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tv   Check-in  Deutsche Welle  November 13, 2020 4:03pm-4:31pm CET

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saying that several 100 civilians were stabbed to death in macau, the who did this where we're unsure people have told us that it's members of the to grab people's liberation front. although we cannot independently confirm that. on friday, the united nations human rights chief michel by shelling, expressed her quote, increasing alarm, and called for a full inquiry into the reports. she said, if confirmed as having been deliberately carried out by a party to the current fighting, these killings of civilians would of course, amount to war. crimes, fears are high, the situation is spiraling out of control. the un says the fighting has prompted some 15000 people to flee to neighboring sudan since the clashes began. the conflict erupted in early november. the government sent troops into the region after an alleged attack by local forces on a federal army base in the capital. the federal government, hard every right to the proof in our security forces in the use force in order to
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look at hand. those simply get in must equal russian and grows human rights violation relations between the ethiopian prime minister and the te, great people's liberation front. have long been tense for nearly 30 years, the t p l f was dominant in ethiopia, politics, but abi curbed the party's influence after coming to power in 28. its leaders say they have been unfairly targeted. a constitutional dispute raised tensions to boiling point. the t p l f defied obvious decision to postpone national polls. juta the coronavirus pandemic. in september they went ahead with elections and to grow, which they control. not only the stability of ethiopia is at stake in this conflict . the country with its population of 110000000 is pivotal to the stability of the
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horn of africa as a whole. for more on this, let's bring in dana hughes. she works for the u.n. refugee agency and joins us from nairobi. dana appreciate your joining d w. what reports have you been getting from t gray? thanks michael, and you know, i just heard your piece is just to reiterate that right now we are very concerned, about the escalating conflict that's happening in the region for us u.n.h.c.r., the un refugee agency in that area. there are about 100000 retrain. refugees, and they are very worried about them getting caught in the crossfire. and in fact, yesterday the fighting moved even closer to one of the camps that hosts about $6500.00 refugees. and frankly, they started to pack up and we're starting to see them walk more than 50 kilometers to the next nearest camp. we are seeing very much that there is
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a cut off of communication. there is a cut off banking services. so there is a problem with a lack of casts, a lack of fuel, and all of this could lead to increasing insecurity. so a lot of moving parts here and a lot of variables, including sustenance for those refugees, or you or your aid workers, able to bring food and water to people in the conflict zone. right now it's very difficult for anything to go in in anything to go out. we're very much don't go shooting with all aspects, all parties, the local authorities, to try to have zones where we can actually get and get humanitarian access in. but frankly, with the way that the situation is deteriorating, it is, it's not looking good. in fact, we're in the process of relocating much of our staff from the areas
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according to your agency, more than $4000.00 refugees have fled the fighting into sudan just in the last 24 hours. what do they face there? yes. well, this is an area in sudan that years and years ago they maybe had ethiopian refugees, but because there's been a relative peace, you know, they have one trance center that can hold 300 refugees or sign seekers. and right now there are 6000 there. so we are actively in quickly trying to ramp up our response. we're working with the sudanese government to be able to do so. but, you know, there will be, resources will need to be increased and we, you know, it's not just the 4000 in the last 24 hours, as you said, since the beginning of the conflict, which was just a couple of weeks ago, we're looking at almost 15000 refugees crossing over,
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so it with no end to this insight. so we're very concerned not only about the conflict happening in ethiopia, but in sudan's ability and the needs that are going to come up with what could be a very rapidly, a very rapidly escalating situation. dinner here from the u.n. and h.c.r. . thank you so much for your time and good luck. thank you. michel, and we're now joined by angler merkel's personal representative for africa. thank you so much for joining us here on the w. aid agencies are having difficulty getting supplies in can germany put pressure on the authorities to ease the humanitarian situation? you know, of course there should be a possibility to intervene, but on the other hand, you know, what we are praising is not only a humanitarian crisis, is what we are facing as
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a political conflict between the government and the loss of ethiopia and the government. and you see if you know him as us and others. and so the situation indeed still goes very dangerous and deteriorating. speaking about humanitarian corridor, once there, what we can do is, is very hopeful. but on the other hand, we need a political peaceful solution. and the quick and peaceful solution is maybe that workers now need it but i guess maybe it will be a visual sinking. surely you are aware that amnesty has called on world leaders to push for a probe into the 2. great killings is germany willing to do that. we are
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working behind the scenes, of course, germany having the european union, the presidency of the european union time being so we, we are on board of course, but on the other hand we, we haven't expressed opinion. we have expressed my opinion foreign minister form our foreign minister, obviously opiah we have expressed our concern regarding that escalation, also conflict and called for dialogue. ringback but he seems there is a kind of interest by other government and others to to gain ground unclear military actions share in it to
