tv Markus Lanz Deutsche Welle November 13, 2020 9:30pm-10:30pm CET
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life for the film industry for the lights going out for a lot going on cinema. our topic this week, arts and culture on d. w. france is marking 5 years since paris was hit by a series of coordinated attacks by is the missed suicide bombers. sadly, such attacks have continued even as recently as the start of this month in vienna. tonight we meet a man who has literally studied how these people think. i'm phil gale in berlin and this is the day working in the studio was sharing a wall of the time when on for
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a while we didn't know what was going on. this post-traumatic stress includes a lot of symptoms. we did trust ourselves across. i was just in the people's nerves beating out the back door of the building, the worst kind of became a refuge and the floor. you have to be here to show that this is not islam. it's a distortion of islam. it's criminal to want to kill people in the name of islam. when i hear schoolyards of playtime, children shouting, you have the impression that they are being killed. but also on the show a more than 40 years ago, a football player named to win custody became the 1st black german to represent the country in 1904 that was a global sensation. but it also him a cold reception from his countrymen. if. 'd i had everything better of in my
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neighborhood. then my comrades who were white. and if i made a mistake, everything was twice or 3 times as bad. with on the field, i could hear faint shout or take the black guy out. welcome to the day paris has marked the 5th anniversary of its deadliest terror attack. salman is in the french capital, where attended by the prime minister on the matter of paris. you paid tribute to the victims at sites around the city where the attacks took place. on the 13th of november 2015 suicide bombers and gunmen, inspired by the so-called islamic state, launched multiple attacks during a 4 hour rampage. $130.00 people were killed and hundreds more injured. those who survived will have to live with a horrific a memory of that night's t.w. has spoken with one of them. and he's found a special way to deal with the trauma music
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as therapy, it got so bad. she threw the worst time of his life. he started writing songs shortly before the battle counterattack. the more i was terrified after the attack, i was afraid to leave the house to cycle through the city. i felt i had become a target. music helped me get through this. it was my way to express my feelings and what i've experienced when you go through an event like this, precisely because i managed to get out of there shortly after the attack had started. you think i skate death by a few minutes. life grinds to a halt, but then it continues and you think, well, i need to live life to the fullest. saturday had gone to the concert with a few friends. they all managed to escape a life minutes before the 1st shots were fired. several took this video when he
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understood what was happening, his survival instincts kicked in there were little flashes of light on the war that were moving towards the stage and then the sound of firecrackers. i mediately understood that something was wrong and that those were just firecrackers. all i could think about was i had to get out of there, but then the 1000 concert goers all threw themselves to the ground, and i got stuck beneath them. but i managed to free myself and make it out of that door, has got to possible. this is the 1st time since the attack, that sadness has returned to the batter clan. it's bringing back his trauma, which is still deeply affecting him. it's stressing me out to be here. i'm quite anxious now. even nowadays when i go to the cinema or restaurant, i'm concerned about my safety and where the next emergency exit is as
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unto the 13th of november 25th teen. i thought i lived in a safe country. now i don't believe that anymore or security do music is helping to heal his wounds. but for sadness, it's also an affirmation of life. for this radical islamists would like to see a society in which we can draw, make music, sing they believe that only the prophet has the right to do that. so this is a way of saying, no, i exist, i'm alive. and i want to continue doing what i'm free to do in my country. i do feel that with the spate of recent terror attacks and measures to combat the
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corona pandemic pressure on those freedoms is mounting the herbal. let's have a closer look at this phenomenon with nothing else have made. here's a cognitive scientist, has researched the roots of violent extremism, is also a fellow artists international. and he's interviewed network members, families and friends of the cell that carried out the battery attack. welcome to day w. . let's start with that point about who launches this sort of attack. do the people who turn to terror a share any particular characteristics? well, i mean in terms of personality, no, they're out there all over the place. you know introverts and extroverts are people with mental health issues, but also people without mental health issues. oftentimes, as was the case with this network who carried out this attack, it's usually small groups of friends. it's people who co-wrote it. each other. sometimes they're related. sometimes they're not related, and they kind of old joint for slightly different reasons. but ultimately, it's
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a group of friends that are sort of on this journey together. and that's what we saw in this case in paris, but there's nothing. there's nothing about someone that you can just look at and identify that that person is an extremist, it's a very social process entering into a group. i'm intrigued by this idea of radicalizing because what, how do you go from a group of friends who are talking out of no football or religion or the television? how does that get turned into talk about a jihad a man and then talk, turn into action? well, he usually starts off with these people having an extreme distrust to begin with and institutions, mistrust in the media and distrust in government. but that's should be something that a lot of viewers should be noticing is generally growing in the world. in general.
