left the podium to a barrage of questions from reporters. why are you aren't people about that man found a lot of the known. on the streets trump supporters echoed his beast list claims everything is legitimated live fairly and truthfully already that he's already won but they're just calling it so they try to steal it more and more fake violence biden took to the stage with a very different message so we have no doubt that when the count is tradition or harrison i will be declared the winners so i ask everyone to stay calm all the people stay calm the process is work the count is being completed and
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we'll know very soon so thank you all for your patience but we have to count the votes. biden's bakos tunde out to numbers in philadelphia where votes are still being counted here because the american democracy is a wreck and we haven't had administration who is stated. boldly that they are going to make that your adult the next election and train deal neelix him from what i believe to be the correct went to. philadelphia ballot could tip the balance in pennsylvania and deliver the presidency to biden but with the legitimacy of the vote being disputed by trump the divisions in the country will persist long after the counting is done. and the u.s. president there casting doubt of the legitimacy of this election peter have we seen this before from a u.s. president why is he doing so well i think in a lot of ways this is really unprecedented we haven't seen this be. and history why
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trump is doing what he's doing a lot of people lot smarter than me have been asked themselves for the past couple years and i think really only truly trump knows according to reports is even taking some of his own aides by surprise. a qualified guess i think was just based on the math and we were looking at georgia there trump does not look like a 2 term president currently the race is shifting decisively quite rapidly and by its favor and you know someone who used to tell his base that you know when so much that they would get tired of winning and that just not seem to be happening right now right and so by casting doubt on the integrity of the election it does seem like he's trying to you know with you know stop prevent himself from losing face not just him but also all of his supporters who are very very fervent compare it with what we're hearing from the biden camp. that has been a lot more calm. by his call for patients to for people to trust the process and
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frankly at this stage he does sound like a man who knows he's winning or he believes he's winning very strongly he's not just sounding more presidential he's also acting more presidential a lot of ways he's been having daily intelligence briefings on the state of the of the nation including the drone of endemic which is going to be one of the the most pressing challenges for any president coming out of this election so he's doing a lot of the work right now that normally a sitting president would and should be doing. let's look at the results for just a 2nd i mean when we were talking about this earlier a difference of hundreds of votes in georgia this election is so close in these individual states what does that say about you know the state of polarization the state of the nation right now that it seems that you know all of a large portion of the population has latched on to 2 very opposite messages in the country yeah i think that's exactly right i mean i would i think we're looking at a country right now that is deeply divided but also deeply entrenched i'm reminded
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of 2005 when barack obama gave his keynote address at the democratic national convention where he famously said there are no red states there are no blue states there are only the united states of america this election map is looking a lot different blue states have gotten blue or red states have gotten redder and so no matter who wins i think one of their top priorities is going to have to be to try to unite the country and to be president for all of america and that's going to be very very tough considering that neither side currently appears to be you know seen the other side as legitimate peter thank you thank you. well it's not only people in the u.s. of course who are anxiously waiting to find out who is going to be the next president europe is watching very closely let's bring in now christina bears enough from the german marshall fund in brussels she's a senior fellow at the alliance for securing democracy they're welcome to the program and thank you for joining us as we've been discussing here trump has called
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the integrity of the electoral process into question what is the state of democracy in the u.s. right now. and thank you have for having me ending when you look at the state of democracy in the u.s. right now you see 2 different things you see on the one hand a very smoothly steadily progressing democratic process an election process something that's very important to understand the election results are coming in slowly because of the way that americans voted this year 3 side tremendous number of absentee ballots of mail in ballots early voting all of that has created a different landscape than we have ever seen before in the united states and the stone laws that we have in place across the u.s. many of those votes cannot be counted until election day themselves which is why we are on friday and we still do not have full ballot tallying in states like pennsylvania or nevada where we're still looking for these results and georgia as well so when you look at the democratic process the process of the elections the