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receive or to, to come in the position which is more powerful than now. we only have a brief period of time here, but i quickly want to ask you how concerned you are given the developments in the region, about stability in the horn of africa as a whole. at this point. of course, it's a conflict in the all of africa and the us, the most important region do important to your part of the political and to the german and to european union. we are all very wary and walked because of their interest to. ready the 2nd country in africa know this and popular nation off of 110000000 people and haven't done so and in their only out
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in the world the conflict can spread over to you. so my view, the especially to, to, as we've done in south sudan, right, until we, we are, we are really, really interested in kind of, you know, the escalation also on the side of the prime minister and the, and the as you're going to. but on the other hand, so former regime, because every group with russian was more or less there we have the data chip and it's not clear if, if shorts, who will be there the new elected government there and the as a government to stop by and by the government and others that there will be and then can't offer an agreement only. and so
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we have to be have to force both sides to lay down the. ready weapons and speak were to each other, the dialogue was that only it was only need in the time being. i have to stop you there. going to no can really appreciate your time. the german government representative for africa, much appreciated. thank you. let's look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. french forces in mali have reportedly killed a senior leader linked to several attacks. the french defense minister hailed the operation against the military leader of north africa when france has deployed thousands of troops in mali and the region to counter islamic militants. china is the latest country to congratulate joe biden for his u.s. election victory. a foreign ministry spokesman says beijing respects the choice of
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the american people. president donald trump has so far, refused to concede. russian peacekeepers have entered the regional capital of to oversee a ceasefire. brokered the deal between troops and ethnic armenian forces earlier this week in a bid to end 6 weeks of fighting over the paris is marking the 5th anniversary of its deadliest attack ceremonies have been held in the french capital and attendees, including the mayor and the french prime minister have paid tribute to the victims at sites around the city where the attacks took place. 5 years ago. in 201-5130, people were killed when so-called islamic state militants launched multiple attacks in the french capital, suicide bombers and gunmen killing spree, which also injured hundreds of your salt will have to live with the
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horrific memories of that night. we talk to one of them who has found a special way to deal with the trauma. he reports from news it as therapy. it got so touchy through the worst time of his life. he started writing songs shortly before the battle clown attack. the more i was terrified after the attack, i was afraid to leave the house to cycle through the city. i felt i had become a target. music helped me get through this. it was my way to express my feelings. and what i've experienced when you go through an event like this, precisely because i managed to get out of there shortly after the attack had started. you think i skate death by a few minutes. life grinds to a halt, but then it continues and you think i need to live life to the fullest.
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saturday had gone to the concert with a few friends. they all managed to escape alive. minutes before the 1st shots were fired surface to this video. when he understood what was happening, his survival instincts kicked in there were little flashes of light on the war that were moving towards the stage and then the sound of firecrackers. i mediately understood that something was wrong and that those weren't just firecrackers. all i could think about was i had to get out of there, but then the $1000.00 concert goes all through themselves to the ground. and i got stuck beneath them. but i managed to free myself and make it out of that door. has got to this is the 1st time since the attack that has returned to the battle plan. it's bringing back his trauma, which is still deeply affecting him. it's
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stressing me out to be here. i'm quite anxious now. it's even nowadays when i go to the cinema hall restaurant, i'm concerned about my safety and where the next emergency exit is as to what to do with until the 13th of november 25th teen. i thought i lived in a safe country. now i don't believe that anymore, security do music is helping to heal his wounds. but for sadness it's also an affirmation, often life. just as there was a radical islamists would like to see a society in which we kontrol make music all sing. they believe that only the prophet has the right to do that. so this is a way of saying, no, i exist, i'm alive, and i want to continue doing what i'm free to do in my country. but
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with a spate of recent terror attacks and measures to combat the coronet, pandemic pressure on those freedoms is mounting. were the eve of that report by correspondent lisa lewis. for the 1st time, the european union has presented a strategy to push for l.g.b. t. equality. it seeks to improve the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and non-binary people. the e.u. commission pointed out that about 43 percent still feel discriminated against. here is what the e.u. commissioner for equality had to say. this is a strategy about humanity, humanity in all its diversity. the way we are born,
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as you rightly pointed out, vice president is not ideology the way we are born, his nature, his biology, his signs. and despite this, the xperience of discrimination against bt i.q. people and you increased in recent years. we're now joined by german politician and member of the european parliament rasmussen, grayson. he also sits on the palm and l g b t. i intergroup mr. address and appreciate your joining us here in the w. . you tweeted about the strategy put forward by the e.u. commissioner commission, i should say saying this is huge. explain to us just how significant this is. well, 1st of all thanks for inviting me. i mean, the day has been historical, historical for european elton p.t.i.