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people are, as a result of the coronavirus conspiracy theories are on the rise. people are turning away from mainstream media. their judge and government are no longer trusting even scientific institutions anymore. so all of this distrust this breakdown in trust towards institutions creates a social susceptibility to alternative sources of information. people basically feel like they're being lied to. and then when they're told by someone that they know that, hey, this is the right way to think. i'm over here in syria, i'm over here doing this. i'm. i have insider information, trust what i'm saying. they would rather trust their friend who's not really providing them credible evidence over the media over government, over scientific institutions. but then again, this is a thing that the i hear in a comfortable studio with a comfortable life. i cannot understand why someone would, would listen to a friend who says, let's go to syria. let's go to the desert. let's learn to kill people. i don't,
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i don't understand that. what am i missing? well, that's partly the fact that you have a studio. so many of these people are on the absolute margins of society. and for many of them, they have no prospects. i've talked, i talked to a french person who was related to this network, who said, who went to syria, who said what you want to do, go back to france, or i'm going to basically just be back in people's groceries or be here and be a revolutionary it was potentially going to change the world for many people. radicalization is the opportunity to press reset on the video game of life and to come back as a better character. i understand when it comes to de radicalization do those do those programs work with the gun attack in vienna at the start of this month was not the 1st one in which an attacker had previously taken part in a day vatican lies, they should course. so it was he an outlier or do these courses need to be
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rethought? there is probably a bit of both to be honest. so the radicalization, we're not even sure if it actually works disengagement. yes. how do you actually get someone away from a terrorist group? how do you, how do you get them to disengage from the violence that usually seems to have some impact, but actually letting go of the value systems is a little bit more difficult. and one thing that i think all of these programs suffer from is they seem to miss the point of why people joined these groups in the 1st place. it's not the ideology, the ideology gets internalized later. the ideology is like the cover charge to get into the social club. they want to get into the social club. they want the brotherhood, the sisterhood, the meaning and all the benefits of being part of the club. and then once they're there, then they start to internalize these beliefs in the same way, you can't pull the beliefs out of mediately, but actually essentially give them a new social group. give them a new sense of belonging, a new identity,
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a new purpose, and then the beliefs themselves will slowly start to change. if you try to argue with them about their beliefs, but the, put them right back into the very same environment where they got radicalized in the 1st place. you're just leaving them open again to recidivism. let's talk about where the targets for these attacks are. i'm looking at prince of europe now within europe. it's strikes me without any sort of scientific analysis that france appears to have been particularly badly hit by the sorts of attacks. is there a reason for that? we shouldn't try to make too much of a reason for it. there have been plenty of times to attack other parts of europe. i'm sure they would like to attack london even more so than paris. but france is a very large country. it has the largest minority population. france is involved more than any european country and more battlefields fighting groups like
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isis. i think they also see it as a particularly vulnerable population. if they were to look at a country that they think they can divide and fragment and turn against each other, that's the point of these terrorist attacks. the point of these terrorist attacks is to divide and conquer. the blast radius of a terrorist attack is not the physical blast radius. it's the virtual blast radius in terms of what it does to society. that's the reason why people carry out terrorism. they don't have anything against people specifically at the concert. what they want to do is create islamophobia, helped write the right wing, create lots of tensions. and through through that tension, they hope that more people who are maybe sitting on the edge of joining a group like isis will get pushed over the edge by a backlash. that's very interesting. we thank you for joining us from international russia, brazil and mexico are among the few remaining countries not to have congratulated,
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u.s. president elect joe biden, and his vice presidential running mate on their election when brazil's vice president has discussed described the biden victory as irreversible and china has become the latest the country to offer its congratulations. we've been following reactions to the presidential election, both in the u.s. and from the international community. on that when we respect the choice of the american people, we extend our congratulations to mr. biden and ms. harris, the other 2. meanwhile, we understand the results of the u.s. election will be determined according to u.s. laws and procedures. so when next for the united states, ben hodges is a retired u.s. general, who holds a persian chair in strategic studies at the center for european policy analysis. he joins us from frankfurt. welcome to day w. one of the big foreign policy challenges facing joe biden's, washington's direct relationship with beijing. there's