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technical side it's progressing exactly as it should slowly but that's what people anticipated in advance of the election and what we're seeing today we also anticipated that many of the in person voters on election day would be more from the republican side and we have seen that democrats have sent in more mail in ballots than republicans have in many places because of this we've seen this change on the other hand we see the president's rhetoric and so we have to balance the president's rhetoric against what we're seeing in terms of voting process and the rhetoric is alarming and i think the u.s. and you could and in particular are doing a good job of. that and let's talk a little bit more about that because i'd like to ask you i mean you're sitting here and you are up right. are leaders here are people encouraged that the process in the united states is working i mean is that is that really a boon for people who are looking on in on this or is the level of
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concern that one has based on the message that we're hearing from the presidency sort of trumping all. i think the european leaders have gone into this with a great deal of understanding that this is going to be a longer process than usual so i think from the leadership side generally we're seeing also a wait and see approach resilience patience the slovenian prime minister came out with a very early congratulations to president trump but that came as a different from others that you have seen many members state needed and among others talking about the a os and the united states i mean that is perhaps alarming and some ways and pray maybe not a perfect representation of what is going on but again generally there is a sense a wait and see and an explanation of that by european media to european audiences although there are certain places such as poland which is taking president trump's
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words and his allegations of fraud much more literally we have seen in other countries and other leaders also take that with a skepticism and an understanding of the invalidity of presidents trumps words but in places where you have very allied governments such as poland perhaps there's less of that nuance being presented to the people very fascinating to see how europe is looking on and on all of this christine barzilla now from the german marshall fund in brussels thank you so much for joining us to share that expertise . you so much. police in germany are carrying out raids in connection with monday's terror attack in the austrian capital vienna according to the federal prosecutor's office homes in all superrich concussive are combed for possible evidence and ties to is a mystic stream in circles the 20 year old assailant was shot dead by police after killing 4 people austrian authorities say that international anti terror units are cooperating in the investigation including the f.b.i. and the u.s.
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. let's get more from political correspondent thomas sparrow who is standing by for us in berlin thomas is it fair to assume that there are people in germany suspected of involvement in the vienna attack not direct involvement according to german authorities the goal of the raids today sorrow was to try and find evidence because there are certain links between the alleged perpetrator of vienna and people here in germany in those 3 locations that you mentioned again the keyword here is those links we're talking about for people that are being investigated there were no arrests but they are investigating those 4 people in particular 2 of them are said to have met the alleged perpetrator in vienna in the summer and the other 2 have had contacts with the alleged perpetrator according to authorities on law and the goal here was to try and get evidence in those 3 locations this does not come as a as a surprise in fact interior minister horst zehava had said yesterday during
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a debate in parliament that that could have been those links between the alleged perpetrator and people here in germany and he also stressed that the situation here in germany is very serious and hence the necessity the need to cooperate with all sin counterpart to try and find all that information that is needed to understand the background and all the key information about what happened in vienna earlier this week what does he need very serious how high is the risk of a terrorist attack. it is high again that this is something that he didn't say for the 1st time yesterday in the german parliament he referred to 615 potential perpetrators here in germany and he stressed the importance of fighting the possibility of an attack here in germany he said an attack could actually happen any time that germany should be prepared for that and that authorities are actually preparing accordingly he stressed and this is particularly important again the need to understand this phenomenon not just something that is only national for example now austria or france previously but are something where cooperation across borders
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is needed and in particular cooperation within the european union thomas sparrow in berlin thank you. and turning to the corona virus pandemic germany has for the 1st time surpassed more than 20000 cases in a day more than 21 and a half 1000 new infections were recorded within the past 24 hours 42 data released on friday 160 people died from prove it 19 the past day pushing the death toll in germany beyond 11000 fallen fictions are increasing the reproduction rate of the virus however is to climbing that means the virus is spread is slowing down trend that authorities they hope will continue now that the country has reintroduced walked on measures. meanwhile the country's health minister has raised the alarm over the pandemics impact on hospitals spawn telling lawmakers in the bundestag
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that before long the rising caseload could overpower the system if you like is just this situation is serious the number of people requiring support in intensive care units has doubled in the past 10 days. as of today our health system is still coping. but even the best system in the world can't cope with the doubling every 10 days this growth rate is too strong and we must break it together . and that's every action now from you know who is joining us from berlin nina how bad is the situation in germany and spawn the health minister has said himself that the situation is indeed extremely serious he did speak about the i.c.u. and we heard him that saying that they situation just can't go on if we have this rate for another month or so then all the ice you use will be filled up but he also
