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tv   World Stories  Deutsche Welle  November 11, 2020 1:45pm-2:01pm CET

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so we can replace all the skills and also training them to prove their own house and moving to another one being the ball. that is the stuff of the future. right now. each building is a major financial risk for london. and his startup, he's only been able to complete 3 homes with environmentally friendly products. so far, 3 more are under construction. but he's been inundated with requests for more sorry . carry more and more of the sharing economy benefit by the restrictions. because every sharing is perhaps closer look how the
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sharing economy has clearly done this many times before putting together his trainer. he can lend it to a neighbor for free. of course, that's nothing out of the ordinary for him. he regularly lends out his belongings or garden equipment tools, a child's mattress, firstly pens, neighbors, these things. so since thinking they won't have to buy them. i don't see this as being anti consumerist. it's about sustainability. these things are used so rarely. if you use something along, then buying something, makes increasing sense and the 2 men got to know each other by and mind neighborhoods platform more than 1600000. users are connected to people living in their city. maybe people use it to lend and borrow stuff to swap information or to
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offer help. we have over 50000 entries linked to lending and borrowing. and the range of ideas is huge, from a grill to a car seat to a bike trail or to a ladder, to a hand cart. so many different things. when they also offer services, english tutoring, guitar lessons. all these things and more are exchanged at the start of the set up in berlin. in 2015, the portal is free of charge for users. the company funds itself via donations and small ads, placed by companies in their respective neighborhoods. even some local authorities use the platform to communicate with residents in a particular area. people have a whole range of different reasons for using the platform. it's good to often tend
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to people increasingly live in smaller apartments. they don't want to gather too much clutter. and many people simply want to give something back to their community . and we believe that if you give it makes them very happy and it strengthen social bonds. when we borrow something from someone, we come into closer contact with those we live right next door to any of the bits. you mean being given a clean by contrast never meets any of his customers. he offers high quality tools for one euro, 50 an hour. you can preserve them by an app bot is built around the classic business model of the sharing economy, where companies money by renting items out for a particular period of time. anya shunts is one of his customers. she's a dancer who travels around the world a month for her work for small household tasks,
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she borrows what she needs from tool bought an electric drill. in this instance. when you're 50 is a lot less than the price of the drill. and i can always come here and borrow it again. that means i can get it as often as i needed to is launching a crowd investment campaign to help him grow his business. he believes his model could also work with other items and on an international basis than just g.m. . here we have limited budgets and the amount of c, o 2 we emit is limited to if we won people in emerging and developing economies to enjoy the prosperity that they deserve, then we have to achieve this prosperity in a 0 carbon and eco friendly manner. despite social distancing the markdown actually and his neighbors closer together in many ways
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redecorated the apartment of a neighbor who was killed and helped out with jumps. all that for free back to africa now preserving the local for the mission of a group of young environmentalists. they are fighting against the slash and burn practices that are still widely used in agriculture, in the country where farmers used to resolve organic for life. yes. but all too often the bush plan to get out of control on these halls hadan disastrous. for the environment. the activists with the young voices education foundation travelled to the country to these people to change such a home for traditions. these young people are willing to act isn't gold in flames.
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the group is trying to minimize the damage, but it's a losing battle. the home began long before the fire. too many trees have been cut down in the area. explains david, good live from the young voices, educational foundation, the entire harvest is lost. and then students like this are becoming a problem here in ghana. it's a nightmare for the farmers. this is the 1st time. i hear you on this friday. do you know the cause of the fire and no, but i believe it is said by somebody extend that into my fire, destroyed you back in the town of new barca, david meets with team members. to discuss strategy is to tackle widespread slash and burn practices. that is something to talk about it at
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a village meeting between january and march over 115. bushfires were reported in the region. the local fire chief who works closely with the young volunteers, is concerned for the future. you cannot sit in it. so once we have decided to be there 1st as over decided to bring the people, let them understand that falling down, cutting down the truth, bending the bending down to it will go to a time limit is not plan to all be gone under mild, that's the 1st day we'd be able to keep that from happening. he started to become a teacher and breeds pigs to finance his education. the earnings also allow him to pursue his musical emissions. are you going through some of these 2 response from my song forestation? some of the money also went into producing
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a music video to fund the promoter environmental awareness. a group dances from his hometown supported him by appearing in the video. do you think that music is one of the ways to get the message across. but why the group also does community outreach to inform people about the consequences of cutting down trees? the effects are clearly visible in this region. nearly all rivers have dried up and the only ones to run in is a dire river. it's a lifeline for more than 20 communities for the down the stream. but many fail to take into consideration this composition of traditional methods to produce palm oil . in the process,
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they pull the waste directly into the water. it is soon swept away by the current, but the environmental impact will linger much longer. while june and july, mainly useful tree planting activities. the environmental activist spend the rest of the time educating the population about nature conservation and the effects of climate change i was doing is wrong. i don't know about you know what that balance thing and i thought i was old habits are hard to change. so the activists have found that when this club's in more than 50 schools in the region as a part of a companion in the former station, they have helped to organize a demonstration for schoolchildren. planting a mound of student logic and we're doing this weekly, monthly. but i want to go ranking of 3 and indicate we'll extend this idea
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to the other else houses and we could be out there in time to get their hands dirty, planting trees in the school yard. welcome response from the regular routine. so through our friends, we need to align them in our community, get them wanted planting trees is more than a symbolic act for david bloom. the children have learned a lot about the crucial role of step trees. play to provide shade, protect rivers and soil, and play a vital role in tain in the health of our environment. we've come to the end of today's show about the environment on interesting ways to protect. thank you for joining us on your company. it is a good buy, probably found a tree, no good here in compiler, and i'll be looking for it. you want to go next week just a quick reminder that you can always check off social media feeds and what's also
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the well on our website until next time, it's goodbye from me. you know your bible save nigeria. dumb dumb to
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give us your country make you rich people will provide you with the will take good care of macy's. i used to be going to cold on the west coast to come out in 2007. investors make big promises like years later, reality looks very different later features
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the drinking water shortage. i enjoy your life before you go. yes, i mean this david and not a trace of oil money to be found. what happened to god, the stream of black gold oil thomases starts december 4th. this is a 15 year old girl being gang raped. his teacher is beating a boy for talking back and class by the rest of the class watches and
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cheering toddlers being fed by his mother. breaking up. lots of child sleeps in the streets because her family, through iran, fear, online bullying, pushes a teenager over their heads. just because you can see violence against children, doesn't mean others and there are make them visible, visible of us might violence against children disappear. please
2:00 pm
this is g.w. news, a live from berlin, hong kong's pro-democracy leader stage mass resignation gave out. what do you plan to lawmakers to walk out after 4 colleagues were sacked under a new law banning legislators marked out as threats to national security. also coming up hopes for an end to the pandemic, gather momentum in europe buys up 300000000 doses of a new vaccine developed in germany and they do.


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