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a trade war, consulates have been closed. there's still the rao over a hallway to name just a few of the issues. so as well as bringing a different style to this relationship is joe biden like me to pursue different objectives? actually, i think the object is for i bided ministration will look a whole lot like those of the champ is ministration. you're right, that the style, but also the approach more important in style. the approach will be different. i think president biden will work hard with as not just in the pacific region, but of course in europe, in with canada. because the united states cannot achieve our strategic objectives and being alone. and this is, this is about great power competition and you have to compete in the diplomatic space. and the information space in the economic space is not just in the military space. i think about in history tional work hard to protect supply chains or car to
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continue protecting our freedom of navigation in the south china sea, for example, and the ramps i want. i think when it comes to wile away, for example, we'll look for ways to compete against all our way not just threaten our allies who are thinking about using wildlife. and so i mean, i'm intrigued by, by, by good data. what you said that one of the significant differences you say, between a trumpet and a biden approach is that biden will try to bring the international community with him against china. whereas donald trump seems to have sort of is batting the drum by himself. yeah, the united states, even with the size of our economy in the largest defense budget in history still do, we do not have the capacity to deal with all the different threats marcelle for we don't have the economic power that ourself to dramatically change global trade.
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this is what happened, a strong european allies, a strong european pillar, is so important working with the european union, for example, rather than thinking of the e.u. as a, as the enemy. somehow we mean, if the united states, for example says huawei is a bad thing or we're going to cut off trying to cut off certain markets. if germany and other you countries choose to keep doing it, then that really rigorous u.s. economic pressure somewhat ineffective, right? so that's not so more than about the they us, you know, you were pronation said because it was one of donald trump's. big base with europe has been that in his view, europe is not paying enough for its own defense and relying too heavily on the u.s. is that input into nato? does he have a point and his job likely is joe biden, likely to take a different view? well, of course, president sean has a point here ever present. president obama called are your and our last free riders
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. just this is not, this is not new. unfortunately, the approach that president trump and the trumpet ministration took was, i think, not helpful, particularly, particularly here in germany to continuously club our most important ally over the head in a public way. i mean, i live here in frankfurt and it had no obvious effect to improve defense spending in germany. but that's, but that's not the big issue. that's the big issue is that our most important trading partner is the european union people. so american prosperity as everyone and as well as stability and security security depend on a euro, and that is stable and secure and prosperous. so it's to our advantage to work closely with the european union. now i do think that germany being not only our most bordello, but also the leader inside of europe by administration,
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will expect germany to help ensure that we have fair trade between the united states and europe. germany is in a position to provide the leadership here. secondly, the access that our european allies give the united states germany, greece, italy, spain, turkey. these bases are very important for american strategic efforts. so let's, let's look at where we are now and the sort of the transition process. how much does it really matter that donald trump hasn't yet accepted that he's lost face election when the states actually haven't? so say ha, but i, i'm date of december to sort of sort this all out. well, i think everybody should sort of calm, become a nun and relax a little bit. and mr. biden, president elect biden, has, has said yes there via just be counted, be patient, allow the process to work. i mean, you may remember that,
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and many of your viewers will remember that back in 2000, we did not have a decision until december. actually, i think we'll have a decision sooner than that. the president isn't trying to use the legal challenges to the different ballots in the nice and the more elegant if everything was already sorted. totally clear and we could get all of thanks. but you know, our democracy is strong, but it's not necessarily a plane of beauty. all the time, and i think that after a couple more weeks, probably president elect biden. so there's no doubt he's going to be the president . i'm going to get so many republicans are starting to say this. there's not enough ballot sicken me found that could change this. i think actually, most republicans now are have their eyes focused on the special election in january for the 2 georgia senate saying right. and they're anxious. let's get on with business. and briefly, is one of joe biden's most important jobs now to restore,