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people not to forget all the other people who are impacted by the coronavirus hand demick and its current exponential growth he says also let's not forget about the other people who can't have surgery at the moment because all the i.c.u. beds. reserved for coronavirus patients he was of course i recently also you know in the past month diagnosed himself with corona virus so i mean he's he's personally familiar with the disease now he is promoting proposals to revise the country's protection against infection act he talked a lot about that in the speech what to the proposals include. well the big question is how do you make sure that the measures that the german government state treme is that they adopt against the coronavirus how do you make sure that they are not overruled by courts in the days that come after those announcements because that is something that we have seen here we must remember of course the german government
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in berlin can't just adopt a nationwide measures against the coronavirus like maybe other governments can around the world instead this is a federal process until americal sits down together with the state treme is and they decide for themselves on the regional level mostly but then local courts go ahead and they react to complaints that have been filed and then they overrule some of those decisions and we saw that for example when the senate here in berlin tried to impose a curfew on bars and the local pub owners went to the courts and so this is something that spawn is very very particular meticulous about he really wants those measures to be respected and to have the legal basis which is why there's a new law it specifies certain measures that can be adopted nationwide so that would be legally founded so the courts couldn't go against it for example nina hoss
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and berlin thank you. and many countries are seeing covert cases outstripping the number of cases they experience when the pandemic arrived earlier this year some populations have accepted the return of restrictions on public life but elsewhere there's foreign pushback which has come to be known as lock down fatigue. milan's lockdown begins on friday it's just one of the areas in the red zone which brings with the strictest rules residents will only be allowed to leave their homes for work to exercise or to shop for essential over a quarter of italy's population mostly in the north are affected. the government believes are rapidly rising virus numbers have left them no will turn itself. we understand the discomfort this causes it's causing psychological suffering but we must resist working to mitigate the negative effects
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these restrictions have on the economy on citizens' incomes on society. after the large number of deaths and months long lockdown in the spring there's a level of understanding on the streets of milan a lot i can only assume khana me and health don't go well together the virus is here but we also need to think about the shopkeeper's. of john the great ok the measures overall are appropriate let's get through this now as well as we can. meanwhile in england's clashes broke out between revelers and the police in some cities on the evening before a 4 week lockdown from thursday restaurants pubs shops except for essential supplies and gyms have been closed schools universities under nurseries remain open we don't want to go back to class before they're not ready for that we might be
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forced into it but our government is so undecided about what it's going to do. the bank of england has said it will do everything it can to support the economy it's increased its economic stimulus program by an additional $166000000000.00 euros measures that are unlikely to brighten a gloomy economic picture. and here's a look at some other developments in the pandemic authorities in denmark have confirmed that more than 200 make related covert cases are in the country after denmark ordered a nationwide call of all farmed made because the animals have transmitted a new teated strain of the virus to humans the us has again broken its own record for new covert cases more than 120000 and sections have been reported smashing the previous day's mark and china has barred foreign arrivals from france part of a growing list of entry bans china has largely brought its outbreak under control
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but is increasingly closing itself off through tight travel restrictions. it is from berlin a reminder of our top story vote counting continues in several battleground u.s. states was still no confirmed winner in the race for the white house however joe biden has pulled ahead in the tally in georgia dealing president trump a major setback in his 1st appearance since election night trump again slammed a mail in vote which is mostly used by democrats. to. come up next on t.w. juice our health magazine in good shape and don't forget i'll be back at the top of the hour with the very latest headlines here of course following the situation in the u.s. quite closely and you can always get the latest by the way also on our web site t w dot com and you can follow us on twitter and instagram acted up here to use i'm
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sorry kelly in berlin thank you so much for joining us take care and 60. 0 boy. oh boy.
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in good shape. now it's getting hairy strong and healthy hair has the experience of beauty of thousands of moves. but what can be done against her most. from secret tips to hair transplants. bad hair days don't stand a chance. to shave. to.