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who are threatening a lot in their countries. right now you've been through kogut the situation for many l g b t. i have been wesson's and many activists so called the european union called the european commission for coming up with a strategy for 6, hearing equal rights in the european union, and for the 1st time in history, they are doing so. and of course, this is a huge step in and yet historical moment, not just for but for citizen rights in the european union in total. so what does the strategy include in detail? well, the strategy is including further steps to secure freight sound flow. legal rights rights for citizens by law
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all for example, to secure the status of rainbow families when it comes to who are there are lots of elements and discredit. she where are the e.u. commission is promising to protect l g b t i against discrimination because discrimination for example, with being a hate crimes against l. g b, t i citizens, online and offline. and i think this is very important stuff as well. surely, you know, there was all, for example, is very outspoken about polish towns that are said to be free from l. g b t. etiology. just this week, congress government proposed a law that would effectively banned adoptions by same sex couples. candace strategy actually change what's going on in these countries, or is it just paying lip service to the issue? 1st of all, let me say that what the polish government is doing?
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no. what went to auburn, this doing is to hurt thousands of citizens of their own countries. polish should be home, gary, n l g b t i will be hit by the loss. busy and the public statements published and hunger in officials are coming with. and what the european union can do is to send, a strong signal to say that the rights of one garion else v.t.i., for example, is important old europe. and what we else can do is fight sample to give the single to victor alben if you are hurting your eligibility. unity if you are not protecting european well, yes, then you will get problems with the european union. for example, by cutting some of the funding hungary gets out of the budget of the european union and that there will be some developments in this
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direction. and this is all to come about the spread of the commission came up with this that or that is rasmussen, envisioned german politician and member of the european parliament. really appreciate your time, sir. thank you. to the queen, a pandemic now and here in germany, there have been a record number of new cases with nearly 24000 infections registered in the last 24 hours. half of all hospitals are reported to be stretched to capacity. germany was able to boost its number of intensive care beds during the 1st wave, but as we report, trained nurses are increasingly in short supply even the shell is an intensive care nurse. she finished her specialist training at the end of october. now she's caring for a coronavirus patient in intensive care at dessau of so university hospital having at the embassy in beirut, we've moved him around so that he lies in different positions and don't get bedsores. my colleagues will take some blood for a blood gas analysis,
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which will tell us how to adjust the ventilator and things that a 30 year old nurse cannot yet do alone. having passed the state exam and completed 3 years of training for 2 years, she assisted on the ward with supervision. then after 2 more training years, she became a specialist nurse for intensive care and anaesthesia. that's all about ventilation . what to consider when ventilating which settings are there and also types of surgery in more detail. you also get a deeper insight into anaesthesia the sequence of operations, piers. the job is medically technically and personally challenging. that's why nurses cannot simply start working in i.c.u. after their basic training. louisianans in is $25.00 and just completed her 1st year of specialist training. 8 months of it during the pandemic. together with a colleague, she cares for a seriously ill coronavirus patient. after one more year,
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she will be able to do this on her own with their patients who should have one on one care. and of course we try to provide it. but sometimes it doesn't work out because we don't have enough staff for me. that even though the job pays well after training german nurses earn an average of $3500.00 euros per month before tax and those doing shift work in i.c.u. receive additional bonuses. but high stress levels, big responsibilities, weekend shifts and a lack of recognition are all deterrents, clapp, them, and of god, and passing. sure, raising the wage could be an incentive for staying in the job. and it could attract others to choose this line of work and death. i don't think we could be paid more life considering the work we have to do. and
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and i'm glad that this is currently being discussed more that i'm a man fish, but i have calmed and so the coronavirus pandemic may even bring about change. but doesn't think was the point we were just taken for granted. the issue wasn't addressed the last few years. many people don't know what nurses have to deal with on a daily basis, especially intensive care nurses. and why not just anyone can do it at louisiana and wants to finish her specialist training despite and because of covered 19, these nurses know the coming weeks will be tough, but saying they will somehow manage and a reminder of the top story we're following for you and this day, international says a large number of civilians have been killed in the northern ethiopian region of tikrit. they quote witnesses saying local forces fighting government troops in the region are to blame for the massacre. the u.n. has warned that the situation risks spiraling out of control. you're watching d.w.
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up next. it's our environment magazine, eco, india. stay tuned for that. and remember, you can get all the latest news and information around the clock on our website at www dot com. i'm michael o'connor in berlin for me and the news team here. thanks so much for watching.
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