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send some sense of a stable white house, a stable u.s. administration. yeah, you know, you're exactly right. i'm a positive leadership can help help us get through so many different things in it. one of the key roles of the president is to represent the nation, and course he's going to have a challenge on his left as well as on his right. he's going to be dealing probably with a republican senate. he's going to have a democratic controlled house that has the narrowest margin since 1944. and so he's going to have to balance between wrestling in his own party and a republican senate. and there were 68000000 people that voted for president truman . so he's got a challenge and i think, you know, obviously he's made it clear priority. one for him is dealing with covert but long term. he needs the full talent and the power of the united states behind him as he trusts night. revealed all of our international relationships rebuild. 'd our
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economy and restore the trust of people in the pillars of our liberal democracy. good talking to thank you for joining us. have been hunters from the center for european policy analysis. thanks for birds. there's a german national football team focuses on ukraine for a nation's league match on saturday. we can take a look at the increased diversity in the german team. it's difficult to imagine a team sheet without players like serge did not bring antonio ruediger or leroy sonnie. more than 40 years ago was a very different picture until a player named irwin costa and to the same. he became the 1st black german to represent the country. but his path was quite different from those who continue his legacy in 2020. a cost that it was a true trailblazer today, he says he never thought he'd see the day when germany would feel so many black players. the w.'s chris harrington recently paid him a visit in team 74,
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a black man playing for germany was a global sensation. all eyes were even cost on the economy of a prolific striker in his heyday even cost. it is historic achievement for west germany was shortly to consider. while in the bundesliga, the lone pioneer had to endure some domestic hatred in the form of unthinkable. things can come when i got off the bus, they yelled gazin one n. word and didn't say a look. all right guys, only last scored a couple of goals. of course, strange though costa, this is, he also got a cold reception from his countrymen when he broke germany's color line in the
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seventy's. well, not everyone like i noticed that. and then you don't get as many balls as a center forward. you have to get ball. it was like that. i knew some of them were racist, but i saw it in their behavior. yes, and only when i went to the showers, then they'd look what is this black guy doing on our team? cos that his international career only lasted 3 matches. he says in large part to pressure. ready i had everything better of in my neighbor in my comrades who were white. and if i made a mistake, everything was twice or 3 times as bad. with on the field, i could hear fans shout, take the blank, i am out of play for a long time. but in germany i could have made more out of it with everything
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faltering inside it held me back. i couldn't show my football skills. cost of i thought circumstances for black footballers would never change since the seventy's team germany has progressed slowly. in the early 2000 came the 1st black, german to feature in a world cup. and in 2014, jerome boyd tang became the 1st black player in germany to win a world cup. at present, a handful of black footballers represent germany and never imagined this would happen. they have all the self-confidence they need today. the players, the black players, they are my brothers. they have so much self-confidence that i could have never imagined having at the well, despite the changing demographics, cost of the believe some things will never change. but here it comes.
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it will always be the case that the player in germany with the black man with the black man, is always 2nd choice by the road. looking at recent lineups, one could argue some black players on team germany are 2nd to none. a report from chris harrington and you can watch it unfold on line at day w dot com, as well as on the topics twitter and facebook pages was the day as ever the conversation continues online. you'll find us on twitter at d. w. news now for hindu festival of lights to watch, gets underway on the people of the city of your dia. i've retained their world's record by lighting 558-4072 laps. take a look
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to the point. strong opinions, clear positions of international perspectives. the dust has not really settled on america's presidential election, but one thing seems certain if and when joe biden enters the white house, he's going to adopt a very new and very different foreign policy. find out more come to the point shortly. to the point of threats to him, not going to us on g.w.
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where i come from. we have to fight for a free press and was born and raised to me. it's how the painter ship adjusts one to the chateau. and if you missed a forest, one official information, as a journalist, i had walked off the streets of many cantrips and they had all those are almost the same color to the social inequality, a lack of the freedom of the press and corruption. we can afford to stay silent when it comes to the fans of humans and similar microphones who have decided to put their trust in us. the name is jenny, paris and i part i. d. w. cooper . why did this person lose his home? there are certain
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look to the missile launch that can be done and make up your mind to come up to get double the missionary. and the primitive diplomat who can always get straight to the point, the good to institute's outgoing director. close to tell a man will look at his final year in office and his impressive career limiting the last cultural diplomat starts nov 16th on d w.
