tv Glaubenssachen Deutsche Welle November 7, 2020 8:30pm-9:01pm CET
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cozying up to dictators is over he promised a sure leadership in the midst of the coronavirus cunt damage. it's estimated that nearly another 210000 americans could lose their lives by the end of the year i'm enough no more let's just set partisanship aside let's end the politics and follow the signs. ultimately the voters agreed and made joseph biden the $46.00 president of the united states of america. time lucky. as the news broke of joe biden's victory for president and donald trump was out getting some practice in on the golf course trump left the white house early on saturday as votes were still being counted he was at the national golf course in sterling virginia as biden's win in pennsylvania was called effectively winning him
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the white house after hearing the news trump has continued his golfing trip. we've got more team analysis for you here with the details correspondent stephanie simons in philadelphia pennsylvania and i'm joined by our annette choudhry here with me in the studio i want to start with you because you have worked firstly with joe biden you know him as an individual do you think he has the character to bring together the nation as he's been promising as we expect him to say in his victory speech i mean i think part of the real special relationship that i saw him have with barack obama was that they kind of had a head heart you know union thing going on where joe biden just brings poddle of empathy and understanding to any situation that he's put in but i think what needs to be done to bring the country together is to use that that's a good starting point but then to have a program a program that he can really sell in his joe biden manner and so this transition
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period over the next couple weeks and who gets picked is a cattle positions is so important as that gives us a clue as to what the biden empathy machine will be selling right ok well let's cross over now then to our correspondent stephanie simons who is in pennsylvania i can give us the latest from that state which was the big prize tonight looks like things have developed a bit since we last spoke what's it like there. or go to the earth. hour and a half was very interesting here this makes sense that the police put through that gap between primary supporters to trump supporters and to try a crowd from supporters a few minutes ago where you know we have a situation over there that are trying to pour them over them this crowd. provoking the crowd were a little megaphone and didn't take much to really have the straw to explode their police are becoming drug this guy out actually more or less to save him from the
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anger over the 4 years so much more if you're. we're talking about president alert job. lyden philadelphia. in celebratory mood at least the people here on this side that's a lot of our mood on the other side of this little street from supporters who are saying to us that's not going to stand we're going to go to the courts this is all it was of course that and what they say they're repeating the company says $41.00 however they seem to believe what they say and relationship between the people between america well it's not all showy and come out here it's divided bitterly divided and of course it's easy to forget when you see like people here celebrating and it's a little bit of a certain ironic here the it's the transfer point to provide actually the music today to the winning crowd here to the crowd who is actually happy of course but
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those people who are saying hey we did it pennsylvania philadelphia did it we put joe biden over the top and now he is the president elect so again now here you are trying to lock him up lock him up do you remember this chant from term campaigns whenever trump mentioned hillary clinton or or even joe biden on the biden his son alleging that there was something fishy going on with ukraine and russia at the time proud always searching lock her up lock her up or lock them up or turning this around on the right back to the time supporter so this is how things are at the moment here however all that aside straight facts in the building next to me the vote count of missing dollars is still going on and there will be a release of more results according to the commission here throughout today and the coming days vote is not over however as we all know statistically mathematically
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it's a done deal according to those petitions and experts and the big networks and the. joe biden is next president president 46 of the united states of america finished off and it's not just the trump supporters who you're talking to there who think that they might see something different president trump has himself said that he will not concede if the selection how could the next weeks and months pan out. to trump campaign said monday starting monday they were hitting the courts with an army of lawyers. that's what they're saying now so far they have tried has already in pennsylvania and other states went to court and. to their surprise or anybody surprised or not to their surprise all the judges credible job just a charge well i'm sorry you can't just show up here suing or saying like hey it's all there this is wrong this is wrong without any proof that's what this is all
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just this is the worst if you want to sue somebody you have to have damages but if somebody has to do something new right or you have to have a damage and then you have to kind of proof that there is a city then the damage done campaign was absolutely unable to 99 percent of the cases the ball forward right now where we already heard a decision from the court. was unable to prove any damage anything they said and claimed they had no proof so the judge says this mistake however now next week this is going into overdrive i'm sure about it i mean we're talking to people here and everybody expects that some support is expected wanted clinging to this actually that this crowd here was celebrating the winner of the protected whims of all joe barton they're kind of a way up to and actually thinking this is going to happen however they're confident saying they can recount. whatever it's