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not think out of the gym well i guess sometimes i am but i stand up and women haven't been think sneak into the german culture of looking at stereotypes a question that is think the future of the country but i don't blame the pm need to change weakness grama they are to me it's all about a new i'm rachel joins me from the germans on the w. . post. it was the 1st international tribunal in history. the nurnberg trials of. 75 years ago hi randy moss' years of the nazi regime of mourning judging by the allied forces. they were the 1st war criminals to be held accountable for their crimes from. combat by the government down come on down they
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are going to root out penn. frazier. our 2 part series the 3rd reich. starts nov 12th d w. hello and welcome to in good shape our topic today i think you already guessed it it's about healthy and wonderful looking ahead how to get it and how to make your head look great this is the topic i'm going to talk about today with dr ablow strong and healthy hair has been a killing to beauty in its own right for thousands of years the romans even dye
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their hair 3000 years ago and they used coms dipped into the ago and the ancient egyptians died with the hides washing dying and curling this is what we still do today but often we use a lot soft chemicals and this makes our have brittle and to avoid this researchers have been testing proteins made from solid beans all right with amazing results. these are samples of talk asian hair color code 7.00 medium fernand. it's a good thing that strands of hair can't feel pain here at the hankel cosmetics research laboratory it's rather like a torture chamber for hair. machines to tug at them and comb them for hours on end they also stretch chair until it breaks. or they rub it to pieces the researchers goal is not much different from that of
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a church or both are searching for answers. they want to know. for example what happens to individual strands of hair as they age over the course of weeks and months. here in the laboratory the hair ages according to plan 1st it's washed for 3 minutes in a chemical cocktail at $38.00 degrees celsius then it's rinsed with 20 liters of h 2 o. . next it's blow dried at a temperature of 80 degrees. after that it's sent to a sun bed for an hour set it $764.00 watts do that 50 times and you have the equivalent of $100.00 hot summer days you can make hair look pretty old. the damage can be seen under the microscope. the protective coating on the hair made of proteins and limpets has been ripped open that's the cause of most hair
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problems it means water is able to penetrate through the gaps in the protective layer that breaks down the keratin protein in the hair and it's keratin that makes the hair strong at the last tick. but. when hair ages naturally the protein becomes more water soluble as we take a shower bath or go swimming protein is washed out once the protective layer is gone the hair becomes more prone to damage and cheating. on the stretching machine the scientists can measure the hairs breaking point exactly the longer it's been exposed to the daily aging process the less stress it can take. but why all these machines norms and measurements. it's something that e.u. law demands of hair care manufacturers they have to prove that their advertising
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claims are really true if they can't prove them their competitors are happy to seize the moment and push their own products. even the smallest claims have to be tested like for approaching curious in shampoo and conditioner. can soya rice or animal hair protein slow down the hare's natural aging process. the researchers have to test that claim with another $100.00 simulated central european summer days and 50 shampoo sessions this time with the protein shampoo. then comes the moment of truth on this stretching machine. and it's true the hair treated with protein is more elastic and it holds out for longer. a look through the microscope shows the researchers that the proteins from the shampoo here
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fluorescent have penetrated well into the hair at 1st they only affect the surface but with time they penetrate deeper and deeper that slows down the hairs aging process. besides aging here can be damaged in other ways over half the women in germany dye their hair another homespun way of torturing. the researchers have colored hundreds of strands of hair over and over again to test the effect that it has in particular on the hair surface. hair is bleached its natural protective coating is removed for the salish poses a 2 environmental influences the picture shows very clearly how scales are sticking
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out and more and more hair breaks off from the scaly layer besides the damage to the hair surface its internal protein structure is broken open. make me more porous unfortunately that can't be avoided and the same happens with hair dyes although to a lesser extent. that makes it easy for water to break down the carrots in protein. but water can't penetrate healthy here with its protective coating. however that's not the case for hair that's been bleached or dyed in the times hair like that absorbs the harmful water but researchers have developed substances to deal with the problem. the so-called lipitor are a combination of fats and proteins that attach themselves to the hair surface. they help to repel the water stopping it from penetrating their hair.