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this is the dublin years live from the u.s. president to make his 1st public statement in more than a week. so far, he still refusing to concede his elections, lost the president's supporters of begun to gather outside the white house ahead of saturday's rally to protest against the election results. this as trump's team suffers a setback in its 5th to challenge state vote counts. i'm
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phil gail, welcome to the program. u.s. media are reporting that the final 2 outstanding states in the presidential election have been called with georgia, going to democratic president elect joe biden, north carolina being won by republican incumbent. donald trump become officially confirm those results, but they if true, they do give biden a total of $306.00 electoral college votes. that's the same number that gave president victory in $2916.00. still showing no sign of recognizing that this month's results as his team's challenge. various state results, one state has blocked his efforts to delay certification. president trump is jus very shortly to make his 1st public statement in more than a week. ahead of that, let's bring in, d.w. correspondents are all of us out in washington d.c. . welcome. so let's, let's start with these latest figures showing yes,
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absolutely. and as you mentioned, major u.s. networks call these remaining states. so we're talking about georgia and north carolina, and that certainly strengthens joe biden's position. he now has 306 electoral college bowl that's clearly about 270 electoral college bowl that you need to win the presidency ironically. and you mention that as well. this is exactly the number that donald trump won in 2016. it was 306 versus $232.00 and at the time called it a landslide victory. so right now we are anything close to that but close to that. 3 with donald trump, of course, challenging this election result, claiming that this was a rigged and stolen election as he says, of course, without delivering any substantial evidence whatsoever. it is also a strong lead in the popular vote for joe biden. so he currently leads by $5000000.00 volts. all those results,
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the numbers we're talking about are still preliminary as we're waiting for the final results to be certified. and that has to happen until december 8th. the president is due to speak very shortly. what's the event and what's the likely to say? yeah, that was. so that's going to be his 1st speech since the election. so it's going to be a very anticipated event. of course, officially, he is planning to speak about the vaccine, the so-called operation warp speed. and it's pretty sure that he will take praise for his vaccine. of course, as we know, this is a cooperation between pfizer and the german company, bio and tech. it'll be interesting to see if you mentions that, of course, germany has been, at least in his world view and adverse, a real, almost say so. and it will be certainly very interesting to see whether or not he will talk about the election. the expectations are very high and we know that he
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hasn't accepted defeat so far. the results are coming in. so there's a lot of pressure mounting on him and it will be interesting to see how he responds to that pressure, or we know that we're continuously receiving e-mails and tweets from him on a daily basis where he asks his followers for contributions alleges that this election was stolen again, so until now although he still receives backing of the republican party the question of years, of course for how much longer. and when the party then will come to terms with the facts that are getting more and more clear as we speak. i mean, while his supporters are plotting a rally in the washington on saturday, what's likely to happen there? so there are several far ride rallies planned. they're planning to support president trump and his claims that the election was rigged,
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which is not the case of course, but we might see potentially ilar scrawled saltram earlier tweeted that he might join these protests. we have to be careful with that as well because it's not so easy for a sitting president to just show up at a mass demonstration. we are also expecting counter demonstration of anti-fascist, an anti racism groups in the extremism. experts have warned in the past that when those 2 groups class together, that we might see a spontaneous violence erupting. so police in d.c. in the capital is on high alert. ok, we'll leave that out of a silence in washington. d.c. . thank you. of course, we'll keep you updated on that throughout the night as events unfold. let's turn now to other stories, making news around the world, and china has become the latest country to congratulate joe biden on his election victory. a foreign ministry spokesman said beijing respects the choice of the american people. russian peacekeepers have entered
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the regional capital of nagorno-karabakh to oversee a ceasefire. russia brokered the deal between azeri troops and ethnic armenian forces this week following 6 weeks of 6 weeks of fighting over the whole clave. french forces in mali have reportedly killed a senior jihad this leader linked to several attacks. france's defense minister has praised the operation against the back of the military leader of al qaeda as north africa, we are, france has deployed thousands of troops to mali and across the region to counter islam is militants. and the un says the conflict in ethiopia, risks spiraling out of control. it's a struggle between the central government and regional authours says in the northern region, civilians who fled the fighting say they were bombed by government forces, despite claims from the government that it's only striking military targets to
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grice, regional leader has warned, of a long struggle ahead and an increasing number of displaced people they've come up with just what they can carry ethiopians from the region make their way to safety across the border and intercede on their mothers with them. if it wasn't for sadar and many would be dead. where do we go? if we go to eritrea, they will slaughter us. if we go to other parts of ethiopia, they will slaughter us. some had to make the heartbreaking choice of leaving loved ones behind. for me, i left her in a church. she is an elderly woman. my brother is blind. we left him there as well. there is no food or water that everyone ran away. and on the way we found murdered people with weapons or nods. that's why we ran. what were we to do?