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a done deal by mr trump or south that's what they're focusing on let's see what next week on the court for. consignment i want to turn back. so you are rude and ask what happens now to trump supporters will they still be looking to trump for leadership or is this the end of the road for him in that regard this is so interesting because i mean the man who holds our movement together donald trump has lost office almost certainly and. the messages and the things he stand for have clearly not lost that much purchase with at least half of the american people and so does donald trump continue to be the spokesman for this movement or does someone younger and perhaps slightly more polite become the face of trump as as they get ready to run in 2024 we will see i think that donald trump is going to have trouble disciplining himself enough to be the opposition communications leader for a movement which involves a lot of self-discipline you don't always have the spotlight you have to find it
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you have to seek it out and it doesn't have that same kind of just sitting on the camera and forcing it to look at him that he normally is able to do all right thank you very much for at that analysis. well here in germany german chancellor angela merkel congratulated joe biden and his running mate to come a harris after major networks declared them the winners of the u.s. a presidential election in a statement issued posted on twitter she wrote quote i look forward to working with president biden our transatlantic friendship is indispensable if we are to deal with the major challenges of our time. we're going to now bring a foreign policy analyst tyson barker on to the line thank you for joining us a lot of people have described this as the most important election in their lifetimes what would you say was really at stake. i think that the
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cohesion of the united states was at stake and that's really kind of the mandate that joe biden ran on you know he said he had 2 big messages one was build back better that has been a lot that has been. destroyed in the past years croston allies the kind of sense of common purpose in the united states and then the 2nd message was you know fighting for the soul of the nation that we that the united states wants to represent all the people and not be governed by a slight majority tarion movement that kind of exclude certain populations. all right and so that in some ways sums up what joe biden a stands for at the moment in american history but when he takes over in it january joe biden is going to be taking over such a divided country as you see it do you think he will be able to unite at. least i mean it's really one of the most difficult things to do is to deescalate a population that is so polarized you see it in countries like lebanon you've seen
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it in countries like south africa to really knit back a country together and to be escalate that kind of energy requires a lot of political skill i think that what he's going to do is spend a lot of his time speaking to the communities that didn't vote for him trying to address their concerns try to build a relationship an idea to teach that actually bridges different communities and that means really talking to the other side a lot more than obviously trump was willing to but even the democrats were willing to in the past and the trump presidency has been marked above all by lies 22000 of them in 4 years according to the washington post which has been keeping track doesn't it does a truth have any meaning in the united states anymore. of course truth has meaning in the united states the problem is it's not just the lies the president was telling it's the accountability for those lies you know what has happened in the
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u.s. like all over the world is technology has facilitated a kind of south korean forcing. information bubbles through to exist where reality has become kind of for medically sealed so in certain communities in the united states a lot of from supporters they see a different reality and in that reality what trump says has a lot of truth but that's going to be part of the bridging process which is confronting people with groups with realities they're not always comfortable with and that means addressing technology that means addressing communities that means people speaking a lot more face to face right tyson barker thank you so much for joining us. thank you. as being just heard donald trump is refusing to concede defeat in the election instead of pledging to press ahead with legal challenges in several states in the past presidential candidates have publicly admitted defeat and congratulated their victorious opponents let's have
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a listen to some of those concession speeches i just call that governor clinton over in little rock and offered my congratulations he did run a strong campaign i wish him well in the white house and i want the country to know that our entire administration will work closely with his team to ensure this smooth transition of power there is important work to be done and america must always come 1st so we will get behind this new president bush thank you. in a contest as long and difficult decision campaign has been his successor alone commands my respect for is ability and perseverance but then he managed to do so by inspiring the hopes of so. many millions of americans who had once wrongly believed that they had little at stake or little influence in the election of an american president is something i deeply admire and commend him for achieving. this is