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for each new beauty product these researchers have to develop new experiments. for their current project are using high speed cameras to measure and study the motion of swinging hair. at least in this experiment the hair doesn't need to be tortured as much. and here she is again dr patel the just and the regular gets the most high and low do we need a whole chemistry set to get nice hair and hair don't need to much care less is more when it comes to hair and scalp care so that means it would be possible to not use any kind of shampoo on your scalp this gives the scalp skin when news itself it cleans itself in a way it has a all one it's own acidic protective mental is it has only the pits to take
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care off the skin and gives the hair it's grow and shine and you also have you. all microbiome on your skin there which avoids a fungus or bacteria that we don't want to spread it so if you don't want to use any shampoo do you have any household remedies you would recommend well if you want to use a shampoo i recommend very mild 10 sides with them acidic p. h. value of around 5 which would be sugar all or coke all 10 sides knoll. no color no phone no glitter but you could also switch to natural remedies like re flour for example you blend it with water you use it like a shampoo leave it in for 3 minutes and then you would profit from the vitamin b 5 which comes down the skin helps healing and the little flour particles
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wrap the hair in a way there are some people who say no proof reading the shampoo so i have a right well this would work definitely you want one to have such a flush here but it can leave a not smelling heavy shiny hair if you would just switch to water someone to prevent spreading of fungus and they use one liter of water with one tablespoon of cider vinegar if you spread this on your stove after the older has vanished it really makes the hair silky because the horn layer gets flattened and the. hair horan is smooth and soft by the way do you have to take different kinds of care for different types of. machinery here if you have reason hair it helps to avoid milk sugar white flour fast food and ana and
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also some contraceptives the pill or intrauterine device with harmon that imitates testosterone. so be aware of this afterwards you could have more oil hair if you have dry air sculpt and hair you can just wash once a week if you like and really use mild washing substances if you have frizzy hair it's sands full useful to use oil at the tips it could be olive oil or argan oil 2 or sheep otter or coconut oil it's much better than using conditionals with mineral oil or silicone oil because this makes the hair really heavy and it's not natural so how do you treat have problems if it's given problems on the coals for example if you have psoriasis you won't necessarily have had problems but if you 2 itching or the denver off you should trust treat the skin
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problem and there are professional medication that your doctor could prescribe but what would be helpful anyway are you reading products like name di ruge kumah and sweet into ya is a shampoo or a solution that you apply on the skin on the scalp and also you should at vitamin d. on me got 3 fatty acids and zinc to your diet which also helps to heal the skin problem from inside and can be an expression of fashion and of culture but what if the splendor suddenly gets thinner its whole tufts a cause of the brush then panic make it rise but the good news remedies to help. that loss can be very distressing even the thought of it is frightening for a lot of people. and other things you know the engram has suffered for several
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years from what's known as diffuse loss. she's hoping her doctor who will be able to tell her why so much of her hair has fallen out it's been forms on home and dan has a hug and i have my hair person i love doing things my hair and changing it i used to like dying it different colors but now i'm afraid that i'll damage it so much that even more will fall out i feel like i've lost my femininity and my confidence these days i just wear how if i can't make my hair look nice i don't want to put it up i want to tell want to just a little stab it's not pretty. hot i want isn't this. a close up of nadine scalp shows the how lost it's also shows. just this is a reassuring discovery was money i'm also sure. you can clearly see the reason for this diffuse hair loss because she has a bit of scalp eczema. makes the skin red flaky and that's what's affecting the
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hair roots that can be easily treated and then it'll be over. or done. but in gusts i'm so relieved how those and i'm feeling here tear is a really fundamental part of our self image when someone loses their hair it can threaten that self image when you have a very clear image of yourself for decades it's really tough hair loss can cause a lot of anxiety holes guns feel. loss is more common in men especially from age 21 awards. a month started early at 17 in high school i'd hear things like wow your here is really receiving a lot it's not nice to hear when you're that age. can fall out for a variety of reasons even because a person is stressed. adama's khalid just can tell a lot by looking at the roots. this could be done phenomenon hols for betty because there are scarring hair loss which causes a lot of damage to the scalp that's different from my hair loss where my hairline
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is slowly receding. but that's also different from diffuse hair loss where the hair is constantly falling out but constantly growing back mary is supposed to be inherited his receding hairline probably from his grandfather it was in his genes what's gone is gone but there is a treatment to retain what he still haunts this in the treatment of unfun of course you have to start the treatment when there's still something there worth keeping. yeah. so for some people they're all vanity is for house the trick is to find out what's causing it. can hair smell things and distinguish sense or do you think nano biotechnologies from germany claims yes hair does have 3 separate $0.04 and especially grows when it smells sandal wood so biologists have now developed
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a new remedy for hair growth. receding hairline bald patches shiny pates men in particular struggle with hair loss as they get older. but it also affects 40 percent of women. scientists in this nano biotechnology lab in munster believe they found a miracle cure for parallel. they discovered that hair has a sense of smell and that it grows fast as in response to the scent of sandal wood . near the back the goal is to extend the has growth phase what's called the on agenda phase there's a hair growth cycle so the goal is to extend the phase of her growth by as much as possible. it's just the hair growth cycle consists of distinct stages the growth.


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