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we want to save ourselves for the minuteman mission. thousands of exhausted refugees have fled to sadar after fighting broke out between the ethiopian military and their to gripe people's liberation front, the militant group in the region. the conflict erupted in early november when the government sent troops into the region after an alleged attack by local forces on a federal army base integrates capital. the ethiopian prime minister says his army is close to victory. highly this mischievous force is surrounded on all sides. that it is a force in its final throes of death. your children are suffering, death, and injuries on the front lines of the united nations is concerned that war crimes have been committed in the fighting between the,, government and t.p. l.f., and many voices in the region. are calling for a deescalation,
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but what information is coming from the isolated region indicates that the situation is deteriorating. and paris has been marking the 5th anniversary of the deadliest years of terror attacks in its post-war history. 138 people were killed and hundreds more injured when militants from the so-called islamic state. how about a 4 hour killing spree at sites around the french capital, including the packed batter, concert hall? this was also the site of one of today's memorial ceremonies. during the memorial service, the names of the 90 victims killed in the baton clan attack are read. this year their relatives cannot attend. but prime minister sharon caustics and the mayor of paris lay a wreath, a larger service had to be cancelled because of the pandemic. i still feel the horror of it. 5 years later, it is still palpable. on nov 13th, 2015,
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paris was shaken by a series of attacks. 3 suicide bombers blew themselves up at the defaults bars and restaurants were also attacked. 130 people died, most of them inside the but a clan concert hall, one survivor remembers. one of the assassins saw me standing up and started shooting. i ran but a bullet hit me and passed straight through my lung. but now islamist terror is sending shock waves through france again, most recently, the beheading of the teacher some of the party and the attack on a church in nice. the country has raised the terror alert to the highest level. and we have to do more than just react to the attacks. we have to find the guilty party . we have to write laws. we have to rip out this evil at the roots. so the attacks don't happen in the 1st place. next year,
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the trial against the sole surviving suspected participant in the attacks and 19 others will begin. well, since the 25th attack in paris, france to terror attacks, as recently as last month has been sponsored by pledging to step up efforts to combat extremism, will come be done to stop people from becoming radicalized and violence. we spoke with an expert here in islam ists and right wing extremists sit side by side at a meeting held in the german state of saxony on what it was organized by the violence prevention network. their goal is to talk to extremists, not about them. for almost 20 years, thomas has been helping young people extricate themselves from extremist structures . we try to help people get out of the concept of the strategy of a 1000 years and we want to starve the extremists of future strength by convincing
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their youngest members to leave look and his team rely on close personal contact to young adults. right now. their biggest hurdle is covert 19 and social. distancing some of the extremists in their program can no longer be contacted. many of them are in prison. this used to be where de radicalization began, but now visits are not allowed. another problem is social media because of the current partial lockdown. more young people go online, which makes them more prone to becoming radicalized. this is a whole. i observed that during the pandemic when the lockdown wasn't too many people who were isolated began looking for contact. they began exploring social networks. german security authorities currently estimate the number of extremist agitators to be around 630. this is about 5 times what it was and 20111 of the main reasons is the so-called islamic state in iraq and syria. the i,
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as has always recruited europeans, many germans sympathizers, travel to the war zone. when they returned, they were reclassified as potentially violent extremists. and we can stop this by sucking out when we see young people becoming politically radicalized after we're shocked by their opinions, and we should talk to them instead of going quiet. thomas mccurry reminds us that extremist groups are a normal part of democratic society. he says the solution to the problem of alienation is to reach out to these young adults, so they don't feel alone. in his program, these young former extremists learn, they can find a place for themselves as fully fledged members of society. ok, let's take a look at some of the races. developments in the sca coronavirus pandemic starting in south korea, which has begun to 5 people for not wearing masks in public places. israel has signed a deal with 5 bound tech to receive 8000000 doses of
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a corona virus vaccine for next year. and it's really has set a new daily record of almost 41000 new cases. and germany has recorded nearly 24000 new infections in the last 24 hours. its biggest ever single day increase. well, i've got you can always get d.w. news on the go, just download from google player from the app store and give you access to all the basics news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news. i'm just a part of a new story. you can also use it to send us photos and videos of the actual facts it show up today will have more world news for you at the top of the hour. rob, what's, how's your business update in just a moment. of course you can always get the latest out around the clock on our, website. that's steve w., dot com.