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an historic election and i recognize the special significance it has for african-americans and for the special pride that must be theirs tonight good evening just moments ago i spoke with george w. bush and congratulated him on becoming the 43rd president of the united states and i promised them that i wouldn't call him back this time. i offered to meet with him as soon as possible so that we can start to heal the divisions of the campaign and contest through which we've just passed. and all eyes will surely be on donald trump to see if we see something similar coming from him tonight when our i'm joined again by a washington bureau chief you know as paul was standing standing by outside of the white house in washington d.c. he has it what's it like there what's the latest since we last spoke. more and more people are pouring in it's like
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a big party atmosphere here and you know what is amazing is like so many different people you have young women and men you have many children with the parents ever actually you have white people you have everything americans you have asians you see women with headscarves you see. women visit very short shorts it's like a really a mix this is kind of what the united states looked like so so this is a celebration and we talked to many people on the streets you see literally people crying holding each other it's such a relief for so many that's donald trump lost this election and won't be the president of the united states for another 4 years but there we have to keep in mind this is washington and this is a very liberal bubble we hardly see any trump supporters here so we have to keep in mind this is not like the situation or representative of the situation of the
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whole united states for the people who are happy about biden's projected effect area talk us through some of the issues that joe biden campaigned on what can we really expect him to be focusing on in his 4 years as president and what are people looking forward to. his biggest challenge really will be to bring this country together we were able here with team in washington to travel the united states from one and from los angeles bank to washington on our road trip to the white house that's what we called it and we experienced how divided this country is and how the rhetoric of donald trump kind of loud people to bring out if i might say so the worse we experience so much hate we hurt so much racing. and also so many. conspiracy theories because people only kind of
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follow their own little news bubbles so this will be one huge huge challenge for joe biden to bring both sides together plus we mustn't forget even so it doesn't feel like it right now in this beautiful sunny merely summery day we are in the midst of a horrible pandemic some experts expect 1000000 americans to die of cold with 19 and this country's already strong current the economy's tone and as we don't have any social networks here in the united states states as we know them for example from germany people who lose their job they lose their health care insurance they lose their homes so this is another huge huge challenge joe biden is facing as a politics is personal thank you very much ines let's come back into the studio now to you erin i want to ask again about donald trump and his legacy for
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a minute when we look back at his presidency what do you think people are going to remember about it i think what people remember are probably all of these moments that donald trump is famous and making you know he is good at television he just got to be more and more and more outrageous but i think if we step back a little bit we're going to start to see less of you know this monster that we created in our closet and more of who he was as a politician and i think is most important legacy would be he was one of the 1st politicians in decades if not a century to really reach out to nonvoters and low propensity voters and they rewarded him twice once for the victory and once with a very close run thing as interesting we saw a historic turnout for both candidates in this election but let's not forget that donald trump still has 2 months in the white house before it joe biden is presumed sworn in in january what do you think we can expect to see from trump and his administration in his remaining. time in office i mean let's see how disciplined he is i think if he gets into
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a mode of insult tweets and it's all sort of bad vibes all the time that will just sort of be a long slog of a thing but actually won't hurt the nation too much i think if he gets into overdrive with mitch mcconnell is like i wonder how many judges i can confirm between now and january 20th let me just check my watch real quick that we could find you know a president who does have sort of so few values he holds willing to bend any legislative and executive rule to get good genda done that he wants to get done all right on the flip side what about joe biden how would you say joe biden reflects this moment in american history i mean look people wanted a repudiation of trump ism they want to return to decency and the thing that i think united folks from progressives all the way to republicans who are looking for something new was this idea of a different behavior and a different decency and i think joe biden brings that all together but then the question is what comes next because there's only a few weeks where just the good vibes are going to last and people are going to
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want to know what joe biden's plans are and who are the people he's planning on surrounding himself with and so i think you can see that coming under the microscope immediately at the celebration of before the hangover 3 thank you very much for that analysis i want to cross now back to our correspondent all a very valid who has been holding down the fort in wilmington delaware for us that is joe biden's hometown and all of you are there for the best person to tell us what is the reaction there. well there was a lot of celebration unfolding year of people coming to this venue here where at the conference center joe biden delivered his remarks over the over the recent days always reiterating the count is going on that he will be victorious and now is the very moment now when people are celebrating their candidate a lot of people approach us telling us actually that they really hope for an improvement of transatlantic relationship because we are of course here as a t.v. crew from germany so that's one side but many people i spoke to also made very