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what secrets lie behind us was discover new adventures in 360 degree and explore fascinating world heritage sites. p.w. world heritage 316. get me out now and you, you may know years years we've been here. you and how the last 2 years germantown so that when we bring you angle, our man called and you've never had to have before. the surprise yourself,
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with what is possible, who is man called really, what moves them part of somebody who talks to people who follows her along the way, admirers and critics alike. how is the world's most powerful woman shaping her legacy? diagnose the medical it's time for the world's largest trade deal. after nearly a decade of talks, asia pacific nations are due to sign a mega free trade pact. we asked, what does this mean for the rest of the global economy? hospitality workers in and the lucy of protest against strict lockdown measures. spain's covered 19 death toll passes 40000 and to have a $1000000.00 bird. the racing pigeon has become the most expensive ever to take to
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the sky. this is the business sign. rob, what's in berlin? welcome to the program, and we're starting with what could be a major shift in global trade this weekend at the asean summit, asia pacific leaders representing nearly a 3rd of the world's population will launch the regional comprehensive economic partnership. the new free trade zone will be bigger than the european union and the us, mexico, canada, or area combined. this is one summit where security can afford to be relaxed despite appearances, and on our guard, a smattering of dignitaries, and even acquire their spy on your meeting of the station. nations will for the most part, be an online a fear. another casualty of corporate 19, vietnamese prime minister hosting the meeting laid bare the challenges the pact
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faces. we are going through an extremely difficult time as corporate 19 threatens the lives and livelihoods of our people. economies and societies are in disarray. he further washed them by severe natural disasters from drugs flooding to continuous storms. leaders will also discuss the troubled waters of the south china sea. for years, beijing has been pressing its claim to virtually all of the seas, key, fisheries, and waterways, creating friction with our asean members. in the bilateral meeting, there is little of those tensions on display we will continue to recreate the chance to address the differences and disputes the 2 of our countries. then we have to recognize that such problems.
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i'm not the whole picture of threat china us leg room ation chip. and this is why the regional comprehensive economic partnership, after 8 years of talks 15 nations including china, japan and australia are set to sign the world's largest trade deal. its members account for almost one 3rd of the global economy. one trade minister said it was the culmination of blood, sweat, and tears. but with regional rivalries, though, simmering, and a changing of the guard in the usa, there may be yet more unrest ahead. so the united states now where delivery giant's door dash has filed to go public. the california startup food ordering app has received a massive boost from people staying at home. pandemic jordache more than double what it's 29000 revenue in the 1st 9 months of 2020 filing the company warned potential investors that it was likely to continue posting losses as it spends to
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develop the platform must cross to our financial correspondent in new york so many people outside of the usa, one of heard of this company, but they're a big deal. they definitely are. and food deliveries have exploded. like industry 2 you're in brooklyn, you're most people on bikes are delivering food. you might see one or the other in the background even if it's a bit too early for dinner at the moment. not just doubled but even more than tripled. their revenue in the 1st 1st, 9 months of the year. the company has a market valuation of roughly $15000000000.00. there are not profitable yet, and they have about 1000000 people actually delivering the food for them. but the same if they're not fully employed is so the market leader here in the us when
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it comes to food delivery was the market share afloat for roughly 50 percent. that's more than double the 22 percent of still another story. this time yesterday we were talking about a tick tock, missed its deadline to sell the us arm of the video. we're waiting for a development we've now had one you have to talk actually was wondering what's going on because they hadn't heard back from the u.s. government. tick-tock was asking for at least the 30 day extension of this deadline . now they got a 15 day extension and then we see what happens in a good 2 weeks if they will actually shift some of their servers over to oracle. if all regular and wal-mart will buy its stake in to talk that's at least what was discussed. but we are focusing so much on what the u.s. administration is saying about the tick talk. it's not clear yet at all, what the chinese government has to say and if they were to agree to this deal,
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so well, we've got this 15 day extension for now. but this story will keep going on for quite some more time. i expect on the streets of new york for us. thanks for bringing us up to date. now spain's death toll from the coronavirus pandemic has just passed. 40000. the impact on the economy is because he had a clear with banco santander there on friday announcing it was cutting 4000 jobs in the country in seville, thousands have taken to the streets to vent their anger at the damage caused by coronavirus restrictions. their sign says without aid will be ruined. thousands of workers from the hospitality sector are on the streets, demonstrating they're protesting the dress to coronavirus measures introduced by the government in andalusia. since tuesday, all restaurants and bars have had to close at 6 pm. curfew starts 4 hours later.
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i mean, i didn't, i mean this is you ation. it's absolutely deplorable. everything that's happening is unbelievable. and there are sectors that are more contagious than the parson, demonized. and so no one is helping. they're letting us down without providing a solution. in other regions of spain, like catalonia in the northeast bars and restaurants have to shut down completely for 10 days, perhaps even longer. everyone here is afraid that the new situation will set a precedent. spain's 17 regional governments decide autonomously on pandemic measures. the protesters are demanding the central government in madrid, end the confusion, and help all those affected. we are not receiving any direct aid, and politicians need to stop passing. the buck
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government has a responsibility to help put together a national financial bailout of our sector. now the government in madrid says it's working on a solution, but the people here say it's anybody's guess what that might look like. now some of the other business stories making the news, the euro zone economy grew almost 13 percent in the 3rd quarter, according to easter to stix, office eurostar, as the block bounced back from the depths of the 1st coronavirus lock down. analysts warn, however, that the 19 countries using the euro are likely to see g.d.p. contracts again in response to renewed lockdown measures. the g 20 group of wealthy nations plans to restructure the debts of dozens of pandemic hit countries of the 19 restrictions have been disastrous for some poor economies, especially in sub-saharan africa. the g 20 says a common framework will help alleviate the burden on eligible countries debt
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writeoffs. we have voids it. now, breeding pigeons is a hobby and sport worldwide. you'll find pigeon fanciers as they are known from new york to nagasaki. but nowhere is a volcano on them. in belgium, a fully trained racing pigeon that can be worth as much as a thoroughbred race horse. but sometimes a very special pigeon can even surpass that. this is one highly prized pigeon worth a fortune. its name is new. kim pigeon auction house c.e.o. pushed is aware that the bird is worth far more than even its weight in gold. is now at 1000000 320000 euro. this is almost 100000 euro, more than the most expensive pigeon. before armando, the auction will and sunday. we don't know what the final price will be.
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new kim is only 2 years old and already a legend, a pigeon from a good family. whoever wins this auction can breed a long line of champions. a bid from south africa set the price skyrocketing, but even more bids are coming in from around the world. at this moment, there is a chinese who has the highest bidder, and he is a very famous chinese between collectors. but the sunday we will know who will be the final buyer, the champions pigeon coop in the belgian town of commercial looks more like a maximum security prison cameras and fences everywhere. after all, there's a lot of money at stake. the pigeon racing has a long tradition in belgium, and the enthusiastic demand from abroad has really revived the breeding business there. and finally this week, italian shopkeepers began putting up their christmas decorations on friday as they do every year that in 2020 covered,
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19 has made its way into the manger and italy's 3rd largest city naples, the health crisis is out of control. so in shop windows, the holy family and the 3 wise men are all wearing surgical masks, while socially distant shepherds watch their flocks by night. and to fitty figurine craft dates back to the 19th century and traditionally takes much of its inspiration from current affairs. that's all from in the business team here in berlin from want to check out a website called slash business for us on facebook and twitter. thanks for joining us.
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cut to the point. strong opinions, clear positions, international perspectives. the cost is not really settled on america's presidential election. one thing seems certain if and when joe biden enters the white house, he's going to adopt a very new and very different foreign policy. find the moment to the point shortly . to the point that some 60 minutes on t.w.
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in the eye of climate change africa's most of what's in store for the bush years to come for the future. come together, make decisions. the multimedia in such close touch or give us your country on the road will make you rich people. oil move, provide you with jobs. the oil will take good care of us into a big glob, good silver, too cold on the west coast to come in 2007. the streets make the most of the but years later, reality looks very different. the beaches, the drinking water shortage play.
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i feel like as if people are really going to tell me they've got a history of black gold. oil starts december 4th. this is news africa on the program today, amnesty international say full of civilians have been hacked and stabbed to death in the northern region. up to right. prime minister has accused the to gripe people's liberation, branched off. the massacre to gratton officials denies. they were involved and what has got his.
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