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clear that they know that there's another half part of the population is bitterly disappointed and it's now very crucial to see how they will respond certainly also reacting to the president who might speak soon and if the situation across the country stays as it is peacefully but it's interesting that you have people approaching you and saying that they do want to see a strengthening or restraint any of that transatlantic relationship what specifically do you americans a value about the united states relationship with europe from the people that you've been talking to. well a lot of people look back in history and say that this is the foundation that our post 2nd world war system was built upon and i had a conversation just with with an older gentleman here who told me you know it's very well what happened after the 2nd world war and i told him the germans appreciate the help they received of the americans on the one hand side but then of
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course also people are very much aware that it takes multilateralism to solve the global problems that the world is facing and this is something where people in the biden camp your are hoping that there will be made progress soon again we're talking about the paris climate agreement for instance just to name one example i am we have heard that joe biden it will be speaking later and i had there been any other sign of the president elect up until this point. well the issued a statement reiterating again his position that he ran as a unifier and that he really wants to heal the nation and bring the nation together that's probably the sound that we're going to hear tonight once again when he will also lay out his policy ideas for the next 2 years and that all of course in a very festive atmosphere we're also expecting a big fireworks here tonight but that said he is also facing lots of big challenges
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us and we're not sure at this point whether or not he has enough power by control of the senate for instance to achieve all those goals all right all of our salat we will leave you there for now in wilmington delaware as we cross it now to debut of course on spondon stephan simons who weighs in at philadelphia and sylvania stefan what can you tell us. all i can give you a little bit most here and bring this whole presidential election a little bit on the street all the state as. well those people here they think that's a historic day that's more pillow but i talked to one of them. was celebrating a little. oh now that's enough. that's cool to somebody you know personally. now how do you think i'm saying something off thing this is
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a little bit symbolic here this is this separation from the other crowd right time what is your hope for paul on bringing this country together necessarily because those guys over there they're not really liking what they see on this side here i'm hoping that this divide between us shrinks and shrinks insurance until the father my dad to get shit done. you think that's reasonable i just. do biden knows how to. doing and you just have to have the republicans into the white house and have a lot of talk. that the time was her. right. place setting listening listening back live now listening listening listening i needed it he that we got to listen to each other and that's all i want to bring up this or that over there let's see we're going right let's do this quickly walk over
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here and here the other side. sir can i ask you something going to ask you something. so we were just on the other side of this. just literally here but let's begin with the speaker imagery from supporters and biden yes this could be diminished do you think america is divided and polarized it is right now can grow together a good way because. i think people can support i don't believe i mean we're not. weak lot of people have different thoughts you live it different ways of thinking just ways of like we can support those and not come together i mean it there's no common ground which either party week we were party approached like there pro-choice or prohibition so there's no common ground but one of the things that you know the focus or bowed out was put it this way oh absolutely what i like is i respect support that support this whole thing right here is support sort of protest it support but but the bottom line is trump is the president has he won election
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night because it was sick it was up 690000 votes eventually in pennsylvania it was 64 percent to go so i guess that's official it would be showing here and it's the green you. want to say is it fair that. i get support we're getting reports that the board. took a little bit of frustrating for you of course to see the other side exit. from it at 1st. nobody after they need to take this to the courts next week absolutely no they are they will go to the courts and you know when you were referring to about the mood on each side is that when you set the mood i think it's great i mean. i respect their mo i really do think the financial markets are going to go do that and so they go back for a put up for me you know and for your grandfather the other side in the building local still going along the florida gulf and simons in philadelphia pennsylvania
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thank you very much for your reporting the phone interesting to hear that supporters say that because the early votes coming in have had favored president trump a heavily that he believes that he is the victor of course now mail in votes coming and we have a prediction for joe biden says d.w. news from berlin thanks so much for watching our special coverage.
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place . this is the w. news a live shot from barry legs obeid and is elected a us president it's right. there i tend to vote counts lasting days biden 6 years and enough electoral votes in the crucial state of pennsylvania so when the white house will go live to washington d.c. for the latest. the but.
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